Why Live An Inferior Life? By Hpv. \V. (?. HukImh ?f St?t?**villr? hvaiiKeliM f?r ILipii-i N. Mission lloartl Who Has Just roiiialu llapliM ( liin i ll of Kllxabt'tli 4 'ily Ill tTn- mad ru?"H ?75 iTTT I~?.. ? representative character from every cuss coming fortli in play his pail In the great Kami'. flaying poor or well they niwn retire, giving t li? I - place to others, who carry the game on and on. The yue-ti, n r?r u. to decide Is. how shall 1 play this game? What part will ( i,;,Ve in this great game of life? will I merely he a "hack stage" nr will | play my part as a l/ri^hi star? Tho fa" "- ihr.t lie was: f.h .8 '? S,0,> Kel,?ol. "H Is all fool-1 10 "'"y In school when vou get out and have a g >od\i, e told t"|ake. said. Hut I told h1111 1 was goinc to st-iv ih"? ?( Collin,:! vlllo. Conn., found a turtle an 1 sSen 'nuials and date on the t!lr!L a 1 110 "' there is something worse and that is for a and ft f K work hard in school .1 . nn'1 ,,vc 011 without us ing their education to benefit man kind. The person who puts his knowledge into practice is ti?, oni.; lrnn.LPa.U)[ nmounl!' to something. Unused talents noon decay. wnmh.e? wn.rl0; hut The Advance will give a copy of the Q hook as a premium for a new 12 months' suhscrip- [j lion to this newspaper, provided the subscriber is [jj in Elizabeth City's rural trade territory comprising [I the 10 counties of the Albemarle. To old suhscrili- | ers in the above territory or to new and old sub scribers in Elizabeth City the Ixtok is offered with The Advancc 12 months for $5.00. These honks are now ready for delivery. Publishers: THE JOHN C. WINSTON COMPANY Philadelphia ! ?amain j?bDi G Attention Mothers Your hoy will look cute in u Holi White Suit, 3 to 9?81.25 to S3.15. Genuine linen and oth er good washable Suit*, all fust colors; Bobbie Lee hat* to match. See window display T. T. Turner & Company Cars at Special Prices Used But in Good Kunnin; Shape Buick?G Cylinder Touring. Buick?-1 Cylinder Touring Chevrolet?-1 Cylinder Coupe Ford?Touring without starter. tlASH or CASH and TERMS Tide-water Buick Co. Inc. | LET MICK BE ? I Y O V R TAILOR $ ? ?j. 218 Kramer Untitling .j. *X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~X~> See our window display of Electrical Appliances, Coffee Percolators, Toasters and Flat Irons. A one day special ?3.98 each. Wednesday, May 21st, open at 9 o'clock a. m. W. S. WHITE & CO. 410 E. Matthews St. PHONE lit Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. Best Creamery Tub & BUTTER | Per Lb 44c MORGAN & SONS Phone? 256 & 396 | Fresh f Vegetables AND STRAWBERRIES Orange*, 60c perk J. W. Shannonliouse & Son PHONE 1*7 666 ii a prescription for Malaria, Chill* and Fever, Dengue or Billioua Fever. It kill* the