THE ADVANCE PKKI.R * FBRI,E. PtihlMiar* HERBERT PKCLC. Mctnbrr of Tti? AwocIaiH Prew*. AhmIiM Pr?M U aartathraly H aaa kr rt-NMtNltM ?? mwi (IihMn cr*4tt*4 la ??! KDNA MARSHALL , Washington, Juno 7.?"Silent Cal" Coolidgo has found a friend that ho can Junt listen to, and to whom ho does not have to give even an occasional nod or "uh-huh" to in dicate that ho is following. It's his radio. Every evening, when he has put asido the cares and duties of his ex alted office, the President sinks into a cushioned easy chair, dreamily closes his eyes, and Just listens ? while other people talk about the problems he has had to face that day, or refreshes his mind with poetry, music and Jests. Just to listen; not even to be obliged to laugh unless the remark actually warrants it?that is the Presidential idoa of solid and perfect comfort. What his Jimmy pipe Is to the proverbial bAckwoodsman, what a bit of Ashing tackle Is to a tired business man on vacation, that and more his radio set is to the occupant of the White House. Sometimes, when the day has not been too hard, and he is in an expe rimental mood, the President drawj his chair close to the magic cabinet and tinkers with its various connec , tlons, trying to see what distant point he can pick up. He has "had" most of the United States, including far-away Texas, nut, owing to his love for systematic progress and a doslre to "begin little and end big." the President is said not yet to have taken any ether trips overseas. The President's set is a powerful PROnLRMS OF GDXI>CJCT By l'rofe*?ar l>lck Calkins \cqchTk What's Wrong Hero Kludy the picture before you read the answer Answer?When eating with the knife a gentleman should use his fork. EVEKETT TRUE BY CONDO MR. "TRu other second hand furniture. Sac rifice for rash. 307 Cedar atreet. June 3-ftpd. FOR KAI.K ? SIX FKR CENT real estate mortgage bonda for aafe Investments. Industrial Bank. FOR BHARK8 CARO-I Una Banking A Trutt Couipany stock. Addreaa box 178. mar.ll-tf Miscellaneous POSITION?W A XTRP BY VW'NO nan with college education. Haa tad one rear experience in office work. Reference*. Address "X" ?are The Advance. J ?,?,llpd u hand Invalid rolling chair. Call The Advance Office. J 6,7,9np. PI'BLIO STENOGRAPHIC WORK dono at Southern Hotel. Substitute work for employees on vacation. Call 1107. June 4-17pd. saddle iionsRs for hirf?ap ply Geo. C. Smith, 200 Polndexter street or phone 335-J. June5-18-pd NOTICE? WK ARB GOING TO sell the household and kitchen fur niture and (arming utenslla on Satur day, June 7 at 10 o'clock at the old home place. Coppersmith Heln. June S, (, 7, npd. IIHKAKFA8T, 8.V; DINNERS AND Suppers BOc each. Meals aerred at all hours. Dlnty Moore's under Blks Club. Thos. King, prop, may21 -tfnp THE VP-TO-DATK HEAtTTY PAB lor. Mlttle Jonea, proprietor, tit 8. Martin St. Hair culture and acalp treatment. Facial maaaaie and man IcurlnK are specialties. All