THE ADVANCE ?*FKI?K * PKFI.F. l?nhlUh*r* HEABEKT PCCLC. Cdltar. Mcmhfr of The Aworiafmi IVw*. T*? AhkIiM Praaa It ndmlfflf entltUd ta thi in far rt-HMItilio" af nawa diiaatrhta rradltrd In thla MKT ? IM ta t*?a Itcil |"W1 rvkllifcad ttiwaln (?tK?4 at tha aaatafflra at Eii?*b?th Cl%. N. C.. ?I aarand clau mitVr. SubwcrlpJioca Raton |*y Carrier. Om Wh? 19 Caata Oaa Man.h (In adoa??<??) . 42 Cant* Taahi (In advaat*) %* N Tfcraa Mantfca 0" aa?a?**> fi. 74 tlx Ma nth i (la adranca) ....... $2.7* Ky Mall. Za*a Oaa. 12 Maattia ___ H.N taaa Twa. 12 aanthi >> Hail Claawtiara C-~*'T* ft SATURDAY. JBNE 7. 1S24. [ABE MAPJP^ ?? I It'h all right t* be a Ilrpubllcaii part o tli* time, or a IK'nioorat moiim* <>' th' tiniiN but WO all ought t* vote for th' Ixtit man any ol?? time. It'* too had folks cant Ik* koo?I without It ntakin' thcr faces sour on' color lnu. Count the Votes Well, folks, it's all over but the shouting and The Advance and, we suspect, Advance read ers, breathe a sigh of vast re lief. The votes will tell the story, and The Advance is entirely willing to let them do the talk ing. So far as this primary is concerned, we have had our say. A primary campaign is hard to live through at best. This ?has-been far from the least un endurable one' we ever experi enced. The Advance has striven to the best of its ability to pre serve the amenities of ordinary courtesy throughout the period of strained personal relations that accompany hard fought po litical contests and to give every candidate, as far as in it lay, a square deal. Where language has been left somewhat to our discretion, as in the news col umns, we have endeavored to tone down rather than to magni fy the exchanges of recrimina tion between parties in a dispute and have striven where our ad vice was asked, to counsel against harsh epithets even in . the matter of paid advertise ments. Where we has espoused the cause of a candidate we have done it openly, and where, as between contestants, we did not feel that the issues involved were sufficiently grnve to call for a stand for one or another on the pnrt of this newspaper, we have tried not to let our per sonal preferences crop out in our news columns, certainly not to the extent of doing any can didate an injustice. On the oth er hand, we have not hesitated to declare our whole mind where the trend of events has seemed to call upon us to take a stand. And now that all is over, practically, except counting the votes, we will say that we don't believe a single candidate stands a ghost of a show in the primary the election of whom would amount to a calamity from a standpoint of the general wel fare, whatever elements of per l sonal disappointment or tragedy anybody's defeat might involve. Having met the issues of the primary according to the dic tates of its own conscience, and having spoken its mind sincere ly and without malice, and as wisely and m kindly as it knew how, The Advance awaits the outcome with equanimity. Things sometimes really happen as it seems they should. And when they don't, eventually all things are found to have wotM Mclean <.<>vf:k\ok TContinued from Page 1) FOK GOVERNOR McI^kii llail<-> First Ward 232 106 Second Ward 316 137, Third Ward 202 118 Fourth Ward ISO 100 Salem 121 IS Mt. Hermon 12 64 Pools 22 7 Providence 7S 28 Newland ? 2!) 58 Nixonton - 5 2 31 Total 124 4 ' 723 FOR LIEUT. GOVERNOR llowle Reynolds Lone First Ward 54 130 133 Second Ward 67 136 113 1 Third Ward 66 127 86 Fourth Ward 35 101 90 Salem 0 117 0 i Mt. Hermon 22 15 33 1 Pools 0 21 51 Providence 6 81 7 Newland 6 45 20 Nixonton 4 12 9 Total 259 785 490 FOR COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURE (?raliam Parker Latham First Ward 127 Second Ward 107 Third Ward 67 Fourth Ward ? 30 Salem 1 Mt. Hermon 0 Pools 2 Providence 3 Newland 40 Nixonton 7 Total 402 134 1010 FOR AUDITOR Durham Cook First Ward ?196 124 Second Ward 189 128 Third Ward 206 70 Fourth Ward 183 4 9 Salem 117 0 Mt. Hermon 21 4 4 Pools 9 15 Providence 80 8 NVwland 33 4 4 ' Nlxonton 19 18' Total 105 3 500 FOR ATTORNEY-GENERAL. NukIi llmininltt Hohh First Ward 63 219 35 Second Ward 76 178 35 Third Ward 4 4 193 39 Fourth Ward 48 138 38 Salem 0 117 0 Mt. Hermon 5 45 8 Pools _ 0 18 S Piuvidenco 8 77 2 Newiand 12 49 14 Nlxonton 11 13 4 Total 267 1047 173 For INSURANCE COMM'S'R. I First Ward __ Second Ward iThird Ward . ?Fourth Ward Salem | Mt. Hermon ? I Pools ? I Providence ; Newiand Nlxonton Total 1330 277 FOR MEMBER OF CORPOR ATION COMMISSION Pell Carpenter First Ward 247 65 Second Ward 263 57 Third Ward 208 70 [Fourth Ward 208 33 Salem 134 0 I Mt. Hermon 70 6 i Pools 11 15 [Providence 85 7 Newiand 62 14 Nlxonton . 17 10 Total 1305 277 Heiress to Oil Millions Miss Yoskyl Pen r son. who one ?lny nny become England's "oil queen.'' Fhe Is tho daughter of the Hon. Harold I'caraon, son and heir of LoiU Cowdrv, "oil klnc' of Great Itritaln. Silent Cal Really Happy Tinkering With His Radio Here's Companion That One Can Just Listen to Without Having to Uncork Even an Occasional Uh-huh to Encourage It an<l Kcey It Going liy EDXA MARSHALL Washington, Juno 7.?"Silent Cal" CoulldKo had found a friend that he can Just listen to, and to whom he does not have to give even an occanional nod or "uh-huh" to ln dleato that he la following. It's hla radio. Every evening, when he has put anlde the care* and duties of his ex llM office. the President sinks Into a cushioned easy chair, dreamily closes his eyes, and Just listens ? while other people talk about the problems he ha? had to face that day, or refreshes his mind with poetry, musle and Jests. Just to listen; not even to be obliged to laugh unless the remark actually warrants It?that Is the Presidential Idea of solid and perfect MM fort. What his Jimmy pipe 1* to the proverbial backwoodnman. what a bit of Ashing tackle Is to a tired business man on vacation, that and more his radio set Is to the occupant j of the White House. Sometimes, when the day has not been too hard, and he is In an expe-j rimental mood, the President drawa, his chair close to the magic cabinet i and tinkers with Its various connec-1 tlons, trying to see what distant point he can pick up. He has "had" : most of the United States, Including far-away Texas. But, owing to liia love for systematic progress and a desire to "begin little and end big," the President Is said not yot to have taken any ether trips overseas. The President's set Is a powerful PHOBLKMH OF (DSTTfCCT By ProfeMor Dflck Olklu \ooch r What's Wrong Here Study I he picture before you rend the answer Answer?When eating with the knife q gentleman should use his fork. Capital Stock $250,000 Member Federal Reterre rlTVORD rOM MItlA KI.I7.AMVTH (in A. L Pn4Mn, Prm. Too. R. Utlk, GMklar. Turner F. Hood, Vleo-Praa. a. a Abbott, VIn-Ptm. CAROLINA BANKING 4 TRUST COMPANY S&3BBHKBBSB8BBSS9l8SSk&32SESS3fllBB one. Perhaps it is the most power ful one in the country, having been specially designed for the White House at the Washington nary yards. He could easily pick up London and other foreign stations. Dut he in sists on hearing America first. Already the President's enthusi asm has made of Mrs. Coolidge an ardent fan and almost any evening the two mi?:ht be found at their set in the President's study, exalted but inrisible units in the nightly audi ence of millions of radio fans. Fre quently no effort is made to pick up stations outside of Washington, the listeners being content with the programs offered by local stations. Then again, they will go out after the long distance points. Meanwhile. Joha and Calvin. Jr., hare become busy amateurs at school and when they come back to the White Mouse for the summer and get at "Dad's" Ine big set. they set out to outstrip the President in reaching far-away stations. Tha President apparently is looking for ward to competition at home, when the boys get on the job, for he ha* ask*d the Nary Department to get him a second set to be placed on the South portico of the White House. He also has had a set Installed on board the Presidential Mayflower for week-end amusement. The radio probably will become more than a plaything next week when the Republican National Con vention gets under way at Cleve land to nominate Mr. Coolidge to succeed himself. The President will follow precedent and stay away from the convention city, but his set will keep him In constant touch with the porceedings out in the Middle West. I Road Show at Twin City j Winston Salem, June 7. ? The Pan-American road cbow reached here late yesterday after a study of the roads between this city and Greensboro. JAP CABINET RESIGNS (B; lHa A?aocli??4 Toklo, June 7. ? The Kyoura cab inet has resigned. SIX OF FAMILY K1L.LKD Greenville. Ohio, June 7. ? Six members of the family ef Adam Pitt man were killed late yesterday when a train struck their stalled automo bile. FLYERS HOP OFF Shanghai. June 7.?The areund the werld flyers hepped eff from here early today for Amoy. SRItVICKS AT ?OCVTT BOMB Dr. N. H. D. Wilson will conduct ! services at the County Heme Sunday at 3 p. m. NORFOLK PRODUCE At JsrrU & Fentress i 8PENCE-HOLLOWELL COMPANY. Live Dreesed. Young Chickens 40-50 ;oid Hens 25 Roosters 15 Lambs 10-12 Milk Calves 8-1J Eggs .21 Yearlings 7- 8 Sweet Potatoes $6.00 ILLUSTRATED LKCTl'RK The last of the series of Illustrated lectures being given in Christ Church will be held Sunday night. June 8. the subject being, "Religion and Life in India." This lecture and pic tures will show the many queer cus toms of India, the religious custom* of Buddhism and Mohammedanism, showing among the many scenes the following: Cutting the Banana. Ele phants at Work, the Snake Charm ers, the Monkey God. the Jugger naut, Great Heathen Festival, and a Mohammedan School. MOVING PICTFRE FUNNIES Cut out tbe picture on all four sides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 Its entire length. Then dot ted line 2, and bo on. Fold each section underneath. When com pleted turn over and you'll find & surprising result. Save the pictures. EVEN A DULL AX IS SOMETIMES BETTER THAN NONE ADVANCE CLASSIFIED ADS DAILY ADVANCE CLASSIFIED RATES Thla size type <8 point), one cent ? word each Insertion; minimum IS cents, one time; 75 certs week; 15 words. Standing ads, Ore cants a we'd per wet-k. Twenty cents per month?In advance. White space Und para graphed ada, BO cents an >nch. Copy must be In <h? by 6 p. m. day Deforw Inser tion. FOR TIB NT?TWO FURNISHED rooms. Suitable for light housekeep-, Ing. 303 East Church street. George Dcverldge. Junc6-ll-pd FOIl HAI.K ? TK A INFO KOX AM) deer hound, with and without pa-1 per*?Old I?ee and Hub Dawson 1 blood llnea. also pups. Apply to Dr. I.. J. Johnson, Columbia, N. C. June.7.#.10. HOII SAIJC?HAY, SPRING WHEAT middling, mash, baby chick and scratch feed at money saying prices. You won't know what you are lose Ing until you call us. especially on hay and laying mash. Aydlett ? Owens. Jttfnp. BUY 8TOC-KB, AND BONDS FROM us on Weakly and Monthly paymants. The Induatrlal Bank. tf np. THK ORBAFmT HOU8K AND LOT In town for Mia. ?A alz room house -i good whit* locality or ?l.m_p.rt cash One Good Way To sell a house is to stand on the sidewalk and en gage passers by in conversation on its merits. Good but slow. The best way is to advertise in The Advance Classified columns. and balance on time. J. C. Perrjr 4 Son. ? J 4-X0np FOR HAIJi?ONK PIANO AND other second hand furniture. Sac rifice for caab. 307 Cedar (treat. June 8-tpd. FOB HAI.K ? BIX I'ER <*KNT real estate mortgage bonda for aafe Investments. Industrial Bank. FOR SAI.K?TKN RHARKH C'AKO llna Banking A Trurt Coupanyl atock. Addreaa box 176. mar.ll-tr fOUTIOM?WANTKD BY YOUNG man with college education. Haa bad on* 7ear experience In office work. References. Address "X" ear* The Advance. J l.t.Upd hand Invalid rolling chair. Call The Advance Office. J 6,7,9np. ITBMO STENOGRAPHIC WORK (lone at Southern Hotel. Substitute work for employees on vacation. Call 107. June ?-17pd. SADDLE HORHKS FOR HIRE?Ap ply Qeo. C. Smith, J00 Polndexter street or phone 33S-J. Junc6-18-pd NOTICE?WR ARK GOING TO sell the household and kitchen fur niture and farming utensils on Satur day, June 7 at 10 o'clock at tha old home place. Coppersmith Heirs. Jons S. 6, 7, npd. BREAKFAST, IMcj DINNERS AND Suppers 50c each. Meala served at all houra. Dlnty Moore's under Clka Club. Thos. King, prop. may21-<fnj THK UP-TO-DATE BEAUTY PAR lor. Mlttle Jones, proprietor, Sit 8. Martin St. Hair culture and acslp treatment. Facial maatafe and MUM

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