THE ADVANCE PBEIJC * PEETK, PnhlUhera MKMBKftT PEILE. Ctftlw. M?nher of The AmoclatMl Ppf*?. Tit* AnmIiM PrM I* r*tlm'T?'T ta tfca in hr af mw? 4it*att*?i c**an?4 la t*l? iIn ta t*? (???! "??r? t*?r?l?. litofW ft! til* at Ch*afcrt* City. N. C.. ?? aacant (I?m natter. Subscription R*tw lly Carrier. On Waat It Caat. Dm Ma?tti (la a#vaiK?) _ ....... 42 C*M? Twtw MmOii (In ad>a?c?l __ 14.00 liy .Mall. Zaaa Oaa. 12 MaatHa *4.00 Zim lw. 12 Maatha $9.00 By Hall ClMwHara UN SATURDAY, MAY 17. 1D2 4. (ABE MAPJlN! ? % Thoro'H Homo folks stAnilin' behind th* I'resilient t lint ought t* git nroun<l WhfW ho kin watch 'cin. Not liavln' money la th* root o' most evil. The welcome of all Elizabeth City to Parson Myers this week partook of the nature of a con tinuous ovation. Only one more Saturday in which to get your name on the registration books before the primary. Make the Seven Joyous Days of Chautauqua red letter days on your calendar. They are June 12 to 18. The question of who won the World War seems to be still un settled, thanks to divided coun sel among the Allies following the signing of the treaty ot" peace. Mr. Lawrence steered a mid dle course in Saturday's dis patch and presented both sides of the controversy as to the How?ll-Barkley bill. Somehow The Advance can't warm up to the new measure. You can't keep a good man down and once he gets up it is generally the case that every stumbling block put in his path turns into a stepping stone upon which he mounts to higher achievement. All of us preach the doctrine that the future of Elizabeth City depends upon the proper conservation and development of the agricultural resources of this section. But the First Na tional Bank, in providing for a demonstration of the most scientific and modern methods of boll weevil control, is trans lating its faith into words. A Prince Among Men An old timer in the newspa per business has observed how "wild-eyed" publications gradu ally become conservative with age and increasing prosperity. Likewise, the old timer goes on to point out, the quickest way to silence a fire eater is to let him come into a bit of money. Forthwith the standpat system begins to look good to -him. If the reddest radical were appointed to the Supreme Court bench, the chances are that his complexion would immediately begin to fade. It is a fact that a Labor Ministry in Briton has carried out a conservative pro gram. And even the Bolshe vists, when they got Russia, drifted farther and farther from communism. The man who can look at the world through the same eyes whether he is in affluence or poverty is rare indeed. And yet, now and then, we find one whom poverty can not sour and whom riches can not make proud. He is a prince among men I Everyman's Investments OEOftOX T. HTJOHXS By George T. Hughes I Mr. Hughe., is a bond expert and analyst with many years' ac tive newspaper experience. Ev ery week day of the year he writes an interpretive dispatch from New York concerning the activi ties of the day in the bond mar ket. He has prepared this series of articles for Advance readers at the request of the Consolidated Press Association. L\ND HANK HONDS Grading very high among con* servative investments are the bonds issued under the Federal Farm Act They aire of two classes. Federal I^and Hank bonds and Joint Stock Land Bank bonds. There is a sharp distinction between the two. The Federal Land Hanks, twelve in number are jointly liable for the bonds issued by any one of their number. There is no such joint lia bility among the Joint Land Bans. The Federal Land Banks are opera ted for the benefit of the stock holders. borrowers; the Joint Stock Land Banks are operated for prl ate profit. Loans made by both classes are strictly regulated by law. Mortgage must be secured by first lien and must not exceed In amount 50 perl cent of land Yalue and 20 per cent' of the permanent insurable Improve ments. Income from bonds of both banks , la exempt from all federated and State taxation. There has been tome' criticism of the policy of allowing , tax exemption to bonds issued by the Joint Stock Hanks on the ground' that such exemption is a subsidy to ; a private enterprise. This, however, does not touch the merit of the in vestment. For investors who require1 a high degree of safety and to whom ! exemption from taxation is an ob-, Ject these Land Bank bonds are very attractive, the obligations of the Federal Land Bank being entitled to'? the slightly higher rating. One other important point should I be considered in connection with these banks and their securities., That is the investment status of the shares of the Joint Stock Land Banks. Tfcese have been offered to: investors in all parts of the country j on an attractive yield basis. Undobt>| edly they have merit but such stock should not be bought without a clear understanding of just what kind of an investment it is. A well-managed Joint Stock Land ( Bank, and as far as the writeri knows they are all well managed, ought to make a good profit on the money invested but there is no guarantee expressed or implied on the part of the Governrnt^it or anyn body else of any profit at all. The stockholders are partners in the en terprise and take the same kind of a risk as stockholders in any other | business. And moreover some Joint Stock Land Banks are mora profitable than others. Finally there Is a double liability attaching to the holding of stock in these banks just as there is in stock in National banks. While this does not seem now ever likely to be of any practical importance it is well to keep It in mind. 75in?w Says' Women who know how to raise thlldren are kept too busy to tell. ? ? ? A summer resort Is a place where everybody Is from somewhere. ? ? ? New York Is a place where you can live all your life and still feel you are away from home. * ? ?? This Is the time of the year the college seniors worry over how much money bricklayers are making. # e ? The balance of power In Europe depends chiefly upon their balance of knlnd. We like winter better than summer because the flies don't. If they don't hurry up with theae political conventions the weather will be too warpi to.worry.over_who ts nominated. ^ Tiie steamer Hertford Is resting on the bottom of her berth at the Elizebath City Iron Wrks and Sup ply Company. -She has been tied up there for some time and a few days ago she settled without warning to the bottom of the river. The tug Moore of Edenton Is un dergoing hull work at the Elizabeth City Iron Works railway. The schooner Cathleen is hauled out on the Elizabeth City Iron Works railway for repairs and painting. The schooners Frenchy and Miss ouri nailed Friday. The schooner Milton S. Lanksford is still tied up at Main street. The schooner Flossie M. Muir which has been in the rtah trade during the shad season is waiting at Bailey's ways. To llie Voters of Pasquotank.! Having known Mr. Charles L. Ball of the Weeksville section for several years; I take great pleasure in com mending him to the voters of the County; as a man who is capable of filling the office of sheriff to the highest degree of efficiency. He is a man of good address, pleasing personality, keen Intelli gence, fine character and good busi-; ness sagacity, and will be progress Ive. The nomination and election of Mr. Ball will mark a new era In the history of Pasquotank County. My acquaintance and knowledge of him Inspires me with the belief that if elected he will make a sheriff that all will be yroud to call their own. So let's vote for Ball. .sincerely, A FRIEND. PROBLEMS OF (ONDCCT By I'rofeeeor Dick Calkins Wh?ia wrong ueru? I Study the picture before yon read the answer. ' Answer?Fish must be eaten with a fork, unless fish knives are pro vided. If you have an" aversion to fish simply leave it. (Never make any derogatory remarks about it. Copyright John F. Dllle Co. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES Cut out the picture on all four Bides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 its entire length. Then dot ted line 2, and bo on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find surprising result. 8are the pictures. Copyright John F. Dllle Co. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDOI ce-T's MAK<5L it ' I . i R/UKJ HERE r-J- \*\ \ \"? I I / = \ > i NORFOLK. PRODUCE by SI?EXCE-HOLLOWELL COMPAXV. Live DresseiL Young Chickens 40-50 Old Hens 25 Roosters 15 Lambs 10-12 Milk Calves 8-12 Eggs .21 HENRY SEEMS TO HAVE RUN INTO SOME COMPETITION UliBUI|l_ ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES Thla size type (8 point), on* cent a word each Insertion; minimum 25 cents, one time; 75 certs week; 15 words. 3tandlng ads, fire cents a we'd per week. Twenty cents per month?In advance. White space ond para graphed ads, 50 cents an Inch. Copy must be In the (.Sloe by 6 p. m. day oetorw Inser tion. BUY STOCKS, AM) BOXDS PROM us on Weekly and Monthly payments. The Industrial Bank. tf np.| FOlt SACK?(HSR US FOH HAY and wheat middlings before another advance. We can save you money. Hay Is expected to advance at least $2 a ton any day. Aydlett & Ow ens. mayl7-23-np FOR SAIjK ? IiOVEIiV PROXIES Call 341-J. May 17, np FOR HAI.K ? GOOD SADDLE horse at very reasonable price. See Oscar Hoffler at Auto A Oas Engine Works. 12-17np FOR SAL.K ? SIX I'RR CENT real estate mortgage bonds (or safe Investments. Industrial Bank. FOR SALE TKN SHAKES OARO llna Banking A Trurt Company stock. Address box 178. FOR RENT BEGINNING JUNE 1st old parsonage First Baptist Church. Dyer street, nine rooms, water, lights and sewerage. Apply R. C. Abbott. myl6-21np FOR RENT? FURNISHED ROOMS with or without board, also rooms for light houseeeptng. All conven iences. Price reasonable. Apply to Carolina Hotel over City Drug Store. Phone 184. May 14-20pd SCMMHR HATS WHICH < INCLUDE leghorns and crape combinations; alto hair, mallne and lac* hats. One Good Way To sell a house is to stand on the sidewalk and en gage passers by in conversation on its merits. Good but slow. The best way is to advertise in The Advance Classified columns. 10.00 values $5.98. Miss Sallle Perry, Main Street, Near Southern Hotel. Phone 702. myl3-19pd AODKRHN OF MAN' WHO PUT down the well at Weeksvllle High School and who has been equally Huccessful in Camden County Is W. H. Lasslter, Aulander, N. . Write now for prices and terms. 16-22pd TUB FI/ORAHRIM RHOE0 ARB styles of the times for the man who cares. Gallop ft Toxey Shoe Com pany. 2 31 f POCKBT ROOK ROM ,8 10c A dosen. Hot every afternoon at 4:80 o'clock, Cartwrlght's Bakery, next door to Western Union. lBtfnp PANAMA HATH ? CI,KAXBD AM) rehlocked?We wish to call your at tention to this department of our works, which Is modern and com plete in every detail. Allow us to demonstrate what modern methods and perfected processes can accom plish with a hat. We clean and re block folt, velour, straw, panama, balualg. hangkok. leghorn and silk hats, for both ladles and men. We handle everything that can be cleaned or dyed. Write for price list. THE V'FJN-VONDE CO. The 8outh's largest and exclusive clean ers ft dyers, Dept. AT, Charlotte, N. C. May 17pd. FAHT FRRIOHT AND PAB8KNOBR service to and from Norfolk. Pattdn l*e homo enterprise. Norfolk-Caro llna Line, Inc. Steamer Annie L. Vansclver. mar.lS-tf VOTICB TO THI VOTlM Of Pfc?quot*nk County:? ladles and Oentlemen:?I am * candidal# for Sheriff of thla County In the Pri mary to be held on the first Satur day In June 1934. I shall certainly appreciate your Influence and yonr Tote for me for this office. Re apectfully, L. W. Anderson. P. a. SAWYER FOR TRIAL JVB tlce?I hereby announce myself can didate for Trial Justice, subject to the action rt the Democratic pri mary In June. P. O. Sawyer. mar.lO-tf-pd FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY? I announce my candidacy (or Pros ecuting Attorney, aubject to the ac tion of the Democratic primary June 7. Your support will be appreciated. J. R. LeRoy, Jr. mar.lS-tf FOR TRIAL justice ? I An nounce my candidacy for Trial Jus tice, aubject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7. Your aupport will be appreciated. Thos. J. Mark ham. mar.lg-tp (i ho rum w. nROTHEtm ? can. dldate for Register of Deeds. ? I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office or Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County for the neit ensuing tarn. Subject to the Democratic Primary of June 7, 1924 The support ot the voters of this County will be alittere ly appreciated. Respectfully, Oeorge W. Brothers. apr.ttp NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION 11 a? let qualified ii AdmlnMrtinr nf 'he III* Ml tllda A. Willlimi I kmtif i1?r nntk* to all prr MD< irwl-bf. <1 to hia Mtal* (O oonir forward ?r?i n.ake Immrdltif srtiUmfn'. and ih<~> bnldlm rlalwi M?UM tl?* aama to pwwei thaw for par"*?t wMh In twlw montht tmm th? tfeu of bli rwrtw*. or M will be plniM Ib bar of UHr nwmt. Mar I. IfU. f. D. WILLIAM* ?Mir.l?.|S.J?S.?.lA Admlni.traU*.

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