NEW TIMBER IN CINCINNATI REDS Some of Trams Beat Pros pect* Recently Crippled and Mana|(e?iier' Deeide* M?ke Several Im^orUui i.iiange?. New York, June 2.?The Cincin nati Nationals, having found tueni ?elves going into the campaign of the East with too uiany cripples and too little reserve strength, have, wisely added power front the out aide. Harper has been traded for Walk- i er of the Phillies, a move that was meant to add to the battiug strength of the Reds, and Minneapolis has been induced to transfer Critz, a sec ond baseman, and Shorten, an out-( fielder. Shorten already has had some ma-1 Jor league experience. He is not a hard batter, but he is a mighty In telligent batter and he is a good out fielder. Criti l? not the best second baseman in the American Associa-i tion nor is !ie the worst. He will give the Cincinnati team confidencc. because there is a deep feeling that when Bohne makes an error it is a very costly affair and the crowds have not always been kind to him. Bohne has been unfortunate in mak ing raisplays in games that were vi tal to the success of the Reds and a player who has that kind of luck always finds some of the fans hos tile. Cincinnati has had pretty bad . luck with Its players this year so far as injuries are concerned. The team seemed likely, for once, to be able to put Its full strength In the field from the start of the year, with Rousli beginning the season. Instead of starting after It was two or three weeks old. But Roush was Injured and the Reds were further handi capped by the loss of other Injured players, so that they have not got squared off for a steady fight, al though they have been doing better than In other years. The Reds cast eyes in the direction of Indianapolis earlier in the season and the fact that they could not get help there, but were compelled to turn to Minneapolis, indicates what long has been suspected, that Brook lyn has first claim on Idianapolis and that Indianapolis will not weaken Its team until assured It cannot win the American Association champion ship. Cincinnati's determination to strengthen and to do so as quickly as possible, U in line with the poli cy of the team, which is based on the theory that this is the golden year to defeat the Giants, if that club ever Is to be ouated from the championship. The double defeat of Brooklyn by the Giants was a tough blow to Bob ble's men who believed they were strong enough to overcome the New York crowd, and figured on being as good as runner-up at the end of the season. The Giants are starting to hold their own again in the championship race, by their ability to defeat the Eastern teams. Their constant suc cess in that respect in past years has been one of the big factors In winning them so many champion ships. Between the loss of McManus and the falling off In batting by Sisler, the St. Louis Browns are not pro gressing as they were. The Browns are having their troubles with the western clubs. There la yet to rise a team in the West that looks stable enough to make an irresistible bid for the league leadership in the Am erican. Major League Ba*?ba!l NATIONAL LEAGUE Sunday's Brortxi Cincinnati 2?St. Louis fi Chicago 2?Pittsburgh 1 Brooklyn 6?Philadelphia 7 New York (I?Boston 11 Standing of Train*. W. I.. Pet. New York 25 15 .625 Chicago 2G 18 .581 Brooklyn 21 17 .553 Cincinnati 21 20 .512 Pittsburgh 19 21 .476 Boston 17 19 .472 Philadelphia 12 24 .333 AMERICAN LEAGUE Monday's Scores Cleveland 6?Detroit St. Louis 4?Chicago 7 Philadelphia-Washington?rain. (Others not scheduled.) Standing of Teams. W. I,. Pel. New York ___._22 14 .611 Boston 21 14 .600 Detroit 24 17 .585 St. Lou la 18 20 .47:1 s WftMO 17 19 .472 Washington 17 1ft .472 Cleveland 14 22 .389 Philadelphia 14 22 .389 Vegetables Spring Cabbage, Spring Greens, Spring Onions, Squash, Beets, Turnips, New Irish Potatoes, May Peas, Strawberries. t. W. Shannonhoase A Son raONB 1ST BASEBALL QUESTION BOX If you have iom? question to uk about baseball? Write to Jehn B. Foster, the man wfca helped make Um rvlea under which the game la played today. If you want a personal reply eacloee a stamped. self-addreaaed en velope. Otherwise your ques tion will be answered In tk!fl column. Address: John B. Foster, special baseball correspondent of The Daily Advance, 811 World Building, New York. Question?If a runner on first base starts to steal second and the batter hits a foul fly and a player4 catches It and throws to first Is the runner out? Answer?The runner Is out If he has left first and is unable to get back to the base in advance of the throw. Question?If the batter steps on the plate and a pitched ball comes over the plate and hits him Is he out? ' | Answer?Not on the first or sec ond strike and only on the third if the umpire decided there has been interference. Question?In the ninth inning A, who Is pitching for the visiting team, which is leading, 8-5, is taken out and B is put In. Two runners are on the bases at the time. Before the inning is over the home team wins, 9-8. Who Is the losing pitcher? Answer?B. loses. Counting both runs that were put on the bases by A the game would not have been tied and It was evidently tied and won on B'a pitching. Question?In reporting the re sults between two base ball teams you see In the score, ab, lb, po, a and so on. What do they mean? Answer?Ab is "at bat"; lb Is "base hit"; po is "put out"; a Is "as sist". They are scoring abbrevia tions for plays. Question?Can an umpire rule an infield fly and no one out and only first base occupied? Answer?There Is never an infield with only a runner on first base. The Infield fly takes place with runners on first and second or with runners on first, secon4 and third. Question?Batter hits the ball and the ball drops on the base and then hits the batter. Is the player out or not? Answer?If the batter is In the batter's box it Is a foul. Question?What is the regulation diamond from the base to base? Answer?(Ninety feet. Question?Did Washington ever win a championship? Answer?Washington has yet to have that distlirction. The Marco Aurora Calf Oxford Medium Square Toe, Medium Weight Sole and Heel. Rubber Lift. We will be glad to show you. Owens Shoe Co. IS SPALLA NEXT FOR CARPENTIER Erniino Say* Frenchman j Ducked Him in Europe but; Perhap* George* Had Other! Keaaon Than Fear. New York, June 2.?Talk is beard that despite the outcome ot the Gib bons-Carpentier fight the French man will fight again shortly, hit op ponent being Ermlno Spalla. Spalla says that the Frenchman ducked him In Europe. But If he did he probably* had reasons that did not relate to; fear of the Italian. A Sew York] battle between the two Latins would* deplete Little Italy of Its population! and thus Insure a whacking gate ev en if no one else came. Ad Stone, who has been In Jersey, visiting his parents is a fine. up-, standing young fellow who appears j to be taking on good solid weight. Stone says that this Is the case and that physically conditioners advise him he is likely to be tipping the beam near the two hundred pound mark this time next year. Stone's hand, which he injured again In the Loughran bout, was an' unfortunate injury financially, as' jwell as in other ways. Maxey Hoff,1 this manager, had arranged an attrac-1 tlve series of open air bouts him, one with Harry Oreb, but, of course. I all these engagements are off. It looks as though Stone's first fight will be with Charley Weinert In Jersey along about the middle of | next month. Other fights will fol low and Stone will spend the autumn | in the north woods felling trees and I living a rugged, strenuous life de To Service?The Albe marle Pharmacy, Southern! 'Hotel Building, adds? quality. signed to harden him and Increase his powers of endurance. Philadelphia Bportlng men are bet ting 4 to 1. according to uptown Utile, that Walker will not knock out Lew Tendler tonight. This does not look like a bad bet?except that the odds are pretty high. =M ELICK = IF YOU NEED A A Refrigerator and do not see us we both lose money. WE HAVE UNUSUAL VAL UES TO OFFER IN THE BEST BOX ON THE MAR KET. =MELICK = BLUEBIRD DIAMOND RING $100 Weekly Terms H. C. Bright Co. Gen u meiOrcmg& EJdssgni teS. Sold Exclusively in Elizabeth City by LOUIS SELIG Your Jeweler Since 1882 Main & Water Sts. Capital Stock $250,000 Member Federal Retervf HERTFORD COLUMBIA KLIZABKTH 01TT Or. A. U Pendleton, Pres. 3?o. R. Mttle, Cashier. Surney P. Hood, Vice-Pree. ?. 0. Abbott, Vice-Pre*. CAROLINA BANKING & TRUST COMPANY Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour abaolntely floor* of quality (old by lit leading grocer*. ?Distributed By? A. F. TQXEY & COMPANY Water Street. JLEJ Get Ready GET HEADY lo give yourself a hig treat iliis mimmrr. GET HEADY to help your family lo enjoy the delight of the Chau tauqua. GET HEADY to entertain your out-of-town friends during the Chautauqua hy inviting them to come and spend the week with you. GET HEADY for the joy of it. Trouble vanishes in the wholesome atmosphere of the Chautauqua. GET HEADY for the enthusiasm. The Chautauqua is a tonic. It turns the hlood redder and puts "prp" into your system. GET HEADY for the uplift. The Chautauqua program invites you to higher ground. A cure for the hide-hound, the hrain liound and the heart-hound. GET READY By Buying a Season Ticket Now Men's All Wool ?Tropical Woosteds TWO-PIECE SUITS, SPECIAL $18.50 WEEKS & SAWYER "Where the Best Clothes Come From" BALLOON TIRES Take the humps out of the roughest streets and roads. Low pressure air cushions make motoring a pleasure. WE HAVE MILLER BALLOONS TO FIT YOUR WHEELS Central Filling Station Corner Road and Matthews Streets. ?9*??e9999???909??0?M9M9 C. C. C. I And what does it stand for? It means CAL. COOL- ? IDGE CORRECT, or he gets there when he says? ? "The American home is the source of our natural ? well-being." But I will go him one better?HAVE @ A HOME OF YOUR OWN and YOU WILL HAVE ? SOME TONE. He is in the White House and I ? ain in the house business. He wants to stay in ? and I am trying to get out, SO I AM OFFERING ^ ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY HOUSES FOR $ SALE. ? You can find your size and price among them. I think I can fit you and my prices will hit you. We will not fall out about terms. SEE ME ABOUT A NICE VACANT LOT ALSO. W. E. DUNSTAN | 203 Hinton Bhlg. ^ DON'T FORGET | Your Refrigerator For It Is g Now Time To Buy j| Quinn Furniture Co. 5 Better Delivery Service TOa hm put oa tn Mitomoellx delivery truck and can M ?ure you that In tkn future your garment* will be delivered to you Is the beat pomlble condition la all klnda af weather: they will be protected from the rata as wall aa the duit sad dirt. Qlra ua a trial aad be aonrlaead. Our alogaa will bo: "Rata or Ihlna Wa Deliver on Tim a." PHONIC M ; Cooper Cleaning Works ilium