THE ADVANCE PFELK A PEEI.F, Pttbl Inhere MCRSCRT PCtlC. Ktfit?r. Member of The AwwIiUed I*re??. TV AwiliM frtii li ??!??*v??r a?tlN?4 ta m. ftr r*-?aMleaM*? ?f tf.iaatcftaa ar?4lt?4 la tfcla papar |*4 ala* to W?a local nawa ??MI?fc?4 tharal". Katoo4 at tka *?ato#lca at Cliuketti City. N. C.. at ik*?< data wattar. 8ub*orlpilon Hat oh |)y Currier. ?M Waafc It Caati 0*a (la atvaaea) ? -???? 42 C#r?t? Tvatva MaatDi (In advanca) ? t* t3 TV** Maatfci (In i*?aM?) _ _ |l.2t ?b Maattii (la atvaaaa) 93.29 By Mall. laaa Oaa, 12 M?tki KM laaa Twa. 12 BMatfea UM By Mall Ilwwtara M-M ~ TUESDAY, JUNK 3. 1924. It uumI t* when a feller Hold hlft home, he wu/. Iiciuliil to\var<l tli' poor house, but t\Iay It's a sign he's Jest bfffinnln' t' live. Parmer* mout laugh when they read o' ??tired** hu ?Inemi men. The special session of the Legislature seems practically assured. Despite his handsome fea tures, Carpentier seems willing to take lots of punishment. Our passenger train railroad facilities steadily retrogress. Our only hope is in paved roads. A $20,000 annex following its first session indicates the rapid expansion of the Weeksville High School. Fellow by name of E. B. Ware haa been elected city manager of Reidsville. Perhaps, after all. there's something in a name. At any rate, 'e should watch his step. Governor Morrison's appoint ment of Judge Hoke to succeed Judge Clark as Chief Justice of ? the Supreme Court of North Carolina seems to be above cri ticiam. Out of the city Friday, Satur day and Sunday, the editor re turned to his desk to find this newspaper had been Advancing as usual. Few of us are as im portant as we fancy ourselves. Gerald Johnson, it is said, has been offered the chair of jour nalism at the University of North Carolina. But if he ac cepts it, what will anybody this far from Greensboro want with the Greensboro News? Chautauqua tickets are now available, and The Advance, as usual, will be pleased to serve you if you can more convenient ly get tickets from us than else where. It is best to act early, however, as it frequently hap pens that season tickets are cojnpletely sold out. Progress In the direction of a detention home for Pasquotank County is gratifying and indi cates what can be done if only we start something. But on the principle that an ounce of pre vention is worth a pound of cure, does not Boy Scout worit in Elisabeth City comfnend it self even more favorably to your support? The Advance is glad to see the long labor on the problem of juvenile delinquency beginning to bear fruit, but we hope that the people of the Old Town will put themselves behind scouting as wholeheart as the city and County Drities have put themselves the detention home proj Convention To New York Something Like A Circus Democrats Will he Barred from the More Exclusive Cluhs j of the City During Convention hut Anything from Hot Dogs to Capon Can lie Bought in the Garden By ftOBKRT T. SMALL. (Corf It'll. ? ??. ?? Tk? ?New York, June 3.?Whtl? two or three of the more exclusive clubs, of this city are golug to bar all Dem ocrats from their sacred premises,' during the national convention the j latter part of the mouth, this does not mean that a proper provision Is not to be ..made lor all delegates and visitors. The clubs say they fear overcrowding if guest cards are is sued during pow waw at Madison Square Garden. They are afraid that some of the old boys who sit in the windowH day ufter day and month after month and watch the strollers along the avenue might have their inherited diversion interferred with. Inhospitable as some of the clubs' may be, the committee which is pre-! paring for the convention has deter mined that the folks from the hin-J terlnnd shall be well fed and cared for?at least while they are iu the I convention hall proper. The committee, (or instance, husi provided that "hot dogs" shall bo J purveyed at the garden to one and all, and at the uniform price of 15. cents per dog. Naturally the commit-1 tee is not flippant enough to refer to! the animals as dogs. They are put, down on the program as grilled' frankfurters and this in itself ought j to Justify the Increase from the us-' ual price of a dime, the tenth part of a dollar, to 15 cents, the con-] ventlon rate. Delegates from the pie belt?the breakfast food of New hngland and the dinner delicacy of the Middle West?will be glad to know that I their fruit is to be held down to the' level of the lowly hotdog and will be 1 obtainable in any quantities at 15' cents per slice. The size of the slice has not been specified in the contract, but the understanding is j that if the ratio falls below six to one?six slices to one pie,?Mr. Wil liam Jennings iiryan or any one else may rise to a point of order, or per sonal privilege and stop the ballot ing for a Presidential candidate un til the pie scandal is thoroughly threshed out. Coffee, tea und milk are to be provided at 15 cents a cup or goblet. Thus it will be seen that so long as any delegate or garden visitor is possesed of 4 5 cents he can get a square or three cornered meal of dog. pie and beverage. But even If he can only afford the grilled frank furter, the dog ought to be able to MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES Cut out the picture en all four sides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dot ted line 2, and so on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. keep the wolf froui the door. Any delegate desiring to go into the realm of the higher gestronomic spheres will find a gradually rising scale of prices. The ascent Is at no times abrupt and the caterer has given bond that he will make no at tempt to gouge or profiteer. Piti less publicity will beat at all times upon his price list which must be prominantly displayed. Chicken and roast beef sandwiches will rate as nigh as bo cents a piece. Near beer will be knocked down for two bits but plain common or garden soda pop can be had for the fateful 15 cents. Those who would sit down and dine may have roast beef and baked potatoes for a mere matter of $1.15.' It is strange how that 15 cents ratio climbs into most of the prices. How ever. the fastidious who may desire Philadelphia capon, chestnut dress ing. carots, peas, saute potatoes and compo, can have it all for $1.50. ?New York still Insists upon look ing at the convention as something of a circus or a six day bicycle race. The food contract, for Instance stip ulates that "nothing shall be sold on the floor of the convention." Pea nuts for the politicians of that stripe must be bought in the outside corri dors at 10 cents a bag. The peanut concession was not in great demand at the garden, for at this convention there will be no elephant to feed. It also is gravely announced that "no intoxicating liquors" will be sold, bartered or exchanged on the premises. IC E ( J;K.AM HUPPER WEDNESDAY An ice cream supper will be given by the B. Y. P. U., of Corinth church Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of George Harrell. Ev erybody is invited. Ml'SIC REC ITAL JUNE OTH It Is announced that two recitals will be given by some of the music pupils of Urner G. Davis on June 9th, at 4:30 p. m. and 8 p. m. in the Sunday School room of the First Methodist Church. PROBLEMS OF CONDUCT By ProfMor Dick CWklna What'n Wrong Here Study the picture before you read the answer Answer?Movie actresses should be seen but never heard. NORFOLK PROOUCE At Jarvlfi & Fentress by SPEXCE-IIOLLOWELL COMPANY. Live Dressed. Young Chickens 40-50 Old Hens 25 Roosters 15 Lambs 10-12 Milk Calves 8-12 Eggs .21 Yearlings 7- 8 Sweet Potatoes $6.00 EVEHETT TRUE BY CONDQ - flMO 3?e's A GR^SS lylDoAf. ANOTHC/* CHAP ha s pAytw<s. H&-R- PRerrr S"r&?w >4ttct/s/ TION TlCC T IOON6D Of? OKJ TH<5 axv <_1 KJ IS: , MOW sues <*4N'-t sae him A -TflCC. a?s'S PLOMB COOMS.Y OWtR H?. *Mt> ipbt" "????*? '? r 7?>??e's <<*N<sTH?i? owo, evaftoTT, <4 Co 'C enrtts BoB-HA I ?*?.!> 1TS.NO?l*?f HSR. 1M?T CAN'T SS.S 4Mrtto?Y ??-??? mH<5N r'M /?ROUND. F?<J? ATIV?.CY SPSAKINOt. TWORff'J (STHIf^S AtOu! He THAT Just N ATmtAU-Y BCVUL S Tm?.M OVS.R ' FOREWARNED IS FOREARMED ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS FOIl SALE?ONE PIANO AND ?ther second hand furniture. Sac rifice for cash. 307 Cedar street. June 3-9pd. FOR SAIJ5?SWEET PEAS AND other cut floweM. Apply Fred Crop | sey. Southern Avenue. J2,3,4np. j ? FOR KALE ? TRAINED FOX AND deer hounds, with and without pa-! pers?Old Lee and Hub Dawson! blood lines, also pups. J2,3,4,npj FOR SALE?SWEET PEAS, ROSES, j cosmos, cantebury bells and other cut flowers. Also plants of different! varieties. H. O. Sharber, 407 Front slreet. May 31-J2, FOR HALE?TON HKJH I/)TS IN Euclid Heights at $250 each. On lib-1 eral terms. See or phone C. L. win ter. May 31-June 6npd. FOR SALE, ONE OOOD MILK COW ?-Should milt anybody that want* a good cow. 'Phone C. E. Overman. 353-J. M 311wknpd FOR BALE ? BIX PER CENT real estate mortgage bonds tor Bate Investments. Industrial Bank. I FOR SALE?TEN SHARES CAHO llna ranking A Trurt Company 1 stock. Address box 176. mar.U-tf1 FOR REOIHTER OF DEEDS ? I hereby announce myself a candidate for nomination tor the office ot j Register of Deeds of Pasquotank | County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. June 7, 1924. All rotes and personal Influence In, my behalf will be Tery greatly ap- j predated. Joseph C. 8penc?. 3-5pd IN A \ NOV NCI XO MYSELF AS A candidate for sheriff, I especially I ask the support of the people that go to the polls and vote for the man.: If elected to office, I shall earnestly i endeavor to show myself worthy of the confidence of my supporters. J. Walton Hobbe. a2 2tueAfrlml7 TO THE PEOPIJC OK CVRRITVOK county?In response to urgent re-1 quest I announce myself a candidate for Jsdge of Recorder's Court, sub-' One Good Way To sell a house is to stand on the sidewalk and en gage passers by in conversation on its merits. Good but slow. The best way is to advertise in The Advance Classified columns. Joct to the action of tho Democratic Primary, and I respectfully ate your careful consideration. I shall not undertake to make a canvass of the County and therefore take this method of informing you of my candidacy. I promise you that if nominated and elected 1 shall endeavor to tho best of my ability to faithfully, hon estly and Impartially perform the duties of the office with equal Jus tice to all'and special favors to none, as far as 1 am humanly capable. P. N. BRAY. M31-J6npd. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF OP Pasquotank County. I hereby an nounce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Pasquotank County subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held on Saturday, June 7, 1924. Your rote and support will be highly appreci ated. Respectfully, Chas. L. Ball. tues,tt-pd CANDIDATE FOR REPRESENTA tlve from Currituck County. I here by announce myself a candidate for membership In the House of Repre sentatives, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held In June. The support of the people of Cnrrltuck County for this posi tion will be greatly appreciated. If elected I shall serve their Interest. ?W. D. Co*. apr 22Jne 8 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ? I hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner for Newland Township subject to the action of | the Democratic primary June 7tb. Your support will be appreciated. W. A. White. May26-81pd. NOTICE TO THE VOTERS OF Pasquotaak County:? Ladle* and Oentlnmen:?1 am a candidate for Sheriff of this County In tho Pri mary >o be ueid on the first Satur day in June 1(94. I shall certainly appreciate your Influence and yonr vote frT me for this office. R? sportfully. L. W. Anderson. P. a. SAWYER FOR TRIAIj rid. tie*?I hereby announce myself can didate for Trial Justice, subject to the action rf the Democratic pri ma y In June. P. O. Sawyer. mar.lO-tf-pd FOR PROSECUTING ATTORNEY? I announce my candidacy for Pros ecutlog Attorney, subject to the ac tlon of the Democratic primary June 7. Your support vlll be lppreclated. J. H. LeRoy, Jr. mar.l#-tf GEO ROE W. BROTHERS ? CAN dldate for Reglater of Deeds. ? I hereby announce myself as a candi date for re-election to tho office of Register of Deeds of Pasquotank County for the next ensuing tern I I Subject to the Democratic Primary or J? nn 7. 1 2 4 The support of the voters of linn County will be sincere ly appreciated. Respectfully, George W. Brothers. apr.9tp FOR TRIAL JUSTICE ? I An nounce my candidacy for Trial Jus tice, subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7. Your support will be appreciated. Thos. J. Markham. mar.!8-tj? FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER ? 1 hereby announce my candidacy for county commissioner for Newland Township subject to the action of the Democratic primary June 7th. Your support will be appreciated. H B. Edney . Ju 2-6np. NOTICE? WE ARE GOING sell the household and kitchen niture and farming utensils on Satu?? day, June 7 at 10 o'clock at the old home place. Cdppersmlth Heirs. June 6, 6, 7, npd. BREAKFAST, 80c; DINNERS AND Suppers 50c each. Meals served at all hours. Dinty Moore's under ENca Club. Thos. King, prop. roay21-tfnp> MONEY TO LOAN ON MODERN attractive homes In good section of town. Six per cent Interest. No bonus. Business confidential. Ad dress Alvin T. Haley, Box 196, Elisabeth City, N. C. my30wk FAST FREIGHT AND PASSENGER service to and from Norfolk. Pation Ise home enterprise. Norfolk-Caro Una Line, inc. Steamer Annie L. Vansclver. mar.l8-tr THE UP-TO-DATE BEAUTY PAR lor. Mlttle Jones, proprietor. 613 S. Martin St. Hair culture and scalp treatment. Facial massage and man icuring are specialties. All modern improvements. May 30-J6pd. NOTICE Headquarters, U. 9. Coast Guard, Washington. D. C., May 24, 1924. Sealed proposals. In quadruplicate, will be received at Headquarters until 2:00 o'clock p. m., of Monday. Juno 16, 1924, and then publicly opened, for furnishing and deliver ing forage to certain Coast Guard stations on the coasts of Virginia snd North Carolina, Seventh Dis trict. Specifications and Instruc tions to bidders can be obtained upon application to the Superinten dent, ft*?onth District, Coast OuAfd, Kltsafceth City, <N. C., or to Hflsd qnarters R. O. Crisp, Acting Com mandant mylO-Jna !-??

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