Convention Has Become More Bane Than Blessing ? l'light of Drlrgatri) Whose Mone) Is Giving Out as Nothing When Compared, for Instance, With Tex Kirkard Whom Convention Is Costing 81, (MM) a Day IIOIIKKT T. SMALL (C?l|f<|Kt 1111. B? Th* A4unci) Now York. July 7 ? Much piiy hn> i bevn lavished- upon thi? pour dele gates of tin- Democratic national convention who hav'e hal to 1 Hum #D> to S 1 a (lay for ihe priv ilege ??. remaining in Manhattan ami <-onn*Hini itig t.? tin; great ?'-l l? ditical ?' .i-ilork ?ti all lo-iorv. ' TUtl llo-ir i?l H I l- a* n orbit: * i*otnp:ir"ri Iommih con vent ion. Tile conventi'in has ' t -en routing that Individual ex actly $1,000 a day while it has lasted longer llian anyone dr-am-d. Ul ! observers were confident tin* as semblage would go inio a second week, -hut, they could not have pre dieted that it would go ontirely .thru rli- last half of a fortnight. Tile NVw Yorker who is being so1 beautifully stung is none other than TYx Rickard. the famous prize fight promoter, mentioned more or lobs prominently in the Dauglierty in ves I (Ration at Washington and under In dict m^nt* for alleged infringement of Ihe Federal laws in the transporta tion of prize fight picture* exclaimed that he had been "bunked" in I Iii? picture deal by persons who had told him they could get Congress to put through a bill legalizing the show ing of the C'arpentier-Dempsey films. And now poor Mr. Rickard ha.-. !>? ? p ii "bunked" again. When New -York was planning? tm? bringing the Democrats here Mr. Rickard came magnificently forward and said: "Take my garden for the show; take ii without let or hindrance; take it free, m rat is for nothing; lake it and t?*ar it to pieces; do with it as vimi will; hut bring the D-moeracy to the tents uf ou.r_H.ty so that they iif.iy' libit; "iipoij ?>? n n??ine |no|itr?rin^. too. despite the. i li'ori* o[ tlu* coiuiait t on arrange-* m? -nts. . i H'-io I* a tiiu>ical |?r? -ram ]?osi sci i|?t : Anollo r lm >.i it. ? t ? ? i rrt 1 1- . r*o}iv< nli