Leaders Both Parties Turning Toward East John \V. Davia Itcturiiin*: from Vacation I* Talking It Over Wilh Manapr Shaver While He pulilican (Ihairiiian ( umes to Hold Conference V.y ItOHKItT T. SMALL (Cot)tl jht. IS24 B. TM A4tiii(i) Nqw York, July 31. ? The Eastern political Iwttle ground Was toeing observed today by the lenders of both Democratic and^ ^publican parties. The return of John W. Davis from ?fair.e vacation enabled him and bis campaign manager, Clem Siriver, of West Virginia, io have the fust hcail to heart talk since Mr. Shaver's appointment. ler, of the Republicans, after a- brief stay in the Central West, was once more east of the AUcghanies with confer ences. in Boston, New York and -Washington on his pro-^ Krnm. Mr." uavin anu Mr. sn av? r had a ''Rot together" lo enable thrni to speak tu. one In the future. 1'p ? to this time the Democratic cam paign chief has moved cautiously and has boon Inclined to ?"doubt"' some of the views attributed to Mr. Davis. In the future he hopes ! to he. In a position to ufTlrtn or deny.,?. . ' The whole plan - or the Davis campaign Is to he mapped out In a series of conferences here and at the Davis home In i/ocust Vnl l"V. Long Island, while (he caudl- i date is at work on his speech of acceptance. Mr. Davis is not j averse, to a ionic speaking tour. Ho in tailing to bear any burden the Democratic leaders may feel called upon to place hn his vigor ous shoulders. But Mr. Davis per-! poually believes more Is to l?c gained by radio broadcasting than by the attempt to visit too many cities and? towns. Every sugges tion made thus far is tentative. It is recalled that the Harding cam paign plans were shifted ill the midst of the buttle and the Dem ocrats are going to leave their program flexible enough to take care of any emergency. Republican spokesmen denied today that Chairman Butler had hurried East because or reports from Wasbfagto nthat President Coot'igQ did not appear to be in as ' t>* physical condition as his managers would like to have him at tho beginning: of the campaign. It was r.dmlttod that Secretary of -War Weeks and other intimates of the President bad urged him recently to leave Washington for a time and to take at least a ten days' or two weeks' rest from his official duties. This the President has been reluctant to do. Mr. Butler has cotue Hast be cause the Republicans admit their campaign - Lv developing. JjqIo a_ two sided battle. They are com pelled to flght tho third party or I ?a Pol let to movement in the gran ger states of the West and North went. and to try to hold the Dem ocrats in check In the East. It Is no secret flint the Republicans hoped the Democrats would nom inate a Western or Southern man, !.<> that they could concentrate their Are virtually In one section of the country. The nomination of Mr. Davla. balling from West Virginia, but living in New York, unquestionably put an added bur den upon tho Republican ma chlnv. There H much political slpnl llrnnco under tho simple stato f m * 11 1 of Republican chieftains that In certain slates of the West they a ro to make their real fight uualnat the La Toilette outfit and Ignore the Democrats to nil In tents and purposes. On the sur face thin would seem to ho a ges ture belUCHng tho importance of ?44??. ... Democrats. but the latter rl'tim It is a recognition on the part- of the C,. O. P.. that I?aPol 1. I-. rri llv In a i mint-. hlB Mows at the Republicans and is fur more likely corry normally Republi cs :? tales than to tak" any which mh;ht even ho considered doubt ? ,ful front tho Democrat stand point . Dcmoerntlc managers ray they hdyn never (-otertninrd any iionri ef earrylpfc the states where the |j4*Ko|le?t?! threat Is great* ft. Of course If LaKollette should fall of h la expected strength In theae state* and. instead of caiTy them. should merely wpllto the Republican vote. the Democrat* f->ot they mav have n chancV- a* Wilson did during tlie campaign Of 1 ft 1 2. The tV'tnocntfl con.'^nd that only one Mate which Ibey ml^ht i \oeet to carry In threatened by il T??VoP?tt" ticket. That stat" Montana, where Senator Wheel < i ."V F-nPnllcffe Vice I'resldon Aidlriatc. hails from. Tho Iwfluewf In the atato will ii* offs'-f Urge If, however. by (bo fi^t flint Senator Walsh Is up for i - Action this year. He In sal'l t? have n personal following la ru'~ )- than that of his Junior col league and furthermore Mr. Wheeler haa announced hla Inten tion of giving active support to Mr. Wnlab. ? Prom Republican general head quarters In Chicago haa come con firmation of the statement made (n IIIC8C dispatches that the 0. O. IV Is to center Its Eastern fire on t?V? rf N?V Ver1.* ? If h felt NEGKOES AltUESTlir* KILLING AGED MAN Richmond, Aug. 1. ? Otto Clear and Fritz Lawis. negroes, are said by the authorities to be the con fused assailant* of Tliumas Camp boll, ^68 year ojd Caroline county farmer, who was tortured ,and robbed and hi* home at . Pcnolft fsei afire 'WcHnesday night. The negroen were brought here for Mil.' keeping ? wheu the nnutii'i'j Jury at Pc-nola last night held thorn responsible for ??premeditat ed murder" of the aged man. A c=~ cordlng to the authorities Camp bell, when he refused his assail- 1 ant's demands for money, was beaten with a gun. shot ijLthc leg.! struck wjith knives, tied to the bed. and the mattress was fired and 1 "house thTrn set ablazo. lie died late yesterday. TEXAS COTTOX <21 XH ItVX DAY AM) XKiHT Houston. Aug. 1 ? (Special) ? Cotton gins in this section are running day and night. Buyers aro swarming Into the lower Rio Crande Valley and the movement to market has began. The Itn'lan CouuMoh line will open offices hero in Augur.t and inaugurate bi weekly sailings of vessels carry ing principally cotton. REMOVE SURCHARGE INTRASTATE RATES Richmond, Aug. I. ? An order , removing tho 50 por cent Pull man and parlor car surcharge on intrastate travel in Virginia on and aftor September 15 was lr> sued today by the State Corpora tion Commission. DK. HUBERT WOltK LEAVES ASHEVILLE Ashevllle, Aug. 1. ? Dr. Hubert Work. Socretary of the Interior, who suffered- nn attack of indiges tion Monday, left hero Thursday afternoon for Washington to at tend a cabinet meeting Friday. He h??J--fwactlc?Ry ? recovered." h(T said. that the 45 votes of this state in either tho Davis or Coolldge col umn will go far toward swinging th" Western states. Republican plans in the state depend largely upon the decision of Governor A1 Smith as to whether or not he will run again. That decision forms one of the principal sub jects to be discussed by the Dem ocratic loaders. Including Mr. Da vis. ddrlng the next few days. After a Collision at Sea ? Tht* is the irwat hole thru wni> torn In. the '?Mo of tho m owner Ronton when xh?* w:?? ramm?^by ih?* tanker Swift Arrow off Judith 1^-int. II. I It ???* h^r.. that. *evrr> N?-a York hv rr^i-ut- l?nat* nns?w?-rinp th?" S O i$ rull lien- the* (IimIiU'O vessel U Ix'ini: lou?>d to Newport. GOMPEKS REFUSES LEAD OPPOSITION Atlantic City. Auk. 1. ? Huiiiik-I (jonipcrs, president of the Amerl cun Federation of Labor. (liclarcd today aftor the Initial ^etuilon of the executive council of the or Kanixatlon that he "has not and Ih not and will not load any oppofl lion to the LaFollctte candidal that tuay arise before the coun cil." LKSS COTTON WILL UK CAKIMKI) OVKIt New Orleans, Aug. 1. ? Tho cany over of American cotton. In to tho new season beginning today was "254.000 bales less than last year. Secretary Hester of New Or ^i-ana Cotton Exchange announced , today In hTs annual report. IIOl'SKWIVKM IIUIKD TO CAN PKAOIKS Atlanta. Aug., 1. ? (Special) ? Public appeals are being mude to housewives to preserve and can all the peaches possible" to pre vent the season from becoming an 'utter failure to the growera. Kf forls are being made to limit shipments 'and prevent ovcrcrowd I ln? the markets. MM RE It OIIDKIU^FALI. OIK \ New ? Orleans, ? Aug 1 (Spe cial.) ? Orders to Southern pine I mills fell off 2.7 per cent last , week and shipments Increased 20.7 per cent. Production wns ; 3.9 per cent. However, HO.HOh. 000 feet were ordered. 75,700. 000 shipped and 68,000,000" pro duced. Unfilled orders now total 220.700,000 feet. C. W. Mellclc loft TlmiMiay for N\?w York, whero he will be for several days on a business ' trip. High Jackers Put Crimp In Bootlegging Traffic Wlicn Tliiov?-? Foil 'Jul .IjirI Mm GrI Tlieir Durs and When I'ricc War Starts Among Importer* of Brtrtllcp l.icpior A 11 yllt i Jifi'n I.ifcrly to Happen co, \ng. i . prohf. billon < II fore men t nu also has been found mi entirely new. but very effective way of enforc ing the Eighteenth amendment- ? to wit, the activities of a baud of desperate high Jgckers who. In the past wr*k have swooped Iddwn upon five liquor smuKKllnj expedition*, shot three nllegr-d bootleggers. and carried off ap pruxlinstely 2,500 raies cf fresh ly "Imported" Scotch. In their brief Week of opTa tlon? the high Jaekers have spread panifeinonluin among the entire bootlegging fraternity and accom plish^ more than a hundr d pro hihltlon rftfaWTB?Bt sleuths had born able to do In several years. The shot rrtin activities of tb ? dry axent* which have just been ordered are not particularly di rected toward prelection of flic persecuted bootleKKer*. hut they are working out that way Just the same. High Jacker*. It develops, have been Interfering with well planned raids of the dry sleuths. As a result prohibition officials havp armed all agents with pump fguns loaded with buck shot and 1 n li-'r"-'!^ fo flrr? , and Investigate a f tor ward win it over they encounter high Jaekcrs. The aatne ordern. hut with a eaai tlonary note to be a little more eareful, alao have been Iram-d re garding bonafldo bootlegger* who offer arnif-d opposition to . th" aaine ngentB. The lil?h Jaefcerf, who prohibi tion officials believe w n rival 11 quor rin&t. lira! ihwie tholr" ap pea ranee early Hat Thursday near Half Moon liay. the favorite land ing plan* for liquor from the rum ahlpa eff ahorr. Conaid^rable mystery rurroundn the fir?l raid. Winn the atnoko of battle cleared away, however, RljJ Joe Forth:, alien, d kin,; of 00* furl Ion of the local bootlegger*, wan found mortally woiuided and thre?? truck load* of ftafltch min ing. Within 24 hcura another li quor fluiuscKlin^ expedition wa:< held tip. n arrond honilcrrrr shot and two more truck leads of li quor driven away. Since then Information regard ing three other high Jacker ralda, aimllarly fruitful and involving the fthootlng of a th'rd bootlegger, have reached prohibiten authori se*. Two of the laat three raid*, howaver. were on llqurr fmtiggl Ing banda brlonlgn* to the fac tion credited with starting the high Jacker war. Indicating either that reprlagl tact lea hfd been re aorted to or that the high Jackera bad ?tirtpvj fi f"e? fare!'"*. Picture of Elizabeth City Country Club The Hhow ptar<* of the community, a iiur.dVNl norns of roll- * Ins hills. turf carpeted ground* dotted with KliHtlcd groves and winding walks, a garden created by nature ::t:d made mure picturesque hy tho Ingenuity of man. A ??? nd beach fanned by the Iip^zum from 1 1i?* ?oniid"atT(l river, cool In summer and temper.-d In winter. A comfortable club house, with it? ?paciou:t (torches over l' Elizabeth < *it y Iron Worka on Illveraldo Drive. The fire. which hud caught from u hot- rivet while th?- bout was b" repalre.l. wan quickly extinguished und there was no dniuuR". cotton mati ri.m; \r IIAI.FS A HAY IkATK Atlanta. Auk.. 1. (tfpe<*lnh h'acli day of the torrid temp ra turea under which Ocorpln l.? sweltering Is wortli fl.GOO.OOO to cotton growers of the atate, ac cording to J. K. IVters, president ??f the Ceorgla llaiiklim* AnFocfn lion who enflfliatcn that lQ.OOo hales i?f cotton a day ar*? get tin", beyond reach of weevil dnma^e. The crop can stand .TO day* of drought and nt 111 mature owlifr; t?> the tiiolature put in the * ground by heavy spring, rslnx. Farm' it. are not concealing their elation but retailers are being lilt hy the hot -wsttltor which Is -It^eplnir ahoppera Indoors. Wholesale.*: are bein;: benefitted by ordi-ra foi fall from the rural dlStrlct'i and bolter demand for cotton goods. He, Also, Was Marked for Death John l*vln>nii. ntnr-mr-old C tlr?*n bay. wlm. aam th* auto also w?? on the lint of Nathan K I^upnlrt. Jr., and RMflard I o?l> i proaprallv* vlrtlma. earn* bark front a vacation la MMi.i to toaitr> at thalr trial. H?-r? tie la hMnit airwn In hrforr rhlrf Jiiatlro .l"?hrt r. r?rrr!?. mm THOUSAND ATTENDED PICNIC Annual Mkhuhc Affair at tlohrain Bidki' All Kcc or r record*. . AjcRora. were iK'f^ if ju ouly from t !?<* counties of this district l. ut many people from t Norfolk ?i.nl rnrimiiomh and m i ?> r fruifit as Wiimiiiftoti ? hose a day of rr.* rmtinti at what will ronie day !?e one of CaroHtiu'b popular \a ? at Ion eunlors. Amuai'inenki galore wore pro vided for iii: iboaib iTrc?cnt a? ml! as enough cats to satisfy the "Wppvtit'oi or a utomoIifliHts " who -Jiadma.le long drlw*-lo lie here for the annual picnic. W>?!? music iarnishod by tin li.'v>-nM?' XoronuderH of Windsor, formerly of Chape! Hill, a sub scription dance was enjoyed dur ing" th<> nftu-noon by Till who wished to pavtielput 'I lie i>e:? platie which .caaic here - for the occasion wan busy taking pas*cn p? rn from sari# Mornins until un ?? in the afternoon.* Fortune toll in;:, cartes and other umuemcnts common at a resort wor?? provided tor the visitor*. "What !?? this? -Coney lalasid?" --a youtiR.-.ter asked uh h? rode a crow* tho river in u gas boat and ?saw. tho half mile brach lined with people. It appeared, aa thick I a a linii, With the water Ideal throngs wero seen ia bathing all day. The ??wv.trr In shallow fm a long (TTs tauee out and with the river calm li&lhlng was enjoyed by children and amaetur swimmers as well as bv veteran* of the water. A baseball gaino in_ the morn ing between Edenton~and Cole rain was attended by an immons" crow;l and roKulted In a 6 to 2 victory for the , It wan u-siglU to observe the autotnobilua park d on each tsido of the half mile lano leading to the river and on both sides of the road a'l the vfny from Colerain to the beach. With no parking reg ulations cars were also thick' over the sandn of the boach and many visitors from a long distance ex tort in* to leave early Jant had fo wait until some of the cirs block leg traffic were out of the way lu-Xot'A thoy could leave. While thundor cloiid:i tliroat ened during tho day there wiih no rain here to speak of until afU'r six o'clock. I I WSY M \M | \(1 TltKltM oi*i*osk v.ahoic IMil!udc!|ihlfi. Auk. 1 JTim Muiiiir.iriiirr ni' CiuU^rt-rTusi city Iuih vot?d overwhelmingly upulnul r.d<>i?iion i>t I ho |iro|ioKcil ni:if*n<| in'-nt la (lie I'Vilrri'l Constitution, to limit, n-i;ulat" or |?rlt rliild labor. Thin anion wan taken dr npito tli" fnr( iimt ivnutiylvanfii lias a child labor law mid th" amendment would l>?*??<> m |rn - I' lit Ion of factories/ not o]?7*Vatod under biicIi rt-KM?;,.fi"iiK. LaFollette's Gone Back j On F armei1 Sugar Men Say Tariff-on Snui'i' NVIiiiii iiizlilinig Boll W iinlil Have Prc*i dent Hr\ise I *< > |in I:it- with Sugar Bret Farmers and Iti'i'.lly [Vrvi-nl* Monopoly Tliey Claim DEFENSE SCORES DECIDED VICTORY Jmlgf < 'avrly's Ufrisinn ~m ~^llfif i cd in raft I gat [on of ' i'ic p inlslim nt by attorneys for N;?tb:iu U-opold, Jr., and Ulrhard i Loch. Tho result. which camo lifter mure than two court day* of argument, was a r. ( William White, alienist from' Washington, who took the standi inline liately after the judge's1 opinion, States Attorney rrowi"] blocked efforts to bring In spec- 1 illative opinion as to the influ-l once of home environment. Judge Caverly ruled that the: witness might answer only us to whnt he learned about the de-i fondants but allowed him to state jrlath^lmportanco of such con-i Robert Franks was planned as ? "an Intellectual f?*at" on the part of I,ooh, White testified Just be- ! fore the end of Ihe momliiK ses- i slon. The doctor's testimony trans formed tho companion of Leopold i from "Klclmrd I?oeb. defendant In tli in case" to "Dickie, a child bo- j set with fantastic d renins of be coming cither the world's great- 1 est detective or the master mind ] dominating the organized enemies | of society. " Tho witness called him "Dick ie" and the judge in ruling on the admissibility of the evidence about the "foollah ? who drove the boy to deceit used the diminutive twice himself. w : __ C OTTON MAhKhT INVw York. Aug. I, r- 3|iot cot ton closed quiet. Middling 30.95. a decline of 145 polntH. Futures, closing bid. Oct. 27.92. Dec. 27. SO Jan . 27.1 5. ('arch 37.40, May 27.51. N?w York. Aug. 1. ? Cotton fu tures opened today ut tho follow ln? levels: O f. 2D. 08. Dor. 28.38, Jan. mm. Dec. 28.50, March 28.02. Sang Way T o Pardon But Wife Would Not Relent Kiuiio I-'hmm Who I Irani Mill/."* Voire ?. w. ... i . . ? . IW. ' '"l'??l"ll?l|la, \?IL I . Thn |?4, Tli.. f MhI.'/m V'miiv. wlf", K"rlyn, II 'W*H ltl> rlftMffl I'-ri-tilly, |i:?m Jitrf rJ;iflo?i In ii nmpir}'# report on hrr drtlino in i mnnJi i 'a report oil hrr null f .< lilvoirf*. f'.h" gnr?1 ??ri Mi" torlisiJrnl -.ffUMl o f l-or fi ?i >?!?:? n?l ' ' irnprlftonrr nl for f- lony. Mm. 'Am 7. I- 1?? v,: nil n bo iff Mntr/'i K"lflon voir". .Vho I; now fill nl?* ut I', brfori* .'fni* vnr 1*1 1 way ('? fi- v/lfli Ii. l;ut nh" l? t Mi<- sr. ;;?.-*: n?M to ft u :?f?i " finld ihf ? v/omnn. whore lin?r>" l:< !.'I \|l? n'nr.n "Iltlt I afn Rlfi'l ho I* fr ' I wl h Mm lurk hii*! f?" ho will funk** koo*J -???'! I don't wmit to rr" him tK.'.fh." Th" Htorf rf M'lf'1 r*t?wm? from prison r-nl- llkr fallen. 0:?? nltnit ouvlr* No. C ift$, an Unit t!i*n w*i known, wan prr niln '*rl to sing "Dear Old Tal of Mine" over thn WII' ?t?!jon hrondrnntlnK circuit. I^ln-^ricnr I1KOOKK By 111* Mi" put Into lli" nong I' mli"d IhonsHiitji' r f IIkIi-ih iv Vint' than a thousand of llii'i'i, In^fudlnH , Governor Rltchin, v/roto lot tern iprniidng (ho convict 'a perform-! i ;?nc". 1 One llntrnrr waa r,o fmpron*-; <1 thai h? vImHi'i! flu- pr-nUml lary and ??'?( Mn*/. Then hn hired] counted and atnrt'-d a moveniout for th" jdfigfeTfi rcloaa". | The board of pard'*n* "ranted Hi- application, and a w? ? k ago M?iz aiepped forth u free man. Ow ?-f bin flrat acln wait to will? bin v.lfo un'l n .< k that i!i la!:' him hack. Blie decflfted. M ?tr. tu umklnK Rood In tttr world outoldo n?a!n, but not a.; 'lilt, lit llO KllpUOK?-(|. Th* ftdldon voir" l.t aliened and Mats la atnrtiirj out uitcv. with Tin auttrnintrttr runcm. /lie Job wan obtained for hln by the rlr" prealdent of the pi>ntl?nl!lfy hoafd of frurttaca, who wna one of the nun who arranged lh" eon Cflft at which Mai* won hla free dom. Mats I* a kccn-pilndcd nan of I 23, who. until he waa convicted I of hr'akinc Into a Xofn lo-^llen-1 town In 1921. had never been a r rested. Ilia downfall wra attrib uted to hla failure to atJck cloao epouicb to hla "dear old pal" for whotit he aubatltutcd leaa moral By J. C. ROY1JC (C*r*rt?kC ir"i. B? Tk? *?hm| New York. Auk. I. ? One of the most interesting features in the present sugar situation Is a state- J raent by tin* refiners who import their raw himt from Cuba, that for lh?' present low prices of thin commodity. Thla has been tltt* contention of the do UITCTft' "producers nil along. The latter claim that the ef forts of refiners to have the tarlfT on sugar reduced or removed was Intended as a blow to the domes tic Industry and that if the beet Biigar factories could bo wiped out by the removal or the present tar iff protection. the Cuban produc ers" and EaBtern^ ri-finers would be In a positron to dictate the -price of sugar at all time* an they did In 1919 and again in 192.1 at llmeB when there wan no domestic ? sugar on the market. A circular Issued by the it. s. Sugar Association, composed of most of the large refiners, states that continued pressure from tho duty free or domestic sugars hare caused declines in raw sugar to n 1-4 cents a pound as compared wltli 5 1-2 cents a year ago. The statement goes on to speak of the "extent of the pressure" exerted by the domestic sugars "at tho expense of the Cuban holders" and points out that the estimate qL- the domestic crop this year placed at 838.000 long tons means an increase of 49,000 tons or fi per cent, as compared with 1923. while storks In (Alba are . 438,-42-4^ tonf(? totnr~tn ? Excess those of lasti year with returns still to ^comn from two centrals which have Ujot entirely complet ed grinding. Tho statement of Senator La* Follette complaining of the delay In submitting tho report of ths tariff commission on sugar coats of production, wlift Uj^JfcMfe*arrrr^rtion by the Pre*!* dent, occtisloned both comment and surprise in some sections of the sugar trade today. It was noted that Senator LsFollette's statement declared "sugar Inter oats" had been active in delaying the report, but that differentiation I was not made as to which "Inter- 1 ests." The sugar trade Is sharp ly divided on the subject of tar iff revision on sugar, the Eastern refiners advocating such a reduc, lion strongly. Svhll? the growers of sugar beets, and cane In ths Continental (Thlted States, Porto lllco, Hawaii. and the Philippine* 1 oppose it. ? The surprise to the trade, how erer. lay, according to sugar men. in the fact that Senstor La Pol - lotte in his statement seemed to align himself with Interests he was believed to oppose _?ud against agricultural iMtrdTTcers of the Mid dle and Far West whose special advocate his friends claim him to be. SOVIET HEAD HAS A IN AH HOW ESCAPE 'Ilr Ti? A>?xLii*4 f*rr?l uMoicow, Aug. I ? President Kalonln of tho sovl?t government htul a narrow e^apo from death J hy lightning when tho house In the village in which ho hud taken rofugo during a thunderstorm | wan demolished. Tho driver of the carriage wan Innlantly killed and tho accompanying photographer injure,! 1 "vi DR. I). II. IIILL DIES AT IILOWING ROCK Ito!olg?i. Aug. 1. ?