THE ADVANCE PBKI.K * FFRIJS. I ahlUoer* HEKBCHT Pdll. C4lt#?. Mein'?er ??f The Aiwarialftl I'rfM. Tkt AiM4 Praaa li a?titl*? ?? U?a ?? 9m r?-tuklteaNcn of ?*?a HiMlrli'i tr?4H*4 I- t.ili MH< >"? UN U t- ' ?--al N?v? #ufc..?h?4 Ki(*rt< kt Hi* f* (If-alMI Ctly. b ?a iK?ai i in mtt'.jf. 11> Mnli T%rw (N f Saxi) ?, ? >' M V> Mentha (in a6,-net} t..2! f?M 0?a. ?"? ??nth , .... ??.? Ztna Two. 12 . IVA ?? Mall ?la*wh -a K* U Subnet ?|itiou Kates 11^ Carrier. ?na Wm? 10 Ultl ON Manth (in atfvanea) ?? Ywalva Mo.itha (in atfvanca) , fl.OQ THTRSIiAY. APRIL 3. 1324. Dyspepsia 'II work wonders, l?ut a feller mi^lif I' In* a u?nmI nil nrnum! fiillnt-c I' be wlnit ui'M cull a fancy cynic. \Yc m'nll ulim iir doctor with l In* loiijtrsi an' wliliftl whiskers Hot tli' business. Some! lines thcy*?| caught in Ills wnv, or fickle a won ml, Init lie cleaned up I IT dough? Interest in the Coastal High way is getting quite warm. David Lawreifce guessed j wrong on the Attorney General I appointment. But he covers hi tracks quite neatly in today's j dispatch. Very Much Brighter Whether or not with prophe tic insight, we are unable to say, but the Raleigh Times of Wed nesday . afternoon carried thy following: It has pot into the papers that probably Governor Morrison will !??' conn* Attorney General of these i'nit ed States in the event Will In m G. McAdoo is elected President of the name. We hope tin* Governor has prospects that nre .brighter .than that. tn-view ernor Morrison was marrying a wealthy widow at the moment, one can't help wondering if tha Raleigh newspaper had an ink ling of what was happening. A|?t anil Timely The following from the cur rent issue of Cotton News, or gan of the American Cotton As sociation, is timely and shoukl ho of especial interest in the Alhemarle just now: flcifardle&a of reports that tli?? col?A \v ;ith?Y tilt wiplt : 1' *? nnnlhllat'-d the boll \v. - \il, the wl*? fanner ill put but lit I it confidence in such utatementn. Nature take < re of H own under nil and every kind of oir euinatance. One pair < f \vcevll? in a cotton field* loft undisturbed can under favorable climatic cond -*? bre?d enonght of the In ecu in dayii nftrr ib flr*t nquarct nppes. to d?ntroy tl?e frnltr ? of tb crop, The Ann riean Cotton .\M.-?oelatlor In fIji boll w? ? \ c< ntrnl < prtl;.*i can aid In a practical and oronoini* way tot^ive your crop from that di antrr.UK lnf?? ct |f?tfte simpb* and' ca fly understood methods ?mplo.v?^ are adopted. The plan n1*o content platen a reasonably reat rlcted cot tot acreage per plow and the crop to 1 Intensively cultivated. Th< plan em brae ; a balr incf' system of tafmln by which ? m Far.'tmo, unti' iyomiU; of thr- Hickory Hcwnl. v;n< s t>> the Salisbury Post. Business o1 Bflcinp; if \ve can y< 1 (he Post t pirt us on it-; exrhruurc list. I ^OflFOLK PRODUCE M Jarvl" ft Fntft ??? SPRNOK-HOI.I^nve.l.r, l,l\c Pirf?wl I'll fin Yg. Chickens ..4G-r.O H>n? _23-2fi 30-35 25-30 Turkeys _ 3#-35 37-40 30-3S Ow ?. 20 a#-ss 2.1-no Ducks 26 30-35 25-30 Milk Calm ...12-15 Yearlings 7-10 8wm? Potatoes $5.50 ? Eft* J lie FAMILY ACCUSED SELLING LIQUOR Man, \\ ilV, and \ mnr Son Ian' Trial in (Irimiiial Term Perquimans Superior Court Next Week. Hertford. April 11.?The whole Dail family, or. at least. three meiii-j Ik ik of tlx* immediate family of Jesse Dall. resident of the Chluqua pin section of Perquimans County, will bo tried for illicit dealing in li quor at the criminal term of Sup* ? rior Court to be held at H? rtford next week. The household of Jesse Dull hat" had the reputation of supplylnu a uood part of the native corn liquor coiiHiimed in Hertford for a consid erable period. It in a matter of com mon report here that the brand of corn supplied to the trade by the Da Us lead all others manufactured in Perquimans County. It had the much-desired kick, according to all reports, but it did not have the qual ity of putting moss In the consum r's mouth and shooting pains in his head next morning, at least not to the same degree as other varieties of booze peddled' In the alleys and dark corners of the town by other vendors. The Palls did a thriving business and in 1^lit have pursued It unmo lested. If they could have kept peace In the fatally. Hut Jesse fell out with Ills son Claude, and tlje youngs ter went to jail nnd gave officials Information that led to the father'? arrest. .lessc spent some days in jail before he could prraniie bond, and all the while considerable talk was golni: on among his neighbors, some of which came to the ears of Sin riff Wright anil led him to make n raid on the Dall home. The Dails got wind of the raid In advance, however, and did not loiter about the premises. The sin-riff found Rob ert ami Tleddln Ivey In the house. however. In apparent possession of a gallon and a half of corn, nnd they were h"ld under the Turlington Act. Mrs. Dall was later arrested on a charge of possession and she now awaits trial. Soon after the January term of the I'erqulnians County Superior Court Solicitor Walter Small re marked that the April term would not l?e so long, since the court had cleared up the criminal docket at the January term, nnd the time of the next session could he largely de voted to civil c?iy,i:. The solicitor evidently did not know Perquimans County and the kind of Sheriff Whit IVright really is. He fore the report if the solicitor's remark had time to ; iWcli Hertford the jail began Ailing IP. and now contains eight prisoners iwaitine trial, with some out on, bond, nnd some others still waiting! to l?e caught. JMjIXOIS IN FOR COTTON Springfield, April .1. (Special)? The cotton growers of Southern Illinois are organizing a cooperative j marketing association to handle, their crop thin year, which is ex pected to show an increased acreage. < o\< iii: i>: viii i.i;ti< s r \mt*M KOlt GASTONhV Hl(.II St'llOOL Ciastonia, April II? The KGaston athletic stadium. ?ne of the few in the South devoted to high school athlotics. The City School Hoard at a recent meeting voted to erect such a structure using a depression in the school grounds Just l*ick of the high school building The stadium Is expected to cost about $>25,000. While Dompsey is hunting for a fight ho should he careful to find one he won't lose right uway. WILLIK K. IU KGKSS DKAD I Willi*- K. Burgess of Old Trap tiled Thursday morning at 9:55 at tin- Community Hospital. where he has been for the last week, during . which time he had undergone two ' operation*. Mr. Burgess was 38 ! years old and l> >urvive " _s??\ I !/ v SCOTT, tvOMANJ, O/IN YOU DftlV^V A NAl<- fvlTH SPO^CJe. ? 1 W4V& uge FOR YHC K'uLGS OP CTI??ueTTe Y OF GOff M OH N 5G f ..?*,? rC> * - i. Afv > \u< j_ < ?? ? _ _ ( |p YOkj ' tv< no i ?c. 1? c-r\c3vj'iTTe Why 5hculd if -- ? L? -, HAvS AMOTHEft y??Z?*?!R _- / ^ : /. .?^s/_?- ^ <*! I'nlted States to day ar<* abnormally low. Hut man ufacturers nt'Piii to be making no un UMial effort* to replenish them. A derided difference of o|dnion exists, as is natural, as to what this policy portends. Makers of wool* n goods iassert their attitude is due to a de > termination to avoid specuiatien in '? raw wool and to let demand fo?* ? cloth dictate tlu*ir wool purchases. I(-rttrwem, on the other hand, feel that the policy in itself constitutes spec* j ulatiou. Stocks of wool at Boston, the i leading wool market of the country, ? are down to approximately 50.000, i 000 pounds, an unusually low j amount. It is estimated that the to :tal supply In the I'nlted Statealn ' eluding mill stocks amount to 7>0, j 000,000 pounds. The domestic cli,? j this year is estimated by some au thorities at 250,000 pounds. This 'would make available for manufac turers this year about pounds, without considering imports and exports, auainst a normal con sumption of *?00,000,000 pounds. In spite of the prospect of a short age, as indicated by these figures the level of prices ill the domestic inarkets is still far below those of I other countries. The activities in the markets abroad also exceeds the trading here. This has led to th ? reshipment abroad of a very consid erable amount of foreign-.-wool, ar-, riving here In bond, which had been bought by American dealers at ad vantageous prices. The Australian and South Amer ican fee a sons now are practically ov er and with the exceptions of the, wools whicli have been shipped to England to be sold at the KnglisK auctions, American consumers will 1 turn to the domestic wool grower* for supplies for some months. This fact already has had some efTect on recent sab s. The power clippers now are ripping through the fleeces of the Arizona sheep and in a short time, the Texas ?'woolies" will be running around without their win ter coverings. The wool clipped so far in the Southwest, has been! shipped largely on consignment anv< ? . I:W?r.?s t f-ni?4 PAST FREIGHT \Mi PASSENGER . ivfr.' to nnd from Norfolk. I'at:.?!i ;-Ui! Hon: i nterpj i ??. Norfolk-Caro lina Lliu*. Inc. Steam' r Ann!*1 f?. men eoos. pvt'U i:o<;s. wanted '-Top ririf-y Kpot rush. w. C. Gt?v r, 'hoiv i'0. mar.IS-ti t s|: v. F1IKRSOX IIIUN.< . IW'H i' h?ftW6f?n Elizabeth (pity and I Norfolk, dally and v'?mda$s. I.ear-' -oiiihern Hoif| 10 . ;n a. in. f*cavp ! \falti and Commercial plare at S:45 p. in. Fare $2.00. Round trip $3.00 II - s.'ife; $10,000 Insurance. Phono s:] 7. 29apr4pd % J. W. MTOKBMT HAS YOFXC1 chickens at live and let live prices, fresh *gg*. and nice smoked meat. See htm before you buy, 202 South Road street. Mch.81-Apr.4np. INVEST A QUARTER in an Advance Classified ad. They pay big dividends. I.AIUiK YKLI.OW .JOVQlll.S FOH finlc. I'liono 522. aprfl-9pd ovsu:i:s roii s u i?s? iioonkh Mark ^t?'V? ns. Cupti'.ih William* n foot of Main street. 3-9pd rou su.r:?ri:\ ? hahks rAito llnn Hnnklni! Tnr t Company Mock. Address box 17f?. ninr.12-tf -w 1 ?*? - \t,* v. \ ? \ r; iiomm norsi: xvitli bath. Two gar < and wood honso combined. Appiy M:v, II. M. Hallnnro, t;:;4 Olorry fi'n-t. niar.2 2-apr.4jni lOlt SAI.K Oil ISI'.VT ? FKJIIT rot?m hou* . No. 4 22 \V'?st Cherry ?:ro<*t. K<> Information apply to Mis. AflHo ll.inks No. 12f? North Martin str.?t or phono 277-W. April 1. tf 'up. MiTH'tt?S \ I.J*: OF IIOHSKM, i AT? tl??, hop*. torn. liny and farming r'enslls. ? c. Loft waiton, also ga* o! ? "? in- ^ iW. tuf ? ?* A* r:! f?th Hi tr-:? a. ff?. it ?'??*? l ?' fr. i. <>11\ i :[ Tvi'i:\vitnri: rou* s.u.t In J>eff? ?'l ?? ???ndi?l??n-. Appljr at Chamber of .Comuycivo. Mh.29t? 1?>I* hAM*??: \ r,v t \|tiUA(>K l\ : ' ? . . on- Apply ; P?ira ?'' . Apr J-s.pd. loir s\l |?d |;\\ V\M sf ll'w. Apply R. s Harris, ca Jennetto Itrov or I. M. Sp? ncer, Hoilte 5. box 145, City. apr2*Spd Candidate Card* ! NOT1CF TO niK VOTKRS OF I'aaquotank County:? l.adlta and Gentlemen:?I am a candidal* for Blmriff of til fa Connty In tka Pri mary to b? held on the (Irit Satur day In June 192*. I shali certainly appreciate your influence and your vote for me for this office. Re spectfully, L. W. Anderson. v. a. smvyku fou trial jus tice?I hereby announce myself can didate for Trial Justleo, subject to the action r? the Democratic pil mary In June. P. fi. Sawyer. mar.lO-tf-pd FOIl IMt^SKCFTlNO ATTORNEY - I announce my candidacy for Pros ecuting Attorney, #ubj< ??: to #he i FF.I?S ? I b^re'v onii 'iiicf' myv?f a f -n ' ' ?. fo hon n foe ? h ? of. H f. or of of Pasquotank county, si? t to ih ? ae'i>n of tho 1 lemocru? ?? ? rlmmv. Julie 7. 1924. All vole* and personal Influence in jay r-f!t V*i y g ? 11 v . , - pr-t h:ted. Joseph C.&perire. fl-5pd rWIHlMTK FOR < Ot \TV MIH. tor for Tir-?|uoi:?;>k Con at y: ? ;, ? inrt ?? r m . m' ? n?y bc> to the r.? *ioi? < :'re Drfti .'ollclt the support of the Democratic voter* 1 r* said nrl mray. Any aid that may be ren dered me in furtherance of my can didacy will be keenly appreciated K?*irp*ctfn11y. Clin. Carmliw. # j?u.24,thut-tf