Party Responsibility Be A Big Issue in Campaign Dnnorralir (iluiiii |{r|tiililicuib So Split l'|i in Hloc* tlial Mujoritv in (loii^n^s IJ?|)iiMi<;m in Niimr Onls 1 1 :t vcl l<? Mori . . .1!) JUMIKIIT T. SMM.Ii '.Copyright. I'?2<. B/ Th? Adiimil NV\v York, S. ? KnoUKh has been said by the prin cipals involved to make certain that one of the outstanding' ^ ales of the coming campaign will lie party responsibility. ^rtivL'iniiH'iu m ine t niud States always lias boon ? ? ( iovorument by parly. As auch it h is Invr. ou'eclivc. The American form of (Jovern tncnv. hovi vi-r, hivnlis. dcwn un der a by stem of blocs ami coali l Ion*?, nmiiestive of ill"' pa rlla 1 it ? * ri i . * ? f I In- ??UI world. The Democrats are preparing to attack the Republican- en party- f? sptmslbility along lw?? M-|Kt'iat? line*. Sp-aUlMK in th. ?>! ami with tin* approval m Joint V> . ti'.'Vi'"'!1 Smith has announced thai 1 1 m ? Re publicans rni;.l acc-.'pt lull party i'l HpMri.-cilMlUy (??r HI that has hap pened in Washington during th? past years including Tea Pot l?.?me and a!l ilie rest ?>f the un called scandals. He ways they will tW?t he permitted to evade smis imni dlat'ly Involved were ciist nut ,:ftcr public dlKfovory. The sei-rtiil line of attack to be lil^eil hv lb" HelnonraJK is -I be I claim the IN publicans in Con press are so split blocs and factions that parly responsibility no In'npT exists anions them: party discipline has become a thlnu ef the past and party "rcii ularity" a laiiuhlnp ntock. Coventor Smith has .said that Coventor James M. Cox. the Dem ocratic candidate in 11' 20. and the entire Democratic nruani/ai ion. irladly and bravely accepted ^ full "party responsibility" for Wood row Wilson and all that In did during after the war. Tlir Republicans. he insists. can do no I- sh this yen r with ex-Secretary Fail I and others affected by the Washington Invest Isu lions. So far jis President Coolldge is concerned. It Is said by his friend* that be is perfectly willing to tuk 1 up the Ii: IKe of bade for the Re publican patty. Mr. Coolidge al ways has been a party man. lie k lieves In Government by party * i .1 In party responsibility. He |m Ib.-vev tiitit when a man accepts a nomination from a party and in tic- name of ii parly lie owes per sonal responsibility nnd allegi ance to, the orf; ion. It was once said of Mr. Cool ld*:e thai h?' believed In Cod. Ill Massachusetts, in the Conun "a tiojjal Church and the Republican inriy. He i* such n staunch be ii' vi r in l be C. <>. I*- Hint ,'.t" fnr one . feels I4, can acc |?t full rc Hpnnsibllily for r.ll that has goin on in Washington, includli ;' tin pent ? in v iunt ion record of the administration, and si ill Hold Its head blvh. When it comes to defi iidinc parly responsibility in ('tin^ies^ , however. Hie I'm id nt will have i more difficult task on his hand: lie. abo\e all others, bn* felt that lack of responsibility during bis flr t year as President. Congress has .u'ine ahead nnd done virtual ly as it pleased. regardless of all ??'uhlance from the head of the party, the President. The nomin ?I lead i*r? of the parly In House i, ,..1 Viirite admitted their Imp" I. nee to carry out the President s pro;- ram. Many TJepubllcans have feared that lliis would he the chief line nt the Democratic attack, for th. v frankly admit It I* a vulner ii hie spot in their armor. The Rc ii.ihlicans have bc? n more unfor Hinati than the Democrats In tin mutter of blocs and factions. This, they suv. is because many persons V bo an not Republican* have H<-<rfd the Republican label In or ,|? ? if. rhle to office. They blame tic* primary system largely for this slat' of affairs and for the breakdown In party discipline The primary Is denounced as the J leale-t da'h*;. r to the American plan <>r party Oovrrninent hand ed down from tho formation of the Republic. SpfUl'.-'t: III III" n?P"llillrnn Nil tlnnnl C'UIV. ntloK nnd lt?" ".arty I.ln l r* .r iii ltr-lr. till- r. il I'md <rl<-? for the election ef a Congress that would stand tine |o the parly and to Calvin Cool Id u''- But the prl insry n suits thus fur have been r nvthlnst but reftSRurlng, Most ot the recalcitrants arc being re nominated. r. publican b adcrs today rath er w. Icotned the Intimations from ?'ov? rnor Smith and from Mr. Hh xi- himself that honesty In Oov i rnment Is t'? be h leading key ,t. < . r the campaign- The lie. ?. Mlcans b?%lbre that with Mr. I lldae now at the heltn. they prepared to meet that Issue. Vi mv blencc. lltcy feel, could not hn- < thrown a h? ttcr man to ,l,'M,Mv'r|)'hi-.rr?l? f<<! Ili'l Hjj , ,i lirlvt- l.y IlK tr |>?HV ?h"U <1 l? ni Hie tciiulilli-un r<?">ril In CiiiisH'O il'irlnn the liinl ?*" vrn,,. nnrt "P'H.llr tnrlnt h? i??l Mffl"" They ninl " J"n,n' n" mnllrr liow gnn'l ? ? r''? Idrnl Mr CoolldBc mlRliI niikv. publican eon"""" w^lch T1*,. "* \l\ovm\ \i.<;i:oks in .\ MM I A I j FIHT I'K.IIT James Boston and George ami Irving' Johnson, all colored. wore* in police court Saturday morning lor imlulninu in an affray in Nix oiifon township on Tuoaday I'von' ing about dark. The costs were divided anionic them and George anil Irving Johnson paid a fine .of f I v ?? dollars each. It seem* from the evidence that George and Irving Johnson had i? in fur J a tnes lioslon. because the lalti-r hud "lied on us" in a fun v?T.sation at a party wImi lie told ? negro Kir] thai she didn't like Johnson because "she wouldn't set side of him." George Johnson .JTJrst i|lies tion? d Itoston and a scrap foljnwed in which they exchanged blowy. Then Irving t<rak up the fight and a imgiiUllo halU>- follow d in whft'Ji rrrn jonn ion hoy TTTTT led his opponent to the diteh with a wallop on the lip. According t*? tli ? evidence, Irv -hlTT .luiin.?Olk Is ? rv y. ,its~r a^.\ James lloston 17 and George Jolin son 11. Irving T. Ilailey for sp?-? -Jlng pniil a fine of $10.00 and costs iu Saturday police courl. SKYKYn -TIIKKK I)E\l) IN li.OOII in* Thf Auorlatril fiml Tokio, Aug. !?. ? -Seventy three persons are known to he dead and f.7 missing us I he result of the overflowing of the Tali) us Kiver to advices received here today. Approximately ."5. oou homes were destroyed ami 40,0000 inundated. where they Im'IIcvo the question of parly responsibility will lie with the greatest fore and effect. They ar^ue that the Democrats can promise greater cohesiveness and co-operation at the two ends of I'l-nnsyivanin Avenue. l)l(. Ill I.IIKKT AGAIN ON WITNESS STAND IRt T*i? A*?<nH ChlfaKii, Auk. ft. I>r. II. S. Hnlhert. fourth of ill*' alienists [or tin*- ilrfpj\np, today restttm'd flu' ."liihil to conrlihlr his direct testimony when the li? aripg to de t?'i'iiiin?*"tlvr punishiirr m t ? ir Na than Leopold. Jr.. and Ku-haid I.tIi for kidnapping and killing: Robert Fmnkti was r* suiued for I hi\ fblti'iUJ) .'lay Jh-Iocc Ju>lgc_ john Caverly. The defense, expecting (hat completion of Uulhert's direct tes timony and cross examination would require the entire two hour s':Mon* wftK-nol 'Ni* licit in >iai< moots rrcardfrtt fhc wltncrses to follow. llulhcrt testified that disor dered endocrlift giamla " ?i?i? re sponsible for the mental and |?!iy sical development of Leopold which permitted him to fall in with l?oeb*s childish phantasy to commit a "perfect crime." The doctor uned X-ray picture.* to show Judge t'averlv the causes of the youth'* mental und physi cal disorders on which the de fense bases "its plea for mitiga* ti?n of the punishment. been diseased hut the disorder had subsided and his pineal and pituitary glands have not func tioned as they should. llulWrt tes tified. In summing up Ivo concluded, after having described Loch's dis orders yesterday, that they came together a* necessary comple ments one of the other and that Leopold was unahle to resist Loch's leaderslip. so their asso elation led to the murder of Franks. roNsri. <;knkk \i. IS SENT TO I'MtIS Washington. Aug. Robert Skinner. American consul general at l?ondon for more than ten year*, was today- ot*dcrrd trans ferred to Paris to Kjicceed Alex ander Thackara who retired as consul general there on July 1 because of age. ItKVIVAL AT I NION Revival nor vices will begin Sun day at I'liion Methodist Church and continue throughout the *fek with the pastor, llov. \V. T. l'hipps. preaching. Sunday lhes?e services will l>c at three o'clock in the afternoon and in the ev ening at 7:30 o'clock. The pub lic in cordially invited. (Br Th# Anoclatrd Kiritl Radio Manufacturers See Biggest Year In History (inmlli of K-uIio Mamifarl uriii^ Imluxlry INotliiim Short of I'hriiomiiial Willi Imliratioiis that Bn* itH'ss Is Slill in Swa<l<lliii? (ilnthr* n> 4. c. ROYiiK 1121. B* Tht Atfvant*) N'-w York. All mint !?. Ibcent reports fi'oni |J??? principal radio manufacturers and distributor? would sei hi l?? indicate a certain ty dial the wireless industry will have (if Inrc^'Ht year in lis his tory. The only queHllon seems' l?i lip how bin Half* will he. Estl malrf Ihii>i-(| on seven iiioiiIIih' production ram:'1 between $:ir?0, OAO.OUO and f r?O0.ftftO.tlDii Includ ing part*, sets and hattcrlH and olh'T accessories. ('lrcuiiiM(aiiri'8 have combined to Increase interest In radio. Th?' growing intensity of I In- interest in (In* Presidential cauipaiun In which radio in oxpeclcd to play a major pari, has !???! lo heavy pur chase.* of new m l*. Thfi spurt In prices of agricultural products has .focused attention on I ho dally 'mark*-! reports, especially In tin rural districts. Sport already ha* played a big part, with the Olym pic games on. and to even more of ? factor, with the international polo and tennis matches, the tightest race the American League has over seen, a wyrld .series of extraordinary In terest and a footliall year that promlnes real sensations all to be decided. Combined with these Influence* has been the real satisfaction which recent equipment, has given Its liner* and the development of enthusiasts capable and desirous of manufacturing their own nets and conducting Independent expe riment*. Pronto and production nmotm the manufacturer* and d< alei < therefore are piling up. Home ideg nf the rohtme of sales may be gathered from the fact that the first quarter of this year the sub * value of neiitrodyne roc-Ivors, paying a royalty to the Ha/eltlne Corporation, amounted to $7.'i00. 000 and that the second quarter undoubtedly showed jju increase over thi* amount. iT^i at the Inwer rule, this would mean nri' nnal profits of something like $*00,000 for the corporation, but the Increase has been so rapid that no one even In the company pretends to forecast the prospec tive amount. The radio Corporation of Amer ica, large manufacturer of radio equipment In addition to its other activities, had a net income In 1923 of $ 4 . 7 37,77 3. 74, a xaln of $1.763, 193. . the previous [ year. , Tlila year the company ban extreme difficulty in filling ??r 1 d?TK for hetrodyne set* mid ?;ale? . have increased until now they ar? believed l?? he at a ral'1 w? II abov? *5.000.000 si month. Sab? ??i ' IiiIm'H arc running above one mil ! lion a month, it I* estimated These tulips arc being made b> the lik electric manufacturing . roitipaiili'M such us Orni-ral Bier trie ami Weatlughouac Blcrlrk ami Manufacturing Company and their tirofitn from radio have In rnawd In proportion. Tlx- Puhllier Condenser and Radio Corporation has profited m>| al^m- through It h production ?if radio i qulpment hut by the or ?l? r of the Interstate Commerce 1 Commission for Installation of an automatic train control syntem. The Duhllier Company has be? n awarded contracts by train con trol manufarturorii for various alscd condensers. The Invention controlled by the company uaed in the manufacture of so-called "super ducon" products has be come an Important part of th< company'* assets. Theac pro ducts are impeded to obviato tb? use of "IV" baltorlrs by convert ing the power from any lamp socket Into voltage used in any ra(lio fecelvr. The Ware Radio* Corporation lias recently doubled the capnclty of its factory and experts to turn oue $.'{.500,000 worth of popular priced neutrodyne seta in ? Ik h t .months beginning September 1 The company has hern called on to supply 22.000 of these *< ??? fur one phoiiaKraph company al??n< to equip cabinets which combine radio and phonograph* equip ment. An Idea of the growth of the retail business In radio supplier can be obtained from the pro gr?*ss of the Itova Radio Corpora Hon which began with a capl'al Investment of I7.f?00. in one store and developed without ihr introduction of additional outride capital Into a concern with 11 More* in thr'-c cltl?*. David Harnoff, vice president arid general manager of the Radi i Corporation of America, predicts that 10.000.000 radio rccelvcra win b" In operation In the I *nlt? d States in 5 years and that two thirds of all the homes wired for electricity will be equipped with r?dlo. DEADLOCK MAY YET BE BROKEN I Tl ilal \ la'ip!it (m'Is as Far Appointment l<y llir (lih (oimoil of (Inmmittrc t?? Offer Proposal. . U.U iwrnl)- -tint- t-h?? deadlock which has been main tain <1. Willi l lie chy of Eliza betlj City ??ti ono- side ami with tlw ow ihts of i ho city's utUlllrs utt th? other. for the last years broken before on? or tin' other party to the contro versy 'liiK ? xhHiioli'it its IcKai and material resources in order ifi brine the other to its own term* No action was taken liy the ('I . ly Council in the meeting callc?l Friday a ft i moon - to consider a new proposal by the utility cor porations committing the city to any such course, but a commit tee was appointed to consider the proposal made by the utility cor porations Friday, and if It saw in. after ranking an Invention Hon', to offer a counter proposal. Thi>, of course, is nothing very definite; hut it at least indicatr* that th?- City Council, under cer lain conditions. might he willing tn recede somewhat from th? ground on which three years ago it *too<l fixed and immovable, namely, that it would pay th< utility ?orjH>raJ ions a quarter of a million dollars for their prop erties here and not a cent more. The City Council has discovered that, though ii may win out even tually in legal controversy with th" utility ror|?orations. delay and court proceedings are both cost ly. I'robsbly to date the taxpny crs of the city have had to pay out $15,000 In actual money to keep Ibis iiirlit going, hut that doen not represent, by any means, the actual loss suffered In the fight In the courts. For during I lie controversy the city has been unable lo make any headway in ih?> matter of municipal ownership of utilities and at the same time, wiiti I ho suits pending, the utili ty corporations have been unwil ling lo mack more than absolute ly necrwary repairs or extensions So the greater part of the city continues without any sewerage service whatever, and a matter of 1 Huo surface toilets are per mitted to continue here contrary t?? Slate law under the special In dulgence of the Slate Board of Health. Not only so. hut no considerable extension of the city's mileage of paved streets has been undertak en during the period of this con I roversy because the City Council prudently consider) d that it would be a waste of the taxpayers money to lay paving which might shortly have, lo be duii up to permit the laying ??f water and sewer mains. l'ndoubledly the meeting Fri day whs characterised by a more conciliatory spirit than has been shown in any previous meet lug of the sort. The City Council ami the utility corporations are still a long way apart, the offer made by I he corporations Friday being t<? sell water and sewer properties for $12fi.0(i0 ftr water, sewer and eleetrlc lights for $375,000; these amounts, they claimed, being the very lowest they could offer to break even with their creditors and bondholders and leaving nothing lo their stockholders. Itut they offered to put Into the hands of the representatives of the Council their hooks, records and appraisals and declared that if the Council should, show Ihelr figures to be excessive, they would acrept a lower figure or they would F?nsldcr & counter proposal If the City Council, after a study of the books and records of the utility corporations and a comparison of these with apprals alt made by engineers In the em ploy of the city, should care to Continued on Page 2 ItKt IV.M, AT OU\ KT TO HVAilS Al ia ST W Olivet llaptlMt Church will hold 1 1 m revival *? rvicea Ihla summer iH-cliinlnv with the week of Mon day, Annual 26. Rev. Mr llrlck houae of Columbia aaalatlni: the paator. IIpv. H. F. Hudson. In the acrvlrea. Theae Nnrvlm arc !o be held at .1 o'clock In the afternoon and at K o'clock hi nlaht. Mr. Ilrlck hotim Ih a Wake Forcat man and a native of Tyrrell County and haa won an enviable reputation aft a preacher. The pnhltr la ex t ended a cordial Invitation to at tend theae aervlcea. Olivet Hnptlftt Church In now on ttl* up-urad" under the leader ahlp of H?'V, Mr. Htldaon. who haa l?e? n pant or of the church ftlnc?> July. 192H. HcKular preach In k nervlcea are h' ld every third Sun day afternoon In each month. PlttAf* TWP vummv TO (X>lil.K4*r FI IIMTI UK IVm who will contrlhute fur niture or furntRTilnjfft to the Pe tentlon Home are nuked to have article* on their porchea Monday morning so that the truck may collect ih"m qnlckly. Thla will ho the laat trip that can he mado by the trurk and thoae wh ? have donation* that are not ready Mon day morning are aaked to pleaaV aend them to the home of flev O. F; Hill, corner JH?Morraln and (.[RHONS KNOCKS OUT m.OOMI Il l l) I in Tito A>?r|?ln| Wembley Stadium. I.osulon, Auk. !'. Tom (titiltoiiit, A nor lean Itulrr-Tn'iivywi'iKiil. knurknl out J. irk I il? >o tti fl? ? l?l . Knulisli asjiii nut for h?avyw<-Ulit honojr. Iji Til'" t I.I nr :n mi nd (fiiV tilt ?'union. Tin* lu ll Mivt'il III. n, ||. |,| | (???in iH'itiK knocked out in :in* :u-cfiiitl rou i?d. BUSINESS NOW BRISKEN1NG UP Krtail T ril?l<* <>? Ipwi'1'*' Trrml as lt?-sull ?f Mow llhcrrful Sla?<- Mitifl Anions (Ioiwuiihtx. II, To. HOVI.K C??.rl?l?t IK*. ?? t*? NvwV'ork. .Uiuuat '? ll-tall Ivadc la > rl*k"tllnB ill' Tin* is amiarrnl both I" lb" ''' , tl..? and I" ll?- rural a. . Ilona and Is .111", many di*irlbu<?i* a.) niufli u>-a_w"r.' ^*n1 of ntni'l t'li Hi'' I'art "I ',s ii- I.. imiirnvrnK'nl In Hi'' , liiral situation ami I'"' Hn.mHjl romlitlon of fnHiH'rs. Tlic pnhUr buya b.raua" " want* f> buy. nnl I -nil"' II nan lit liuv. many ni.-irhanla a^' ii Till* i-lani! hi auppnlit'fl by in ... vi-li'.loulati' anil ailvin-ia ?TI? ?li" rlalm Unit ?' " i.'f purrhasrs mail" nr.' dl.'lat. d " tnatlnrl* and .motiona ratlin than aculf iminndlat' N"W \ .irk iil'Trfuinl" l-h*' r"" nrmalnry .vldrn.. I" Hila Saturday, d.-claiinB thai 1 " '? aal.a liad niiil.rlally Iml.rm.'d In Hi., last tin day* "I'"-" I''" laM ral" war had hrmialil ? far.-a down In a I? <?? !"? a mil liashi. Wntn.ii ahn|i|?n.| "'"V ?ai.l ivrr" uhvlnn* t.i tak" ad van - lac., nf till- harualll rat"* and Iliad" aiio|i|iliiB .ii-urslmia ?u|.|'l> III" dratlnntlnn. Tli" rlnthlnu Irad". wliMi w.u d.'rlnr.'d by |."??lml?l? I" ?" thai lh" fiin.-ral rnnld '"'I lonu l>" d.-layrd. i* la'Klnnini: ? alinw rmicw.d slsns of Mf" ami ...iiiiliilatl'in ?'! l"lal? afi-r l in mtd-vrar Inv.>in"i1' f Juili. ai. s thai. In Blll'-ral. Ill" vidnin. "I hualli"** haa hriMi rliia. lv .-.impai aid" with thai "I Hi" rnrr. f|?md Inc |H-rind nf laid ?"ar. July M" rial aalra In moat a"rll"if? hav. h.'. n produrllv" nf "vr.'ll.tit luial nraa. Ju*t at prrs. nl. i h.tlil. i ? al drballiiK wl."lli.i III. wld.siir.a. popularity nf knlrli.rhurk"! " and flaunnl Irouwra lias h. i I. a l? i" III or a In Ih' ln. Mini' lakr lh" vl.w that Ibr purrhav" of a pair of knlrkrrn I':'* ' llmln ntrd for many Hi" mr.' nv "I buylnK a wlinl" Hull I w. Iclil nil Otlirra hold lh" vl. w ilia! vocii" for klilrk.ra and tl.nn>'. trouacr* liaa hr.n a llf" aav.T I" Ibr Irad" Ihla yrar In vl"<v Ions dnlayrd arrival i.f warm w?\t hor. Mann facllirora and rloll.i. i who hav.- Botlrn "iK.'Ibrr on lh" trrnrta whlrh probably will ln.1111 lh" drain If not lh" m-r. natty I" buy Into til" bnaoill of III" A.i> ri ran man Ihla fall a," advorallnt! "nior.- rolor JtldlrloiiHly ap|dl"d Th. v aay lh" il.'alr" In br> ak away from lh" nolubr' and roll H"rval Iv " fab. Ira of pa-l y"?rk mad" Ha *p|?rar?nr" laal fall wlih III" hill" tray rolorlnja and Iba lh" d.mand fm will rot' llnun al l-aal Ihruuahoiil Ihl y?l'iidirw"nr nialiilfar(ur?r? wlio hav" In-, n c.iiniilnlnlim "f amall ardi-ra hav" found that a u.?"l portion of tli" "XpiTl* d bualm'aa roil." t" Hi"" 1" Storka In lb" hand* nf mUla ami iralna ar" amall and bolli iii-il [>ra and rotall-ra ar. walrhln.. cloarly Hi" Irrll.l of tin- rnlloli markrl aim" that raw alapl.- roui poara a uood porlton of t > iitrnla whlrh rovr Ihr wI.I. " ;iana" nf Am rlran akin M lh , rr now ahoul Iwo monlha h. blml lirlr uaual fall produrllnli rrh lulra and Jobbrm. *ln>: Ihla Mvr h.'Rllli to ordrr fall r.'iull' nrnt h l? |?r"in|?< <l? nv?*ri' M I'l.AN DISCUSSION INTKH-AI.MKI) DKIiTS IHX A?Wl?trU l'rr??i Ix>ndon. Auk. 9 A conference on the qiiPKilon of the Intea-AI Hod d"ht* will he held In the n-'ar future It has been definitely d< elded. Prrmler HerrloU of France announced Just before ho left for Paris today for a conference with his cabinet on the work of the International Conference. It la understood that It haft not yet been derided whether th< n- w conference will bo held In I'arl.; or l?ondon. It wan emphasized however, thn! the f nlt< d Stat< K representative* were not parties to the derlalon l'> bold the debt parley. I*,\l,l,s PK1I) HM.MWh'fi I'lMUKMMlON OF MM.I<;iO\ John It Sawyer of ImntniH Neck fell dead Friday evening ;?? his homo while fecdlnu up 4 1?? stock. Mr Sawyer had Just re turned from churrh ?f New H??p where he had that afternoon pro fe?nrd religion. Mr Sawyer wi?? ?in vf-arn old and Is fllirvlved l>\ IiIh Wife, four Sous r.r| ?-!? daughter. The funeral Is pending the return of his son from South r^rell-a MILL GRINDING IN EARNEST NOW LiaHMKiki r> I'iikr lj? !\l;il . Iri> ol" I* i r-i in IX Ira Sohion and jj iNiimlicr ol ( llliris, ?" ill* T- I'rriT Anr. !' Th** kI:iim rhlp .mil Nvaicr t p->rl -t mil liill " Was- intend tl-'''d iu III'* Senate :>? day h> ' S?*h;'ti?r ? hath-s I Harris - ami whh :r hit mil cndorsim; lite roroinitien nation of the commission for Ilio acquisition ol an oast anil west railroad line. Arcoiiipaiiyinn the hill was a in lie.* oil lM-tiall o| Si n aturs Harris, lli'llaniy and IJr iwn ' thai tin y wimiM oppose tin* fea ture of t ho hill cailiim tor a ret crcudtiin tm Ho' aft ion ol tin- leg islature.* llnli-iKh. auk. !'? The mill ojr h'i'.lsl.iiii ii in tli?' extra session of tin* (North Cn rollna (ietieial Ah seinld y l> Kan grinding in caws; - stmtny~ Folly 11 1 in> hills Wi ro dropped into the 1 1 oil hi* hopper, Riven their first reading ami referred to colli ill it tecs or |ila'<Ted on the rah mini*. Fourteen iiH:isuri's wen- re ceiveil hy the clerks ill the Senate Jtnl st art ?'i| tie- r.utt ln> nf legist f**iTW - ? lii prcs- nta'.ive T?* ml intro ' dm Cd a hill to repeal thi' const i tulionat anieniliiii lit passed at the ? rejtnlaT- m*j*sioir ami- ?in he 1 vnli'il on l?y the people in Novi iiiIm-i deuliCK wirh th highway Immls sinking fund*. lie. al:to Intro ilu ceil a ii? \v amendment Hi at cor rects i ho ih'f 'c i ftuiiiil in I'ae first measure. Senator Charles I" Harris stated tin- Ship niul I'ort Commission rueasuri', the niatt-r of chief in terest to lie tnki-n np. would he laid hi'fore the Senate today along wilh another lull authorizing the t'i-a''<|iiisit!on hy thi- Stall' of ilie Cap" Fear" ami Yudklu Valley Itailrond. Wlo-ii lh"!i?? ni?a"ur"i are put into t In* Seital" lite chief work of ~71Pr~Ses:-lo|| will he under way. |li||i conccrtiitlg portions of North' astern Ninth Carolina in I rod u<-' d Friday were as follow *: Davis of Hyde, liill Introduced in I louse repealing Scclloii I. Chapter 4s7 laws of 1 ? :s rolut - ing to ga nn ' law In Hyde County. Iiunton: lulls introduce. I in Stage Set This Week For Acid Test London Parley \\ alia Vrri\.'l of <><?rni;tti* ;it l.oinlnn \ I ! Depend* on Spirit in \\ hieli Mr' l Allied DciiiuikIs and What ( oiinln- DiiiiiimU Tlii') Will ln?is| I jh?ii It) I- ll.W li II. SIMOMIS Ct?|?vi IJ'.IiNmI by II ro N''WH|'a J?*T SytuliratP I?AVIS MO\ Kl> in IfIS W KI COMi: IIOMK (Bt Tin MWWUlid PfrMI Clarkshuru. W Vh . A?i-\ !i. John \V. navlx rain*' i ?? today In i hn r. r i'Ht filsl.H i>f M.< l i r? ? to tluiL si i ?*n k;i h. sympathy. >i;eouraii< - input. and support from I if* liiiu; rrlt'iulit and iK'lKlihor.i lnTc in tin* hills ttlini' In- livia?l iliilll it f? w v ?ar,s auo when In' was , an lit- i'X|?Tl?'d ll. to l?? ? a waiKl' i'-r ? ?ii I !??? !????? of the earth. ..,1.1'' found ii welcome tlmt tour lied lit m Si? ili't|ily I hit I li? unafraid with |p;rr.?? coura itiK hi* flh'i'kn wlillc lie miiikIiI f"r wttnir thni ml ~ Ivt rrpress his emo tion. STKA.M Kit IS IIKI.I) FAST in Till: ll'.K On hiiaru file Supply Ship riiilask. near AiiKmagftKllk. lirciui J.UIM.U 1 1<V WireloMM to , AsducliitiuL in ili?* ice fiMil near AaKiiuiKK.ilik. early I Ilia week I lie l>anMi *ov eiTiun ni steamer Gelt rudrnsk. land station of I he American world fllRlit party, lias drifted with l lie ire five milt s smith of AnR niaKsallk will he ifiiposHihle for her to escape ihe lee crcam. i;i>i:\To\-HKim mu? i;o\i> i?wix<; is i 'o.Mi*i.i<rrKii NeWM here Saturday wiut to the effect that Saturday marked the eomplflloil.rtf pa vlnu Oil the Stale road from Kdenton to Hertford. Thin road, therefor-. iim> he e\ |i?Vted to lie opi'ii for I raffle l?y Sepleiuber 1. 1 1 ? ? ? i <? as follow*: flisi. Kmpow crlnc the "riMinty lion r?i of ronr mlsslonem <if Ciirrlliielc to pell hoiitl* to cover Indebtedness lll curretl in providing dipping vats; second. to amend t'lyipter 2t*0 o? I lie road laws of t'urril ink ; third, to prevent reek lea* driving of mo tor vehicle* over the draw bridge* of Currituck. ? W.islllllKt'ti. ?ugu?t 9 ? Diffl ' II I r ih Ii.ivi!'* hnjj rrrtiiii of the ,ijf ?lLi'.L(?udoji Conference, hitherto. it i< nViiliftWr tliaf'lhe xuprettic crisis has cumo with the urrlvul of iff Hermans. To all Intents an. I purposes. France and UfrmttTty -irr at tvar ; that HT say. i In- state r?f public feeling In both con ni ncs is precisely what it lias been ev? ? r since the German declaration of war upon France ton years ago. In i li i h situation. therefore, holh Harriot and Stri'semann will at all times he Infinitely morn concerned with their home from than with the actual pro iikk of di?. nmion in ih? British ['apital. Conci'sHloim on the part i?f llerriot wi ro possible when Britain and America were In volved . because after all those I'ouiitricK had fought with France uga liiHt iId* common enemy of the war parlor |, |Hlt th,. B||ghtest con nexion to I J or ma uy ' mi^ht bring liiWJi?Llii: ? llerriot ? ininlwiry and upset Hi,, aholo agreement so far made. ? ? ? ? , _J By contract Streseinann and . ilajx '*? ? tl tl d trr-fristst that ? [??'L'liiany i hall iu> irratcd not ait a ili-fi-al.i.l cti.liiv Ivcolvlng term,, but an an equal. anil beyond all p1?i* they ?ri' hound to raise and lire* i ho point that Hie Treaty of \ eraaillcH declaration lhat Ger many wan responsible for the war '? """''I I t. <'\r rcinn t.illonalisHc ramp eoinrs the In ?lstciit demand thai Germany ahtiiln formal and official vindl- ; ration at ihi- hands of the world; ?nd If the point seem academic In America, it in far otherwise In Germany. V*t It must lie clear that any iiin nipt on i In i *?* i i of Germany '<? open a di-cuHnlon of the re sponsibility for the war can only a aignul for h plUlMl, If J not actual French , withdrawal. Moreover, ir Hie Herman demand for vindication in Hie matter of responsibility is avoided, and It la iar.1 lo :? o how Uanniey Mac Donald can permit It to he drag Rod ill. the problem of the r>varua- ? H'?n of Hip Kuhr is hound to i rome up. for without evacuation ' '?-???"V I.. :,,!>? lionuM, Ilt'cepl4nr?> or tli? r?i.w,.? Report. 4 let, Strictly sp'akitiK, the mat ter Of .valuation la outside the J field covered by Hie Dawes re lhat document provided Dial C ? r? i m any should regain con trol i.f her Industrial plant, all her economic maehlnery, hut It recognl/.' d by inference that thia would lie possible even If French Karrlsons remained in Hie Ruhf. Heveral IIiiion In French history, armies of occupation have re uialtieil on French soil after war I'l insure the fulfillment of peace treaty provi: I >n?. but such occu pallon did not interfere with economic recovery. If< rrlot lies. lo |?e sura. ; gone beyond the Dawes Report and promised physical evacuation w'hen Hit* Herman Hovernment has faithfully complied with the pre-" Hmiiiary condition* of the Dawes Plan, but the Hermans on their Rifle have made acceptance and I'ompliance alike contingent on complete and Immediate evacua "?n Thus it will bo difficult ; for Marx and Htres?mann to go tioine If they have not Rained the iiHBitranr.' of evacuation, hut tt will be just us hard for Herrlot. The Iflilh Is that no Herman ran \ make nnv concessio'n lo a French man and- no Frenchman to a Ger man and both are determined to [?reserve national prestige. For Hermany there la th? mormon i motive to regain some h<n?: of her old standing and f?rcKtiK(. The fact that at Paris ii !(?!!? the Hermans were not y: milted to discuss t"rmi htif mly to sign on the dotte<l line, nrlth i he threat of.-^a- T"sumption * ^f H.- war hanxlnir ovor theli iead?< nnd lhat they have since ?een a neRllglble quantity In Ku ojenn Kalherlngs still rankles, or Hermans are determined to leuiand and gain for their coun ry ii* old placn of Influence. This senaitlvenesH is well lllus rated by the crlHchmn of Mr. lushes In certain Berlin Journals ounded on tho aK*'-rtion that h? :ave a longer audience to French b in to German Journalists Kven STUffllng that Herrlot and HtreMT"-"; nann w?re uninfluenced by na lonsl sentiments, their position*} rould be excessively difficult and fi? r all. hnth are unquettlonably , n i degree sharers In the seatl tenfs of their respective coun rlcs. Kucee*, or fnllure. thrtn. may rell turn on I it i lo rather than urge things and ihe real triumph, f Here he one. will belong to trtmsey Macf>onald, whose biial icss It will he not alone to pre Ide but to prevent an e<plot?lo?. f. a* ihe world mint hnpe, this .ondon conference succseds, It |? l^ar that It will he the last tlmo lermany can be brought to ourt. that It must represent the Mail Order Love Bureau W orseThan A Skin Game I'akr I'irltirc of ftlovir I'ilm ArlrrHh mid Il'llim;/ Hrim l% All Tliwl TIiihc Who Aiihwrrril Apniry's A?l vfTlixriiirnlH (iol for Their Money R> I,. c. OWKN 1174, dy Th? A4vanr*> San 1'i.iiirlnc'i. Aiu ii.:i '? I'er mimih HMkliiK 1mm r( thrills uml lovf mnlrx thronuh mall order mairiiuontal InirruuH the kind ( lint nfli r to supply a wife or hu* hand of the lal?>nt iii'iijct for a two-rent, nta nip? ran gather con Hiili'rabli1 sophistication in itiirh matt? r* out ??f the l-'od'-ral Court prorccdliucH In i" ai-.alnst lament Swart* and bin wife Teresa. the . latti r a Hi lf-ciDWiM'd movlo queon and II I in lirmity. The Swart? twain have Juki Ihvii Indicted hy a Federal yrand Jury ? n 41 rlinrc* of iihIiik the mall* to defraud In uiuletlnt: love lorn persona who wer ?? w i 1 1 in if lo eontraet lor a li?-l |i>n;it < . sight un seen , fircpl fi?r the exchange n' photo*. which the Swartxeg made a sprelnlty of providing, Th?' HprrJal fn.rle of Mm matri monial promoters, say F? lorn I of llnm. wan tin* **indliiu; i>| elder ly lon(H'inu' ni'-n In search r?f voiinr -ind vivacious l?rlde.\ mid ? Id'Tly spinsters v.lih rraviimtt toward youthful rificlk* Itaidlnu alleged m ill ?Piwital bureaus nuilntn In?r1 In.tli In thl oily and I#oa AiiK?-leK hy Swart* and his wife. Oovcrniherit au? nts found lists of more than 20, 000 loye lummy iieranna who are said to hav<>. answered their advertise ments in the pant. A eor;?-? of n Inlf d"r.?-n stenographers In oltlee wo* hnay auVWerlnu new "suekery" h item com 1 03 hy each 111 nil the 20.000 fnrrcrfiond *ntr?, however, the Federal men nn/'-rt Mv> wero tumble I ?? find n Mlnuh- Inatanei whet/ lovelorn ro'iple;i were litankM tnipdln'r and niarrlaffo resulted* for i th al|ert?d r?a*fin that Swart#5 always played 1 1? ?? role of sh? IV to wom-n love t> < keis, while hla wif . fair, fat and forty, onr.iyd tlie fuim? youthful roio with ai:<d malea , who HOU?hi WIV"? The HwarlX'* owe their preaent predicament to a rich fanner of Mi?dford. Oregon, who Is said t<? !>?? tjrph'al of the luary vleilma neiti?d hy the matrimonial hurea.ii pair. Th Medfoid man answer* d an edv rtl: ? Mi'-nt . lir.'ing himself a having marriageable frnden el<-n, nod *? n a d?sii?? f??r acquaintance with any young prelty woman With hlmliar firtjtM vltl< a. According to the Federal ag ? !'. * a' t' ' ? that Mr*. Hwiirlz nnimiiu-il Iht f?fl? n played! roll* of "inovlr queen and hathluj; ; lii-Hiily." TIm* Med ford man re ri'lvril a liller written In ? ndear ! Inu terma, nilvlrliiK him that tjie matrimonial bureau had 1 11 rtiod his letter over In li ? r m in! Hiiylnj.-. that although *lie wii-i a treat mirr. xh aH a movie nctreaa, *lie wan willing to foreaake her clne ma future ami Ki'llle down ax a farmer 'a wife. Oilier eorrenpondenr" followed, with ait ultimate exchange r?f pho ton. The Medford farim r re ceived numcroua art lutlcally n n - IhIh-iI "r.napaliot*" of thin prnnpec live bride. Including oiu;r Jn ' which *he wn?? narhed a* a tjrpl cnl inovle hat hint; lieatily. He liked the plrturen. ho Ihi" n?xt re. , que*t wan fur money foi a rail mail ticket ho- lhat the hrldc-to hi* might Join him on hla Oregon farm, where the pair "would live happy ever after." Tin re waan't nnv happy after itiQlh, however. Afler Mending the r'-qucMtnrl fund* th" farmer hoard no further from the matrl* moninl hurra ii. Irifttiad of fo|.^. lowing the example of thousand.* of other victim* nnd remaining pI Icnl. he took up the matter with poatoff ire ofTlr'ala. Investigation. a.rreH* and Indictment i f the followed Affording to th* Federal enf* virtually the game wan worked- on both male nnd forocV *v?kT? after love who anawcrcd the couple'rt advertH*n?"ntft. and thefr victims r cacti from f oa*t to coaal Ainen>; the aduiliialon* ' lalm'd to. have been cM?lned from I tin Swart*? :i i.< op a that the male head of th<> matrimonial bu reau frequently wrote "nwrrt h'*nii" letter* to male mrrrrpond ? nts while the wife, knowing the shoi tromint;* of In r own net hmil. Indicted (he love mi'*Rivea which wont out to female vlrfinin. I'llTTOM MAIlKKt N?-w York, Auk ft. Spol cot ton cloned quiet today. middling :?n with in point* advance. Future*. clOMini' Idd: October 27 VA, December 2't*'2. January 2i; ISO. March 2'. i.? Mav 27.1*5. New York. Ants 0 Cotton fu ture* opened today a' the follow ing level* Oct. 27.20. Dec. 28.68 Jan 26 ?*, Mftrch 2? 7* May M.ft.

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