THE ADVANCE PEKI.K PEKI.E. I'uMUIier* MlRRfRT T4'f Mfmhfr of Thr \ in??'?I IV**. TH? Amci at?d Pr??? It ?(Clw|l??l* ?Mitl*d to lh? IIM (if r*-?aMfcatio? of dnpil.?>i rrnti''* in lhl? M a*r and alw l? t*i? local n??? ?ubl-?h?d Ikmin, Int?r?d at thr ? at Ftirabrth C?t?. M C . at iksiI flat* nattrr . SuhKrri|itimi Itute* IU <"arri?*r. On W~k <0 C#nt? On MaMh (In atftanrti 4? r?n>i Twl?i Mo?thi (in 14.00 II y Mail. Thr*? Month* (In atf?anr#t 11.70 fi Monthi (in atvanc*) $3.25 Zono On#, 12 Month* M OO Zono Two. 12 monthi |5 #0 By Mall ElMwhtra 10.00 THURSDAY. MAY 8. 19114. What'* hcrimii1 ?' tl?' olc fa?lii?>ne.l jcirl iliat ummI t' bust in th' <loor all oat o' breath ami complain that ulie'il btt'ii follrml? Mr*. Tip ton I (ml has a piiMtal rani from lier ?l*ter Ha>ln' they're all well, 'cept th' fern Is turnin' jellor. Not a County Office There is nobody outside of Elizabeth City in all the Albe marle for whom The Advance entertains a friendlier regard than for J. H. McMullan of Ed enton. Personally we know hir.i better by far and from a stand point of personal friendship would vote for him rather than; for T. W. Costen of Gates Coun-j ty. But The Advance weighs oth er considerations than that of personal friendship in deciding what candidates it will or will not support and holds itself in [ effect committed to the candi dacy of T. W. Costen. It is not bound in this matter by any for mal pledge but when Mr. Costen I announced that he would stand for re-election The Advance I ventured the hope that he would | be given the nomination with-i out opposition. Subsequent to that, had The Advance found that Mr. Costen, on such a matter as the bridge across the lower Chowan river, had suffered himself to be made the partisan of par row section al interests, we would have felt that this newspaper could just ly withdraw its support from him. We did not feel, however, that we would be giving him a square deal to withdraw that support before giving him an opportunity to express himself on this issue and had just writ ten him for a statement of his position when we received the lengthy communication setting that position forth and pub lished as advertising in Thurs day's issue of this newspaper. In this communication it ap pears that Mr. Costen not only pledges himself against opposi tion to the bridge but goes so far as to say that he is heartily in favor of it and, if re-elected to the Senate, will do all that he can for the project. Indeed Mr. Costen's attitude toward his of fice, as expressed in his com munication, is so much in line with the ideals of this newspa per that we would be strongly inclined to support him were he now offering himself for his first twm. Inasmuch as he is NORFOLK PRODUCE by fePl!NCB-HOLIX>WKM, COMPANY. Lire DtmmhI. | Young Chlckem 40-50 Old Hen? 28 BooBtorn 15 Lamb* 10-12 Milk Calves 8-12 Y?*rtlng8 7-1 Potato? $5.60 ?sr. .Sic' offering himself for re-election' following one term in which he served the voters acceptably, we do not see how this newspaper, after deploring that fact that our representatives in Senate and House had heretofore as a1 rule served but one term in th?! General Assembly and there fore had never gained the pres tige and prominence in that body as have those who havo! represented their county or dis trict for years, and after ex pressing the hope that 110 other candidates would offer them selves this year for the Senate in this district, can do other than support him. In fact, wj can hardly see how the district can in justice to him do less than re-elect him. It is a mat-' ter of general party policy, wo I believe, to elect to a second term! any official who proves himself faithful and capable in office for. his first term and then offers himself as a candidate for re election. The district, we take it, does1 not wish to say that Mr. Costcn,] in the last session of the Gener al Assembly, failed to measure; up to the duties and responsibil-: ities of his office. In all friendliness to Mr. Mc Mullan, then, The Advance can I inot escape the conclusion that it !would have been well for him to] give Mr. Costen a chance to ex press his position on the Cho-I wan bridge before entering the lists as a candidate himself. Mi.l McMullan has, of course, every right to run for the Senate if he wants to, but Chowan County, can't, elect a Senator for this district all by itself. Four new unsolicited meni-i berships in the Chamber of Commerce sent in to Chamber of Commerce headquarters inj the Community Building are re- j ported by Secretary R. C. Job i within the last few days. This sort of thing is heartening in deed. Whether after hearing Josiah William Bailey you vote for him or not, you won't regret going out to the courthouse for the speaking tonight. How did Georges Carpentier come to fail of honorable men tion in the organization of the S. P. C. P. P. G.? PROBLEMS OK CONDUCT By rroltMor Dick Olklns Whtm wrong Meru? Study the plrtur* before you read the tnnwr. Answer?A perfect lady will never rent her eiliow on the dinner table. Such a breech of table etiquette is very embarnissInK to one's escort. Copyright John F. Dllle Co. KKYSTOXK SIIOI* Solicits your |mtmiiagc. Ladles' ami Children's llnli Cutting n Specialty. Courteous servlcc. NEW SPRING GOODS Arriving Daily McCabe & Grice The Buty Store CiUfMi ma I* arou?c*l over the Jap pvoMem. Tho Chinese puzzles ar-5 more easily solved than the Japanesu puzzle. ? ? ? Th.? wi l l !!iers are doing nicety, but many tiuats In strange places getting watching Tl:?* .I.ip*. it seems new. rot ?lant r.i ?! tt'- n lo? king at the map ol Call* iurma t?i> closely. ? ? ? Rehired haired blond robbed a ptuml in^ company in NV w York. Lravv it to th- blondes, they know who has money. ? ? ? Federal government 1* taking steps to promote outdoor recreation. Every man has the right to be chased by picnic ants. ? ? ? United States is Insisting on its right with debtor nations, but may get only what is left. ? ? ? lloy i:i Bangor, Me., has trained a ilovt- to flcht. Cut this is nothing. The dove of peace has been doing it right along. ? ? ? Verv few college girls are In jail, fays Pr. Davis, a New York peniten tiary i \|w rt. so it seems that higher education < pay. ? ? ? Ferdinand C.luck, a boy nlno months old, has crossed tho ocean alone, and it would be fun to hear lum tell about it. c:oomi)<;k seeks UNITY ON PROBLEMS Washington. May 8.?Tho general legislative situation in the Senate particularly with reference to the tax and farm relief bills were again con sidered at a round the breakfast ta ble conference at the White Hou*?> today. The discussion was described as general with Coolldge endeavoring to obtain some unity of views on ma jor legislative problems remaining before the Senate. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES /MTT nv / ?ILCO' 0>0R*Ab IVtK It I DO a?T HOOKEP'. Cut out the picture on all four sides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 its entire length. Then dot ted lino 2, and bo on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. Copyright John F. Dille Co. Spencer - Walker Co. Where Every Man Finds Wha* He Litres To Wear f SUNDAY, HI AY 1 ITU I t 18 i ? MOTHER'S DAY | ,j, Pliwc Your Order To-day. ^ | Hyan Floral f/O., Inc. | X PHONE 842. 'A Let us show you just why the Radmoor No. 4295 will give you better looks and longer wear V c ore mnking n lender of (I? in wonder* ful stocking just nowbecausc wc know lU merit? and feel sure that a* soon at you Arc f.-i miliar withfhcmtlmpar* ticular Ttadmoor' will fill a >li t in. live placc in your hosiery wardrobe, i Come in and examine it for yourwlf. $2.00 the pair R ucker &Sheely Co Elltabcth Clty'i Store VOICE OF THE PEOI'IJJ UMA M. Now I'll Tell oe ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES T'lia size type (8 point), one cent t word earh Insertion; minim n 2 1 cer's. onp time; 75 cenu wick; 13 words. Standing ads. live eenta a we-d per week. Twenty ecnts per month?in advance. White space L.nd para graphed ada, 50 centa an inch. Copy muBt be In eke offloe by 5 p. m. day oefor* lnaer tlon. BUY STOCKS, AND IIONDB PROM us on Weekly and Monthly payments. The Industrial Bank. tf np. FOB 8AI.K ? CHOICE IXVTS IV second ward. $500 and up; well located small factory sites; homes for working people on good streets, $900 an up to your size. If you don't like what you have?see me about a trade. W. E. Dunstaji. 7-8-9-np FOR HALE ? SNAPDRAGONS? Ktifclish daisies and other cut flowers, gernalums, ferns and flower plants. Tomato plants and fresh lettuce. Apply II. O. Shar ber, Phone 62-J. * 7-8-9npd FOR BALE?SIXTY CORDS DRY split pine wood. Phone 3 short Hin ton Line or write R. L. Smith SOD, Rt. 3, Elizabeth City. ml-7-pd FOR HA I JO ?OF PICK EQUIPMENT consisting of desks, chairs, etc., lo cated at Dare Lumber Company plant. Apply C. P. Brown, First & Citizens National Bank Build ing. Apr. 22may7pd. FOR HA I JO ? SIX PER CENT rral estate mortgage bonds for safe investments. Industrial Bank. FOR HA1JC SEVERAL* THOUSAND Good used red brick located at Dare Lumber Company plant. Apply to C. P. Brown, First & (^tzens Na tional Bank Building. apr22my5pd FOR SALE?TEN SHARKS CARO llna Banking & Trurt Company stock. Address box 176. mar.!2-tf WANTED ? FOUR *100.00 PFR week men to sell B*?st Ford Oil Gauge made. Automobile furnish 'ed. Standard Products Company, 1127 Putnam, Plalnfleld, New Jer sey. Spd Ic O MniXKD COR R EH PON DENT and subscription agent wanted at South Mills to represent The Ad- I vance, which should pick up consld- | erable circulation In that commun ity with the Inauguration of Star (route mall service from Elizabeth City. Address Editor. tf FOR RENT?ONE SEVEN ROOM house with all modern conveniences. Call Carolina Real Estate Company. Hlnton Building, phone SO*. Apr. SO-May t np. What's Wrong Here? Study the picture before you read the answer. This pig is for sale for breeding purposes, but its owner has neglected to place an ad in The Advanco Classified Column, so it is still on hi3 hands. NEW SHIPMENT OF MERCKK* ized pongee in different colors at 29c. Silk pongee at 65c. Brocaded Bilk at 85c and a line of beautiful voiles and suitings?Hurdle & Par er. 8pd AITOMOBILE REPAIRING NEW Garage, corner Droad and Qreenleaf Sts. We guarantee every Job, we have expert mechanics. Give us a trial. Prices right. Duvall & Dillon. may3-9-pd. T1IE FI/ORSHEIM SHOE* ARE styles of the times for the man who cares. Gallop & Toxey Shoe Com pany. 23tf JOE ELLIOTT makes OLD SEW Ing machines work like new also will save you money on screen work, upholstering, lawn mower sharpen ing etc.. Shop 316 Parsonage street. Phone 63. May2-8pd. POCKET IIOOK ROLLS 10c A dozen. Hot every afternoon at 4:30 o'clock. Cartwrlght's Bakery, next door to Western Union. 15tfnp FAST FREIGHT AND PASSENGER service to and from Norfolk. Patron ize home- enterprise. Norfolk-Caro lina Line, Inc. Steamer Annie L. Vansciver. mar.l8-tf WANTED?TO PURCHASE GOOD farm mule. Address Box 7, Eliza beth City, N. C. May 6-10np WISH TO IH Y SECOND HAND small size safe. Apply to Cart wright's Bakery. 7np Candidate Cards NOTln? TO THK VOTF.R8 OP Pasquotank County:? Ladles and Oentlemen:?I am a candidal* tor Bherlff ot this County In tka Pri mary to be h?id on the first Satur day In June 1934. I shall certainly appreciate your influence and yoor rote tor me for thla office. R? apectfully, U W. Anderson. P. O. SAWYKR FOR TRIAL JUft tlc*?I hereby announce myself can didate for Trial Justice, subject to the action rt the Democratic pri mary In inn*. P. O. Sawyer. mar.lO-tt-pd I FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY? I announce my candidacy for Pros ecuting Attorney, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary June 7. Your support will be lppreclated. J. H. LeRoy, Jr. mar.l9-tt FOR TRIAL JUSTICE?I AN nounce my candidacy for Trial Jus tice. subject to the action of tho Democratic primary June 7. Your support will be appreciated. Thos. J. Markham. mar.l8-tp GEORGE W. BROTHERS ? CAN dldate for Register of Deeds. ? ? hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County for the next ensuing term. Subject to the Democratic Primary of June 7. 1924 The support of the voters of this County will be sincere ly appreciated. Respectfully, George W. Brothers. apr.9tp FOR SHERIFF ? I II E R K It Y announce myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County, subject to the decision of the Democratic primary to be Md Saturday, June 7, 1924. I earnestly solicit the support of the Democratic voters in said nrl mrajr. Any aid that may be ren dered me In furtherance of my can didacy will be keenly appreciated. Respectfully. Chas. Carmine. Jan.24,thur-tf CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY At'DI tor fur Pasquotank County: I here by announce myself a candidate for re-election to tte office of County Auditor for Pasquotank County sub ject to the action of the Democratic Primary of June 7, 1924. Your vote and support will be greatly appreci ated. Respectfully, C. C. Prltchard. mar.!3-tf Lost and Found IXJUXD?MAT 2 IX AMIKMAHI.K Sound, one mile South of Pasquo tank Bar, one white skiff 16 H feet long 5 feet wide anil 16 Inches deep hjr Steamer "Calvert Crarjr" Owner may have same by proving property and paying expense of ad vertising. Sellgman, Williams to Ball L>ogglng Company. Phone 457 First and Clttens National Bank Building. 3~5-7-9npd I>08T?KOMRWHKKR OX MAIX street Batnrday night octagon shape green gold wrlat watch on llnka with M. M. H. engraved on back. Find retnro to Advance office and receive reward. mS,?,7np

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