orxclci. csjmcrica's "Winter Jjount Wonderful Opportunity for Manufacturers Sell your manufactured goods in the South. You can meet com petition better on account of lower freight rates, and because it costs less to travel and to sell goods at home. Above all, manu facturers ought to intensify in the territory near-by. It is often found that they do not work their own territory as intensively as possible. One of the states where business is good and where trade marked articles can be advertised and sold readily, is Florida. Easy to Sell Goods in Florida Florida is one of our fastest-growing Southern States. Thousands of people are moving there every year, and so many wealthy people go to Florida in winter that probably the richest group of people in the country live there during that season. Aside from its attractions as a winter resort, with its hundreds of big hotels and miles of beach along the Atlantic ana Gulf Coasts, many other things add to the wealth and prosperity of Florida. Of course it is famous for its oranges, grapefruit, limes, pineapples, figs, grapes, and other semi tropical fruits. A large amount of pecans are raised in Florida. Garden vegetables and melons are produced there in large quantities for the Northern market. Large numbers of cattle are raised in Florida, as they reauire little care. There are immense deposits of phosphate rock which furnish material for large fertilizer indus tries. Sponges are found on the coast. The naval stores market of the world is made in Jackson ville, where the yards contain the greatest amount of naval stores at any point in the world. Pine lumber, ship timber, tar, cotton-seed oil and cake, are important Florida products. Fresh and salt water fish form the basis of a large commercial industry of this State. Jacksonville is one of the greatest distributing centers of the South. -i.These Newspapers Will Help You Build Your Business Bigger in Florida Deland News Fort Myers Press Gainesville Sun Jacksonville Journal Jacksonville Times Union Lakeland Star-Telegram Miami Herald Miami Netvs-Metro|>olis Orlando Morning Sentinel Orlando Reporter Star Palm Beuch News St. Augiixtine Record St. Petersburg Independent St. Peter?hurg Times Tampa Times Tampa Tribune West Palm Beueli Poet How Many of These Florida Dealers Do You Sell? General Stores 2,500 Grocers 3,250 Drug Stores 651 Hardware Stores 255 Auto Dealers 1,210 Book and Stationery Dealers 306 Clothing Stores 217 Confectioners 442 Department Stores 57 Dry Goods Stores 624 Electrical Supplies 192 Furniture Stores 573 Jewelers 221 Shoe Stores 478 Statistics Population (1920 ) 968,470 (Now, fhore than 1,100,000) Area in sq. mi. 54,681 Farms 54,005 (U.S. Ceruu* 1010) Post Office* " 567 ( U. S. Postal Guide 1910) Miles of rural roads 17,995 (Office of Public Roads 1919) Miles of improved roads 7,500 (9,600 additional under improvement) Miles of R. R, lines 5,299 (Internal* Comment Commiuion 1911) Automobiles and trucks 136,964 Telephones 100,000 ( Report Fla. Mgr. So. Bell Tel.