Discourtesy Of Salespeople Ruins Results Advertising Many Nrw York Mrrrhuntx l-intling Ciwlotiior* Brought Into Their Sloro liy Nrwupapm are Reiiijg IVr f maiK iilU Lost liy Tacllow Kinployes it> J. <?. Kxrr.K ? ?? -T?. >:??? -Vork, Artit. ii._C.tim. vol. ?riyS ir. -iiiii " ? h>,or ' a " "iTi1."!'" "ill.' oth'r , 11 "-reived fmill "III. mil. r r.-tHil centers lhat condition |,U1...|V ; ??ml on, , , , ;;ck;,":<b>; ?*"?" (?. ram.. I, fa pr.cj.rl,, us ?r alarm ?? t "" r";'" 1 " ">mr extent it u <iu.- to II Aft, i uiliiii* loir .If III, -H'li, Hits |? returns frniii ti?. iiVB "",y ??... "" 'lay ill.' lone. til., tlicr alid 'ni'ry 'll,;h a"d ,c,u|"'r" abort Merchants riallii-, Incompetent and in., >r<.|?.t!? jlplinrcl suIoh forriK arc- i? ?it|j?-v rn,,,":"';!' "! '?'<? irom < \ ? it tlio clcvHn'?t .Hid ih si ?tv. ??-ti-i.iK. ? '" ?> ,,r<' c.'neentnttlmr on nl? their ':nM-"-y and r?uZZ ni tliHt Hnl.? p,<o|iIp. --They l'nv.. m?l?* Um fact ( hat It in of small avail to attract praMpcctivn cus I.?? t hrottKh ndvertlao,..,,,, rlL, " """? customer. Horvi.? aK"l "~al" ky 'nadeiit.ate ill." "" "'""urtiou. tfalc. A former customer of on.- of [lie lamest men's clothing .Uni. M,. In New York told the ,i. ! . y ' n 'r'uit hi u?"uUU!"""' "" Hie i?rt I " ' W'lien he had u * ructed to the More hv . f It" ada. lie had not only cenaed In Ih i , ''Inm-lf hut in the IiikI ymr had dlvertel the frmfiV. V ?f h'" nc'l"a'"lai.oe? from the .tore. Tile anmu.l niV . H '' acquaintances. he sssusu- ",,iw," n ??? ????' Hence the net r.ai.lt of lie- n.|. V. rtlsement |n <iues,f<n. in Iinrtleiilur cane wna the certal i hm or 15 cn.t .ni?ra, their r! rnoval from th.. ll-l.l possible f. Inter. ?t in flltllP, ? |vert!i.e?,c..t, ?,? ?oa . m " l?o?.lblc *<..*00 lit KTOHH ?al?>H. Th? cl-rk Who rauiiial thU loan atill is ? u? IMoyr-f} |?y t|?. company. If ?t}M.r casea of Incivility on hi* part I, ail .-j. tlmilur effect, ho probably i? elotlll"'< Mali's* mail In New York. At n luncheon attended last week by a score of |? va. ri v"u "n vlelnlty of ' * /' ' 1 lark. It developed thai Hhih " i .',' 20 attended a Bhlrt Bale held by a firm or liaher ?I'1"1''.? having stores In that knir li i. "1 A"" liaii Keen re hnfred by Incivility or clerka and had determined to purchase nolh fufiir.?"1 nri" in The nal.H manacr of the firm In <iue? Ion prohal.ly do. ? not know this, but adv. rtlnint neii know it and those not fortunate enoiiKh to handle, thla nrui'a ac riiunfM arc laimhluK r?v??r it The aceticy which di.ea handle It la not laufihine. Merchant,, here and elapwhere determined to correct tlila condition. Many are ori-anlzlni; cla?ae? of ulcftinanihlp or urxlii)! eniployea to attend audi r'"' IWr own aton a! Many of the retail companlea are rr"ln71^r"'.*r rn\klr"t unalyala of r,i nil, a plan, audi n> are l? uae h> (he llurrouRha Addlne Machine Company, the Metropolitan l.lfe ":V,r""r, Company, the National laah IIcl. later Company and Hwiri A Company and adopt Inn a?lne of !u".,la l'r " '"r th,lr "wn IV* w aa lea manaaera, in their hearts feel that the cuatomera are a l wpya rlaht but so acute haa the 'titration of courteay to patrona heroine that a well auataln.d con, plaint l,y a customer is ruffi clent irrounds for Immediate dls charce In one of the larxeat New York department atorea Coinpiaint, ,re recclvlns more !io~ ,vrr ns store managers are more afraid lu.Mn/rr"""" "" m a(l JtiMiinK thrill. wln"'Z /'"""tilled customer. Me . "'r ",n'? ?1"1 IfOU l.'it III. , "*| " fompiaint lilt they always hare the recourse er ala vlnt; away from the store in il ileal ten and aurh cuatomera arc I "J'hout store ejtccutives t?,. Jll^ able to lr 11 0 The J.rnhlem is belnc romnll ? I'll at prea.nl l.y the vacation f . von. for Ih. Inclination toward ? ii',??h? ","n" n"'r" l,rpvftl"nl l" that lime amona the reauUr employe# ? Halea forcea and cua teni is alike are I. aa forbearlna III 111. heated aenson and depart tnei.t -'ore mana??ra are making or. ry effort to avoid the neco?,ity of employing temporary help auch as Is utlllxed durlDK holiday and tali* rushea. ' NOMINEE (rOKED TO DEATH BY BULI, Sioux Fa I la, S. D., Auk. 11.? Andrew Andoraon. Democratic nominee for governor of South Dakota, waa gored to death by a bull ?arly today at hta farm ooar V Hereford, SO mllea aouth of Sioux KlT !'i. PREPARING FOR PLEASURE DAY I)itlr Sot for Si'iiIciiiImt ? ^ivtli ami PI;tU>~Mji<lr l'?r llifi Occasiiin <>n Cnrii lurk Souml. TUns arc again under way for I In- annual pleasure day at I ho I Mbl<* School Park of the Church of Christ on Currituck Sound near Point Harbor. The date fur the day has been set for September 6 this year. Tin* park which Is t" afford ground for the event is situated near the Indian's Old Fort on Currituck Sound in a beautiful nunc vu(li a >pl< Hdld water fro h t . From the grounds one is able to pet a good view of Albemarle, Croatan and Currituck sounds, and also of Kill IVvil If ill. Hecnc of the Wright Brothers first ex periments with the acroplunc. The wide scope of water that sur rounds the park makes* it one of the coolest places in all the Albe marle region. "There are lots of picnics ev ery year." says Ilev. James It. Lee. minister of the churches of Bible school and church. But this Is not a Bible school or church picnic but a pleasure day. We havo only one pleasure day each year. Therefore if you miss this one you have missed the big day of the year. "We own our orchestra, and therefore, there is practically no likelihood of disappoint incut at* to the musical program. Other features of tlio program are being given careful consideration by the program committee and good speakers arc assured; as well as a program on the whole measur Ing up to the high standard set in previous celebration of this day, liout racing, boat riding and bath ing will be among the sports en Joyed. "'Firing the children and let them enjoy a day on the sound in the cool shade of the park or playing in the water of old Cur rituck. In our park we have one of the best bathing beaches to be found on the sound waters of North Carolina." SENATE TAKES UP STATE SHIP MIJ, Raleigh, Aug. 11. ? Declaring that the Senate was c'.iaflng un der the delay in getting down t-? the purpose of the special session. Senator Glass today introduced a motion to require tho committee handling the bill to report not la ter than tomorrow night. The hill was later withdrawn after Senator IV II. Williams of Pasquotank declared that tho mat ter was too important to hurry and that the opponents must have, an opportunity to present their case. A tribute of respect for the lato Claude Kite bin was passed by the Senate today. Senator Harris of Wake Intro duced a bill to make the term of Sheriff four years Instead of two. A second reading was given two bills by Senator Costen of Gnte? relating to roads in Hall township of Gates county and providing for construction of connecting links between State highway* and coun ty roads in Gates. Raleigh. August 11? -The Se nate convened tills morning a? eleven o'clock to take up tho Ship Commission bill which was Introduced Saturday, while Iho House will not meet till tonight. It Is expected while the bill is in committee that tho bodies will consider the numerous hills which have been Introduced. KIIIMHf II.MTIHT CUV It II IIKVIVAI/ CliOHKD HI'XDAY After two weeks of earnest preaching by Rev. J. T. Rlddick of Perquimans County, tho reviv al at Shi lob Baptist church came io a ciose Monday night with over fifteen additions to fhe member ship of the church. "The church rmmhcrshlp has been greatly re vived during the meeting"' a mem ber of the congregation told a re porter for this newspaper Satur day. Rev. S. F. Hudson is pastor of the Shlloh Church and the work of this, the oldest Itaptlst church In North Carolina, has gono for ward under his leadership. BISHOP TO RENT CHEAPER TO DADS lUlolffh. Aog. 11 ? Rliihop J. H. Cheshire of the Rpls<opal Doces of North Carolina an nounced yesterday that the apart ment hOuse -built with his Barings will be rented to couples with children for 96 len per month th?.a o'her:. Last Picture of Wrecked World -flyer Here I* the liisl' j-lctui'' taken of Ou* T:?v?tbn. the* III wnrlri flight i wl.u li v.im vverke*! r-n tlit? (Tight from Kirkwall to Irr'.:inil. A lirckrn |?ropelUr remitted In tin* rhlp Int.. tl?e k?:i. IJeti. tenant Wmle was i?l< l etl *?:? '?>> .1 patrol ?hl:?. Hrnmint A. M. <>gtU-u Isi't.o ui v-L.-uy . n Uiv pi.un at I'lOUgh. near 1 lull, Kn^kiinl; . Once Broadway Magnate Now Reduced To Penury Oliver Morocco, After Making lli* Name a Hiiiiim'IiuIiI Word in America, IJruiifilii t<? Poverty by Wife W liom lie Treated Badly and Wall St. Shark* By HAItVKY \\l)KltK()\ (Co??r i?hl. I <(2 1. Cy ttat AdrincO New York, August 11.? In u i modest little apartment on I'ppcr Broadway, Oliver Morocco, once prosit Broadway theatrical produc er, is turning flip flopn by the hour. Ho Ih preparing himself for a Broadway "conn back" In .1 fplay in which ho in to bo the acrobatic hero, a play that is rem iniscent of the days of his youth, when he tumbled for circus audi ences. Morosco Is dead broke. The man who produced "the Bird of Paradise." which grossed $ t 000.000 and brought Lenore I'lrie to Broadway; who discovered J. Hartley manners as a playwright, and KaWIiHuretU' Taylor her chance in I'eg o' My Heart. at a profit of more than $3,500 no is without a nickel he can call his own. A little more than throe years ago, he was known as a Broad way genius' ? not a business mar lyeli but a creative genius whose ivrry ? cruai b<?m*4>4 ? Ihim I money easily where others strug gled to make ends meet. He pos sessed a fortune of $5,000,000 and had an income of $500,000 a ynar. Hi- owned a. small town near Los Angeles that he called Moroscotown. Ho produced pic tures and he owned the rights to a number of successful plays. He lirst produced "Abie's Irish Hose" in Bos Angeles, but financial dif ficulties took it from his hands. It now is on the road to a $5,000, 000 profit f??r its author. Ann Nichols, who took over its pro duction. Morosco dreamed of a chain of theaters from coast to coast, with his name above them In electric lights. But as success grew upon him. as money rolled in, he dis carded the wife of his younger land harder days and fell in love with an actress in one of his shows. His wife charged that lie i lavished money on the other wo man and divorced him. She had her revenue. She lied up hi* money by attachments so that he was unable to operate without outside help. It was the first time in his theatrical career that he had boen bothered for money. Along in April, 1021, he formed the Morosco Holding Company and announced that he whh "turning over all Ills Inter ests to a Wall Strwt group" hi that he might devote* himself to working out liia national program. The climax of the movo came thin week, when seven men were InrlW-C ???! for mulcting Morosco of If.. 000.000 and flu* public of $2. 500,000. "Wick talkers" the Gov ernment calls them in its arraign ment. They persuaded Morocco to form the company, the Govern ment c laims, turning oror t ?? them all his assets and all IiIh cash. In return, iliey tnvp him crisp new Hl??csk c rUftcatcH of the Morosco Holding Company. Ho sold these hack 10 the liolding- company for $'?0 a unit, which consisted of four shares of common flock and one of preferred. A high powered sales organization was perfected. Into it, the Government claims, were pressed some of the high tension salesmen who perpetuated -"ih^ -rhwi- -rnnlrrt'"- -frnnri- -anil' mulcted the public of inlllinms. The 11 11 It h sold to the public for from $ 1 ?0 to |:i00. Morosco whh given enough money to meet his needs. Ife did m>t worry about the bookkeeping. When he asked for payment at $00 a unit, the MoroHco Holding Company re plied "We are paying it ?ut t r> your former wife, under her at tachments, to prevent her from throwing you Into bankruptcy." The company paid two divi dends of eight per cent. The Oov er<imeut claims (Ills money was paid out of the sale of stocks and not out of earnings. The Govern m? nt claims, also, that Mock was .sold on misrepresentation as to profits. Win n Morosco heard of these representations, he protested. When protests did not avail, he resigned. Then the company was thrown Into receivership. Morosco was left without a penny, without a contract giving him rights In any plays, without even a frayed costume from one of hlu earlier successes. So Morosco turns flip flops in the living room of his little apart ment and hopes that his coining show may be another "I'eg o' My Heart" or "IJIrrf of Paradise." citnsKK damaged in ICK III MM<)( K ?H* "P.? A<?ri|ln| I'trvl I J ??>* K Ja vnik, Iceland. Aug. 11. Tin- lulled States cruiser Km l?*igh. exploring I In- r;iN| n?a: t of ISreenlarid In tcari'li of a landing place for tin* American Army 'round the world fliers. today re l*orc?*?l t<? Hear Admiral Tlioma.s M a u ruder (hat sh" wan in a d? ns? fou no miles southeast nf An;: _liiaKhalink? aud? 44ta4 ?!??? had ? mr? countered many llouting lee hum mock*. Wlill.- t In* vcmh'I wan at tempting to gain Ibe H?>a dear of Ice a hummock touched It slight - Iv damaging the starboard and forward propeller, according to tli" r i port to the admiral. motorcyclists in FATAL ACCIDKNT Raleigh. Auk. 11 ? Hubert Drew. 1 H year old poRt office mes senger, was fatally injured, and Ludlow Moore, aged 19. seriously Injured, when the motorcycle which I hey were riding last night collided with an auto driven by Harvey Underwood 12 miles from I he city. Drew auffered a frac tured skull mid shattered hrain while Moore had hotli legs and his left arm broken. DAVIS WKLCOMKS Ills PAItTY I.KADKISS Itty 1%? AtnUlxl l'rr<?| Clarksburg. W. Va.. Aug. J 1. ? John W. Davis personally wej^ f?mfii ? rtrfTifrltsfiirrg Toil ay" lead ers of his parly who have assem bled for his formal notification tonight. Appearing before tin* Natlona' Committee to suggest the selcc lion of Clem Shaver of Fairmont an Its chairman, the democratic Presidential candidate urged thn necessity for organization and de clared that it was th" duty of I lie committee and of himself to nee that the people of the country ar<? fully Informed "concerning those things that will influence their decision in November." POWOKII PLANT is DESTKOYKO BY 1 1 UK Nashville. Aug. 11. ? The origin of the flr>' that destroyed the buildings machinery and 46.000. 000 pounds of smokeless powder at Old Hickory Powder Plant. Jacksonville, Tennessee, Sunday had not been determined today. Major Oscar Krupp In charge ol the government property de clared. VIOYH MUflT TIKHDAV - All members of the Boy's Hand ?re asked to inert at eight o'clock Tuesday night in the Chamber of Commerce rooms. i{i:<:oum:i; s imm mit A TXTNimNE \rOM> AV One O'clock Itefotv Ciimw IWfntv Trial S|MHiec Urt?> DU|m>m'?I of Tin* cnlnri'il population of New latul township w is well re prose u Ifil in ill*' crowd m liii-h f 1 1 1?> i < ball cci'iioii of th?> court room A?ou ?lay ni-?riiiiig when Itoo.u \elt month* on tin* roinlHslor assault with d?-.id!> u-.ip-u ufrnn" Holly tlrlfTin. bfitfi colored nr.it oT Ncw laml lowuahip. ilmii.ii llrothcra claims At present to lit* i Mi|i|oy? ?| ill Virginia. Thr aili ?<! uutaiiit ? ccurrcd on Sunday Ki-vcral wo-Kh iiko. when i? t tin1 homo of mil1 Toiii Itiot liorn, wli' iv Newlaud iH'urooH appear ttt ? trrm tr.~ Ti .1 3&7TfiT?mi iTT'TTTiT aid?'raidc numb. is. Ilolly Htnppcd tli?* cur owned ami ?l ii by t'hnrlie Temple to haw a little talk with the lalti r tn n ^anl to a ?!? T.l Konfti'v* It, in TTn- car with Temple, waa iu a hurry lo go oii to church and Iwici1 t ri?-?l lo crank the car ami got started. Kach 1 1 III ? - Ilolly pushed Kooacvelt away ami win n thin occurred the second tlnn- Itoosovfdt Kuimlit some! bin*; w In rcwitli to i>vi>ii up tlo* fuel that II idly weighed 190 . pounds lo his 135. and round it in tlir shape of a long handled tdxuvid. with wiiit-ii Jo- -I" d H??l IjTfifTe oveV lln- back of tin- head, fi'llinit tin' laitcr lo the ground and Inflicting a wound ttiat bled copiously and required surgical all* nt inn. Tln-re was sharp conflict aa to whether Ilolly wax advancing on ItooHi vi It when the lilow was alurck or nut hut all cvWIcnrn In dicated that Ilolly had camc hack toward llw car af|i?r getting the Hhovd. r.nd t In* court Imposed n road sentence, from which the de f.-ndr-rii . through rouiiHi'l, noted nn appeal. The foregoing ruse was hut one of a string iiivoivitiK liquor or the Hp 1 1 1 i n u of some hlood or both I hut took up the greater part of a half day Hi'*sh:n of recorder's court Monday. HMiop linker, colored, who tanked up en whiskey and under took to d incipitur his wife Nt H lal hour Saturday night, to the alarm of their neighbors on Hell strct. drew a sunt once of Mix month* cm the charge of nshhuII and of ::n days additional on the charge of operating an automo bile while under the influence of liquor. Police nffb*Ts ~ answer ing nn emergency call from tliq neighborhood, found Maker in tha act of striking his wife while he held her by the throat. Ho wan under tiii] influence of liquor at the time, It was testified, and had shortly before driven up near his home In an automobile. Lemuel and Krn'stlne CorlH?lt. young colored pair whose seven months of wedded life culminat ed In an affmy with a pocket IkniXc -Saturday. - .night.. wuro loe~ tured by the court and the hus biind required lo pay the coats. Prayer for Judgment wih con tinued in the hope that they might adjust their differences and re store* their home. (loldic King nf Ice pick fame, and the samp negrews whose startling costume or lark of It made members of the police force hi n nb when they undertook to ar rest her In this city sornn months ago. drew a fine of $.r> and coats for drunkenness and an additional fltje of $10 and half costs for an affray with Willie Mldg'tf Mid get t for his part was let off with a fine of $5 and the other half of th** costa. Krnest Simpson and Helton Dun can. another affray case, were each taxed with half the costs and Simpson drew a fine in addition on the name charge of $5 and co?t*. Simpson was also fined 91u ami coats on a drunk and dis orderly charge? This cnd"d the affray and as sault cases, but there were a goodly hunch of other offenders, white and COlqred. Arthur Padgett. submitting t* ?i charge of speeding on the street* of the city, drew a fin" of |I0 and cost*. The offense ip this caso was continued from last Boys' Band This Week Has The Right Of Way liilrrcM Ih Wurmitm l'|> Willi the* Wrullirr, Stil?ftrrip linns nrr llcing Muili-tl, and KvrnlMidj. I- Likely to Want to <h>I in on the BuihI \\ agon Cl.ll' AND SIGN KlizahHh City.. N C TukuvI, 1924. FIIANK KltAMF.lt. S<?or**tary-Trpanurcr. Kiwanla-ltotary IIovh' itjiiul Coiuuiltlpp, JuiLtiLhuUU-4'-llAL1--X,-LL, I>?*ar Slr: I think tin* ndvantaKP* of havint; h c?')d hand hrrp arn Krcal and far-n*arhlni:. I think it will h< l|> amum- and Mtlm uliilt1 our community. l?Hn(Lcfflnfert? will attract considerably trade to our town and provide It with nnirh advertising. A hand will ontortaln ua and cnRondor pride ??f rltlzrnahip. It will provide a larue nuiiihpr of our boy a with a good clean hohhy. I lx'lirvp no roiiituuni (y ran alTord to ho without a good hand. ThII Hip boya 1'iu backing thoni wltli thin $ - - Yourn truly, (Writ* naiiip plainly on tliia line aa thr boya want It for rcrord. i work. John Cox. colored *.m fired $1 and costs for riding a blcyclo on the sidewalk contrary to tho city ordinance. . Fruxlor Miller. up on n charge of gambling recently. for unau thorized use of an nutomoblle | was at first given a sentence of 30 , day* on the roads, hut tills Men- j tence was later suspended on pay- ; ment of a fine of )2u und costs. ? There wai a long ? llal ? ul ul-.. fenders. let off with costs and tax es who had failed to Hat proper- j ly for taxation. Theso wern II. C. Divert*, F. A .Crank. W. A. f.ee John Copeland. havo CSrey and L. | Howard tin* three last being colored. Tills concluded the cases tried Mk>nday hut one Richard 1 1 y tor. | colored, for reckless driving. wa.?| left off on the understanding that he would pay all damages result- ; Inn from his rccklensneHK by Aa- ; slatant Trial Justice Markliam, Saturday. EXPKIM S KKACII FULL AGREEMENT ? a* Th? AwrlilKl I'rrm) I /Oil don. Auk. II. ? The Allied rind German experts attached to the International Reparations : Conference have reached a full agreement on the I>aw<-a pro gram. it was announced today. They remained In session until ,*! o'clock this morning to arrive at an understanding en repnrn : jwjripejijt. Jo. kind. on. .which , j the Germans held out iinlll re 1 suits of Premier llerrlot's I'arls I mission became known. The French premier's return I wlili his cabinet's approval of his : Ruhr evacuation policy in his ! pocket put new life and hop?* Into j ; the negotiators and Ttritisb oh- | ? servers believe the conference will i ??lid by Thursday. corn CHOP HHOIIT Hlxty per cent of ? normal j yield Is the estimate of W. J. ' Williams, on this year's corn crop In Ncwland township. "The crop would not average this much were | I not taking In consideration the fact that there are farms In the : Tadmore section that have a bet ter yield than they did last year," Mr. Williams says. I/OCal showers this sumni'T ' which have fallen on one farm | while m lacing the farm n? \t t r? it have made (lie Newland corn spotty, It Is explained. DEFENSE PLEA IS NEARING THE END (Hr Th# AMnrltiril l'rni.1 Chicago. Aiik. II The de f ''ii Hf* *i< plea for in It I uh I l"n In the Frankn' hearlnu was n?'arlD" com plctlou when JudK?' Cavffly ?>euan ' (he seventeenth diy'H m-hhIoh ?? i day. I'roH pert h were thai I h?- ? prosecution would be* In chIIIiik ( ii m loos IIM of rebuttal wltneMMj 'before the adjournment. Hiisn. i crowd* fi warmed about the rrlin Inal courta building nRoln (odav. , The mate today attacked th * theory of functional disorder* of the endocrine gland* net up Hat-| urday by the defenao. The Idea of fun<*tlonnl disorder* of the cndorrlne gland* wan hull' up by dlroct testimony of l?r. II. H II ulberjt of Chlragn who lifted X ray picture* to Illustrate what h" termed varloua grandular dU orders. noting the thyroid pineal, pituitary, and adrcnalft. State's Attorney Crowe upon the cross examination asked If ul bert for Information aa to the function of the pineal gland and wan told that It regulated the bal ance of the other endocrine glands A?ked If It ware not a fact that medical men an a group know practically nothing of the func tlon of the pineal gland and If there were not *omp question of It being a gland at all, he received an affirmative reply. STATE FEDERATION I.ABOR IN MEETING Durham, An| 11 ? Th* Mlatc failaratlom of Lakor con??n?<1 lien tM?r tor t IV?7 -W". The frtovoment f c? r organization ~ of n Hoy*' Hand in Kllzabeth City i Is ' wii rni 1 1 1 k up this week. Letters | are being mailed out asking for : subscriptions. Announcements ! wore inado In tho Sunday schools ! and churches of the city Sunda/ 1 nHkIng tho people to consider what such n community hand will mean to tho hoys of the town In ad* dliion to the pleasure which tho | music will ruiiYlhiite to public occasions ami the development of muaical tuluut-iu- the various Sua- J day schools. On Wednesday the Hoys' Band Itself will parado on th? city's ! inaln streets. pulling of some en tertaining stunt* to call attention ! to their organization. The personnel of the Hoys Band Ih as folio wh: Hoscoe Foreman. Wilson ganders. Wllburn Smith, Hugh Sawyer. Bradford Sanders, j Tom WeekM. Clay Foreman, Wal ter Cohoon. Hidden Mann. J. C. B. KhrlnghaiiH. Sum Twlford, saxa phone; Joo Kramer, William Perry Allen Hell, Aubrey Gallop, i Merrill Grlgg*. Wesley 8heep, Vernon Clv?pell, Byron Sawyer, | clarinet; Melvln Davis, Burgeta Perry, Thomas Williams, Erneet j Provo. Raymond Williams, Cyrus ? Aydlett, Ixirlmer Midgett, Julian Aydlett. Jack Perry, cornet; Ja? hue Hickman, Hobby I/owls, James j Fere bee. William Gordon, Burrus j Tillett. trombone; Robert Will lams Tyer Sawyer, Claude West, fCdv^ird I>unHtan. Oscar Meggs, j William Anderson. alto; Robert 1 Fearing, Aubrey Heath, William Spculll.- . .druuut; .Lbarllo .HalN^J Francis Jacocks, Frank Snowden. j Horace Wine, baritone; Robert Koonlz, Kennedy Houtz. tuba; , Marlon Seyfferi. flute; William I Midgett, cymbals; Richard Job, j piccolo. This Is the week of the Boys "i Hand, Just an in the past the Chamber of Commerce, the Boy i Scout h, the Country Club, and other organizations have had the right of way. Some donations have been Bent In without personal solicitation. It i hoped that olhcr public spirited, | youth loving people will do like wise. The letters mailed con- j tain a card with a dotted line up- i on which the subacrlber may i sign. This card Is duplicated at j tho beginning of ibis story, and ! the clipping from The Advance ; duly signed will serve the same purpose if mall*>d to Frank Kram er. secretary-treasurer of the Boys Hand . | PERQUIMANS FARMER PRO UTS ON CRAPES Over a hundred btiflhelo of Krapen to be nold at a dollar a hiiMhel Ih what William F. Own by of Whlti-Hon In 1'erqiilmann County Im oipMtlnR r.f his two arbor* *?f grape* thla year. "The yield of grape* thin year," Mr. Ownlcjr aeys, "In the flneat I ??v?-r Haw. We ueually Hell about a hundred buHieln each Reason." Mr, Ownley ban one arbor of the acuppernnng era pea ant an-? other of the black Jarnea grapes. FOUR DEAI) WHEN TRAIN HITS AirTO Hamilton, Auk. 11 ? Four were Killed and 0110 fatally Injured In a train and auto smaRh near her? yestordny. TORNADO KII.I.S SEVEN honv?r, Col.. Auk 11 Seven Demons were killed In a tornado at Thurman, Colorado, ymterdav and murh dunng? wan done to j property. (OTTOX Mi It K FT New York. Auk. 11 Spot cot ton elopod nulet today with 14 polntM advanr"; middling 30. 4ft. Futures. cloclng hid: *>cto*? ~ 27.41, December 14.89, Janti 26 H2. March 17. OR. M my 27.1 I N*w York. Aug. 11 futnrea opened this morning the following levels: 27.70; January 2?.t0; 27.lt: Mar 17. 2t. "Dickie" Loeb, as Child, Played Role of a Bold, Bad Gunman ChlMtlood plcturoo. <hn i?h<>.l una hKMrn awojr for >for?. ho?a boon out by tlM fatMly of Rkhnrd I^?b Is ho ?ut.mlttrd n Irlnf .,l.lrp., ?J support I ho claim of ollontala tkot I ho rhlkl alnyor lo "omollonolly doftctcnt " Ao a oiM woot gonmon. hln mnvcraatlona wllh hi. hear aod > playing pollcomah. Loob ni photographed In fclf oorlr Mo. Tbooo childhood "itMiMoatoo" oro now conaMcrtd of srcal Important* and lk? abovi plrtaroo wll ho aa*4a port oi tho Orfaati nroKL

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