Play Ball! The Boston Red Sox got under way In their annual spring training at San Antonio. Tax. Let's do! DEMPSEYMAYBE ' BETTER FIGHTER PhyHiciuiis Say Trouble Which Led to Recent Oper ation Impaired Champion** Mental Alertnea*. New York. March 4 ? Jack Dempsey. In the opinion of physi cians who follow athletics closely, will be a more formidable customer! as a result of his operation than lie has ever been before. They do not say that his physical efficiency ? as such was impaired, but that he! must at all times have been men-! tally belcrw par, and everyone knows how the mind effects the body. Those close to him when he was in Montana know that there were days, when Dempsey was not what he should have been, and it is an open sccrct now that one time when he was training for Firpo it looked as though the bout might have to be postponed. Physicians say that one thing he will have to watch will be a tenden cy to put on weight faster than lie cannot go as long a time without fighting as he did between his Car pentier and Gibbons bout. Rut when he does climb Into the ring now, look out for even more of a fighting fool than the only Jack has ever been. Pete Latzo is again In form and fighting better than he has ever done iu life. His victory over Bermomdsey Hilly Wells was a neat bit of work, and all the talk Is now that when Mikey Walker makes his first appearance In New York fol lowing his suspension, the Scrnnton coal miner will be his first oppo nent. Just now, with everything set to make the most of the welter champ's return, there does seem to be a dearth of opponents. They say that Jack Malone, who has been chief among Walker's logical oppo nents. has grown Into a middle weight class, just as Dave Shade has. If that is the case. Walker will have to practice far the coming summer bout against Benny Leonard at the expense of a lot of welters who are not In his class ? Latzo al ways excepted. True Walker beat Latzo severely In their last fight In Newark but it a good scrap none the less and since then Latzo has met and defeated Paul Doyle. Gecrrgia Ward and Billy Wells. TIIIKIt I1AMKMKN IN I>KMaN'I) (Continued From Page Six) have a strong ground work and are cxultlngly confident anion?; them selves since the world series of l.*23. It Is not probable that a player Qf consequence will fall to rep irt a< the training camps by the end of next week, except those who ar?* 111. There never Is a real hold out In baseball even when the fixed train ing season actually begins, I^CMHr negotiations often proceed while th" player is training. Now and then players have not signed contracts until the regular season and there have been Instances where the ptfly er did not sign until after the first schedule name had been played. There have been disagreements between some of the players and some of the owners as to the amounts players should !?<? paid for 10 2 4. but thcHe nl way & occur. In variably there Is Jockeying on both sides. The owner offers less than he expects he must give and the player1 asks more than he expects to re- ' celve. One slicnlfieant feature of the! early season Is the comparatively j easy manner In which th?? Cincln- 1 null players have been brought into' line. When veterans sign their con tracts with ?o little protest as th? Reds signed theirs. It Is evident that j they figure they* have a chance to! win the championship. Dr. K. G. Ferebee of Belcross was In the ctty Sunday. PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. Ain ' Gwine Study Work No More Says + Cochran And Why Should He With 350.000 Berrien Dropped Sud denly Into the Bank to Hix Credit and .-ill the Black Folks Calling Him " Mistah " Cochran By L. C. OWK.V Copyr((ht, 1934. by Til* Ad**ne? San Francisco, March 4. ? Work is the mostest thing that Mlstah Wil liam B. Cochran, late of Fort Worth and Loving County, Texas, wants everything else hut. In this respect. all Cochran is like aTot of Other humans. Hut in his particular case, wantin' is bavin'. "From now on, world, nie and work doan* speak no more," de claims Mlstah Cochran, as he fon dles a bankbook showing *350.000 deposited to his credit ? 350.000 ber ries that he can draw a check auainst any time, and sp.end as he pleases. Until two days ago, Mlstah Cocli-J ran. as his admiring friends now call him, was the sole owner, and alao the sole iuattve_ power. of an "auto laundry" conducted on space rented from a downtown auto park ing station. His sole assets were a length of hose, a sponge, a chamois skin and a strong right arm. Before that. Mlstah Cochran had n similar motor laufidry. with about the same assets,. .in Fort Worth. He felt the urge to see the world, how ever. so he came to California. Be j fore he left, though, somebody in duced him to buv eighty ncre? of ? land in Loving County, at $10 an | acre ?on the Installment plan. I Mistah Cochran used to live ? -in fact was born ? In Loving County, and he bought the land siuht unseen, j Before he departed from the Lone | Star State, however, he went out. | and took n lock at his estate. Tt was all snnd. But Ml?t?h Cochran was an. honest man and he kept up his installment payments. Recently thev struck oil in Lev in ir County, but Mlstah Cochran didn't know anvthlng nhout it. so he kent on massnsrlne autos. What hap nened after that Is best told by our hero himself. "Thusdav mnwnin* T was working hahd. un/nuddln autos. when two white glmmens calls on me." say-* Mlstah Cochran . " 'We wants vnnr (land and Is willln' to slln yop 350, 000 bucks for !?.' savs thcy^ " 'How come?' pnys T. " 'Thev's oil on It ? dep? von take It or Hoe* you leave it?' asks the white folks. " 'I donn do nothln' else but,' says I? and da you is." Mlstah Cochran, who Is onlv a few shades darker than coal tnr. and who, before the advent of oil In LoV Intr County, was oulte undlstln culshed among his colored brethren, olrea'tv is the leading soHal light in San Francisco's black belt. Hl? land w^s purchased by one of the biirgest oil companies in the mid continent field. Mri .1 V. Barnard and son, Wil liam. of Shawboro were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. I*. Nash Sr., on Monday. REED SAYS COOLIDGE HAD YELLOW STREAK _ CarrulherHvillft, Ma., March 4. ? Senator Reed, Democratic presiden-! tial aspirant, last night asserted that McAdoo, his opponent for nom ination, used his powei;< while Secre tary of the Treasury to help himself after he got out. Johnson also declared that Cooi-' idge has "a yellow streak" and if he does not do something the peo- ' pie will demand his removal. JUST ONE MORE FOR CAROLINA Atlanta. March 4 ? The t'nl wrsity of North Carolina will 4 j?i?r the finals of the South ern lias k et hall Tournament to night, having defeated the Mississippi Aggies last night to 23. and will play Ala bama I'niversity which last night defeated Georgia. SHOCKING CHIME SI NUAY IN CIKMOWINITY SECTION Washington. N. C\. March 4. ? A shocking crimp was perpetrated Sun-1 night about 6: lock at Cht/co winity when a young white man by . the name of Edwartl Car row-, age 19 years, the son of II. K. Carrow. a prominent farmer residing near Crimesland. was found in the front of his car with his throat cut. the j jugular vein being severed. A young colored .boy was with young Carrow as lh??y both came out of a cafe car towards Carrow's car. The colored man stepped . around behind some * box cars and Carrow went to his own car to crank it. preparatory to leaving for home. When the colored boy returned to the car, he found Carrow lying on on the ground gasping with his throat cut and the blood spurting out. He at once gave the alarm and the police, who arrived in quick time, along with Dr. Klutzz, at once ran down the assailant, a colored man by the name of Bob Jones. Carrow was at once taken to the hospital but died before he reached there. Jones, who it Is stated ad mitted the killing, was taken by Sheriff Harris to Greenville, -for| safe keeping to prevent possible! lynching. As near as can be ascertained. | Jones is said to have asked Carrow i for a match and not having any he at once drew his knife and cut his throat, doing it all so quietly that no alarm was raised when the deed was done. Jones, It Is alleged, says he was hoodoed or1 had a spell cast on htm and claims he wag not himself^ The crime so fiendish and without provocation has stirred the whole community and it just as well for Jones thatfhe was spirited away. Mrs. H. D. Spence of Shawboro' arrived in the city Monday to spend some time with her daughter. Mrs. T. P. Nash, Sr., at her home on Mat thews street. EVERETT TRUE, . BY CONDO Advance Want Ads Bring Results f ? AMO T6(.(. him any -Tim 13 He ui/ints to so na>H iimcs. to tv.-T M<S. KNOW IM Tine, 4 Ce>ui?<-e on -days, 3o I c?rM rie RSApy, March 11 ? 12 Prichard Millinery Co, ALONG THE WATERFRONT The yacht Cygnet owned by the j Currituck Shooting Club of Poplur Branch, of which John I). Rocker I feller and other men of wealth are , members, tied up here Saturday at T. II. Hay man's dcck on Riverside Drive and is for sale. Mr. Hay man being in charge of the boat until it is sold. The Cygnet is 55 feet long, has two motors and was for use of the club members in taking them from Munden. Virginia, to Poplar Branch. I making the trip shorter and pleas an'.er for them. The new yacht! which will replace the Cygnet has not yet been purchased. i Tug boats. "Lambert Pirint" and, ! "J . \V. Branning" are being i/ver-j hauled and repaired at Sanders Dry Dock. North llher Line. Steamer Annie L. Vansclver sails j Tuesdays, Thursday and Saturdays; ?t 2 : Uft p. m. for Cowells wharf. Old i Trap, Newberns Landing. Jarvisburg. I Barnetts Creek. Coinjock. Indian Isl | and. Long Point and Norfolk. J Gas boat Eva sails Tuesdays and I Fridays at 11 a. m. for Point Har l bor. Halls Harbor, Hog Quarter, and Kitty Hawk. Gas boat Jones sails Thursdays at 1 2 a. m. for East Lake, Gum Neck, i Kilkenny and Fairfield. Elizabeth City Boat Line Steamers Harby and Virginia Dare? daily at 3 p. m. for Jarvis : bi"*g, Indian Island. Coinjock. Long Point and Norfolk. Wanchene Line Motor vessels Hattie Creef and jPompano sail Tuesdays. Thursdays j and Saturdays for, Stum | py Point, and Mann's Harbor. Matthews L*me Gas ^>oat Ray sails Mondays, I Wednesday's and Fridays at 2 p. m. I for South Mills. Announcing Arrival of Boys' hew Spring TWO PANTS SUITS, newest fabric and models. Also stubs for short boys ? Finely Tailored T. T. TURNER & CO. Ornamental T rees And Shrubs Evergreens, Roses, F ruit Trees and i Berry Bushes; Grape "Vines, Budded I Pecans; Privett Hedge a?d Peren nials. We specialize In landscape garden Ing. Visitors to our Nurseries are al- ! ways welcome. Write or phone foi j price-list. SAPOS NURSERIES ? Inc. ? ft 06 C II ESTKIt FIELD IILV'D 1 Dial 41489 Norfolk. \ % Extra Special f TECO BUCKWHEAT and PANCAKK KLOfR, \ Per pkR. ? .. 8c Cauliflower, Lettuce, Tomatoes, )t* Celery, Cale, Spinach, C abbage, X Etc. ?{? Phones 256 and 396 | Morgan & Parker | CONFINED TO BED Birmingham Lady Took Cardui for Relief of Change of Life Troubles and Says It Helped Her "So Much." Birmingham, Ala. ? "I first took Card ui for that tired, worn-out feeling that comes from being; dreadfully run down," says Mrs. Catherine E. Smith, of 2106 Stout Street. "Twenty-five years ago, 1 was suffering from wom mly weakness. 1 read of Cardui in an almanac, and thought I would try it. I got a bottle and it helped me from the first. After .hat, during the whole ol my married ife, I took Cardui when I needed it. "About four years ago, change of life came on ma. . . I grew weaker Mid weaker, and was confined to my bed, where I lay on my back for days. I was told that only a severe operation could do me any good, and this de pressed me very much, for I dreaded ?uch an ordeal. "I remembered how Cardui had helped me for female trouble in the past and I had read of how it had helped other women during change of life, so one night I told my husband to go to the drug store and get me ? bottle. 1 began taking it at once. From the first dose I eould feel myself getting stronger . . I continued to take Cardui until 1 was entirely through this vary trying period of ? woman's life." all dealers'. NC-168 *i HOME MADE SOX A good serviceable lisle finish Sox for Men, ?nude in Elizabeth City. See display in vestibule case PRICED ? 25c PAIR Weeks & Sawyer MEL1CK Mali-Joiigg Tables Game Tables Mah-Jongg Sets and Racks And all the accessories (or your i?i1les, no matter what kitul you are gtdfig! ==MELICK= J Bradley Sweaters For these Cold days ? Made like a good sweater should be made and every one guaranteed to give sat isfactory wear. Made in all sizes for Men, Ladies and Children. Mitchell's Exclusive Dealers for Elisabeth City , A'. C. n i ? When you order (crocerlea romomber to call ? M. V. PERRY PHONE 483 ? ra t J FKESH LINE ? j CANNED FItUITS X Can fVmhes, Apricots, IMne ?{? apple. Cherries, Fruit Salad, *i* Itlueberrles, Stra wherries, *' Raspberries, Itlackberrles. C A LL G A It IIETT 698 and 697 S-0"0"C~9"0-0-0?X-> Fresh Shipment * PRESERVES (A wooden pall*. Large a? sortment and unusually good. Buy a pall and tare money. M. P. GALLOP CO. Phones 3 and 57

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