JOHN LOWRY GOES TO STATE PRISON Captured Aflrr $|M?cta<*iilar (lliusr Saturday Aftiniuon One of Pair of Elizabeth City's Mewl Notorious Criminal* Sent to Kxdri^li Sunday Ni^lit /, REACHES PRISON luiPt (Hv "Hlo Aunrijlid y^n.ili lKh. Auk. 4~ -Johft I-ow^ t y of Kltabeih City wiih brought -tn Priwn ln-r<- this morning by Deputy Slier lff_ Pritchnrd ?t Pasquotank Coun ty and Police Officer Twlddy ?.f> lb City. Just ns bowry wns brought in. Superintendent Pou of tho State Prison received n tele gram from Capr. F.. C. Herry, supervisor of the Hidenite Prison Camp, that lie hud cap tured Frank Johnson at three o'clock this morning near Tay lorsvlil*. Johnson, a negro, was convicted In 19 22 for burglary and Rentenced to 10 years. Hp escaped from the prison camp last Friday. A hectic hour In Elizabeth Cltj Saturday afternoon, a tense night am! ?lay at the Pasquotank Comi ty Jail, a trip to Raleigh Sunday night and the doors of the State i prison cloned on John Lowry, Jr., hith City ? burgiai ? a-tni -j?U breaker, fugitive from Juntlce since Sunday, March 4, 1918, when in the early evening he walked out of the door of the Jail while sheriff and Jailer wero on th?* way to Ills cell. 'I he sheriff had expected to take Lowry to Ra-i high that night to begin nerving JL. 15-year term for housebreaking. In talkative and Jovial mood. Lowry sat on the edge of his cot in a cell in the same Jail Satur day after his capture and. while j l)r. Z. Fearing, city health offi cer, dressed a bullet wound in his leg and painted a cut from Po lice Chief Gregory's billet on ' ljowry'8 forehead, from which a: thin stream of blood trickled, with iodine, recounted the story of his adventures after leaving Elizabeth City. He declared he had served in the Canadian army from shortly after tho time of his escape here until the close of the \Y<\ Id W?r and that since his dls ch;i| ,'e from the Canadian service he had been In the fur business and had cleaned up 94.000 1;mM year. He exhibited healed bullet wounds, one on his leg and an other back of his head near the deck, which he said were received ' In the lighting in France. "I declare to Oort," Tie vowed nt the end of his story. "I have | lived straight since I left here." | Whether thai was true or not. It was evident that lie had not re cently done any hard work or been exposed to the sun. He was fair and soft. Asked why he hnd come home. Lowry had replied that it was to see his people here. He would not say how long he had boen here hut claimed that It was for Rome days nnd t fin t during the tini" he had talked to memb< i of the "night police force wlfhoiif le-ln* recognized. Little mor< than 21 yearn old- and of boyish appearance at the time of his es cape from jail here. l,owry Is now 2f?. has grown a mustache nnd has acquired an air of maturity. . His plan was to |?>nve Elizabeth City oh the 3 o'clock train Sat urday afternoon. He nayn that two young glrln on Pf**rl street tipped the police off" as to his pros- , ence here. On his way to Jail he passed one of these glrln on the street and curned at her venom ously. That's how he got tht whack across the forehead from i Chief Gregory's nightstick. rnqiiestlonahly somebody tipped off the Elizabeth City po lice as to Lowry's presence In the city and Chief of Police Charles Gregory, with Police Officer Twld dy. Roushton. Hnrrln and Wlns low alighted frem an automobile In front of the Lowry residence on Pearl street while another au tomobile stood nearby to take -jotm - Lowry- to the train. Lowry saw the officers of the law and he shot out the back door. Officers rave chase and Chief Gregory and Police Officer Twlddy fired at the ' fugitive, and It was a bullet from the gun of one or the other of these two that drilled a hole through, the muscle of I/Owry's .right leg. Ix)wry kept running, 'however, until he found cover un der the honne of Mrs. C. C. Clark on East Ilurgenn street. Remem bering. probably, how a Ix)wry hnd once been chnsed from cover with n stream from the nozzle of n Are fcos<\ s member of the police force turned on the Are alarm. How- , cverAwhcn the pollen threatened to oj?n Are on him unlenn he entne out from under the house, . lx>wry crawled flu I ihd nurren der? d. -You think you are mighty mnart." he told the officers cooly as he wan being handcuffed. Pn l^uht'-dly the nfMcers wrre More encVed than their prisoner. He was unarmed when captured and claims to have besn unarmed ' throughout thin lent stay In Rlisabt th City. John Lowry with his brother. Fulton, long known here an the Lowry boyn, has been a terror to To Columbus Here Is a sketch of the proposed 1'an-Amorlcan monument to Christo pher Columbus, which may t>e built on Torrecllla 1'otnt In San Dontincn Jlnrbor at a <-o?t of 92.000,000. Tho monument, as planned. would I* ! topped by n latticed steel lighthouse. ' 110 feet hlfiher thnn the Elffol Tnw?r Elizabeth City for more than ten 1 yearn. He was sent to the roads from the local police court be- ? fore h<' wu3 more than 18 years of age for (Jelling liquor. In ISlfi, the elty was visited with an epi demic of burglaries and in March of that year John Lowry was j tried before Superior Court Judge ! Oliver Alh-n on a charge of house- j breaking, but the jury failed to i convict him. In jail at that time 1 Lowry had made a model prison er, his demeanor In the court wan excellent and made so favorable ' an Impression upon the court i that Judge Allen commended the jury's verdict, condemned the \ sending of so young a prisoner to ; the roads in the first instance and | made an appeal to young I*owry 1 tO tak- a pew start ami BtltYgftt; Hut the next year the epidemic of robberies was continued and on September 21 of that year John and Fulton Ix?wry were cap- 1 turpd with the loot of their last haul and a quantity of other val uables under a trap door in tin floor of the l.owry home. It wns ? in this raid that a Are hose was ,Uacd tr> rlrl vi' I-'nHnn frnin rrtvur . under the Lowry homo. The fol lowing March John and Fulton j I?owry were tried for burglary and the jury brought In a verdict | of guilty In the second degree j against them. Judge O. W. Con-' nor was the Superior Court Judge who sentenced John to 15 years and Fulton to 2"> years In the State's prison. Fulton was taken to Italelgh ; but escaped front State's prison in i a few months. He was recap- ' tured at Tarboro but escaped j again a few weeks later. John j soysJi'ulton Is now In Australia. Fultoh. when he was recaptured about two years ago, said that John was III Europe. However, current belief Is strong that Fill- ! ton was with John on this trip and that Fulton was the "pal" io whom John referred several times as having been with him here J prior to his capture Saturday. "T>octor. I was In your car night before last." said John Lowry to Dr. Z. Fearing Saturday in jail as the physician dressed the wound in his leg. "We thoufht about taking your car. : but we didn't do It. I thought too much of you. Here's your key." A crowd estimated at BOO peo ple were at th^ Norfolk Southern j passenger station Sunday night to i see the prisoner off. The car In' , which he wns driven to the sta- i Itlon swting Info the station yard, j 1 0 minutes before train time and .the crowd Miirtred toward and around it to trv to catch a glimpse Of Bttflftbftth City's one time boy burglar. He sat on the bach seat, his wounded leg proppod up on kthe hack of the front seat, unlet and subdued. When the night ! espress pulled In he was taken I aboard the day coach on Police : Officer Twlddy's back. In Contrast with his talkative' SEEKING SLAYER BRITISH WIDOW Mexico Clljr. Aug. 4. ? Federal | forces are searching for the niay ern ?f Mr*. Rosalie Evans, widow. I of a llritUh >ub)?Kt who was shot dead from amhuxh n**ar Texscu l ni Pn*?K4i? ^Inr.l-tv night was oih' of the central flKurM?n tlu-_ recent affair between Great ilritain and Mexico ruitnlnat inn in the withdrawal of the Hritinh charge don archive!*. Herbert Cummins. Washington. Auk 4 ? American Charge AchoefTeld at Mexico City today reported to the State De partment that he had taken up : Willi .the Mexican guvernjuetu th-' 'case of Mrc. Rosa He Rrans ami that the Mexican authorities hud , given assurances mat ev?-ry eirort . uuauiU bi- juadu-iu-appridiend und i punish the murderers. FORMED PACT WHEN CHILDREN I.a>o|>?lil anil Loeli Kept I'lrdgo Made Hclw Theniiiflvf's in Youlh, Su>m Export. (Br Anoriitri Pt*m> ? 1 Chicago, Aug. 4. ? Dr. William H?nly, Boston phychlatrlst, tes tifying as defense alienist at th<1 hearing determine the pun ishment for Itichar^ <Loeb and Nuthan Leopold, Jr., for the kidnapping and murder of Ko "an Incredibly absurd childish compuct bound the boys together and hud a bearing on the ulti mate acts of the youth." Jiealy testified that both boys told him they would again go through with the Franks murder if their association and condi tions were the same. He said Loeb told him he "found nothing to deter him" and that I^eopold said he would commit the crime again If it "gave him pleasure." As to the conditions of the ' "childish compact" which had In fluenced the later lives of the boys, nothing was Bald in open court. Judge* Caverly ruling with Healy that the matter was unprintable and having him re cite It to the court stenographer for record. SEVEN INDICTED" MISUSE OF maim; New York. Aug. 4. ? Indict- | merits charging use of the malls j to defraud were today returned ! by the Federal grand Jury against seven men accused of having de frauded the Investing public of sale of stock of the Morosco Holding Company. KKVIVAI. AT HHIIjOII Large crowds attended the re vival services at Shtloh Baptist church Inst week conducted bv I Rev. J. T. Rlddick of Norfolk. The new annex to this church, which contains 16 class rooms lias Just been completed. Tho cost of the addition to the church Is something llko $6,000. mood Saturday when-h* wan firm locked up and nfter he had had a hypodermic prior to the dressing of his wound, I*owry wan morose And lAore or less sullen Sunday. | Going to hlH cell Sunday morning. I Sheriff Reid found hln Hps nin eared na If with blood from In ternal bUedlng, but the im*tf when waah.-rt ofT dlaclosed noth- ! Ing wrong with the prisoner and j probably from the comic supple- 1 ment of a Sunday newspaper. He i was very quiet Sunday night at the train when Deputy Sheriff Prltchard and Police Officer Twlddy left for Raleigh with him. ? When John Lowry escaped from jail here on a Sunday night In March. 191R. It was found that he had sawed his way out of his cell and It was supposed that a saw had been smuggled to him In fhe Jail. Lowry, however, denies this theory. "I used a piece of steel from the sole of my shoe," he declares. When bloodhounds were put on his trail they took a rour.w to the riverfront where the Lowry boat was found miss ing. and It wan supposed he had I escaped to the Camden side In a boat and had there taken an auto-; mobile. This theory was appar- ! cntly confirmed when tlu? -I?w.r-y boat was later found on the Cam den side of the river, llut John says he went out by the Suffolk ? & Carolina railroad. "At the Suffolk & Carolina de pot." he said, "I met a Mr. Wat-; son. brother of Jack Watson, who worked for the Richmond Cedar Works. He asked me what I was ; doing out of Jail and I told him the Judge had given me my llh erty on condition that I leave town." Having been outwitted by th? i prisoner once. Sheriff Reld was taking no chances this time. A religious service for prisoners that win to have been conducted at the Jail on Sunday ?ai called off and no visitors whatever were allowed to see I.owry In his cell all day, exception being made only In the ease of his mother, who was permitted one vlalt to him before he left. Current opinion here Is that Lowry will be out of State's prls- ( on at Raleigh within six months. J She's Youngest Flapper ! She's the world's youngest flapper. FfViiib Vino of Covington. K> I hud her hair bobbed when she was three Weeks tild and asuln one moiitn ' j lat?V. litre she is nt the age of three inontlis? the envy of all tho ' other flapiKTS In town. FOUNDER OF ELON DIES AT SANFOKD Elon College, N. 0., Aug. 4. ? Funeral aervlcca Tor Tlev. William Long, founder of Elon College, who died yeatorday at Hanford of Injuries RUBtained In an automo j bile accident, will bp held from hi* | honio at Chapel Hill thin after noon. Interment will bo made at Graham. TO CHOOSE SreCKSKOIt Charlotte, Aug. 4. ? The cue- , ei'HHor to the Might Reverend Leo Haid a? Abbott of n<*lmont Abbey will be chonen on AugtiHt 24, It wan anounced today. lltahop died ten duys aRo. I If HICK FROM HALTIMOKK i Mr. and Mm, C. K. Jones and j daughter, Mrs. Gilbert (Irlffltn. and Hon, C. K. Jones, Jr., arc her** from Baltimore to visit Mr. and M rs. F; ? K. Cotromr "OfS The corner of Church and Itoad 1 streets. TO MKKT Tl'KHDAY The Woman* Wealey Bible Class of the Flrat Methodist ' churrh will hold its meeting with Mrs. L. E. Thorpe Tuesday afternoon at 4 o'clock at her home on West Church street. All members are asked to be present. Dr. R. L. Kendrirk returned home Saturday from New York, whore ho spent three weeks. Money Is The Big Need For All Three Parties Drniix-rulx, |{r|iiililiriiii?, mid l.aKolli'ttcrw nil Wonder ing Whore Sinrwn of War are Coming from willi Wliiell to Wagr llir l()2l Cuni|Nii){ii lly ?lOIlKHT T. KM A I.I, (C*ryr1?ht. Iftl, B ? Til* Atfvanc*) Now York, Auguat 4. ? Prelim inary aurvcya of the uaual "aourc ea tif aupply" are Raid to l?e any thin#: but reaaau ring to the poli tician* charged with mining t h? "wlnd" for the cowing camrrttK" Then- Iibh been no great ruah to contributo to the coffer* of either one of the old part lea, while tli ? progreaalvea are faced with the necessity of an intonalve boating of the buahcH. Never-the-loaa the atroiiK boxea are being got ready with tin* con fident hope that aa the fight get* under way the atrcama of gold will flow a little more freely. Iloth the Itopubllcana and the Democrat!* are to experiment with the new money rulaing machinery and personnel. The Republican* will mlaa the guiding hand of. Fred ITpham, the QX-treanurer, vlme <ii v lulu .? pod Rivii fatted to tap the reserve* of trsnaurc. ; Mr. Tphani, alngle-hand'd an I alone, ralaed aomethlng like $f>. 000,000 during hi* ttrnt with the national committer. That la a. record which an iiifPMinr. J*, likely to equal In the near future, i William V. Hodtroa of Denver, the new tre.aaurer of the Republican* In making hift headquarter* in ChlriiKo. and la being glv?'n all poaaihle aafdatanco by Chairman llutler. Recently Mr. Hodgea wua in New York, where It la ex pected a goodly part of both lie publican and Democratic puraoa are to be ralaed. The difficulty with the altua tlon aa It exlata today la that the moneyed Intereata fall to view the outlook with alarm. A calm aatlafactlon with political proa pecta aeom to pervade the entire financial dlatrlct and units* a | real acare can be thrown Into the vlrlnlty of Wall Street, aomn of the old aourcea of revenue may prove to be "dusters" thla year. Treaaurer Hodfea haa the hooka of the previous* eampiUgna. and alao the aourcea from which the big Republican deficit after the 1920 campaign waa wIjkv! out. With thcae In hand he may bc? able to <]<> a llttlo forceful talk - i ii K during the next f?*w weekn. Th?* Demorratn have been hope ful that they would enjoy a fritter 1 year than they have known for a H?'cad'v TtteJc of eampaiw** have been based on that hope. Four yearn1 ago they conductfd a starvation fight. lint Junt where { the bulk of the money In to come i from thin time no one neetnt to know. Th?' Democratn have not : nn y boOlU that ar?? ??f valm- .ih .i K'lldn to them. In thin reapect lh? Itcpuhllcann have a dintinct ndvantago. Alno the flepubllraiiH have a long lint of "regularn" who have been rontrfbutlnK for yearn. The Demorratn have pot In nonie manner to mobility the "volun teer*." The nlownenn with which mon ey In coming In may account In nome ineanur<- for the lack of' npeed which In characterising lh?? campaign. Of cournn the late datea of the notification cere monlen have had a great deal to do with the nlowlng up procenn and. both nidwn -are -looking for thlngn to bum after tin- leading candldaten officially take th*? field. The Increaned expense of con ducting of campalgnn han kept pace with the general Increase In the cont of living and tl*> eniimatf of $16,000,000 needed 10 finance ] the three partlen thin year In re- , warded an a modent nn? Yet unlean nomehody getn "mad" the tank of raining thin mini In going to be a hard one. A nplrltlenn, colorlenH campaign, evoking little enthunlnnm an;-; where, In not calculated lo ntlr the purne ntrlnga of th?> country. Senator florah, chnlrman of the Senate special committer on cam paign contribution*. In waiting for th' flmt reporta to cotnc In. It In felt he will not be Mftnv for a long tlifte. It would not b<> fair to represent either the Rcpuhli can or Democratic National Com mittees an worried over the 0n aaclal outlook, but they would be junt a bit happtar ft the old cof for* were a hit heavier. WOIU.D I'LIKKS ABANDON I 'LANE lU* T.i* AtmrUlrd riwil Aboard (he lT. 8. 8. S. Rich mond. Aug. *4 .?--Tin* airplane |?ll otc^by Lieut. ].oi(h Wade in the n Army nnmd, the world flight -ha* Iw-en -abandoned. The piano was taken lu tow by the Richmond yesterday after Wade and his mechanician, Sergeant Ar thur Ogden, had been form! down at wea by <-tigiu<' trouble while ne gotiating the hop from Kirkwall to 'Iceland. Wu.thinclon, Aug. 4. ? The question of dispatching another Aruty. ytlrylaiiu Au .IcHaiiJ, to per-., hi 1 1 EYoutPnant Wade whose plane V? a.s wr.Tkr.l Lu ? continue hi. journey was taken up today by ?Arniy-ai>d_Navv. officials. No de cision was announced, officials waiting for luoro complete de tails of the accident which forced the abandonment of llw flight by Wade. The Army Air Service of ficials received wireless report s from the Navy I'atrul Force thai the Hteaiuship Richmond had re covered the wrecked plane and that there still was Home hope that it 'might be salvaged If not too badly Ulliayhed, Facilities aboard the cruiser are available for -repair work. ANGLO-IUtSSIAN CONFEREES AGREE 111* Th? Avwlital IV ?) London. Auu. 4. -The Anglo Russian Conference here was re ported to have concluded an im portant economic and financial u k rec- nr ?'} it 1 1 id ay htti ofiirinr coir firmatlon of tin* report was not javalluhlc. KILLED PATROLMAN AND KOBBKI) BANK j Detroit, Auk. 4. ? llandits who { held up and robbed the Chnrle I volx Avenue branch of the Conti nental Hank here today, shot and I killed Patrolman (Jeorge A?h worth, and escaped with an tin? .known amount of money. Fl'N'HIlAli Mils. HPIll'lIJi The funeral of Mr*. Sara C. Sprulll. who died Saturday night 1 at ten o'clock at her home 205 t West Cypress street, was conduct | ?m| at the home at four o'clock , Sunday afternoon by Dr. J. H. Thayer and Interment was made at Cornth. Mra. Sprulll was 69 yearn old and Ik survived by three children. Clement A. Sprulll and Miss Mary Sprulll of this city, and Mrs. Rrnughton TarkiiiKton of Norfolk. IlKITHKH ANHWTCR QIKKTIOX AM) JAII?KI> FOR rONTKMIT Dan Morris, colored, submit* Itlng to a charge of $5 and costa In the recorder's court Monday j morning, got a sentence of 20 I daya in Jail for contempt when | he declined to answer a Ion from the court as to where he got Ills liquor when put on the stand under the Discovery Act. This was tho only case ttled Monday. 4 ?OTTO N MAHKi;, New York, Aug. 4. ? Spot cot ton ClOSO'd quelt. Middling 31.15 a decline of 35 points. Futures, closing bid, Oct. 27.91. Dec. 27.30, Jan. 27.18, March 27.44, May 27.58. Now York. Aug. 4.- ? Cotton future* opeued today at the fol lowing levels: Oct. 28.00, Dec.1 _2X^jL_Jan 27.18. March 27 2S. May 27.60. T enth A nni versary Of War Is Occasion For Retrospect |*>1 I I > n IVntli An " "iiivernary of Hruiniiiiic of Danco of Driitli After* miitli of \\ Si til Hold* W orld in Tlirull lly I ton MKT TOMPKINS 1*24, By TM A<W*?I ___ Washington, August 4. ? Ton years ago Sunday the World War actually bettan. Kuropo was a mad house. The "United States was calm. The lire had broken out. in the Balkans. Many itntrtiiM ?;??' . Iwd tinguished without involvinicj Tins country in 'any way. Fo"r| days is w:ls thought the l>iK i "powers" of Kurope would I not permit the liKhtin^ to be came. general. Tin* "?lil diplomacy" was hav ing Its fling. ? The -wires were humming between St. Petersburg aiul III rlln uiiil Vienna and Lon don nml Paris anil Rome. Old hatreds were fanned Into Maine*, l/ d. or milled, by their statesmen the |ifopl"<< of half a dozen coun- j ..tries- were. parading a: d -declaring , for war. "It came. TlieTnost de structive convulsion of hiinian history. Five years and more have panned now since iinntlHtH but thi! peace has not yet been estab lished. The scars and the after - War lo n c mnTw^rifn ? ti cVrp be" erased or forgotten. t The war beenms In the end a "war to end war." but the uureRl continues. The Russia that was has been wiped from the map. j Germany, which ten yearn ago to day. was proudly seizing the sword, Is virtually the ward of the world. Austria was smashed . beyond self help mid has had -to lean heavily upon the League of Nations. France still is crying out for reparations and protec tion. Kngland and the United States are burdened with what j would have been thought ruinous debts ten years ago. Vet many? of the tragic events that led up to the catastrophe have been lost to memory. Historians have fixed July 30. 1911, as the time that bopc Of peace In Kurope fled. Then the sabreR began to rattle. Austria, nocking vengeance for the assas sination of her crown prince, was bombarding Belgrade, but there was no return lire, l'arls and Ijoudon ami Home were protest ing. Berlin said It- was an afTalr for Austria to settle. Berlin nlso said she would stand by Austria. The Slavs could not stand the ?train. St. Petersburg said wur was inevitable and started to \ mobilise. yTlio kaiser gave thn Russians 24 hours In which to I stop, (iermnny and France moved towurd mobilization. The British fleet sailed under sealed orders. A great crowd galherid at the Palace In Berlin. The kaiser ap peared at a window to acknowl-i edge the demonstration of iiO.OOO prisons. ' I "A fateful hour has fallen on Oerinany," he said. "Envious! | peoples on all shies are compell ing us to our Just defense. The! sword Is being forced Into our hands. 1 hope Hint If at the last ] hour my efforts do not'succeed In bringing our opponents ?.ye to eye | with us and In maintaining peace, that with Clod's help w?- shall so wield the sword that when all Is over we shall agalu bheathe It jwith honor. "War would demand of us j snd"llfe, but we should show our American Business Owes A Lot To Dolly Madison Whether ller IIiihIimihI Wiid Creut or Small uh l'r<?i<leiit Mint rend of White Houne in llcr Day Made Ice Oeiim Popular uikI It's Big HiixincnH Mow n? i. o. ROVI.K I Ml. Bf Th? A*aa?| New York, Auk. 4. ? Whatever 1 American politic* may owe to h? r h unhand, American bu*lne** owe* a blK debt to Dolly Madlnon. She ion popular and lonahl<> In the United State* and wan the nponsor, therefore, of a hunlnen* which give* employment to thounaridfl and consume* mil lions of ton* of milk. aiiKar, Ice, ?alt and fruit annually. Ho far a* the record* can be tried, Iro cream flrnt wan mad" by an Kngllnh confectioner In I/ondon durlnK the American Rev olutlon. It was Introduced Into the (Tnlted State* bv a l'hllad"l phla caterer named Ilo*lo In 1R00 but nevnr hncame really popular until Mrn. Madlnon. an mlntrena of the White Hoime, had It nerved at state dinner* over which alio prealded In 1*17. Since that time, consumption of thin dainty ha* rtaen until now 2.0 <5 HtllODl of Icp cro:?m are made annually for cac.h Inhabi tant rf tbl* country. In 1f?23. 20 4.900,000 gallon* of Ice cream were manufactured and while the number of Ice cream conea ha* not been compiled by Oovern mont authorities, production I* conaervatlv* ly estimated by con fectioners at over IJOO. 000,000. There wore 4 41,000,000 quarts of cream consumed and 17fi,400, OOO r.mrnd* -of 1mttcr~ fat: Hfx million pound* of gelatine were UMd and 205,800,000 pounds of sugar. Theae figures Include only the consumption of materials by Ice errant manufacturers. In ad d it Ion, liousewlve* froxe n large amount requiring approximately a proportionate purchase of mi terlala. Kroni a production of a gallon at u time, concocted In the cellar of thf mn a 1 1 ahop run by ltoalo opposite the Bpread Eagle Hotel In Philadelphia, the output of the city which aaw Jhe Introduction of this article of almost universal diet haa risen to 12,019,891 gal lons a year. While all the year round pro duction In this country now Is fairly steady, the cold ?pffflft| Ctil tailed sales to some extent this year. The trade, however, has fully recovered with the advenfof warm days and there la every reason to believe, confectioners aay. that the annual output of 192 4 will exceed that of last year. miAKE CHARGE DETENTION HOME (Couple Kxpericiu-Ml in Sueli Work Secured, Do nation* I'n r nil u re Want ed, Home Open* Soon. Mr. and Mri. Fred A. Jones of Norfolk have been 'secured to take charge of Pasquotank Coun ty'* Detention Home and wilt arrive on Tuesday of next week. Mr. and Mm. Jones have had consider ble .e*perienoe in wel fare work. In Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. work, and ' In church work In "cliy. mill, and suburban districts, and the committee In charge of the Intention Home feel that they have been for i tunale In securjnn such a eouple. "The greatest forward step taken," has been the sentiment t expressed on the streets fre quently since the subject was first Introduced by the County of workers here, and the open ing of the hnnif In being watched with Interest by the Btate Board ! of Pnblto Welfare and by the various counties of the State. This week plasterers, carpen ters. whitewashers wallpaper men. painters. arid scrubbers are at work get t big the home ta complete readiness for Its open ing. T^ils week also, the commit tee Is anxious to hear of dona tions of furniture and furnish ings Beds, bureaus, wash stands, chairs, tables, atovse. rugs, curtains. Just every tort I of furniture and furnishings la , needed and the committee la of the city and County to donate these In order to get the home In running orJer. Those who will contribute such articles are asked to phone Mrs. Anna Lewis or Rev. O. F. Hill this week. The articles will be collected next Monday, so that when Mr. and | Mrs. Jones arrive the home will be clean and furnished ready for them to begin work. IiKAYK FOB CRN JVMIl | Mrs. John Kramer and Mis* Helen Kramer left Monday for P?n Mar. Pennsylvania, where they will spend two weeks. From there they will go to Bedford. Pennsylvania, to visit relatives. 'foes whnt It means to provoke Oermuny, and now I commend you all to Clod. Co to church, kneel before Cod, and pray to Him to lietp our gallant army."' i !?' * the censorships had closed In on Europe and the united .States began frantic ef forts to get Its 100,000 tourlsta Out of the possible theaters of w?r. Russia sent no reply to the kaiser's demand for an explan* tlou o/ In r mobilization. The | Stock Exchange In New York was I*10**1- ? T'"' snmll nations of Eur jope scrnmMed Into mobilisation to maintain "their neutrality." Paria sent out official word that lane was calm. On August 2 came the crash. ICermany declared war on Kunsla. Herman patrols near the Russian border were fired upon. Prance was electrified Into action. Prance was In alliance with Russia. Or eat | Britain was the third member of | the Entente, |>iit there was much 'opposition in England to partici pating in the war. The kaiser | signed ills general mobilization order and the Herman was ina I chine which wan to surprise the world rolled into action. | Polncare, who Tien Just laid down the reins In France, ordered the French mobilization, hut In sisted Prance was not yet at war. [Oermuny seized Luxembourg, the neutral state betweeu them and I Paris. *T ? - Thor?- wan no aurcoaa* iftff [that. Noxt day Corniany demand ed free paaaa>:e through IlelKlnin I In ordor to nttaok Franc#*. < ?*?r Imany wan utrlkln* on (wo front*. !8he hoped to mibduo Franco 'qtilrkly. tluftaln wax thought to i bo her ntroiiurHt foe. AijkuhI 3. Germany declared war oil Franco. Belgium fought to maintain her i neutrality and hold the Orm^na In chock Ion* enough for France [to pot her xuna roady. With the Invasion of FlelKium) Oreat Britain dorlarod war on (Jermany. The d.^ath grapple that wiipi to laM nearly four yeara and a half had begun. Nor wan It ended antll tho Fnlted Hfata* ' throw her atrength on the ?Mt of '(he Allhn after nearly threa yenra of frightful hoatlMtlea. Yet there are plenty of *tote? men who say today the World ham learned nothing; that there will bo another war when tho dev astating ofToeta of the taut oaa <ha?e worn a llttlo inoro away.

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