Coolidge Has Made Good First Year As President Haunted 1 ?> 4 (iaiurd in l-'asor of l'ai!\ a> lit - Hiilt of lirniiies* in Faro of <onj:r??ioiial I lo? tililv and Won Ke-iinminatinii Hand- Duuii ? n> ROI1KKT T. SM A I.I, ( r tCop,?J?Kt. 1321. B? Tl?? A?v??c?) Washington, July 28. ? i'nlvin (*oolidtfe comph-iis t h i s ^?ek his first year as President <?f the l nil?'d State*. Coin : yk to tin.1 White House at a tinie of national pu?urnii tin tfndof theyfrirTiiuIs tile Presidentin tlio nmfct ol' a j>ers?)!,;.l bereavement. -Between the two- seasons of jsbrrow, the Coolidtres natur ally have enjoyed the great est happiness that could come jto an American family ? the ^fulfillment of all iwlitical and ||3ocial ambitions. Politically it has been a curious lyear for Mr. Coolldge. Nut ?no ?which could not help hul bring fW4? ? miprwne satisfaction? H? it twas a man suddenly called to the presidency at a time when t li? llend r?i of hi* ? Ma4ly_._had iiist (about determined that he liail |made ,so little impression upon the people nationally that a [stronger and mor.- appealing IK lure would have to be |?ut ?u the ticket for Vicu President in IN 2 I t A few iimnths elapsed ani {Coolidge was Muster of his part>. He whs giving ord' l> to tin saiui' men who had agreed wisely 1:1 council that Coolidge must no. And these men were glad to tak" jtlie orders. There hud come a /volcanic eruption at Wnshinutoi-. 'It was sweeping away official rep utations and delving d<-cp into the doings of the Republican ad ministration. The party lenders knew instinctively that no inves tigation could possiidv involve Mr. Cool id gc. Democrats claimed that Mr. Coolidge as Vice President had sat as a member of the Ilardini cahinetand should have known what was going on. They also saiJ he was presiding in the Si n uate when tin- first attacks were f-maHi' upon the lease of Teapot Vf "*? Hilt that was as rar "iT.r tn?'*y went. The Republicans be Ran to look to Mr. Coolldm* as tin- Moses to lead thelli out of the I wilderness." They clung to him and proclaimed him as the party's gTcarrHniPsetr Opposition to his nomination fell away so rapidly that only Hiram Johnson was b ft and he fore the convention lie gave u ? the ghost and released the f.w scattering votes tl/at had come to him In the early primaries, Cool idge won tin- party conventions and the party primaries virtually I everywhere. This unprecedented triumph with tin- people, as refierfed in [the wishes of his own part v. cyme to Mr. ("oolidue after a Republi can Congress ? Republican at least in name- had flaunted him as no President has been defied, not even Cleveland or Roosevelt. Mr. CoolidKe found himself at outs with Congress from the be ginning to the end of the one ses sion which has been held since he became President on August 2 Inst, One of the very first of the Coolidge declarations was that lie would attempt so far as possible to carry out the policies ef the lamented President Hardlnc. Th'? one outstanding Harding policy at the time of his death was that America should give adhererce to the Wr.rld Court of Justice a? or ganized under the League ef Na tions. Mr. Coolidce has been nbh to make no headway with a re calcitrant Senate, Senator Heniv Cabot Lodge, from his e?v-ri state ml Massachusetts bavin/ been on-' rof the hie stumbling Morlti en countered. Conirress pnHsed five biu m'-as tires during Its session. President Coolidge vetoed three of tlutn and would have vetoed the other two except for the belief ihaf some means of public re'lef ?ras contained in them. The tw > meas ures fclven his npproval w- r ? de nounced. however, beransv tliev Included provisions ami Inst wMch the President had protested l'i vain. One of Miser wa-* the lax reduc tion measure which Wa?* fmmed hy the Democrats and the insur gent Republicans of the Senate TlfWd "'Mr. t'onlMvn h'4d-. ?p|eadcd In vain for the M -lion plan. He urged loyal Republi cans in the House and Senate to stand by him In Hie flcht. Rut they told him frankly the Mellon f |fi could not pass. They com promised. There was some doubt whr'hef Mr. Coolldge would slcn the bill. Rut h?? could net with stand the pressure for lav relief. In signing, however, ii" d"cl?M! the hill was Just about all i< siio.niT-TTrrr 1rr und-ti^ frmrntm^ed ho would take his case to tne people and urge the n* xt Con gress to re frame the tax princi ples in accordance with the Mel Jon recommendations. It Is to he presumed Mr. CAolldge will take this stand fn KTs speech r?f tance President Cordldc^ told f'on gress In his first mensage that he did not favor a soldier bonus. Congress passed one. Mr. Cool i \ . (?>? el it. iinm diai> ly | !?? { ?? .i-i . ? p;j?? law. I'mhI.Ii in ? *?:. ?? ; -I I .i ! ?%*i vress ili?- |itililii' |u:r>? would not permit. of ItuT'-iiMMl to vct? rnns nml d? r? ml- -nt ?T U - Civil and I n<l i.-tn wars i" ?i.t-n t passed tin- Kit rati in IdM vivnti:.-: tin -s< ? Incieases. Th % til vrtoiil tin- imaMire. *1! Ii? H :?? -pass. it it. lnit ini'.Mii.' ?\ r t ' Veto ! .t i I ? ?l ill ? 2i ? ? St llill" I'l' ?i'h lit ? (' inlid-' ? r-ri-J rrrn-T i:ress tin- | in !?!??? pui'j-1- I ? vuiliuu conditions did m*i w.iv mi an increase in ih? pay ei |w?:.ial employes. V>?i??ti'?'??ft-tM ? " d a uranium tl?- ? increase Tin l'r? <1* lit vetoed it and Hi' r? ?.?-? 1 ?> attempt !?? i' \iv?-ifc|U',..l?i?;iisu.?* Im tin- dvini Irtmrs ? ? I i " ? ???' '? I'lcxiiii'til Coojid\? I I i ?* it would vi<i1;ii? a sob inn ? t - iletuan's aur? ??in* ni " ami ?rl- \ ously ofleiid a friendly nation ii it wrote Japanese evlnsbui * i" ciflcaiH l" the lew Inonlurnin ii bill. Japan \i-nroiislv i- i- d. Secretary lluulos al' 5" * ' ;?i 1'iH'd resit n. Tin' I'l 'snl "H sent for tli*- party leaders In f???. ? vivss. All t" no avail. t>" * pas.o-d Hie ldll iust a.* i? p' 'I Tie- President Wi?:s furred to i-.n because i f the t-sliietion t-'i i;il 1% need- d "ii 111- all' II iu.V?di. I>- ' Ik .-aid if he niulil p:<ss upon IV Japanese section Indepenib nlly h* would V' to il wllUf'lJl llfNl'tli'tl. Thi*. then w:rs ti e I *l'' > id* 1*1 ' ? refol d with Cmiui*?ss; a I a I'an when Ii'' had determined i" I* iiomiiiatlMti from hi* pa',\. In stead of weakening him ?v*:.u ? ,%* peo|de at III rue. lie colli. V-t a:id conflict* with Conuriss itu m? t??" lv strengthened him. Mr. Cool lijL-e * Hrsl 11 II era fT^' * as T'nsi d-nt wi-iv lilost rrasHiirinu to il ? conservative ? h- men Is of I ? i> ??w n party and of the country at la rue ?Phir?y- retarded Mm as t?-uit?n -wh-? would "sli steady In the hoai" Hiid he has nlr? n-llieie d that opinion of him ev? r since The kII nation here in Wie'hKv ton was l-oiie too reiisssiriu-' win n Mr. Coolidne was rilled upon In lake up 1 1i e reins of Ho\. rnnu nt. The |{. publicans in had lost ill.- election* In nrinv stales and rum: rot* wa-= Republican on pa per only. There v.ere rumor? and rn nihl in us of tin- nmiliiu : tot in ef ions. The "Ohio ua-iu was heulnninu lo ^et inl * the p:i pers. Tin* "liHle ere. :i liamsi- ? n K Street " w;is liecmin- national ly known. . , , Allhoiiuli In- had !"? ? n In pni? Ijr ..rflr.. f?r n.nlly S? ill III r no 1,11. w .-Iiri...!- Iv In II.- nf Mr roiiltil" ?? "? I'"'1 ' 1 Inronspiruous as Vice IM'rsiilenl. HI? comings and uolncs at lie* White Hnuj*e and th-- rapllal suu Ki Kl.-d never an olenu nt of tiew?;. There wac n-collectlon ?-f n linn hand in the Hnslon police strike hut even there il had heen said that the l)i morratic mayor er' lies ton deserved a very la rue si, are of the rredit for nnilittnln in>' law and ord?T. Mr. ("ooHd.u" went ?|ii?etly ahont his task a 1'resident. The pe??ple had t wait from Anunst 2 to the open Inir of CnnureHK in lleceiuher to eel the nrsl teneral ? xomsslon of the views of the silent men fro n? MiiRsnchusetts. The I'nshhni me^aue. short, sharp and crisp, made a cenerallv favorable iin presslon. especially upon tin members of his* own party. Mr. Coolldue had found most ? f the Hardinu rahlnet to his llklnr. He partlrulai ly l -uan ? ? I' :??? Mei-srs Mellon and Huthes and lloovrr and \Veek? and doen so to ,Mfnd|ahe midst of the invest liga tion* when the Senate pass, d a resolution demanding the resiL* ini tio n of Sec ret a fy of the Navy Penhv. Mr. Cool id ire s? nt the res iKiiatlon hack with a sharp re minder that h-> alone was respons ible for his cabinet and il wa? a matter with which Conuress l?d P4?ue^au-U?4ur-wU*ai-Ali lino-,. by voluntarily repii.ned. however. Mr Coolldue niad? no efTort to restrain l:lm. Also when Attor nev (ieiieral l>au b.rty became further embroiled with Conuns?. Mr Cool id u ? did not hesitate to n?|( for his resignation. Mr Dsuuhertv and his friends l?' lleved In- bad Im en vironued. but the president would "nter Into no, argument 'with them. There w:- - a fourh of fjoeseveitlnn ruthbss nf^ M aeib.n wbirh b?*4 a new side to the I'rwldont. Mr. Ceolldae has ibimui-t rat' d in his year at the White flousr that he does not know how tn plav. He works lone houra. Ills only recreation Ik walklnu and an nccnslonnl sfltl f,u thr Mayflnwr The conflnenient of the Whit" House has besun to tell on him He Is far less vigorous In appear ance than he was a few months auo. HKAIt UI.MAllS AM) roM-i:ssio\s w:\i> i lin'.tfct*. ?''*!> -Viih.ti. I ? ? \< mi! J; .. iliriuit I I. ?*. v? I * Kuiiiy t?r ui :i-. .it.<l iiiitnl r i it t: K im*n l'*:;tnk-, in .> i: .ii I i u1 i:t > i" li . ta : ih ir .1-1. ials >i imI I It* n *!r is* > >u ? - i. i;> ?* t iht' i rilln*. ll;u !?:.;? Ii. ? '?i l..? : in >.? i.-r th*- I* .>-. !?? <].? I ;r? t lsi * ? ? .In- ihi ? luiul n| lh?'*'"* i?i" iit.ii u?ri <>t' i v i by t i lit \ ni? - All ?. ? li y trout* ? it lit" l .i - ?? i*'.nl:.i_ lh?- jii nut's tj;ui-i ij.ii.iii ??: ;h.? hovs* utlmlvMoii, '('rnwr^-^Hpi- Wri-i #nn t**iT 1 r "ii mitiuii-. ??; 4 : T . >? ll.n -i ; ii< li >;iH hi* w.i. v ? 1 1 1 ? : tx .i * i . : 1? lt"?i r~<*. Tin* >!;?: ';il I! M: ?. Ii'iwi'v. r. ill*, liut'd t * ? i iK?- up li.i voimI l?'ir !.'ii at tiiii' Tl>?v I'Milliii: i't I.T'ti.lilV fur li -hitm .-lion. ?1 it i :ji acriiiin-. l.? ? of luivirr- >tiin-l. I'i.uiWs ??u ihc ' ? .h! ;ii'?) * ? I" lmulii. . tin- vii 'iiii. *H ? ?iii ill" in" ? ;iii| I.*" I*. ?l?t ? ?? >n :>? ??? ii>ii ii. w 1 1 i c 1 1 hi- ti? l*ift* ?1 liiui: !l ur? ilii\<i hi il. ??iir. N* itlifi- ?i '1 * ?: : ?! .i i- 1 ; !.'? ? i| iii * ai i i-i l;*-r ii* t ni w.i"* r? ;ul. MISS A1.BKRTS0N AT HOME AGAIN llomr ??nl I Tun W n'k (iotirn* and I- IVrpariiits for Summer i lump. Miss Mil ivi.i \!i?. I ' 1 (I* I "H: 1 1 ;il ion I'll'." '? Saturday lr??iu IS ;* !? i - 1? *1" lias 1 iiftiiKli:.' ill a ut.usil 1 1 4 ? > 1 1 1 * IlfllU'I'Ml'.lll' ?' l'? 1 ? . lul. in:: -i !??' %*??!;? eu?ii:? in lit . dis^an: alid h**n? I " ? nidi in I:*. ;?ad iiCriiuiiiu lh- lui in. r?i i TIm. r. tMljir >? ?'? 1 11- ' I '1 work v ill !??? <uk? :? up ???? * w* ? 1 sis r#.|! M?"ul;?> ??!'? Malik- ? *1 il*? with Mis. S:i\v?? r: Tit'-fday ."li? moon M' II. M:. .Ml r'lili W|?'| Mr*. ?:ii a'. \\ lul" Siiirs4! . W * ? I ? ? 1 ? * I ? ? v llay* ?fl" anil Ui%ersid?' I'lulfi :<t l.artPit -? It. arli ; l-'riday m??n tl.? W'.-.-ktivlM. ?:i.U < I is. ?nli Mm I'.lizalM III n. lrli- r ami Saturday ill.- (Mull Mark* 1 at " ? n-nal |i!u<v fUif. ?,lili*ir?,iii'. ?4*ild<-t*. fruit hi. 'I c.ik" I <"?* liv ill.- ?- 1 it 1 1 im-mlH'l*. 4 ' w m "in Is h! ill Ih WIm^ If r r? -????! ?? of SMie a month ?;asl> - . fr.>ei at lliirf JiiarUi. .Ml ?? i .t Ij c:r'!i . r .? a k< ?< I.I utility . Mi*. < AJL?. JI.^MlL.-il tli^ rxpi ft in an. a. I M" Tr; ( 'oil m I v t'luli Knranii'ii*. fil i" '?? h. Id at lh? "l?l lair ?".i*"nd in th riiy Ml ?i I II ' !>?' I .?? n will I). iiiily t In In fur id, xii.-li ?? in' 11 and \>-y I.. hi. k. and ? i.'1 doll, r and> r.-nt- In rnuli A H ' * f ."??ssary tMii:. to tak? ??? v. il! !>?? fiii i)iHli. il liv M ism M'" i l ? lllid IhnM' who ? \p?-el to : '? s-liould writ'* "r phone h?-r at one. ^ 11 int< ri ami 1 1 ? 1 1 ? r ? 1 1 i?i-< ? - '? am lias Im .-h prepared mid a : ? n? rsil | im? - is l??'iii.- lii.iki ?! forward tu. | |M-:i? AMI \\ All\KI> I OK ASSAI I.T AMI THTSPASS juli ii llcnry Iloyi-o. rural I'll" quoin nk m-gi?. was* in court Tiioxday to iiihw i' to H' ? cliargo of hitting a nmull coloroil lH?y ov ,?-r Hi" lu.'atl willi a sth lc an. I .-la|> piiiR a 1 yoar-olil rolortil Rill. Par' nt - or He- rhililren vial inc.! that tli^y lia<! iirilnn-d him to via. away from t !;?? lioupe when til rhlldron were left Jit h?lil>- aloii and that th?? trouhlfd en?n I mii till a forlddd* n visit. .I'.hn Ilinry wtw 1?'t "If with a flii?? "f $15 iiiid i-ikIs. lint was put under sunpendi-d Jail *.M?tr in-!* whleli 1^ III lirj-onii' offeMivi* should h" he found trrnp.'iH^iiu: on tli ? kuiii ? jirernlio m again. C ome Willi. i in--, enlorcd. oil <? eharRi- of Kiieedii-r. was lot off with a fine of f 1 and ro??(i*. I. I.. (Siirri'l, Matthew* -lre<-; sar?r?* tnati. for violation of lh ? ordliialK'*' again. ' repairing a m" tor v.'hiele on tie* sire t. was W t ?iff with the tost i. ? Jim. WatKoii. eolored. for pass inic interaeeliiiK ?treetn at a grcftl* <-r r ite of .sp?- d than m miles <ui hour, wan fin '? ?"? ro.ds. Sll Will! ,S\YS M..XS i; *X MIHTH OMiV ? N. w Yorks July 2!> rii-m Stiri ,>U, . .dnMtU'i'liw I'i -LUi:- ULliUitUti u- ? National <*? ?it* in It t in a formal Int. rvi'-w with le-WHpnper m? n t)atiH h?-adf|itai t"r? last nlf.hl Hah! Ii" I'.-II'Vid I Ii e K ii Kin-* K l:i ii would an I win dutin ih" cam pa fun In upots d?t?roiin?d liv loeal eondlth.lM. i|< ndd'd that wlother I ho Na tional eampnlgn woiiH faVr roc r.ixnnro of tli?- ?|Musllnnf* wan :? prohl.lll Mil- MOIIiIiit I. I..I- ? If would il'fldo. i i i'i 1 1 1 \ m\i:kkt Now York. j"ly 21 Hpo* eol ton eiiM< d nnl't. Mlddllnir ::::/?*? " doellm of H.S iKilnfn Kntuns. rhmlni! Idd. Oe* 2'? on. H- r 2* l? .fan 2*. "i. Mi.irli i^.Ill. May 2? 4?. New York. Julv 2!?. Cotmn fa tnron opened today nt th" follow ins levidi: Oet. 2f?10. iPf 2K 14. Jnn 2R.10. Marrh 2^.31. May 2S 10 Mrs.- Franks on Stand V * ?. ?>':?< Ji<i ? I'l.'.iO;-. ill. the tttltt'il* I ????*- 11 I- "! !.? . f??r ft ? *.i - 1* nlu*n ?!?-/? -? .1 tl il l: t. N Ml.r.u IV 1.. ? .M Ji. . m.| I : i ' .1 !..-?.?? {??? t.. . . . - .| J-I.jy. i.-. fi. Ill ?!..? 1 Ili-IA- .-! I- Hi. w -i.,- I ? t ? ?!k>. ti.W -JuSlli It. liiVVI.I) sk. (UlM L| ll -l-H tin- ttial luwlUrt^' iituu i.l -f.1 . IC-.I . i t's l : .1 Sane But Irresponsible Is Leopold-Loeb Defense ~~~ ~~ ~ * H (iimii M?ir<'y 'ThHI 1 \ru l'rrc<?:'ri?! in hi* Icn <:i jMi'iijiriKlciM'r til '"Illinois ami Nrw <. round S'nr :<>u t ? i" I * : j r : i - 1 1 1 i*n til r.\ ?>. I,. Mni i I ?2t. II r !*? ?.U " ' . .1 1 1 V . .1 TiiiylllNMi ?I " ?'??.II :? 1 1 1 1 u i ? <1 , n?i cull i \ ? ?! ; 1h? ??;.??? I .!!.* ? !? \ I < ? | ?? ?? ! ? : i I I -i i : ? 1 1 ? > J ili? r.asl ? i !? iH.a ill aid ?'.? ?.l.? liii-nf I.I\< . :? ? I !i:ii' I.. .? .1 ? . s-l.-ut ?I i<i . .u l\ i t,,'.-, i|). ? ;,i, . i l'1 i*i .1: ? I I. r I' ll I-.. | I l|i'S?' \ III ?. ;i? 1 ?? r ??? In !.????? it It III - alli.? ? ? ; ? f ? ? ?l ii. ?! ; ill ?'?" i *. \i:?l li.n-: ? lie ? |* \vi? ? .] . \|?- r ? ? I.'. iili,?t.?;. l-s. .ii. <1 !..i 1 1 1 1 1- i t ir.n.v. :ili?-j.i< ( . Im.ii.l lli.i'.ll:' ui ' ?!!?- Ill' ??I ll?? V. allliy, l.if'ni i:: |]|i> s|.-|'|i .? 1 1 ? -i* i ? ? ? : i ir.uuin.. ;if 1.1.1 .1 1. 111!. . fill v.w.l III I III ll- 1 1 1 L \ ??i UiUlli fit il'S :..illl"n:iiM? Kitl-rs ii:j y*' *Ju?wti.. I.n. Ii |i;i tn | ??- * ? i| ;.inl t : : 'on <1 I;. ?' v- ri'i ? ?>- \*ii?r hi.-- >i.iiiik ?Tiiii lll.'l 't\ >\ JiKilil l.l|" ?? <|. I.*?"|m>M. !>? ? !? r I- ? fi 'Hi ? lii]i|h<H.c|. tli* -1 ?-! ?? iViT^'i ?! ? ?ii Hi wrmr-x' Hituttvh if iJuniiA i.; it--tr*i w. vim w.m l"??-: 1 1 fi* li"l'l'|l. -5|i:i flJI U In i|* r- . ? 1 1 .nr .i ?ni umjll hi\< I ? ? <1 '!? ? ^ ? i - ?! I| "?|"?-Ht;|||i|i|?V. '??* in; iiw r.? ' i? i?i|? in i< !;?# !; ill: ii Mil (In mi 1 1 m i '? i in. i -ii-i- ? liini n . : ! ? ?;* *si ? ? !':? inui' 1 1 'n* . \ 1 1 ? . ? i ; i i i i." I ii in | H 1 1 v s1? ? Ill's." 1>? KillllilV. ill>"(l illnl f.lillj* I | M.I.I I. 'I l> ;???? i n. ?i in lii.i'i i :> t i i > ? :ilul> !? . ti'5 ii." rliil<|li?i"l, llMl' ? 1 1 i Ir-i I * . ill lllillli'R i?|' UI-' ;?? H.ill'l ? ? i ?? i r f - ; . S I- iM - ? I ? I- ? ? . tVllil-li lilllf-i? illl" r.ili-lnllv Jiljl I' !???;! V.I \|i|'l N SlWIJlN \ 1 .\\ KIM) OK NKWsl-M'l K N* v N'i ? i . July ll :? ll-i !i:nj M i' I.. .t'U. 1 hi- lar^rsl ]niiills|i' r I?i f l '?:*!; I >'; a/,ill?* < i*| l,l:f* *<?r!i; in ??ftt?*r il f f ?? i?l N k <l.ii|y joiiri.alisiti. II > h'Ml^lll |||f i.f l*i* n|r! I- . fii in i* M ill from |*"rai;k Mull-" .iiid will issili- :i ii w kiii.t i?f <1 i .'? ii' w?|i;n???r slnriiuj* n: S?-j ft I'm ??? .Mr. McKHil'Idi. wlin is I:.:, mjii ii.iintly himwii as ""I If F.ul-If I.f rhv .l'.il Ciiliuri* Willis* <; 1. 1 1 1 ? \ i ?? I*, n ] in a Mml" mi; 1 1 mis I iiliik." walk* Iih rrlii'ii.lp I ii I'll iri-luiii in wurk ilall^. I'mil lii? \ flfiy vijir* old h- *u.iy :? I-I nr.- Ill ! I' ./.ill". I?i :i -iriii-i <??! i: ni !;? I in a for'M 'in i ii k IsKUi* nf ili" .Mi-iro|ioliliiii. n;n' II t his lih.C! L III a iM /.I ll y, if - i> * It ! 1 all N'*w York n ?? I ? i J ? 1 :4 ;i|"i T!St ill I 111* Ha III'* 111* Til Ilnl Ii I *? H'-A^ji'. ju-r " will ili.'lif ta-lii ? :]|v 111 I'l 'I?li"r llalll'M 11 II ? i I hr*M'*vn l4 (li'.'ifl' il In iniiki* a nt i ? ? . r . I ? | i ? v i. l\ ? |l ?>l?'l/ ? |.|Hl| I .1 1 t-.| ?i ? : .11 ili?- tr.iiiislij; t 1 1, y. i h!,.. ?-.a | i iiln.i* f?" I In it1 "I"'. f ? ? v ??! <? : i : i ? w . I Li h ? .1 ? .i ? ii in* I I ?? :.!?? ... w. i.i V : :Hi i'.i- . II." ? i??;mii? ?? ' ?? l. ill ii. ? n.1 ? i ? I-I I ir liii..;- : i .1 ? f ;i s> - 1 1 . - I .??- '? ; ? 1 . ? ii to 4- II... . ; ? i I-I . r.M . il li iS ! ? v. ii! v-<\\ ! ? ?i' l i . ?? In I ' ? ?m?iii t 1 1|- : < Mini l"l In: i i * . A Mi-ji- . "i ii ? 1 1. > 1 1 1 ? 1 1 sail* . 'I ml n l.i in'in I !n r. i ? ? '1*1 ? J ? > '?r ill- ii' .I' IiIm f ;i I. ? I.I' int. tti" in-f.-nw | . |.| . |,;|., | . , claim fnat f Mi? *? r* l ? i?i ? i .i I If ?.| I lll'ir I lllttl! . I 1 1 : ? ! *1 ? I v. il Ii > \ i. I ? iif ? ? ? ?!? ? i lih ni '?nun . slcns. an iit* (?(-? -il?ilii \ j-Ii'miM ? il-. ?-??*! r I l?i ,?*%? th,' Ii*. <1 Hi * Tin* law I'-f il iu s-iMillV iiloii. MS ii : r*.iiu?l l'< i in! k alien ??f |?iiui>:!'iM> ul . 'i h ii in .? I> ii si v ii i 1 ???ul fi-i |. nii ii?'v Vi'. '?!?, liirmiS'1 if rum I* Inr \ ,.i i.-il |. Hi.. ?). :? .. |,,,ti. * ? . ? la!i|i*<li ju it imI- ill f:?r t; : v * i? .? l.i I <*i?li:*!?t rair.n ??? ?iinin;:> li.niim ii ri'iluar* in > i' . ? I il'-MII I'l -titlii- ? I I ||i \ . r |i i ;? i v. ;nl\ |i> rtfj. | i||j I ii . ? : ??? j'd.s n| ?fi. ir laiail* li?* l? r% i<. >lm\v tin I. !f l< t* i*4 1 1 1 ? 1 1 1 ? ? lli i t i in i i . 1 1 I. i. ?I 1 1 .*?. if l?i?.|r u;mu. j d |m< ?? ii y. - 1 ii|t?*iiil?ii.i sui-i'i Aunlhi'i* |ia r :? f r i f'l tal- " \*t a jmlihs'i r "I n ma.: izim*s wiili a Intal v.-arly i!l.-i i i Inn ;-'ii "f I'i'iirly fifty in : 1 1 i* nc I ai.i i-nuls* I ???*? I i'ihiii "Ii i>? lliink I < ai> direct I'm. in :4k in;: ?n' a in w PM.?r f lis* ? will l fern with I s if is If ili i; Jivi-fl." 'Jin- n v, ?ji.i|n-r Is lir leiHlril In lit v?. i ii.iMi.fial a-* |i will i'iiiifii in la i ii v of l-'i#* m.i u.i/iiH- fi-aturi-; whii |i li.iv I rov :l sn ]ii?f>ir I :? r i )i n i'i kIi " i: I lli.s omiilry." I II \IISM W l OMtllN^ION M \\\ \ I \i:s I*. |)l \li l'?i>-4 If July ?'? I'la-iiV lin ;M#*N#,iM. avd 74. ?* li:? i in-ali '-.I ?in' Stall C'fi| n'iiai|"ii friinnii.'-i'iii from lis Ih> ?'|?ll* ii hi IXfc'.i nul l In r< lln ?l in l*?l.:, di??l M-nnlay a H'l noon ;.l a J ? ii I l''|a?.il I ?? I lowing an i;ln?j.? ??r ?-> i:* t ?l;iy.-. lit- 1 1 1 1 rl * ? i '.v at ail i-|># nil i??i' (inn wliicli In in v i ralli' il T!-* Iii ii- i a 1 was Im IiI at Laiiiinlnii u to day. T wo Heart-Broken Fathers .Si<i? i>y aid* Kit th?-*p two h^art liroK^n father* ? Jacob Frank* (Hn nn'l Nathan K. I.rnpntd Mr ?in f'hfof JtntW-r John It. ??avrrly'* court In Ohlnr po. aa ?he defense flphta to anv<? Nathan l^opold Jr. and Kit-hard I /)ol;, tonfcaaod alayera of Frank*' aon. Hofoert, from the (tallow*. Th?* airatn i!i??y ha vp undrrRon* la p!afnly evident on the fore* of both The man in 11 h i li MK" l> KM! Ml iSIM.IS en mm; > k \<ts u"i; "I Hit- .\l, .,," I ?! I ?? ??r *M . I . : r i Mi ? ? i. , ? Ii t ' - ? i... ..i ? ? "I- > I:'... ... V, ?f? -Uu.. ? 1 1? ? * ? i-r - I. i i " ** k iai, AUTO DRIVER'S BNDV IS FOIA'I) ^ I . .!??> hit. Wltit, Man" H'nialh Miiri|i*rr?l U} "W^ro \\ lio !.lli|i!<?yc?| Mini lor ( onnlr\ | rip.,; (.t , .'??nn I' v.: ;i ?. i,. .B'tll * u'{| , w K.'.UJ, IV .7 ? ;;; ;i ?" ?? \..n..n i u-, ltl| . '? ' I t III r |? S'.M 1 ' ' *,r' ['? i!i .III ... |..;, tt , ??i- ktf'nir K'ij.ii |.VI, j, ?-r K%;i?, N|v|| r,itl,.IV ' . ? j j'.li """ "??!"* ? l"V lit' | J . u|v u ;| f,,... | , w "? ?4' ' \N"l Kvrtii " h"' !m- ? . I " 1 ? J VV ll.. "I. , ?' '' ?' "" -?? v i. ... 1 ' iilll ? i in ? i(?| | i| | | ?? . ? " ' - I ???,!?? <1 ;tln| l.r! v 1 1 ? i ; i .' .,hhI .. ..-i.' iii I, r ., . ??'? '? "h- Kim.. ,, I" ? IH|.i"> .1 I., ;. ' 1 ii. ' '?"> ?- ? 'l'll.-.,? | l.,., Mm. i- i..i. i ? '???? in il.. .;i.,i. '?!,h ??? ?:.!.? I. I . I"M , ? ?' '??.Mflil* II I m ' "" ''' ? 11 51 : I X II.. i. I. . 1 '?????*?*? i - i.ji.i I*, ' Mi., | uu,.., r . ft\ r?i '.*?.*?? i|,. j.|,|,|lr ,|i;,,lf( ! ' r. in ..i i?. . . , r". I.' ? ? .ii.ii,. , ..., ,? / ?? ?? 1 1 '.I'.'-.i i.i i. i , i , ? lm. -I. i. ... ,, ill. I I., | |..;i.|, III. fllilir l.i.l,?.,i. ' .1 ? i I..-I.I imI.- i i.i, ( "? ????it.- . r i... ii,, ?'??? .v"'; ??-? K.-..I. i. ... i, ,!l" ' 1 "'?' liiiii i.,. i ""?'??I li?. . ; \ " ill 111. I" r I. :? . . . :<U>u ;. ,1.1 Ii, "II I I .M .1 nut ,N sl , | i; HI"* 'III I. IMS \l|;|; miMi 'llr.NW.- I'ii, _ Jiiiv ... ,. -?I ll.iinl. i, .,i ,.v. ; Midi.,:., r, I,,.,, ?? tfcn ... y. |, ' I'l'i"'- ?:???.? I-M 1,1 ,... ri'Olll hoiiM- ;.|-| . ,,r, I , . i "i i. iis. ,i m.ikiih iioi* Oi l jSAun \m-:iim:smu ii. t . , , ' ' 1. 1* ? .1 'I . J H K :!i Til.. V"' 1 "'?"I.I II... w ..I I.I ? I. ill Ink.. ..If I?r , . w ,, . , ? ?? rii'K. I .urn-row nine niup Illiic ... ?r.....?, ?? M SMITH I'l.l lM.o; Sl l'f'OU I TO !> \\ is w York, .lit l v : i < v ? iiiiii xl , " ? i.i' i.i. " I ' " Slii." T I. ..I.,, |. III* lull ,| '"'.""'" v -I Jul, ii w |i.,,, . I Will 'I'. j,|l\ I |t | f , ; ( , , ( | ( -LfLL.UJi. ' I KM ti < VI .1 s H?|{ I Mill I IHI'OIM \\ .?'?hi>i: tun. J.j|v '?'? !?,,.) , ?????? ? 1I1..I r. |i,. y. nmiu... i t Hi' : .j Iiil'-ri- u Hue <)? Invifi ? fj,. fioir '.V (If ?;ir|ff ( 4 ,?,nlt ? .i- M, - r. ?t?v. ., jfyt., fi '-I ??. ii iimmIh- ? ?*.|, . | P ollcfli. lull. ?I 1 1 1 1 1 n ? ||. roin iii Union t? ?? , s' UK %M< iim |^, ,, M \|?|; Ills tfoMM.fl . 'i*iimj:?|. ? u I v 2'| . I --n. ?r#.,,vlM Wf|#| >??l?-*|i. 'iiff.ij July |s f ir i \nr# vji ?? '""'W.I- ,i '?r?* i liin. roii.iy j. i. |. , , '"i" ii.. i . ii... , ?|... rt-rllr.-rt Ir ?? i 'V\ i:i. i. Iv him rliir kit. ? "IX.-/* h" ? American Farmer is Not Vet Out Of The Woods i)i* i'.uni N ? ? ' IVofil- l??r Staple hirm l i odiii i , **?':'! i ??4 ' ? ? *i. W licut and ' ollon. ImiI M?ui. . V-?> \ !?; iti l-'arinrr"*. INn kri Fig /its Ruvn V. V. I : l . . . ' V :r- : Mi r. I ... J . ? ii i . .11. A: ?. r. ?? ? : .1 ? I II. .'..n I : -i M- ? I ???? ? i* . iiiroi* . > . ? in : ?! .i. ? ?; -?? "t \., ? . .?if .1 ? ....-'1 I-K.II.I i ; 1 i urii ' : . ..-. I II- |i-l. r ? , t I. : .1 ;< I mii .? ?: UH-t \ .. :.i ;? o i .. .? ? . SAV AMERICA SAVKDT-HFIiAY kill' ?' - Mlii'J < oiiJ'r -fiirv < !irrl<*- 4 - i % ? ? I lii-? < oiniSrv ? !?*?? il 1 1 f?ir l tiurlx \ r ?l at K\p*rl.Vs? M? * lini;. l.i'M I n, f i . ? 1 : 1 1 . \ ! ! i ? -I I ?!!'. I. I I : ? I ?? I 1* I .- ?|? V t ? I ? ? ? ' ? ?! If III. \ ? ? I .< ' i ! I'.: I ul I'. J. ?ii it,. . ft . t.?i ? 1 - . j .|.?\ ,ilt. . ?ji .-i v. rtli ji;uim ? . <1 Hi lultli : I" l ? s ? i ii' <1 t" i] .. i..r. H i-, -i . i ;V M. .r j ? v -uM 1 1 :i % . ivr. .! I'm p..i I- \ I i . tl . i\ il IIm .1 1* ? : 'ti- i ?;? . ;.l.m n> (,? ' ? r.:fi? i it ? 1 1 ! I'.U ; Jul. L"I ? . I. ? I v H'l -I? I "li'.fli t.i" :.'.L HI .til 1- i ? \ .1 .. i i .I t. J I. I.Mf.. ? I.. I ii.- . <|. r. 4 1 1 ii'l. I II t- I ! ... ... - I I . ?? i . . ? {!?;?' Mm " i-.'ii i? u\ i>. ri. \\?. ?\ . \i?v \i:nr \ \ i\ u i .i *.-r ??: i. i .in- v ri..rl.-.: i. I'.iv . It. I.. . 1.1 VI. ? I'M : I.I. II ? ?.? l ii mi: iiM. v. r II ????> f (in | ; . - i.'iMi>::n .\. i?r?? jil . ? .i i.i |.;? k n ;if I. ill". In. N. !?: ? .. >ii \ij:-ii..| L"l. Il -A.l.s illl!. I|?M- -| V. il. III. IV. it) .1 r. itovi.K .1 .V ; ?_ T.- \ it Ni w V?mK Tin* larm ? r I* ii ? >t > ' t "i.i ? i Hi.- woods. In ? >i t ? - i.: tli* vid? :.}?:? . -I assertions ? Hiaf th? ainT*kHltiirrsi*TinvnHirlP'ri a.iu'iI l;a>- a l?i! Ji*iii .Pillars mom i?. than ill- ? had I t'l year. | i|. - Ill:' 1. v i l-M.-i" . liv.' Willi ? ' m ||!1-I- r-.-rn? ^ -jTmrn : FTItr .n i ? ? n |iu I ?? T'. FT i . ! - \ ? I In Huge he ir:ul?,sa ? ? ? J ? ? i ? i ; i ! ? I ? I v market III-, I ?? i "i ? lif Mill have I In- extra ? I ? ? i ! ; . i I" jinulc ill Ilia .palls. ? Miiity -Mitilv will arrompliah litis ttiiio**friil!% and profitably bill .??|ln is ar?- coiilttiliK Ihel. I'll li'li fii ?? In-fore ill- ??ttirs i-vrii are - i ? ? the In r i ? I m r* word*. 1 1 1 ? v a' ?? rinihi n . ill. ir i'|'(?|ih al r?> h< i lil .it ]>i<^?i)l prices, although 1 1?- ? ? ? i-- 'm (-??rialu aa siiranri' that th?\ will dispone of I ll ? -111 111 Ml I'll li- III* I'lldoilMidl v if Mi. > could *e|| -the frost * of ift'-ir !i Ms :ii pi-iron prevaillim Imltiv i!i> \ wimi til have a 1 1 1 1 is t mi.1' ????-? I' ? 1 1 \i-iir, ajni, Iho Smi'1.,1 ra. I?i i *-i?i* -s jii< ii and manu-. I'art *!???? i-K i it IN. rniiniry would l?jn|i"* Willi Hum s llH'i'" it would li ml In l?. in :ii all liii-diieMM. Hut I lit'i'i' i?r? runliiiLitii'ii'H whirl' ?anno! In' 1 1 \ i ? i |i?olt? d iu estiniat in.: lln' iner? .is* .1 i>ur?'ii:t: iiiR pow ? r ni' I li'- I i rin- i i liis vi -a i . I.i v< I lii*a?l? ?l l<ii siiii'HH men, ri;nli-rs :* n ? I hnanriii* who ex press tli. m inifjits indicated above, in. ilt> ii |>K> In iliat they do m?i iii'iitii. 1 1 .? ? . ifii-in ?<r t ho r?? .-?ill <ti nsatioiial ri?s in prima of I'arni products nr Minimize Hip I'lrollln whh'h 1 1 1 1 ? \ ho |i<* will ac i ? ii?' In ili>- i iunns, They state iliev d? j-ir?- iihti l> lo avoid thu danger In l?iisjti?-aK in general of ovi-r-ost in.- ill- purrliaalnK l ii i w i r of rural i-'-n'inMnllioa until ?t.?p return < mi' hi tlii- form of ??a ill. The In |.. n t PC ni ir f Agricul ture. I hoy point out. ? slimatPS tin- wlit'iii i>i "iImi-i ion of I roun -t-ry-- nt 7 1 n. two. yon hnshrto a* ? '?mpuiiil with 7M, .iiilU.onn hush? "Is iiitrv* mIi*'I l.i*f w it. Thus tho win at flow, i p. usi s.?n ( liolr ?-rain litis yi-n?- :< higher* |>rlcn llian In 1 !? *_: :t in ord'-r to realise? .hi ofpml iinioinii. Some exports plnro this to rr ? ry advancivat 12 i'i lil h. a 1?ii - li ? -1 7 ?~niori'. July wheat lodav i - \v? II jiliovi' $1,110 a huslp I. as r iKipai' d with an av ? ra>r?' of !fi ni in July of laat y ur. Thi' roi ii rr ?;? i? fmrrast by Iho d> priTtii'i i'i ,i? i'.:. t: .::sr?,ooo bu slii'la as coiiip;iii ] with oST.000 l??:?-1i- l? harvi'stod last \i*iir. 'I'll. July rorn prlro tmlay la liovrrlii:. mound II n?i ? htishel roui pa i'?'d wiili I In - I1i2^? July av i-i'a^i* ?-f si '.s r-- uts, Nol only liiuat tlii* h:u;.||i r "proilurtion bo tnKon Into a''i-oiini in iKtimatlni; Mil- totnl rash I'i'Inilis lo tlio faritiiT. hut ci'in is nol a direct market <-ro|. ainl lln- nrofli lo tho urowcr drpi iid." lo a lari:o exlont on .flio pi |r. >1 liv. stoi'k, nlnre n f?",r!'{y p. i ri ? . f the mrn crop Is foiiliiiu. il on I'ajse 2 Free Fair Attractions Of I H<*h Order Promised Include Our of llic Mo-I (.laluirnlr l!i?|il?iyrt t?f Hrr? W(ir!,. !'!w r Sliuun llrri* itflf] Mlill) Si'JiMllMHl r 1 \r\ell\ - ?i?l Arrohutic \rN M.?l. I' I l! ? ..?? ? I ? t |. H ? % I'M 'In Silt. ? IH ll t < I . i? i;- hi I I l;li/.r?li- f. i . ii ? ? ?l iy;? i'? i i ii ? ? if i. i, ? .j i . I.. ?' i i|M i. i : 'I In- (H ? v. ? ? i ' ? ;? nit i ?????? .-si i tM'jij.s h..\- ,i''?; 'fj T,rnr lifn.K ? | iiinl r - in- ... iir? !??? luv imi'li l??r l ? I i'-iv ill-'! i t'u? r ili ;, u i: ?? i rtf . A i-oMmi I I J- ? n ? 'if' r 4-?S I |i I 'I \V?' 'l I i ll ' *. llv I'll! wrtlkri I 'Iliiji.'l ? r .1 ? vlll'lll i?>HK ? v " "i % n l i. ? ifiiiiv if 1 .1 i i "fh?*: 1 1 1 ? < I '? W ; '! '? ??II- ?'j I. ? I.III.-1 ? l.i h' i |,i I. i ~\ ? i j"i i : n. .1 II IM'I" ? ? i'i i< >ii Willi ;i ?? I ? :i I ! ? 'I rl ? : lufiM ;HmI il - i' ? ' v iv ui '.I 'I'll. ? .? -v ; "!^rrr:yK-" vm ? iwt'i >.? - ?? ';?.*? i;t ?? !'i-i?, a ii. i. . t> i ??.u i.. . - j.i.i ? <? I li; 1-5 . i.'l 1,1. ?? (?,. \. fJ'M i i ?'i| :? : i. ! : ? J iV ?. ill ;il 'i Ii. ? I -..1 ? *1 Ii- f r ? w.i. nr. 'I 1' 'Llich I'm V. Ill' If l. '< ' 'I !'Hl /.tr.'.n, On.- ? ?: H ? 'I'll* ? v. HI I.* in* i j i ' ?i i. r. i ? f. I i"U in u l.i- M ? I-.' ! ?! ?vl< ? vlll 1 1. 1- >11. mill ? vili'iJi i .-lalif mii j,. *i*l' ? I " ? ' ?" '? iv m* 1.1- ? ? .' ?' Tiirmn- TTr :r.ii>?lKlitr.| \nnll..? # I IV Ji'f' y i|?.ii will I... i if. V?-i ?'? l . M. M r>.|. H?li'i f|f'?l i iii j I :? ?NI? r ?<'ls, Murk liliil 'Lin 'i i* it' TO. I'j'ilr ii'mi'i' i "H.Xt' ''"?i'1 ' l.i'l'l f*' 24 pi (I tin 1 1 a }?'/.< v ,!J ;? I |i?* <ri> hill \ !:(mui?Ii ii'i ?1rTi??lf?- iirviHUi'' f IV T.r^ 1 iTTv'r ' Tir. >i Tr? ?! i- rrtf f|fl* ' carnival nirrrriKinil'-nW' Ifn* Im?* ? rnfi rril into uitfi 17 r-K r n S % si 1 ?r ? nnlaflflonn t? ??<! . ffurin jmt h?liur made to hm jii Hie liirKi'Ht of Mi!!- ; K> >,t h*i h. which car ?'ici I Z i. ? . ? . If'**. 5 riding de aler n, fintS :"??? 1 1 Ik v it*.' .Ml \ merlcati" Hand, Hiiirt I o in rifi. of iii?' twwt in North ? *ii r??l ???;?. will probably b*? hmmiimI. Thlw ha ml Ik tiiana.Ked l?v l-'ru'ik IIIukIiin and In coin leww'd < f I ^ pb-cen. The plana iiliv> I ii?*t ? i r I '? a parade on Hm> rhwi day. I'lixeH will bp awarded for lh?- bout float*. I'l l/' ?? untmc.itlnfc $2,000 will "T7i " i>tf< .T-,r~rr;r nr>r.g-- nrrmg. ac no d In* t-i pro*? nt plu iiy, mid ev ery nil* mpt will made to *e ?^nTA trf- +hrt tHHWHi-41%-. the South I ft ? it ( ? r to How event*. Itarea will l?' h?'ld i vi i v day dur Ins II v f?ir Moiiim i.fiv llv run * ?.?i horw ? bjir|< |.:iv? l?? ' ii nnii'oinred for thi* opi'Mlnc day wbifh will Mho br? Kehool Cblldri'ti'5* t>a.v with an ad Hi If "Ion to . rhiiili'i'ii >?( 15 rontu, "I"l? *j ribbon. put ;i i <i u rid imiidc ra e?-M on honu-bjirk will !??? open to nil corner*. Tin r?- will al io in a novelty TTifib i "TmTT fTfTif'i n fijTF'itnc fH' turea which h?v? n"t boon defi nitely decided upon and which will be announced later. Th premium* *r<? b?ln? over hauled by (J. YV l-'all* and l>r: If. Ii N Ixqn and many chnrna's are brlna made. " >'? 1 nflre fir?-nil*i *r? JIhI will Im IihT' iixed r>y about, ffifjft. Ptiia*' If- ins wli b?* "tallied a?? they an- nnrarrlni; little no ? lcr? while other* will bo adtlcd to the ll*t?,

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