REDS' PITCHING STAFFJSGROGGY And ^ hole ? I rani of Old Timer* More or Less Tliut Way Seems Going to Pieces Like Fumoiis Shay. By JOHN B. FOSTER C??jrfltHt. If24. br Th? Ad.ante ?New York. Juno 23.?The pitch ing staff of the Cincinnati Reds is froggy. All the team is more or less that way. T The championship is not lost to the Reds, but they are a dolorous lot with their old players staggering. Daubert seems to be nearing the let ter "Z" of his career. Burns, who is the type of player who never gives up trying, has been compelled to take a back seat. His whole ambition Is to play all the games of a season. Being on the shelf with "Charley Horse" is a bitter dose for him to swallow. The Reds thought they had secondary strength enough to cope with any such miserable conditions. The pitching staff has not conn* up to expectations. Mays, on his record of this year, is an even breaker. He has gone beyond the stage where he can frighten them any more by men tioning submarine. Apparently Hug gins knew what he was doing when he kept him out in 191*3 and.when lie finally let him go to Cincinnati. Mays pitches good games but Ills average of good has been cut In half. The Eastern trip of Cincinnati has been a bitter disappointment and a body blow. Tlio team will have to win at a 7f>0 clip to g?t hack what it j lost to the Giants and even then it will find u tremendous task in front of It. Pittsburgh has not been better in the East. Most certainly it has not shown championship form. No team that loses more games ,than It wins ia going lo cut into tlie percentage of the Giants. Pittsburgh is finding its pitchers walking In circles liko those of Cincinnati. The older pitchers on both teams are not maintaining their grip and it looks as if the time has come when they must not be reck oned upon as steady winners. With Cincinnati and Pittsburgh flunking on the fight and St. Louis merely the outcome of tiresome and futile experimenting, the West will probably drop out of the National League picture except for Chicago. Hard luck will be claimed for Cin cinnati but putting the team on the feld as it was this spring was purely a gamble. There were more old timers on the Reds than on any oth er team and if the old shay did start to break down it was likely to keep itup. That appears to be about what has happened. Manager Hendricks may have enough inspiration in him to get his old players fired up with renewed zeal, but history has not much of anything to cause him to cheer up this year. The trip of Western National teams to the East has been a hard blow to the club owners, who hoped that something might happen which would end the deadly monotony of Eastern supremacy. It will take more than the mid re-organization of 1924 to end it. The Western half will have to be shaken vigorously before using In 1925 if the National Is to have more of Its championship fights than steady domination of the At lantic side of the league. By that time, Boston and Philadelphia may brace up and the task will be harder than ever for the West. Of course, the Cubs now are the "white haired boys" and their trip away from home has been the best thing Chicago clubs have shown in fire years. If they win they will have to carry the battle right down to the finish in September, but they seem fitted for It as they are consti tuted. Major League Baseball NATIONAL LRAnl'l NahmUr'H Hrorat Chicago, 4; St. Loula, 3. Chicago. 1; St. Louie. 0. Boaton, 1; New York. 2, Plttaburgh, 1; Cincinnati. 0. nrooklyn, 4; Philadelphia, 3. Sunday'* Hconw Brooklyn. ?; Philadelphia, 7. Cincinnati, >; Plttaburgh, 4. Chlcago-St. Loula?rain. Standing of Tmbm. W. I,. Pet. New York -J 18 20 .656 Chicago 3< 21 .631 Brooklyn 31 26 .853 Cincinnati 28 30 .482 Plttaburgh 2R 29 .472 Boatoo 13 30 .434 St. Loula 21 38 .368 Philadelphia 20 32 .38 4 AMKMCAX I.F.AtJlE Saturday'a Scorcn St. Loula, S; Chicago, 8. St. Loula. 7; Chicago, 6. New York, 6; Boaton. 3. Detroit. 8; Cleveland. 5. Philadelphia, 3; Washington, 11. Sunday'* Score* St. I.OUIH. 4; Chicago, ft. Waahlngton, 5; Philadelphia, 4. New York. 2; Boaton. ?. Detroit, 6; Cleveland, 7. Standing of Team*. W. L. Pet. New York 30 23 .5R6 Detroit ?? 14 2* .545 Boaton 28 15 .52.1 St. I/Oiila 28 28 .500 Waahlngton .. ....2H 2? .517 Chicago -17 28 .491 Cleveland 17 29 .481 Philadelphia 10 14 .454 Spencer -Walker Co. - BASEBALL QUESTION BOX If you have soma juestlon to ask about baseball Write to John B. Foster, the man who helped make the rules under which the game Is played today. If you want a personal reply enclose a stamped, self-addressed en velope. Otherwise your ques tion will be ansitjred in tkii column. Address: John B. Foster, special baseball correspondent of The Dally Advance, 811 World Building, New York. I Question?A runner is on first base und a fly ball U hit. The run-' ner tries to reach third. The fly is' caught. Then the runner turns around and misses second. He' teaches first before the ball gets' there. Is he out for not touching second? ' Answer?He is Out If the play is made. He must touch the bases in regular order when retracing his steps. Question?A hard ball is batted to' the shortstop. He sees that he can not get it so he throws his glove at it and knocks the ball flat and puts two runners out. Is that play right? Answer?It is not. The batter should have been given three bases and the runners advanced according-! ly. Question?Hunner on first base. Pitcher places his foot about an inch from the box and begins to wind up. ( The runner thinks he has his foot in the box. The pitcher never faces the batter but is looking at the run ner all the time. The runner starts for second and the pitcher throws him OUt. Is this a balk? Answer?Like all balk-plays the | personal Judgment of the umpire* nasi rule on a maneuver of this I kind. The pitcher was not in his box' but I am inclined to believe that he was trying to deceive the runner and would rule accordingly. I Question?I would like to have published all the records of Ty Cobb and something about his life and what be has done In baseball. Answer?While the writer is per fectly willing to give all the Infor mation desired it would take too much space for the Question Box. Cobbs holds rtiore records than any other ball player. Question?Man is at bat. He hits the hall and runs. Shortstop catches the ball and throws to first. 1 The first baseman reaches out to catrh the ball and does not pick It up, Just holds It ther?'. Is the bat ter safe.or not? The umpire called him safe. It cost lis the game 6 to 5 with Greensboro High. Answer?If the umpire was sure the ball was firmly held by the first baseman he could render such a de cision. Of course, the first baseman must pick up the ball from the ground and the umpire should watch for that. It has been ruled that the right play is to call an out If the ball Is held firmly and handled clcanly. Question?Just what is meant by the squeeze play? Answer?If a runner is on third and the hatter bunts when the run ner starts for home plate the batter is trying to "squeeze" the runner In. Some times it works and more often It doesn't. A smart nine can beat It. Question?Batter knocks a high foul behind third base. Third base-, man leans over three tiers of seats and catchers the ball. Umpire calls the man out but the batter protests that the ball was not caught in the field of play. Was tho butter right? Answer?He was not. The ball j is in play if it can be reached by a fielder who is on fair ground. Question?On looking over a sum mary of a Toronto score I saw this: "Passed ball, Vincent." What does it means? Answer?It means that Vincent catcher for Toronto dropped a pitched hall on wh(fh the base runner of an opposing team gained a base. Question?Hatter hits ball to the ehortstop who fumbles it but tho shortstop gets tbe man at first. Would you call this an error or not? Answer?It Is never an error If the shortstop recovers a fumble in time to throw the batter out. ITALIAN'S KISE RAPID J TO LIGHTWEIGHT TITLE By K.UR I'l.AY Cotvrl*.. IK4. TH? A 4. BBC* ?New York, Juue 23?Stephen Trl-1 camo, a Brooklyn Italian, known as Kid Sullivan. Is the new junior light weight champion of the world. The boy completely surprised those who did not know how fast he had been coming along lately. Sullivan out-i boxed Dundee Friday night and; when it came to slugging he stood toe to toe with the former title holder and gave better than he re ceived." Dundee has not been looking well lately and some of his friends who had noticed his poor condition knew, he was in for a beating. They did not think,, however, -the Brooklyn youngster would be the one to turn the trick. Dundee fought in his old energetic manner, using his old time tactics of springing from the ropes but Sullivan was never there when Dundee bounded at him. The deci sion went to Sullivan without any particular protest even from Dun-: dee's ardent admirers. TEXAS POUI/TRY DROPS Houston. June 23?Poultry prices have dropped here owing to increase of receipts. Prices for hens' fell from 21 to 18 cents, and fryers from 32 to 28. MIDDLE WEST CORN CHOI' CONDITION TOOK Chicago. June 23 ? Although nearly two million five hundred thousand acres have been added to the planted area in the Middle-West corn belt, poor growing weather ha.H * ? iretarded crop that a yield under tho three billion busliela "f 1923 is intimuted. ? MELICK = Oil Stoves That Burn Less OU Do Better Work and Cost Less Money. We have them. Let us simplify your Summer Housekeeping We Have Wicks for many makes of stoves -HELICK Gingham Porch Dresses We are now showing a splen did assortment of Dresses of a good quality Gingham?made up in very attractive models, suitable for morning wear. Priced at $2.50 NURSES* APRON'S A full cut Nurses' Apron? made of good Muslin?very at tractive style. Priced at 50c M. Leigh Sheep Co. GEORGE ARLISS in The Rnling Passion Front Earl Derr Bigger's Story ill The Saturday Evening Post Scenario by Forrest Halscy Directed by Harmon Weight A pood-humored, l>ut emphatic expose of ev ery man's hohhy. ALKRAMA Today ALSO JIMMY AUBREY ? in ? TENDERFOOT LUCK MOM'N POP Judging from Appearances BY TAYLOR J" LEGAL NOTICES NORTH CAROLINA. I'ASviLOTANK COUNTY. Stl'KRIOR rornT BEFORE THE C LERK. STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION OF NORTH CAROLINA. IVtlticnrr. FORKMAN 8TOCK FARMS. INC.. (t al. It r, pood enta. 1 XOTICK. All parflra to thr ab"?r trocrdine w II takr ButU't Mi At. pursuant to urd*r mad* in Mid r?#K br lln Honor. W. A. Dmn. Judge, in April S.Mh. 1954. rrtrnUif Judgment hrrrtcfoer m?<l? br thr Clrrk la Mid rauo- and allnwmg Ml'lnofr to fllr aro?d*d Petition within thirty davt from date of Mid ordrr and rvmaod'ng Mid raux to the I'Uik for furthv* Ptwrrdin* arvordin* to la*, petitioner did oa Mar 24th. 1924. flla 1?? amended i*?l(lon in Mid rau-*: You will further taka not.r? that the UDdrr*l?ned Clrrk will on Monday. June 23rd. 1V24. at 10:39 o'clock A. M . In the Clrrk"* Offir* in Mid Count*, hear collar. If any ran be khown. why an cnjlne-r and flrwrra ahall not br appointed and the dralnacr dk?trlrt referred to In Mid prtltlon ahall not br ..tablUhnd And at wblrh Mid tlmr you will flia ?urh plradlnx* or othrr papen In Mid cauw at foo mar donn br?t. Thla May 30th. 1924. ERNEST L. SAWYER. JuBrlt.lT.19 Clrrk Superior Court. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION lUvltic qualified ?( Admlniatrator of the late Ken nrXi I. Hinmi I hereby site notice to all pvrtonj Indrblfd lo bit mil* to rem* forward and m*?e Immediate arttletncnt. and tboae holdlni clalr.u acain?t lb? aaiue to prrwot thrm for payment wl h In tarlii month* from ite date of thi* notice, or It will be pleaded in bar of thrlr recovery. Mar 1?. |MI. U. L. STEVENS. mayIl.Z7.Ju3.10.17.24 NOTICE V Sale of Valuable Property By tlituf of that certain Mnrtui* dul> record-.1 I) Itonk 4)1. pair* 113. off i?e Iif the UecUter of lh?di of I'a-iimtank Count). I Uiall aril to the liUhru blddi-r for cadi at the Court llou*e d??>? 1*4?|ii?taiiit fnuwy at IS uV1.?-k >| . on Mon day. July 14th. 1V2I. the lull>alui d<bribed prop erty. to-wit: A certain l? t or pa:?-. I of l.nd I. in* and belna la the town <-f 1.11/ ?' ?>. l\> - .m'ank Cot in ty. N -?th and h nn ltl and dcarriUd at f.?ll<?w?: Mituat<-d cn the Wr*t v|d? of Culpoptl.. 8treet In tlic town < f UUllMll ? H|( N< >rt h Carolina, i and bounded on the R?rth bv Winnie llar??V? ' lot. ra?t by said Culi?-pper Mtreet. and on the , awuth and wt?l by loti bcl? n?in< to Jamta II. I And belns tb* same Jot jur?-ha??d by Charle. llarrey fnmi Samuel and wlfr by d-?d dated in January. 1*71. and of nenrd^la I Ute office of lb*' lle*|.lrf cf lMd< for 1'aaqUo tank County. Xoitb Carolina. In I>e?d Bunk TT. luce 174. referenre to which Itfd la hereby made for * mor? accurate description. j Term* of *ale Ca?h. Tbia June 12th, D. II. TILLJTT. Juneltl,23.30.Jul?7 Mnniaitf. | NOTICE OF SALK Of Hen! Kstntc Br tlrlo* of an nnlrr to ihr und'r>loiM CommU tloarr niidr by Kinr>t L Hawyrr. Clerk Sujwrlor Court. l'a?iuotank County. Xmih Carolina. In that crrtaln mw HI i rocrvdlng ? ntltlrd Walter L. I'olmoD *?. Bmj. Cooper. it al?. I will r>n Wrdnrndt). th*? l?Ui il*r of July. 1021. at IJ Noon. before the Court lloure U'-t of 1'axtuoiank County oftrr f<>r aalr at |hjMI<* IIMIIlH to the hiahe-t btddrr (or cash. lh? following d??ciibrd rral ?-tat? to-ult: Ttiat certain tract of land in Salmi Towndiii1. I'akiuotank County, formerly helonatng to N<l?n Cooi?r. and containing ai, nitlmalrl)' 28 arm. KKtiwr with all and *in?tdar lb* IrawW and iwxntrnani-ri thereunto brlonciug rr In any wl?? apiwvtaimnr Maid land> adjoining the Mradi Un<l?. tlie 1'arkcr laud*, and thnm land*. Fur ther reten-nr* u mad* to Monk 21. I'aga W, off lea of KcflUtt-r of I- d? and in which th? | aU>\? tract la tuither U. i rihtd. Dated and potted this thr 1Mb day of June. IP?!. A. K. COHOON. JuneM.53.30. July 7*luner. XOTICE OF SKKVICK NOHTII CAROLINA. - DARK COUNTY. NAUR IIKAU TOWNSHIP L. I?. TAUKINUTON **. 8. C. TII.1.ETP. NOTICE OF SUMMONS ANO WARRANT OF ATTACHMENT The J.f.ncUnt thne nair.'.l will take notice that a >uinnr>n? In the above entitled Kikm wa* iiain-t *ai-l defendant on the 'lb day d June. 1P24. U W. F. Ilautu. * Ju-llrf of tlie in are i< l?ai? Count r, for the >ttm of IM.21. due Mid plalnt-.iT lir art-mint which iunnu'>n< U leturrufole before Mid Ju.ttce at hi* office at Manteo In *aid Count* and T?nnuhii> on the 21th day of June. 1924. The d< - fendant will alto take notice that a warrant of attachment waa l??ue4 hr aald Juatle* on the 5th day of June. 1924. aga'.n*t the l>n?t>ertjr of Mid defendant, which warrant li returnable before the Mid Ju*tlr? at the time and place above named for the return of the ?untn>on?. when and where th-? defendant la required to appear ami answer cr demur to th? ccmiilamt. or the relief demanded wlli be atantrd Thia IvUt da? of June. 1021. W. F. RAClf. juuell.lfl.2n.3u Junke of the Fear*. NORTH CAROLINA. PASQUOTANK COCNTT. IN TIIK SUPERIOR COURT. OKO. J. Rl'ENCK. Plaintiff. ra. PAWLING 4b llARNISCIIFF.Om CO.. Defendant. NOTICE OF SUMMONS and Warrnnt of Attachment Tha defendant aboee named will tak* notice that an action entitled a* abote haa been commenced In the Superior Court of I'a^uotank Count/, mm* be loi for tha purvoM of wo??ibi fee* and eommla alona du* plaintiff br defendant on account of handlist of an account for aald Pawling a liar nlarh/eaer Co.. agalnat C. W. Lace?, Mid feea and conunlaalona amounting to M?l. The defendant will alao tak* no*Ira that a War rant of Attachment waa lamed by tha Clerk of tha Superior Court of Paaquotank Count/ agalna* the property of aald dWendant on Um Mi da? of June. 1W4. which aald Warrant of Attachment la re tumabU bafora tha Mid Clerk of tha Mid Superior Caurt at hla office In the Court Houm at Dlm beth CUy. Paequotank Caunlf. N. C.. on tha Mb dar of loir. IfU. when and whara tha d*f?*daa? la required to appear and anawer ar demur to the complaint of tha plaintiff which li depoatted In tha off** of mid Clark ar tha relief demanded will be granted. Thla June 8th. 1W4. ?tNF.Srf L. SAWTKR. kmet.18.I3.SO Clark Superior Court. NOT1CK OF ADMINISTRATION Marine qualified ?? Administrator of tha lata Ma ttlda A. Wtlllama I torrto *1*r aotka to *11 pet IwWHad to hla Mil* to rorea forward and auto lirnwdm* artl. and (Hom holdlac rlalm. anlorf th? iait>r lo prrtrwt thna for para*nt with- . la tw-lra mottfba rrona fhr data of bit aotk-r. or It Will to plraded la bar of Ihrlr rfotrrr. May i. ifti. J. O. WTLTJAM*. . MJuS.MI Admlalatrator NOTICR OF ADMINISTHATION Hariaa qualified aa Adialal*tralor of tha lata Cm thla Whlt?h?ad I hrrrhr (Ira not!.# to all prrwxtt ind-bt#d to hrr tatata to com* forward aad makr Immrdiata aHtlrmmt. aad thoa* holdla* claim* aaaiaat tba aam? to pr*wat than for ratmmt with la Iwrlra month* from the data of thla notk*. or ;t will to pl?ad?d la tor of thrir r*fmr. Mar IT. IW4. DAVID MORGAN. i Bujie.M.fuat.0.1ft. 33 Admlal.trator NOUTII CAROMSA. ( amoks coorrr. in ffiK urn-mow corirr. IIKVWT M BIIAW and Thorn*? Mird-n. by hi* N?il Prtrtod. Jamaa Hank*. n. SAMtntl. w rr.mnrr. Martfiall *awr?T. Montrom ftT * lUlf*. BUkrlr R#K?. nwatur Mijnt Orrcorr. I MM Till it t. I Aim and Luk? KOTICE 1># |v?rniuH?t?. Will Whaw. Aim R?ld and hut hand. I I>??lt R*?d. Rnala W. Rnn?r and huahand. N. P. Itaawr. Thomai Mnntai. Mar? K. Walato* and hntband. Waldna. Wallw* C. F?r? N*. Cilmt C. FhiIm. Id* B. Fmbn. Amy f?? h~ indi'h ItwtW. Kata Aniu KlIaatMh Tnnla and hnaMad IbU.'* U Tnnla. Brora M. TlUltf. flotfcta Wm?o? Bad hatha nd. hmwl WmM. Add Ik O. TllllH. Malr^m II. TllHU. TllUtt llMaar. Wll 11 Mi ?- TiMrr. MM t , iMvy. K?an I anyy. Irving (firm. 8. N. ??pawi w. m rriinii. and Iwaahand. Arthur jfjaMUr at-. ?S2J I- ru?i ?h" mir claim to bur mrrwM to what* f?rr o*'-d l**al title Mid oris tul i*rt!ea Dtaird atxxe im.i hate bad to the land* drtrrlbid lu th? filed to thle can**. ?boae umri art to the petitioner unknown. ?re hereby do*IM tbat ID the entitled at at>>^ formerly i<ettdoa? in the Sui-rr.or Court of Camden County tittlai at a cart of Kvi.ty liirhmund Ctdir Wurti bat Bird an intervening tuition with tbc t'lrrk Sui?rlor (Vurt of Camden County. North Carolina. i<a)UU tbat ? did In- rtnMtcd by ord?-r of court to It at me et xor in title of one Lduiund Slmmoa*. the lur ihtH-r at a judicial aale of certain land* deter. b?-d In the petition In aald caute; aaid landa hat.nj br*o told to lb* aaid hdu.und Simmoaa br tb? Clerk and Matter under and pursuant to a d*oM of aaid court enteml at tbe Term 1841 there of. all aa art forth la tba petition filed la tbi? caute a* a for* Mid. And the aaid mvondenti arc further notified tbat thejr arc raiukird to be and a near at tbc iJ. ? of tbc undertigned Clerk Superior Court la tbc Court Haute la Camden. North Carolina, ra lh* ?Ui <U? of July. lv:4. and anawer or demur to the petition filed la aald caute. A ad the taid re?;c'Bd eet? are further notified that If they fail to a: .*?r and annier or demur to the aaid tetitioa m a la the time allowed by law the relief therein provided for wtll be traa'.ed. I Tbu Juae Wi. 1921. W. J. BVIU3EX9. Clerk 8upcrlor Court. i tuatt.ld.tS.N. Camden Couiuy. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION* ? Haunt qutllM n Administrator of the Ute L. E. Dim 1 hrrwb) |lt? notice 10 all prrKAi lnd-tH>-<l lo hit ratal* to com* forward and make Immediate arttlrment. and thoae holding claim* acaiDt'. the aim lo prearnl them (or payment within ia?l>? mon'bt from the data of thlt notice, or U Will be l>lead*d In bar of their rvcoterr. June ?. 1924. C. E. BENTOX. JunrO.lfl.SJ.OO.JubT AdmlnUirator. NORTH CAROLINA. PASQUOTANK COUNTT. in tiik superior court. LOUISA ROBINSON. Plaintiff. N ta. JESSE ItOniNSON. l>cfend<nr. NOTICE OF SUMMONS TI.e dcferfilant. Jm* Hi>bln?om will taka nctlc# that an action ratified c? ab<*? ha* h-m begun lo the Sur-rlr* Court of l'aMiuotank Cc?t*jr. N. C., 'aire brine an action for abtolnt* d torce on the ground ? of separation for more than rue year*, and the taid defendant will further take notice that be Is r^julred to appear ami an-w-r f*r demur to the complaint flird in title raune <<n the SSth day ot June. 1024. or within 20 dart thereafter or the re lit f demanded In the complaint will be prayed for fmm the Court. Thlt June 2nd. 1934. ERNEST L. SAWYER. JuaeG.fl.lfl.2J Cleik Superior Court. NORTH CAROLINA. 1'AttQUOTAXK COCXTY. superior rorrrr. CLARA W. HALL. AdmlnUtratnx d. b. n. of T. A. Commander. d'vr?yi|. I'lalntlff. *?. J. C. RltoiihS, Administrator C. E. Command-r. decrawd. Man K. Commander. widow of ?aldi C. K. Commander. I'ommaodtr, Rett Mar n? and liudiand. IV. T llarrK Th< t.iaa X. Com? maml.r. J???|.h E. Commander. Lul>n E. Command rr. Jlirurri C--mt.utnd< r. Ur?hain < < m louder. Lil lian Mae Commander and Lninia Conmander. De fendant-. ? NOTirK TO LffJENK COMMANDER AND LILLIAN MAC COMMANDE*: Tom and each of jou will hereby ukr DotlM an art;ii% miiM a? al**e haa b>ni romro-Wfl in the 8ti|?-rlur Court of l'awiu ^ank C'ouiUr. North Carolina; that the rainmae of Mid action 1$ to hare a mtlvrr a^olniril f?r Ikr ifliln of the late eo (?artneMilp "f T. A. i'ommandrr * Hon and to wind ui> tlie affair* thereof; that the plaintiff hereto h?? a s?*.d rau-e of action aaalnm the abn*?-|ukiiie<t defendant* a< will ai?i>ear from an ln?te?*?lon of the complaint wtiirh 1? imw on Mr In the office of the Cl'ik 8ui?nur Court of I'a^ju- .mk Cnuatr. You will liereh* further tak- notlee that rn? art required to !?? and aw*ar at the office of the un dersigned Clerk Hui-erlor Court of I'a^iuotank' Coun tjr at hit office in the Court ll<iu*e in Elizabeth City on Saturday the 19th day of July. 1MI. and an>wrr or demur to the aald complaint; and you Mill fuithrr tak<- n<>tle?> that if you fall to at>pe?r ami an?w>r the conulaint within the titue ncjiilretl .. by law. Judgment by default will be rendered ly.Uht ydu. June 10. 1924. ERNEST L. SAWYER. Clerk Huttrioc Court. i Juor30.S3.30.July7 l'a*?uciank Count* J To Service? The Albemarle Pharmacy ?adds Quality Vegetables and Groceries We have ripe tomatoe*,. snap heana, cahhages and peaches. 1. W. 81! AWOVHOl'SE ? SOX. PHONE 187 K**p ?x?J it * ,m.|j etrnt A 10 livk OwllUtlM r*n Um th*n on. oral r+r hour. C*11 Pfcoo# M; w* ha*? (hem and *11 thine FWtrtrtl. W. ?. WHITC 4 CO.. 4tt Matltitwi St. FOR GROCERY SERVICE DKTEXD Olf EXPERIENCED C?ROCER8. M. P. GALLOP CO.

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