Labor Seldom Votes As Labor Leaders Dictate Jimmy (W>. I.ld?or Record More Satisfactory to Or j>iini/r)l l.ul?ir I'haii That of Harding ami < !ool iilp- linl Harding Got the Votes 1 ' ' Ront;nT T, kmai.i. ^ t l?e so delivered this year. Thrf progressives, on the other XBlllI. claim the rttnatton ?? d?f-i f- rent from any which has eon fretrfed labor in the past. They I fta>l|b? present movement and the ; present candidates are calculated appeal far more effectually to Dehor tban was tho Roosevelt - ?j>>hn*Cn third party ticket In 1 ?> I Labor, It Is Insisted, has a rail : point this year. Most of the lime It has had what the I^a ivillctte followers call a "choice %H..*ilV' as between the Republi sh and Democratic tickets and In sncb circumstances It was natural for lahor tn^dlvlde along more or less partisan lines. The progress- , Ive ticket has been endorsed as a combination of a "progressive In- I dependent Republican and a pro- ; areselve Independent Democrat." Therefore H srgned that both , Republican and Democratic mem- I bera of labor unions can rote for ( FLIERS MAKE HOP ACROSS ICELAND 'Br TV* Atiriilnl |*rru) Reykjavik Iceland, Auk. ? Lieut. Lowell Smith and Lieut. Erie Xeltuin arrived here this afternoon at 2:15 from Hoefn ! Hor-nafjonl on the cross Iceland lap of their round the world flight. " Hornafjord. Iceland. August 5. ? Tho American Army round the world fliers hopp?-d ll?l Jr and fli. h.ird l>ie|> with fhlrf future John K Caverly fur mercy for ihf defendant Thu. u> * mnkmi rlofi-up of Imth |>?**mw r* ml Caverly The Jud?i aits lurk, renting **??? head or hie l?-f I hand liPieninB intently nr. i.-? d ?< h?? *leclr?e Ian l* humming away Bui even then. (he little rourirnom if hoi and atuffy Slrav In:'* if r.:*orr>v)? ?i.J court atlnrhop are aeon hanging on the wrnll ni??r il??> U-nrh SIXTY-ONE AUTOS WK.UK KECOVEIiED Raleigh, Aug. 5". ? 31x1 y one automobile* valued at $30.00U were recoverod during (be month ?of July hy th?- Theft 'liureau o i i the Sluie Motor License Depart ment co-operating with the Fed eral authorities, J. E. Sawyer, mo 1 tor supervisor, announced. One of the worst gangs <>f au tomobile thifve* in the South was also broken up during that month. Sawyer stated. Full details have not been made public. THREE INDICTED ABOUT EXI'UOSION Providence, R. I., Aug. f>, ? William A. Perry, chairman of | the Republican state central committee, John T. Toramey of Johnston and William Murray of | lioaton, were indicted by the grand Jury last nlfht charged with con spiracy In the exploHlou of a g?M bomb In the Rhode Inland senate i on Juno 19. CITY MAN ACJ Ult'S I'LANH ACCKmJI) II Y (XRINCIIi Tlio, plans ??f City Manaxer Bray for new buildings . to re-! place the frame structure stables belonging t?> the city, which were! recently partly destroyed by fire.' were arc?pted by thelltjr COUHClI" in regular session Monday night ' and the City Manager was aske w,| be ulcdfii. tin" foreign office an 11011 no d today. I.AIIOR REMISES TO ENTER CONTROVERSY (By Th? AHMlitid PrrM> Atlantic City, Auk. &? ? -De nouncing with impartial vehe mence both militarism and paci fism, Hie Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, today refused to become involved in (lie National Defenso I Jay con troversy. "The attitude of the council to ward National Defense Day will be one j*Ri^AN_noiP^^i^woRro Fi.iBn^ i'Pi'Kn ???rH MHH c3nlf,MW?M. NT8??KAMn"? S.-R>S Mgk W.U..AM M. WAIlK. .A3HO potli, Mil. IX) WER KIOHT- Mils. OHRIHTNA NBI.BON. R?U)W. hoy I ever Raw. Here's a photo-, graph of him with hla officer'* rap on. People often mistake It for a picture of the Prince of Wales. "He expected the trip to ho hard. iJeforo thoy took off In March, he 'aid, 'If any r?n?- think*1 thin thing In going lo be fun. they're croxy.' "It lan't John first long flight. He flew around the 'rim' of the arctic In 1919." In Fpokane. Mr* Cora L. Ar nold 1.4 waiting for brr Hon. Lieu- 1 tenant Lealle P. Arnold, another one of the pllota. "I'm not at vall worried about . l/o*lle." ahe aaya. "la all <*? time he haa been flying, he haa had only one accident. And thai waan't aerioun. "That wan In Momphln, when h?? wan forced to m:ikc a landing on top of a henhonne. Hat* ho on taped without a ncratch. "Lealle wan nn Inntrucfor In Mho air nervlce hoth In this conn try and In France during the war. He In a Princeton graduate, is. fore going Into the aviation ner vlce ho wan a draiifthtnman In th<* submarine division." I i-ttem Almnat (tally Frotn Wad** (Near CaanopolK Mich., liven Mn. William M. Wade, mother of IJeuteaaat twelfth Wad*. i,lk? the motfeera of the hthor flyer.t ahe la confident he will retaru safely. Lie a tenant Wade fcaa been 1 home only for vinils of a few hours at n limn since entering the army, his mother say*. A couple 1 1 mo*, when Hp wan *ta tlone.l at f?:i?on. be flew bark for ?rtcr viniti. Mrs. Wade receive* almost daily letters from liirn. And cards and aouvenirs have bf-n mailed from every station ai which the Yan ke? airman have stopped. Mrs. Christian Nelson, mother of Nontenant Krlc N*l* >n. Ilalaon officer and chief engineer on th* flight, live* In ftweden. And Mrs. K. II. Ogden. mother of Mauler Sergeant A. I>. Oxden. sperlnllv commlisloned second lieutenant for the flight, live* Wood vlilc. Miss. ASTOIC IHHiTKAIT VTII.I. UK KKMOYKi) i?ondon. Auk. 5. ? The painting of I*ady Astor. the lutroduct ion of wlili h ill 1 1> tin* llngst' of ('ominous raised such a hubbub rrrviitly, will bo removed from the mairraiw wh'tf it hangs during the parlia mentary vacation* according to lob by r**|Mirtn. The Westminister Gazette says Jhe removal iH at tin* request of tin* donor, i.'ud AhtJfl'. MAKF.S DftOSitiN -j W1TII IlKANS A\l) I'KAH, Buxton White of the Ituxton White St* ril Company has Just coin-' jdeted a mosaic i for Ills store that is uuu.sual. effective, and indeed a work of arl in its way. Instead of using tiny bits of stones or glass as the old masters^ did, Mr. White used six varieties of beans and peas. The rich col or* tone into tli?* design as har moniously as did the cAlurn of the stone and glass, and Indeed pro duce a decidedly similar effect. There is the cream of a small beun seed. a black, a rich almost Pompelou toil, n dull green, and a purple and the colors are so In mingled thiit the trade mark "It. W. Quality Mark" stands out iu riffeelive relief. The design was first d;aurn. of course, upon u very heavy sheet" of paper, then treated with a coal -of ? glu WHEN TKAIN HITS AUTO Mt. Ilolly. M. J.. Aug. 5 ? Mr. and Mrs. Clifford llalnes and Mr. and Mra. Harry Hush were killed today when their automobile wan ?truck by the seashore express of ' the Pennsylvania railroad at New . Lisbon. WARREN CRITICAL OF ADMINISTRATION Washington, Aug. r?. - Precldent Poolldge toduy accepted the formal resignation of Charles Warren a* ttPilxnMHUlor l<> Mexico. In a state jinent accompanying the rrafina thin which wan made public ut the White House with the letter of til? President's acceptance. Warren rriticlxed the Wilson administra tion's policy in Mexico and doclared , that American property und rights would be protected there under the new relations between the two ua . lions. NKW TRAFFIC COP John Anderson wan elected . traffic officer of Pasquotank 1 County at tho Aukuhi neetlnx of the Hourd of County Coinmlnalon tm here Monduy and took up ht* ; duties at oner. Mr. Andemon taken tho place ( niude vurunt by the resignation of F. Queen*t*dt on Mondny. SOI'TII Mll lit 1 1 AS ItKVIVAl, TIIIH WKKkj | Her". V. Herman Trueblood.' i puHtor of the First llaptlHt church j ' of Thomasvllle. paaaed throuKh the rlfy Monday eu'rotile to HAUttl ; MIIIh .where ho will hmnIhI tho I pastor. Itfir; O. II. HarrUI. In u re vival this w?ek. Mr. Trueblood j 'In a former KHmhuth ? Ptty ? hoy. 1 I son of Mrs. Mary Trueblood of thU .city, utid before golnic to Thonias I villi' wan pantor of llurroughs i I Memorial llaptlHt church at Nor-. I folk. H<- h? a graduate of Waki* , Forest College and Is tho brother j of Rev. W. J. Trueblood, who In, now serving. In a field ut Simpson vllle, Kentucky. Rev. Mr. True blood has Just completed the. f I rnt year of his pantorate ut Thonina vllle this year, during which tltnoj 100 members have been received' Into tho church an a result of hl near the mouth of the Pasquotank ltlver, to South Mills, near the Hource of the same river, Inter secting the Camden to Norfolk State Highway near Camden ^ourthoime and )ul?lug the South ; Mills to Norfolk State highway at South Mills. This road touches [ the property oil which option* have been talo n as a proposed j site for the couutry elub. Tho Camden Highway Commis sion Monday promised that If J this site were aeleoted. the first segment of the proponed Old Trap to South Mills* road that would bo built would be from the end of the floating concrete to the j country club property. j Never has stock in any local : enterprise been taken up more en j thusiastlcally and with less pres sure. The number of shares aoW ! has now passed the 125 mark, and the present plan Is to close the subscription llat when the I bii in l?er at shares taken has reached 160. In other words, the last ob stacle in the way of the organi zation of a country club has seem ingly been disposed of and noth ing would now seem . likely to prevent early organization and the rapid formulation of plans for the purchase of the alto In Cam den County and the making of a beginning toward the develop ment of lit* natural advantages to make an Ideal playground for Rllsabeth City. HOfTII (JUOIUJIA I'ltKI'AIUNCJ hi:ll its toiiacco ntop Atlanta, Auttuat f?. ? (Special.) - -flout h (leorftla la preparing for thn opening thl* wwk of Itu fifth bright Unf tobacco so lea Hcason, durlni; which auctions at eight principal centera are expected to result In diapoHal of between 25, 000,000 and 40,000.000 pounds of tobacco at prices ranging be tween 2 2 ami 28 cents n pound. All the In ik?* tobarro firms have buyers on hand and the Malm wlti bo Hi'inl-Morlnl eomniunlty events. HKVKIIK IHUHOIIT fHKVAIUI mrARWfiirMKm now Boston, Aug. ii. ? (Spoclal).? Drought In New lOnglnnd has not Connecticut tobncco loas but also caused a $50,000 loss to berry growers In Hampden county, Mass. Potato dauiago In the Weatern part of this state la placed at $100,000 and thn honey crop la doomed unloss more rain falla noon and mnny cowa must be but i^i crod unless pasture* green up. Friday's rains were too late to check the damage. TWO ItANKS FAIL IN (?M ilttJl A l'KA( H BRUT AUiuiia,.Allg. 6. ? -(floeclal )-? The failure of two Georgia banks In the peach belt this week Is at tributed directly to the poor re turns received for this fruit In Northern und F,a*t*rn markets. North Ceorgla pearhe*. which will begin to move next week, promts** better returns owing to the limit ed yield. IIIMM'KICTT HI 'llOOf, Tllt'flTKK l>. Oay arockett^. was. elee'ed member of the Hoard of City Or?(W School Trustees Monday night at tha regular Resaton of the City Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of C. O. Hohlnaon. Mr. Koblnson's realgnatlon waa first presented at the same aeaslon of the Council. COTTOJf MARKKT New York. Auf. S. Spot ??! (on cloned ci it let , Middling 31. St. on rtflvHit".* of 10 point*. Fu ture*. cloning hid. Oct. 2*. St. I*n\ ?7 ?2 .l?n. 27. SO, March 27. 7#. May 27 82. iKew York. Aug. R- -Cnit/m f? lurct opened todny at th? follow ing l*?H* 0?t. 27.70, l>oc., Jan. 27 04. March 27. tt. May 27.4t.