PITCHERS WHAT AILS CLEVELAND Club Ne\l St. I.ouis Balling anil Second Only lut (jin't \\ in lis Gamee. Ily JOHN l(. I-'OSTKK C?;rrli;?i??'t.-ani of slud gers b? i,an ir? vi in 1-nudl.v. But-the I Indiana linn promptly proceeded to lose six in a row- -three of them to Boston, which has developed a kirk laden with dynamite. Throe victories out of those si\ lost games would, have put Cleve land in a nil*;hty good position to fight their way to the top. Ilut Speaker's men did not get tliem. What nils Cleveland? Pitchers. The team seemed strong enough in pltchiuu talent when it was in Florida. Speaker had confidence in Shaute, felt Covelesklc was on the way back to the corn crib and fig ured that Kd wards would have something to show. Guy Morton looked as If ho might round to the standard which ho has threatened for three years., and there was Sher ry Smith, the old Brooklyn south paw. and Lcvison. a kid of promise. | ?rhlo, of course, looked like ? safe deposit vault full of gold pieces. Yet Speaker has only two pitchers who have won more panics than they have lost?and their margin Is pain fully close. Smith and Edwards, both left banders, have a little credit balance. The others have boon kicked around like an old football Part of Speaker's distress In the pitching department may be due to the unseasonable weather. Old pitch ers. of which lie has more than hit share, will not warm up to a good game in cold, raw weather. Appar ently the time has come when Speak er must decide whether to continue waiting on the old boys, or pull In some of I he youngsters lie has plant ed and take a chance on getting re sults from them. The Indians' greatest success lias been against the weaker teams of the .league. But you can't win a championship on second division vic tories. Speaker has got to start boating the first division clubs or give up bis ponnaut dreams. Two major clubs have been handi capped by injuries to players. Mc Manus of the St. Louis Browns, Is laid up with a broken finger. With a team intact the Browns might liavn fought their way into the lead by the middle of Juno. Can't toll what they will do without his aid. Cincinnati loses a powerful batter and a generally efficient infield by the temporary retirement of Tonse ca with a broken arm. The Portu guese Is a solid thumper. The Iteds have not any more utility players than they need. In fact they have not enough. The Bods do not look as good to day as Pittsburgh, though the Pir ates are not so well up In the race. Cincinnati might well have tukon on an extra Infioldcr and an outfielder before the season started. The gam ble for the championship was worth It. CHATTAXOOUA SKLKCTFO Chuttanooga. May 2d?Thin city has been selected for the General Conference of the Methodist Episco pal Church. South, on July 2 to con sider unification with the northern church. IF YOU WANT A GOOD USED CAR GET ONE OF THESE Ford C.onpe, new I iron 8175 Ford (j?ii|>o, a |!(>o(l one 8225 lloadittiT willi Murlrr 8 75 Roadster, lc?? starter ..81115 lloadstcr, with sturtcr ...8115 Ford Truck with rah mid body 8135 Ford Truck (!hnii*is only 8150 Ford Touring car 8 60 Ford Itnadntrr, winter top 8150 Ford Touring* starter 8195 AUTO & GAS ENGINE WORKS, INC. Reliable Service and , Beit Termi Major League Baseball NATIONAL I.KAfilK WtnlncHi!?>'?* Score** Chicago ?Pittsburgh .6 St. Lou In 6?Cincinnati .. .vO St. Louis 3?Cincinnati p-5 Boston 1?Philadelphia 4 Boston ? .. 1? Philadelphia 4 N?*w York _ ...fi?Brooklyn 5 iNew York 4?Brooklyn .. -.2 Standing of Teams. r \v. i.. ret. I New York .. 22 14 .611 Chicago -...22 1 0 J.'j", [Cincinnati 1 !?- 1S .."14 Brooklyn * V....K? 17 .4*4 PlU*bu)?;li 1?; !!? .4 57 B'cton -.15 1!? .4 41 St. Louis 17 1!? .4 72 j Philadelphia 12 1 .374 amkihcan m:i(;i i: Wednesday's Sivurs. (Cleveland - ..5?Chicago 0 I Cleveland .?New York 13 Standing of Teams. W. li. IVt. I New York .21 11 .656 ,-Boston ? 20 12 .022 !St. Louis - 18 15 .545 [Detroit IK IK .500 (Chicago 15 17 .4f?9 iWashington 15 IK .455 j Cleveland ....14 IK .438 'hiladelphia ...12 20 .375 SPALLA SEEKS BE HUSKY GUY Showrd I lis Stuff to Scribes in Krooklyn tin- Other Duy and Verdict Was lie's Quite' Clever. IJy I'Wlll 1'I.AV CoDyrivht. 1924. b* The Advance New York. May 2!>.?This Ermlno Spalla Is a pretty husky looking guy. While ho isn't due to start active training until late in the week, he ; ?lid show his stuff to the Berlin's over , in Brooklyn on Tuesday and there i is no doubt that he has a lot of clev er stuff. How he can hit-Is best evidenced by the fact that he put Firpo down ' for a couirt of three, according to the hi wspaper reports. spalla himself says a man could have counted 16 while, this count of three was being waved up and down. rndoubtcdlv Spalla is a good pros pect and It looks as though Nick Kline Is going to be the ^boss. Al MEL1CK j IF YOU NEED A Refrigerator and do not see ua we both lose money. WE HAVE UNUSUAL VAL UES TO OFFER IN THE BEST BOX ON THE MAR KET. =MELICK = ready Nick has stuck out his chest' and RUKSested to Tex llickard that he raise th?' ante on the proposed Spalla-Tunney battle, or else g? t nut of the way and let a real promoter talk terms. Henny' Leonard, according to the decision of the New York Boxing Commission, must meet certain oppo nents in his class who are to be so* i lected by a Jury of promoters. This Green Corn <'m tntthei s Si|ii;rv Strawber . Ifw. Leslie Belanga l?! ION IIS ;ti ami HZ I jury will select candidates for Leon ard's title on the basis of an elimin ation t- urney. according to the box ing commission's suggestion. Summer Time's Sandal Time And how the youngsters do T??\*e fhcui. They're so cool, and i ;sy to slip on, too. Most children like Sandals better tliaii golni: barefoot even. They :e( ;? |m bble? and burrs and r** from ? ?ticking In. Vie y are here for children of all extra sturdy ones. (hvens Shoe Co. The thing to wear in summer is a real summer suit Palm Beach Cloth was invented to keep you cool?there isn't a thread of warm material in it. The luxurious lightness of it! Palm Beach just seems to float around your body. And it fits, too. Just the sort of clothes to make you look your best. You can have summer cool ness?morning, afternoon and evening. We have Palm Beach and Linen Clothes of the price, colors, tailoring, patterns and cut that are designed to meet the taste of men of your sort. Spencer-Walker Company INCORPORATE O WAcrc every mdn finds what he likes to we