-SULQUISSIILL , has A SHOWlNf, May Gel in Amoiip ??? hi American league let l>ut Record Hereto lore makes Fang Skeptical ? *; ^^tkii ii?kvTT ?IEJ\ LonlB nr"w^ i l...^nrr?" *?? Vork. tbulr last mTvT- ?' ,he)' have been nil i. ' ,ni Washington and this* f n"" d"n<! ,lll? ??'<?" ?nd then mien down K?r ,>,., ETu *zrry 'vun ""?> J?7llir .hi W"1' "keptlclsm tSTt Kol. J y'ar '"?k ? *?un7n h?. T?" "ron"?lnit. TH. ) .1. *elllPr Uni1 "?? ??LP?. r?'j?. Washington ?i Th^n llf I.?""1 be*un 1? loom ? vYrtelv "umpl...! fur ?i? y f r<,a?ons. Injur, d fhW,! i"'1 mu,h to- ?>?? .ni'i 8om? objected I riln< IMn"|r ""' " ?Sl,l, r -7 7- ? *-tf lli.i ill. i.. Cl?ub^f?I|,,?oVly ",a"aK'' r wil l, In, ciuo nils Oir after u spurt. MMh Ju"1' i)'PP011 us low !i lath place. The torn acl,.,| us )r L'J" ?f ?""? and Ihns,. ?],,, "? ?e^iymnk" ""llol>c'' Ihe llrnwn. UwiTln Tl,lt M. ?. M bl1 cl"' Ann III,,, ? hV ' ,h"?? react lens j!- .1""' I>c<"n common in in. ?khk?? ?" ?"??? "",1 ha?? made It Impossible in IhftL wheth?,r there Is ,n? inina ?B |)U!, iM?rtr*W- f..rm ~Tn?i lh" reason, why jiu An, M^.tn. "n,?'h"r J""1 right In .hi T . * ,0rle?. ?nl) In lose w?.n . Vone " ,ho condition, rvr reversod kiZ? -??Br ca!! i,c''" "??<* "i In the -nVjh"" bul b"?" lir' -h^h ' 11 <l"?" not l?. i ? Mt ?n? Ca" k"'1' lril f k IO"nf lo N>w Vnrk III. SEEl"? 'r?m Washington and Tfoy ?P"""?1 ?l> .nlnt' AP??renily ,hem Heart again. Tli. ,"d i0,t 'wo nut of r?k. ,1. "? d?'"at.Hl lh. f .ou' 4 Which was SlSlS .h . " ??1K<anie, an, I JSSSt V ?".by 'I"' !o? "J"1 Washington. On I?."?, " Wuld bo aald to !?? prnc Wubtn?P?,"bl0 for " "he ? J2?m ?w" i". .r?P 5 l? h ? form 8t' LOU'" "ul ,h"r" tn^n 00 "n\ttna"y the Browns . ?0UnH, "d ?l"PP'"l l'?th iMoer ranks only 570 *1.1. i? ?^d enough to win?If ,i ?n b" ?.!?? !l"vc "u< theni r^eln. ? ,n ,ho race l,v their Ih^M i!ly " by c''anee, tl? v shoo Id win another aeries n?v would be biddinc fnr ti. . r%??rzr< there a still room for skepticism gboim.'ia cotton co.oi*s GOT GOOD COTTON IMtlCKtt Atlanta. August 11 ? (Special.) ? Checks aKfcroKatlnK ?re In tho mails today dlrrrtrd to members of tho Ooorgla Cotton Growers' Co-operative Amorist Ion In final payment for 1 f>2:i crop and winding up transaction* for the fiscal year. Tho asHorlstlon handled 70,812 hales with proxx ?ties of $10,306,942. or an av. r a*e of 30.06 cents a pound. This assured a net return to plnntorn after expennes of 28. C) cent* a WPWdr The high cut prtf hrou by any pool wan 35.915 ccnt* and the lowest 16.60 cents. EL DALLO ClCAItS Hold by leading G ROCK It H AND PHARMACIES D. R. MOKGAN & CO. WHOI.KHAI.K (IIMM'KltN I'll' nil- QUO Faetory-to-Ymi Sale now <111 AT THK STANDARD PHARMACY PHONK 114 Polo Star "Erie I'edloy, _ one of America'* p? rat cat i>olo player*. and hit favorite mount. He I* Ogurt*l to *tar In- Hep. t'tnlier mutch ug.itnxt DrltUh tfam. to Ik> played before l'rlnre of Wulni. Major League Scores NATIONAL LKAtilK Nat unlay'* Scorn* Phllad* lphia, 4; Plttshunih. 1 ??. Philadelphia, 0; I'lttshurftl*, 7. DoHton, 6; Chicago, 11. lloHtun. 0; Chicago, 2. Brooklyn, 1; St. Louta, 5. New York, 4; Cincinnati, 2. Sumlu>'.* Score* New York, 1 ; Cincinnati. 5. New York, 2; Cincinnati, 4. llrooklyn, 8; SI. I.oiiIh, 4. Llrooklyn. 6; St. I?ouiH. 5. Standing of Team*. W. Ii. Pet. New York fill 38 .845 Pittsburgh 5!? 44 .572 Chicago 58 48 .547 llrooklyn 68 50 .537 Cincinnati _68 5!l .574 St. I<oula 4 5 r.2 .520 Philadelphia .. <0 54 .384 Iloston 39 G7 ,367 AM KIUC AN LKACU'K SiUtirtho's Score* Chicago, 8; Washington, 2. Chicago, 5; Washington, 8. Detroit, 3; Ilostoti, 2. Cleveland, 1 ; New York, 5. St. Louis, 4; Philadelphia, 1. Suiwlnv'* Scores Cleveland. 7: New York, 1. Chicago, 2: Washington, 4r Detroit, 13; lloaton. 7. St. lunula, 10; Philadelphia, 8. Standing of Teams W. L. Tel. New York 0 2 48 .50 3 Detroit 01 4 7 .505 Washington ? _?? 0 49 .550 St. Louis 56 51 - .523 mteagB rrrrn::fii -flu .477 Cleveland ? 52 57 .477 . IloHton 4 5 52 .421 Philadelphia _40 63 .422 ANOTHER REAL BARGAIN IN USED CAHS FORD SEDAN In Exrvllvnl - Shufu; ? - $350.00 EASY TERMS Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. PI ION E ?80 Martin Slrert Warehouse Write, Phone or See fRANKLiN Print Shop "Wk*r* tk$ Brit J oh Printing Com ft From" Lfc,? 570 u. D. Johavon, Mgr. Famo and Lebanon Belle Flour |A. F. TOXEY &. COMPANY Wnt?r Him*. FIRHVSMKFI.Y TO BE DROPPED Won't Have Trainer Who Won't Let Him Eat and Will* Likely Finish Him With Poke in Belly. liy f-'Alll 1'LAY CuiriU'w IBM. *?_ Ifc# AImmi New York, Auk. 11. ? Alarm- j Ing reports from Saratoga whore Flrpo Is preparing for his battle 1 with Harry Wills. The wild bull wants his fodder frequent- 1 ly and in plentiful quantities, j Ho has no idea of the virtues of . dieting and inclines to those rich 1 viands that titillate the palate and ' add huge rolls of ebonpoint toj the mid-section. Luis Is surrounded by a band of yes-men, according; to all ac counts and refuses to tolerate the presence of a mentor like Jimmy : Do Forrest who would prescribe food for him and make him stick to it. _ Tex Ilickard built up Flrpo very carefully and with a lot of skill. It looks now as though the i promoters were prepared to let i him fall with equal sudderniosr: f Flrpo has hot been an easy; man to handle and since the com-' Ing encounter on Boyle's Thirty "Arrr-fr promises: ? rrom ihe sale of | tickets thus far ? to be a clean-up this time seems as good as any to i let Flrpo pass out of the picture. j Of course, he may club Wills' into Mibmlsftlon, but what is go-i Ing to happen to him If Wills gets j to him first with one of those < stomach pile-drivers Is plenty. The sad part of it is, from Fir po's standpoint, that a good train er and a skilled coach could take Luis in hand and probably make j of- hlm- the-tnost formidable fight- ' or that over stood In a ring. In ' other words. It Is good for our1 heavyweight pli'sti^o ttrJTT ? FtrpiP It* an Argentinian Instead ??f a Finn. > What those Finish trainers would make of Luis may be left to the imagination. There i? a negro middleweight hailing from Providence named Jack Green, who wll bear watch I Ing. The writer saw him stow | Vic Clifford away the other night with the shortest kind of right : hook. The blow did not travel more than six Inches. That Is championship hitting. Green bat fh* With Hobby Hlrl,a. N In Jer sey tonight and B<obby sure wants to watch out. Leo Flynn setnu* to think all he has to do wlwfti one of his men Is about to do l>atllr is to scare the opponent before he gets Into the rime. Thereupon all one of his fighters has to do Is to move his arms and tiie battle Ik won. H<- pulled nuoerntitlou* KtufT upon George Godfrey* and now he Is" sendlngxmt rrrinis of stufT show ing why and how Ilartl< y Mndd 'n will bo lucky If. he remain* awuke more than a round or two In the ring with Jac k. Renault on Mon day night. I.I MItKIt msiNKSS ItltlSK New Orl<>aii?, Auxust 11 ? (Hpe clal.) ? Oroera to Southern Pino Association mills increa*?-d 0.2 per cent la?t week over- the pre vious week. Klilpment ros?- 5.9 per cent, and ppMluctlon advacoed 2.3 per cent. Oae hundred and twun ty-elght rollfa received orders for 02.000.000 feet, shipped 79.000. 000 feet and produced 09,000,000 feet. "Where every man finds -tehx*t-jtc -tilers- to wear1? w<- Iiavc just riwivi'd a shipment of spurt sucks. The kind yon will lilt? 8 1 .<M) untl $ 1 .50 Spcnccr-lf'alker Com [mny, Incorporated Am a man thinks so Is he. until his arito chances hi* mind. Ignorance Isn't so very much bliss n the eyes of the law. Where tr thn monry you sare on real during the hot months? He who waits to laugh last very iftcn has no Laugh coming. All left of the summer girl's wear 'ng apparel Is the outskirts. 80 mo marry for better or worse, ind some Just to argue. School days threaten to.rvturn. No loy is permanent. If yoa* don't |?t ? vtcatkn) fhl? tummer you wllL bo ..P tmn I u( year a by next year. Soome men look so cheap (he) five, themselves away. ? ? ? From "ths" low pay preaceers jrei salvation la almost free. The best thlitj about paying com pllments .Is U leaves them due you Matins love * while the " roooi Bhlnc4 la where the son ahlnca. Many it man's opinion of a womtu ' Is formed by her dressmaker. SACRIFICE of Living Room Suites ^25% and 50% off If you want In make your dollars do tlii-ir lirsl visit our sUirr duriug ( Ii in kuIc. M. G. Morrisette & Co. Thr Main Street Furniture. Store New Fall Shirts Beautiful New I'altrruB $1. 50 and up ? Where the Best Clothes Come From Tositivc *>?{ automatic lubrication of the Buidc valve in-head and universal joint, keeps a Buickowners mind free from worry Tide-Water Buick Co. Next l<> Camden Itritlgi jb Pipe tobacco that really is pipe tobacco ? * ? rich, yet mild "Wellmaifs Method" does the trick -<k -%? ?? Coarser cut, too i ? Rough Cut I ?? <% ? ^ that's why it burns slower - and smokes cooler ? ? ? No tins, no sir ? packed in foil therefore IOC ^ i TWO FARMS TWO STORES IN NEW HOPE VILLAGE GODFREY FARM ? PERRY FARM Subdivided AT AUCTION Wed. August 13th 10:30 A. M. ATTEND THESE SALES AND BUY SOME BARGAINS SmIc miidtirlcri for I.. II. I'KII It Y, Esq., I>y Atlantic Coast Realty Co., Agts. "The Name Thai Justi/im Your <.o?/idi'ii?" IVlprsliiirp, Vn. OH'M'KS : W in-ton-Snlcin, N. <1. NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL COOK STOVES Tha plac? to bay your Oil Cook Store* and parts. Quinn Furniture Co.

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