Presidential Campaign Be Shortest In Many Years Npitlur i.f Ol.l P'irli?.* y,.| Has on'il iiillv Nulijii-il In Candidate of His Nomination \YliiU-' Third j'arly lias Not Even Tims Far Chosen Its Name fly ItOHK.IlT T. SMAIX ?* (Cmvrlftil ItM. Br Tht Washington, July 22. ? The Presidential campaign, slated to betjin the second week in August , will lie one of the short est modern political times. uniciaily thus far neither of the two old parties has a candidate for President or Vice President. The LaKol lette- Wheeler outfit is ahead of them there. But the lat ter combination still is with out a name. Therefore almost at the begin ning of August In a Presidential year the Democrats and Itepubll cans have not notified their nom inees nor heard their acceptances, while the ludt'pendeut out lit which 1h claiming It holds the bal ance of power in the Nation ban not been able to decide upon n name for Itself. The taska ahead of the Demo crats and Republicans are simple.. The task ahead of the Indepcnd ?utB i* difficult. rhey believe then- l? much In a name anil are going t? lljld ? 8"rl co"vc"" Hon to select one. I'M to till, tlllie the Independent! have called themselves a confereucs tor pro rresatve political uctiun. The m v name will he selected so ?? "> convey u similar Idea In at,'vv number of words. It is "?'? ?" assume that wliei the name fin ally is chosen tlio word pr<i?rraa , Ive will be In It somewhere. Colonel Roosevelt when he ran Independently In l?l 2 chose the title "National progressive 1 arty aud It Is within the realms ot pos sibility that . Mr. LaKotlelte anil his associates will go back to that designation. -umcnia Various unexpected elemillts have combined to shorten In' campaign this year, but It is Ih - lUwSRiey Will also serve to make the flVht an onusujtlly ten." one. There really will be but a Hill more than t ?o months ot ?ctlve campanula*. The various politi cal manager* are making I plans but they cannot go ahead until the candidates have I .n notified and have outlined their own platforms. The campaign this year Is not to be a battle of party against party. The Democrats In a way wish It could be so arranged, for they believe that against the party record of the Republicans In Con gress and In various administra tive affairs they could ??' ' much more effective' battle than would be possible against I resi lient Calvin Coolldge as an Indi Vl<Mr! Coolldge has been admitted by tB? Ilepubllcans this year to be tlieir one big asset. They would prefer that the Nation should do a. the Republicans themselves did In Ihelr nation.! eonv?ti..n linore the recent record ot the so called Republicans In Congress. Without excuses of any sort, the o O. P. managers are frankly building their campaign ? round the character of Calvin Coolldge. and Incidentally, around some of the achievements ot General Charles O. Dawes. Mr. Coolldge has been pro claimed as his own platform. Therefore until he speaks on Aug ust 14 the Republicans wlll re main quiescent. Then, catching up the real keynote of the cam psign from him. they will go for ward with lioties of victory on November 4. Democrats are more than ever convinced that they chose at New York the one man In the party they can match against Mr. Cool ldge In all the attributes of a 'President. I.Ike the Republicans tupy believe the country will ac cept Mr. Davis as his own plat Tferm and that the Issue In the last analysis may lie between the two men? not between the par ties . si* 1 The Democrats, however, will endeavor to Interject as much of the party flavor to the campaign an they can. It will be their claim that even if Mr. Coolldge nhould bo Plotted hla partv Ih so badly Rpiit In Congress that h" will be unable to force throiiKli the sdmlnlatrstlve program l?e has planned On the ether hand It will ho asserted the Democrats are "I v-ther" this year as never before "and If placed In power at Washington would be able to function smoothly and with prop er psrtr discipline. The defec tlon of Senator Wheeler to the I^Follette forces will be mini mised a* laolated ca*e and not reflective of any condition within the party. The briefness of the .campaign this year is looked upon by seme ivmoersts as a handicap to them. Their poarlble auceesa at the poll* la November depend* larselv up on' the Impreaalon Mr. Davi.i mafcen upon the w>untrv. Mr Coolldge already Haa ljad4a full year In Which to give life people ku measure and even his oppo nents say tM*t tfca lm*f*aalon has ; FRANK HARRELL IS CAPTURED /\ccmii|)liro in Miirclrr of Major MoLeary When Ar rolod by Detective* al Nushvillt', TeniKWP. Frank Ilarrell, sought as mi ac-_ complice In the murder of Major Samuel McLe.iry at Cheraw. South Carolina. July 2 is a prisoner at Nashville police stutiou and lias made roufHssiou to the chief of deteotives, Sidebottom, the latter stated today. Admitting that he was with ^Mortimer King when t?i" killing took placc li.' is i|iiotiad as say ing thsu King ilid the actual kill ing. I*. W. (iAlTIIKR Ci.K.tTKI) IHIlKtTOIl NKW IK.WK ? P. W. Oalthcr. pnnrtrtmt of the" Auto & (las Kngine Works, was Tuesday Her tod a director of ih*1 Industi ial Dank of this city. The act Ion was taken at a r< guinr meeting of the directors of the institution. hern a moat favorable one. Mr. Davis will have liut a" more than two months in which to "sell" himself in tlie language of the day. That he will make the best possible use of this time 1m the confident belief of all who are associated with hint. VKTKKAN Vfc \ It S is auto victim Charlotte. July 23. ? Maj.?r M< njumin IIukIi lliiulo of Mon r?to, a veteran of four wars. ? tiI'i* lx'!i?'iu *,|1|;|0S1 *nstani*y in i y?Hierilay betmveu Motiroo Charlotte. COITON I'ltlCKS CONTINUE SOAK New Yor^f July 2Z. Cut lop. prices made another big udvftrrtv at ili?' opening today, reaching new high levels for the movement with Milling nt 2.VIU and IK -comber for 27.20, or from 70 id S5 points above tli-.' iirt'Vloii.; rlosc, ILIIHMl'K NOT 11.11(111**11 IN KKYSTONK SHOP Wednesday's session of llie r>; corder's court. in contrast to tli<? lUH-lir wssiDii -was -u quiet one, tlic otviy ran1 disposed of being a submission. Prince WclM.'r, colored, f?> r operating an automobile with no lights ami without i-iry or stale li? let off with th?? costs whin ho ? \ (?laiiiMii that tlii' cur was a bor rowed ono. Police say \Velwi??r lias hiu-n up for a similar offense In.* fore and. got by with the costs on th?? same excuse. Ft III no trnce -ins liorn found of t li?* witiiMm'j, on whoso testi mony the Slate was relying lo convict Joe llmwn of Assault on nn-at her negro with deadly weapon Monday, hut uh;i failed to uppcar !n com t although under hiibpoena to do so. On" of the witnnsses Julius Itiddick. was erroneously referred to In Tuesday's Issue as a Keystone barber shop barber ? ttiddlrfc? i work"? Tdfirargraves ixi t in a negro barb.'t* *hop owned by the latter. Police referred to Hidfliek as. a barber In Ilargraves' shop. and the reporter, unaware that Margraves owntd any shop except tli-' Keystone, jumped t ? ? the unwarranted hut not unnat ural conclusion that ? Hlddick - was a K? y.-itone barber. rorro.v >iai:ki:t Ne^ York. Jipy 2TT-- Spot Tcot Ion cloned stvu^', Middling .'IS. 20. an advunce of 1 3T? points, ru lutes, closing bid. July 34.79 <)??:. 28.95. Dec. 28.60 Jan. 27.00. Marc-It 28.15. Fighting Quaker Marine Believed At End Of Row lias AcronipliHlied (ircal Deal at Philadelphia I ? 1 1 1 Pre?.* ('lit Indications are That He Will he Iienteu al Last in Fight Against Professional Politicians of I'.ily ii) i>. \v. i;it(HM\i; (CopirrUhl. |?i, Bji Th? Advuart) Philadelphia, July 23. ? Oener al Smedley Darlington Ilutler seems to have banged *11 p at last against the stone wall of rocu hound Philadelphia politics. -Yh??-flR4*t4?K- tjuulter of Hw-Ma rlne Corps, in the more Ihuti six months that he has been director of public safety in the adminis tration of Mayor Kendrlck, ha.< accomplished a lot of things, on the surface nt least, but ho hasn't succeeded in the blggcot thing that he attempted to do; that is, run the police of this city of near ly 2.000,000 people, without po litical Interference. General Butler has had a plen ty of that and the way he baa tried to ride rough shod over Philadelphia luminaries is behind the militant director's pn sent difficulties with Mayor Kendrlck. On the surface, the mayor In try ing to give the impression that there are difficulties, but the sit uation Is tense. Itutlcr got a leave of absence of one year to come here. That leave expires January fi. The bet ting her# 1b about ten to one that after January 5 flutter no longer will he director of public safety. Dutler htl had a hard Job. H?t knew the Job was a corker when he took It. So did the mayor. "The police are yours, moke the city clean," the mayor told him and then gave him carte blanche to clean up. Things started off like n whirl wind. Off went several police heaths. Others were shifted and new blood Injected Into the com manding forces. Kt ill. while It might be difficult, one could get, drink In Philadelphia and still can. If ene knows where to go. And throughout the time flutter has been here, one always could lay a little bet on the ponies. Maids continue, even while the tense sluation exists. Police h'ads, too. continue to fall. Hut where one place Is raided, anoth er springs up. It seems that Mr. Ikitler might haVe got a whole lot better If he had Inclined to keep more of a "stiff upper lip." It has been In the things he has bad to aav about politicians, and the way he said them, that have been getting un der the political skin. It was about three months ago that flutter had lils flint Teal row with a politician. That time ho came out on top. and even af ter be bad delivered an ultima t ti in that ho wart "golnj; to cntnke out of the city hall" one of tit.* biggest ward loaders In rhilntb I phla. II Im most recent row with u politician was with "Charlie" Vlis II. ward h-ader and preitld< ni of the rlty council. Charlie swings a tongue even more vltrol ic than does the general. It was "Charlie" who put the sklda tin der J. Hampton Moore when he was mayor. "Charlie" Hall won't he atain peded hy anybody, be it a luovor or a general in the marine corps. He liad hla row with Iiuth-r and ho put his foot down. An a r* Hiilt, (General Ilu tier's pet scheme for regulation of traffic hy mam moth searchlights on the top of the city hall lower wnn passed in to the discard. That wan the be ginning of the end. It (termed. The mayor JuhI said he "was sorry." Then rtenornl IPitler started to change nround all the police dls trlcts In ritiladelphia. These d 1st r lets, nearly nil of them, liavt been Identical ward boundaries. Take the districts out ??f the wards, take them out of politics, wait Dip general's Idea# And even now. while the direc tor's tenure Of office hnngs in Un balance and It Is reported that he and the mayor nre so far apart nr to barely b?- on speaMnt; terms., flutter It goln.T ahead with his re dlstrlctlng plnns. Tlier" are sonic "In the know in" nt city hall who d?^ch?ro as a rer.ii It of Ihitler'n "devil may care" attitude toward Jhe politi cians anil his persistence in th* ? "districting plans, that Mayor Krndrlck has his orders from th" politicians "to rl*l of Hutler." The ultimatum of course carries the threat that If h" doesn't the mayor needn't expect any mor? support for his administration. In ltt and out of city council. So that Is the situation the mayor finds hint self in and he i "sore" now because the ;:cnrrol ten dovs as'o v/rote t ? the com mandant ef the marine corps to fird ont win f? he wettld ?>?? a? slgned as a marine general, "If 1 am net in Philadelphia nft??r January f?." Now. tome declare the mayor says this letter Is "f?rclm; hfc hand " on the mthllc nftf'ty dlrec torahip after January f. Ther* are scmn who Just .ttsg their heads and smile, "I told you so, good exenac." 29 Were Rescued After She Hit Rocks Fate Leopold And Lccb TtrMity-nhi'' i\? -nt lh?? crow of xnnd carrier -Sandrfaf I wi .:??> r<*nr:i<M| hy r.^tinin Jrhn fV An il rsnii ?>f t)ir> Coiist Cuanl Service at Chirac" wln-ii On? wan ilanlit <1 mi 1 1 mrks a 'it mil.' K<i|r in l*alc?* Michiuali. , Tlx* sati* In '2'.\ f ? -I of \val?r. \ lnl? i . ??n I Hi ?uu niMiinl men to ?:lu>r? by ro|?o latl"l?'r>. sti'iim: liy a lif- li-ial. Brick Building Is Likely Replace Burned Stables If of < lily Munuprr Bray Arc A<tc|iI.<I Kihtalu-lli lily Will Spend SMHNI or for N<-w Slriirtiir)' A nii?'-:l??ry lirlrk l.uildinj: ?<? cost ImIuii-ii and fX.&OO will urolialily ri'iilan* llio old \vi m * i| * * ii : k wTTTTTi Wile IohI l?y lire here Saliirtlay nlvht. Cl(y Mnnnu'-r iSray is now drawing phiiiM for I !?? ? m w l?ia il?) ini: whirli will In* Miliiiii(|i>d to I!k' t'lty Council for approval. Tin* Imildiii^ will liav - ilircc partition* tlic KtaliliK. a var.;i;?a and tool liouw? If the r;ty Mhnager'n ]ila Di; are nci-optod. The now brick structure will |i?? ? ?rccti-d ;i f?'W ynr?iK north of wIm<;-.> tlx* i. |i| w. mI'-tj httHtHtttrn? stm ?|. Tl?c old liTil'diuga will be lorn down and I lie lot will In- in a ha Hilary condition and loft vacant for tin* present time. Tin- total I ohm from ?Hgtnrriax \\ IIK VI TOUCHES highest phick Chicago, July 23. ? Shortly be fore Hie close of tho market todny all ilellvn |o* ??f wheat had loucliod IllH highe*t prioo yet IIiIh noason and xhowri] a Jump of about ? ifcht renin from the day's low point soon after opening. 1\K\\T l?.\r<;HTKIl |?K.\I> Margaret Mario Crank, infant daughter nf .Mr. and Mra. J. T. ('rank, ft 1 4 (Jrady street, died at. t ho rciixnlH'th City Hospital Fri day morning at 12 o'clock and was bur Jc d Saturday morning in Hollywood (Vmctery at tjie ago of thriT days. CiKTH FIIIHT I'.UiK Jti.'i j?h RIIM, I*oind<-xtor street merrliant. has tho distinction of h? iaiK tho first Advance advertis er to pu reliant* u full pajce Hlnce this iM Wftpapor wont to eight nil unuix. Mr. KM in |? advertising a out price Rale beginning Saturday and lakes all of pngp two of this issue to tell Advance readers ahout it. iiirlu'* || r ?. as o.4| ?iy III Stiuilii'rn Trust t'oui|i.iny ;unl <*it y min.'ir Hi,-, i< 'I in- ttr nrn-.- i?aui nv iin* ? ii Tnrt ( oii.|?aii> to ll?. city tuiall "il $I,!IS<>. J <1-1 what <1 a ii i. ??..?' has ln??n lit th?- rity's It.-ar lr;it*ior t,; Hoi \.r known. Tin* ? :?( iiiiul* ?! lltftiri'K allow a Inns uf $3(10 on ih - tractor. A r?-|MVM-t.iat i\ .? ?if tic fa? ? ??ry Is i>|h ??!???] in th ritv tln w- k and until he m.ikt's an ?v u initiation of lli" trartor tin c\'ui < damage cannot la* i-.ivfii. t~tm ? >1.1 i *| i ? I II v tilnlit limko out of his stall nfl. r !i.- had I.'-, ii :ifvi-r<>|y burned ??< still In an uncertain condition and it ranimi y<t bt* tidd ttlifthrr I hi* anfiriai can b?? saved or noi. ? ?>ur> noniKi'ia: kioi.ks A Font roadster lo J S. PadRcit. 4 14 Oi-ilnr sfi.-.t, wim Monday night, and police no far liave boon- unable* In trace the eloign car. When Htolen tlu; North Carolina license plal- on 1 ho oar bore Mm umber 7S.I72 find tlii' engine number was Os - 14. Air. I'ndjgott hays In will pay a suhahle r.' ward for In formation lt-adim: to tln> recov ery. of Ills rar. MIIS. KIIKIIUM'K MIA!) Mr?*." N'anry Sherlock. ago 7 f? years. died Wednesday morning about 6:45 o'clock a? llic homo of her daughter. Mrs. J anion Hyl voBtor. 210 Harney strc t. Mr*. Sherlock suffered a Ktroko of puralyRls about two weeks iiko from whirh fthn never recovered. She Ih hiirvlvrd by five children; .Mrs. James Sylvester and John Sherlock of this city find Mr:'. t\ ('. Pr|r?>. Mrs, (J. orge KrWl and Hythe Sherlock all of Pa:?<|uol.m1: County: and by a number of grandchildren. The funeral will be conducted at Olivet liapiint church tit I o'clock Thursday afternoon by. Uev. JoHi.ih KMIott cmIhIcI by Dr. J. H. Thayer. Chamber CommerceDrive Extended One More Day Si ill !*'? f I y Member* Short of Dcniml (#omI al Noon Wednesday hut IJi'licvfd TIh*m* Im* Sigurd ( 1 1? VI it !? i ii Nr\l 2 I Hour* Fifty more members are need od to put the Chamber of Com mere* iJrlvo over the lop. Tlila whs the fact revealed win n all reports 6f work ?Ione by the canvassing teams Tuesday had hern turned in and tabulated at Chamber of Commerce headquar ters. Ho near wan this to the required goal and so many tirere the pros pcrtx on somebody's list who wero regarded as good hut who could not bo seen Monday that It wan decided to extend th* drive one more day and try to clean up those lists. Accordingly, the various team* of volunteer* are out again today in a final effort to ronnd up theg" last no member* wanted. Hue cesn *rem* ax-uin d and will he a* sured If the canvasser* meet with a response within striking distance of what they expert At the same time because tlm proxies for a eonrluslon of this canvass end benttuse there still may he many prospect* who ought hat can not be saen, It Is hoped the canvass either Monday or Tuesday, and who Ims not sent fn his application for one or more, mom bomb Ipii. will <lo no without (May an<l help Icing 111 is c:(t>Va*ri lo a HiM'i'i'SM r ii I cor. i- hi* ion. "The ?Chamber c?f Cuninn'rfc," nays President Shi'op, "can not have too many member*."'s l>o aure tluit tlx* monihorKhip doe:* not full In low I ho minimum lim itn pr?'prrlh(?f! to a*<ur?* It x *'io ci'ssful operation hy niakhi/* it a hit HtroiiR^r than aomin ahuolute ly necosNury. "Women an well i?h men arc hoih eligible to fnemlwrnhip and < h.itn her of Commem* lic.tilci im r t ?*rx la an near your u* yon tel'-phone Call tin up if po ono oalV-l on you and wo wilt nt-r tliei a m< mhor.ihlp application Id. ml; In put Into your hand*, or the C'mtn hor of CommiTfc will l?o glail to u-eeire your rhTk for ono or mor? memhoridiip* hy fntfil an I. 'ho formality of 'sigulna you up' r?n bo attended to Inl* r" Tho prlr? of a m mlMfdrp lift' now ho nviue d to $12 n y *ir rrn.l it Ii* felt that thl? very low mot.i herHhlp foe rhotibl mako nw in morce cpp>al to mnny who Iihv* never been lntorente<t in thh ?tatter tnfor*. SI KVW.Ii KI NS INTO TUN k mm; i: | :i .1 . July '2Z. - |M j?rr hi r .l;?ni? s T. ,V; r of. iIh*. : i;ii._St?*;in?sUlp hl<*nt'|ioiat?il. \% It I la Nil li'i'-- i-Ni'ly f??r liar H.irlmv. s?: ink mi Crotch I m In ml the ??I11r;.l?iv in Klnitlii^lmi 1 1 ;i 1* tn ? l* linvf 1y Jiri.-r rlfclll nYI.nk ill l!l" tl.M. !??(T. SOW" nf I Iff |i;r-M?*ll v. r>- l;nnliMl in Imala. Noim v.-.M'i,' in ?l.ihj;? f. SIIKKfll WON'T thkn him Lutw^ Krisf I.33 N'rw Mi'xiro July -I'a'.l t\ Miw?\ ?*.W ir ? ? t' I In- A 'liitijll (ki*i|li ? .Iniifniil. i-i'll i ?? !???? ?l in I li i 111 lis iiiiitrixnn ii;?-n i f,w ioji:?-iiii?i i.i' ciiiirt l?y I ????? ri?-r .lii'i.*i' A. I.. Il.iliy. was ??tiit'liVil In Mil- San Mirim-I I'nnii IV J;i : I ill :i lull' hour l-i't night, i! v.j.iii- i h ?? ii .: ifi.*:si iuM nf |i:irilnii ? y . v IV! .1 . !?'. 1 1 111 k I. .? Vi-il ? u .-tii. ir Sli. tiff IK :,'.;ul(i tvsislcil 1 lie iu !? a/i? nf r,n (In- i;rnun I il' il i Ir ? :;i: vi'i'iinr lias ?:?> imwi*;* *?? |iir?lmi hi i!i.' r:iH*? of <lir*-rt rnitlciiipi . Is In Competent Hands ?_liapig?L-ll?* I nl?omnlril Confidi-tnr in < lii< f Juntice I I ImmiuIi ^4'iiliiiH ii! SlrSfi^^TirsT^T|Mfafsffuiiw^=^= nirnl Am IKmmmiiii lie Make* \\ ill lw \|>|muv ?'d it> m \iuiAittCT (Coatil jKI. IMI If Th? Atfvanu*) Chicago, July 2!t. ? Chief Justice John II. Cavorly of the criminal court haa Invome the big outstanding figure of the ? fcm|#>kl - l/*?h murjlcr ease-by the surprLiiy^ action .of. the. . ^ defense in entering picas of Kuilty and inviting the mercy of the court. ORDERS TROOPS TO MOUND CITY Illinois (tovrnior tiiisli<*? Help III Ourll Moll l ol-l lowing Murderer of IH Vrnr-PId liirl. i S'priiUTfioltl. 111.. JuTy"2!l C2.?v- 1 ? r.n.r . Slit.* 1 1 la.-w ni^lit orili'i'tid I i iii,i|i:iuy K. 1:101 li lufaiilry, of Cairo to tii?liiliz>> imniHiliaii'ly and! prorrotl i<? MimiihI I 'it y iimlcr ? iMiiiaan?r of Captain \\ illlum "ilr.*. iii>. Mull ii'J C'ily. IU. July 23. ? Tlnif in-rcro?-a Ikmiik li?*lcl h' ro In! ron:i<?ri|on willi 1 Ii?* niiii'il?*r early Tm-tilay morning at Villa IliilKt), < IliliH'iM. of Ii.iUy Wib'ou, uki*i| IS,, w?*r?' fallen (rum llii' Pulaski, County jail last night l?y Slwrlff " |Ii..|mmi whi-n iTtiwdn KiitlifrlnK ;?1miii the j.iil lim'iiii'niMl trouble,) it '? ?! I > i I W ' ? 1 1 I'i .1 1 1 In- iii ki'o-'-s Murphyslioro. Ill , July L'.l. ? ' Sheriff 1 1 ml so 11 or I'nlaski County j a. ill Ki viTal ili'pul Iim urriviMl hero; louiKh! wiiii three iH'Kroea In <'ii:ii*(>r'iirii with ilit* r.laylnK of 18; >.ar old villa j.;?- K?rl. Daisy Wil r-4 ? 11. I. ui |iriir<>i.'(|t>il to Menard, Illinois, mi i; v ir** of local author- 1 il !??.* in av.i!tl iiiul) violence. i;i:t mi>?i-: u>i.\ti u s [ )>o'.iun. July 23.- Ttao potato! ?irti a v. r?f N??w KiikIuiiiI is ulimit ti.4 p.-r rciil higher t li 1.4 yi-ar than, in )!i23 mill I In* proapecl.s fur a, lariro crop a r ??. xcellcut. Georgia Peachgrowers In Distressful Circumstances fjylil I Imm.mii..! (air* of IVarln*M Thrown Away in l.a*t IVii l)ay? Alit-r ShipiMini* on TIioiihiijijI* of llar.-s % H:t<] i'mlrti lo 1'iiy ICvrn l!i?> < lliarfgi'tt !t> a. \v. Ttwrlnkl. 1971. R? Tli* *??.?<????? .Mneon, (In.. July ?? ro nia uf in :: |h>:ii Ii> i uri* in;: froiii tin* Htivanr; nml li?dd-? of in ji|?| |? ? Mid S??nl lo-rn < Tor dm In tin' l:i?f |im) ilayji !?- :?? Ii vrowera have rhriuvti nway up* l>i'i iiiiiii.*' ly four na i I i i*?n I u li ?!.?, or s.OiM) firii. whole nop I Ills j-'ar ha:: I'll*. -luil dtirliu' .filly. Markets* are '.'lulled tied pear hen n r ? - not hrlnMnic nhlpplnj; HiarK'T.. IJetiee. Ilu* d<*te nn'n.'it l<<u ? f KroWcrr. ik.I In hM|? amy more thin year llian tin* mark* Ik will rciitfiime. Nolli ?iii. hut l In* KUiiTfnM jirt' l?- f I I *? In- shipped. Til In will l?f si dmri ryi ij?, esi | m:i | f d nt l?"fwi'i ii ::.000 .??mi r, oook.hh. ir iu-J'-.-m ;nf nf?i xdl.iliiclory ||'<? ;r?<wi r.-i htive In dicated licit I h? y too. will ho thrown Into tin* ntrofliiis. Tin* fit ii't f ltf>n l.i t I'm: Ik Ihrosifth oi:l Ihe iiciictHNili and i'.rov.?'? in a panic. i'eiiehe.i win- Minx here Monthly fit e|y.|,l e? nln ;< Iii?m k? I, or 40 eolith n hardly ? iiiiifjli t*i p.-' y for I In- rral' ?? mid lwfli"t* In w St l<"li they are parked. with ii'i a llov.ii im* Idi' picking, parkin:? and hauling. In New Voi'ii I lie price \v ax Ir.w n.i lii> e.ri'.i a crate. Shipuienli lr> Northern tnarhctn hare t'? made In rc?frlMTiit'ir earn. with five t(ii]n ?i f Irn for the initial leinu for each f.00 cral-n. A further erjiiiir? f r th" fjn v/itk in !-l?l;>-" I'lni:. of rotirUt1, l.? the fr? It-.lil ^'niW. Anil l>enrlv 2.0no car,! have liein fold diirlut; 'he Infct week lit oriei a hfl.i'.v the HCtlial fr'lv.lit ehniren. I'nr ? Kr'iV* r to I i?tIs ey# n In lie* N? w York tnjrhel. It ^ 1st r'.iJni'd thai n price if fl.flfl .i rrnte. or npprf**lt.iale|v m and :? half r # !?? .? a p:*.-?rh la u-ri inirv The .".roweft nay thai fluty t" ?*d twri d tit:4 for i vr.rv peach d lo iiMaii* n prilii. Total hSi ipno'iit m >f pe-ae'u t lai l v?':n* for live entire f-nFon. ' v? r .1 loafer J)"rhd. wnn M.70I. Total fd'i|.M ntf. I It Ik y?::r to (tola :i r-t hIi!-1 'v iit.der 7.600 cr?r*. tit' re wa? f <??? ;:r<hfert p? te'i enp In the M.ilory ? f f?*or f:ln produced thin ye-ir. The ju.iv en wax tt no wwUi* late i.i n!ait* ln? and il.e rl<*? nllttt v/aft ovr a ??''?rl Tietl"d. ntariierillir ;i|l Viirl ?l|".'; help-; nmrk-'tvl d?l*lf" Jillv Tint h. the fuuxe <i the j-.rot.'< i3* lr"i'?V, /vr-).?r,| -.|iU l?av? -imiux*. nf r?eol^|?'n^ notiv of llulr loih'-n en the Klh'Tta rrop. Ftnny of them arc fortified with other crops*. mi i |i:i t to llios" who have ^1+vn-KttTiit fai fiiiim IIih failure of Dm peach crop i ?? lirlll^ satisfactory prlc< s will not im-nn flnaiiclal ruin. Ilul il will In- a| liaril blow Ut lli<' wlwln Industry. I win i |?a.-:H< <1 through the peach l?. It Monday said thai In addition l'? III'1 K.'nni rain that have been III row ii Into tin- tlvcrn, then* an- hundreds of car* of rt'aU rip* peaches on tin* trot*# llial will iicvfi' h" picked. Manv of I In- 1",i(?wcni an1 hej: tilnis fl lends from (lie cities to come and pick what tiny wunt, wlllioul elinrKc. ll?caiiH(? of ( Vi?* trcniendoufl crip of poaches, the (leorRfa 1'iacli firowiTu' I'xchanvo, with lli?' .(iovcrnniciit co operating, worked out (lie i:rcali'?;l dixtrlhu tl'in HyMcni <'Vit nitoui'itod for. I lil t y? ur. I'.ut markets wouhlirt] OH<<UIIII< tin* crop. !? I N AM SICKS plan \ si!?:i:kss| - ?i!i -n.- I.** B>..i iv. %i l<ondoii, July 24. The Inter- j A 1 1 1 ? C? nfereiico will undoiibt- ' edly hi' Kiicci-Hsftil and llie l>a west I'lan will In- fclveit lis chance to J wive Kuropt-'n economic 1'ln tie*} Hlill'1 present differences h. t v-en | the hank* m andtho roiif>Tci(c<?| d? |i.;..iliv; over the Kuaraot -??-H for | lie fort-, million pound (icrman i loan, a lending Alio rlcau finan-. ci?-r today fold the \ft.u>cluted I'ri'Hii I: -fore rallli'K f ? ? r h"Mie nf-l !? r having been f ?r several dayo in the chiHcat touch With Confer f nc?- pr'jcr-'dlnun. IM.I S MIAMI AMI NI VkKS HIS KSCAI'E Italt'n ?r'?. .Inly 23. ? - fevirgal Cross. mi' i t the four youilm ccn vlctod lam moniii of the murder] c?f l^oiirt Cohen. MaliiniTe Jew-; di r. felled his KMard and escaped from I lie city Jail early today, F In maMnr hi* escape Crom stole; a pi-.tol from "ttre" trn.ii d and thnl| Jumped nmf the J.i'l wall. Mrl.AKKN i'akty IIOI'S (111' ACAIN r r. ? * u?? .i i*' . i Twtchi. July 21. The Mr!. a res party of Britlah around the world' aviators, forced down a week ago( If the tri mrndotis response iUtffiy wui13iii1,v i '1 :?((' J upon him Ciimt- ns a Mirpriie to JusticL' Cavi'ily ho nave no indication of the fact. Studying hi* face as tit* warned the leeuHMt youths that their ae tluu in waiving a trial by jury mad** it posr.ibl* fur 111*' court to Impose tin* diath pi-natty, one Kalix il the Impression. Ilrst of all, all of It In <li;\iacliiintioH, Justice Caverly Tt in dlivet contrast to the defniiiluiilK. 1 1 ?* la of thick-eat', powerful i?h v.^Upu', with a broad forehead, a ..qua re jaw. aud keen, steady eyes tliat ijaie forth be neath heuvy hr?<ws. Justice t'averly Wan born tff I-Tnglund {? :i years aiyi and cama to CMra^'i wlili bis parents when ho waa nl\ y?nrn old. He has a Ion;: and enviable record both ft# a city attorney and as a magis trate. Ah attorney for the city of Chicago in 1 !? t? 7 he broke up ft rii>K of ruafters who had mulcted the city nit of marly $4,000,000 in eiklit years. And it waa he. aftn hi' l.nd m^tttrtril The b enM? " who xentciiri'd to tie* Iiouse . of Correction the notorious Kddle J.ncobs.oii. called "Kddle the Im mune." who had boasted for yean that he in ii Id not be convicted. In another case Justice Caverly compelled the nlate to withdraw It h demand ( >r capital punishment of a woman who had killed her husband, rayhifc: "This la an Auierlcau court. To aak thai a woin;m lm hanged It - Hrltlsh procedure." Whe n Clan new Harrow, chief attorn* v for the defenue, with drew the plea of not yuilty and entered the plea or KUllty Wftk the statement that "we dlaltlta to throw t Mm burden upon this roiirt or any c.iher court" lie knew out of th.' wisdom of his 37 yaara of experience sis a practicing law* yer In Chicago that the burdeft could not be thrown on to mor# capable nliouhb rs. Public vintlmeRt mvnlnst the slayers of the !? Yanks boy la strong fttid feeling now Ib that they should pay the full penalty for their crime. Hut If Justtoa Carorly shotihl decide, after bear ing' the "mitigating" evidence t# ho offered by the defense, that their punhdiment. should be loaa heavy, there will be few who wlH question the Justice of his deci sion. . ? Such Is the confidence Chlca## has In the chb f jUHtlce of IU criminal court. REVIEWS CRIME OF TWO YOUTHS Stale"* Attorney Crowe at Opening of Leopold and Loeli Hearing; Merited D? Chirac *, July Jl- The kidnap ping of 1-1 year-old Itobert frankfl by Nathan lipoid, Jr.* and Idchard Imi h wan ntrlctly a "commercial proposition." the ab ductorn wi'ito in their firnt letter to th?- f:i l In r of their victim. Thli li'lii-r wuh read In the ?p< enlng i I the hearing today before Chief Jtuillce Cuverly to deter* mine tlx jii-nulty tlx* two college youlhn k'h'II pay for the death of yon ni. rrankn, to which for the ileconil time they nfTlrmed today their lawyer's plea of guilty. **? HI it If# Attorney Crowe In bin opening statement recited the Hlory ii f llio boy's planning of the "III 1 1 ?? f' How's nuirder," frota what lie xald w;ik the Inception of the pint in the mind* ?f the two brilliant n^ntf rf i>ri,mlne?t famlt here last fall. I vi?ry detail <f the planning and preparation wuh reviewed bjf the prr.remtni . Call* I by Iho state ??? It* see oml wit new after Crowe had de manded again the death penalty for the two youth*. Jacob Krankt, wealthy father of Hubert, recited on the witness ntund the wtory of hie boy's disappearance calmly hot with f-yen moistened by teat*. He answered In a firm voice (he qucri?a of the prosecutor >b4 toei'ttfied th- rmaSI remoantt clothing and other pernonal , ?"?i mi, i ? ft hi nil mi or about tM beffljr. Hi* testimony wan ml* flni. he I when the court receile^ tor luncheon. to have perished. left earl f today fur Murauk*mi IIhv on Part* mashlrn, their t.'tst stop la the Japanese Umpire

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