CIRCULATION TUESDAY 2.303 Copies VOL. XIV. FINAL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Jt'LY 30, 1024. TIIK WKATHBIt Partly cloudy tonight. Thur?- j I day local thumh rshower*. Mod West to Southwest winds. four pac;es. NO. 180 New York State To Be A Great Battleground Though They Have Carried Slate Only Twice Since 1894) Democrat* See in John W. Davis Man of Cleveland Type Who Might Turn Trick By noilKUT T. KMAI.L s the UtVith John W. Davis as their standard bearer the llemo -\rats realize their best chance of winning the election lies iti winning some of the Northern states east of the Missis sippi River to add to the electoral votes of the solid South. The general feeling here at the moment is that the Dem oo-atic managers will permit the Eepuhlicans and the La Follette followers to fight it out ii, afn'i cat many of the Western commonwealths. n course the Democrats will Mr "if** Western stall's. them n\ u",lou,""'lly will Visit thorn. But the battle will be con zrrjrj" (h" ' Therc llev? !'iTrf ,.''ver)' reason to be J!f*f 'h,t "hen Mr. Davis re Maine !h0mi '",and rrir,at Maine the latter pa rt of the Week con fer with the governor and endeavor to persuade hlra to announce his candidacy. Oover nor Smith has pledged himself io do everything possible for the sue cess of the National ticket. Ho could bent render this service by lending his enormous voto-Ketting strength to the ticket Itself. The Republicans are mindful of the Democratic plans here In the empire state and are prepared to meet them. It is the Republican idea to make the most of the breach between Governor Smith and William Randolph Hearst and to encourage the latter to put Mayor Hylsn of New York City In the race for the governorship ad an Independent Democrat or as a progressive Democrat, or whatev er name may be chosen for his ticket. Mayor Hylan haH said he would run If there was a demand J*" him. Mr. Hearst Is expected ~1*? do all In his power to foster this demand. The feud Cetween Mr?~ HearsC and the governor was never more bitter that at this time ? the eve of a Presidential campaign. Mr. Hearst's newspapers also have at tacked the evailabillty of Mr. Da vis as the Presidential nominee. Mayor Hylan of course stands with Mr. Hearst in everything po litical. There is no doubt that if he were to take the field against Governor Smith ho would win many thousands of Democratic voteB In New York City, and with out a tremendous vote In the city the Democrats could not hope to carry the state. The Democratic managers are virtually powerless to dissuade Mayor Hylan. His course un questionably will be dictated by Mr. Hearst and the latter is not In a pacificatory mood at the mo ment. Despite the Hylan throat, the chances are that Governor Smith will be renominated and will make orio of his active, char acteristic and eJToetlve personal campaigns^ The Republicans are casting about for a strong candidate for governor. There still Is talk of the availability of young Theo dore Roosevelt, whose political ca reer was thought to have suffered a not-back at the time his chief. Secretary of the Navy Denby, felt .It necessary to reslicn from the cabinet. There was no attempt after that, however, to associate I Mr Roosevelt with the leases of i the Naval oil reserves. In the meantime President Coolldge ha? more than once shown his confi dence in the son of the late Pres ident and the young colonel was a prominent figure at Cleveland durlox the Republican National ? Convention. There are half a dozen other ? prominent Republicans In the state who appear to be willing to be struck by the gubernatorial lightning and who are anxious to get their chance In a Presidential rear. So the effort of Colonel Roosevelt's friends to have him IT/1 # fl,rthor *n the footsteps of his father by gaining the execu tive mansion at Albany is benet with many obstacles. The Republicans express com plete confidence that they can N?1[. l?rk ,n ,or !h* National ticket even If A1 Smith .1 Aonominatpd They recall that f Ma # ? *?' ?0-000 Persons who .ard for Smith In 1920 also vot ,ll.for?.rr*!,d*nt and. while Ihey do not profess to nay the nvrnntage would be so lame this year, they believe the voters of the state would demonstrate almost the same sort of Independ ence In rhooalog between state and national tleketa The political hlatory of New York slate would not aeem to hold out much hope to the Demo crat to far aa the Prealdency la concerned. The atate has gone Democratic on the National ticket -mlr ey ?t? 1l?l and thai vaa FINGER PRINTS TO BE COMPARED Sheriff Takes Bloody Shot gun In Penitentiary to Identify Murderer of A. L. Joyner, ('.huuffetir. RatoiKll. July 30.? Sh.TW Johnson of Nash County arrived at the State prison yesterday af ternoon bringing with him the blood-smeared shotgun which wan found at the home of Cheatham Evans, negro, hold In. the peniten tiary In connection with the slay ing of A. L. Joyner. public chauf feur. near Hollister last Saturday, for comparison of . tin? linger prints of the negro. Tom I*ee. brother of Ernest Lee who Cheatham declared killed Joyner. was arrested at Hollister last night and taken to Tarhoro for safe keeping. FOr.\l> DKAD IX IlKD Richmond. July 30. ? Joniah Hank, former assistant Attorney General of Virginia and head of Capital District Klwanians in 1921, was found dead in bed at his home here today. won. The Roosevelt and Taft vote at that time. - however, was vastly more than the Wilson count. New York Mate went for Cleve land In 1892 and the Democrat.; are saying that John W. Davis In enough of the Cleveland type t-? warrant tho hope of carrying the Ktmte for him. In Any event they are going to make n valiant effort "in that' direction and tho Repub licans are sufficiently alert to the situation to make extensive plans to meet the Democratic assault. American 'Round -the -World Planes in Paris I'll* jmi-i ur* iihown the arrival of Ihr An.rn. an round (he-world filers at Is* Bouricct Plying Field, junt outside Pari*. It wan (tax tile Uiy. and l.ut.-i.ani uowrll tfnulh an.l h:? (x?m|Miiions made a *m>erliitive effort 16 rtarb the toMtal on the holiday The crowd*. ehuutinR their welcome, n are wen surging about the |>tare? ui?;es bestcitians TO ATTEND PICNIC A. Cimkc Sayi? Tnulo of I'ros |Man>iiM < oiiiiniiiiitW'M Awaiting MerduuiU Heir- . A considerable number from Klizahcth City are fXiicrihiK to attend the Masonic picnic at Colo rain Thursday, an annual event for that Bertie County commutil ty whlcli drawn visitors to the iHipiber of about 5,000, represent ing seven counties. "Coif rain is only about an hour and a half from Kli7.ab. th 'City. ' says C. A. Cooke. Kll/ahrth Cltj merchant, who la among' those who nrc cxpectinu to attend tin* event from this city, "and I be lieve that if our business men will get the general habit of at tending and will mix and mingle with the crowd from seven coun ties that is alwayH to he found at this picnic, they will do much 'to ward creating a favorable Im pression of Klizahcth City in ller tie and adjoining counties and toward influencing these penpl? to come to Klizahcth City to do their tradinu. Few of tin in real ize how pear the automobile and Rood roads have brought th?*n> ' ?> the metropolis of the Albemarle. "Automobiles may be left at Itockv Hock, and thus the ex pense of eettini; them Rcrinm the Colerain ferry need not be in curred." ? Mrs. Fannie Meek ins of Stumpy Point In visiting her daughter, Mrs. Roy Hooper, on Kast Cypress ntreet. F emaleOf Species May Be Boiled Harder Than Male (?irl Friend of I .air Prraidenl Harding; Kcnisls All Wiles of Poliee to Induce Her lo Betray Boy Sweetheart and Comrade in Crime Ily I*. C. OWES fC^rlgM. 1 114, ?/ Th? Ad??rff ) San Francisco. July 30. ? Wo men may bo dubbed the weaker sex but that dOflS not always hold true. Tin- San FrftQOlMO police and state prison authorities right now have two parnllel cases which prove that though dainty, pulchri tudlnous and seeming weakly fetulnlne hh they may be, beauti ful women sometimes can hp more "hard boiled" than some ' outstanding male criminals After ten days fruitless Inter rogation. San Franclneo police have Just released Eva Taylor, an 18-year-old Rlrl of the detlcal* ly beautiful, clinging vine type. In doing so they have unanimously voted her an unsolvahle eombinn ? tlon of guileless youth and "nine , minute egg." Miss Taylor, the police believe, is the associate and friend If not the comimlrlot of one of the most desperate cangs of bank and Jew elry bandits on the Pacific coast. I'ntll he was mysteriously mur dered here two months auo in a y.t UB4 1 plained underworld feud, she was the ?WMtflMft and com mon-law wife of Jimmy Itlanton. member of the notorious band of "California dayllghters," If she cared to do sft the police allege, Ml** Taylor not only could tell who murdered Hlanton but also could furnlxh evidence which would result in the convic tion of "niK 11111" O'Connor, al leged ''dayllghter" chieftain who now Is under arrest, and help re cover almost half a million dol lars 'worth of loot which O'Con nor and his bandits are credited With stealing. Despite ten days of moat approved methods of pol ice grilling. Miss Taylor was not 'Inclined to hrlp the poller if she could. She did not get sulky and refuse to talk nor did she take refuge behind the well known feminine barrier, tears and near hysterics. She was pleasantly af fable and ready to hold conversa tion with the minions of the law. but although she talked a lot she did not say anything which would aid .the police. The other woman whose tenac ity of purpose disproves the com mon fallacy that all women are Quentin prison. Slic Ik Louise Vpital, 1?>. mid n daughter of an old and highly roipccted Marlon. Ohio, family, who at the time of her arrest at Oakland almost a year ago. clsimed to he related to the late President Harding. Al though the President ia I relation ship claim later wu disproved It developed that In childhood she had been a great favotile of the dead President. At the time of hor arrest for circulating worthless checks the authorities j-earched for a young and handsome male companion who they believed responsible for the girl's art?. Throughout all tjie police qucs tlonlnc the young Marlon Rlrl steadfastly refused tg t ell any thing whatever that might sld tli? police In apprehending the man In the cane. She admitted that ther was such a man? hut that is all the police could net from her. Kuther than tell she forfeit* d the offered probation. A few week* aco Miss Vestal was eligible for parole from pris on. A condition of her parole, however, won that she reveal th* Identity of the in?n responsible ? for her disgrace. ?JJhe r? -fused to name hltn even at the price of liberty. Now the police have under ar rest a man whom they think won the youthful Ohio alrl's heart and then capitalized her love Into making her become a criminal. A few days sgo the photograph of the man was taken to' the priDoti where the girl Is confined. Win n Shown the picture and asked to Identify It she conld not repress the tears that sprung into her eyes, but she could, and did. deny steadfastly thnt he was the man. Next the police took the man himself to the prison and sudden ly confronted the Vests! Klrl with him For sn Instant she gave ev ery Indication of recognition, then qulcklv she recovered the remark - ahle poise which has msrVcd her every moment since her arrest and calmly denied that she had ever seen him before. police questioning was useless. Sh? ? pro?M hard Imltad ? anntlisr 1 Golf Links No Place To Spend a Honeymoon So Testifies liouvernenr Motrin Who \Y it li All lli> Kx lirricnoo an Novelist .Hum Not Km raped Mi* hup* on Marital Venture* Monterey. I'allf.. July 30. ? Fu ture honeymooning coup". oh mlght very well take a page. from the experience of Gouvorneur Morris, the novelist. and Iluth Wlghtman. the Hollywood scenarloist. who has boon his aeeret hride for 11 months. and scralcli the golf links olf the list of places which are supposedly conducive to post nup tial bliss. Morris and his bride, who were to have been remarried here Sun day. but who were not. largely as a matter of legal precaution ? but who had their nuptial knot tied for the second time Monday ? al so as a matter of legal precau tion ? can sptak with authority on such Huhjects. it develops that following the first secret utarrlifge the cxact place of which they have not yet divulged more legal precautions they spent th?ir. hoiu>viuoon knocking the no If ball around. Just what there Is about the great Scotch game that is not conducive to all nectarine quali ties of newly wedded bliss neither Mr. nor Mrs. Morris feels called upon to explain. That something is or was lacking, however, is con tained In the emphatic announce ment by Mrs. Morris and the ready acquiescence by the novelist himself, that there will be no golfing on the second honeymoon they are going to Spain. The Morrises or rather Morris and Mtss ~ Wfghf man. Tor "That Is the way the California law re gards them and will continue to n^.wd tlieni until a second cere money. performed on California terrain, makes them one, wore all set to murmur the love, cherish, honor and obey ritual Sunday morning. The stage was all pr? - pared and even the Justice of the peace was on hand. Hut tho cere money was unexpectedly post poned because of legal precau tionary reasons. Tin- attorney for the novelist who started from Los Angeles Saturday with a copy of the di vorce decree granted Morris in Hy L. C. OWICN (Coiyrljhl. I?24. Br Ttt? A?vanr?) 'that clly las! Sal unlay lalhd tf? Larrlve In time. So rather than take a chance on p'tlinK married .until ilioy wcri' absolutely sure a full fledged divorce had been - granted. and they had Hc?ag" head line*, found out when and where Rudolph wan married and I then made a grout hIiow of hal ing him Into court for alleged vio lation of California'** marriage laws. intimately, however, tho whole thing was dropped. If the authorities who might he disponed to question MorrlH' marriage within a month after ho got his first Interlocutory- decree do not know where he and MIhm Wlghtinan were married, thev cannot go far. So the newly weds, while admitting they were mar ried 1 1 months rigo are not. tolling where. "Monday's wedding comes tin dor the headlnu of legal proceed Inga rather than social events." said Mrs. Morris, or Miss Wight man which ever she is to be called. ''Maybe we will make It an an nual event like taxes and elec. lions," said Morris. B.ANI) CONCERT THIS KVKNIM, s.-roixl of Hummer I'litumm Will lie I'opuliti- OtTerlng This newnpapnr doean't lll IfopkiiiM Joycr of inoalral comedy fame wan ycnlf>ritny aervi-d wlf ti papera for (In- annulment of their marriage of laat Juno Instigated by Count Morn or. A countrr suit waa entered by Mlas Joycr to r?' cover $10,000 which all" allegrd ahr haa ap'-nt on hla In-half ?lnr?' their marriage. NO OIIOWKII I'KOKIT ON KMIKUTA I'KACHKN Atlanta. July .10. ? The prak of the Elbcrta poach movement wa* reached late l?at week With re turn* ranging from $1.25 to 1 1.7ft a crate whl'h given little profit to grower*. The latter have hern hard hit by loaaon on Ittf ship menta of while poArhos. I'OTTOJf MARKHT New York. Jilly 30 Spot cot ton cloned i)ii let. Middling 31.7ft, a decline of 1 2ft polnTJF. Fufiif"*. rloalng bid. July 28.2ft. Oct 27. ft*, l>rc. 2 7 . 4 ?i , Jan. 27.70. March 27.7* ?Now York. July 30 Cotton fu ture* opened today at the follow ing lew la: Oct 29.46. !>r. 28.25. Jan 28.06. March 28.30. Mty 28.35. that waa puKllahed. Thla wan of fered at Princeton. Indiana. Mr. Malay'* old horn" town, and Mr. Haley aaya that thr town la no larger than Kllznb'th f.'lly and haan"t a thing on thla good town "Kllzabrth City ran have Hit' beat braaa hand In thla whole State if everybody will lend a hind to if >t the old twill rolling " YOltNi; WHITE MAN IS SENT TO THE HOAIJS 'Four months on the roads was* the fate of ri you iik wli i t ?* mail. after having (hvii l?*t off with ?- lij-ht iJLiitence in the. -recorder V court on a number of* occasions, he ranio before Trial J list in* Sjit ncc on four ruunts: Operating a motor car while under the in fluence ol liquor, trespass on the property of the Avu)on hosiery mjtl. drunk and disorderly, and temporary larceny of rn automo bile. He wag kIvcu ?0 days, for earll offense, the si |l truces not to run eoiicurreiitly hut- eonsertitive ly. Young Sawyer noted an ap peal. This rase too|< up the great - ??r part of a long session of police court Wednesday. To he ranch! with (lie liquor which they had bargained for be fore Tliey Jiud ao much as not a chautfr* to sample It wan th"?*fut?. (?f llonry Hooker and Dulton Co hoon. who wre fined $50 and costs for illegal possession In the recorder's court Wednesday morn ing: State's evldencor was I <> tlm effect that these young men bad arranged for the delivery of the liquor in question from a gas ls>ul on 111'.' Pasquotank River and that the' liquor was duly ?? ' adrift for the nhoro from the boat ami floated toward the landing -wlieifj the owners were waiting for It with an automobile. Xo pouiiiT'lHTTT'lTiCy laid IFands onTt . however, than Chh f of Police Gregory au.l Police Office:" Roughton were upon them, ar resting ilieni and taking charge of their liquor. F. J. tJrcon, for operating ? National Capital Weary Of Titled Ne'er Do Wells Iho Itnyiil Visitor* iH'tlinp Free Board in l)i*trirt Jail \& liilr Authorities liivi^ligute Their Kcronln and l4l\\ (luriiii'iit of Hospitality In I rayrd Looking SEEK SLAYERS DRY OFFICERS Wilmington After M W Im Kiltrc! 1'. S. Deputy Marshal and < ity Prohibition Ag4*4?U ? Wilmington. July HQ. The , bodies nf Siiim I. illy. ?l ? ? j?n I v ' S, marshal. ami Leon <5?-or>;?\ city prohibition officer. shot in death last nUlif from ambush near ? TMhh nl\, "T.p? mile* from hero, ' were brought to Wilmington thU , moruliiK just UK -hundreds of armed men leathered to search tln> swamps near I'horiiix for tin?) slayers. The two officers liad been tin- i usually art ii i' recently in raiding moonshine, plants In the \iclnty, iVilmU?Ki?n, July -JW,- ? I Wnes 1. ft here early tills morning to search for tin' slayers of Deputy J I'll It rd States Marshal Sam I. illy a'ml City l*rnhlhit ion Auent Leon Ceorge, whose liodli'B wi-rt' found lasf night on an Isolated road two miles from I'hoenlx. Brunswick County. The officer*' had -KmiMn I4??? vi cinity in March of li(|iior law vlo- 1 lators. rivo hundred armed men com prise the posse searchiiiK for the! murderers. Tho officers wor?? klllnl appar ently hh they wito riditu; along tin- road in Lilly's machine. Thel revolvers .of. both officers- Wnm ! found In their porkoin. ?Tin* coroner will bold the* In- i quest today. 1 .11 1 y three months nun was ex- j onerated of (he killing of .llmmy Hill, negro and alleged bootleg- : ger. near the vicinity wher*?- Iwit-j night's tragedy occurred, the cor-i oner's Jury holding that Lilly i slew the negro In self dcfcnHc. motor vehicle with a borrowed , license was fined tin and costs : while I). W. Car? wriglit was h t off with f he costs for loaning1 J'' n ll',' i''r (ml j Prazler Miller submitted to a . charge of gambling, concluding tlie lint of defendants Involved in a Sunday crap name that has brought a half doxen. more or | less, defendants into court In the. last 10 days. Poor Man's Court To Settle Minor Issues Pox*il?lr for Poor to f?o lo Court Without Hiring a Law yer or Puvin# Court CohIk Under Nrw Plan Launched in Philadelphia n> l>. W. lllUMIliK f (outright, 1924. By Tha Admn?. t of all no conIh. Tli. it- 's the now "poor man's court" of I'lillad" Iphla. Ai tried out for tho flrHt lime thla week, the poor num'* rourt Ih a buppcm. ho much s> that It Ik expected to hcromn a perma nent fixture of Justice In I'hlla iTeTpfi la . Tho I?1 a behind tho rourt h i hat nearly everyone. af sonic llnic or other. ban no nio matter that demands attention* of the law, but- frequently, "th# UAne ii v < r Im aired judicially because Ih" feat of Justice Ii too great ?a ltd In the ease of th?' poor ma n 'ft court, the amount at atake In neatly < very Instance wan far. I?wi than it would rout to HW<-ar out a warrant and hire u lawyer. In this new court, the wll known wheels of Justlco whlrleft wlih expedient precision, for in one hour and flffv miuut *, sev enteen small claim caaea were sot tied and nettled satisfactorily. Principals In each ram fi^at wore brought together by the de partment of piiblb: welfare, of whirh the legal aid bureau U a part. Till?* bureau gives fr?e U aal advice to persons too poor I ? pay attorney f???H and. when ne caaaary. Institute' anils. Out s.? many npfwala of a minor char acter wen made to It. thai the poor mnn'a court idea came ir. to being In the mind of Itomalnc (' Ilirssrh k. the bureau ? \lof. First, It Is necessary to obtain the consent of the dll wo m*n employe* of the welfare de-j partment and had thorn look at tho warf. Thoy quickly nettled the problem l?y w iling tho n?-arf for $1 t #i ill " fondant and turn ing tho m^nry over to tho young! woman. Just h court of nick nacka and i I'll -hlln Is tho Philadelphia poor j man's rourt. but everyone con cerned has voted It to Im- a most gratifying aucceaa. IIITKKN MtJKT IN TKAIN COI.UHION Charlotte. July ?.'? Fifteen ' p'-raona w*ro Injured early yes terday afternoon wb? n a pimson K' r far and freight train on thr 1 Piedmont mid Northern Klcetrtr| Hallway collided. The wrcck. ac- i tordlng to offleigli of it" foga,! wai rauaod hy confusion of order! on the part of tho trainmen. j H.l ION l'l!|l l-'.s HNK New York. July -''.n -Cotton I price* today broke $6.00 * bale' from fonferda y'n rloae on reports I of rnln In Southwr-atem statea not i n' j'urei *Vs much Tiy^ (fry ?.-w| ?? - ? By Kl>\.\ woprtitui. I'jsi, b? n,_ .. 7rJ,TrTOv* - "tTtjrtiriT^. r*rtm~Tnrrfnj'hJj! *l?y*> ?f K iirillHtan! WaRliinKhn,* m,r raSra ^Srs*s?? ?<>r "'??'?? n-1 r I II II,. K urrilHtHri r?>I|Ki|,?t in #l?4r ?* solitary hdIp.. I," . . roy>l "?"> j-ii. m.'.J.r' ^""t'ln*loDl?n? prcHi*nro |,,i?.. ,h8lr ?*r the IhIi ?.i , i ?'ner inmates ye. fiSSMsB szJvs^SmSS SSM.b??? ""?rSe f', A R-r,,"ehl.J *rt M?1 Drew,!., | (roujor. ^ " "ell ? white whirl ?ll-hnKr*)' cl?"' ynllowad whit, ??h J*- Wllk walls of #kJ ?i h fro,? the "if'dr oxford* wu ? ? and u?* "t.p. ?utt z ::ry" '??>? n. he rc???edTu .tar,''"'" hl: ssa.^as": i^Jz&SJsF Avenue, ??t ,h ""mpulilf. run un a ? i ib l?, , -crow, and ?? i- ' w#r* >n? w.jnrury,iirb?h^?; if;. ?Hr,r5? rnment hns un w i I ) | n k I v *ivo? k ?>< Vim"^ WORCESTER HAS BIG KI.AN FICIIT lHf Th? twrlilril l'r?w ? LanraHter. Mann.. July 30. ? Af ter n tiiKht of dlnorder* and clawh'H In whTrh Kcorra w pro In jured. a arowd ?100 men took part In the flRht. SCOTLAND NECK MERGES ITS BANKS Scotland N>ek, July 30- Stock holder* of the Planter* and Com mercial Hank and the Scotland Nock Hank, hoth of t h la city, yea ?erd ay voted to mrrff* the two ln< atltiitlona under the nam* of tho Hcotllnd Neck Hank and elected J. II. Alexander, Jr.. an president. The cunaolidftUou will kIvc the bank an approximate reaourfo Of