WOMEN'S INTERESTS More Foreign Propaganda Is Now Coming To America directed at Young Womanhood of Country Regarded as Per hap* More Sinister Than Any Recently Hurled at tree Institutions of Home of the Brave By ROBERT T. SMALL I C*trrr. Aletta [ Jacobs, distinguished suffragist and women physician of Holland. Out of the fullness of her seventy years. Dr. Jacobs avows that early marriage Is to be regarded as one of the most certain cures for the waves of im morality which are sweeping the world. It is the opinion of the distin guished lady of The Netherland th'.it girls should marry at twenty?or younger. In Holland marriages at sixteen are not uncommon. There are more at eighteen nnd still more at twenty. As a result of these early mar riages, the flapper type of young w > man has never ffourished long in Holland, and there has been less up setting of the moralities since the war than In almost any other coun try on the globe. Holland boasts of fewer Illegitimate children than any other country. It Is not Dr. Jacobs' Idea, however, that women should hccome parasite:* at 1H or 18 or 20. She believes, con trarily to Lord William Cecil that a young woman can marry and hav> a career too. in Holland, many of the young women who marry are working girls and they keep right on working. It Is easy, according to Glectrlcal Labor oiix li'av jo)oiv euiO|| run your Sowing Machine, Wash er, Wringer, El* ectrlc Pan, Vac u u in Cleaner, Buffer Grinder and Ilread Mix er. Call and see our demon* Htratiou?. W. S. WHITE & CO. PHONIC nl. 410 Matthewn St. PHONE 114, Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. Not Eccentric There's a real feeling of the I orient and the mysterious east In I this imrn formed irom green and silver Persian scarfs and a Jewelled bolt, 1?ut it is not too eccentric for formal wear. The Jewelled tassels hold the \f ing draperies in place. I i the doctor, to arrange for the care of children while the mother is com-1 pelled to be away at her work or at ' her career. j "Women," says Dr. Jacobs, "can J never hope to excel If they work only i a few years of their life,?before marriage. Men work nearly all of their life and naturally go farther than the woman who works only a very Bmall part of the time." Thus the propaganda wages. What \ are the American girls going to do about it? Q) J! RE MUSCLES from outdoor sports ars rs lisvsd by massaging with? ICKS VAFORUB Omr IT Million Jmrm V?d Ymmrly V | Selling with aSmile | Please do not look upon our Jewelry store as "the biggest," the greatest, the most expens ive one, or the cheapest one. Rather we would like you to know us in a friendly, cheerful, willing and square group of Jewelry specialists. In addition to a fob-most de sire to satisfy with goods, price and service, we try to sell with a smile?and that smile servei for little purchases as well as big ones. Come in and visit us?you're mighty welcome. You don't have to buy unless you And Just what you want. Louis Selig & Your Jeweler Hlnre IHK2 ? Main and Water Sts. ?:~X"X"X":"XK"X"X"X?X?X"X?^:"> fsirsnrsirsirsirarafsirarsirararrii Social Happening* Pli> nU ian AililitWMH Mothers On account of rain Wednesday afternoon the number of mothers attending the Mother's Club at the Fleetwood Community Building was somewhat below the standard. Thirteen members were present, ten babies were weighed, six losing in weight, three gaining and one weighing the same. There were four visitors. Mrs. J. H. Aydlett. Mrs. J. M. Weeks. Mrs. 3. C. New I bold and uMr?. It. T. Venters, and a 'number of small children. The special feature of the afternoon was a health talk by Dr. R. L. Ken drick to the mothers, while the ; smaller children were entertained i by Mrs. K. T. Venters exciting [stories told in her engaging man Iner. The talk made by Dr. Ken drick was both healthful and Inter esting and was much appreciated. I He pointed out that if the best of care was not given to the babies dur ing the warmer months a loss In weight would be the result. Dur ing th? last mouth the members of ] the club have been enthusiastic workers and raised about 130.00.1 which goes to show that the club Is helping to raise funds for a new building and not depending alto gether on others for the demands. Pintle at Iiay A merry picnic was that of Frl-j day when the jmpila^ jq? the four i seventh grades and their teachers.) Misses Hattle Harney. Camlla', Starnes, Pauline Mayes and Marie, I-eRoy motored down to Davis Bay for the afternoon. An eager bunch was ready at 2:45 and several large trucks were required to take them to the bay. A happy afternoon was spent by all and they enjoyed the picnic lunches very much. - Meet your friends at our Clean Soda Fountain. THE APOTHECARY SHOP f Munsingwear I Union Suits "Munsingwear" Is different It fits after washing as well as before?A style and quality suit to meet all needs? Prices $/ and up \ M. Leigh Sheep Co. [ J WOMAN'S WEAR [ To Mwt On Muuiky The Parsonage Society of City Road Church will meet Monday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. P. S. Shipp on First street. Group No. 5 will entertain and a very interesting evening is in view. Pergonals Jack Spruill of Creswell was in j the city Friday on business. Dr. and Mrs.* J. Lev McCabe of WaHhington are in the city, the guests of Dr. McCabe's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCabe. A. B. Houtz returned home Fri day morning after attending the funeral of his father. Rev. Alfred Houtz, at Orangevllle. Pa. Mrs. ^linuie Ferebee, 40 4 North Road street spent Friday in South Mills as the guest of Mrs. India Bartlett. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sawyer left Friday for Durham where they will visit relatives and friends. Mrs. Frank Swain returned home Friday from Hertford where she was the guest of Mrs. Josiah Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Venters and grandson, Frank Venters, have re turned home after visiting friends and relatives at Washington. Miss Madge McPherson of South Mills is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. O. E. MoPherson on North Road street. Miss Elsie Powell of Portsmouth is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Modlin, 101 West Church street. Mr. and Sirs. F. G. Jacocks and Mrs. J. G. Fearing motored to Nor folk this week to Bee "Blossom Time." Fresh | Vegetables CALL US FOR Snap Beans Beets Cabbage Carrots May Peas New Irish Potatoes Ripe Tomatoes Lettuce, Spring Onions Radishes Spring Greens Parsnips, Etc. Also?Apples, Oranges, Bananas, Grapefruit, Lemons, and North Car olina Ripe Strawberries. J. W. Shannonhouse & 't Son >. PHONE 187 r T' NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE OP AGRICULTURK AND ENGINEERING. State College Station. Raleigh, N. G. SUMMER SCHOOL, June 10 to July 22, 1f>24. College Credit Courses will be offered In General Agriculture, Science, Economics, Education, English, Geography, History, aud modern languages. Professional Courses for High School Principals and Teachers, Teachers of Agriculture, Science. Industrial Education and Manual Arts. Special Courses for Home and Farm Extension Agents, Specialists and Experiment Station Workers. Emphasis will be placed upon Methods of Teaching Science In High Schools. Trade and Industrial Education, and Methods of Teaching Manual Arts. For catalog and other information, write T. E. BROWNE, Director.. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour srt absolutely flours of quality sold by leading grocer*. ?Distributed By? A. F. TOXEY & COMPANY nr=ir.ii-ii-n.imi rsiis No One Can Afford To Be Without ICE =j IT KEEPS VOII IT PROTECTS IT PROVIDES COOL YOUR BABY SUMMER COMFORT NOW scored so that each piece is full ttize and weight?mir new Ice Scoring Machine does the trick. PHONE 16 or 716 9 I Crystal Ice & Coal Corporation 51 I ALKRAMA Today 44 $1,000 REWARD" AND THE MAN WANTED IS Big Boy Williams I LOVE - JEALOUSY - INTRIGUE - ACTION ? I i! All packed into the New ^ eslern drama X * ? ! i FOR SALE CHEAP I I I Slightly used furniture almost as good as new, at HALF PRICE. On sale every day in the year. [ Come in and look our furniture over, wheth er you buy or not. We are life-savers to peo ple who want a lot of furniture and haven't | much money. 4 The Auction Furniture Company 120-122 NORTH POINDEXTER STREET, ! Next to P. DeLon's bicycle shop. : E. L. SILVERTHORNE, Mgr. i? V Better Delivery Service f ? We hare put on an automoolle delivery truck and can ap- J sure you that In the future your garments will be delivered to x you In the best possible condition in all kinds of weather;* 6 they will be protected from the rain as well as the dust and y dirt. Give us a trial and be convinced. Our slogan will oe: X "Rain or Shine We Deliver on Time." PHOXE 280. ?{? Cooper Cleaning Works | I THE BEST PLACE TO BUY FURNITURE Both in Quality and Plaice Let Ua Save You Money Quinn Furniture Co. [^Try The Advance Shop For Job Printing