Both Coolidge And Davis Are W orking On Speeches Davis in Woods unci (.oolidp' in White House Kxpn lrd to SoiiihI Keal keynote of Deiunerutie-Kepiililiean (iampaign in Their Sperelies of Aeeeplanee r Ry ROBERT T. SMALL (C?p,rt?hL HII. B / The Ad?inctl <J N"? York. July i r, j | ... "i ic. part) fur -Uui_ 1'J,?1U.<KV has son., .o .he wflils of Maine , ;T ba not only will get a g??,| ? before pluiiKiiiK Into the cam Ml*u Urn wiiuru lu, . en al?? get a I,. tf,.r him "i."'"IUtl"" whlrh confronts him. ]].. may remain in seclusion fur two weeks or ,??r... now il'ci.VL"l "oll"ca<lu" "nlei. ?I Clarksburg hi. v. I nxed for .. AltgU.t U. there will he |?, , I for him t'> hurry hark to'town ? -IkntM raw -tivLtluy l...? made a rather shrewd move In having their notification Just three days before the Republican ceremony at Washington. At ftr*. It was function should he held August 1. Then ran.e nouncment or the Republican date and the Democrats decided to delay their ceremony aeecml InKly It had been announced that President Coolldg. would r. - I'ly to the Democratic "keynote" to be uttered by Mr. Havis. |f the Democrats hud adhered to their first l>lans. the l-residcnt would have had a full fortnight to consider and frame his reply A? matters Man. I now he will either have to defer the prepara tion of Ills speech until three days before Its delivery or else to ahead without any reference to the position to be taken hy the l>einocratlc candidate. Most of those who know Mr 2 ""'I believe he will choose the latter course ho the two leading opponents In T*e cam paign am expected to be at work simultaneously upon their ad dresses of acceptances. noth add resses are likely toT..> pttchrd iipoiT-a-tiipit -plane There will be no personalities in the coining fight ho far as the princi pal figures are concerned Mr. Coolldge Is not tiiat type ? man. Neither is the Demo rratlc standard hearer. The per aonallty of each man Is expected to have a distinct bearing upon the result but tliere Is a van dif ference between personality and personalities. The speeches of acceptance will be amplifications of the pam piniform. Mr. Coolldge's views , are fairly well known. Therefor, the greater puhllc Interest Is Ilk. ly to center In the Davis address for the country Is looking to him for a Clear cut expression of Just Issues *,a,lds tnany public President Cnolldge will have a number of difficult obstacles to skirt In his address. Just ?K Republican platform tuckers at had to step rather live ly In turning some of the sharp corner., Mr. Coolldge W||| have the same difficulties that the ,,|?t. form makers had in dealing with the record of the he leaders or which did so much to thwart the executive program The genera! Impression seems to be that Mr. Coollilge will appeal to the country lo give hln. a Con gress with which he con work It Is possible of course for the ite iP .workln= major ity In the House, for >11 the mem bers of that body must con.e up for re election In November, nut the case of the Senate seems hopeless. It will take years to of the recalcitrants out of that body, If ever It Is rid of them. Just here Mr. Davis Is expected to make a most telling attack up on the Republican record He will attempt to show that President Coo Idge was either unable or un willing to force Ms will upon Congreaa and that loglslatlon wns possible only through Democrats and Profrrcftnlrn channels He win argue that If the Democrats are given control of ConnreHs as well ?s the Presidency, the country may look for cohesion at Wash Ington and a general spirit of pulling together for the welfare or the country. Already the preliminary Dent Arratlc "keynotes" have Indicated "Hack and It will be a difficult one for the Republi cans to meet. Of Course Mr. Da vis will dwell upon the alleged corruption "In high" at ?nd in" " ?" "CBndals and other revelations at the can wl|l aot cut the figure In the campaign that was ?l,ln.|,y filippoaed. " Meantime Mcr?. Davis and Coolldge have been getting the usual good news" handed out by aspiring politicians to the partv standard bearers. Candidate, al ways have to put up with this Em ?.vls has been (old that the Democrats will Car ry Pennsylvania and Mr. Coolidge a-*:- ??>?? the Repub n !k ir'? '?rr)' ,h*" ?o|l<l South. Hoth Mr. Davis and Mr iJ5 - mi 5? J5"?8? n" tl..Mr "^"Une??" m,'|'' .mile. engagingly at the talk of Pr,oph'i" ??* the prophet.. Tha open season for polltle.1 prognostication Jb5?, ||j HUGHES SPEAKS AT WESTMINISTER Hcjiiicrs in Amily llrlwifii Amrrica and Brit* ain and < o-oprr;ilioii in Hitrri?st of IVuco; 'London. July 21. ? Secretary Hughes npeakiii:: nl the UrlriMii* Ing ? \ ist*H fur lli" Aiii"i'irau liar AraMciation at \Wstininsi? r -Hall tuilay di clan d t li :i ? ll ? ? i-m? erlcan delegates liad come to Kng land h-Jololnj; in an amity which had become a 11 v?d liahlt of two |M'()|ilo8 I m i ? : 1 1 mi co-operation in tin* illllTMKl ??f |M?aOl'. "Of ;ill international contracts." ho said. "none could ho happier than this. We haw ti? political' ends to wrvi1, I'm t?> compose. no policies lo advance except the hictiral of all. the pol icy of understand!!!!; and good will. "The fact that wc arc hero in more eloquent tlian anything we can say. Hern we cmiif to tighten the bonds *of friendship." AltlEltlCA W INS liO\IN<; CONTKST Parin. July 21 ? The I'nitod Stales won the boxing champion ?hip in the Olympic game* >v-t?T day. SI FFKHS llltOKF.N All M Mr*. W. T. riiipp*. 20 JChrlng liaus Ktreet, who hii lie red a hroki-n arm days ago Is gelling along nicely. COTTON un ites taki: m<; ji mi* New Yorl:. July -1. ? Cation Jll 1.1 Jll'll ? I7-MTT1 t^cO ? m ? ? [nil ?! lure mi the |?ii !il ii-li In:; ?f it - (Jiivi-ri'iir iu for?-oast i.?i|.iv Xi-w Orleans, J'ulv 2l.--Vo>?oii fniuroN lifp- io<lay ro.ire.l -??? itoiiiis. MAICTI \1. I.AW IN tkiikk \\. ratsu Teheran. Persia. July Jl Mar IijiI lav.- wa:i y<>liTil.iy di'clan'il here. Several hiisihm-ih in rn>ui<?' 1 1 ? ? ii with (In* ileal li of the Ani r iran Vie?? Consul. Hubert lirtlirlo have Im'i'u arresl?'?l. iukmi. ok i\r.\\T The burial of tin* infant danrh t? r of Mr. a tul Mrs. J. S. Ilhulvs, 310 Cherry street, was <>oii(lu<'l<-<l at Sakni Monday morning, at 1 1 ti'rlocli, The baby died Sunday abiuit nne nVloek at ill - :i K?- (if ihrn? ntuniliK. ltKVIV.\l, ,\T i:i'\VO|{TII II?>v. \V. T. rbip|>.4 will eomluc; texivai sirvle?s ;:i K|iworth M? Hi o.l M ctnirdi beginning ne::i ?untiuy night. Thirst For Liquor May Make O'Connor Confess ltrf:i*iii<r Allip'd Hinulil Lriidrr's Plea for Srolcli !.? Kxiiinplc ??f Kclinrd Third Drprn1 Methods Prac ticed liy the Police of the I'iir West By I#, c. OU'KV (CtpyritM, I Ml. n, Tri? Ad?.im?j San Francisco, July 21 Pollc* "t liir<l doKn'P" method;*, nbcut which tin- public hears much and knows 1 it ( 1?*. are more r '-fined these days than IImt used tn be ? never the Iras lliry are still high ly efficacious. San Francisco po lice sleuths Just now arc utiliz ing much more pollHhed methods with Indications that they will succeed in wringing a confession of his alleged mlnd'-eds from hig Hill O'Connor, the two-gun des perado dc luxe bandit who in the past year is credited with pullinc ofT more than half a million dol lars' worth of Pacific coast ban ditries. In O'Connor, tho police assort they have the most daring, spec tacular and clever hold-up artist who ever operated in the Far West, one whose exploits, they declrtre, make the highwayman feats of lliack Hart, the famous bandit of California's gold rtinh days, pale Into Insignificance. O'Connor and Ills Rang of "Cali fornia doylightcrs," they pay, oh tained more loot in any one of their many robberies than did lliack ll.irt in all his lifi- of out lawry. Asserting that O'Connor Is a bold, bnd bandit leader, however, seems to be about as far as the police are able to po yet. After hunting him for months and Cap turing him in a desperate gun bat tie in which m<>r*? than \U0 shots were fired, It develops that the- authorities have little or no taiiKiblc evidence which connects him with the many bold robberies churned Rksinst him. Although It is said he was wanted In sev eral Eastern and Mid Western cities for bold banditries similar to those In California, he has no police record. Search of rogues' gallery rec ords fails to *how that he ever has been "mugged" or finger printed in connection with any past crime. Denplto their lack of evld? nee, the police, however, are morally certain III their own minds that they have the arch bandit of the country and that If they can just compel him to "talk" they will have no trouble convicting him. And It is Indue in. him to "loosen up" that Han Franclnco sleuth* are dinctlni: their reflncd third degree. O'Connor. It develops since bis arrest, was for many years a N? - will not close until the ballots fly with tho snows of early Norcr.> vnil ii ?old minor. Also !.*? In a victim of "mincra* cmiKti r,?i?t ion," n antic brurh pseudonym Tor or dinary fuborculoaiM contracted In d:i in |i underground worhiiu'i*. For in : ?r?* than two year* O'Oonno. him deix-nilrd nmro upon Scotch whiskey than anything < !.-<? to Rim p ii |> his physic;1. 1 and nieii 1i: I morale. Anil It is llirouuli Scotch or lack of It tluil Mm police hope to make him onnfcr.s. O'Con nor now has been under arrevi for more than a woe'k. HIh flrat pica on h?-IiiK locked in n c? 1 1 and iiln dally pica since has been for a "drink of liquor." So far hi* pica h:tH b? i n denied. Tin police theory If that tillknntcly his craving for drink will s? ovi conic him that he will waken an?l "eome through." Tin* prin cipal tiling the pol Ice from j O'Connor I* to b? told the lildim place of thousands of jlnliar*' worth of loot which lie la alleged to have obtained In his many rob beries. As leader of the Ciillfor nla dayljghtcrs. the police apisi i t hl? share of such loot Ih approx Imatcly $250,000. Most of thin, if is bclicvefl, luis been cached in boinc scen t hid Ins: place. Tliut liia cravinui f ir Scotch . may already have Induci d him to "talk" a Utile olid that "refined" third decree methods may he com plotcly successful in tie- ??ml Is at t? atcd by the fact that $.".7,000 worth nf jewelry alU-H^d -to-ha-va^ hern accreted by the tubercular bandit already has bean fitovi i ed. "Also attache* of the Jewelry store which O'Connor Ih alleged to have robin d. have ldcntlP**d him by bin voice. To newspaper reporters and detcct Ivea rillke, , however. O'Connor maintains h?? is not a bandit and that his name In Itlley. not O'Connor, and that the police "haven't fcot a thing" on him. ftcfusal to rive him Scotch, however, may soon cause hlin to weaken and eon fraii t<> anything the police desire, he nays ")U*t to Ret a drink." I ..HH i i i n; is ON TIIK WAKl'Aril WlPhlkgtOII, July 21. Plan: for wnRiiiK vlvoroiia battles In ev ery state wefe discussed at a con ference yonfrday between P-na tor Urollettr, inde pendent car. - dlcate for f'rc<<!dtint. nnd fl-nator Wheeler, hla runnlnc mate, and others. The discussion wan Ken cral and ? no decisions wore reached. TRY THiS fN YOUR -TUB NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT lly .1. i\ liovrr It? 4, Kt 4I?? All. ill.-. | N? w V? ? ??*- # .l?:l\ 21. Siiturilay iii?!:? in. iv. If in I \ ill.- ?:ul t?f lli-? wi-i-m for l ira lis Inn to a /air majority n si ill marks lli?> rrrlvul ?f i:::li<-nal institution. II-" >\:t *: ??!??> nKSit hall). Alturi caua nr?* |!i?- iii'?,-4 l?*illi<d poopl.> i:i !ll?* w rM. in *: c ? > accur als siiif i. i :t" in >ri' of tliom ??'i lli? ir haihiiir. Saturday 11 i I than at any other ti: h-. Moro than now hath lilli:; vr?'|-i' mail* la.-l jrar and ov ? r a million ar< > \:>< di (l to br niai'iifari u?rd h? l'-:r. mxt Janu ary. f?#r i !??? av?rau.? hath in a lull hctWifii 10 and 00 loin* of wafer a:v i: . tlu' thh of soap .mihIh lis. I liiv.h. Ami it is at it ;? llruMl on Sat unlay nights. Tliif i pi-fivi n hy ;>i-ciiruti> im-a* un- of tii.- \va(?'i' iliawn from oily mains ami tl?c t* ait] ii l?>i?n I amount nf "as cotisuimd in tlx' riih-s to h?:tl th.> vri t ? ? r to h>-iw? --n HO to l.'jii d r?.s. If t ii ii-?-K front two Id tlii rnhli* r.-. i of fcas to raise a Kr.lloii i f umI* r Ion d< - ur?'fi, Th.- i"-r capita crnsumpth u of Wi'li r in America n cilh ? is 200 tu ::oo per i-i iil than in Ku !*<>]> -an rltli'M ami on Saturday ni'.rhfs this |M>r(l(,nlup> is doubled or ti'i'hh-ii. Tin* ordinary house . Itohb-r in I lii< rnuntr-y ijw* ahoiii T.r.uu r.;'il'-ns of wat? r a month. Iti'pri'H' nialivr.* o.f tliu laiRt-Kr snap producers in tliif country io> si-rt thai rn rjr family ( avi-rnuliiJ-' ?1.1 porsijiiHj in th.? I'lilted Slates c.mMitws at h ;..- t K0 pounds of soap #|.iirinu llo- year and tin- con sumption c<!i Saturday niulil is ? vni hlth'r than nr. wash days. Ovi r 2,0(11,000.000 pounds of r.:>an w? ve used in |hls country in 1 1: ? ? last year hy families which at present prices means a hill for clca nliuess of $250,000,000 tin nitally. Tills fHiiiuati^ according to Ii. I;. Di'iiprcr. sah\?< manai-cr of tin* Prod or fr (Iambic. <t?iu pariy. dees not include soap tin il fur manufacturing purposes. "In addition to home r.insunip iiidus'rial and textile fh-ldnond that consumed In hotels, office h;iiMin'-'s. laundriir. public itir.ti t ii s i* ? i.s and on transportation lit"-1*. j'ddp anctlu r 500. 000. 000 pounds to consumption ami rai'is lit >-ap hill of the Natirn to l nun. 000. Tic- advaurv in ti :* l>il *" "I I ?? ?' ? i .l ill jiiilii" ss' i.i imliainl In Hi- ?!? for laiv.- *?',/.< d rau? i ?'t toilet .<iki|? which iiMi.'lly alt ii-. <| | ? i|- I ?;i f hiii- ]iim ;i::j? s. <"? li j ?! in | .1 ion i I y> iii i ? in ri! i ii I I ? i ? i ( ?rv i " iii.w i!> :?ri\ :is i.i Ii a i ?? ? ' - iiii.-s. ttlii-Vi" ! it luriin-iH V...- ?>' I |?T Ctll SUia!l;-r. 'I'll i: H'JIS iii l.ii:;' |i;i rl in (Ii*- fad I ha I I : r i n i- i-i w?*r.* forim-iiy accus t urn d i>- niaki' ili"ir hwh f-oa " S I* -1*1 1> lli?' f.iiiai r ha* In ? ii quick tn ii-.ili/i- thai 11 \v.i i..i? iriMliiMiiM I In iii:i I. ?? his <i w ii ?|?," s;r iii II. S. ISnilluli of (|u I'hm lor * Catuhh C'utii|iaiiy r? c ii 1 1 v . "Nnw. i?ii?- l?i improved niaiiiif;iclin*i-il cond i? lops nssilr i i" i:i k:i'i*iil?>r crotmmii'S a ml In l 1 i iinalil y. it is in 'iinl a rural i!w< II. r wlm niaki ? '.>|i at lioiiii'." Tim arl o| ?-.? 1 1 iiinl, inv. la an ? hi inn*. I in- II r:;l a m U-tiiic iii.-i? ti->ii i'f which is ::iait.' in ih" writ i' . - i*f I hi* i hl. r I *| i ti \ . %\ hi i ili> ii ?'? \. 1). I 'liny >?:-iii. '.nwi-vi r, thai I ho iirndiicl. mail** from oat*' tallow and w.imi j-shf? . was lined hy I Iw <2auha- anil l.ii-r Ml'lMf only 111 J;hv ;| |,.,1 I">|nr to liiiir hair. Tin- Ii i k| m -ulion i>f if a us" for iviiin\ in?: dirt from I Iii- li'iil.v iiml riolhin-: wiu? lis tin* : --croud cntury. Ii did iiot allai'i ji'-m-ral iiw, linwrvi r.until nhoiif laPO, .when I Ii4* snap ?:r?-w rapidly in f'as-t il?> and Mar M'Hl.l'F, wIliTi' HOil|l W?:? Made III ulivi' oil and !>??. Tin* of slmw- r? iu llii1 li-?i.i? s, which I*- n }-? In i n 'i iiiarLi d feature nf new huildili; conHlrucil-.Jii. has t? ndod to mil Henri* tin- amount of wsiter uk?-iI fur hathiim a.-, a tdiowi-r hath nui i!tini"s |i h:i u-jiIi r than ?ni* taken iu a tuh. It 1i;ih ;;!. ?) iitrrmiHi d tin* d uiand for Kii.-i* mkiii o* soaji. ulnce tiny :i i ? ? ? ash r to hold and cf?viT tin ??ni ?'.:???? with lather more quickly. Hotel hn I Im j:r?' ii hi il I win* ar. often hy Iran -i- lit >: nif-l k iih l?y |i"rm:iai'Hl uu?Ktr.. i. cm id I.i n In hold inannui ir. Thin would in dicate thai I hi- dally h ilh Ih not yet hy any iii-jiiik unlverxal in I hl. coniilry. Investigation hIiows (hal office i nqdoyi . w.y:h tin ii hands p- ularlv i; I lunch I im ? till I not an ri uiilarly at fh ? Mid ?>r the day'i; work. It 's Never Been Climbed No niuft fvci f>n? rear hnl th* lummii 01 >1ou*.t G<attc I#? crt mnif^ movn Uiiii in Iht CminilUh HwUirn It If* only If. CM f?*#t hlfih, tint hn? J?-fl?<? ev?<ry mipmiA to uliuin it* ???nk. Now th* f?M ?? Win* l;y C O Wiiton of Edmonton, Alberta. II D Oedde* of Toronto, und Vil E Plynn of 81. Louis. They intend lo moke (our different immKi on the mountain Some Pr/xi-ks a Torrado Phiyrji Tlit'."* * I?'W ??! thf hrtikiKli *'unth :? t<un:i?lo i ? ? 1 1 u .t it? Auj^Ma l\u* Th- |>wiiu?> .1 i|.. , the K|>l.'*t-)>|?iil wnnuf it* Iron I 1 ?? Hi lit **t ..1 . k,- .1 IhkikI mm;,? orti-i , .|-iv . ?. t;(i? the >nlt' i>l a btiiiw* Ai l? *< CH a |VV Murv ? ;4i.j -i|mi i|u**iii .tiiuutui,; ?\it|i ?m?- l l ? i?iu?-U. i_-mir PLEAD GUILTY TO KILLING FRANKS Nullum l.ropoli!. Jr., ;iml Kirliaril L???*l> llrclari* Ncvspupri' Vi'ciililils SmIi stnntiall) (lorrri'l. .1!. T ..VI V: < I'liiraui*. July 2 I The fiilo of Valium 1.- ? >p<dd. Jr,. unit llh-liard I Iiii I ?? ii'd tor kidn.inphiK ?ud inn. t- r uf_l4 >*??:? r old_ Itoln-i I 'PVrrri ~ v^*:ij*~fri-:h,if " 1 ?riTSTr"4*iir 1 !it i?? I'py of 1 !;?* coiirl." This r. mliod fmni iii.- pl--a nf ii i 1 1 \ in mui'i l?y ('hri'iiti! i)ar i?*. rliirf conn .?'l !??r tin* c| affirm. -il Hy itn-m "after tliev 1)1 ii 4 1 1 1 ? v warn. il li\ 1 1 1 ? ? ?ouri nf i !i ? ? r.tti; rf this 'I ho il?t ri'i> of punish nn-nr. *.\ |'*ii t| i,x..iv v.i f y fro m an lifde I ?Tiuiirili' prison . l*??: - |m'U iIl. iiikiafs iii?-.irei i-alion 'in an asylum. or d?ath, v iM Ii. ? ? |< ?t f I'm i n< ? I al'l.-r lli- It. afini: in NWihnsilav. Kuli-rinu th." pl.\i i?f cuilly lo -d.-iy I ?:irrnw s.iiil thai tin ? il'.f-'ii >e :iilaiii!(i'il iIm* eorrei-tne** of 1he l:itl ii Hsla ii I i j 1 1 y a> printed iti I In- lleW ?papiTS." I|i- a*ki'iJ ii 'i :ii: ? Ion, Imwi'Vcr, "t?i offer i vl(|i'ii("o jis iii i hi* nii'.i tal uiiiitl *i {.in of iln->< youii<: in ? 1 ii .iiol tii - ir 4li!i;riH* of iv-' |toi!!? hit - it v.", .latljr" I'av.-rly lie n to hi ar ?.u I'll ? v ???? h.un a* in f.ri * a ml iMi' i <-.|ion...iu>:iy a ? i hi- i uii si>l>>4 miyh: nvi-'h in jh> sctit him for hi - ? i> f mil iiih iu<; < i:oui) .VITI-:\I>?\<; roi.H !?: < <?i icr m<ini? \ v T?" ?K .Un. "'' '!?? , villi, ii r.*i -ii- ? " N'? riKiil ?"f- ?'?? S:,J nolny liitlH ' " "l- l,;,v"' ..j tin nniiity. Marshall H- Join-n. raidiier <?? lit/' l-'lrat * < :ii/.iis Nalloiin' I Sank. Iisol I??h l ord f on p I nocked Into >plint? in on tin- lat l. r rtir.d Wil li II- Im'o liy Di'iini'! liiiMill. f'.riin rl> of ly r. || 1 'on niy l?ni now of Sufo'iK Mr I >11 vit 11 . KulnuHliii" '?? comi Vo'ndiiy I- ? ??!??? "r r.ckl-.a ilrlvlni:. m-ua I' I "III' a nil- it . -M.lllll" ?l I" ! l> (-,.ii it thai In had nuniil to Hilly (??iin|n*nHjif ?' Mr. Jmii'ii f'-i il'1 ilama^o to hi.-: car. |,i^li(i fin ni oh and J? rry Joim r.nn. Ill'- I""-'' " r MitlanlK t" ? i-'l-i"" .Irivlliv WruR ik ??'!' "" ? '-''l' ...| Ii". WlMXlllll- l"'"l. I''" I' ?. il|?ia nl m l l < ?'?!' ???" I'llllll* 'I II' Ii|.i<|>.||t ? II 111 "I "III. r 'ill-. I'liil 111- I-I'iirt I" finil villi- r 'I- ' "'I '?' lillv Tile nun- -villi IH-|. I f III? W(. I ... 1 1 ? "f wlil'li *? I'1'" II". Ill-.t.'.-.l thai nir \v;is hi rii'-li iimlilnlil|.? m it was Iwart'd toward town, wntl' I In- rnr iliivi-r l?>* ?? IM li<>id?d lov'iird Woodvilli*. ?*? rnod onward nfl. i tt??- IhmmH for n dlnlitiifo of vbont I Oil f"?*t mid w lit Into th.- illt Hi ??? tin* ot lo r fd?lo of th -? road. Tin- n? i ro's car wim tuni' d mnilil' t' l.v ??v?t and alni'iiit nnmnd liy tin cnllhdon. ,, In n. ni" of tin* acrid' Ufa, H up pears, wa? nnyliody hurt. Jon Ilrown. colored. wa-? finoii % ] mid rorta for ;i?ih*.hiII with d'-adly viapon on l*?i|lw Offlr? r lfiirri.4 whon o\Wi,ii?*r wan lironulit nut to I Hi* < ff"H that It ii i w ii In ii dod III" car for tin He- offlnr and tnrn'd on tin inlro a a tf to run lilui down wlmii Mr. Hnrrlu ord? ri d lilin ?" lu'H on Soul II It ond Sir.- I Saturday nltttit Tin- Statn fnlloil to i?ni!:? out a imnlnat Ilrown for assault with di-adlv wiapnn on nnollior in t:ro win n two wilm-s-.Hin. Ju Hum Itlddirk nnd Toniniv tJlov^r. Indli rolori'd. v/lu? li:id l<?" n Fit" poma.d l.v tin HI all*, fail* d to ap | Th.. wlin?:v4.H W?to fin -d IK. nod Thrinm U. Il'imari. I ddU |,,| M||?m Riia^'l. Jr.. win- laxnl with Hi*1 co.-dM for \iidatl<n <?f Hi" <?1; v parHni-. ordlnanr.'i. l!oFa HtntPii. rolnrrd. for rri nt Inc a nulnarri.. tu'ir-tlv virlu'l. wnn |< I off with a flno ?-f r.iadv Whl?o fnd i ajn llarv. v. r'dor.-d. K'?l %'? ?' u?l ??'?*?:* f"r I'' ?1 ill " in I" n ifnni" ' f African ?wdf Jan..- fl'anrlnr.l. in a Hi?ri'?. of h|iiiiiI? n??ault, wan flin-il IT. and ommIm. Mlitth.'W f-'prulll. ridnrid. for PManlt mi hla rlf<\ wn* iw nt to tlir road 'i f"r nix inofthn. It'll WW I tint" "I'd |Vir**v llar r|}? wrr^ flin-d lr. and cmlr, for h.dnc druait. fsnniuol Itaimi. **o|or?'d. n t"1 |l^<?n?", w.nn |rt off Willi III" CfflT Saint nrtlton.' ch r? d. T"r op ' rali-f? n innlnr vi hlpt?* ?wlill'* un rii r ll", l*?flnrnr?? '-f Ih'U'ir. fin id 150 prd cr-i?ta. Halnt took un "fipfd T'|h*rt ffollv colofd *nl.rnltt*-d in a #VnrK" 'f fnllur# t'? ol?grnri? ?i.?. sin"- rnllroad cmn*l"" ?i?n In*, *s? I't f" ?'"> fori*.. . , _ Tin- crowd at Monday** "cwlon of r< rord'-r'n ln< l:?d like the day cf a ?r?*lnn < f Suf?" r|o| r ? ? i ?" ? . ?" ???nv ? JJ , ii i x . i-nltil' 't . ?*" ' lallv , ? rnr^- Hilt- '!'?? ri nrtri* m. fl, . ?. . f r.>.| I.'n-f I'" ! ,r .'.Mint ?iti. 1 nn?l^ up an u?u:iu?ll|r nonMllonol docket. ? I l ls IIKI'O Hi l l) AT KI.1IS ISLAND N. Yolk. J"'* -1 , \'V ,1 I'H M". Art:- mill li. :n> j 1 ? ""'v n,i..l II... Hem.-'' ? VT'Tht . , -nil) l?.i I.I I." I II.. 11.1" 1- ? 1 '"1 v w.-r- ?? trail".. mill.-.t i'i- ? "I-" " ? f" rlvtil Ai-m >>? Hi? ..olllid II.. ir ? liisllffU-i.-llllV I1"? w. r.- uril. r.-'l "''I ?" HON DISOW NS IN t;l KIM Tl < K ND Vi'n'iri-iil ui T.".M>"n I , .ii.l.l. .. .I III ' "".'ll INiilK CIlllM'll 7n.v-.IIh li.lm. -???' v si I'l" ,.?roll l* SaWJ.r. II" l-?-"? l'idl.1 ,1.1.1 lad dn.v.ii.-d III riiriliwri . .mnd TI.iiikiIiiv - ??' I'l >??:?> ii<i.-i i..?'II I" ? nilj.'lliln: "I"' I'"'"' ''"j1" ,, i i-ii'irrti f..ll..?l?r ?,-l;vii-. ? 11. Urn clmrrli; 1.<-V7 rlii.rl. ?? A 1 1 1. Ill' Vinnl. -i ni.-ill-n. lit.- ii. ? i??l-ir I I'"1 i-mIiii i i.i it.; ii. -M- f""": r'} ,1,-1,11 in I-..I I- UI.-III ^ I" 'III" . Tin- lad W'lil I" hathltu: hi-. I.rolh.r. M.Hiii. I"> V'.-"' "Id. at "t II" l'"?. ll-; ? """ laliillliKK. km'"" i,s " . ,'f yuaii.-r lan.llii u. n-ar r.i?? Tli ii i !*?li?y nft? ri?o??n. aoomi (ii yard* I mm th.- b"?l ls a ?h?al iiiut'li ri..,u. i.i.iM.> oath In 1,-1 1 1 i. - \ I'll ll . "f i.JI l l.?*n. iiiomIIv > .HI Ii -I - 1 -? ?"?" '"'"j1",? Hi. i. *1" 1 1 1 1 1 ill.. nil.' ill'' I**" liioimlii i" kwiiii lit rim i-li ,l.., l? i w i.l- i II" i-lu'll di;iluiiw I.. Hi. I.IIIIV . II 'I N' ' '75 .?.mill nwlm ?. I", 'i"'1 r""1,d und.-rl :iK.- Willi ? a MWlm i |l:, l Tli- \??nnii. r I. ro Ht, i, wlni. irarnln I" *?">? "lily ,1,1* xii in "I "V1" Mr.-lrh "I il.-.-|i.T wnl.i ?v.r to II. it. shoal Hovv. v. i-. to imiko titii-i- hi* youiit. r liri.lli.-i- roiild i?l,?nl. M.-lvlii. ii..- .Od er. n.-rnr.-.l for him ii tamll. tool [.Ian!, lo aid lilnl. Wli. il Hi- Ui??Ii-r i ? arliod III.- Shoal. Ill" yolii.K-r wan only I, all way Hill" ami liad 1. 1 u.i of Hi.- plank. ??-i":;11 "?'? " *Tn* ' 1*1111 villi inaU?" ? ? ahu ,l?. .-III." "N"' l,"r' inn ?'?" V!""R.. Id- did lil:' l>i-J*t. wa" to i-.-a. h 11"- d in wi.ln- I??l 1,1 'I"" '" l, -In. Wii.-n. a I'111" l"l, r'. "J, I, ,nly was l? Noirii. II. Matvy.-r, an ..... I- ?" lail. it COIlId ll"t *?*" rfiitlKCll.lMMl. ll tliollitl.l III" I."V- will. wan t.tihj.-pl t" "w.-iil. *l>"l ?? w"n ? . - i /" 1 - . 1 will, a atldd.-n Hint*.. In Hi., wul.-r, and I hurt w.-til down. OIII.TK art iBlfnt In III" K-nrrh [in 111" In"! v w.-r.-: Iliouiaa H. Saw.... and T. I! ???""?. Jr IMn... ii Calloi. and J-rdon Tn ita roil C. Mawy. r i-nil hla Urolh.-r. M.-Ivln, I, . IV" mad- Ilielr I,. .11..- with Mia. Sal.. I iivii". n. 'Ir vr? r l..-r.-. Hi" r l'-"-"!;. Mr. and Mm Nallian Ii liavinu H l?*?l h'iiid- y?'Jivs ?U". I re varo:? wa? a ini in?)?*r nf Hi" 1 "V" illn Point Ha |itla*l rimrrli. I KDKIIAI. TKOOI'S IN NKW POSITIONS Waalilnision. July '-1 Now and ?dvan..-.l Iio.lllnni <????, luk.-n liy Hi" ilraxll f"il..ral I too I". oiii-rnliiiK Sao IMulo, ??-.ordlni! I" a loniiniinlilt." i?i??? y. Hicrday liy Hi" han^y. CO'ITON l OHKCAST IS MUCH I.OWKR WiihliiKlon. July 21. A ?l? cri'axe of 2 Hi, 000 lialos in Ihu rot ton rro|i an roiu;>an<l with that iiitulc Ihron wi-i'ks :iro wan fora < ii Ml lo'?lay In lh#? f Ir wnil moilt'/f* ly r?'i?ori of lli<> Heparin*.#:!**, of AKrU'iillurn, wiih-li jila.'O iho f r??y? ni 1 o(|iilvaln?t of J?oo |ioiin<l Uab. i. 'I'bc fornraHt wiii lia a ; or. i!it* lotiillllon of (lie crop on .Inly iri which wan fis.,% per n-ni of nor ma I. Tho ronditii.i *.* I lie Vir ginia crop Ik fi 4 antl i!. North Carol in ii f?fi. i;?AIN COMI'ANIKS ANXIOI S TO SKI.f. MlnioJipollH, .Inly 21 Thirty ?i|\ y.ralti roni|?!inh'H *\\ llo- Norlh W?*rt l*nlav <?f f?-r?'?l to **? 1 1 111*!* cilln* liolrliuKa lnrlii<lluft ',062 bounty elevator* to ( !i?- Arm-rican ratm Mux nil. I'lVK COArttfiS i.kwt: i iii; tk\ck I>uiIk<- rity. KariMM. July 21.? Tho Sanla Ki- paHKonivr train Nutnhor rou i. <an*'t IkiuHiI, wn? to* day wrfcknl n-rr Iloh-onih. ton mlh>-. w?^l ? f h' r'', iirrorilinn to woril r?Ti*lv<d at lh?' division offl n-'i of the railway. Kiv<- r<ia^hi?9 nr?? ropfirt??d lo have left tho track. niiKis \f \ i:m I N? w York. July ?l Hoot cot ton rloHi'd ntondv. MiddllnK 23.40, fed advanr" of pnlnio, PH. fire-, r'^fllna hlil, Jo'v Orl*. H,r. 2i'.. 4S. Jan 2? 44. March 2* fit. Mn J. W. I>'?vl? ret u i mil hoQM ' Friday from Durham x.itere ihe baa baon vlaltlng friend i. FIVE HORSES ARE LOST IN FUMES Four C.ity < art* ami Three Wutson* Burned, and j Total I l?? <??*> ***" .Sii.OlN) and $5,000 j Five of the six city liotjwe l? ?tull? in the ei-mral frame build in ^ Jn?t bark "1 the headquarter* of the KII/.iIh- tli Oty Kir* l>epgrt moni. w? f buried death In a Ore SuUuila:- i* which- -to "*7ow "in lit an one half an hour had r- dnced ?!??? build tog to cliai i ? <1 sk.btoa "f timbers. 'The Lwo atljuix-ul Jiume ?true-?* Mure* ??? ? :?oU ?M*' ,,r ,,,,, rent*ttl building rail, in from heat or lly I iik limb, i M.ark . but Ituse were |H Tli*' nii>' horse in 'he building mvchI broke out of th- stall ??d oacaped. but not unfit he bad b?*on severely burned. bealdee -t?krt?Mnr- and cull tt i ma k i II v bis escape. This animal Ih now at tin- s'.tablrs of Dr. Vic tor l-'lnek. v. l. rlnnilan. and, though i?- i* 01,1 wf dan5*r; 1 Ui lii iLpMoriiUlU wue???v4og an<*-4l Ih believed i hut lie ran bo saved. l\yir r It y earls and throe wag oiih were alao destroyed by -the Are t < writ as nil of lb.- feed end i (tio tools of the street I'l^anlnij u?* i uart ni< in which wero housed the bulldln. Tbo lloar tractor used by ih?- city to i>ull the street #;radoj- w:<iu abi housed In ttto i bulldln'.:. but. an It is of steel $oir h( ruction jirartlrally throughout, lit la not bi li* ved to ho a complete l ? The total loss to the city la ea 1 tiniatod at hel'Veiui $3,000 and l$G,000. which in partially covered by insurance. Tbo" origin of the Are In not known. Drivers of the RtrMt carta wore nit Saturday night un-* til about 10 o'clock. cleaning u& the streets after busltieaa hourf. which bus boon a Saturday night custom b. re for many yeara. fltftl lnuded with- trash and paper froin tbo at roots, these carts were left In the building Saturday night on ? the opposite aide from the horaee stalls. Tills was about 25 mlp utea prior to the time that the alarm was turned In, and, an the blaao was Ural seen on the side or tlie building where the carts were bourn >1 It Is thought not Improb able that the fir? might hate caught from a burning cigarette butt picked up with other trash from the at reel , Color l? added to the theory by the fact that at leant "onre within recent yeara a load on one of the street carta caught llrl* on the r.Sreet In broad daylight. Hinoklng by city em ployes In the building 1? strictly prohibited. ' The Are was discovered 07 George Koch, a member ?f the fire department and a driver of one of tin Ore trucks. He Imme diately turned in the alarm and i drove his truck lack to the burn llng building. He succeeded In {breaking open the front door or the stable nnd was making an ef fort to open the first stall when ' smoke and beat drove him from the building, which was burning like a tinder box. #i "When I got to the building.' any Mr Koch, "the fire had atart ed near the front of the stable on thv '*?viS the flrnl Mall >l""r- ">? n"- h?' *1 aero... tl?" lofl R'm O rapidly ,< If "'<? timber. hai bwn ?..i.k"d In ?a?ollne. The building has been In use for a p? rlod of about 1 1 yeare and ..II la,. I w-"k ""V imlt* rain. the roj* H??.ir|lnv fwnlim l? InK PfobaW (he dTiHit. Mt th.y l.av ba-? """ Had f|hr wind br<n ? '''"JlifJI Saturday nlnhl. < >1* the nr.. (..??' r.l It." r".ld'nce. en Matthew. Mr. ?!. ' l"'r" l? ??'? ' .Inn t.f.w far the name. """'"J hare mtr.-ad, n. the d.-p?rtm?Bt wa. I . .1 .1 1 1 " ' 1 'I In ll11 W"r Tth low r prr.H.ire to atart with, and ItiA. t.y Hie lar?e numh?r of ntitoinol.llei. that. a? ?<*i>n " ??? .alarm am.n.l.d. ru.hed to W ae.-ne awl i.ark.d adjaoant l? '" huttdlnu Hard work. kept Ih. tli iron. "IT"*'!!"* Immediate b.illdli.vH and chucked nr.' In thoaa ,tr.lrt..r.? before aerloua d?m"? ??>? done. A" '"r | rd.r . h.llldln . there was hardljr ? Chu.,. I > ?ave It afertja ?j? was dlucoverod ao rapidly did tnu ;flam<s upread. nm.8EVEN ARE DROWNED AT SEA TokK July Si. h^lfty-Mvea persona were drowned whes the N'lp/on Tuson Kalsha freight lftal syama Maru ftiundcred eg OotO inland aear Ryitshrt on U, see ? rdlng 1* a ?M?ort r*oe#ved hore fu Any from the Kobe often of the eompaay. Th^ rrr4gHter was an old veas.-l without a radio and carried m pas.iongers. Ft NKItM. MftM. IIANKH Thn funeral n' Mrs. Jot llaaks a ho dlr d at her homo at Salens Krldfcy r.lghf was conducted ?! the homo funds' aft^rnooii at Uhree o'clock by Rev K. T. 9aw y or end ihtormeat mads near the hpme. Mrs. Rank* waa ?o yeare [old nnd Is snrvlved by her hue band and a son sad a daughter.

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