Political War Chests Be Biggest In History Said Totnl Campaign I'ninU of i'lim- s >l;t\ ;i lolal of SI-kINHMMM) If i lollrrtions (Ionic I |i to KxjH'clalioiis of llir l*arl> leader* i;> ROHKRT T. SMAI.Ii lCop?ri?ht. I*)2I. By lh? Adotflct) Washington, July 24. ? Plans hoiii): mack* "for ll?' I'lvsi donttntT;ii>i|)!liiril l!lU year comOni|il;;U' prulialify tin- I 'T ^MHMuiiture of monoy in the history of polilk-s. I A it1 use of money in pre | ^Irvi ion fi)r! 1 1 s no longer- enr f -ios with it the taint of co I' ll ii'Ption. Legitimate oxpons l c? hkvo grown greater anH Kivatcr as the years have gone by and the high eost or living has hit the hustings as well as the home. Senator Horah of Idaho. chair wan or the special Senate initio which is to report cam paign expenditure*. expert h tu j have a busy time of it betw.m now and early November. for all of the committees have decided to emulate the example of Chair man Under. of th<- -Republica ns-. B,,,l KiVf Mr. Rorah detailed re ports from time to time as the campaign progresses. Announcement that the |n?l? - pendent progressives headed Py Senator LaPollette and SenatoY W heeler are going to alien, pi to raise a campaign fund of al least $:i.0U0.000 wives some inkling of what the aggregate < \p< nditures of the campaign may be. This is far more than the Democrats were able to obtain in 1920. Tie Democrats practically starved to I death that year while the Repuh I lieans revelled in plenty. This year the Democrats are hopeful that things will he dlftVr ent. They may easily raise u campaign fund of $5,OnO.OOO. The Republicans may raise even more, so there is reason to be lieve that in the National polltl ? ~cal strong box there will-he *atb. I c*red nppro\ltn? ??>ly $15,000,000 f 'or elect ioncerlng purp/ifecAT . Radio, an entirely new expense 1 i<? ramp"ifnw will ^-.-i IjfcS lion's share of the e\p? ndi tu\j> according to present plans. i..t? broadcasting companies are going to reap a real harvest and get back some of the heavy sums they have spent In develop ing this newest art of communi cation. Thus far there has been no attempt to standardize the po litical charges for broadcasting other than a preliminary state ment by the American Telegraph & Telephone Company that It ex . peeled to get $io a minute and to limit speeches to 10 minutes' duration. This time limit Is proposed liot alone for the benefit of the liat cners-in but for the politicians as well. The broadcasting agencies know their invisible audiences. They know they will not listen patiently to any person for much more than ten minutes. In all political audiences there Is a large percentage of persons who wall; out on the candidate soon after he begins to talk. How much easier it will be for the radio listened turn the knob and cut short the best of the orators. The radio people believe they enn give I lie politicians the best value by lim itlntr tin-in sharply in the amount of time they can consume on the air. Furthermore it is feared thof too much politics would drive the listeners from the head phones and the loud speakers. Radio audiences crave variety and will seek for it all around the dial. A too liberal mixture of political ad dresses in the program would de feat the purpose of the political j chiefs and make their cxpcndl | lures useless. Word lias reached Democratic headquarters here that John \V. Davis, the ('residential candidate, is leaning more and more toward n radio campaign rather than to take the two big swings around the circle which were suggested ' to him. Mr. Davis feels he fan reach more people by radio thnn he can by train. His managers, however. are de-Irons that he should meet the people face to face so far as possible. They are anxious to "sell" his personality and while a certain amount of personality will express Itself through the microphone, it is not to be compared with personal contact. Already it has been arranged that President Coolldge shall do tnoitf of hi* political campaigning ovei the radio. The Presidential biV?>lcastlng, however, is not 111 to cost the Itepublican Na tional Committee very heavily. |or Mr. Coolldse will speak most of the time in connection with s'mim public event which would warrant the broadcasting station? in carrying the speech regardless of the campaign. Such art *v?nt is that of Friday nlaht when Mr Coolldge will speak '?y radio to ? company of Roy Scouts gathered at dinner In New York prior to sailing for Kurope on Maturdav. It Is peculMrly fitting that Mr. Cool idge should speak to the boys of America at this time when hh heart is so full of the sorrow at fT.I'rr '.*?(? 1-sc *f htecr-p - <; It UN COMPANIES FOIOI 1114. Chicago, July 2r.T--nr;ry"SnV f of Wr.-I ? Vitfini. H ?-= t.. x li 'y . im'-iitm: of a .? grain marketing eonij?:m> r? pri hcnting a iiirwr of i hf five est grain compani ^ in the en mi* My wliieh rvnr iiilly will be farmed. owned ami controlled. ac cording t? plans. imowvs i\ i*o\i? Charlotte. July i'.*.. t'unrai] K. Carter, aged -Jl. was ilrownctl la?i I? i Kll I ill a pond near li it. ii.oii: i.oks iimjici: ? -Minneapolis. July ? (Xpe rlall? MiiiUf?tioliH flour mills ar operating al only p< r mil ra pacity hilt flour price* have ln crvawil more than $l a barn f for the l?? hi pa trills sin?v June 1"? on the strength of advancing cr.iin prices. t*r son. Win :i the President announced ho wunld speak to ihf lipya ill* r? was a catch in his voice which tolil more, far more. than tln? black sllki-n hand on lib: !? fl r.rui. Itoili of the older parlh-s' si goinx lo try to make their cam paign funds as popular as pos sible. lint neither sich- will limit the amount that an individual made give. Will Havs :itt ciii r?t* ?l to do (liat in 1!?20 and pi I ?? 1 up a deficit of foiiivt hin^ like 000.000 before the ballots were cast. ?In wiiplnf, out this _d?-0cli the Republicans c-?st tin- Hays mh"of ?>:ihki iiilly w> the winds' "Wall Street" may cnntrUmt ? heavily to both QiiiiocraHe and Republican clifHis hut Mr I .a Fol lette and his followers will liaxe to elsewhere. Somi' one so" gested. when Mr. Davis was nom inated, that "lily business" wan so well satisfied with the two lend in - candidates for the Presidency that* it would fail to contribute funds. Tlie Democrats counted tliat -i moral victory in Itself for they said they had never cot any hiu business money any way and If they cnnld keep it nway Irotu the Republicans a Ion:; stride forward had been made. Tn'o Mayors! Flint, Mich, hsv? twrf nuyrr*. David II. CuihlH-riPon (ilwi-i iifu vs io Kivi> over hi* mail qsiny <!?sl: Hi 1 1)1 mayor'n oilicc to Jud-<nn "?"i.-n*.:? (liOlow). who ways In- w.i.i PiuMr l .11 a recall cleft Um. Cuthln-rlxon eialnif that mnri- volts wuc cant f r Tiansue In one |?rcciiu-t than il?oir. are wtifK. Now Lotli CuiIiIh rmrn ami Triinntio are rr>r.ili:ctln;: mayor's huxhitSH in t\\\> dlflfi ivnt cf thvs In the city hall. llAltltKI.I. IS TAKKN to si'Ais i AMtrm; N":i h v i ! 1 ? 'I'll;;!.. .Inly South Carolina oflin is l?-it touiglii for Spartanburg Willi r. nr.U Miu rnlli .i ll. ?v. < h?h)i!ii i of I In- slayer of Major Sainu<) Mt L? ary. It VIIAt'AY ItO \|{|> 'DISALLOW S I'l.KV Cliiritco. July 2.1. ? 'Mil- Kail way l.ahor Hoard today nycrriil'd and ilinailowt-d employes of wes tern railro-.ds in (loir wasrr and rules il ir* |j m *?.?> and ord led tlx taking of testimony of \v i ? n esses suhpoenued Imtli from carrier and einployoH, Sees Danger National Epidemic Of Smallpox Surgeon (?uiirrnl llu^h S. < Itimiiiin^s (if I *?? I >1 i?- Health SrrvMT Drcrirn Modem IVmlrnry lo Oui?;j<>s the Doctor* and Nr^lrrl \ arrinalion n> i:i?\\ m\i:siimi IC.?,rl?hl. m?|. B , Th? Ad.in.rl wasniiiKton, July 2f?.- Kffoits to oiiU:ucsh (lie doctors li:i v ? - brought grief to koiiio on*- fhous atiil American homes, and an likely to bring ll I ?? many thous ands more, according lo Surgeon Com ral llnj'li S. CiiriiiuliiKH of the l'ubllc I Ira It h Service. IbcatMf Americans have Mulled recently at medlcnl Injunctions thai tliey he vaccinated the country Is on the vprisc of a national small-po*; epidemic. "It is the naiitc self assuranc' that has gained much for Ameri ca and cost tremendous prlci-s," I>r. cunnufTrfc* y^RTv-Tdny: "The eternal 'that can't happep to me' spirit coupled with the f.-ict I hat nn?all pox cat*'* have lately been few and mild have mad" people fe?l vaerl nation an unnec essary relic of the past. It is those people and uieinlierK of r? - llulous cults whose hi'licfn oppose vaceinatlon who constitute th ninny flinall|>ox cases now liiiown In this country." I>f. Cummlttg*. who Ix anything hut an alarmist. does not hesitate to express his concern ahout the possibility of a nation wide epl demlr o f the most dreaded of all diseases. In the week of June 21. the health service had compih 'I fix ii res showing more llian cases In the country, as compared with 371 for the corresponding week a year duo. "Indications are that the num ber Is Increasing and there In dan ger of spreading In all parts ? ? f the country." the surgeon said. "I have small doubt that hv now it has passed the thousand lhark. And the dangerous truth Is that the disease usually flourishes in the winter months. Having spread so widely In the spring and sum nier. It will probably develop n far more serious situation by win ter time, when It Is usually most prevalent Thirty-five states have already been Invaded by the smallpox aim nut rniiliihd ft* him1 city. but aca tiered liii'Miiuli many l ? ? r r ? * * ? r ii'H ami in more tlirui I on <>i||e*. Sinre no dheario in more conta gious l*? lho.se who urn nut im inim-, i;ial<'\s lli>' dair: r or a Ki'iM-rul ? -|i i?l? in ic* jiYeati r. War n in;:- have In . n Hen I to all staff healili ofTlcrrs, to the Am erican l(ailwa> AxMOcInt ion and to the American Automobile Assn ; rial ion timinv lliat . tin- utuinat can* In* Inhcn to prt-vi lit a hiip ikI of tin* (Ilwaw'.' "There lias lit n a roiij:?*i|ui*iit , rutlb to dfiCloCtt all OV'-I 4 1??* conn try liv people who had Itnay: ?n?*il their pood health would keep tin in immune ami are now panic utrlcken," said I >r. CumuiioK* "Fortunately we arc prepa"f*d to Vaccinate tlmm i* 1 1. Detroit phy sirlaiiH Vficoliiat* *.l CO't.ft'M) per ?--oi>H in i' ii ?l.?yiC lr |al?v: worn ?? thiiiM l ? u ?? (hlx dunncr lo itink** IM'opIr ii mil rst md (iinl <! I>>i( r ? r may come t-? alumni any one* "It. Is not tin* weaker perrons who an- prey I ?? xnmlliiON. An* one who I?;ik ii"t Iic'-ji vnfciiint'il may In*. Ofl'-n the at ronsert pco l?!?* miliT uior.l m-rori' ca^es. '.'I'y.ple iiiiinI he vaccinal' d. Tliore whoae Viifi'lnnliotiK ha%?* not 'taken' should try ntniii h make Mire of immonity. The :*.af* eat way is to in * If lirii Hcratche*. lunoculate one with llm fcow'a vac cine, ami have t ii?* oth?r froah. Tie* difference 1 1* tin- hen Htm of th?' two aore* will prove In J J hours whether ??r not the per*on is auaceptlhle." Vaccination If the only mire prevention. hut once Hart<d. the dlaeuse eanri'.t Im* Vi;i 1 1 * <! . It lilltxt run lt? course. Tlio diabase today l? apparently most prevalent In the Middle \V? hi with Cineinnntl r<|>nrtlnu 2r? caary. Toledo 22. Indianapolis f "? . Detroit r.6. Haiti more 1?. Tren ton. N. J. 7, and Hojwwcll and Ewlnir. N. J. 11. It Is alao PC LUMBER IS NOT LIKELY ADVANCE llomr W ho lluvt* Iti-ru \\ nitthrin;: Mioul KflVrt oT l ori'vl l ii*i> Ma\ Calm Their IV'ars. Ity .1. I'. ICOYI.H t .1 i, T A.|i??r-1 X?-? York. July I'rospn"' tiv : home builders. contractors ttitI ? lumber diniliTs wlu? have lirrji ^peculating a.-? to tlie of fi.rest fire* on I ho Pacific slope, may. ? a I in I loir fours, iltfi-- i> hull- hki-Hhtiffll .of an in i t e.ise ill lumber prices in thai .-?iiii'ii a .1 r >ult nf fin- Iiihhus, ainl reports of damages in many -inrtatires ? rr-f*m - -tn have boon > iL'-H"il;;!v t > v ? i ? - "'??? ?-<?l . llispatehcs r*;i ivi.l within the last (tt lvf h'Miirt from reliable sources in Oregon ami Washing ion indi?ai?- 1I1.11 ? ???- iliniaco lo crii n tim!? r from lin<K so far ha:< ln-i n remarkably small, com pared with ilif first Mia|> estl iiiiihu. In Orounh. fires have' I.* on ?-? 1 1* tin- -tl in?? -ilv lo logged ??1 f I.ir-Ls :uiil ? In* damage to i*.r?vii limlii-rs has horn oxtrciiu'ly limited' Mii.h rt'-lnn'.'i.jiiin work has hfoi: wiped out. however. ami ih ? prositcelivo Ins-* a|o?u? l Ills lino will In- con-ddera'd- Tho forost : rvin ilV-'i jin s ti pl.nv a flRiire ?4ii the dair.a;, ? but in Iho past !osse\ have uually been about one-tenth of I lo- 1' i r r estimate*, compiled through >iuokc filled eye*. In V?" >!? rn Washington. as in Wi'sti m Urpjuti, iho damage has hooii only nominal, ami tin1 total In-.*, v.i -i of i l,i- Cascades will nol I" minli above iho normal at this season of iho year. whoti some litt:i>!i blaze* lire inevitable. Itain Ml.l cooler weather this week* li;n<: combined to h tt-r tho sit Milion. s.? far as brush fires ami blazes in <? ill ovor land is own ti'ini'il. In iho Pan Handle of Idaho and in Northeastern W.ohlnglon, i-'Uidil ions are worse than wok' of tho CiisMiIrs hut ihi* money damage trr ? nri-en timber and "? n>" chief wait- l'ii of tho Wash ill Kton Forest Fire A>*o?ialion in charge if ill pnl mis. ~ Z ZZ In Calif.irnia reports from iho Northwest indicate that damage will In- sum i what heavier hut ex P'.-ris in Portland assert that Iho total damage to green liiuher on tlii' whole coast is not expccted to CXceed $ 1 .000,000. Tho daTnage to tinildr has not allotted business on the Pacific coast, an the amount hurnod is in.dunif i'-ant compared with tin* available supply. Many lumber .iiithorith-H expert a .steady ad V.'.ltci' in prices by fall but an a re . ult r? r ;i revival of building and n it aftermath of fire damage. IIO Mill <<nt MISSION Kits IN Hl.il AIIZATION SKSSION " The Hoard of t'oiinty ComntlK siom-.s -at as a tux er|tialixul ion board Friday to hear complaints from property owners as lo nn-, e?pi:il asaessmontH on property and i'> adjust such assessment* wii r? ? the complaints made sect sr.- d rrnunded in justice. liF.TS TlllltTY l?.\VH Thlt'ty days for lanceiiy of a pis tol .:ud $"i0.00*iind costs for rar ryim; a concealed weapcui was ill" seiiti-io-i- Imposed upon Dinky liiv i I's. vmiiiik while man with a po lice ami Superior Court record, who was again before Trial Jus tic- Speiico Friduy morning. hin-rs noted an appeal, and ?:av"- bond in sum of $lf>0 for ap p-ataiice in Superior Court at the Au:a ust term. Ho boarded with Jaib-r Mberlsoii for a consider abb period several months nu?? w|? n h*' was lo'ld as an accom plice of la-Uoy fSsipi While, nc ?io. now nerving a term for rob b'*ry and mispect??d murderer of tho lat^i <>. Ilray. i>|{\i\w;i: m:\itt\<. , is \t,\t\ Di:; i:i{Ki:ir Hi. iliiiiii.tr - h.M ina li.-.-.r, c I'-rk <>i Superior I'oiut K I. S.tttji r, ? -titl d fur I". M.iy im Shi'. ?i' 'i. was raiiil 3'iiiliv iMotuiii^ in Friday A nutlet 1IH. ?>:i ? l??i ? ' mi" I ? hnrtiifnr' ; natm-ly. 1 1* :i( j?;t rs i?* - l.? I |i < ? suit ha\<- it i \i t It rii pro;i.;ly hrnw:;ht itiin niiiri. Hr?- iir.? illar.e didrii-1 . ? 1 1" ? t ? ? I i. til. it in I':i*i|ii<ituiik Number "J. ? luluai iif. lands in Ml 1 1 ? - 1 tit> ?*. tnwu-lup l> inn ? nitinuou t in ? r. ?? St at i ? highway from Klixahrth <t~ 'y t ? ? Hertford. Thi> drain. .k? prtH-i nliriKH wi-ri' in. mum .? t ? ?! k?> Si;ili? uii i lie K roll ml that tin 'SliilUiUI--- tun tela pluJ? d is li wUi?_ k ny'in th?- |?r-'i?'T matiifa-n'am ?? o"f I In- Si. Ill- road tlll'miuli I he tnWli *ltip A lursjc iiiimher ??l in: ?. ? uj?i? <| lal?.l??M ii> re *cr ? pre"eiit ? rt r Hi-- nmri Itni* ? Friday and t h? ? ?? ? w ?? ;:ddrc>*e i liy \\ . I. l ull ''"?in- 1 for th?? Si. iii- lliult <'inn tni>>iMti. *|irakiii?. he said. :??r Kliink l*as". ? haivman of the Nnrth Carolina Highway t'miiim.i !.iiui. Mr. Column mad*- a p*? ? i thai thuHi- aff'Tli-il hy l lie I'.'lah li?hm<*nt of tin- drainage dlsirit-l ii wait i h?' report ?if i In* I. n.i.l 1 1 1 \1 v. ??!"> Iie'nri- commit tin;; Ik- in sn|\'s In nppie.it ln|| In thn pro )?.1. Ill III. ItOMIl INTO , lilt; i.ioi'nis tti\<; T.iui|Vl. .Kl:i, July sr. T|i> r- d.-ral era ml jury In n* hurhd 'i li'tmh mIii?1I hit ? thn I i ? | *i ? ? S' t??day* win u ;.n imlii'iiii n wa-? i iniiitd i r i \ ? ? I v t u : ? !*? ?? ?????* ii?. m ' Jat's:?m\ ill ? in V.":i:'!iiii-.toii in. Hndin--- lailrt-ad ? I T !? i..i>. ? i -I i**- ? an'lii' is. and ::oveti?'in i i flii-j. |: at I 'ii i .;|>il: 1 \ capiat !?><' tin1 aii? mi ?d ? ach "I ili'- ?<? names in iln I. .diet j tin i?i was is.'-u ??! ami ;ni< .is ar? I ? ? f ?' 1 1 J ? \v i III IM"|| i;i ; ? !\ two i{i;i,i,iu.!<:\\> sKivn i;ksi<;\ \ i ion ? r.. n. %. . ..-i r, , Chicago, July 2.r?. Tin- lenU 'nations r| Ira I .m-u/.. n.-puldi ?mii National Coipinin. ? in:in ? ? t [Wisconsin. ami Mrs. I.ntln i "Sffi tT7~.~ T'* i m mlTTT^'wo i i iTTii . w? i< ' mli 1 1 .1 In I In i.i mil. i . TV. . : " |l? rs contained no ri-asnn |??|- tin ij 'jirtion. _________ I Chairman I'.ni I. r Kii.l . In.W'X.i, that |{?'|U'? ii?*lilal iv?- N ? I < i . . na I hunt I manne r r* I l-'nlhu. . d. eland '?l.ori'iiz is a I .a I Vila I < ? ? mail and n-skiri. d in i.td- t t.oi i?. en i Imra km any oin m?r |o i ui haraiwti." Is.ith r> . i:.n.iiim<-. were voluntary. JULY <;(IMH\I TS <;o su\ kockk'i im; N? w York. July 2a. .July cot Ion contract;* itfii-r llinn :o low ua :C".7f? In tin- first hour on !???? local mark* l Jn m )??*?! alnn- -i i>- i iM'iidirularly to :;.ri.0.ri on fnrllo i covoi'ilik hy IkI.iI' d :-ln?ils. < o?- i i;i: siioit rM.i: i i;.\in n riiiiMKo. July 2."?. (S|i<cia|> C'offoi' im rchanis In-rc r? |?ori thai tlicy have only llnilic'il .-ti|?|dy in their wari'hou.-ox; and an* con cnrncil ov?r pnsyihilil> of Klocl; Iiik lip should tin* llra/.iliau r< vo 'ill ion run' III tic. rorro.N New York. July I'.".. Spot cm i?>n rloxcd i|iii?i, ' Mhl | in,-. an mlvnnci' of f.u pnlpts. 5inw Yiirk. July 2.'?. Knlur-v, clonlnu hid. July :i 1.72, l?ct. 2V*. v I>CC. 2C.JI0. Jail. 27. 1 ?NV'w York. July 2.i. f'nilon fllllircH op?'U>' I today al iln'.ful lowing Ii'VcI.h: July .'14. (in. <i. i. 211.2.1. I )????. 27.1a, Jan. 27 |?. Murcli 27.10. s .MIrr Mildri-'l T'-rry l-.t-t r. 'urtn-d from Nii?;.> ||? ail wh? rc hr- lum' he n on a lion -< parly Murdered Consul and Wife I lore nrc Mvtnr Itnbert Imhrle. murdered American v|r* .-on*ul nt T^hmn I'nrtla. nnd hi.* wife The ronnul wa? ?lafn by rwuvf* n? he attempted to fake pirlurna of n rellglou* ceremony Molin Seymour. Another Amerl ran.tw<it> severely beaten Mia Imbiie. according to dlspatchm. wltne?fted her hunhttnd'a death. The Imbrl+a were married ? year and a hntf ago Mrs fnihrle formerly mm* K?therln?? OiJJ^pte New Rorhelle. N \* HAM MEETING CHANGES MEN i ?ainl?lrr> ci 31 ? I ami on \\ arpalli \f*ain ?) K\il, S.:j, > IVlnr. ii i Mini Hi., r.;- ?' mi I ! .1 in y |i.?riy i- ? ?? \ 1 1 1 !?? 1 1> _TK_U.bcUi_.i l->. Tin. > ai'L. tin.i-!i i_ In I in t h?- i i i 1 1- 1 <l? ill ' t I III II ?* >nl| Moll !?( kil-iA lit llli'lt < ? I C ? ? *11 \ ill**. I h.i \ ii vi-r n mivM I' fan . " r H?.*^ tr ill III I'lj ip... h i< im.ri- li K?* |v^i/,*rixi * than any lliinr I h.?\. ? u-r <-is . X arlv ? vi y l. ii : >. -. nnU- ..ml . L'juul luii.r. ia. lIal' Au^ii?vlu*.. vi rl'-.l. iiinl c-ii itiiii I;. ? ? "I'll ill'i1 r i ?! ll:'. **.11 ii:!>i .li ? ? ? ? ? n '? : % i?. -ijilii I . ??%??!* II j uii " .? li ?* .-ill i*.f .i > !M ? 'nil?: ill iri'-|N I A I|| |"' . Aliil I U<> CIiii-.: i.-ili tn si. .. ? ; i .ii l> r vm-!. .mil )i i \ f.nin ? ? \v??i 3% in '? ii i " 'I Ii ? Inn ??:.?: nrc | .it.ir.v.?i>!i i- ., <|ili>l.il nil |(i?iii a I |i"V "1 I!- V i-'iv.ik If Si'.m r?s?M.ii ni Kl./.i in-ill I i' > i; 1 1? i .i '5 arfmr ? ji.i ? i..r, ! I i ?f . {i .id i ' : . i In i ?? in \ n nl til" I.I.I 1 1t a I Ih II ill! l: >111 jif.v patty an ? \ti 1 1 -?! in Kli/.* *!??! Ii 4'1'y i-i S? ;;i:i a r."iv:il tln-< tail "llalH i iii?'i'l in;: ? ? ?? i?i . ?? !?? ??-?:? 1 '> i ?? i- ? ip i *n> iii-ii " i ii ? Iff t i ?!?? "H r ii > ;i v. "I v* ii.. 1. 1 ;i ? i \ i > n i If 1.1! iit '.vii'i rVi in .in! pu -Si f Ii ? ? m?-.-ii:iu ui;h a l >? -i ;? p.?w r. an 1 ' ;im ' lire pri iil p?vul V.!|! a-i i^i i i i'i. i luiii a 1 1 h ? r i ? " \il r.-. ; i ?? s < n , Kh r ?!? Hi < i l\ rin 1 1 ? |n> ivniy In itin* Mii-'-i' lii'U I V "it jn ?:-! i . ill I I.I r I'.n.i *??>? ??.; *tt|? irli. Kvi'iy ].i-lu" Mi I In rity i ? r r? -.]in:; Ins mlii; i???::i ii.li i-n-iy ????!. uf l li * apj-n.ar.i im: :? ;i'i.'l ami i f !!?-? >i m o| ill. i Ii ii r-' Ii im-in'i i. ;-i 1? !?!?-?'"! if. lUMM^F ttAIII HI \ l? l*::ar!n|| . July ?_?.>. Uiiiat lii-v . r ? ? : i ? I la II iij. l.nlin|i m N *r i li I'.irnllh.i jmiiI ileal) 111 tin i'aili li" I I ii'l a vi Ii v ni Am. l la aa. ?? I SMi, tli-i| :n Jl'-htmiii ASo y ?!;??? iiiiMi: InllNtw nij; '? v. r.i I ?i' ks 1 1 ! ? i ? ? Can He Do it? p y I.s iiii mint J. in ? ?<* I! I **'.?! It t !?? i>i M. i.n.K I'i. II. J'.vt.m. <?. \\ n> IV.1:' i-aiiMil ih?? till.. ..f Flu* ?>f ilw- Nitilit" ulh-ii hi* hi.tilc t!: (11 ?sl ??iM- Ktt<|i ttan?i flit iti> r.l il i ? ?it riv*?i?l 1i.i? |? r t. tly fiom Sun l-'iM'.i |i> 1 !.>ifU:l?> ll if. .1 tu.U- I !.? w . .?:ili U?-nt li? run r.? >?.? ti ?'?? ?? \\..i;u. . In,-. \\.i> in il. I. .ut". ...U Mill, < nu is f h\ iiir.M) Ni-w Vi.ik. July Tli ?li > ? ! ?r-i /if 1 1f |i? hl? li. 1*1 Sl? .1 t '"?l |m?|';i1 inn oiiillloil ; in- ?; ii. i ?'t ? ? 1 1 j ?l i s i J :? I ? ? i ; mi (?i!!tiii?ii slmi'i.s ?!nv?- in i ? m I ir> ili' liiiiim i : |i?* ?'. i ;>?;? ? liiirntr, tin- r I'fnl i|ii:? rl ? r c?r 1 1 ? ? - >?.ir .i Hurjilu.i ?? i \ inli'Jiil r ? ii ir niciit'i w uh i-:triicd. assistant tki:.\si i: i :t; I I'i.MH ?. July L-.? It. A. Krk ? ?!?? ??: t'Mi. it;ii li.ir f.ti'ii :i :?)??> i nt I :ist i tii til ; imsisiimm' til i Ii ? ? I ;i li lif.in |.;irl.v. Altitude Of Defendants May Aid Theory Defense A l?|?.ircnt I'lScr I i!'*k of I in Oiilntuir of Trirjl 21 1 1 tl ftloi i i i < ? i'liijoynieiit of I\olori?-t% of (irimr ( lottliriti- I'lrii ol I 'iihalaiMTil .Mnthilily ? is.* <?. i?. sro rr I i- 1. II. lb, A,t ? III* si ,lul\ i!., Til,. | ? in* niiil 1 it'll 1 1ml im ij ?-. . | N.illi.ni '.* i . .? r . i? l?. I I. iHiii i <1 l.il. I. li- llli. i:ili |v. Cil !? ??!.? I ;u-|\ lit : I;, . I.'nluil l|;||,Jm U'il I'M ill | IT. li: Vl ? ;r fi | f ?[iliilin n| i?\.;i|.i| i;w|? Tl.Mi.iJ iv :?K III. r w.? yi. in lis Kit in Hi. i f?f tin I. MM.- I .-in- in -? r|? ?i?r ili.-ii h:. :<lli 1 1 i ll " jij.il ?(. , ;f,. |i | | '??'Ihm-i iu il. f i ? :? 1 1 ;? | ? | >? iii. in- I.] llllMi' 1 1 * v * ? I v ? 1 1 . . V ill MI'S in :i fi f : i J .1 ? !?: mil r II I'll III :i. V. | ;is IH'IlM:- I I ? ? :i |i?.l ivl.-(l ffi||i liny; l.l'l in | l;r . Ilnir Mill*. Tli?-> 'i ..im i*? ;ii m ii'i 1 1 i l> rl;ii|. Iirivlii ;? !???* ;? t Willi ;i Htiili' .il ;i 1 1 f i in ? . ? vi?|i-iillv luu-uii ri iii lli.il III* v r;in !>'? Hi IIi-ihJMi liill.-'v-i Ihiit Hi* i]isiii?'i :? 1 1 ? ? fi?> ? y ? j >;? in I lluin \ iHii-ii niiii-. i | iv 1 1 1 * i ? . ? ? . r lii ile um! roii-iilliilioii: r>i ( i '-ii tin l.iiln, iHUiil'v ? ?i Ii 'I li v Ji ?? IMMi' l s-fiiiidiii" Kinil- . Tlii-y h .i ii t ' i'i"K i t?i |i li< ? w Itfl'w :: |-i.-,-?t il lln ii ?Iimii*;* i.< i-.ii ninv in iri'U -icipi r? .I"-; its < ii ri'-f rr?. '?!? iivl'.iii.' In ll.' <*i.iii|i infiiil inn llr-v lisivi- li.'i ii :.iiiiji-ia(< il in puil i?f rli jM*ri:iliv ii'piiiI. ::|n:il im in n n* w I In-ill frmi# h* iiii..' Ili*- n?? r ?*j a ????:? I Iriiil, 1 1 s ? ? v ;i??- r*;i | | |? ? I jiImii:* In ;? Iiiijm I. fs fufiii'i . I t:i ? {iImiiiI. Hi* nun I hu.iii trlli* i I Hi. : i|i ;il |?lil,V. ? fv<ri*'*,' r'f? If, It'll. l\iil #*ll fill, In. in ??lit ?f '.'t V? H.IK' I Mi'-i li'lii-' II 'I <i|i|iii'|i 'il f '. Hi" a-f il'- in if :< nil "' |?rn; ? fill, ;w\iiii rjr-f. M'iilii: hV'i "nnil i' ? I I l.l'tVI'H II l.'MI I lll'fllli' lln- l?s* l* i'iiiil.1y iiriiin:; iioinln lln.t in tin ilm-i- wok.H ??viili'iiri* |?v< j<i i: 1 it I inn li> lln i'lstl' , Will :!ni|i'- III;: roiir.v in |||i< I:; lil In n;i\" lln* livn *>( l i i r||? ii l ii. Win ii Im iMl ili?...i'fi {In- cHirl ii in ?|iii?-il> In l- II thai Mr- IciiiT-Inu i f I ?" ynfllll ?f : "ll ll l'?nll-r VI ill" . .* f '? * ? Hi. hi nl.-'l ?ri<- |mii< si lit (ii >' t li' > J.;.\i Itiiv.n. wiii'il li* ii?-i?r?r ll' III. l| II' I , I .1 ? I ii' I I V> J.n ill: . ft ? f >i ? |.--vrl|i it i !: ' v/'i' i. in Mn- >;t ii til! Ill' V ??'?< I'? : !miv i?"'ll lit! iff fil'iji" ill Hi" >?Mlt ll". TliHr {? Jit ilii'UiV, iifli r w 1 i ' i h -| I Id i u " ?iii tl?'- cum* I! :"'i li Vi i ||?"Ml.' ?. Will Ii" til- imi.. i I I' v.'inl I r|;. I . M , pikI Mr: J I. 1'i uli . |.;in i?l.? ? f I I Mil mil IJnl* ???> lii<- flu ii?l lirih'.:. Ii'mI?1 :i? l?? II" rrliin l?y ll;< lr i?l* nl l??r? ? ? rl?l!i?-r. '?f lb'' -M.nln l>oy liiuT lli-Tf ()'.|cm l(iti'>n "i' Hi'- K i'inwj'iu*-' hhI 1: 1 1 1 1 ii l* . Tliry rtr- lull :U? Urnl "I 71 w |i ni'KH' K v.-'i'i ii r? If- iti'.' '?;:lf" ?l l?i tii'til' n 1 In- #l?',':i'i '?f ? f i ? rilui' ftlwiit Hi'- >?iiillir? fn ifmi .1 n il im Jnhi' U i*i* vi ? ly. I'll- it -< I fit}'- iiii'ti iur v. in !? y luiv h'I fneln lipf'ip lilni win i? I' lnip'>H"i* ili'1 i>r nalty. T'.ij/if !!?/ i?iii'iit'M t' iff, Ki*'' Miirn) l!?r Killer* hII" Nftllmn ? . .. ? i f*- . ."it i * r ,:in| 1 m ??? >*. willi hi* ;u ?coiiit Milt. |"ri\\ ? i J wrli ** a ii-f ?i Mil :: riai tin I iilo-r I ? ? i It in In ail ill in:' on lil. ? ?!>? I tin : I al* I' |?;*ll i I l!n time. Nnw ;il>'l k 1 1 In ? I ;i : !?-? ;if I- I;- Mill II ;r ? ' I. |Ml'l|M |< l| illMl llltl. I. l! Ill 4|l ? - ' \ I ? ? I ? h |i|'< i'')i rni..< l>< i|| I 'i;i I j'.;i'|i* hmi i?ii. 1. 1' r||< I- juliir- i.i ,ial tin- <"<i||ilr\ ;if |'l. | fl . ? s.|.H liilii 1 1 la V .1 i' Vll I'M I II p|i''{?rlnti hill1 l lily I'liiiiinv .1 in| iinjvivlry^ ? iJm.ii I'i'i >1 lulu.. I. mi n?i| liiii'?. I'ul t'i i 1 1 1 < 4 i - Mr. | ,i-i-t?<il?J ij'n |i!:: ? li| i f ?: - . m k ri* :* I. I < III. III. ,lr . in i! . rmj ? 1 1 mini .l<>s?'|ili l.i? ??. ii ii< I- - i>] |;i< fuii-il, ; ;i ii*l i?ii ?l? ni i?i' flu- riii rnv?? sfl"M.| l.f ? a| . I ? ? I In I Willi an fihl-M lit ? >1 Ii* i "T l.'U-li.'i |<I. luako | ?i|i 1 l?i- l.ni Ii r.'imilv l'< |il'i : i-nlii- | lion. 'I'll* f i.i t'i'hl ill. [!???? ;il I la?*lr | K-iinin' r 1 1 1 1 ti i ?? til I Im i li'Yoix, i MmIiI;;?H II Ih a ?-Ii;iii*" iM-nrf rnrun fli;if I li? : ?? in 11 1 ii i ii;i I i*i - fmr f |?*i |i;i ill :? iiKiSt<*. J'-uIim fmiM lh re* J III III - ?-| ? % li'ililin ' ll'l'l IIIMHi : W' :iM.v r.- 1 .III* . I'lvnlVi'll. ? 'I'll- if i ,liti"?li I'm ii I. i. Hi" fulh I I' I I tin J *| 1 1 *?l - | r-il I, .. (!? liKlhll- ; jnu lli;il l'if ? i .i 1 ? I ll, < "an i \i for ;iu r-i -inli?" ll>- "Iv.o I i I; ??! *r , l'inl,inu. f i lii"ii-i Mv : niin-il t oh i Iim wli" sh !?< for" Ii i in . In I Ii o ' '.iillmvr Tli'-r'1 l':r i ? l:i I ivn ' t' i " Mil' r". " - ?-??! v limi t tin ihi-if ??r Hu h y, : I., -ii... ii that Lli'-v Im |m ii i i 1 1 1 i 'I In llvr? ? Me- m l i-f tlio'r Mm In. i>? ! j If ItlHinnl I ?i -?? -? i?^l N.iHijiu ; I. -Mlii lil .1 1 r? jiU"?* 1 1'-"' I In 1 1 I wo , fill lip' ? Hi* I-' ? ? ' ?? ':ii'lln*: In lh.- vIIiIm f Iln- oils' i In 'lr?li |irl?* I lif. lh -. I II l ? liw| 'cjifi- l|4| 'I'li'" i'i ii nr.?m'' i t|ir? j.?i'd f?:tllv ;ifl? ?? lii'lr i-?u Ii" -Ii :i Hint! HI r*ii< v roilM lilfv !'?' Ml I" l'? ?' Ini'i ill 1 tirv iv Ml MliiV, ''II I- Im lil Ii V i ?li? in ''I t'?nll in ir'liln Im- ? ' In:- Ill- ?" ll * f I' of : IM-Il W'.l'-Mil i-licf ?ijli Hi-. \ ? ? hi ?? I. Hull' liUy : .?i i|i l?| \ I I . : ; I it M li'i'iV 1 1ll* j ii. ?-M i.i. ' r v.V'i ii- jiii' i'i i. ? i.-ii, Urn. '?! l ;i v .1 -l I: I Ih-'-m' III III- In | ?I <, ,r |?l*? :i |.f |.j 'Ul --?III I *|I . ?' M'l ? a III I.I nui'iif'-',* . lKH-il.lv. : *?:?! ' V !?!'???" I . M'l''- ri :i I.-IV JI'I' U-.1l ii I'll. vt'l II- .I...i1v l?<?w l|i:i| . Mi ii ? ii 1 1- 'Ii ? t f?: s Ii . ri ? ? r 'I' ll i m 1 1 ^il 1 !?? ? ? hi -i? ? ' i i 'ii o- j I I - ? ti nl ?I'V' I'H'in'i'l 1 1 ii Ii1 in ; > ii I III I s d'l'i"1 i| I ' ? filf* t'||" l\V'i lil.'"., Il"lll liiivri ? ||IJ fr|f.v|i|. i| Infi ||i-r! v riioMi* i?f ?!n \ i In mm i lif If. i:r>nl ? 1 1 1 1? ??#?'- l?u| "ifii..i|i ri hi> f * - i Mi?)i l??f.-a I In- lanri* A? 1' iiyt lh" ii- r> ii ?? : ?t ?'ir'-fiillv w.iiri|?. f|ii' 1 1 1 - f'-l?llni! ?'f ih?- i|i Ih" ?: of lli imhhI' t- liv flil? iT'ivi-riil I'Mi. I.hiIiM- ??? ll?i ?.p|.nr- . '??aill' M for u ill n:li? n i~y- , rhiHlriMtn Ink'- Mi' Mnnit. Th?? im m?l # \nr-rf? roiiHniir to hold EVIDFN'CK All IN ON MONDAY llc.irinu to Deter mine hili1 <?l Leopold aild l.orli (uiiliiui^i- -S4th !\lan> I f-l i l\ i lit* . ('Iiic.i?1'. July > I'ro^pecta of <ompletiui: by Monday the Intro duction ot '!??? ? vid<nc* against Nathan I ?hi. Jr.. and Hlchftrd {,<:<?!) loomed today .is more wTir itC'Sics llo-ir -I ?ri?'<* t-? thoM already told in i If Judicial hear iui; ttliiiJi is lit iUu. rtiiiuc the pen- - 'il?y" f?? 1?.; iiiili'i 1,-1 ?-n tin- two tor kl'lii.:: li ri Frank. T'i" ????%??? "i th" flimsy i breads of rin-i.iji ?l:iniU?l evidenca iCto the r:n-l> method web which liolihr I - opold? m-u.1? Lmh_?yiilly of kldni' iiplrifc'i'M tmird-r oC Franks was rebounded in loMtimony of wUu^>staH wiin I11<I1<<MI to bring the wealthy ymnr coll<?ge stodents to "Ihe men v of the court." J'oltco oftn - is. n> wspapor re porter.* ami a friend "of one of th? hnys ?vri< call' d t?y the #tate lo li lt of tin fir.-: hint of ?u*plclon iliroilcil again 1 the pair and of the <1 vriojuin ui 1 < 1 a chain of ac cusative evidence which led even tually to lit confession and pleas of guilt. I Inward Mayer. Chicago report er. I old of l.ocii effort two days uTH r th" murder to givo him a ? ?coop" hy '?iKK-^tlng the pro bable rniiisc ??r 1 lie Kidnappers In collecting rmi'nm m<m y from the father of th" slain buy. "Don't line iny name in the ?dory." liOi<li ? \i l.i Mti ''d to anoth er reporter t <? uhum ho had giv en u "hot tip." "Whoever ?-i>m mi 1 1 that crime .should he si mi iik up" l.oeh told Alvln (iolstej n. anolhor reporter, on th* day Frank's liody was Fourteen slate witnesses wor<} examined at ili<' morning Houston bringing t'i 1; 1 r In- intal called In two days and half of the court proceed 11 re. They timv.il ;y? rapidly through the wlliie:-; .-land that tin- lunch eon. rettetw came half an hour ale wd of tin M-ln duled time to permit tie1 slate TiT prepare ad ?li> lunal ? wiin, ? - , ? 1 < ? 1* 1 ho aftar noon seHMion , STATK t'AItt WILL IIK IIKl.t) KARI.IF.lt Dale PInhI for October lb to 17, mill Hj-liiiliile of Other I'.iifH \rt.umcil Raleigh. July 2 .1 . ? Tlie 'North Carolina State Fair will he held xlightly earlier Ibis year than or dinarily. nri'in 'Iiuk to the nchedule of the various fairs In be held ov er I he idatc that haw been ar ranged by Hie Kccrclaries of the different agonal ions. The date fur the Stale Fair has boon fix- d foi' October 13 through 17. For tb<- first limn in soveral years the ItaleiKh Fair will he running at the .anie time an an other Important lair. The Central fa roll nn Fair will be hold at (Jrce^MjjHfy October 11 to 17; the Pi It County Fair will be hold at Greenville on tlie haine days; and the Cleveland t'eiinty Fair will be belli at Sii Iby during October 14 lo IN. The Hchedtili of fairs as re cently arranged follows: Cabarrus Fair. Concord October 21-25; Cape Fear Fair. Fayett# ville. Oclober 'J I 1! I . Carolina Ex* position. Charlott", September 2 2 -October I. ''aroluta-Virginla Fair, Mount Any. September 30 Oclober 3; Catawba Fair, Hick ory. October 7 HJ; Central Car* ollna Fair. tlr< enshoro. October 14-17; tint hi in Fair. Slier City. October 7- 1 a ; Cherokee Indian Fair. 0('toi"?r 7-lu; Chowan Fair, Kdonloti, 1 rtobrr 14 IK; Coastal Plain* Fiiir. Turboro, October 28 ?11; CI' vel.i.irl Fair. Shelby, Oct** her 14- IS. Columbus Fair, OctO lior 28-N'oVe?l?ber 1. Foroytli Fair.- Winston Salem, Or t olier 7 la; Franklin Fair, Loiilshurg. September 30-0ctob*r 4; da -Inn Fair. Castonla. Septan* her 3n -October 4; Golden IWIt Fair. II luirrnon. October 7-10; llarncit Fair. Dunn. October 7 10; 1 1 : 1 r.i x Fair. Wrtdon, ocN>* her 14 17; Johnalon Fair, Smlth lleld* O'-'ober 28-31; Klnstoa Fair. K'linton. Oclober 7-10; Lit* tleton F'llr. Littleton. October 21 2fi; Mr bane Fair. Mebane. Sep emb i l<? 20; Montgomery Fair, Troy. Oclober "I 1! 4 : Peraon Fair. Itoxhoro. October 7-11. Xonh Carolina State Fslr. Hal elgb. October 13 17 Old Hickory Fair, l<exiriglon, October 1-4; I'ilt County Fair. /Jreenvllla, OcIoIht 14 17; llandofph Countf Fair. Asheboro. SenlombT 23-2#: Itoanoke Fair. VVIIIIam^ton, Oclo brr 21-21; lloatioke *'howan Fair, Woodland. October 7-10; Robe non County Fair. I. unite rton, Oct* obor 14-17; Uockingham Fair, f^enkavllle Soptembor 9-13; Kocky Mount Fair, llocky Monat, Sept im her 30-0ctober 3; Ruther ford Fair, Rut herfordton. Octo ber 7 0ft; Samp non. Clinton, November 4-7; S;indhlll Fair, Plnrhun 1 Clrtoher 2% 31; South eastern Fair. Wilmington. Oct??* hnr 20-2.1; Toe River Fair. Spruce I'lne. Beptomber -loOcto* l>er 31-31; Wllnon Fair Wllaoa, Octoh?r 21-1S; Yadkin Fair lUst T'r | i - 1 ? * 7

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