ATHLETICS SEEK IMPROVE SPEED Connie Mack Has Km Karin^ Armmil Track an Well an Practicing Regular Bum-IiuII Dohii in "Alaliam" By JOHN II. KOSTKB C??r>i)*L 1*21. by Th? Ad?anc? Montgomery. Ala.. March 15. ? j Connie Mack's Athletics haven't! learned It yet ? but next week they I start to speed school. Mack Is go-' Ins to take them out and start them ; running around the baseball field. ! How many times they will have to ! circle It only Connie knows. But he! aiTlrms that nothing Ik to be omitted in the school in" of this year's team i that is up to date and useful. "We can take batting practice with any of" them," said Connb*, | "and yr?* can take fielding practice { and hatting practice- -and now we are going to add running practice. 1 1 am not Kolng to have It said to me by any baseball man that the Ath letics have been neglected In any thing that has to do with up-to-date baseball." ; The Athletics already were due, J before Mi?k started running prac tice. to be better base runners thaii they were last year. The .changes thai hare been made in tin* team made ur**ater Rpwd on the paths. If the team in fast# r and exercises skilled Jtidgm it as well in running bases. MhcK has gone much further toward that degre? of championship < skill which lie has sought since the J ? days of tin1 PlU gjHIHplClB whom In* disbanded because he felt they were j shopworn. Iiut Connie disbanded ; his champions on his own account. I and he has carried the load of grief I on his own shoulders, without ask- 1 inn anybody for sympathy. Mack's face Is bright and his man-j ner is jolly this spring. He looks at j his ball players w'th that air of j fatherly sympathy with which he] gazed upon them when he had Ed- 1 die Collins. Plank and the rest of them, and he is anticipating sitting on the bench and watching his young men do the unexpected. Bishop will lead off for the t? an. in batting as long as lie continues to make good, and llishop wUl make a| change for the better, because Mack will have a real lead-off mail. Then there will come ruor.' good I batters to help, and speedy men on , their feet, too, with Strand prr.bably in the four hole to clean up if he, can. And after him. Simmons and ' Welch or IUiiu Miller. Given a little sun at Montgomery, it 'may be that the rebuilt Athletic J machine will start this year with j more sip than Philadelphia ban seen | in live years. Hing Miller was talk- j ing about the Cleveland pitchers, and he said that Kdwards. tlie left | hander, seemed to bother him about j as much as arty of them. Hlng is a| right hand hitter, too. The Athletics look with resuect on; Cleveland this early in the season, i It is chiefly because of that ionnid- 1 able, array of Cleveland batters. The I Clevelands shape up this year much , as the Detrolts did in 1023. When Ty Cobb marshalled *hls .300 hitters oir Che field last March, everybody] was there but the bat boy and the I pitchers. When Connie said goodbye he sil so H.\id that he did not think he would make much If any change in his team until June 15. which Is the time limit for cuttiug down. ? Anyway you look at it, the Quaker combination this spring has some thing about it that seems to say "keep an eye on us. Mister Man. for we may be the chaps who will be skirmishing around the frontier line of the first division when the season gets under way." CINCY Tack Hendricka (above) h&a auc r Moran as manager of 1. 1- Cincinnati ?*?uo. f<>" d 'x'.n of th?? Kcd i-a-icr ai J'lA. BASEBALL QUESTION BOX If you have some question to ask about baseball ? If you want a rule Interpre ted ? If you want to know any thing u bo lit a play ?r player-^" Write to John B. Foster, the man who helped make the rules under which the game Is played today. If you want a personal reply enclose a stamped, self-ed dressed en velope. Otherwise your ques tion will be answered in this column. Address: John B. Foster, special baseball correspondent of The Daily Advance. 811 World Building, New York. Question ? When amateur games are being played which side should go to hat fir^t when two teams of ? the same town are playing? Answer ? One of the teams should' bo considered the home team and that team takes the choice of going to bat. If there is no other way to designate the home team it is the : challenging team. It is not Inipera-! tlvo that the challenging team take the Jield first. It can do as it wish-| Ouostiou- ? Why do some say the1 world series began in 1903 and some say it began in 1005 while others put it earlier than both those dates?! Answer ? Because in a loose man ner any post season serfes was re ferred to as a world series before the actual playing of such a series under rules governing the players. The date of a bone fide world se-j ries starts' "with 190.r> when both I leagues agreed upon it. The begin ning was not in 1903 wh<?n the Be-' i rles was the outcome of a private arrangement. All series prior to j 1903 were simply exhibition series | with any governing head. Question ? Who holds the world's record for making two base hits? Answer ? The record Is 6T>1 made by I.ajoie In the clubs with which he played in. the major leagues. Wag ner made 648 Irrthe National Lcagiu alone and Speaker holds the record of the American League with 59 in the season of 19211 while Dt-lehantv ijnnde 56 for the National League in : 1899. USUAL QUESTION IS HUNG ON WOODHINGj lt> WAl.TKIt CAM I* Co.iyiifht. IWI. k* Th? Advance ?New York. March 15. ? The muni q nation mark seems to have been attached to Allen Woodring again thin spring. Just when the sharps contend that, the ta'l. scanty-haired blonde run ner is through. Tom Keane, puts him on the back for a few weeks and then he flies In ahead of them all. Very likely. Tom can do the trick again with Woodrlng. Nobody known, but everybody knows that Tom and Allen have teamed togeth er many times before to tnke vic tories from those who thought the Syracuse st rider was all through. FLOGGING CASE TO JURY THIS AFTERNOON Nashville, N. C.. March 15. ? The trial of Will Clarke and Walter Clarke for flogging Marvin Dennett HobbHt is expected to go to the Ju ry this afternoon. I KED AKCIIEK HEADS CAROLINA TEACHEHS i Raleigh. March IB. ? Fre4-Archer of Greensboro was elected president of the State Kducation Association and W. Graham of Wilmington, vice president. at the closing session here yesterday. BY IAWPENCE PERRY C?.,tltht, IM(. h T?, 4<>,.? 11TK, Ala i on IB. ? Latent practical stejw in the line of makim: a decision whether or hot to reduc the weight Of the present golf hall are these: ; First, a suggestion heing consid ered, by the United States Golf Asso | . ciation to let the ball stand as la the; ; case ot all go" tourney* thnt do not Involve national < r International tl | ties. Then for matches in which j, country-wide championship nro *?t stake a lighter hail. Ray 1.52 otitic ; with the mlntnium diameter as at present. In thin way. It is held the pros would be put very much upon their mettle In the great tourna ments while the average golfer 1 - would still be happy with his 1.?;2 | ounce hall. Second, a report In hand front j England that the reduction in weight would result In the curtail ment of a good drive at about 20 yards against the wind and lost, of courae, down tlio wind. This, of course. as applied to the export play er. This ordinary Kotfer would prob ably turn in a far greater discrepen cy of distance as between the present hall and the proposed new one. Third, a series of experimental tents of the present manufactured | i-olf balls to take place under U. 8. 1 (?. A. executive cpinnilttee auspices J :?t Flnehurst, March 27-30, and at I l?lne Valley April 11-14. Samples of. ail leading tuakaa win >>?? tried out, and at Pine Valley human agent!) r will be supplemented by a driving machine. Fourth, study of the Oakniont course. In play 1 ft years, in which lime only one green, the second, has been moved so much as a yard. Yet eVen the hcftvlowt sluggers have had no complaint that the course Is too Advance Want: Ad* Bring Results FIRPO NEEDS TO GET RIDHOG FAT And llughey Gartlaud Rath er Than Sore Ann Itt Prol? alily Reason for I'lmlpont meut Fight With A1 Reich. | II)' fair PLAY IC.?rl?M. iw*. B? TH< Al.t.c.) New York. March 15 ? Luis Flrpo's postponement of the Al ? Reich bout to April did not come as a surprise. The reason given was that he had a sore arm. But the real reason probably would be found to lie with Hughey Gartland. Gart land has told the nig fellow to do: some training, get the hog fat oft him and buck u.p his footwork. Tex Rickard'* attitude toward Flr po is in line with Tex's poker play-, ing habits. And the excellent results are beginning to appear in Gart-' land's squawk from liuenos Aires that nothing had been heard lately from Rickard. Nothing will be heard, either. Tex spent a lot of money in cables to Firpo without a word of reply. Now Rickard is go | ing to let Luis spend some money. Firpo lasted two rounds against Dempsey in their first fight. There is really nothing to indicate he | would go farther next time. | Incidentally it might be said that Rickard has Berlenbach sewed up j now and is working on a big outdoor I attraction for the former wrestler.) i With this trump in his hand he h*creBir*t have to Kiss the feet of Fir- 1 po or of Dempsey either. NKWS KKOM CAMDKN I Camden, March 5. ? Sam Gordon! of Norfolk spent Sunday with her ( uncle. Johnie Gordon here. j Sam Gordon and his sister, Evie Gordon, both of Norfolk spent Sun-j day with Dorothy and Maurice Up ton. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Etheridge, Mr.' and Mrs. George Harrell all of Eden ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ('. (J. Etheridge and went to South Mills on a pleasure trip. Sheriff Flora of Currituck County attended court here Monday. Mrs. J. P. Sawyer and children of West Burgess street, Elizabeth City; spent last week with Mrs. J. M. Bell , here. R. I,. Whalev of Hastings Corner! passed through this section Tuesday.; H. G. Berry and Clayton Williams motored to Elizabeth City Wednes day. Jim Davis of Mildam visited Cam-' den Wednesday. The lawyers and Judge W. A. Dev in took dinner with W. O. DeFord Tuesday. Will Davis of Mildam has been ex-! cnaed from the Jury on account of, hi* 111 llo son being ill. M. D. Stevens, postmaster of Cam-; den, motored to Elizabeth City Tues day to purchase merchandise for his store. F. 1*. Wood motored to Elizabeth on a business trip Wednesday. S. \V. Hastings of Elizabeth City was in Camden Wednesday deliver ing fertilizer. Jim (James bus accepted a posi tion at Benefit, Va. Mrs. Edward Ferrell, teacher of j Camden, and Miss Mahala Balance. I teacher of Mildam school, took sup-i with Miss Dorothy Upton Wednesday' night. Alonzo Burgess, grandson of Mr. | and Mrs. W. C. Jones, is improving from an attack of rheumatism. G. G. Cuthrell of Elizabeth City! was in this section Thursday. Bruce Creekmore and Clayton Williams of Belcross attended court here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Newbern of; Belcross motored to Elizabeth City! Ihursday on business. J. B. Williams of Shiloh attended court here Thursday. J. 0. Meggs of Elizabeth City vis 1 ited In Camden Thursday. Mrs. E. Mitchell of Old Trap was In Camden Thursday on business. ! G. W. Forehand of Norfolk passed ! through Camden Thursday going to Shlloh. rOLDS of hMd or chMt art more easily ^0 trMltd extarnallj with ? PHONE 114 THEY WILL SEND IT. Standard Pharmacy Service ? Courtesy ? Weight O U R IS HOT STUFF BRIQUETS, CERTIFIED COAL, POCAHONTAS EGG, POCAHONTAS KUN OF THE MINE, PENN. ANTHRACITE STOVE AND NUT CRYSTAL ICE & COAL CORP. PHONES 16 and 716 ? ? ? ? " ? ? AN Invitation To You To visit our second floor display of fine Furnishings for the home. Our new designs in Living Room, Bed Room and Dining* Room Suites are now ready for your inspection. We have the largest stock of Furniture in this section ? and our prices are lowest. Quinn Furniture Company J *r LIGHT WEIGHT I s Crusher Hats For Spring Weeks & Sawyer ??Where the I Vent Clothes Come From'* Are you listening to the in sistent poundin? of Opportun ity? Are you aware of t'ae fact that the Want-ad columns ot this paper present some of the bfst possible opportunities ? opportunities to buy, to sell or to ofTer a service? The cost is comparatively smaP when you consider the excellent re sults. PHONE 357 THE ADVANCE Consolidate Vour DEBTS Pay V * Weekly. | The Hood Industrial Bank | ^OPTICAL SERVICE! | DR. J. W. SELIG .] ?}? 0PT0METRI3T I i -*Jil Main 8t. ? Elu.beth City1! b s lT <i A it Wo have granulated suear, con fectioners' sugar, brown sdgar and crystal table sugar in cubes. J. W. HIIANNONHOISK * SON Phone 187 <">*<? ?? Wlirn yon order groccrieiS rrnientber to rail M. V. PERKY PtlONE 48.1 NINETY ACRES HIGH LAND hasily drained, located near Crooked Creek in Camden County about* 200 yard* from the Main Roao. Will sell >r trade. Apply to Gallop & Sutvyrr CALL NOW Shelled Pecan*, Shelled Wnlnnl*. Ptllsbiiry Health llt-nii CAM 008 R. L. GARRETT Spencer - Walker Co. Wh?r* Etmtjt Mao Find* What

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