?**?***?* * THE WEATHER * * tie, variable uinds, ???????? 1 ? ? * Fair tonight and Sun- * ''* CIRCULATION * * Way. * urmcr in north ? (1111 I ^11(^1 I^STt^ljlfflfill SSSnISI DlDiOf^T^? * Friday * and teest portions. Cen- * ml|JB|)J^c^^ i * 2.263 Copies <: VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 17, 1924. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 118 Howell Barkley Bill Is Storm Center of Debate Labor Favors It and Railroads Oppose It and Both Sides Ascribing Ulterior Motives to Other in Fight on Ques tion of Abolition of Railroad Labor Board riy DAVID LAWRENCE a 'that she has had several different doctors to try to locate It but nil without success, Rome t"lllng her that It rmiHt be Imagination. The X-flay picture* showing just |how th<* needle wn? located, that I Mrs. Tlllrtt wan taking home with jhor aeein< d to he of considerable In terent to all who saw them. NO t'lUMK W/WR IIKHK No crime wave now sweeps In Elizabeth City at prenrnt, defen dants In the recorders court of late having been few In numhor and up, for the most part, for minor offen |scs. Only three were before Trial Justice flpence Saturday morning and all of thene were let off with the costs of charges of operating motor car with defective light*. The de fendanln were "F. L. Oradfleld and Lonny Dundy; and Jim C. Shannon, colored. HIIAIIPK IS I'OHTMAHTKIt Waahlngton, May 17.?John M. Sharpe was' yesterday nominated postmaater of Stateavllle, North Car olina.