Party Activities Will Center In W ashington llratlqnarlor* of Oilier Two National I'oliliral Or^ani zulioiis in 4'.a|>ilal W hile ll I- Ural (rnhr AImi of the lt< pulil ican i aiii|iai^n flOltt'.ItT T. KMX II. J I Copyright. IWl, By The Adun??> W&ftiiriKton, July 25. ? Washington is t?> I ^ ? tin Kiaiul |io litical hoadiiuarttTs. of the Presidential campaign. Nominally the Republicans are to call Chicago their, headquarters, but President Cooljdjfo, tl?. candidate and chief asset of the party, will remain in Wahinjrton until election time and will natur ally be the central lijjurc in constant political consulta tions. ? Tli.- 1>< iiioriiits nr.- in ??Kinldlsli tliotr li.a<|.|iiarl.-r* h.i.- wlili bram-ii.-, in N,.w Y?rk c,i|ra. ! Ko. and iMiy^ilily in |), ,,v. r 1 San I'lani lsci). Tin- II, ninnaf.< | Int ve Ju-t <-ont rarl.d fur J 1 in niie <?r iii<' n. wi st ?nuv |IU||<| Iniii In Till,, I, Hi. most pr.-i.-mtm, ?lniidi|iiurl-r iiib (h.- rnllnw.m of Jack?.,n iin.l J.-lt.>r?nn havo all. in ,,,at.v a lone year anil Inrtlml.-s ih,. l.r.i?|M-rtty th.y ,A)?.ci ,?,v,.r. aroun.1 the old war ch.-i?t tli<-*< n? \t few months. The lm,ni wlilrli hit# not y.-t ?? ?f noun name for Its. Jr. will also make headquarters in Wnshiu:: 1,1 " campaign executive coin initttM. |,aa lCU., J un,j wJ1| function a? tin- National commit , V,? 1,1 1,10 older parties. The I?i I- ?ill. | tr* followers arc being franker about the necessity ?f rabdiig |,|K campaign fund than either of tli?- older parties and have ? iin.n-<-d an expert In money raisin ?; to take tlx- holm. Tims far the campaign commit tee ??f the Independents Ik known only an a Joint commits e repre 1 ?' 1 if r. i i . |j(?llt ioiil action and the LaFolrWte for President commit tee. Tli at in an near as the inde pendents have come to a name as yet, hut- of coursc it Ih too lony to wear through a strenuous and somewhat heated campaign. The I ,a Toilette people are plan ning an ambitious program Imt unfortunately tor them Fighting Bob himself Ih not physically strong enouuli to make tile sort of campaign they would wish.' As in the case of the 1 {? -publicans the Vice Presidential nominee of Ihe Independents will have to do most of tin- actual campaigning. Senator Wheel, .r lik?>H the situa tion immensely. He will tour tin country and is an effective speak er. Hi- has a nt constitution and a love for the hustings that will take him far. Naturally lie l.s expected to dwell with " some regularity and no little personal pride upon the record he made as "prosecutor" in the Daugherty in ve.stigation. lie will not find tin Democrats, his erstwhile col leagues. following lilm very far in this respect. The Demorrats are jminu to feature tlie oil investiga tion for they fee| ||,at it got some ? ubere. The DaiiKhcKty lnvct-tlga lion became a frer-for-nll mud Hlini;?ng contest with no one Im mune and l? k course waa directed almost wholly by Senator Wheel er. recognized as a Democrat in nam?* only, and hy Senator Itrook hart. of Iowa, a follower of Sen ator La Polled e. The La Pol let to managers are somewhat disappointed ? rTrrrt ? Sen ator Drookhart lias announced Ills .intention of remaining siiuarely fnn the fenn and doing nothing to * assist either President Coolldgc or Senator I .a Pol let te. This is virtually a victory for the regular Repuhllcans for they never ex pected any aid from Senator llrookhart. despite the fact that he has been nominated as a "reg ular." Therefore if Senator llrookhart elves neither aid nor comfort to the enemy I,aPolictl> the Coolldgc forces have scored wlyit may prove a decisive victory In the state where "the tall corn trows." Some of the independ ents have gone so far as to pre dict that I*aPnllctte and Wheeler would carry Iowa. They ha fed tills belief on the victory of Itrookhart In the primaries and said it evidenced a resentment In 1 1" state which would he f? It by the Kcpuhlicans. Now that llrook hart hrt-^declded to confine him self v-tsiieB" and not to men, liei'-h tsj'the suppr).ted'olh-tle Hti. il till has vanished in thin air. < Hi-tor Lnl-'ollette will Issue statements during the cam ps! " and direct the flght po tar as Mh strength will permit. Hut lie will not hr able to stump |hr Country as lioogevett did in 1012 and the expectation that his can didarv would arouse as much in terest a.? the third party move ment that year will have to he whittled down accordingly. How ever, it is troublesome enough as It is to the two old parties. They are clad It Is no worse. In addition to having President CnolldRc here at all time*, th? li< publican* are to maintain size shlc headquarters In Washington I ?h James n Reynolds, ope smi' s\\ i:kis I'KOM <1 HKITl ( K tsr. Rt.rv. .Iilv :?? III.- II..! shipment s? ? ' ; m ? from this ? i r ?. , i ?? I .. r - pi* lij jlil-:y "t i?> "i ami possibly t": fir-l ,-h* ? n?-nl from Currituck. left here 1 ?* ? day for imrlJ..: 11 nmrl.cla through il?i? fir.r .1. II ltns wood tn ]??? .? i : !?i;i|'ir.; agents. Mr. Sawyer, ill ? kt.hy.t of. these potato* is .1 titi.i bo IP%er in the old a I.u; \ "The early bird rale lies Mu* w-mu." and he is lit?|??* f ii 1 of fancy prices for thcni. lie is always tli*- first to ship Iri-h a > W. ll ;is swci'l pill flit * '< r M ) 111 this co in in unity. MOTION IMOTI KKS SHOW TI'jNMK\ BLOW New York, July 26.-- Motion picture* of the Cir|ient ior-Tiinney match Thursday night reveal I hat i he blow wlil. h felled tlir French nian in Hi.* fourteenth round was not a foul. Many ringsidi spoi* tutors hail iloclar i| that tin* blow wan below the belt. ? time serr? tary of the Republican National <r<>iiiinit ti*?* in Chicago. Mr. Reynolds was tin- ori-.iua! CoitliilKi'-for rr<-Kiili'iit mail in and sought to | ? 1 1 1 1 1 i in n\?-i at Chicago. I .. ing con lent of course wli'ii the convention t III II' U 1U Mm M.m ai Ini >' ? . ? utive for Vice I*r? side'nt. The fact that the h*? puhlica-i campaign plans niv progressing rapidly without any outward cvl done that llasconi"SI? uip. sec retary to the President, is tn ba\e ail activo part in the fight. ha> led to further gossip here that the strained relations * between Mr. Slenip and National Chair man Butler have shown no signs of healiim and that Mr. Sh mp is being held t ? > his job at the White lloiipr- only by the personal per suusiuii of the President . White House upokisnv n r.till insist, how evrr. that all is serene. HARROW FIRES AT TESTIMONY Drrlurr* "T'rirmlU .luilar*" Kriuark W a* Purr I'nliri rali??u ..lull Srrp-aul Ciort I ;i 1 1 ? I SlamU l inn ? I.. T?- a ??" ' I ' Chii'uuo. July .n,; 1 1i?- si ii< 's ti-'iinnii.v wrhirh N.i 111. ui I .< p? tl ?! . Jr. A\ll|| I ]>?? ?|l?*:?itv lu plead (tilth V in i Or ? a "1 1 h njtliy JuUri''" v..i' :i f;ihrii*;itMiK^^T^.ir? it * -? Harrow. ?-3; roiill?e| for I ? 1?J ;| || slriu-k hard in I. iv .ii ilii H was i !??? ? ; i - r fiuu- j-irnv ? !??? In?y* pleaded Kiii'ly t.i |l|i- K i ! - n:t|?|?iiiK and ii? i r I r- i. Hn|?. ri Km it K s il:. t ill .|- 4>ii]is | ii 1. 1 ? L i II- tmi.l tin- truth nf any material t .ft lit^UKhi oftt J.y I h?* ttiiin- Mimtnotlcii by Am 'i i Hi - \ t'limv. Sergeant Cortland ill', w tiii Uv ? or Harrow r ? ? r biiiiMiui; otr .ill ti I 11 ? r - foil VC^at |iii| Iween jmliji'iMiH'ii am! l.-iij?..|i! have h'-uii iiH-orih ?] in smiii' ?h> in not i?> or reports luit thai Mi* "H i I. lly remark h id no li i*n pin down either in wnli:i*; ? >r - hurt h.ui'l. ??ism n ivue t ii ? ? ..?? si??ry of " ili" nniv?-r-.ilioti in M'hit'h you >aid Nat h mi hope. I tor a prison setiionre l?y the plea of jj.tili> before a fri- n.lly judge v..i > a pure fain ir.u ion." Harrow "It is not" d i lurcil (ion lait.l. Aside from tins at i 'n k :in limi la ml. s test i in i ? ii \ of Saturday > s<-sHioii was rath- r perfunetnrv. I'll Ira mi. JuJv !??;. |?r. Willi:-!.. ITealy of |'.o.m?ii ami In. lli-nja niiti <;iin-?-k of New York, alh n i.-ts. Wi n- loday added I r? tin stall ul tin defense in tin- liiariic. oi Nathan Leopold. Jr.. and lliidiard I .noli. Tlii I r pn Monro, it was said. proKiL'id u hard eourt ti _ l?i fm tin: lives of tlii' ill t' Iidantf. W In ti l lie.v have tin ir inniim* n< .t Week. \Oli. At; M VS I A It W Kit i:\IH w I ioldshoii), July 2ti. Iji-sidu lions ren in ni'ndlni; that the sp session of legislature pio \id?' I gihlution for putting lnt? effort the reeCMIlllll'-lolatiotlS of the Stall Ship and \Vat? r Tmns poriation Commission rather than plare'llie qlleHt ion III !'? fi I'l lnluiil. were adopt' d yesterday at ihe turning of hlisitr sh mi'll called hy tit. i taffii* bureau soil i< n of the Kastern Carolina t'h.iinhi i\h ot Commerce. Darrow's Master Mind Preparing For Defense SmniiifX Aniiiii'MTiicc a* I Yox-cutioii !\1;n>lial> Kvi ilriHM* on \\ Piirli ll Vks for (la|)ital l*uiii?liiiiriil 1 >? 1 1 I'iiviiifK Way for (?mil LiwyrrV IMni fi> o. t;. stott (Copyright. IUI, Of Tl?# Adtunirl riiif'HK". July !20. Tin* maxi'T h iwl strnh\i;Jst. ' Inrcnn' S. hair row, is |>lsiy in u a wail in t- i:aiuc as the stale ll n folds tin mi si ss nf rvi d?nr< upon which l( bases ils ?!< ma ml for the Hvrs or Klclmril . J.nrh ami Nathan L'nimld. Jr. !!'? in prepared to strlki ti-lllui! blow* at the prnsi'Cii I Ion win n In* un looses Ih* forces of llH^rt?'.fi,iiw in tin* llrst court a ti i in p?t to nil vr these boy slayers from tin* gal lOWS. What appears to be sib lit nr nulmciiC' <*n his part during the I inir* tlii' stal?' in I (gfiti ning ItK seenilncly Impenetrable net about tlii' k llli i'H Is hut the unlet biT?rx\ the storm. A 1 4 fc* tiin<- of expe rlcnrc as mini** I for Ihi' defense in great criminal trials. lias shaped th?' strategy of this final play probably tin* last that Har row will make to an vi* f Ik* "under i|ok"? out of that. IX pi- lieiice h. coming the loiMl thrust that In is muntins on to puncture tin* state's raw?, ami bring Incarcern tion instead of death for thi- boys ho is defending. In courl. as ho lays the foun dation for possible appeals. Har row is scarcely less Interesting than the polished dandles whose lives hi- Is trying to save. Auing. now over 7 . stooped, wlt'i thinni'd hair anil somewhat gaunt features, in his rather carelessly Ht I'd clothes, this most notable of crimirinl lawyers offers a sharp ron Irani to tin young niiliionali ? killers under his enre. Harroijr is fighting what Is ex pected to bo his last great case, ifori- a sc? I ti Ills butt b1 is to rus tain a conviction that rapifal pun ishment never is Justified. "Kviry effort will ho made tOi prevent hanging." paid Harrow today. "I will never permit any man to hang so lon?: as there Is anything in the world I can do to nave him." Hnrrcw rr.veif thf llvrs rf th' .VtcNauuira Id'oihi'i'x, lmmh?>rs ??f Hi*' Los Anueles Tlmea bnildin:: in 10 11. II ?avcd lllu Kill Hay wood. M??y<-r and from lh?> -^all<iW3 in l!io7. aTh r tliey had -l>? -??ii chared with Killin;: form* i' (Jove r nor Stciiiictibor;: of 1 1 (tn lio ili rrttr. " t'rrvtrrrirfy h** had snmwfiillv def? mil d IIiiki'IM1 V. Ih'bs and hi- activities ax at torney for the stale him* run ihnniL'h famous trials for iM-urly 40 years. From nut of 1 hit oar? i r Ii :i ? - coiw the knowh dei* that Is slmp iim Ills strategy ia tin- L?m b|4? -li poid trial. AccplInK* the stati presentation id facts without cnii 'fradiction or object Ion, th?- de fense plana a r? cai rylnu uIouk Im tin' uraml finish. Alienist*; for tin* ulnfi- an- In start tin* In nd 1'iwuril tin; climax and briiiv tin Harrow force into thi- open for tin- f*i:t I Inn . Th rou cli hiM unirshalhd psychia trists hi- counts on building a theory of i mrtt l?'c;i I Insanity flint will convince .fudge John It. Cav i-rlv, who holds till* lives of tin hoys In hl< hands, that their crlim was th?* result of mental lrr< - rponsihilitv and should !?? pun ixhi'd onlv hy I i f?* Imprisonment. To rap this, flu veteran crlm Itial attorney is to inukc a ph-n oT hi* own that mav In- the i:re:it ?'st of hi* fan-< r a cn r??er dotted with Juries and rourts bronchi tn h-ars hv flic n i>pf>it ) of th" l>iirr?iw v.-ord plrfurcw. Hut tlift battle fhr defense has arrnni.'"d. ci-nt. r.? solely about the mi-nfnl r< ?ponsildllt.v of tic- two slayers. Scientific explanations of the reasons whv minds of sfuill ous brilliance should revert to murder slmplv for n thrill may snvn these lives. I'.iillni:. how rvcr, tin- defense fhat l)arri?w has butlt. Is pr* pari (I to ?o to high' r courts nnd to bring In new points that mnv take year* to determine what the fate of the slayers shall hA. Campaign Boss > i ? <. Th. > l?? ? ? la-Ilk I. Stl.IV>!. nn?' ih.ur Itl.'iH of II.. 1 H lll?? l."ltl?* N-illuit'ii ? '???iitii it i . ??? |.tk?- J.4?n XV I ?.i \ i* . ???>?! .1 r..i t tii I. ? i> cMilitiil uitli lMi:iuii)i? .ilniut. SIi.i\?t 1> a Wi-hI Vni'itii.iM 11. .1 li'vyi-r and a faruu-t It-- :irvl tlx nomine*.* Iiaiv !???? fi In- ii? I ? f??r jcli'-i. TODAY TO PERSIA Slate I Icpafliiictil Take* i li i- Action \ftcr IYt>iai? ^ < hi I i i Instills W iiloK of llic Laic \ ice ( uiimiI. ?n|y Tin Slate 5j^i*a-rt in* ii l l ml;. v prepared Jo -f-iTlnally ak Ho r- i:-ian c?v rii iii* ii ? in lalo immediate ni^aft II I IS 1?I |M"U|ert Allla'l l'-;ill rilizi'llH 1 1' 1 1 iii I country I rum af larks ami instills from natives understood to ii i ist ili* Iti I tu'i-iu ii?rs. as the |.-Mllt ??f llu- kiUini: ? i r Major iioh.-rl I in American vice consul, i.l '["? lt? ran and develop Tli'- decif-i-ui ??f ,_UteT*<|7-|iai"1ii??-nt 1>? take I 111.*- action followed r? cript of advic,-*: from I In- Anu-ri r.i ii minister. . IvorlTfoTJI . of ii: 1 * h to Mrs. Inihrle for which a yi in ii u l'i i- - i;i ii was said to !?-? 1*1 >|?Ol!.-il>l.'. - Th- vi ?n I Ii i-i'iililii'il flu- \.-il wt'li hy ili'- Wlilnw nf tin- vie. roll Mil. :? 1 1 ? -ii i |>f in), to |i*al* it from It* r ami at tin* miiii? tino- r\per- j toralin^ ii|h>ii In t i? i'hoii. Tin- i?-|""'l- >1 o'Hriifo was said it hale orrurr- ?l ;il T? l>? ran lui-t Tii'->d:iy . I CM* \ii? ( i:iim:is!\i or ih:i k\sk im \V. hiii: Inn. July 2?. I'riKl d* id t"o??li?lv:i loilny relinked as "?mlan ili".;.- who liave "eoli th mm >1 out or hand simply throij; 'i th" d" vie"' of misr? ore i-irme ? **r liliiii'ivuiiri' of Natlt n a) I ?? J ? i?.--- Day on 'S?-pt?-inli r 12. SIIOI I I) K M il V BY \ MAJORITY >on: Dark n.,rl?? r Mi .. jiily Treat ie i should lit* rallfii*?| hy the iii.i ? *? ri ? > of th" Senate a* the < on ?? .ii ion now requires. is the I'HV ..r John \V. DiivH, l? til HTal i< iVidcnHal nominee. Ml N K1NTOMBKI) BY mini; i:\ri. osion UrtfoH. Pa.. July 2H. The hod i? of ti n miiiois who III' I ihalli la-'t hi^lil w li- || mi explosion wr?ek<d j| Nil-lion ?,f |||,. in In* of ih< If <\ Krlrk Coke Company Wen- hrouulit to tin surface shortly nfli-r dawn today. Si v? fily llir III' II were at worl: win ii tltc Idas! ratio- and a cheek of tin- company's list, allowed thai ?15 loai'lo d Ha f* ty. Call. 4. I'ftiii . . July 26. -From II to I r? moil w?Ti' ontonihnl in ;i roal initio lii-r.' ?s tho rosiill of nn explosion (?rnirrltiK at 7:. 'SO lust i-voniiix. iiki \ ri:s n \iuikn TOW Alt II I INAM IKKS London. July 20 AIiIuhikIi th. I ho lotnr Aliird Cl?nf?*rof|Co marked timo Friday (here was ??l? {?? iviihle at ok-ht ail uiiniistakahh li'irdonitiK altitude hy all dole Kale-; ntMiil -' Hllhtiiltt IliK to die tat ion hy international flnanrlet M in fnrinulatiiiic tlio piotocol ?. ? launrh t h*? Dawrg plan. t flTtOX MMIKFT Now York. July Sfi Spot rot* ton. dio'-rl qni't. Middling 51 K tit ii res clourd at tho following levoK: C)Mnhi-r 2!' S."; lie: .sil lier January 2s. 42; Mlif !i 2 * . f? ft ; May 2H.7R. N>w York. July 26. ? Cotton fill iiren opened t'.day at the? fol IowIiik levein : Oct. 2ft. 25. !>??<;. 17.45. Jan. 27.50. Man b 27. ?7. toff 17. 7 H. ASK COMMUNITY FOR ONLY $2,500 liit<*ri?-|* Seeking to |v.|ii!? li-li < :i i \ line N en ;i* 1(1 ViihiiiiiI III" Shirk to In- Sold, ? No i?>uh> \\. i t>t>l'|>''|'*.!!!.i| 1 "'y'lyl" ' '.j/ i^i . j' >'* Comm. v ISiilliliti;: ITid.jy, ,i tl?* oltj. i | .if III IV i.Hni' \V . 'until* III fill (Ik- | ? i ? * | ?* it i* ? 1 1 t??r tin ?*? *ii i m ii ti il % t ? ? I jut aeti>>n thai i ii*l i\ idnal* hi ?'"in iiiliii i* * 1 ilii- lit ran to t.? k . . I ''I'M- Hi. t?;? . 1 1 > . w . r. \ \\ Mi?t. ? iii < \|h ri? "n-t i| in Mi. ii i. Illlllllli ; I'llMm-v- t ii | ill | h" .?!??!.! ill. *>n cu.iiiTifc. i i I,, i, i .i 1 1 ? i in- r S. Ti -.nit ot | ;,i It 1 1 ii* ? i , wi... ha In . ii raiiiiii.-. > i i ?? ?" I ? ? .iii.I |*?Iii.iIin > at ;?ali.-htrt > . Mali l. llil. h.Jf U||0 |.;i> lolll'll till. lit. (I * ?'.line in lli> r? rui III. Ial?..i >ii(. |?'\ His. id* a I.. I.i . .? U i m . . ?i? u I. rriiory when* h. I.?h. *. ih. >n|.|il) m lulMir wiiiiM l? ad* ?iu.iti a ii. I raw m.i i ? mI> uhumi .?hi Mi'. Ti'Ulll ? n;ii.*v>. i| tli* . .(it i inn a rami. r> in i,.?i?m}, In r? *hnuld Im- .i li|. - tn ha mill .In i.iiii raMS m a rar a .1 i> ? -? i*ai:ii. .1 ii'Ui'lalih s iluriii Hi. . inn k : ? a.?on. i.j; a Intal ?.!' - it \ ? Mr" M ill. rl h ilul ? i : fl lk li Ii ?? Ii- uM.-. I>i|( v. a- run \ i in*. i| | hat II-.' raiiliin.: i.f >i. r riir-.- ir%i ami ilrum ri> l? ?????? l?l In liia<!. a luiilitaMi imlniiv Inr. iiimI. if (In |iliin ii..h* mi i.M.t tail I" i ? IliriiU'jli Mr.. Mi l tt ? a.' mill. <1 lhal wi sir?nu i*. his nnii faith lit l'ii? |iro|io>il ti?.| thai . ? i | iImii i? Hi - in fM.ililish a li. ii rait ln-rv h? r.' i. ii Iii* ii w ii ai nil iiit. T? n I Iimi- ali'l 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1" ? i- i|i? ran ital uhirh il is lifiir.-.l ii. i.. ami it i.- said Ihal Mr. Tritiii mi! Mr M i<| ? ||.- in.- |." pared |.rarli eallv In |mi I tin. !? half or l v\ 1 1 thirds of thai anion til tin m>- lv- >. Tin x would like. how. v r. tn m II a minimum 4*i ?i.ri'i ? i?; siiori. In ri- ns a sort n( ph-d- ? ?>| c??m mil ii It y infi r.Kt in a:;. I Min port of i li?- * i ut ??i-|ii is? . ?* ' In addition to Mr. Tinitt ami Mr Midurlte. tho<.-_ m-. |;. Ill raxhii r of tm> Carolina Haul inn fir Trust C'hiiljimhv-: ~ T\?nnt y~ rami A unit flrrv.-r \V l*.ill>. |{.*v ?"'In wmi ami i\ \V. (i'tlrhi r. j-V?* ri-laiy Joli of ih?- fliamh. r of < 'ninitiorre pri-shl. d. li|h.-r in. ? t ItliiM Iii lln- rllv at ih. satiti limit j?ri vi-nii #| n latui r ntli mlani'i'. No Kite lian \i I Ih-i?h s. b-rfi <| for fin* |irn|Kisi>il ran in rv. ? ? r r?Mirt*o; hilt rarly Sat n id a \ mutt. I'm In for?* h-avlnt tin- r|iy in Hi Mi to Maiylaml Mr. Triillt was si -in r\a minim. t ' ? . ? Uoi.iii-mii property mi Ma?ali? Ih. I la int.* wlnT" a suitahh hiiihlin.' ;?I|. a?l\ hill ihIh om?riMi|?i? <1 ami ? w l.irli. in all ni''?lial?||ii\ . r?oil?| In- smiii-iI ? ?ii ri*HHiinah|r li inis. "I .should Im- \.ry hn| iT I rmjld rutin- In ymir Inwii |r? loi-ali n'Tinam titlv." .s.i ill Mr 'linitt nhorf ly hi fnri- Ii :i\ I mr f-*.- |,i - train, "lor I am \iiv im-m Ii ' nh-ani-d with ii l.? ?| |* i,. I i v?* and as jrTiTari tn do i?? :inc? ? in." hi: \tk RthsriM. i:\its anH) <;??t i/i rn: i \m i.\ Chatlh' Wh.'.lh I . Jr.. ndon d. wan fin* ?l fl!> ami ro.-is in th. ii-rordrr'n rmirl Siilnrday iimrii ItiK for dlRontrrtr ?rrnriTTirT ? at rt idmlr at WtlilfVllli* (lr?Vi', mi ? >ri*d rluirrh In Nixotilon Iiimh slil|i, litis C'miiily. t'harli" said h< hail hail no rnrti ? v? |?t ni.tiii- roii <1 itir ram at < I i i? nor. l?iil Iiih l inuiiai.'* imliraii-l that In Motile way the di-till* >1 nrodut l had got to his a ml It*' rfflttMl rnmiiiliT.i l?l?? ? >?^???1 ? ? ntetil on llii' |hi nii- Kriniiuh a. ? rcMult. Thii was Ihr only rase tli.- j?o? -d ? >f ill I lie Saturday ?M.gvlou or ? . ? in. IIKIJI I OH I \|<KI \i. I IMIII KIM, (.IICI Kreilerlrlc. M.I . July 'id'.' Kl?ht . men ami our wouoiu at milcd her" y?^l?*roay on warrants rlmrKlni; tarrliiK and f?-at hi-rim* Miss Uorothy Ciandmi of .* i ? ? InirK. West VlrKinla. wer?? ar ralKiO'd hrfnre the niMKisIra'' lasl nlK'tl at n?l Ii * Id for lln> S- |? 1 mhrr Krand Jury under Imnd of liJ.nfto ?*arh llall fur $ *> Oti was fix?Ml for Miss li ranilon an a ma terial Wltll'SH. iti:viv.%t. /%t Ki'wmiTii Itevival wrtlreji In-Kin Humlay t' i Kin at K|i worth - MitlhodUl ( liiir'h. South, the liitlo chiirrh m tin* rrmis romls Jn?t heyoml tin fair Kroun*!s. with |ir> urhinie hy ??.?? |iastor. Ilev. W. T. riii|ipv, ? arli evi muK n *t we#-k at .- /hi o'clock. Thfl suhjer i Humlay night will hi- "Tin- Two Ahso|?ii?> Kvi'ii iials;" fin .Monday night, "I IMve Married a \Vlf?- ami The r?-foi ?? t'.mnot t oim* " "Xtnong othvr '\ i tines mien nji." tmyn Mr I'hlfii.-. will h'* that of W. O, Maunderi In l?st wpefc'ti Indefn-ndent Tin*' dny nivlil tin* suhj^ri will h? \ Qiiarl* t of Kool?." This .:?>rim,n w .in |>roflr-|n <l nt the Dlstrlrt i -n. frrmre at Mnrk^y'i rrrrv ts^t year. Olh??r Muhjrrti of vital In t? re?t will be taken up duriux Ihn wfk and the public in ?ordUlly 'nvltrd In attf-nrt. m w i v.i < ON i K\ir i i VS! ? .1. ? J?!? < .it. ? i.u. i .?'?! ? r 1 1 : i ? i >i i i ii II.. I ? .1 IK in- . t'l-HI .11. I. II.. I. nil. h) |. ? .| '? ? i ? ? ? t . ii\. ? ? . ? \ i i- Hi ? I i ? I i i\ r . i \ j tt.l ? lll-|.l|1. U l I. \\ . I'M 1 >' 1 1 ? .i ? i . i (Mi.tti. . .? M i VMM.!:;: m \m > \ i:\sii >iiii nn:\ i \ ? I;. v i 1::i> \ -i <: i .-.J l?*r >???;? r.I.i> m. "Ii* i i .i ' . i ? !? in. :il *?!??. mil ? ..ii lis- u, ... \!i Maty I. in: i: ? u.m < *.i n 'I ? jir. . I.' I?r IliV. Ull I'M- ?! V ? i : r. nil 1': ? i ??',-?! ? 1-1 ii if II . ..'Ii! li..| I .??Iff I I ! .?? ?M -I". .!? | !n- A I I.i ut. .1.. iiii.i! ri{l>!IH N I ri ?i> w \V:i I'm ? . 1 1 ?. ? ; r ,.| v\. ..Ill ' II ? ii. r.. HI . i |J I'.. Ic .i' v. n. M>i .-In . |. \\ , ' L.Ji ,i I ! *v. . |. ... . .||lt. I'l ? ? .1. ii< t. .? i ? . r. ? ? , i ,...i ? li<! 1 * i i. n l : ? V. ?. ,!?.?. t ? n |,. \?r i i a w- . k ? si. J in \V i i?m i?. t?.i. .1 i,. r.m:'. i. ... ?..||; ?*:i Nir i..;i . ? ? I ? ? i ? ? I'li.uroN i >ioim; v\ i i \m:s iok rrriopK NYv\ V.-ik, ,1 .;!> 'Jl*, .1. I'l 1 1 ? * *1 1 :i in ;; ; I I :n Sit i* n? ? > r.l-. 1. 1" ? n tl.. I'M- ??: I v.,i. '. .u i. J..-I. .i .Ui. .1 I li lt A J.I--IS. ;.?i % . .|! ? x 'i-i.l ? .. i!> -if. I'l ? I?:i ' ;i>.\ I- ???? i?* I : II' ? l.'.ll- mil: ll ]r ? J ? ? I 'linff aii> (.Hill ii'.ll \ ii U hi r. n?. i'l i. til \v It !? M.. ili^i i| .r.i..n ? |-.i i i . i, .mi !??:?:? -h i ?Trr-lr'Tinnr . .. ? . I :< ?i . I \ < 'ii in\ ciini1 niiisi'i.i i w;i . m:n.ti I KK Ail.ihia. J.'!? L'i.. i S|M'?'iii! ? TIm ?i I ? ii ri i> |ii?i.|ii?i. i'l rl>. S? I.i;-.. .11 ;i i . I., i. I.I. I 11 III Jil I hi:, t r. |. I.I I . > .1 1 \ ill.Ki. ll f -111! III... I i> MM ? l.. Ii> 111 .11- r ' J't li'. i- ??! M.i.--. 'I'll* r;iiu> : |? !! Ii:i i'!i.-i l . ii I'ltilii.; p ? i?i i. ? I i!:?'t ? . ill <l? \ i. ' I.i' * I- l.i'll W . i . Inter-Allied Differences E iv. bnlnied Not Eliminated ! iMiipniinix' \".n'rnr hJ Kiwlinl ;?! I ?>ikI?>ii Means I rhtinpli f ? ?i I Vii ? -i ( !!iuiii|?ioiir<l I ? \ l'oinrure_ .itid I l?f ?-;?! loc I !;*!?#? (il lhi\iil l.lm<J 4?rnrf??' ? _ v.s I i:\NK II SIMOMKS 1 -i r. r.'.i Mi.' > r> ^ii i imv Ni'wo|iii|h'i s* m<II<iiic ^ 1 1 > i li<' liiM aiwl iiu uialili1 cuniment ? 1 .:>:?? ?"?!?? ' 1 li**vi ? i?-l wren I It*? 4M**-tTr-|?-aiMl I 111? Brit ! 'I' :*i fki? ? * if i. ''i ? ; 1 ? ' ftiosis must Ih? ii represents ?" **?'?? \i?<?n*\ 1'i.r A!. !\ : i<.nv and a fivrh ill -feat for Lloyd 1 ? ?? ?!;??*. ' Falling!, Hii* r:n?i<ra lihn l uiulit ?h-? fulling *!??? |i!?* i?f old St Juiiii h 4'hilirlt In K;is , mi|"|m>iH?'<I Hi (hi* I sur ll'ti'll lilii'k III til- ? Ii ik h, wliit-li h.i<i Ih-.-ij riiz-?l to in.ilif riMMit f?>r a nuiiv mo'l- rn l-'.uMmir. i ? |n ? u 1 1? <-???! I l-oiltl ll-M' l>MI II' 111.- ||\- Ill-Ill ? wlu-n ihi' fm?. u;ij l?ii ill . Jl'? yr:i??* ?k?? Boys Band Is Backed By Kiwanis And Rotary Clubs < uiiiiiiiinil \ Organization K Oil' in IhmmI Slarl Willi ralilc hiilfiu-iasiii oil IVrl ol Itm* a!i:l Men Willi Lr^lir \\ lidml a- UirrrSoi1 \ j?tiM <1.1111.1 ' mi ? i 1 ? I ri>M|ii<M ! lit four Is 1 \\ .1111:111 iil??l ( ? ? 1 ? i: IJ.Iin.ui i lly sf I. 'il In In l;> tin- i?> ? s f I I In* li? '.V Jiamf ? ; ??'?;i[ li -M .? in ? i*mv T~ ? I : ? V .11 ? *. 1 i'.i Ifi < .i> |Ii?;i1 I., it- 1 ilu-'-t. I!ilw in \y?il .li . w.i- r-l. '-l. ?i ? iiiiivtiuii "In ? ??iii ?i i :? 1 ? -? J'*i;iilk l\:.i?|i 1' : r? 1 try u-' .1 iu r. W. i" Siimy'i will ?i.? in f||j?ii'.i- ? ?i iln- i'ij*. <|ii\i- fn In- si iki'iI !??'? I ?y jijnl A! Hir 1HT. y- v: ni ?! i : < I tin | hi ! >1 i i ly i '? iiij'Jiii ii. 1 1' I ? r iii"jnl? rs ?#'' > J'lilll 1-i'fllMi .1 It i- V. I.'i Hi I .1 ? :? 11 r ? ? ? ? i"ii |>:?.? ? ?.f 1 1.- 1 1 . 11 i/.;?lif>ii un|l, .??? A . 1: ,?n l?'i| ?>n. J 'I. S 1 -? ! ! ? 11 - , I. K. ; _? 1 1 ? * 1 1 ..?i I S. IS. r.ifl. r. 11 i: J" 1 1 ' ' JiL * ? V ' J JuJiL-UujJJ- - '?I IMIli/lilt mil 111- ?? I II- .. mi .lt|l> I . .11 J i ll rii-d .1 lull 1 ??; ?i(fi<-? r.i uli'l ii i ? | ? ? 1 ? i." .1 v .?Miii <?>n?fiiil ? . I 'll 11 ?*?11- ? i. . I.. |{ I'm 1 111. 1 11 . .1... j?r- :|i!i in, J - li:i?< 1 1 1'"?> ill. 1 |? r * ? I'l li": W 1 1 >?:i /jum!.-!. . . Ii. i.n v; \ I ? ? I v 4 1 1 1 1.1 v i. , I : ? ;i:-"ii I <-r. "I In- i Mliilsiilf ? i- mi li> l iw. 1 ?' 1.1 .'1 i tu; l|n if <f?i?*tlliii ill, J-' lt-i{ ;i -1 n~|- l?v I-; K. A.vHl'Tt. ?li.. r?'|ir<-s?MiliiiK Juiii1*?*?'miiiit !????'i hitt.-nii* 4im| U-it.ny. ill Ml ii| -u Uy I. 1 1 W.i> ?2??rf. i|ir'"i'ii "uf ili?- i?i- w Imii'l. Mr. WiiM'irf. fh ifin-'l'ir, i. w. II I li'i(v. .1 in l.?i/;iSi>-i li Ciiy 1 Irrli'S, Altll'iuph a '?i ? 111 |i?i r i> t i v ly >'Hin? ?ii - if Mr. S\i l.|?irf Iiiih liii'l 1 m ? lily y?MiK '?f Iiii li*l ??*. ji'-rii iiri*. Imviiij* ill irl - I wlifii .1 in?-f*? lnil. I'.itfir-" iii'iv iii . , l?? i::i/iilM Hi I ll y. In- II i? 1 1 1 1 || >11 ltii!l ihi'ii . \Vlail? Mi?'M' il- -rv I ns fii-i (roniliniiiM| in : li> ? i:- I M? n*-{ It. 1 nil. jn.rl .1 li.if r* . n i - M?|?ii> > in Ziliiliif i fi, nil's Culin el I tin- 1 .<iiii - I. -? :i.riv.?| l.i r f nui'li - li .ir ? .ii"i. ii?- ? 1 i 1 :il *.>> !???? n 1 111 ? 111 >i??r Z?mkIi r's l5.n?i Only In-* >?;ir. li f ?v,*.- nin*if-'il illriTlirr *!?' Hi- y mi< ??? ?-'In' ? Mltl "<r I Thofl* .V III I. fl|l 'A* )? tiii in" r- rlrtf'i 1I1 '? !i?- I< th? Ij'iiifi t>T till in n i'i iiiu k'* Mi" ImivI a h)i<- s-'; ill m 11 * ? n1iiiN.1l ui? HiUMlic :m. hi* |m ? i? ft- iiixl liU ??uj. iilv 1 n|- 1I0* nrht?>i . i" r -i"! ? 'it l".rr| wurk t It* in ? nf ilii* li'iiifl. ih/i?'i? in flt.-ir^f r j r i?i" nit?V"iii"iii f**??l. l-'lfiy h-iyn Iijivi- ii I r ii'ly 11 1* Sow "of ih'm hMv- liiHtru mfllM mi l i|iillo si li'iinb'jr nf ?hf?iM iir ? i V'I'p 1 m i '' l ? ' J"? ,nly. Tin y ii??- "l.irin' !?> rn" .?i ? ? 11m- ??ill'. Iliiisi; lli .1 t!>l t in ? . I 1 1 ? 1 III ll"W l? I'm- \\ ' I |"? Willi.. I {III I ? >1.1 <? t rs - 1 ?- II 111 II 1 III :|sl" ? I- K .Hi ! I. Hi . I ?: I Mi n li.rv.- iJi.ryiKifHiiKni? ii:m; i.i t ,'l. ilMir in?a-ii:ii; hill lor u .i- in r- - ii? ii .if . v. Iif h "? ? 'ii I !?:? 1 ill 1 lirilnl Will IH-I la ; i ?. ?? III Ji.iy .i |>i?ntiy i?1 v m . I Ic I. Mil " ? i unrb <| , li> l Im J? ? ? i. ? - < ? ri? hi it I f i .i I !:; for JI.'.IMI .1. -- 1 :? -I i II ir i Vti-lin', :> llll I iiH'hifh-h r ir ii ii i n t ?. i nji'ii .. n r?r I If I'll >i.D' (II ? 'lit -ii I !;i- | II f I'll ijii !i?h ii.r a !>ij: hrmt* TTTT- ?"riii- uf ' ??Ii m. *.i?i ii ???n.i ? f ? : lii f," IM iik tut It'll . 'I"'|. I.. Ill'] .1 I * ? ? - . I r - l*:i 111 I ||I?1 IIm-v i . it ;i Kiwiii.-- h;itnl. '? Ih a ?'?t?i in ii ii 1 1 v j . i r ? | .. i r 1 1 1 ii ii'u mi tin' mi 'I fi. h\it l!iu < U>i i "iV'iii/.ii ll'iti . hj\ ? iifji i' il lO lie l|> >:< ! II j^jirii ii .im'I win ii- 1 .t-i y]imi/i<irH_ ?hh ' ? nnn-r-^rr." < Jim- I Ii - J<i i.:?' ? in in /, n ii i - ii ft ii rmi'- ? mil vi Im 1 toil :i 1 1 ' I jr i.: ri^mli 'l |>ruh.ihli- thai i V'-ry iir;-J4ii'/ril imi in I ? ? w i? will I'liilif soiiii (rihl.i lMiii>ri : iiii I. ; hi lirnliy i v iy n ? .i i . v.oiii.Mi . ml i'iil'1 lilc < Kim#! i.:ii)'l an ii - **? . t ho i;i'! i vii'n.'i I f 'ini uUul -hi: i v. .Ml <????-- ' I it III ly l<i' i;i if 1'itiy, il i:. Iu'li' Vi|. " I !i? ?iJ-irlifii' ? \|i- n. <? i.n i.Mltt i* "Tm.iv>. I ? w ? v ? Mi |i . -ill. -i :? I "in il?*> v. ?i " . -.hi ii," s.iyn ..M Ili'h'V. Ml- III' I?Im tv.n I'MiiH 1 1 ? s 1 1 1 i.? iV- i-oliiiinl.nlly a ill It i \ ? it In ;*,i'l Hi'' lull i'*l ! i ii wi:'i m?:i??- I'li; |mi.<|ii'm, j Mill I !"'?i v i * i ? !>? ? il II V Will I'liitnl . 1 1 ' ta ?? i ? I t*>i t Ml: t* it tivrr I Ii ? t . * Itoft'i '<? hi' fiiili 1 i m fur .? imi.ii- -in. J n,-t in . i' ti.ur i o rni'1 in.--. ? . Kr.inl. ? - .i.i ir r * ' -i i v If i-'inr. Ho; ' I hi ml, I'.Ii/|Sm-| {i IVv, |!i fiin- In J .iv yi.ii i i- ii K|i 1-. I fihilnly f i iiii |*i mi 1 1 ?lnf ?r? :i ? . |o ? i|i ? r i i?. 'I >.ii ili- ih '-iii -. r . . til ; ?? ii*i| i.! i s ? ' I:. hi. J it :>?? ti Ii ' of lh" n.'i'i "J Mi'? -- who uiV" v. ill !>? 1'i Mi h? I in IhU ii* W; i > ? i pi r. '?'l"ftT i . . ;? I. , |. :i i-ui wi'ft|i> 'if Hi- ' Mfmnunil v'<? h'-:ir I'i-kI ?i|?p*.ir'. 'Ihl'lK M'liiil II ITr .i|?v ! ? ? |j vi i hstJi'l fur ItiToril-1 ? i<> ii |i t>. i i.i- K mi mIi i f .Inly. \ r id i:-t I--I- |>.' V. fin lM-.;iif-| I'nlf j'ti'J nil xlrtiSur n'-r ikIhii Fil/a-. J|"Ml ? i--? Ir ?';! 4 I an i liti-rli. i in 'i' Of i in *, .ill C'?l? I?r?s w|| III- fi' C. y- It Mir "f tho. l:1tin5r|:Vfi* will r1 ''Iv*- |?siy. 1 1 > ? Im-'I r In h::vi' p xrint|i ?if i-nMtiin lunllc tails |iriM'lic:!nK trunk than 51 h lo h:?vo l ho in pracilcitiK I'di* ili?- dispute Iki twiHii lljUiin arid France whidi Ita.s rou-ml ftir p;tsi (wo yours and lasted through the oxi.stonro tif throo British ca hi hols lias Ikhmi ovoi* the single <|Urstimt nf sanctions. Fur :i lull.: im i. 1 1. -fun- it took I' I .!??> ? I < i i -Might to prr. mi i -.if i. it i-f i Im< nuhr. -4U?- li'i; "M !?'?' jdM nn it had br< ?'.'liir lll?-* il .1 III- ;i <: ?) ln-t xnccetiaor, the l:i|f I tonar l.nw, made a final l. vntli hdiir ? rr?irl at a I'arla now arm. >)l\ ??.-? ri, lined. Stan ley I ta lil win, w Imii hi; ranio to Downing Si i ? i t i-i me. titrated hia ?i 1 1 cli I i< i ii i>ii ; i r r i ii i; t)i,- French out oi ii?- ir-ihL. l"iiilin*;.?he mtve wa> i ? ? Maef inuald. who came tu ufl lc" In ut ii |i??ri ending tin- Ituhr oi-i'upallmi and making a repetition i in {?o^mIiIc. Now (hi- cmnpitiiiiino which line (?????ii ariaii: ? i| ;i r !. mulon l',av< tin- matr. r of th.. Ruhr Thrtrt-xrhr-ri- n : imn( before. The Flench ar* mow in rrtlre ? from thi? t rriii inilii. 1 1 Jal r.-uion when Iht* fioruiuii* linvi rniii piled with ????rluln iM.iil: ??r Hi.. Oawea re port. Hi, I flic If til is 1 1 purpoac is "Ml y h.aHv to koI t ho Irench out 1. 1 tii,. Kuhr now. The Dawes ri |imii would in r< allfy at ?? nd (o 1 1.., i What the Hrltlah fu ??wk" a urQvimon I'l*'"* wniif'! ? ???.?.. ii... rigfii of a rem w<-d occupation. II II hoi ?? ii,.. iiriiiHh hare '"Uliht Hi. im i-ii|?atii?? of the Ruhr aH I h?'V - d an earlier occu |?? I Ion or | >a ii>>:<ladt and DiikhoI dorf an illi ^i.i; rhat in, an a rlo miion c f III. I. ittiH I.f the Treaty of \ (?rnallh I < u t unfortunately t oy only ralsiii r|... |?KR| polnt ?dv monir.K .? 1 1 . , the French were ;h' ? Im* IMtdana ??nil thru iv.' ImI I hi ir case upon a lliiiinh iriin pn ratiun of n dla Pu ted parai raph In th? Trealy of N.rHalil.:, 1 1- viii- in mind (heir Paul failm. th.: lirhhdi were de t ? -I'm f iicil tliai ii, ||I(. ?(.w arrange ment th' ii ilroiild he no ohacur Am a <'on^'uociii*r they pro poned In ;i wii v from the |{ep nrnrioiiH ("mnnii- ninn. controlled uv tho l-'n inh and Mi-Ik Ian*, the rltrfit to i|. clan- Ormnny In de fault, and loilur ii whir" the real ?l-ebtim, Mould I.. Ii- hv a Hrlt lah repi-i H.-iiialid- ?.f the holdere of (hi- In. mis ih'MU'ii iii n-t urn for mini* aiham . r| Ci rmany under fill- liaw. .1 H port ail. I the Ameri can ati-uf i-i-u'-ral. Cut to make iiwiiraoc- mire they alio proptiMi d a pi f ImIoii dial In any '?vent piinif ij ? o|n-iailoiia nhould ??o| exl. ud h. . mid the left hnnk of fill Ithiie llilif is. the area oc? ?*ii|?l??d un I i th. Treaty of Ver HalllftH. Tin- eomprniijise which Imi hi?'*n iiri-i - 1 ?t . if now eutH away all "il? llrifi>h pfaniiini:. It pro vides ih. t if ihi i-.- sl>all Im* any oc ?*U pat Ion I hi- vii iii m ff?||ec|ei| nhall ?w- xuhjrct tTT n flrsi IP n hi' furor of tlio lioiidhi-1d< r-: Hint In to nay*, if Frmire havim: ri-llred from Hi*- lluhr ? ho u if I , ffdlowliii; a new Oeriuan r| . T; mIi. reticcupy lhat or anv oih. r *;. riuaii ri-Rlon, the huiiim If niiL-iif colhcf tl ii riii c Itn oceii|iatl?in wi-ulfl hi-loiiK to the nerviei- f.f i hi- C'-rinan loan up to tlie tnoii. id f >in t elalm wan dla chareed I to I liHih>k: |ii-?ivif|fi| thin much for llii* Ii- in IK f.f fhe honcl-hold ?-r? II l-awi f-vi-rylhltiu elne Juat where |? Kffiod. Frai.ce ran ki Into lit. I.'uhr Jiift nd nil*- went be fore; flu- ean ko on her own In ithilh.. if Mritnin rifuaea to no with Im True. I he Itritlnh may mnlnliiiri Hint finer France la m?-rr|v permlttffl to p-taln all her rl;?hf .s under I hi- Treaty of Ver r.n III# s, iinil from I he Hrltl*h point f'f vii w oceupatlon of (he lluhr wax Illegal, no aetnal con cent- Ion Ik leadr. Imi Hie fact re maliiK that Frnnci* I. an once none under circti hi itn lie* - n which, dual ly Mi'^kfiiR, r?-mr>ln unrhaniced. N'uw I wholr Mtreiiklh of the HiIMhIi urcntneiii in the l.ondon ? 'onfi-ri nee i' niri| upon th? ff??n lhat money could not other* wiae he iMfKrrl to fern inh" the lo.'inu to fiermany which are the hnal.H ?f the |>awrs plan, and the alnitl" detail which ?!*??.? the plan any chance of aecrptnnce In ller II n In that pofi nfinl hadera are liiHiired nuallir-t a n< w lluhr ecca palion w filch mUht produce a new dl>dnrnii'?n ' f t;erm>?n Indue 'rial a If 4 flnanelal copdltloilR and ?hi!H Impr'tll th" rlirfiti of the bondholder*. II la plain that lo promlae the bonrtholdcifl that, en n If there ahould be another occtipatlon of ( '?V* f O . T*"?? |

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