Elizabeth City Woman Is Unanimously Re - Elected Mrs. J. C. Fearing Again Head uf District Organization of Women's Clulis by Action of the District Meet ing Held at Edenton on Tuesday By the unanimous vote of the clubwoman attending the second an- ? nuai meeting of District No. 14. ? North Carolina Federation of Wo-,|H man's Clubs, Mrs. J. G. Fearing was re-elected district president and Miss Mary Bright was elected district sec retary. Mrs. Fearing, who has or-111 ganized most of the clubs in the dis-' trict. was glven-an ovation at her re-election. The historic old courthouse of-. Chowan County was beautifully dec orated for the occasion with ivy, i ferns and peach blossoms. The audi torium was filled to overflowing and standing room was at a premium. Each clubwoman registered as shej entered the courthouse so that an accurate account of those attending! from each club could be kept. The; loving cup for attendance, which' was won last year by the Fourteenth District, will be awarded the club with the best proportionate attend ance. Splendid reports were read from all clubs indicating much prog ress. In a gracious address of welcome Mrs. Charles Hollowell of Edenton characterized club work as vt "mass ive chain of united womanhood thati stretches from ocean to ocean." She was a pleasing speaker and on be-1 half of the city of Edenton bade the' visitors a cordial welcome. Miss Ethel Parker of Gatesville' spoke of the old and the new Eden ton, referring to those who took part' In the Edenton T? a Party u exem plifying the spirit that has remaln< d in the city until this day. She closed by giving to the wo-1 men of Edenton Lincoln's famous, toast. Committees appointed at the morning session were: Courtesy,' Mrs. Frank Scattergood of Elizabeth'" City, Mrs. G. E. Newby of Hertford. Mrs. F. E. Corbell of Sunbury and Mrs. T. W. Costen of Gatesville; nominating. Mrs. F. W. Wlchard or Edenton. Miss Mae Wood Wlnslow of Hertford and Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep of Elizabeth City. The State president, Mrs. Palmer Jernian, and also Mrs. Kate Burr, Johnson, State Commissioner of Pub lic Welfare, and Mrs. T. W. Bickett. all of Raleigh, were introduced by Mrs. Fearing, who then delivered the president's address. Mrs. Fearing said she was as proud of the district as the mother, of a baby cutting its first tooth. The meeting marks the completion of the first year of organized work, she said, and might be considered the celebration of the district's first, birthday. She spoke of the Cooper loving, cup for club attendance and also of the Gilmer gavel, which is offered for the largest number of new clubs.: This was won by the district in what Mrs. Fearing described as its first victory. The president had a word of praise for Eastern North Carolina. The "lost provinces." she declared, have certainly fount# themselves and are now a real part of the Old North State. The women have done their full share in developing the district, she said. "As we travel West In our State we are mor.e and more con vinced that the three wise men came from the East." Reports from the Woman's Club of Edenton. Hertford Welfare Club, Gatesville Woman's Club, and the: Woman's Club of Meege were next given. The latter is the three months old baby club of the district de-, scribed by its representative as j gresslve" and "progressive." This club has recently purchased a large flag from funds raised by a musical entertainment and a literary event. They have also planted trees and! shrubs In the school yard, beautified the town generally, and have money, in the bank. Mrs. T. B. Cook^ made a report' of the Parent-Teachers' Association of Elizabeth City In which she said that the association has spent $34 for books and $854 for milk and crackers for school children during the past year. Reports were al?o given by the clubs at Dry Ridge. Sa lem. and by the Elizabeth City Wo-1 man's Club. Mrs. Mary Cowper of Durham In * speaking of Juvenile court work, said that children are not criminals but results of their environment. She stressed the Importance of the appointment of probation officers In every community to act as a guide and friend to the child in trouble. Mrs. Kate Burr Johnson opened 4ier Interesting address with the statement that it hss been about seven years since North Carolina , took her place with the other pro gressive states by appointing a State II Hoard of Charities and Public Wel fare. "There Is no greater fallacy than ' that all uu'n are created equal," she | declared. "With 50.000 mental de-S fectlves in North Carolina, we can-j not claim to be a Christian State un- j til we provide necessary care for these dependent, delinquent and de-! fective persons." The MM BtHH reforms in the operation of State institutions, ac cording to the speaker, are those which will enable jails to release pri soners as better men or women than when they enter, which will provide for the mental and spiritual care of : the aged and proper care of mental i defectives. "But," she said, "it is far better' to build a fence at the top of the! cliff than to spend your life at the] bottom tying up wounds, which has been the State's task in the past. "When the State gets hold of a girl or boy, you have mad.? him what he is. It is the condition in the home, the church, the school and the community at large that is responsible for the criminal girl or boy and as long as conditions re main like they are these communi ties will continue to feed the State institutions. "The family is the foundation of civilization and it takes a mother to make a child blossom out iuto splen did manhood or womanhood," she declared. The speaker strongly recommend ed that the proper keepers be in charge of ail institutions and that women be given charge of keys to the cells of women prisoners. Mrs. T. W. Bickett of the depart ment of maternity and hygiene spoke on the - Relation of Mother and Child. She gave several illustrations of the beautiful relation and stressed the importance of health. Mothers owe their children a healthy body, she said. Mrs. Dlckett urged that the club women work for the pass age of laws to prohibit the feeble minded or diseased from marrying. She said it is up to the women to make effective the bill which pro vides a maternity nurse for each county. Mrs* Palmer Jerman congratulat ed the district on the large attend ance. She suggested that the dis trict meeting be moved from the spring to the fall. A wonderful movement of the feminine mind is sweeping over the country, she said, and women are waking up to take tlu ir proper place in affairs. The federation is the ave nue through which they work. Women should take active inter est In national and international questions, especially the passage of a uniform marriage and divorce law, she said. She predicted that inter national ptace will come through women. Several delightful musical num bers were given during the program. Mrs. J. W. Foreman of Elizabeth City sang "June Is In My Heart," and "Come Out in the Sweet Spring Night," accompanied by Mrs. M. Leigh Sheep. Miss Cornelia Jones gave a piano selection, "In the Woods." Mrs. J. M. Vail also gave a pleasing piano selection, "The Bri dal Procession from Norwegian Sketches." Lunch was served In the Cupola House which was beautifully decor ated for the occasion with ivy und yellow Jonquils. A buffet luncheon of chicken salad, country ham, to matoes, beaten biscuit, crackers, cof fee, ice cream and cake was served. The hospitality of the Edenton wo men was boundless. Hertford invited "the district to meet there next year. The Invita tion was accepted. Knox Hats $7.00 YOU know you have the BEST. All Shape? Mitchell's MULTIGKAPHING MultlKraphed Letters*. Carda, Namoa flllod in. Envelopes addressed. Price Lists. Letters of all kind*. Mrs. Bootlchrr Fourth Hf?or, Hlnton Building, riiono iiOCJ First Photo Harvard Varsity Crews The above Is an exclusive photograph ot tile Harvard Varsity crews1 first workout on the Charles River. SAYS SUNDAY SPOUTS 1 NOT ILLEGAL PER SE i I Philadelphia. April 9.?The city [attorney of Philadelphia ruled today ithat amateur sports that are not noisy and which do not Interfere | with religious worship are not un lawful and can not he stopped by ' the city authorities. COOLIDGE IS LEADING IN ILLINOIS PRIMARY Chicago, April 9.?At an early hour this morning. Cool id go was leading Johnson in Illinois by a Small majority for the Republican Presidential nomination. JOHN W. IMHaKKSOX HEAD Winfall, April 9. ? John W. Ro gerson, a retired farmer, died Mon gT.?wT^IlLi:i i'. 3 PHONE 152 Albemarle Pharmacy and Count the Minutes These are extra quality and easy wearing Shoes, at moder ate prices. Silk Sox to go with them, of various colors and designs. C. A. COOKE (Ilead-To-Foot Outfitters) Elizabeth City, N. C. The Stetson II LACK C. LAZED KID COM BINATION HLUCHER OX FORDS. MEDIUM TOE. IU II HEH HEELS. A STYLE THAT HAS COMFORT, WEAR AND STYLE MADE IN ONE. OWENSSHOECO. MEUCK: Easter -Novelties ami a most attractive assortment of Easter Cards =MELICK= THE OLf? HOME TOWN BY STANLEY yr>u W hp <**'. A? fc-Wt, TO t-TAr A**1 AHl? HIM A MfcAkt J?? '?T TWMliiM SM6R1P* WHO W? CU>*? OH T*? * op ive s*wnCx-C* wrro EkSmt <$?? o -nrer* atip a ?cam at* - - WFTOHNS HOM?, W?T* HOTHJM6 7b SMCMI FO*. HI* VHU> Rlt>?, ^ftUT .7VJO FLAT TlgCS The Iron Pots of Gondricourt Just after daybreak n Irnvclcr along the narrow byways of a small French village onn nee the housewife beginning her (lay. Through tli?* open doorway her fireplace glow* like a forge. A heavy iron pot, which hIio has filled with water from the town pump, is lifted and swung upon the erane. At the other end of the village, |terhap?, rim* the little stream where she watlin her family's clothes upon the rocks. Throughout the village life of much of Europe, audi picture* arc multiplied hy thousand*. Quaint, to lie mrr, hut what grinding and inccssant toil these primitive household arrangement* mean! In contrast to thin, even the.remote district* of America l>oa?t comfort unknown to the rural life of other countries. Convenience* are found that could not lie duplicated in any save the wealth iest city home* of foreign nations. Adequate heating systems, the farm lighting plant, the washing machine, the vacuum cleaner, the telephone, and numberless labor-saving devices have lifted modern life iu America to unprece dented levels of comfort and ease. To a large measure this has licen due to advertising. Advertising has familiarized all of us with new inventions. Advertising has made possible the wide distribution of new products. Bv increasing sales, advertising has reduced the pric^ of modern household utilities to the reach of the modest purse. By reading advertisements we keeP abreast of modem progress .YEW" SHADES J.V HOSIERY Wo are now showing all the pretty new light shades in sheer Sll.k lion**?In extra Kuod hose values? Trices? | SI.50, $2.00 and $2.50 | M. Leigh Sheep Co. X WOMAN'S WEAK Save Your Money For tlic . ONE CENT SALE THE Standard Pharmacy The Rexall Store Phone 114 B.raiara^lsa,?EL^i^^'iSissa'saiSEiami fZJ n I vl f f C1"1" 1 B Now on Display ..'1 Igj They are authentic mod New Spring ? Styles els in the new designs ar.d shades. McCabe & Grice The Busy Store s i ft2I S?2EjSj cL'^USfSISi t! OOe^dKevlya Bestext Peanut Brittle One I I). 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Be sure to get the genuine, with the name Rowlct on each package. SAID CAN T UK l>ONK "My experience with doctorn and medicines caused mn to lose faith In both, and when a friend told me that Mayr's Wonderful Remedy would cure my stomach trouble 1 told him 'It can't be done.' However, he fin ally persuaded mo to try It ami to my surprise It did. All symptoms of acute lnrllg"stlnn and gas having disappeared." It Is a simple, harm less preparation that removes the ca tarrhal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which cauAs practically all stomach, liver and intentinai ailments, in cluding appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded at All