THE ADVANCE l'F.KI.F A PKFf.K. PnhlKher* MCRtCRT PtCLt. editor. Mrmhrr of Th? \wvlmrd I'rfM. TIM AmtliM Pom It ticlutlvtly tolKM to Ik* m tor r?.??ibl(e?t<0" tf "?wi ?it*ate*M rr*4lfr4 In tMl Hi r and alaa ta t*? lacal "??? a?Mli*?4 H??ca*n. Iiltrtl at tto? iwitfki at Clink ? r i N C a* Kcontf rlaaa ???iv . 8nb*rl|i,io? Rhiw lljr Carrlfr. ?m WNk I* Caalt Om <|R ?4?a*r*) ... 4? C?nt? Maathi (m atfvanr*) $4 W Ttor?a Maatfti (In a*vano?) ||.N Hi Mantfii (la atfranrO $2.79 Bf Mail. Zaaa 0?a. 12 aaatht Zaaa Tat, 12 aianttii It Mall Elaawfiara - - - WEDNESDAY. JI NK 1 1. 1924. fABE MAPTK III niaklu' a garden flrat kill your nclRlilior'N tiilrkrtiH. . Kvfclently lots o' folkr* that K^t ther picture* In th* |w|X'is only iniHKinr they're cured. Where We Fail "North Carolina," according to a bulletin issued by the in formation service of the Metro politan Life Insurance Com pany, "is one of the 17 states whose white city dwelling wage earners showed a higher tuber culosis death rate than the gen eral urban industrial population of the United States, according to death claim figures based on the 1923 mortality experience of its 15,000,000 industrial pol icyholders. "The tuberculosis death rate for the United States was 90.5 per 100,000 white industrial policyholders, while that for North Carolina was 111.0." The Advance suspects, from its own observation of housing conditions in the East as com pared with the Piedmont/or the West, that the eastern half of the State would show a higher mortality than either of the oth er sections. Industries in our part of the State, as a rule, seem less wide-awake to their obliga tion to their employes than else where in North Carolina. "The newspaper business is a young man's game," says a trade publication. But who of the youngsters stood up to pri mary night better than John P. Sykes, who was operator for The Associated l'ress leased wire run into The Advance of fice to handle primary returns from 8 o'clock Saturday night until 4 o'clock Sunday morning, and that after what most of the boys would have considered too long a day's work? We are not given to bragging every day in the year, but this newspaper is running more live news type than any of the small town dailies that we know of. We haven't any more equipment in type-setting machines than the most of them, but when it comes to producing the type we imAgine that there are mighty few men anywhere that can match Raymond Moore and his Intertype. Teachers and students of the Biblical Institute of Northwest ern University voted 124' to 1 that they would never go to war again. No matter what the cause.' If this country gets into another war in our generation, the 124 will discover that they did not know what they were tfllklnC thrill If ?? MaaihlA fji All dressed up when the fire alarm sounded, the members of the Elizabeth City fire company, fought that nasty blaze out at the electric light plant last Sun day with their Sunday clothes on. Here's hoping that the new apparel was not wrecked beyond repair, but we are confident that it will never look the same again. Anything coming along about the time of a primary is in for hard luck in way of getting its just share of attention in th?' newspapers, whether it be a Chautauqua or a college com mencement. If the Japs will but go far enough in this suicide business they will make it unnecessary to impose any restrictions on Japanese immigration into this country. Coolidge would like to restore the Republican party to what he considers to be its rightful place as the business man's party. But can he? Henry Cabot Lodge seems to be a politician without honor in his own party. Expert warns all women against the use of cosmetics, ac cording to an Associated Press report. Might as well save his breath." If our friend Peterson could have had the race against Ship man all to himself he might have got somewhere. I It looks as though forces t were moving toward action on the Chowan bridge project. Where 10 Met Death After the nam crakh. ae?r Attica, Ind., \m which 10 vert killed and H Injured recently. BI.ACK GOLD WINS YELLOW GOLD Kxcitlng finish of the Kentucky Derby with three horses dashiim past the finish post and Black Gold, the game little colt from a western stable, coming in for first money?a purse of $52,775. Black Gold is the out side horse, wearing the white noseband. Finishing second, and on the rail was Chllhowee. while only the withers of Beau Butler, third, can be seen. MOVING PICTURE FUNNIES .''??IS i Ttf MS ? JrtlCl TH' ; TKBlE AMD ? TH' *?N(r I TWMt% FN.I, : <*r- stiix <> : IXMCMttiTt \j? ewb! Cut out tha picture on all four ; Bides. Then fold carefully dotted line 1 Its entwe length. Then dot ted line 2. and no on. Fold each r.cctlon underneath. When com ' pleted turn over and you'll find a surprising result. Save the pictures. EVERETT TRUE, - BY CONDO NOOJ, MR. TRue, THIS 13 NOT COIvG. TO HURT YOU7" TOO HAVS ONC.V A "SupeRFfCIAL- CWT/OMCOuS AWiY*, SiOr-l, BUT IT 13 B6ST IN TH*3 CA^C. TO HA STCN -fH '^N* ? !K8TROY* ?II Tormln, bum. mice and rata. For ?ale in all grocerystores. Manufac tured by Toxa Roae Company, Wtih Initon. D. C., or addresa P. O. Box 161 Elisabeth City J>-14np. THF 1 P-TO-DATK BEAUTY PAR. lor. Vlttle Jonea, proprietor. E13 8. Martin Hair culture and acmlp treatment. Facial maaaage and man Icurlng are apeclaltlea. All modern Improvementa. Junet-12-pd a???????????? Dr. W. W. Sawyer announce* that he will he out of the city JUNE 12 to JULY