THE ADVANCE PKKI.K * PEFI.E. PiihlUheni NKRIERT Plllt. UKa*. Membfr of The PrfM. TIM Aaaariatatf Praaa I* a*clu?l??lj- aatltWtf ta tK. a** lar ra-?aM?eatlaa of aawa dU?iM"i f*?dlta? la tfcli pa par ana alaa ta Mia local n*wt MkllihM tfcarala. Cater* at tha paatafftca at filiate* City. N. C-. aa aacantf elaaa matter. Sabncrliition Rate* By Carrier. ?m Wwt 19 Cant! Oaa Haivk (la atvaaca) ? 42 Cast* Twin Maattii (la atfvaata) U.9Q -Ttiraa MorOk (la Uranet) " *? Haatlii (in atvaara) __ 12.23 By Mall. Zaaa Oaa. 12 aianttia 94.M Zaaa Twa. 12 aanttia ?M ?y Hall Elaaa* ara SATURDAY. MAY 31. 1924. [Abe martpT ' - Sb, ?- Vfl Folks tlint toll rvor'tlilng; tlioy know wouldn' tx* ho bad If thry work In a lot o' stuff tlicy don't know. lleln' public spirited don't count unlwN woman a home nil' pay Mm. Ail Iin|>ortaiit Event The opening of the road across the Dismal Swamp Can al, connecting Pasquotank and Gates counties, will be an event of far reaching importance to Elizabeth City. With this road open, Sunbury will be within one hour of Eliz abeth City, while Gatesville will be only a half hour farther from the Queen City of the Albe marle. Not only will this road add Gates County in large part to Elizabeth City's trade territory, but also it will open to Pasquo tank a direct road to the State capital by way of Winton. When this road is opened next fall, Elizabeth City ought to stage a celebration at which its neighbors in Gates would be guests of honor. Joeiah William Bailey's cam paign will do more to set peo ple thinking than McLean's; but at that we rather incline to the opinion that the Robeson man would make the better Govern or. However, this is one guber natorial contest that The Ad vance has found itself unable to get excited over. You can pay your taxes and take your choice. "Well, you can't be far hurt either way," Judge Henry G. Connor was heard to remark at Raleigh the other day whpn told by an Elizabeth City mnn that the Congressional race seemed to be between Aydlelt and War ren. That being so, surely it's time for some county other thai. Beaufort to have the Congress man from this district. Another timely squib from 0? Coffin, and as applicable in Elizabeth City as in Raleigh: "We don't see how anybody can go to bed at night without hav ing looked over a good after noon newspaper." The occasion for this remark from the Times editor was the News and Ob server's sober query: "Ought people to read the newspapers?" The Raleigh Times averred some months since that time would tell whether or not the subsidence of the State's float ing road in Camden was as se rious as had been reported by this newspaper or not. Well, time has told. "First District has all the fun: its two leading candidates have staged a joint debate at Mann's Harbor," avert the Ra leigh Times. The affectionate way Os Coffin talks about us, one would think that he was bred and born down this way. EPISCOPAL Christ Cbnrch Rev. Goo. F. Hill, rector. Sunday after Ascension. Sunday school and adult Uible clauses. 9:45 a. in. Holy Communion and sermon at 11 a. m. Evening prayer and Illustrated lec ture on The Life of David Livings tone at 8 p. m. Service at Camden, 3:30 p. m. METHODIST First VethcnUst Rer. N. H. D. Wilson, D.D., pas tor. You are cordially invited to all services. Sunday school. Mr. J. A. Hooper, superintendent, 9:30 a. m. Epworth League. 7:15 p. m. Wor ship with sermon by the pastor, 1-1 a. m. and 8 p. m. The Lord's Sup per at both services. Morning sub ject: "Glory and Dominia to Him That I*oved 1*8." Evening subject: "First Things First." Tho musical program for the day follows: Morning Prelude (organ) Pilgrim's Chorus ?Wagner. Anth**m, Teach Me the Way?Hey ser. Offertory (organ) Garden of Dreams?Lincoln. Solo, Hear My Cry, O Lord?Woo ler?Mr. H. C. Foreman. Evening Prelude (orunn) Melody?Ash ford. Anthem, Praise and Thanksgiv ing?Ash ford. \ Offertory (organ A Moonlight Ser enade?G. P.- Nevln. Anthem, God So Loved the World ?Pence. I'ostlude. City Itoad Methooa?N'T co6k pcw R.Alls/. I ===.==i2=,!i^r out VM fR?p*ne,o =r-.-=r~LS-S^I OVH twC^THSR OH bum jokcs T?S.; tic* to all and special favors to none, as far as 1 am humanly capable. P. | N. BRAY. MIWIn?d.j One Goad Way To sell a house is to stand on the sidewalk and en gage passers by in conversation on its merits. Good but slow. The best way is to advertise in The Advance Classified columns. county commissioner for Newhnd Township subject to the action o!; the Democratic primary June 7th. j Your support will be appreciated. W. A. White. May26-*lpd.j ! NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF Pasquotank County:? Indies and I Gontlemen:?I am a candidate for Sheriff of this County In the Pri mary to be held on the flrat Batur- j day In June 1(24. I ahali certainly appreciate your Influence and yoat vote far me for thla office. Re spectfully, L.. W. Anderson. P. O. SAWYER FOR TRIAL jus tice?I hereby announce myself can didate for Trial Justice, subject to; the action of the Democratic pil-j ma y In June. P. O. Sawyer. mar.lO-tf-pd TOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY?I I announce my candidacy for Pros-1 ecutlng Attorney, subject to .he ac I tlon of the Democratic primary Juns , 7. Your support will be appreciated. I J. H. LeRoy, Jr. mar.l9-tf! TOR TRIAL JUSTICE ? 1 An nounce my candidacy for Trial Jus tice, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7. Your support will b? appreciated. Thos. J. Markham. mar.lg-tp GEORGE W. BROTHERS ? CAN dldate for Register of Deeds. ? I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to the office of Reglater of Deeds of Pasquotank County for the next ensuing teria. Subject to the Democratic Primary of June 7, 1924 The support of the roters of this County will be sincere ly appreciated. Respectfully, Oeorge W. Brothers. apr.Stp BREAKFAST, fWc; DINNERS AND Suppers EOc each. Meals served at all hours. Dlnty Moore's under Bike Club. Thos. King, prop. msy21-tfnp MONEY TO LOAN ON MODERN attractive homes In good section of town. Six per cent Interest. No bonus. Business confidential. Ad draas Alvln T. Haley, Box ltt, Elisabeth City, N. C. mySOwk WANTED?COLLEGE AND HIGH school students?We pay 25% com mission on a good selling proposi tion. Your territory your own town or county. No house to house can vassing. Strict commercial proposi tion. Old established house. Give age, sex and three references. Ad drees Box XI it, Charlotte, N. C. ltay tl, Jan* 2np. 1 lze home enterprise. Norfolk-Caro lina Line, Inc. Steamer Annie L. Vansciver. mar.l8-tr THE UP-TO-DATE BEAUTY PAR lor. Mlttle Jones, proprietor. 513 S. Martin St. Hair culture and scalp treatment. Facial massage and man icuring are specialties. All modern improvements. May 30-J5pd^ NOimi CAROLINA. PASQCOTANK cor NTT. IN TIIK SUI'KntOR cotjrt. In rtr MARY LKNA NUCON. rt ill, KX I'ARTK to the Court Hv ?lrto? of an order of Re-Sal' made In tha above ctitKJcd mum by the ClaA of the Superior Court, I Rliall aril to the hlgheat bldd-r for ca?ti at the Court Houm door of Paaqiiotaak Coun'r. N. C.. on Katurd*y. June 14th, 1*14. at IS o'rlock M.. tha following dearrlbrd Iioum and lot, le. Belna one llouw and Lot altuatrd on the Weal ?Ida of Otwu Street, In KlinbHh City, N. C.? and known and ed'? office of Pas quotank County, N. C.. aald lot frontina SO feet on Cvpree* htre*t and extending bark brtwwn parallel lln-f 10V feet. Hriai IIoum Numbrrrd SSS W. Cmrii and known a* the Nancy Brook* house. ThU May 27. 1924. OKO. J. SI'ENCE. maySO.Junrt.* Oamnilaeloncr of the Court. NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL ESTATE Ht virtue of an order to the ttndenlgnrd Com* mlarioaer. made by Krv?t L. Sawyr, clerk Supe rior Court, I'aaquotank Count). North Carolina, la that certain ?P?rial prorrrdin* entitled Walter L. Cnhoon f?. Kdna lllnton Jrfrer?? I will on Sat unlay, the 2Mh day of June. |Dt4, at IS it'dirt Nona, before tha Court llouw l>oor of I'aaauotank County offer for Mle at pubiir aurtlon to the high eat bidder for cad>. the following dearrlbrd real eatate. to-wit: KI MKT TRACT: Situated on tna WK aide TRACT: Situated on tha South *ld? of tha Mate lllghear and oa the |Ml ?ld> of the Iran of Ori-a IMbbl and bounded on ?'? rdurt'*" I' .id. I, t?? land f the Uelm if Ada Clrt^in. ami l? ? tna the woodland aulgaed In *al>ai*d a* Lot No. 1 and containing twent.-, .Ight and eighty three one hundredth* aire* fiii. la. I Dated and poated thl? the STth da* af May. Ivi4. TUOS. J. MARK HAM. maySt.luaeV.U 1' NOTICE H?le of Valuable Proper*} Hi virtue of a Deed a# Tr*a Meratfd to nM hf lohn Window and wtfa. Paulina Win?low. for c? laln purpneea therein mefttkiaed. which *ald Daod nf Truat bear* data October *. 119. and ta Mared In the office of the Reai?ter rf l?eada #f I'awiuotank County la Hook ??. paae HI, I *?? proceed on Saturday. June tfth. I?S4. at II oolaek M . at tha Court Houm door in Paennotaak Oeaa ty. ta offer for Mia at public auction for M* pnaeered U bm aa t metre: Bated ona Tana ha alt anted oa Starke Jm* and knaas a* lat Ha. N b * % Saaarr, rMorded lb R*gl.ter . office of Mid