Forty Eight Seniors Will I Receive D iplomas T hur sda y This Class of '2 1 Has Made Record of Achievement in Eliz ahetli City High School and Soon Goes Out into the Big \\ orld to Carry 011 in the Same Fine Spirit On Wednesday morning the Class thus won many friends. She has been, of Naughty Four held its Class Day a member of the Glee Club and the exercises. a feature of commence- Dramatic Club. mem which was but another dem-1 Gertrude Harrell. a member of | onstration of the vitality and vim; the Dramatic Club lives iu the city. the big class. Following was the program: Selection?Orchestra. Salutatory?GleL.nic Morse. Class Poem?Mary Prlchard Musical Selection?Wilbourne Har-| rell and Graham Hedrlck. Class History?Mary Dozier. Class Prophecy?Mary Perkins Creecy. Selection?Orchestra. Giftorian?Frank Uenton. Musical Selection?Wilbourne Har rell aud Graham Hedrick. Last Will and Testament?Selby Cartwright. Valedictory Address ? Elizabeth djeRoy. ^ Selection?Orchestra. The haughty Fours are 48 strong, 30 girls aud 18 boys. Thursday-ev ening they will receive their diplo mas and if their future shall "copy lair their past," they will make good records-as citizens in a few more years. The mascot of the class is little Jean Armstrong, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Armstrong, whose por trait occupies a prominent place in The Spotlight. The class officers are: Rachel Williams, president; Willis Kramer, vice president; James Hill, secre tary-treasurer; Elizabeth LeKoy, poet; Selby Cartwright, testator. Alphabetically, Rachel Williams comes last on the class roll, which is odd, because it seems to be the only way to keep her from being in the vanguard. Not only is she class president, but she was editor in chief of the Spotlight this year, president of the Student Council, president of the literary society, a member of the dramatic club, the debating team, the basket ball team, vice president of the athletic association, and so on. That doesn't begin to tell the honors and responsibilities which have been hers. Having begun at the wroug end of the alphabet, the next name in the list of fair maidens is Annie Mae Winslow, with a record of ^achievement in literary, athletic, and v-amatic affairs and a reputation )/xnong her classmates for good cheer Dd good health. Elizabeth West Is another in the "W" list, and she is cited for honor as a good worker and an important member of the Student Council and the Dramatic Club. As a member of the Glee Club, the literary society, and the Dramatic Club, and as a capable person alto gether, Nannie Mae Stokes is known. Irene Rlddick has a record for faithfulness us a student a \d as member of the Dramatic Club that give her place in the Naughty Four Hall of Fame. The class poet, Mary Pricliard, is not only a poet, but a reguiar girl as well, who goes in for athletic*, as well as literature, and is talka tive and Jolly. This young poet is no recluse, but a most compaulonable sort of girl. Another girl who is liked by ev erybody is Mildred Perry. She, too. went In for athletics, literary, so ciety work and dramatics. Floyd Perry, Is particularly In terested in the Dramatic Club this year of all the high schol activities outside the class room. .Living out Bide the city she made a record for being on time to school In spite of weather and distance. Next on the roll comos Margaret Nash, known as an all round girl, who can do many things well and Is always ready to do a friend a favor. Margaret has played basketball, ten nis, and has been a member of th"> Student Council and the Literary Society. Another good natured girl Is Le Aa Munden. She too has been a<^ In literary society work, dra _ s ^atlcs and has been a member of L the Glee Club. Modesty Is one of the charms of Olennle Morse, and she has a record to be proud of In athletics, dramatics and on the Spotlight stiff. Rebecca Miller, art editor of the 8potlight and social editor of School | News, was Interested In the Glee Club. Literary 8oclety, tennla and i dramatics, too. Llllle Mae Ludford's tasto ran to dramatics. Quiet, well liked, al I ways kind and pleasant, she . was a very good Naughty Four. The class historian Is Elizabeth LeRoy and in The Spotlight she has j told about this wonderful class In j sprightly fashion. She has also been ^active In athletics, the lit- rarjr *o r^?My and In dramatics. ^ * Nell Jones is Joke editor in The Spotlight and while she seems con stantly amused at the world she Ins In the tun whether U be music, [thletics, dramatics, or some other se of school life. [Carrie Hooper Is another good inghty Four who likes dramatics who Is liked by her classmates [her cheery smile* and happy dls " I argsfot Hollo well, energetic and |ted, has been a prominent ra< m the Literary Society; Glee |ISE Family, D. O. C., annual club, and tha Snuhuh nt dramatic club; se sue is uiway* irienuiy ami nappy, ? and is therefore much liked. It was on Margaret Gordon's small shoulders that fell the responsibili ty of being editor in chief of School News and her work showed that be neath that "boyish bob" of liers are brains a plenty and energy, too. Mar garet had her difficulties and her troubles, but she never flinched or faltered, and to lier faithfulness is due chiefly the success of the ven ture, a success that could have been greater with more wholehearted sup port. Margaret also went in Cor the Gleo Club, the Athletic Association, the Tennis Club, the Literary So ciety, and the Dramatic Club. Mary Dozier has belonged to ev erything aud creditably. Whether basket ball, debating, dramatics, or the Spotlight called, she has been ever ready to do her bit and to do it well. She is one of the Naughty Four stars. A member of the Literary Society, the Glee Club, and the Dramatic Club, Margaret Cooper is another quiet but efficient Naughty Four. Emily Commayder. member of the Literary Society, Athletic Associa tion, Glee Club, and Class Basket Hall team, is a gentle, capable, lov able girl. Now. of Dorothy Chappell 'tis said, "So fair she takes the breath of men away," but It Is evident that she didn't waste much time doing it, for she was a member of the Literary iSociety, the Student Council, the Young Three Hundred, the Twi light League, the Glee Club, the An nual Staff and the Debating Team, and, did good work on them all. Dorothy Burgess, who went In for athletics and for dramatics, Is a friendly girl whom everybody likes, and who is a credit to the class. Ruth and Evelyn Bright are sls iters. Naturally,, both' are "bright." Also both are popular, all round girls, with tastes for the literary, the athletics and the dramatic. Nellie Baurn, quiet and gentle, like dramatics, and likes people, who In turn,* like her, Including her 4J class mates I Emma Harnett Is another true and .trusty kind of girl. She. too, has 1been a member of the Dramatic Club. "Good old scout," they call Bessie Abbott, who begins the alphabet for the Naughty Four class. She was a member of the Literary Society and the Dramatic Club. And, now for the boys. They ad mit they are outnumbered by the girls, but they refuse to admit do , feat. There Is Johnnie Williams, de pendable and self reliant and strong for athletic* basket ball and base monuments Lawson & Newton r/ie Monument People Estimate* filven on Work Bet Complete jlfontlcello Ave. at 11th Bt NORFOLK, VA. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Ifavlni qualified ?? Administrator* of th? late Jaoiee O. IlolkmMI I hereby ?1ra notice to all per aon* Indebted to hi* estate to ran* forw?rsirl 11'Mise door In FJlaaheth fltr, K. C., at 13 oviork Noon. to tha kifheat bidder for eadi the folhvwmt derf-ribrd properly That errtaln tract or W at l*nd In Plaqwo tank CosiWr. North Carolina, bminded on tha Norlk br Wert Msln Html; on the East by Charles Avenue pr West Main fPreet eitended; ball especially.!n Trn??b!?>od. manager of the' baseball team. is lUKribcd as "J and a seholar." Marion Seyfferi li\all sort* oi ?poru and 211 for Kfseball. tr.u'k, and basket ball, besides bo-, longing i?? the Stu.Kui Council. the Drama lie Club aul the Spotlight staff. Hi' Ilki*ji to study quite ?.s well as he likes to play. Drauford Sander*. member of ili<*. F. F. F. and I lie Dramatic Club, Is another dependable fellow, with a' large number of triends. Thomas Kiddiek. likes football, dramatics, the F. K. F. all sorts of spurts and is popular accordingly. Walter Pearson is called carefree, j but he Is Just the sort who enjoys! life. He has t>een a member of the | Dramatic Club, Athletic Association, j Literary Society, and the basket ball j team. Charles Overman, reserved and? retiring, belonged to the Glee Club: and the Dramatic Club and found in ; them a chance to express himself. Dennis Morgan did not go In for athletics but likes dramatics and j made good. Ervin Midgett, on the football team, baseball team, captain of the; basketball team, with membership in the Athletic Association, Literary Society, Dramatic Club, and Fuzz Family, is a good sport and a pop ular one. A Jolly fellow, too, is Lister Mark ham, with a liking for football, bas ketball, base-bail, and track. It has always bain a question whether Marvin Mann likes the la dles or athletics better. Whatever may be said of his leaning toward the former, he really did like ban ket ball, baseball, track, and all such sports, and he belonged to the Lit erary Society and to the Terrible Five. Willis Kramer was business man ager of the Si?otlight. which this year came out most successfully In respect to the business side. Hut be sides this difficult task, he found time to be vice president of the senior class, secretary of the Ath letIc As-tiicintioQ. secretary o< th?* Lit-rv.ty Society. and iu do a l?>t of i? "i :i? ..r : a,?ri 1 f >; < .? ? .\? w-. -:??? ? s football. be >?.!?; ; v.r. ? f'?!\aL. i:! I.; ? I.?. A' it*, i A-.-v'v latiuii. mid the lira:t ?? h ? ?r\ Ja? K .t .un *iv* plays football. to #ar?n? . :.u.!??*.?! ball :i?.| ha-?? hall warn*, th. I" . Chili and Spotliclit staff. Mt-n-'M* li. I'.'ilvy. I-v h|i? n??t J least, is ramrsi, uni t, anl indn* , ?! trio tin. and while b-ini; too l>u.-y to 'j plav inui'h this year, ho made good i in every way. jj V j: New Millinery j Mitchell's 11 | || Shipment Every Week .j. j ? LADIES' HATS. Xj? r $n.oo, v) " J CHILDREN'S HATS. i\ X SI.UH, 1K.4H, KJ.OX ^ t Mitchell's 1 UCIITffEIGHT SUMMER SUITS IOI{ MEW Tailored and Cut Riglti. D. WALTER HARRIS Tlir City Tailor & Clothier MOM'N POP Grtling in on Tlieir Looks BY TAYLOR Tut-tut: just because I ] Some one has foi?geo a OLD MAN GUNN WON'T rp BUT HOW ?? CHECK IN MW NAME AND LET USIN HIS OPFICC IS |CAN VUE WORK L'VJE PHONED Tke DeTECT- , NO SAVING WE CAN'T r11?, IT ' i\ie A6ENCV "TO SEND A ^ UyESSlR" 1 GET IN IS IT ? - 1 ^ COUPLE SLEUTHS OVEf? J l . TO LOOK UP THE CASE f WHEN THEW A(??IVE i?' "l Show em in ? j? NOTH 'K OF A DM IXISTK ATION llitlnt quiliM ii Admlnltint^r of fh? lite Cm thla Whitehead I herr?-?rnt thrm for lajmnt wlth In twelre wn'ln from the rti'? of tlita nutlrr, or it ?ill iw i>Uad*-d in bar of tbrir Mar IT. 1?24 1>AY1I> MOIHMJf. ?urU?,tC.Jun2.9.14.23 AdmlnMralor. NOTICK OF 8ALK T*nder and br rlrtua of tha authorltf fonferrrl ni*?n me ?? Cornmlaitoner by an ort-r ?4 the Cl?rk of tha H.Ji-ri<>r CMlt of I'lf.nrtuil Cunt*. N. r. rnt.-rtd in that ?r?rla! |?rorr?-dlnf entitled 11, J. n.1'1. Administrator. ??. Viola Jernlgan mifin in and to the following <*?? arrtbed trart of land situated In Mount llermo? Town-Ill-". I'aaQuotank Countr. X. C.: Itrflnn'n/ on the Main H'?d Iradlnc fr"n Mt. ll?cnton I'hnrrh to '>odrll|e, y. C . ?t tha old Jefferaon Held line, nitinlnc ?t? aald road in ? nnrtheait'-r I v d!rectl?n to a ?mall dlteh nrar the ba>-h of ?tahli (hml'T'i line, ihfjKr down aald l.llhtt Ownlrj-'a trmet ,.r line a aou'herlr dlrartlnn to Jefferaon lUid traet or ||n-. ih-ne# in a we?'erlr direc tion down the ?ald Held Una to flr^t atailon. aald to contain t?t> arrei mora or le*a; and feint the nam' land* wtil'h w*c* fonrered br Z. W. White and wtf? to Bell C. Jemlaan and other*, br deed dated |?erenilv-r rtb. (111. and duir rwordr-d in tho offlca of the ltegj?trr of l)e*dt for l'a?iu<4aak Countr. X C., In IMi U. pa a* 1*2. Thla aottra dated tialn 29'h dar of April. 1M4. JOHN II. IIAIJ<, JK.. ?Mr9.ll.10 M I ..mmlaaloner. OAMUKA. pahqiotank eouwrr. IK TilK Mt I'Kmoit cocirr BfcrORK TIIK CtF.HK PASQTOTAJIK IIIOII WAT COMMIMITO*. ?f ra?|?Kaak Count r and J. II. BAKER. ft a I*. I. 0. BAKER. H a la. NOTICE OF SUMMONS 111#' following named defendant* III tha abort en ttOad oataae. W aif frina p. Co*. Jan* D. P. Wblta. W. T. Whulow. Rtrbmond Cedar Worfca. T M. Lnmh. Benj. i. Laa*. and Prank a WMm, will nrbraro all thoas IiihIi bounded on the UM bT tha Dismal fhranp. am! tit* I'aikilUr Drainage DlatiWt: on lb* floutb l?jr tha watTiJifd line cf White's Mill 1'oimI; on tha W?-at br the P?-rr?ipt-rlr r * 11? -?1 Pasquotank Dralnt.uo In.tft. t No. 1. fa. I d. f?T.d*nt* and Mfh of Itiwi ?l.*ll take noi!. tbat ho. ah*. or UMf. are rfqulfl In awmf lnfnre th* Clrrk of lb* Huimior Court U Pa?4u'>ianh C>?uwr. at bl< 'iffire m Klicabrth CHy. North Carolina, on the 12th day of Jun? 1921. at 1* oYlork A. 11.. and answrr or d> mnr to th* petition In Mid pro w?-dlni. or th? prtltlon*ra will apply to tha Cotirt for ths r^lirf demand**! in said petition. This Uie Slh day of Mar. 1934. k n nwrr.n. ma> 10.IS. 19.24. Clerk K'iper.-* Court. NOTICE Hale of Pro|*rty ff?r Tnten fop th? Yenr 10811. For th# n'>n parmrnr of Tair* do* ?hfl C'mnty rt Pavjuotank for tit* |ir 1023. I will m-11 at (lie Cn?irt House door in Mlfahrth City on M<lork M. tha follow in* land for County Tiih CHAR. ItKfl). Rl.rrlff. ELIZABETH CITY TOWNSHIP WHITC REGULAR Cast. Ta1.Ta*M Cotter. n. II, I II and h I .1-*. #45.ST IDath. C. L.. 1 II and I .95 22.03 l4id*n. C. K.. KM. 1 II and I ?5 #0 "1 Ifpim. Chaa. Kit. 1 II and I. _ .91 13 70 WHIT Cast Ttt.Tawss Ibtnllnf. A. P.. I lot f .Pi t $.70 OasOtn*. P. II . 1 lot .05 S.S1 llarrfll. H. II . 1 lot - .05 4.rt* rtnmM. id?. i lot m 4 at How*. Milton V . I lot - .01 ?.?3 Honker. R. M. 1 M .01 ?.0J M'Williams. M. 1 lot .05 2 51 Norman. trbaa.. 1 lot .01 ?.T0 Rtnlth. W. j, 1 k? .01 4 ?3 m?^-n?. C. H.. 1 lot 9% I 14 Upton. J. K., 1 lot ?~ ? .OS S IS NfORO REGULAR Cost. T<(.Tntt Adams. MsttrMta. 1 lot | >1 II2.M AII'H. Pr?vn?an. 1 lot . ? , , .... .05 12.20 Babh. Wilson YM . I lot .OS 4 13 Itarnard. Char I Is *. 1 M .05 10 21 D?nfaaey. OrtnxV 1 W - .05 IT. II DemtMay. Amariah. 1 lot .06 IIS AO Doiay. Mom a. 1 M .09 T.SS Orlffin. William, 1 M , .00 1.03 llollowsll. Alfred K*L. 1 let .00 S.S0 Umto. Mm a. 1 lot .05 Rlddlrk. l/nr*r A.. 1 II and t. .93 t.f>4 R?b'n?>a. iMn4iin?. I II iml .H S.W fUw>.-r. W. II . 1 II and h .0.', (1.J3 Hharf. Annlo M . I II and I. .0.1 9.711 KUukMt. J. H . 3 II* anil I.* .93 17.71 J?lin J . 4 Hi an<1 l.i .9.3 IS. 13 **k?.. H. L.. 1 II ami I. .0.3 41.35 Taylor. Iwr, 1 II and I< ?.. 1H Wal.ton, Marr. 1 II and I. .08 *41 Mary 1'rrklna WIiiiu. 1 II and L, .03 l.'A NEGRO OCLINQUCNT Ca?t. Tot.Ta*?i A.krw. Zlf>n. 1 II and L $ .03^ 117.73 Callla, Henry 1.. 1 II and L .93 EfO Oirrry. Anni*. 1 II and I. .9.3 7.09 Cot. J. A . 1 II and I. .93 40 :i r*lton. Wm. 1 lot .93 III Jlfn flrady, 14 irrn . , ? .93 11.91 I r?ltoo. Mra. Iltith. If I I arret .OS ?.? WHITE DELINQUENT Cm?. Tot.Tact K!i*l>l?ard. T. II. and oih"?. Ml Aa .03 111.41 NEQRO Adama, Henrietta. 4 4 3 aefa .03 t.ff Fuller, Ha rah, >9 a^r?a ?,T- -r - 93 10.JNI Hmlt*. Jerry. tall aerra . .93 T *> Mpark*. Ida T . 1 artea .03 I.IS Whlla. 3. T.. Til 03 Caat. Tat.TaiM Hpenea, Clara, t iT*a - - .93 I W William*. llenrr. I aa?? .OS 4.14 MT. HERMAN TOWNSHIP Cart. Tel.Taift KOTK.K (tf ADMIVIHTIt \TION Ha?ln? Tiallrt'd a* AdmlnMrat'T nf lha lata Km I.. *tr*rn? | h?i'h? aire nolle* lo all prr??< lndf?c I l? hla *?tata to f.mrard and ma ?? Immediate artlW-wmf. and Ihoa* holdki* rlalrt* avaln*t ih? ? plradM la bar <4 i Ma* l?, 1921 H. Ij. RTVCVKN'ft. ma> II.IT.Ju*. 10.1T.1I XOTICK OP AOMl.MttTHATfON llavtni ko good. We merely &hk for a single opportunity to servo you who have never been in to see ua. G. W. Twiddy Special Pancake and Buckwheat Flour 6c |)cr Pkg. 5 Pkgs. for 23c M. P. GALLOP CO. Phones 3 and 57 NORFOLK SOUTHERN R.R. announce* Popular Excursion to .IackM)ii\ille, Fin., Tampa, St. l*e tci-!tbtirK, ltm?lonlown, I ni t Mjern, Moore llaveu, I'la. KouihI trip fares to 4arkM?nvillo from the following |M>lnts are a* Indicated: Edcnton, $14.50; Kllzabeth City, $15.0o; Greenville, $13.00; KlnHton, $ 12.60; New Hem. $12.50; Ply mouth, $11.00; Washington, $13.50; WIIhon, $13.00. To polntH houtli of Jacksonville, $7.00 higher. Tickets on sale May 20, 1924; tickets to Jacksonville limited four days .n addition to dato of sale, and to points south of Jack Konvlllo limited to 8 days in addition to dato of sale. For further Information apply to Norfolk Southern ticket agents or write to J. F. DALTON, General Pussenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. NORFOLK SOUTHERN R.R. Announces Third Educational AH ExpriiMc Tour Tep er will be operated to Norfolk where night ride requires same and all ex penses of the tour will bo Included In the fan which will cover trans portation, hotel accommodations, berths, meals, automobile tours, guide fees, etc. For full Information apply to any Norfolk Houthern ticket agent, or communicate with the un dersigned. J. F. DALTON General Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. TIIE SALMON CREEK LINE Schedule: Leave Willln Landing and Avoca At 7:00 A. M., 10:30 A. M. on 1 4:30 P. M. Leave Edonton at 0:00 A. M., 2:30 P. M. nnd 1.30 P. M. Kvtrn Tripe Will lie Made Day or Mgtit If Necessary. , ' On Road To Boneyard "I have Just finished a treatment of your wonderful remedy and can way It ha* donu wonders for mo al reudy. For tho pa?t flvo years I have been unable to eat any but tho lightest foods and that but sparing ly, as any food caused mo to bloat with gas. I was reduced to a skele ton of ninety pound*, and was on the road to the boneyard. A friend In Mlrmlngham sent me a bottle of Mayr's WomWful Ronu'dy, which I took, and I am sure It will entirely cure me of my trouble, judging from what It brought from mo and the way I feel." It Is a simple, harmless preparation that remove* the catarr hal mucus from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causo* practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailment*, Including ap pendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded at all druggists, adv. i