New Duplex Press Now In Operation ?utg Advance in Forefront of North C.uroliiai Duilii-s in Cities of Less Than 15,000 Population anil Mark* New Kpoch for Thi* Newspajwr Iday. July -is. marks a tuia point la tho history or Th ' Advance of Elizabeth- City, the foregoing date ? U7T" t Issue of this newspaper nted ou the Duplex Model E It bed Web PFrTevTTiTg ? P Jch has been la process of erec Mi In The Advance shop for the tst week and preparations for le Installation of which have l*en going on since June .10. makes It appearance. The Duplex .Model E Is the Jrtnost expensive piece of printing machinery ever installed in The Advancc shop and, so far as \vh know, is the highest priced print ing press in operation north of Wilmington and East of RaleigK If there Is an high or a higher priced press at New Hern, Rocky Mount or Klnston It has beeu In stalled quite recently. When it Is paid for it will represent an in vestment by this newspaper of something like I12.0G0. The pn4t ,,f iwat ah>np has been In czces^ of $1,000 and has in volved a cash outlay of twice that nmv; Duplex Model E Is tie tnWn press on which The Daily Advance has been printed. When lr this newspaper became a daily r In 191?, the press then in opera s' tion on our floor was a drum cyl inder Uabcock with a speed of from 800 to 1.000 impres3lons an ?* hour.* The circulation of tl:? I daily at that time was about 500, and for that circulation the Bab cock was adequate. However, when circulation had climbed up around the 1,000 mark, the Bab | cock was rather slow. That fait ? alone, however, was not the main factor 1n driving the editor- to a decision to buy a better and fast er press. The Babcock had been . acquired in poor condition fror.i the old weekly. The Tar Heel, anu ^ the print obtained from that jL'i?%A?JhaH never been satisfactory. pU~li*faas_ hi hope malnTy~ot~prlnt^ ing a better looking paper thai IvT t 1919 a Miehle Two-Revolution b Clylnder was purchased, with a I maximum speed of 2,000 Im press la as an hour. ? As long as the circulation ot The Advance temalned around lb* i 1,100 mark and the Bize of the ?? paper continued, for the most , part, to be only four pages, the Miehle was fast enough, and the* management knew very well that ' no press that could be purchased _ would surpass tho Miehle from from a standpoint of the qnalitv , of work that it could produce. The Adavncc flatters itself that, during all the period that It ha been printed on the Miehle, no small town daily coming to our desk has presented a neater ap pearance from a typographical standpoint. When, however, lart fall TIiv Advance became an eight-pagi daily with a circulation of n*arl; 2,500 the management saw tha! the days of the Miehle wore num bered and thnt this press wouul have to go before there could i? liny further notable expansion lVt the circulation of Elizabeth City'* Associated 1'rexn newspaper, Trr~ order to get out Hn elght-pag* newspaper on the Miehle and pu' Its first edition in tho mslls in time to catch rural free dellvor les going out of Elizabeth City, it was necessary to put four page* of the paper on the press ever) morning by 9 o'clock or shortly thereafter. While these four ^ pages were being printed another four were being ma le ready, and when the first four pages, known in the vernacular of the prij;'. shop as the first side, had beer printed, these four "forms" wer*? ?*>kfn off the press and four Wpw "forms" put in their place . Then the folder was attached t"? ^Hie prsss tho la.?=t four pages Wore printed and delivered to the folder, which in turn dol:veio.? the papers ready for distribution to carriers and to the mailing d partment. ? All In all the print ing and folding of the paper re quired something like half a day' work. The maximum speed of ttir Model E is 5.500 un .hour, ho' that tells only half of the stoi y For, Instead cf four pages, the Duptac prints eight pages at ou. tlnio Aand t'hn Duplex folder 1^ l>ul',t fn as a part of the prose Hf? that the papers are printed and folded in one operation. Anoth er radical difference between the Web Perfecting press and the cyl Inder is that the foriber takes Its paper from a continuous ^oll. while the latter prints on sffeets fed Into the press by hand. In stesd of four hours, then. The ~A?UsaM_ii_QW rc^qulre^ only about a half hour to print Its ?Kl'.fl Pr culstlon of 2,500. Thla should mean that there Will b" less than a half tfbur's difference between the time the first earrl#r leaver the office sad the last carrier "as his papers oounted out to I Continue don Page 9 { i mfM GHOWANffltiNW Edrnton Cliumlirr ??j' ('un; liierce Write* Krjwrclins Resignation of Sivt-c::u". Kicliai'd (;. Jolt. Chowan County arid the rily r.f Edenion an- nddin;*. their prot?<;t to the removal of S?*cr? tary I!. ,Jo_b_froni Elizabeth 42 Hy. They fe< I that Mr. Jcli lias !???? n a tp - mendous asset in . Jn lr.iiiji:; all parts of the Albemarle s- clton in to a bettor understand in v.. It has been largely through his ? ffcrts that this great section hr?? found that interests of all * li . towns and counties are identic;.!. The li tti r ? from ? Cltownn ? C< .? ? ! ?! lows: "Mr. M. Lei^h Sheep. "President, C. of C., "Elizabeth City, N. C. "Dear Slr: - is with deep regret that the executive committee r?*F.d of the resignation of Mr. It. C. Job. a-* OT*Cvetary-r>f? t he KHzahrt h ? t xt^r Chamber of Commerce, brent; lit to our attention by our secretory, who in thoroughly familiar with the splendid work Mr. Job lr?s done, not only i:i Elizabeth City but for the entire easts rn flec tion. * With the many important de velopments, such as the Dismal Swamp Canal and the Chowan -River bridge .proposition, not to mention the freight contest, we feel that if Mr. Job could be re tained by you it would be to the benefit of the entire section this aide of the Round. "It has also been pointed nut "commerciat-secretnrieg Mr. Job i?r recognized aa a valued adviser. :rs he has the full grasp of the work of a secretary, so that his g;.inr: from this part of the county will be a distinct loss, which can ha> ri ly be estimated, as it will" certain ly take a new man many months to get In touch with the many at tivitles that Mr. Job has formu lated. "We trust you will not iliinl: \^p have over-stepped the bounds of civic co-operation in writing so emphatically on a niatt"r that is CONiHiCTOKS ?>! I FOr?'l H.I.ETiT: C'dar f'apid.J. low.i, July IN Tlii' b? ,:rd ?-f dmc:oi> ?? I th <>nl r ij Itttilway i *( ' i;r Itohcri !.;i FolMi : I r ili?- I*nridr::cy. ao cnulni: to a Ktat?in<-ni ^Ivni c:if by I'lvsid.-nt L. 12. l?a??l today. M(X\itEN FOUND AFIEK TWO DAYS ? 'I1 ? . .1 ?:? ? 1-5 ^ ? i i. H mi _ Larrn. Critbii round \vi'-!d f?i* r, n.bsiii'4 two da vs. w.*s l?; rat <1 ve?:f< ni iv on siinll i -ilnlnt of J.ipuii on I i'f his flying * r. \ tory. The d rr./o fop furred th ? Mr l.areii ;?*i r : y i ? land ut I rupp i:=i;?nd !??? vi alter taking flisV raid v.-rr*lo:s a a vice 4. whi.h t - that all in inb rs of the |Mr?:' i f tour won- t-u f e and that th. :r : iri'bih' wast undamaged. hkmxs <;ktti\c l ilK riM'Kit IIANO ? |!i T.i.- A ^ <1 l?A" ? l)::onoi AireM, July IS Tru;? vojtliy information involved her ? from Brazil indicates that t L. 'tei:els an* jjttin* thu'upp r baud in !*;'hliaf: around Sao I'aaio. \ N* f.-dtral k>vi rnm at ; to initiate "de?'iHi*e I ..II '.I ? 'id. llh? W4t4Mf yv hol ders hot Mit? -Main hopo a! defi nil re?uilts," it is said. TK\.\s roiTox <;\t\s Hoi;.?t;,n. July is. <.>;i --Tile c?ii!d?tf'.-?i < r (";ll? n in 1*i as is placed a t 7 2 liy Mir M:u >? finuii'i.- di'ii'M' of a*:; Irub ure. v. ?"JUVTrr~or~TTuvo ~ points iii I !i?? I.;: I i?ri!it h wltli the acrt i ;.!? J :i ? ? ? .-limat d at !? P> r < < at. rtehily your iii'iru^u'Jvf, but, nine** we have bo.-n brought ??? iiiuch Hok:t l>n'< tlu r iu tin* past lv;o >vr. rs. largely duo to Mr. Jab's ?lioris, >%??? ar?? ?ure yon \vi!'. appr; ciat"- liow w?i feel in 1 vlnt: so valuable a fri* nd. "Willi . .kindest regards, and the sincere hope may ever continue in co-operative spirit on nil matters touching ?? on 1 11 rum;* at c i ?? tii.o* this; season it last. hut Hi - t??t::l number has Ik-, n larm r, ;< dliYer* i t plan be ing adopted :;o that n any hoys ran enjoy the camp lift'. Sonic tf the -Sc m's tor-k til*.* 1 1 ? n ?1 camp;3U fin thi.- year instead of the Camp trip, and some arc planning ti? camp lal? r on. 1 he pood rooking ? ?f Chef Col lins 1-other. who Is a retired Navy n- ;:ro and leader of i he celnsvd lioy Senilis if Klizn rv-?h C!ty. h:t? made tie- camp at tractive. The menu, for instance, :J dinner Thursday was fried -frpiin :r rhiel-',n. hulf a chicken p?-r -person; Trr'ncn hf^d potato* s in chiin.laut crtapn.***, corn, bread, cud slr.uvb rrv nreservvs. Il \r?s t!i >rcn:?;!ily enjoyed and voted "fit for yonn:i Americans." TIj? catnp I'icatlrh on Arneufce Creek is :i delightful place, clcrn. r.liady, and cool. There is all the r;f. ea in the world for bathing, for I he water Is shallow quite a distance out and around the p!ucc. It must he that t!-. ? scoutmaster and the eh f Know Just how to ^oep a cair.p in Minltmy condition for Caere nr.* no flicu, and every (>OVKItNOIt 1SSI IKS CALL I.AWMAKKK.' lial'i.!'. July IS. C.ovi-rnor Morrison yi**Ii-rday issu: d :i for t:a:i I l?ir a special rosslon ? ? flit- 1- u r.' i<> coiiyi no on Tiii:r:..? iv. AuiMist 7. 1 1? consider \ f>-' v-' 1 ' 1 ; ? I 'lii.l ..intuitu .it ? ;i iid. Hm- ??::;> i ' 'I'.iMiirn-ii I : pM t ? PUOTKST CAMON < I.NTKK Ot PLOTS \V;i?|.IhuI*mi. July Is. Tti?? Sialo i>< !?:? ri i; i* \\ i:. v? Sunday StdvK.-d < f ;|? ? lin,', ,| ;,y | ? i:Ul sulur body j.: C.i'i'nH. < hina. !k :uul span -r dinner, or aft?r a w.nk's campinv for lh:?l uialit r. as it was I; fon: Thoso who ?tay down Itn-rc ail night way thai I ?:< r?* an* no iuti? Hllicr. Wit'r a scoul master ? rjuippi'ri as i? v??rp for 1 1? ?? f 1 purpos ? f deal'nv firmly 1? I r ?: ly wit I. bovs of j? 11 vaiioth-s, with a oh' I' who ftimply rail tint ? ut- i .ri llii.'. a. id with hoys always r? ady to no on such n < run pin : trip, all thai Is m?<-d? d is I )i? ? in r? Ks?ry n< iif-y for makinf* such n camp a pi't iv.ii mot jdaco of whoionoiiio ncroa ? h:?. Hut there's (In1 rub. Tlio scouf ma?l< r continues i ? pr? s< at lh?? Cxuuf wi.h liltlo r? yoonso ftv>nt those in Hip c.niMun'iy who pro fess to In*, end many . ?-f whom have personal rontons to be. iii'.i-i rstod in boys and in their whole some development into yonnv. manhood. I \r.O?{ l.OSES IN Till-: COMMONS lit. T?lr .%>? !??? i;ii-ii( !::.? l.vv |*i-?nniiiriii \Yoi;ic*:i h* \ ;> it RtMriiy. A ?? ? : 15 ' -? l f ;* ;? ?*: ? III - i:?'j ii j*::'. ?????! wi?h lor..l ? ri ; wvi ?*?f the i':. 1 >ai;-* :??? i'* ??.' ?-i (' , U..J l'i ? ? .n-. 1 v<4iiii?:i if ' '4.'t I. I v ?\ .!i i.i a I ;r! . I. ? "it > .'??* I ilt. I iii ck> .\I>!ii: i ]s;ul 1 ie? ' ii t ? 1 i J'?- i: \: in i i: ? pi. ? i :? II \ i.ili. ? 1 1 : t t\u' ? till in:*;, ??? n r. urea I' win In* IiMTiliTT* ~r. ? ~ tha' city i.? rw iv,? 1 1. - r?i;iv?;. ti'?!i t s Vi-ii'. Wiiea 'Ii*. Ii ivm-' !. lown ih?*y l> U* ;*!*?? : Id !\i: ? V' ;5i rity t?? 1?*:ip?i it' t: I'imv ion j >:?.*'.? i.i In I ?' ? t it - l'i ' |i i l;i .] I ! I.i I t'jll/i. ? h. ih would i he il? ? . i*K*it. - ?T'.il.-i A;ll UtrHlu? flr-t time- tit..; - l In- i ou\ flit i> n w ill I* li< lil < !i Hi] a of the Stiii.S. it It: i:ul at Willi; ? i?|.' !\lii:-'i?.a. Kooky Mount and oilier riiies i *i th-*- K i..: i a ? |?oj i ??f 1 1. ?- : i t ?? l'n; never in r Uc I'.S'. iJr :!i t'Hv s - tii.n !*? for.*. .Mi*.-. !i I'hMip lloli of !I??ok> Mount I.-. p:v.?i.2? lit of il;e Nor;. l'ar;ili; a llivixion for twn >??.?!>, Mill will pi ivi.i?' >!* I In* ;?uivi*n tion this i i!(., y'v~. Ilo'i ai*o jreddrd :ji (ireem.l??ro hint y?,;r. Ii is i xji.rtf j Unit ihi?r.? wiil !? In w.*: a i.'.O ;.n.l (IcI.'giMM t ?> ar*t?nd t lir- rotiv??tiHtrtr: Viarn'-' \? ill In* inadn for tin* enlnrlala ir.rni nf ah. Mil thai number. As i > f I ! t*? ? rs wiit h?* 1 i't t??l thi. ye nr many will nvi rnmiu the on slM'h rt to he i n fim.i r..l in- a ji?un:i*y fr? us tiir wns'.crn |>;* ri .?< ". In* S?;s! ? in ??.: !. r l.) :oi ;aL, Ti*** ? oh i?' ? rl4ii? ? a;:;l utlur ovffii n'sal lotsa nf Elixalictli C"i ; *? am I'xa- -1 ?*il to ro-oiu'rato ip i!i?* cut crMliiiiiiiit of ih'? visitors Tile ntayi r and t'ir pr sidenl.s o:* tfin vnfiMis or^.iniznlliMH win proluibly In* railoil upon f ir :itl iii ?.? rs r.f wi'!r me to I li? <1 ?? I * KnU*:. The t-.m vt-iit Inn will la.-1 t li : ?? ? or faur diiy.i. Mr.*. ?!. M. It'll of Ciinvlcn w.ri 'n rity Thursclay as I ho gue^t or .Mr .a nJ Mm, John l*n ul iluw V: r. 2 I'asj IlurxrcM ntrvet. hi'iicef'irtli walk under the banner of Senator La Follette .11 national issues. ' Democrats Not Wo Over ROBERT T. 8MAI.Ii (Coiyilrft. 1924, By Tha AvirliiiHl I'm- * i .V irrfrrr -frtnrththi CiitumHtn. I'ranc \ July IS ? Hi Ion Will. . Am ricau woman tvnnis chain ?pi?nf." reached the final round* of Olympic ninths today by dsfuut iin; Madame A. G. Holding ??? Praiire (3--, 6-1. She will meet Mademoiselle Vli.-io i>i l'r.inr>t in I fi ?? final .ia j In* i csiilt of the hitler's victoiy ov? r Misd Kathleen MeKane Gie-i? Britain 0-6, 7-.r?. 6-1. V In rent Richards. only remain ing American In the men's hIi gles, t; 1.1:1 I'iuhl hi:niii^ th?? notice. L' i * I * ; r i up cr clean ??ut." and h ! ; * in <1 "K K. K." ( OlTOX MAItKKT .Ni w York. July IS. ? Spot cut ton. Honed steady. Middling 112.40, an advauci* of '> points . Futun s, ??lo.-lng bid, July .11.40, Oct. 26.38. Dec. 2!?.!>o. Jan. 25.40, Man Ii 25.70. New York, July lx. Cotton futures opened t'day at llie fol low In ? level*;: July I! !.!?!>. Oct. 26.40, l).-c. Jan. 2!?.:i0. March 25.48. The leaders say it was a perfectly natural thing for Senator Wheeler to do for his mind has run along with La Toilette's ever since he en public lift- and his being car . ried on the records as a Dem ocrat was j ust about the same as LaFollette being recorded as a Republican. Republican loader*, including National Chairman Butler, wro ~ Inclined to -hn-ir -bit Jubilant oecr tly"^ Wheeler ^announcement and contended ll had a distinct bear ing on their previous statement* that I .a Follette would cut a s heavily Into Democratic ranks ae he would In the fl. O. I'. This; of course, the Democrats denyr and they say that whentheso ln the senate begin to quit the regular Republican ticket and be gin to cant theln lots with La Follette. the single defectlno from the Democratic ranks In the upper chamber will bp all but for gotten. Senators Rrookhart ' of Iowa, Norrle of Nebrasku. I^add and among those the Democrats ex pect to declare for LaFollette be fore the campaign grows much older. The Republicans say that Senstdr Dill of Washington, a progressive Democrat, will also go over to LaFollette. TfiU t:iiiMiinu back and forth between the lead?rs-ol the two. old pnrtlen Is likely to go on for some time, but as a matter of fact the LaFollette forces are de veloping exactly along the lines expected. I He ha? gained no unexpected strength from any Quarter, but on the other hand, has been handi capped quite a lilt by the enthus iasm with whlchne has been tak en up by the socialists. The un qualified endorsement cf LaFol lette by KuRene V. Debs waa viewed with evident s satisfaction in both Democratic and Republi can campn. The "redder" the old parly leaders can paint the La Follette movement the better thev will like tt. They will attempt to show tt la merely a rallying place for all the discontented , elements In Ameri can life. The abiding place of the "undeslroblan" and In this way Ihey hope to hold to Republican ism and Democracy the progress ives who are not willing to asso ciate with the radicals. A Ono Democratic spokesman de clared today the national organi zation waa glad to be relieved Of th<> responsibility of having to defend .Senator Wheeler's conduct of the DauiiTtlfiy ? 1BVWHMW before the Drookhart committee of the Senate. That InvestlgatM was conducted along far different lines from the oil Inquiry In ths hand.! of Senator Walsh cf Mon tana. Senator Wheeler permitted any and every sort of testimony to be brought In, regardless of whom It concerned. His chief 'de pendence In the Inquiry was the notorious -GaMon 11. Means, inter national spy and Investigator, who boasted that although he had been accused of every crime In the calendar. He had never been convicted.. That proud record now has been broken, however, for since the flenuto adjourned M.'arin has been convicted In the Federal courts here and sentenced to two years In the Atlanta peni tentiary. He in out on bond pend ing an appeal. Ths Democrats fe?l new that the Wheeler activities which wen*, without (ho scope of "th*> original Inquiry can laid st the door of UKollfMo Influence. Meantime It Is apparent that the leaders, cf all three parties at present Pi th* ft"ld an- looking to the east u* a greater battleground than any one could have suspect ed two weeks r?o. The roolldfie organisation frankly expected the Pern aerate J nominate eotne me would wi have made the F*?*| solidly ? publican and would have pern ted them to w'vo their undlvli attention to the central stre i of the country and the Far The Republicans had expecU maintain a "branch" heav ier* here ?n New York wltg - wm&n working f^ee.' In eh?rm Wi h th* nmilnstlen of Mr. via. however, plan'* suddenly i charted. The nemibll^nnl r*adv h**v? leseed t^* flo the building at No. t West sixth street and are likely I I more *psice as the can Continued on HOTKKI) o ? ? ?i iVo I. ??*%?. **.: j . ? ? . . i ii f lht? Mule ? f ;*;su l'au!o. IIr.> l.s t ?' Ilium in (n;iirol . : t ,i?* (uwn. The Brand New Model E Webb Perfecting Press on Which This Issue cf The Ad Dance was Printed I ?