THE ADVANCE PKKMC Jt PKKLF. Pnblbthcm HERBERT PEELE. UN?. Member of The A?*ocli?ted Prewa. IW AmmIiM Pr*M la axrl?t**lr ?? ?*? mm fcr r?.?aMlaatfa* ?f IIihMii er*4iU4 in Win Mr a?4 aita to to* lacal "t-i hMI*?4 Katorii at t?? ?aata*W? at EUntott City. N. C.. M MM?4 Him ?!?*. 8atMcii|>Uon Rale* By Carrier. 9m WmI I* Caata (la atfvilM?) 42 0?t? Bu (la atfvaaaa) N-H It (la iinoM) |l.St (la atvaaaa) 92.29 fly Mull. 12 Mailt* *.?? 12 aaaON _ UM *m FRIDAY. MAY 30. 1524. jAB? MAKT1N \anU cure ' srofifi vmicr yoDAy With their mansions full o* fake Rembrandt m an' tlier ccllont full o* counterfeit labels. (It* rich have a hard time of It. I/enter Moon lias re tailed a position In our Mtate hank aa he's gun shy. The County Problem The following statement from R. W. Scott of Mebarie deserves, in our opinion, the careful con sideration of readers of this newspaper: The people are apt to overlook at the coming June primary the selec tion of a man to fill the most Impor tant position. Agriculture Is our most Important Industry?a great majority of our people are engaged in it and all the peopc are depend ent and Interested in its success. Our greatest problem today is the "county problem"?how to make better crops, get better prices and better homes, schools and so on. We stand fifth in the value ofl crops, but after we produce this wealth it largely goes to enrich oth er states. This condition must be changed and our people must prac tice a system of farming that means living at home and that will keep the thousands of dollars here that go to buy what we can and ought to produce on our own farms. We need at the head of the Agri cultural Department able leadership ?a man of vision, of ability, and above all a man who has himself set the example and pointed the wny out of the wilderness and can show how to do It. If the next commissioner is to have the influence and leadership that he ought to have he must have the confidence of the farmers. He must first be a success himself and he must know agricultural condi tions and problems of the various sections of the State. 1 would like to believe that we have such a farmer In the State and 1 would like, so to speak, see the people go out to the farm and take the next commissioner from behind the plow handles. I want to see a real live dirt farmer made Commis sioner of Agriculture. Mr. Latham, I believe, meets these conditions. I have been on his farm several times. He is a success, grows crops of all kinds, raises live stock, lives at home and practices a system of farming that if more farmers of the State would follow would, in a few years, put North Carolina In the very first rank of all the states. Mr.| Latham is in the prime of life, full of energy and enthusiasm, a business man and farmer?a man who is plain of speech and action, who says what he thinks and does what he thinks is right and best to be done, regard less of consequences. Mr. Latham bas also had sufficient legislative experience, having served his section in the State Senate. I have had opportunity, being a mem j ber of the Board of Agriculture, to observe Mr. I.*tham'R work on the board?(he having been a member for 13 years). Hp understands well I the needs of the department and he ! knows well the farm problems of the j State. Community life and co-oper atlon is an Important factor In rural i development, mid Mr. Latham has been very helpful In promoting all i activities that would help and build up his community. Another 'thing that Impressed me [ about Mr. Latham: He Is encourag ing hit aon to atay on the farm by making him a partner In hla bual naea. I thought thla fine and I wlah hla example along thla line would be followed more than It la and that the bora and glrla of our State would be more Intereated In farm life. The Department of Agriculture needa Juai audi a man to ra-organlta It and make' It more efficient. Hla leader ablp and example would atlmulate and encourage the farmera and give greater confidence In the work of the Department of Agriculture. Dr. Brooke, an educator and ?cholar. haa been aelected to lead State College Into greater uaafulneaa. Dr. KIlKore haa been made dean ol agriculture at the State College. The of our State require the 8tat< Collage. United mat? Oorerntm-nl the Agricultural Department tc e In their work, In order tc it duplication. W* need a man of practical farnr experience aa Commlaaloner of Agrl culture to oo-opermit with tha Col lege Extension Service. With Dr.' Brook*. Mr. Kllgore and Mr. Latham 1 we would have agricultural leader-] ship that I feel sure would give the i State the very best, and with such leadership in time greatly change ag-l ricultural conditions. I know of no man that will comc , nearer meeting the needs of the sit uation than Mr. Latham, and I am asking the farmers and others Inter-I ested in seeing the State go forward,: to support Mr. Latham In the pri mary, June 7, and get others to do the same. R. W. SCOTT. Mebana, N. C. A subscriber on City Route Three whose time was not out until 1925 stopped in the office the other day to pay up for an other year in order to take ad vantage of the special offer on Josephus Daniels' Life of Wood row Wilson. If such an oppor tunity is worth while to a paid up subscriber, surely it is of in terest to those whose subscrip tions expire in June. According to newspaper re ports, the Ocracoke folk are afraid the Government will make them dip their children next. Come to think of it, 'twould be a pretty good thing to do, say about every Saturday night. The Fayetteville Observer is celebrating its one hundred and seventh birthday. Glad it isn't The Advance, for the editor might not be among those pres ent. The Goldsboro News marks an article under its editorial head "Political Adv." Well, now, that's a good idea if you're going to write that kind. o Is below the average. ? ? ? The lark Is an early riser among )lrd?, not proving, however, that rls ng early is a lark. ? ? ? Klephnnts. glrnfTes and chorus en Is weri in (he same parade In New York, but we don't know If you sould tell them apart. ? ? ? ? Thinking they were having a free. . foi nil fight six men in Seattle found It cost thorn $50 each. IXTKREHT (JKOWS IX MEETIKfO KKKK WILL BAPTIST CHURCH '?The Greatest Question In the Bible" will be the subject tonight of Evangelist J. C. Griffin who is con ducting a meeting at the Free Will Baptist Church here. Mr. Griffin brought another strong message to his congregation Thurs day evening, his subject being "The Reasonable God and the Unreason able Man." taking as his text the 18th verse of the first chapter of Isa iah, "Come now and let us reason to igether with the Lord." The even I geltst showed that God had aever imposed an unreasonable thing upoi ,his followers; but rather that it was | the unreasonableness of man that has always evoked the wrath of God. j"The Individual today." the speaker 'said, "who rufueee to reason with iGod Is surely brtagtng the inevitable 'wrath of God upon himself." The serviees are being well attended and j Interest is growing In the Meeting. (AGRICULTURAL MAP OF CAKOLINAM DISTRIBUTED Spreading the good news about I the Carollnas Is the purpose of-a j new agricultural map just Issued for :general distribution by the State jand City Bank & Trust Company, of j Richmond, Va., copies of which have l been received here. The map gives acreages, live-stock census and prin cipal Industries, (mining, trucking. I fisheries, poultry, timber, etc.) for every county in the State. The bank announces that It will be glad ? to mail copies of the map without , chargc to anyone asking for them. In addition to the county statis tics, the map carries several tables showing state totals as to crop acreages, production and crop val ues. together with a sales chart ? which indicates when each of the j principal crops is sold for market. ! All the figures, the bank states, are ' from official Government records. j The maps are being mailed to a I large number of banks,' mills and factories, colleges and libraries, 'chambers of commerce and boards of I trade throughout the East, the idea being to advertise the Carolinas as leading agricultural, as well as in | duHtrinl states. FROK1LKM8 OP CONDUCT By ProfMior Dick Cftlklna White's Wrong Herts Answer?One of the first virtues of conversation is to be perspicuous and intelligible. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES 1? A IWVlNfr DOC, AND A ?FtS*'. BNDTH' I\T06-FISH ! a\ \ l: ^ i Cut out the picture on all four Bides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dot ted line 2. and so on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. EVERETT TRUE, - BY CONDO ? " ? j*. -> *P-INa 0?U."S ? HM-N'M-fl - HM-M-n ? i*?? Rfr^a. out, U/icp =r"SZErt poll? ? HM-n-f - Hh-m-M' - ? ? OVERLAND PRICKS STATIONARY | ?Detroit. May 30.?(Special.)?? President Willys of the Willys-Over- i land Company announces the com pany has decided not to increasej prices at present since steel, copper! and rubber prices are still receding! while actual sales of Overland cam j are the largest In the company's his tory. I CHINESE AMBASSADOR MAY GO TO TOK.IO (Bf AmoeWrG Pm?.l Toklo, May 30.?There is reason to believe that the Japanese foreign office has been asked by the Ameri can Government whether Jacob Gould Schurman, now mininster to China, would be acceptable as am bassador to Japan to succeed Cyrus Wood who resigned recently. B URNS Cover with wet baking afterwards apply gently? VlfiJSS f Va p< rITUaUmmJmrm Ummd rmmrj, THE NIGHTMARE ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES This alze type (8 point), one cent a word each insertion, minimum 25 cents, one time; 75 certs week; 15 words. 3tandlng ads, fire canta a we'd per week. Twenty cents per month?In advance. White apace ^nd pa rft graphed ads, 50 centa an inch. Copy must be In eke oSlc* by 5 p. m. d*y Deforw Inser tion. BUY STOCKS, AND BONDS PROM! us on Weekly and Monthly payments.1 The Industrial Bank. tf np.1 FOR BALK?TWO ACRES OF I/AM) with a two-story house on same, lo cated a quarter of a mile from town. Just off from Weeksvllle brick road.! J. J. White, Sr. may.30,31,Je2-np FOR HALF:?GARAGK BUILDING and shop fixtures. Located on West Rroad street. Cheap to quick buy er. Apply to Ray F. Gordon, 100 East Broad atreet or at garage. May 29,30,31. pd. FOR HAIJ5 ? SIX PER CENT real estate mortgage bonds (or safe Investments. Industrial Bank. FOR 8ALK?TKN SHARKS CARO llna Banking & Trurt Couipsny stock. Address box 176. mar.l2-tfj FOR HAI.K ? MY HOTBL, PAVII^i Ion and five room cottage at Nans Head. Dr. C. W. Sawyer. Ellia-I heth City, N. C. 20tfnp FOR RROIHTKR OF DRKDH ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination tor the office of Reg ister of Deeds of Pasquotank County, ?ubject to the action of the Demo cratic primary, June 7, 1924. All Totes and peraonal Influence In my behalf will be very greatly appreci ated JoMph C. Spence. mar.27,29-pd IN ANNOUNCING MYSELF AH A candidate for sheriff, I especially aik the support of the people that go to the polls and Tote for the man. tf elected to office, I shall earnestly endeavor to show myself worthy of the confidence of my supporters. J. Walton Hobbs. a22tue*frlml7 FOR ooomt