Ford Money May Go Into Proposed Loan To Europe Kuril Motor <!ompaiiy*j? Casdi Surplus N<?w Around $300,000,000, Sum Too liinirltly for Ordinary In vcgtnirut Purposes -May hr UmhI to Help Kuropc l?y .V. ?\ IIOYLK <C0?rH?M. 1324. By Tb? I New York, July 22. ? Progress mnde at tli?* Inter-Allied ^fonfcrence in Loudon looking toward p'avintf the Dawc* plan for the payment of German reparations in op?\r.ition have taken on new significance* for t!?e Lusires* :?m! interests of the United States. This has come about thru , well authenticated reports of the possibility that a part of the $300,000,000 cash sur plus of the Ford Motor Com pany miirht be invested in th>> international loan proposed under the Dawes Plan to put Europe back on its industrial feet. Reports circulated here thai the Ford money would go Into (Ik .. . eMubllahinent of a Ford l?nnl; In Wall Htn-i't in which cither Henry Ford or his aoii tNlscl would he the dominating factor. are chat ueterized ns "the bunk" In dis patches received today from re llahle and well informed banking circles In -Detroit in close touch with the Fold Investment pro gram. It is known, however, that the Forfla have Imm- n maklnK a cb?.s? investigation of the entire Dawrs plan and Its provisions and that they have consulted the hanking group headed by Percy Rock fel ler. asking their opinion of the Dawes plan. This Investigation, it Is said in Detroit, has been * mad'- with the idea of preparing an analysis of tin* I)a wen plan to be published in the Dearhum In dependent, which has always been regarded as the mouth piece of the Ford Interests. It Is known tnat Mr. Ford lone has had a keen interest in the de velopments of the situation in t.Jrinany. I<aat year his name was frequently mentioned In con nection with some of the Qpjynnii political developments and while it was rl'-arly established (hot he had nothing whatever to do with ? the financing of any political ? movements in that country, his knowledge of the situation is known to have been extensive. The Ford casli balance has ri* en to unprecedented heights in the last year. The year 1923 was a record breaker in which the originator of the "flivver ' made and sold cars and trucks at record breaking speed. t'p to (he flrat of this month, lie had sold this year 1.03R.U78 earn and trucks in the I'nited States alone, not counting Canndlftn or Mexican sales or those to countries ncros* the seas. This was an Increase of 133,095 over the corresponding period of last year. In June his pales rcached 170,147 vehicles. Only executives of the Ford Company know exactly the mar gin of profit on each car, but whatever Its slxe, it was sufficient to pile up a cash surplus of over $200,000,000 early In 1933 and there Is every Indication that this Slim has Increased by one-third rlncc that time. There Is no question but that the sum has grown so large as to be extreme ly burdensome. Hanks will accept only a certain amount subject to immediate withdrawal and pay ment of Interest on time accounts by the banks has been held down by low money rstes. . Possibilities of the financial ' powor which might be wielded In K this country through the deposit, withdrawal or Investment of such huge sums as Mr. Ford controls, hayc been widely discussed but there has never been any Indica tion OR the part of the DotrOll manufacture? of a desire to exer cise any such influence. However, he always ha? been deeply con j ccrned In world affairs. ^ Furthermore. It will be remem bered that Mr. Ford, although counted as a Democrat, has of fered endorsement of the' candi dacy of Mr. Coolldfte. Further ance of the opera t Inn of the Dawes plan which bears the name and the Imorlnt of the Influence of the President's mate, could scarcely be regarded a a an un welcome campaign contribution by the Republican managers hi the meantime, the Ford fac tortea are turning out 3R.000 cars a we?-k on a fire day schedule Some slight changes are being made In the car and output la ex pected to be moved up again come tlmo In August. BKKNNAN SAYS IS TICKLED TO DEATH Chicago, July if.?1 The addi tion. of the name of Senator Wheeler In the LaFollette ticket doea not worry Democrats. George Brennan. Illinois Nations! Com mitteeman. aald today In com menting upon the Wheeler nom ination. Ilrennan pressed him self M tickled to death with the reatlt <>f the Wafthtnftton conr.-r ene#. BOATS AS HIYKii DKOI'S Cincinnati. July 22. ? At leaat five rivi r steamers are asrotmd aiul Innumerable house boat* arc stranded as i lie result of r.n unpn-o'dont e<l drop of tell le-t hi flic Ohio river within the laul 21 hours. The drop was c,i u.u-d hy th?* sudden rHiuitiK of wlckits in dams above Cincinnati. FARMERS MEET ON WEDNESDAY Representatives of Ameri can (lotion Asocial i?m Will Give Talks Almttl l!ie Growing of (lollon. W. C. CiHijM'r, field representa tive of the American Cotton Asso elation, and N. C. t'.artbtt, necre-. tary-manancr. wiN nKcinl a - Iijk of farmers which will Ih> held Wednesday afternoon at p. ni. at the farm ? ? f C. C). Itnhinsrn und \V.~A:-f?rock . Thr? demonstrated in cotton culture heinit conducted at the IlohiiiHon-ltrock farm is under the direction of the American ration Association and is supported by thr? First and Citizens National Ilank. It Ik the aim to make a practical test for the Ik neflt of the farmers ??f this section in tli<- rul lure of cotton under boll we,.-vil conditions. At the. mootihu Tuesday stork will l>e taken of I lit* damage mi far to ho attributed to the weevil and talks v/llt be made which will be of vital Interest to every cot ton grower in this section. It is advisable that a lar?e number he present and an invitation to all interested Is extended. rui.icti in rici::t iimucis I >KI) (? IN (IN I I (.1 i ivi: l i't. <1 $!?."? and C">l? in pollc court for failure to- rout** court h fi ? r having be*n s-abpoin ;im| ns ttillH>Si'S in Is - cts* iiusiilisl Jim- lironii. .(-tilius Ifid ilirk r.u<! Tim. i my <JI?|\?t > 1 1 1 1 eiti-iinu (lu jinlicc T;i?m'-iv ia rn li?a. thou :*li sharp lookout f?.i tli? *it w a.* kept ;?!! Miiiday nl^hi. All iii vol v< (I ;ir?' colored mill K.'l ilick l? a barber at I ? Ki-vsion ? IkM'ImT s1l?>|t 111 til'"' l*ll>l"l li'iill'i'm oil I last Main r?-? t . 1 !?? ha* lint Im'I'H at his chair, however, at :tr?> (lino this vfei'li. Jot* Itrown. lli: i*(l J 1 and cost** for assault with di-niily Uimi(u>ii Monday iiiornhicr "where- ? 'if^tTp !?< nr?*(l (liat Instead of Plopping when ordered to do i-? l?y police Officer Harris, hail tii';i lo rue. th?* pnilci-iiiufi down wilh his true!;. wes prol-ahly l.i c.rf ill lighter l:y the roii 1 1 in view ??f tin- far*! that I 'Mice Officer liar lis, nf^j-r janiplni: out of i)i> way. opened li r? ? oil Jit's tliick. i?it?? i;lmt pasrinu th natch Hp* n< ?u-o's c-.;>t. just a hove his shoulder am! fhatt?rii.^ tin*' windshield. Mr. Ha His il n!eii ilia? lie wal" iYhohl in?: ;it I, hut lie c.M>ld not lis!v?- rtiit a hul'**s hr adt!? closer to l;!i;i wit'irut hfttitr. him Kiihllck sunt CHovi-r win* n? ?t wauled us witii' ws, ar'aitir-f llrown for assault on Police O.T'.? ci r Harris but for pointin:: a pis lol at another ipvi'o. Prn?? cut in*; Attorney Saw\< r olTi-nd I h ? hiuv.,.?mI|i,ii lo the coo ?'t Ihnt strong lnduc'MiPiils !>???*?? of fered theinijaht" wiloi i..r ?n fey lb" defendant l<? n??l tlii iii not lo t? : tify against him. as uiflioui thi }?" witness'-* il '.va;t Iiuo'shIMo to iiinki' out a c?ko nu:iii:"t Jo?? no the piFtnj jrr.lnHr-': chnfp-". Mal'licw Spr'liH. s- nt lo ilv r??ad? for six months Movday fur assault on his wife. through Hi ph-a of former ?.'?'olintor Khilny liaus. warmlv sccml-il by Mat s :;|WM|?.> Ip-I-M'lf. *4:iJ his roail I'-Illl clianm d l?? a suspended sentence of months on the road on pa\ - iii< nt ?;f costs Ttu'sihiy nioriiiau. I Tlio sentence is suspended for n period of two yiars during wliieh time Mat is required to v to the r.uilS that lie has liot rcsotied lo cave man methods of nsseit in;r hi:*, authority over his In. toe hold. Caleb McAllister, for trenpnss on tip- properly of Ml la Wi'w n . Jioth colored, was let off wilh Hp cost* nnd a warning to k?-ep oat of LIIu'm >ai4, since *he has ad vised him that he is a p?-r:;on:i non-gtata on her preinis. s. HALK MKN'S SI I'l S A sal" on men's licht weight ?ii II m litis hei'ii aiiuotinctd by T. T TuriP-r and Company. hi Blnnln,^. Wedncsda>' more In,;. Mr. Turner lias mark' '1 all his lij ht uoi simln. Palm Jlinrlii'H nihI olio r Kii'iiiMi??r suits at $10. Soiii" of Hi?-iii 'Xi r< fornmrly marked ovi r $2n and nil were $10 or more. Court Refuses To Permit Broadcasting Loeb Trial Siiprcmr (ioiirt of Iflinoi* I Ins Hulrd No Trial dan In* Made a Show mul Broke lip 1*1 iiiih to IVr<?il Am# r lean IVnplelo I,iM?n In on Murdvr Suiiiuilion 1 1 V MAIUiAllKT DAI.K. (Cos?rt?ht. I 'J2*. B/ TR? AJ??nn I Chicago, July 22. ? Court* are on** domain that radio In likely never to enter. The decisive en swer of Judges to the proposal of a local powerful broadcasting sta tlon to carry the Leopold-Loeb murder trial to tlu* four corner* of this country, WH-mn to Justify that conclusion. Tin; closed sanc tity of tli*' court room In which killers are called to answer f??r their crimes, Jurists ^uy. must never be violated. Radio would turn the prim bat tle for life of the two youthful slayers of 14 -year-old Robert Franks Into a great entertaining show. TIiIh Imaginary spectacle Itself has brought denunciation front Chicago Judges. To "listen In" on th?- murder trial of the century what could be more thrilling? Nothing could bettor satisfy morbid curiosity, nothing appeal more to the d*"-p seated Interest In any kind of a fight for life. So argued those proposing that radio bo called In to broadcast thffl court battle. On ly 200 persons are going to be able to crowd Into the court room Itself when the trisl In under way ? the rent will be clamoring for some way of llaicnlhg In. Ra dio was the solution proposed for the probh m. Here, however, those who ar>' to control the cotirts asserted themselves. They showed that th* Illinois Supreme Court in an Im portant criminal case had re vcracd a. convict jon of a trhil Qourt on the ground Tfiat "no court should permit the conver sion of a trial Into a show.'' Thh particular decision resulted from the permission the Judge gave to spectators sit t fog on the rostrum, and to photographers who took pictures of the defendant In the presence of the Jury. "A trial," the Supreme Court advised, "Is not to be regarded as an entertainment, or in any sense as a festive occasion. The court i should not permit the conversion of the court into a picture gallery. or til" trial Into ft aliow." Ctnnnce Harrow, alterm y for the dt'fninc In tin* boi>b*J<nopold trial, Indicated that he wouhl oh Ject to broadcasting thn trial be cause II would. In IiIm opinion, l?r?" Jti rt ic?* tin* cane aunlm-t the hoy*. District Attorney Ito'oorl K. Crowe. thn prosecutor, taken :? contrary view. *'i do not h'-r that ruch puhllc It y can be In any way harmful." Huld Mr. Crow today. "On the oth'*r hand. I believe it run lx> made of the utmort benefit, pro vided that it ho liandh-d properly, and provided parent* would regu late their children's conduct in connection witli hearing the trial." Hut the Jud';'-n have ?ald no and the radio fana will be denied a now thrill. JACOB FRANKS FIRST WITNESS Slain Boy'* Fulbrr Tako Stan:) Wrdm-wlay After noon; SIiiIp'x Alloriiry Demand* Death Scnlonci i P' til- A 1 4i ? r '?t l'.".- 1 Chicago. July 22. ? Jacob Frank* father of the 13 fear old rlr?tw W- Nathan l;?M?tmld. Jr.. and ftichnrd f?oeh, confessed slayer*. will he the first wituoHn for the state when tho premuta tion of evidence begins tomorrow before Ch|ef Justice John Cave-ly in th-1 Judli-itl hearing IntlBtd to rtx the punishment of the youthful intellectual*. Th* ntnto'n attorney. Robert Crowe .will mska 4 brief opening statement setting forth the alms of the prosecution and netting Hit punishment ? denth ? demanded by the state. Ch am ber Comixi ercc D r i vt Now In. Its Fiikil Stage iVrms 0:il \flrr Nimv IMruiln rs, However, < *::n INol ?*?> See A!! W4mi ShouhJ Join jiiic! Ititcroslnl ::re ! rjx'*d h? SfRil in A.|>(>!i<ulioi<i tor Meiiil>rr> hip Al two o'clock Tumidny after li> *i'li Indication* wero no: i *m? i-i'.irur.iiiK |.?r the burcc-M o< Ihc ?h;.mh r of ? '? mi .?:??? ; . driv f-ir 1:1 lair.irhi <i T uw.dny iiiomi iim at ii \>'> !i a i no eariy for i*x;ict lis IITCb, hilt V. illl Killll" of Mil* li'ill'l ' vi-t i :i report and w!lli a conHid i raid ? nninb r of pronpccta yet- io si* a ?ii v. ? hupcd iiy tik^lit fell tin- proposition con hi be put over. There would >i?ni to 1m- no (loll hi I lie ill !VO WO II 111 III' Mil' ?( ssruS iT only the trains out sifter iii w in- liilu-rn nml those wlm urn anxious to o-opc rule 1n the r.mve i?m-ii' for a ri-invlfc:ir.ited Chain lier of t'liinntcreo can K''t tor;?Mh ci\ de.spllo I ho bent laid |ita:e- pomdble mid ttm very ini -a yfv v li.i racier of tho drive it war. aiijwir nt at two o'clock that not all tlrf lint of prospects con hi po.v ?:i I !? noon today and that many on I-" 11 tx would he perforce* ov dionl 'd altogether. A appeal was made, there for?* art the teaniH were round l)i K "p their work Tjicadny after noon. that all who wore In wym pailiy with the movement to k?*? the ('liiimlier of Commerce hack on i'< feet and retain Secretary Job here eel In touch with JV-*i d( lit Sheejf at oiicw or elno he Mire Io mail a check for lit lenM or? membership heforo tho day pas? Tho prire of a membership has hern now reduced to $12. and it in r??U iliat matir who ltavv never Joined iH'i'om hHoii i * J I ? adt'aif tago nl the po w rule to identify themselves wlih tin? one nrpjsi ni Ziilion thai is truly representative uf nil i:ii.-_ih. <ii city. While the membership fie ha? lu'i'H reduce. 1 lt? $12 a j' the new drlvo <1 1?- -.-i not contemplate ili?> taking uf only out; ni r.ih?T ?hlp 1?y ;m> oil if who heretofore! Iiuh lift ti paying $25 a year or more l?> iho Cli.ti.ilnT c?( I'oin iio-H - . Those who l? .i vi-? hc'i'ii pay ing $::r, a yen r or more to the Chamber ate bskeil to lake at least two iiKyuUertdiips, while those who have liven j>a> it*>c a larger Kinn ure expected lo lak ? enough memberships uiiiter the new plan to make tie Ir annual flues at least (t|u;;l to what they have been paying her. t.sfore. on ly so ci*n I lie drive succeed. All Inleresled In I li ? success ??f the ilrlvtf are urged to rem m ter that action within lh?- next 21 hours L. iroperaiive. 8ecre?..?r> Job Ih due no ?v lo give his an tiwer to lie- Gainesville hoard of trade thai it asking him a* wit a' is understood lo ha a coii:?aternh|<i Increase in salary, to heroine the firrrejury of thai organization. Ills answer can uoL now be much long er delayed. - "Mewl mi. your application today for as many memberships an >.m ?*" ii poudhly tarry." |m (he final appeal of f'resld< lit She p an 1 Ills to- workers. SWHWSI \ ill K! IN \i TO V> t V I l? uv<? . I'll! . July 22. A to I In* Kim) > MiUIII I ; u .Vw . I i!..y t ?-.| ilt.i; Dr. Ii>-nry l.-i.iis- Smith. ? f \V::- li-iiM'-a aiitl 1'iii : II,. .i: l.'Wtnnt mi, v 41 1', l;i ?. i.t !{ ???'?> S|?:*in;;i, mm; V. -s >:? .1 ?Til 4 ". II ? >i;it|ii loll itl li.i |?'! .t* ? t St ? Hvltlt >*'. .in an lt-|.? ?!??{. i I'O ll'V I* *!|- tl' IV. lay jpuUI. 'iJi?* i. ill ii''("irr il wl.i-u |!l?* .:U(<?]| ii!r| ? in \? li ii~h Sltlil!i ailil hi liitc ? ? :i^ *?? r?* n-iiins, in?r rr?.n? a four . f"Y?'l1nw*ti?it' Park |*2 ii uv?t .? !*? (out ? :;iKii'k:it<>t)t. Oj? l. a^fil I ill.' il ul.?r*a von :t lirokn hliniil: - . r as hi*I;:.k i t i h ? <1 i: |?..i ? Ii. rn.U'C STATION Ill MONK* N ? l--\ ? I lli'? * i:i ? intir !,t ? 1 1 : ? V ? ? ? r.~rt *11n* ( Vu i iM 1 - !?*? Ill u Sia?l?:i r'.iiui .luy i r :'>'iri?lay I'lvlit iit?i ii::< .i bHv. .?u ^ fifllll til* t- ?|i . I*. V. h?" II.. IV -IV !? I ( by t *i . - |m !:? hi ttlvi In ? U*- .ivio ili?* l.-.iiMin- I v pri'in:; l-Vs?- ;t SijU'li- I v !'.;?!( I !??? wi*? i:i.i.m.-.| v.iU? a Tl ? r-t :?!?(?? \\;:a l?> I1? \ - . I ?u I ri-:n .v?-l smuI il:-iv."ii into ||J'|<" :ir II U ;? s r.. iiaii?:i?'? il !>:v !ar ill' 11'.- iih li? !'? :f?-. Tlij r. if.- T?:ui in ru iocij. #| 4.11 Sutiinirv iii : 'it aiul r?n|i"r:iiic?* l"t'l i: !????**! ali*'r s* >1 ?- in i- tl ?? win* lii'ia! ii'U :-iul ?vt*i ?\ hu: il"- iimlir.' . NK'.aiO IS MM Kll N'o' full' July 22. - * I II ? Ucgro V. ?.?? 1 i'U .| .lllll 1 i ?':? l?* I: ?????! M-ri.lV.? 1*. !nj*iri.| \\!i"ii "aiimI rnn i! ..!.?? .1 sli II : i xpli-il- ?! i i i na1 .? Ii!i' i Si?> I*i|? I'iiiiH Army Ot*ilnaiii'>? |)i !???! J. n jnii*^ frrvsir- fori "month 1 1 'I In- f-iv ? /iijniV'l w?Tf l:ili.*?i ??> a l'nrt ill li hospital. 'I ltr? i? I a; nis ami l?v> smmI Out is lift ??? hop?* Ii?-lil lor tli? Ir ri'nivrry. il VNiv IS n.OSCI) J t')(irlot?.*. July 2 2. 'tin* s ? ii Ml/ Saving* l sa it U lu?r?* was ( ?? ilay cl'i i- 1 It y I !? Siati* t'orpori im.ii I 'oi.iiiiI-kIoh fur Inability In lii|tilUali* it -, loans s|i?*r>?IHy i<:i?iUL*h t?? i?-? t Hi.* ?v Itliilta vvaU 1 1 r fumh. rorrnN Is I W Vurk. July 22.- -tijMit I'nt ? ln!i i !<4k?'i! k! " inly a .'.'IiMIhik JJ2..*ir? Ml aJvaiic of r.S palrila, Kn turcH, ilo^in i? Uiil, July 32.9*. ( i. 2" 2r.. Vi-r. 26.1.'?. J.ui 2?;.::*. .\; i< < i? iv Yor|;, July J!!!.- f'il'on fill ?.!! '* ; ?;? :ii* I Iml'iy at l!u* f'ii li.uinj; |< \ ?*1h : July :.i? fli-l. 27. -in, In i'. 2?*.l'<. J in. 20. 4U. ?*!.ir<*h 2ti.?i7. New Note Struck On The Tariff Question I'litlfnriit Di i-Inrrs JW "i oirjMlitix <? Tar* ift" Oi.) ? I ; \ i <V for ISrvmiii* < 'i?Ix and JfkJm W. Dnvi K\ jifrird (ilurifj !-mm in Sj>n%cli r.v i :< x: ? :ict T. KM A LI. ? ?C?rri?Nt. i-i?. o? Ti?? \\'T-liiiv;l'ui. .1 nlv 21. John W. Davis i: (?> introduce an ciiliiv-ly II.U t;;|:j|V itoU- in- the cdihIhk .lUcsiikuljill cam piijru. Hi* will ]?? :pI tl??? ! Vino*.' rats in a lifo.ulrr ?| uul ?>.*i this stibjctl th.Mi llv.rH:*ivo Tvor takr'i Ih'Top . Il was c\ln mo-' !.. jrralif.viittf io \.w l>:ivis lo liv.d all .*!* }ii< ion lliat* tlr1 plat fiiHi'i suiopt I in Macl* I i.ion >>? 1 1 1 :i rt* (i.u tlrii < ? iiivvtK'ci vrr.\ hi't'.ly \. illi Irs own; views. Mr. 1-iiu. lux li> li< *.??1 ill 1 what h?* '?.? II: a "p?iiipi llhvr iar 1.1/ T?? hi-* uiiiol ilif s?r :? ? :i r - ill r? ? r lh" \iu. ri'Nin proline. r Ik on.- licit will |?"">;iil Imn !?? -tiulf. "i'.II. :i fail* ivl". vi-'v If.li1 l>iniliirii?m wli i l;ilmr rln-.'Hr t l?.?vn ?? In i. ir itii. Inv.rf, "I'lils i.t ii ? r rry 1'iiin' tin- **l !-???? trail"" I ;?Im I ulnrli ?onrr \vp nl!nr!t< ii t?? till l>n?tu crata. hut il I* in lin? ui'h xvlcit Mr. I i.i\ i:? m t-? i? mhiiiiI ? <? ??n?u:. |?* Mi-'irl'-s. Il :i 1- ? lie? in 1 I lie Pi-ru'M'l ':i f|i?ltl Mil ill., Dtll-1, nrralir if l?n *?: i?l r> : licit ili" laril'i Ik* iM-UiiH.l ?.n a si*! mii'f ratio r l-lim ;i " ti.ili' h- <1 ? -hmW*.- ? Tin* -St+MiU imvv 4ku. many., trili ri' Jt that i~i ?|"ti ir?- ;< t t'i IV to l;? i'|i ilii'i'i nn st fnlr wiiihh tiiivcJ liiiHis witli lluropr ami ?*ili? r hc-c- i lions of iiii? world . Although Hi" ll-ninrial-. will COIil hill" to I'SH'lii III" |{ "Ml I III *i*u M |M-li?;\ ?.f "joi'ii ri ion." lip ir i:?r- i ||." ilH'lvrpliiM's il-i not lav?- Hit'-; itto Ol.l parti In ilni?rv }???! vry : far a'lui^i. 'I'n-rr In no rionhl hut licit tin- hii^lm'SK liih n :.|j-. ?if I ho cnunti'V liuv" 1ih1.Ii ?t llii' now Ji pi-' ??i'ial > vhw.i vitli ii tn.l ihal j i?f h.farM >n, IV umr-r;- 1 i" vir lorl' s In Hi" liiiv I I'vn h,<.|<".| hiHVHI'll ?H II ii-ii'l I f|IH_ t?> ! ilriim hi i?* ini!:i<f i*y 'mill cpoii tc f iirly hi;:!i liuiii roiimla' |.m? . The I n?w l>"ii|iiri-aii'' I *i? ??i*v that pro-' ?I'M'ihn s>ii ,i 1 1 In- J iianl' il i hi a ' fair ?*??!. i|?? Hliv? h.isih i ' iin?V"s| on" ? f lh- I; ii * iilmo:; of II:" ulii , i-a i?paSati:;. I'imIi r Ii iiiMrrnJir rnh- tariff no lonr:?r wmhl In- |. vo?i for "ifV-IHJ ? I. Illy" hill V.'i 'I hi ho j I i \ i|?oii a ha. .is of "fa'r rovonuo'' I n- III" <."Vr.|'iii.l III ai-il -h" ! H- ; .?:?ir:lif" of . proper roi :,.i I Plvf j Teachers Secured For Next Session Of School ^cjjJrtiiluT rifh-ri'j'i is Dull* Sri for Opening :tn<l In* Irrr^liiK; ^/ttiiMUK riiuil I* |t]u<!r PuSPic S'!m;(?! Music Will !>r Tmiju;!:t ' Two Int im'. :;1 hi". ail iiolf iirc iiii'iili: wi't?' j ?:??!?? Tuimliiy ?i??: ? n Iuk l?y Sui>t. i?. sin ? j? iIm* City Sclionlr., OIK' lti?' rlly la IiooIh, tout 1 1 wl.ili* icm) will ?iii S?,l?t?,lnl?>r I.'., and !lw oJIht I Intl. jt<|l'l|f. >.?'liool mtlsli: will !>'? I :t ii i;!rl |i? tin- white iiMiooIm lor III" f I I'hI tiiu cliirltiK I In* rruulfu* S'Hdon. Tli * firm annonm?ni'iit nuiv In* ('iilriilii1'*! to lak- I li?' .?<?>? out if f 1 1 f ? ? i?r blind?* d:? "f i.Hr??-| Vlilldri-n mow wh'Ii i'i-rl ?v?-rv wImti- in tin iiiiHj I of vni'siliriti . "ill tlill"H, hill tilf' r?y;:|ii| in r-rlal'ily rlitifful ?,noil^5? to t :?????( c.iM'oi ri* il to liirko '? ?niT- at ?ii* 1111*1'' . M's?? Clara In II KMI? * of ImIiMId, Norlli Caiiillfia, l*i llr.? {.;i?ll<r of |h| 111 If ?r||04)l |||I|M|". ami ? In: will itiHlrurt In idKltt .stii; iiit*. Ilm fniidani-ntaln of. i*i Ic. and ? 'loriiH work. -idiUnc vulii})M<* knnw1< d:.-<- i'liil a mirl'l ??f rn.ioyiiii-nt t?i Hi 'mm- wli'i lak?* I'll ""I nnd for tliw vlio v. Ill ?v?n t willy form' t lir* nudl< niv*. Tlila Ik llif only n? w ?l?*i?iii*t m rtt for il>?? Hi*.-" I* n. iiiyr, fin!, sjn'ffi, i t -I fortmiiifi'ly, ninny of th" f- i'u?-r iiarlicfK an- Ikm-I;. Thrrt' ar.* l>2 Ivurhi rs In tin wliil" ?.?lroJ>. and 2!'. il' tl?< col oi ' d ?;? lio'dn. Tlr* Ihd *.f I' tm-Ih r?s in Hi< wiilt ?' whoi'li li a? follow*:: llli'.li SrtMHil Mlr? l{:illi Hiirfi'"-. Iioiu" ? f'? iioml?'.s; ;th?i |{<atrlr<- C?i?lr'-ll. I .' ii ? I l-.ti ; A. II. CouitiH. |?| | iir-l |?ji 1 ; M i A I- hub It. I * ardn iMilit; K II ll.irl'w N. I"nr.ll>.li : It. W ftnlin ??. liinllii'iiifillrH; M i - \ :? rrliiin-; MIsh I !????!? v N<w t*>n. toUttory; Min NHI I'lrk'jrd. Fn-iirti nnd Khk'1:.Ii; MI*b Ann!* I'ollHoflf, nitlifViwiii k. T. Ry land. mailicmitlM; Mlr?* I'rnnn.M V/lfllMtnr*. clvlr* find n flthmHi*': Mis* Anrtl;' Vftitvhari. rlvlc.-i and hKtoiy ; MlM Clara ll'H public nrliool nriwic; MIsb MoMin L. IU?xor?, aelrncn nnd athlctl^M. ( School. fliiwtlt, fourth rraili-; IVilw. It sit.h ? "'?'"k. Ilflli f;r.n|. ?: M|.r I. hi. hi IX I 'Mi,, nlM Ii khiiIi'; MIhm A im i<* !*V|? Mrn. A. T. | llnlry, f."Vi*filh ; Mhm Haldol Hjir'X'y, t,riiiV ntid r> c I n r*f> | I ; Mhm (fcl- ki-M-r, li Pi Kradv; Miwt Marl" lad'oy, m-v -nlSi Kriiftn; 1 Mi-h. II <\ IViirsmi, liflh j:rndo; j MIsh II?ra I'ritrlmll, *?i \ f Ii ?rnda; ! MI?H |*'rjiiir?-H I'urvjrt, hMIi Kl'iulnj M ik. I,. I!. Kkl'ini'f, fcit r i Ii t;rado; | Mir* Mary Sent l, fifth vradojj Mjirv I. While, f? fill Kradn; NVnl While, fourih mndo; ,M l.'H 1 ,11 it 1' Morion. ?l\(h kiiiiIv. Primary SrtiiM'l. MI'-h r?ttlli. iV'rti ky, Mill" rvlttpf; Mh.; rh-r'-ii" ? lx? II. i' ratio; I MI?k |);?ra l:htlirha;-d. (Mli.l ?:radl>J I MIhk f||i- I.4I- |;t:i licit r til. itfC Mrn. T. It. third r.riiil'-: Vi I; 11 i.fh? ridge, fn'yponU t'rri'l' ; M ;i ry r r? t liar- 1 ri i. jw cond r.raih; M ly\ India Hart hit. fir, I urride; Mli<* A Minn ill I .'ii i v. Urnt Kradr; MIhh Lti olil" l.i-ljfv, lltlril crado; Ml#g f'arrl" l'fi!M?"|id|#?|r, Hint >. radn; Mlsri l.iirllli' l'?ii?f. fir*' jir.idoj Mm. W. Whil'-hurst. third -rado; j Vint I'mni.t Wiilln. *? r?i|id ? rudr; I MJkm Mlltil ll?*rrv. firjo JiKi?d*?} I Mr.i M?.rri'?'-ti' . fir- 1 ?;r?(|<-; j MI*K .laH?- -mi. thliil i:rndi*. Tin' till 'f roloird t"irli' :*s In1 a.- follow.-: Ida |tm:ti?, fr.-.t ?r;.i|? ; Kathrr* I ii* Itrov.n. fourth vrj'd? ; I., ft. ilorf'ird". inififlii.i!. Idyll n-li'iftl; I I ii 1 1 i <- i 'iin'nt-hrMii. iiiitlM-dintId; IV ? ?!< t>? ti)i> y, firsM ' Marj'; III ' w. Ilili 'l : r;c| ? ; f .>*11 i?? K;?Ml*y, ] *Ofth rrii'l'-; f : i f It 'Jravf.i. tliirdl 3r?i|i'! ri'irriH i' II? iid< iu<*m. ulxfh Krnil'-; M. M. JetikJtiw. fifth '.rudoi Arinlo J?iri?-.H, OrM ?r.?dn; Mlllnn .1' rdnn. *i*lh crad> , IUh'-l Maloy,! fl r#i? t;nd": Willi" !?:? inn y. ?*rv- j on#h ur;.do; ll?hn HMd. thlrtf! Krad?; f:.nrnh Snwyor. ?t? fond j Krrdr; Mattlr Whltihurat. fourth | firnd< . M n ??*?'? Wilder. fir*t Krnd#; j AIrI" Yojinp. fourth ?riid'^; Allfc | Vniifchan. K^r.ond arad"; Mue'Klrtj Ov.rti'n. nrrond kijhIi , Intall: Toltart. FnglUh nnd hUtory; I r^vTirT r:"WtrnTr^ir. ~r?4+ w.j BOSTON RAMMED IN HEAVY FOG I'riw Slcsinrr of Eastern Company Is Sinking. l our I'iwsrn^cnt K i* !< ?!, Mirny [May ho liOst lit* T"i? ? 1,1 lift I'fr .?l Now Yim k . July 22.? Thf ntour.iship MiiMmi. hound Yrom llonton t ? ? N? v. York. rammed .TnildHiliM In j: heavy fog last night. ?u?nt flit a vlrfli'M message I Ills iiiort'iiin slating that (lerotai IliVhoata cr?iwtl"?i v.)|h i<.is?-.enger$ were mining. Tlx- fttfi-m'-i' v.aa run of the ship-, of i eastern Steam ship Company. Shi- was reported taking tnt?r rnt'.tily ihmtigh (h? gaping Imli- in her side. SIi?. was l?*:in?: lov.'il I'. ward Newport by .the i*l oa in*. li i |? <'"iMin<*nw<>alth of tho Kill Ulvi-r I. inc. I'U t II was rep ?rl"d tint it might !>?* necea aary to l?-::ch li i ir i li wn Tfyjp 10W In 1 h?* waii r mill might sink almoin without warning. Pour |a*Hon;iTii are known to have !>??? ii lc 1 1 1 ? -it when the Boston wan raimiKil hy ? in* oil tanktof Swift Arrow two and a half mllfJ southeast of Point Judith last night. Tin- i.uiuh?r of pass^ngeM aboard i.; unknown hut estimates ran as high as one thousand. tilundai d.i for Ani'iiran yroduo The id.-a ?>f ii competitive tar iff In not entirely h now om. Promimiii Dmocrata. anl)l| them J oli ii t Burnett of Colora do, who r?'i??i-i fn in a sugar pro ducing finlr, have for nudip tint# boon udvomiln; the competitive Idea ii ti a means of meeting Re publican pn>t< > thiiilNi.i, which fdr so Ion : lias had aueh a strong ap poal In li'ih industrial and agri cultural H.itM?is. Mr. Harnett ban nrgin d with I1I.1 brother Dem ocrat ?* I li:* t ii ?-Mi-.i)ictitiv<> tariff li In iln<a with D-uiorral lr pollclH throir.h ill i In afles of Aiuericart hiatoiy. Tlie word competition has a popular ring to It. The word "prot'-r'iou" carries with It, on I tho otlicr hand, the Democrat! any, ill iih-ii i i coddling and pro? lectin g beyond the linen of rfc* rate "proti cl l?7n"" hecaune of thli fact. I Mr. Davis h: expected to go further In I be exposition of hlf tariff Ideas than (lie party ptat* form. He will also express nlm ' self more directly on the subject. The platform contains the com peLiti* ? drcla rat ion I. ut hurlcs Jt undor a crand denunciation of Cb?l Porduev- Met'iimber Act which' li seourg' d lis 'She most unjust, ug aclviifillr n,||(| diKlienest tariff tax 1 measure ey? r ?na<t<d in our hit .tor*." The Democrats further amalUd [Ihe art art "cIsih.i legislation. whtah 1 defrauds all the people for the benefit i f the T> w." as "hcarliy Increasing tin- cost of living," as . pennllxlnu nuriiiillure, corrupting the (low rum1 n', fostering pa ternalism. and in Ihe long rup falllni: to !>? netli "the very Intef eata for which II was enacted." ,No tarirr act ever received such overwhelming denunciation as the Slat fori ? makers of Madia** nunre burled at the Korney-Me : Cumber law. j* The Democratic poritlon. stated in ji v. ' few words, at the end of I he long diatribe against R* pu blb-.t nlsin, probably has been : overlooked by the country. It ! rends ? : follows: j "We declare our party's posi tion to he In favor of a tax on | com modi Men entering the rustoma houses that will promote effective <v?mne||,lon. rroteet against mo jnopoly r?nd at the same time pro due- a fair rev wire for tho sup port 1 f the Oovemment." The larllf question Is likely to hulk Is rge.r in Ihe c mlng caw 1 prill, n than m??-.i persons r.up t posed, D will ilo tills herauae It has l?een linked by Ihe Di*mocrato With the entire mib jerl fif taxa tion and will be so treated by both parti's. And wliU* as staled, tha two girlies have coine closer U* gef her on tariff principle?, tlr* innnin-r ? f applying theee prtnel plea r- fford'4 much room for dle cua/ Ion and divergence of tl#l& The Dero'-crala arc aoing to eialm ths' tho farmers have been i discriminated ai;ninst for tl?a benefit of the wealthv ni;?nufac turera and wlti raise the old ary that the ftepoldlcans hav?- nevw Rotten over Ihe old Idea of A "N"w Knglgnd tariff." Peraont clean u> Mr. Davis say that his sperrh ef acrentanee Will vinake the tariff iseua clearer thap Ma ever h?an befor.?. * The "Wedding" of Two Towns CVP Tttucflfld W V';i wus u city of *2,000 j*>pulation Ju? nrru'a !h? ?:.?)?? line wu? the town of Graham. Vu., wnh sooo persona. The fr:endlh*s:t relations alw.iVH hate existed bt'lwwn tt ?? two municipalities. J'or y??rs the two towns have wanted to bo one. itut oWtnK to the fact th<-y ",v< rv in dilTi-iim there wtis a lot of red lap*- to unwind They Anally iwlnl In untan^lm*; :t v!l Ami tho clh? r ?!av I hey had n big "w?-ddlnt{." With Governor Morgan (left) of Virginia and Governor Tn'ik'*: trmht) of VliKima iKiriuipatln# in the ceremonies at the old ttoimdary line. An actual wedduiK. In whl^i a jouri# man Iron. on<; town and 11 young woman f r**rr? the other were married, lied the Knot Utwi"'!i the two towns more strongly. Now It is Ulucflcld-Gruham, W. Va.-Vd. ' A round the First Beacon \ , The** ?ro rliown turnta? IV W??? u-?.? ?.?? ?,* iiv* it mifi f >? ? roiiri*' in \h? nnnni-l r?c'ittJt ??f ihc iMimi V*? h* I'tuu i? ? \ The cut>in ?k?of? ?*h>n jprmnl ?mr of the lw??rni nf ? rt ta.n i. '? In regalia kmlcd I v.-<? day*. ??? mud" ui> o4 X'i (lu1<'rM?l rm<e?, hik. h;ix il.r i luiww w?t h?H H> ikf?w?t>, v r

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