NE VFS OF THE DA Y IN PICTURES TORNADO SWEPT AWAY THEIK HOME ? ??? Mrs. Guy. T. Green and her son (In the foreground) escaped uninjured when the storm c&rfN 200 yard the home of Mrs. E. L. Holt, whom they were visiting. Mrs. Holt and one of her children were killed. Another.child of Mrs. Green was seriously injured. This, at Macon, Georgia. You'll See This on Stamps The Ribaut memorial ai Mayiwrt. Fin., reproducing the original marker net by explorers In l.'W is htinc used by tlie government us a k subject for a special five-cent Ft amp. 'Sun Cure" Quartz Perfected "Fused quart*," the most transparent solid material man has ever known?a substance capable of making llKht travel In circles or around corners?In the revolutionary discovery now hbldlng first place In sclen* tlflc Interest. Unlike glass It permits the passage of ultra-violet and Infra-red rays, thfls permitting the "sun cure" for various diseases, without exposing the patient to cold air. The picture shows Dr. Edward Berry with two of his aides In the discovery, examining a circular quarts lens at the General Electric Company laboratory. P. K. Devers and Wallace Wright are the others In the picture deft to right). THE OLD HOME TOWN RY STANLEY &-SEsg HV mmwr Euvmwo-iA* NMWTTA?* o????o I* TM? OLD ?urr cam I -over has ??H or TUB srevc alu wkim i JUST AS "TWC LAMS AID AMD TMIMft>.S _1 V cuua w?M PA3?y*? by- Q AVill Wed Miss Mary Wallace, daughter of the secretary of agriculture, who will be married soon to Dr. Charles Bruggman. Switzerland, first secre tary of the Swiss legation at Wash* Ington. D. C. Poor Rich Girl Mnurie Mudd. one of Okla* hom.i'n rlclx si "|xx>r Indians,*' who com* Into SJ.w/'O0 ns th** result of oil land mIm. but who Is never theless unhappy. Due to tho gunrdlnn system the Kovornment employs over these new-rich In dinuk, she l>eon tho center of mil'h court litigation and squab bling. Love Link Seltastlan 8. KreHgc, multi-mil* llonnlre owner of a chain of 5 and 10-cent stores, has added a love link to his chain. He la to marry Doris Mercer, a New York beauty, hers shown. Polo Victim ^ A. J. Devereaux. world-famed f polo player and horseman, and wealthy Philadelphia society man, I who was thrown so violently In several polo matches that his brain was injured. He was adjudged In bane and sent to a Pennsylvania hospital for treatment. A happy combination of plain and plaid is in'i'i-liv presented This *"' "THAT'S -Xl-ST WACTI.Y THC. ,or A 1>IRTY PO(_IT1? Ci?XJ KT?:fe H