THE ADVANCE PEKLE * PEELE. PublUher* HtHBCRT FtCLK. E?ilc. Member of The Aanociated l*re**. n? AmmIiM Praoa I* n?l?*lvoly oatlttotf to tfio mm trn r?.NMtMtlH of ww 4li?atch?i cr?4it?4 Ir Oil HI* ml itH tf ft I? ?| nf.i ?ukli*h*? Uioroia. btoit at Uit mttflM r* EM-ateth City. M. Cm at aacaatf elaaa aatUr. H> M?0. Yfcrw Miinn (In 1 1. 2* ?Is Haath. (ia ??,>?(.) S2.2S 2mm On*. 12 aantiia H.00 Zaaa Two. 12 atontha IS.JO By Mail El??t>ar? ?4.W Subscription Kates IJy Carrier. Oaa WnH It Cant* 0*a Mantli (la arfvanca) ? Daati T?al*t Moatfti (ia atfvanca) $4.80 TTESDAY. MARCH 1 1. 1924. \flt04Ll1J ? , CrtfiT 38 (n IlciiK'iuhiM- how auk waicl ir usimI f Iw I' liohl a kIi-I iiii' a lii^ allium bcth on your hip. If tlior hum ever 11 film* when a wainan shouldn't pay no attention t' a clci'k it's \vh? n hlio'K huyin' pajamas for her litis* baud. Must We Have a Victim? The other day in- a certain town in Eastern North Carolina a fireman swung to the street as his truck dame to a stop at the curb near a fire, with the inten tion of running around in front of the truck and connecting a hosewlth a hydrant. At the same moment an auto mobile which had been racing along behind the truck but the noise of the approach of which had been drownd by the roar of the truck shot alongside and ran down the fireman. He i3 now in the hospital. The town which we have in mind was not Elizabeth City, but it very easily might have been. Sunday is particularly a dangerous day for a fire truck to be out. On that day streets are full of automobiles swing ing aimlessly about over the paved streets of the city, with the driver and occupants of the car all pining for somewhere go. The fire alarm gives the last one of them just what they are looking for and with one consent they start for the fire. Pretty soon they are on the trail P? fire truck, apparently trying to sec how close they can trjijl it. ' Of course it's a dangerous practice, but yttuth ftiust be served and the joyriders must have their Sunday excitement. And so probably nothing will be done about the matter until somebody has been killed or se riously injured. And then the practice will be stopped until s tragedy has been forgotten. Out to attend a political meet-' ing last night, despite the storm, the charter members of the Elizabeth City Daniels-for-Pres ident Club have the true crusad ing spirit. The Foster dispatch from Augusta, Georgia, is the first of the series to be sent by Mr. Fos ter from the various spriiu; training camps of the major leagues in which he will enden vor to size up the various teams and forecast their relative chances in the 1924 pennant races. A daily dispatch from Mr. Foster from one or another of the training camps may be looked for from now on. The Advance is in receipt of a communication from William P. Lynch, 1127 Mariner street, | Norfolk, Virginia, to the effect that the Riverside Athletics of Norfolk would like to book games for the coming season with some junior teams of Eliz abeth City. Talking about base ball, is our guess, though the writer doesn't say so. The first set of questions and answers in Foster's baseball question box will appear on Thursday, March 13. If there's a question on your mind about baseball, write to Mr. Foster. Ile'll answer it by mail or through the columns of The Ad vance, jus* as you prefer. Business of expressing regret that we could not be present ot Josiah William Bailey's First Night. ? "Northwest winds of gale force." We'll say the weather bureau is right. Oh you groundhog! CAM DOBS - SAYS - "Women who bob their hair are not crazy," snya a specialist. These specialists will say anything. * * * Detroit gambler protests because; he was robbed twice in one week. Such things do Interfere with busi ness. ? ] ? * ? In Tiro, Ohio, a man has received j a letter mailed fill years ago, but | bills never act that way. The last rose of last summer fad ed without notice, but the last rose of this winter will be welcome. ? ? ? Inheritance taxes play be in creased but this will never worry very many of ub. ? ? ? Even though these are ticklish times for the politicians very few of them seem to ue tickled. ? ? ? The only nice thing about having a bad cold is everyone you meet knows Just what to do for it. "% ? ? The baseball fan will be with us soon and the electric fan is coming back also. * * ? Belgians have seized $200,000 in I gold going to Germany. This Is pnough gold to fill the teeth of many tourists. ? * ? A slight earthquake felt in Alaska was probably caused by some seal j hunter's lies. The well-Informed girl doesn't! catch a husband as quickly as the well-formed girl. Looking up is an optimistic habit, but in London a man is suing be 1 cause his nose hit an awning. ? ? ? Tluslness is so bad in the United States steel production has increased only 25 per cent this year. ? ? ? A big Company Is placing oh the market a new oil which quiets en gines. If sucOlfcsful is should be used by political machines. ? ? ? The Eskimos are said to be very happy. Well, they don't have to ar gue about the weather. They know It will be cold. NORFOLK PRODUCE At Jarrl? * Fatitraaa ?PKWCK-HOI.I/OWfXL CO. Lin rrmml Undn. Chlokfiii Spring 2 lb*. 30-35 SM-40 30-38 Old H?n* 27-28 30-3S 27.30 Turkpy* 30-35 35-37 *4 28-30 Op?W! 10-25 35 26 Duck* 25 35 30 Larf<> Hors 8-9 Small Ho** _ 10-11 Milk Calyrea __ 12-15 Yearllnga 7-10 8?Mt Potato?* #00 Egga 21e NORFOLK COTTON March 11 Middling (opened today) ,.28 1-2c Middling (closed today) . .28 7-8c THE QL/> HOME TOWN HOSPITAL NEWB Mrs. Benonl Cartwri#ht of 210 Dyer street entered March 9 for medical treatment. C. A. Dunks of Windsor who en tered March 3 for medical trea la ment returned home Monday. 8. K. Harris of Klty Hawk entered March 10 a medical case. Mrs. Herman Smith of Manteo re i turned home Saturday after under going an operation. Mrs. W. J. Cox and little son of i 106 Burgess street. are getting 1 along nicely. Charlie Long of Route Two, City entered March 9 as a medical pa tient. Mrs. J. W. Creekraore of Cam I den entered March 6 and under | went an operation. James Banks of 303 Harney street is Improving after an opera tion on Marct 5. , Mrs. J. F. Padgett of 416 Cedar {street returned home March 6 after an operation March 4. Mrs. J. M. Johnson 529 Beach | street has returned home after an operation February 20. Mrs. J. W. Mizzell of Route One, j Weeksville. entered March 7 for | medical treatment and is getting along well. Mrs. Pross Sawyer of Elliott street who entered March 3 for operation returned home Saturday. Arthur Ownley of 528 Beach {street is improving after an opera tion on February 29. 1 Mahala Shorts and 8 months old daughter. Gertrude Shorts, colored, of 634 Main street, here on a visit I from Providence, Rhode Island, who suffered injuries in an aceident Feb ruary 27 are much better Cornelia Morring, colored. of I Edenton entered March 5 for an op eration. Vida Hardy, colored, of 541 South Martin street entered in February for an operation. Charity Lee, colored, of 16 Body Road, entered February 15 for an operation and returned home Feb ruary 26. ^vJUnry Spellman of Route One, City entered for operation February 14 and is getting along well. VOI VG WDIKS HI ItT IN A I TOM< ) HI I jK AC '< 'I DE X I Washington, N*. C.. March 11. ? Zob Wooten. colored, is under a $1, r?00 bond for his appearance before the Recorder Tuesday morning charged with injuring Miss Lossle rodrey and Miss Bessie Padgett, two white young ladies, Saturday after noon by running over them at the corner of Second and Market streets. The accident occurred around five o'clock. At first it was thought that the young ladled, especially Miss Padgett, were seriously hurt but re ports from their bedside Monday af ternoon state they will recover. The wheels of the Ford car ran over the back of Miss Padgett after knock ing her down on the sidewalk in front of the postoffice, while Miss Fourey was hurt on her leg and knee. It was discovered Sunday af ternoon by her physician that her foot was fractured. Wooten, the driver, of the car was arrested by Officer Dellnger and placed In Jail. Subsequently he gave bond for his appearance in court. WILL MKKT TOYIGHT Eureka Lodge, A. F. and A. M. will meet this evening at 7.30 for work in the third degree. All visit ing Masons are Invited. MOVING riCTCRr: FUXXIKS THE / BEtfKD ' LWV.ONtteft | TO TWfc we-*#* CMT HCftJ KUT-PIH. Cut out the picture cm all four Bides. Then carefully fold dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dot ted line 2, and go on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find n surprising result. Sa?e the pictures. (Copyright Nat'i Nenrspaper Service) BY STANLEY WHIM POt* feftADLEY OPCNCD TMt DOO* OF "THB WtBKCY CCAfctOri OrP??C? DU??<-, THE WI*0*T0*M MOM TMAH "TWO THlROS Of THIS NN*?K* iOa/O/H OF "m PAPB* BLt W QV>T AH OPON W?A?L*>* DANIEL* FOR PKR81DGNT (Continued From Page One faatly and serenely held to the path of duty and proved himself a great American. The Navy Itself was against him. and yet he shook the Navy out of Its outworn traditions and injected into it a new esprit de corps and a higher standard of effi ciency." Dr. N. H. D. Wilson, pastor of the First Methodist Church, did not re member ever to have addressed a political meeting; but felt that ho could become a charter member of the Josephus Daniels-for-President Club of Elizabeth City and, as a for mer school-mate and long-time friend, add his tribute to others that had been paid Josephus Daniels with entire propriety. "On a rock-bot tom of character and common sense." Dr. Wilson said, "Josephus Daniels filled the high office of Sec retary of the Navy with a degree of credit to himself, his State and his Nation that was a surprise to his friends." Dr. Wilson believed that the same qualities would carry him through with honor whatever duties might devolve upon him in the White House. Just before the close of the meet ing the following resolution was adopted: "Whereas, the present National exigency, wherein occurrences of graft and bribe in connection with the highest governmental offices in our country, whfch are revolting to the spirit of common honesty and fairness inherent in every true Dem-J ocrat. are being daily disclosed, de mands that the man nominated t>y our party in 1924 for the office of the President of the United State* be of unimpeachable integrity and one the merits of whose ability and character have been tried and proved, and, "Whereas, we have in our midst ' a staunch and true Democrat emin-! ently qualified and fitted by expert- 1 ence to fill the highest position that j it is within the power of the Amer-| i icans voters to bestow, a man who has already proved his worth and his ability to deal with and control the representatives of bribe and special interests during his two terms as i Secretary of the Navy in the Wilson cabinet, "Therefore, be it resolved by this assembly, called together as anl ; hereafter acting under the name of a I 'Josephus Daniels-for-President Club' that we unqualifiedly endorse and I recommend Josephus Daniels for the i Democratic nomination for the Pres | ident of the United States, and that I we exert our every effort toward sending delegates to our County, State and National conventions in structed for and interested in nom inating Josephus Daniels for this) high office of leadership." Charter members of the club in I Elizabeth City are: Mrs. W. J. Woodley, Mrs. E. M. Stevens, Mrs. James G. Fearing, Mrs. J. Henry Le Roy. Mr*... & E. Bell. Mrs. G. B. Ferebee, J. G. Fearing, L. W. An derson, W. L. Small. J. T. McCabe, N. H. D. Wilson. D. W. Harris, Sr , R. T. Venters. C. H. Brock, W. E. Wood, D. V. Meeklns, L. S. Gordon, J. Kenyon Wilson, John H. Hall. Jr.. M. F. Leary. J. H. Scarborough, and J. H. LeRoy. Jr. PROBLEMS OF COXDl'CT By Professor Dick Calkins WhU'i Wronjj Here? Study the picture before you read the answer. They are enjoying a vacation. (Copyright John F. Dill? Co.) TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING i HeV FELlftS - LOOtCiT vrfJHAT i caoghT> \ ^ , ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This size type (8 point), one cent a word each Insertion; minimum 25 cents, one time; 75 cents week, i ? ? - Standing ads, fire cents a wo'd per we*k. Twenty cents per month ? in advance. White space and pan graphed ads, 60 cents an ?nck. Copy must be in eke office by 5 p. m. 6kj Before Inser tion. TO CANDIDATES With the primary still 13 week* off, The Advance offers candidates desiring to run dally cards in The Advance a flat rate of $10 to the primary for all cards not exceeding 25 words. Insertion at the special flat rate will not be begun, however, until the candidate has sent in check or cash for ten dollars plus the amount due, if any, for insertions made prior to the beginning of the flat rate period. Help Wanted WANTED AT HERTFORD, (HA panoke, Camden, Ilelcross, Gregory Shawboro and Moyo k, represents* lives of The Advance to send In newi and secure subscriptions on com mission basis. Address The Advance Elisabeth City, N. C. For Rent KOR HKNT TMREK I.AIUJK I N furnished rooms second floor. . Al modern conveniences. . Apply 71! North Road street, or phone 5S3-J March 11-17 npd. FOR RENT? FURNISHED ROOMS' for light house-keeping. Apply tt Mr?. Mary L. Brltton. 207 Soutt Road street. Phone 7tS-J. 4-llni Foil UK ST ? TWO HOtSKH, oxi: on West Cypress street. and one on Southern Avenue. Apply W. P. Do zi?T, Mar. 5-llp'l Opportunities \VK WIMi I, FAD YOtf MONEY? You can repay It by the week. Indus trial Bttl Mar. 10 tf np. KDO Mrs 1:80 HUH 1 KAVES BLTZ abeth City every afternoon for Nor folk. Also leaves Norfolk Uuloa Station at 5:30 evenings, arrlvln* Elizabeth City 8 o'clock. Ja.l2-tf STOP, I/OOK AND USTKN ? IF it's I.aymore meatscrap. Eshelman'a growing mash for young blJdlei!,; Kagle Scratch Ffod. Mak-er-lny for old fowls, or Ilaby Chick Feed, sre D. C. P?>rry. 813 West Main street. He has It for sale. mar.7 lo-.ip Candidate Cards ] NOTIf* TO TinB VOTKRS OF Paaquotank County: ? Ladle* and Gentlemen: ? I am a candidate for# Sheriff of this County In the Pri?* mary to he held on the first Satur day in June 19*4. I snail t-ermluiy appreciate your Influence and your vote far me for thin office. Re spectfully, I*. W. Anderson. P. <4. SAW Y Kit FOR TRIAL Jus tice ? I heroby announce mys< lf can didate for Trial Justice, aubject to the action of the Democratic pri mary In June. P. G. Sawyer. mar.10-tf-pd CANDIDATE FOB 8HKRIFF Of Pasquotank County. I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County subject to the action of the Domocratlc primary to be held on Saturday, June 7, 1924. Your vote and support will be highly appreci ated. Respectfully, phaa. L. Ball, PROSKTITING ATTORNS Y ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Prosecuting Attor new in the Recorder's Court of Pas quotank County, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary, Sat urday, June 7. Your vote and sup port will be grteatly appreciated. J. H. LeRoy, Jr. fet>.15-tue?. IF You want to: Buy something, sell something, rent a building, find a jo!?, hire an employe, trade something or recover a lest article?The Advance. Classified Ads will do it.

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