Crowd Psychology Of Convention Revealed In Photograph And Story iiy (,k\k (onv NKA Service Writer Convention Hall, NVw York. Jun*'| 28.-? What is the attitude of a run-J vention cr?wil toward the events J transpiring before It? Pretty much tin* same as that of I any cirrus crowd. A "spellbinding kevnottr may be hanging i?r?'carlou>ly np- balancing ever ?*o neat-j ly 011 a t!iln win- of political policy? J Yet tlicre arc thousands| at the ?th?*r rings ami stages audi comment ing: ? *.-? Mrs. S??-atid>??. that tunny barnstormer from Such! ami-Such." Or??'Thero the big lights.I They're going to take some pic , turea." Or?"Look! Tli1 p'h Kill ltryau| up there! Ami Mack." There hi.?cms to little dojflil/ about it?the roving eye* have if", li ?t were possible to draw direct liut'4 from the tens of thousands of Vy* a the result would be a gigantic-/Spid er web clgsign. Only at momenta of high emotion alism; only when excitement take* the floor and when crises are reached doea there seem to bw a center of attention Otherwise attention roams about the great auditorium like tht> tiny page boy with the piping voice, lost 111 the clutter of noises. After the emotional momenta they settle back In their seats/"rest lesa aa youngsters in a schoolroom after the exciting episode / of the* teacher sitting on a pin has' passed.' The women, in particular. aeeiu to crave excitment. For many of them it la their flrat convention. And. like the small boy at a circus, they don't want to miss anything. They have ben told that a convention is full of"thrl)ls. It is. But there arc times when only the tralmxd seals perform. Then la the period of necka craned at every an gle and arc. But let the , fringe af hysteria be Major League Baseball NATIONAL UvVit'F Friday'* Score Pittsburgh. 0: Chicago, 0. Cincinnati. K; St. I^ouis. 3. Cincinnati. 6; St. I?ouln. 2. Bonton-NVw York- rain. Philadelphia-Brooklyn?rain. Standing of TciunM. I,. Now York 41 21 Chicago 3f? 2 4 Brooklyn 32 2 8 PlttuburKh 31 20 Cincinnati 'JO 3 4 Ronton 24 34 Philadelphia 24 33 St. Louis 23 3H AMERICAN LKAGVE Frhla)'* Score*. Chicago, 9; HI. Louis. 3. Boston. 5; New York, 10. Detroit. 1; Cleveland. 0. Philadelphia-Washington?rain. Htandlng of Teamn. W. L. Pet. Washington 34 27 .557 Detroit 36 30 .545 New York .-..31 28 .525 Boston 30 ? 20 .508 8t. Louie ?30 30 .500 Chicago 30 30 .500 Cleveland 30 32 .4 84 Philadelphia ;23 2 6 .469 BASEBALL QUESTION BOX If you havA iom? question to ask about baseball? Writ? to John B. Foster, the man who helped make the rule* under which the game Is played today. If you want a perscrnal reply enclose a stamped, self-addressed en velope. Otherwise your ques tion will be antJtjred In tk'j column. Address: John B. Foster, special baseball correspondent of The Dally Advance, 811 World Building, New York. Question ? Bases are filled and the hatter hits an Infield fly. The shortstop drops the fly on purpose In order to make a double play t?jr throwing the ball to the second baseman who touched his baae and threw to first. Umpire declared the batter out and allowed the runners to go back to their bnses. Answer?Batter was out. Hun-, ners had to protect themselves on Hot Weather means a Hot Weather Suit. We have them in all the cool materials and tailored right. D. Walter Harris Thm City Tmttor and CUthl+r HMM Ill It Thin Is a photograph of mental attitude. Occasionally motion pictures reveal thoughts of ac? tors. Itarely Is a mental process caught In one photograph. Notice the attitude of the delegated assembled In the I>einocratIc Convention Hall at New York, specially the women In the inset group. The picture, taken In one of those frequent moments of ajMthy that come in a spirited gathering shows that little attention is being |?aid to the s|?ea?ker. touched and all eyes focus as direct- ! ly as any camera lens. It's an interesting study in phy- . etiology?these convention crowds; | a psychology somewhere between that of a schoolroom, a sight seeing wagon and a circus tent. They all want the clowns to come on. They all wait expectantly to see what will happen to the boy who put over a wicked shot with the boan Khooter. i the bases. The umpire could not al I low them to do anything. If the I shortstop dropped the ball the run j ners wore privileged to advance if they could. Question?Runner on first. Hat ter hits the ball to the shortstop. The latter throws to fir*t retiring the bai ter. Runner on first goes to suc ! oud. First baseman throws to sec-' on and the M-cond baseman touches > the bag. Why shouldn't the umpire I give a double play? Answer?Because there Is no chancc to make a double play by | simply throwing the ball after the i batter has been put out at first. That ended the force. The runner going j to second from first must be touched | after the batter Is out. Captures British Title Hoylake, England, June 28.?Wal ter Hagcn for the second time in three years captured the Drltish op en championship golf title by a one ?troke margin. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour absolutely Bonn of quality aold bj l)u loading groeara. ?DIatrtbatad By? . A. F. TQXEY & COMPANY Water BtiMt / I All Wool Serges and Basket | Weaves ? I POPULAR UNLINED TWO-PIECE SUITS IN OUK GREAT CLOTHING SALE AT $12.38 ALL SLITS REDUCED?SOME Others l/% off and 1/4 off WEEKS & SAWYER Where the Best Clothes Come From | | Tabsylk Dresses A lustrous cotton fabric with the appearance of silk and the washableness of cotton. They are fast color in pin stripes of the following colors?black, blue, peach, lavender, copper and brown. 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Pendleton, Prw. 3eo. R. I.lltle. Cxhler. Jurnej P. Hood, Vice-Pro.. K. O. Abbott. Vlre-Pre*. CAROLINA RANKING & TRUST COMPANY ALKRAMA Today WILLIAM DUNCAN WITH JOE RYAN AND EDITH JOHNSON The Man of Might" A SIX REEL WESTERN SPECIAL ? I