Harmony And Optimism Big Words At Clarksburg Memories of Madison Square Garden llavo (Vased to linnkle and Deuioeralie Leaders Turning Willi En thusiasm to Davis as Parly Standard Bearer Rv DAVID UWRKNCB 1924. Oy Th. A?vl?r?) Clarksburg, W. Va.t Autf. 11. ? Shades of Madison Square <?ard?'ii : ; L For tlieyaro all hero, the1 loader*. 4"rom Tammany minjj ttKttin with the delega tions from the South and *\Wst in one K>"md reunion ol II 10 lusiorTcT'onvrnlion whicKT after a hundred ballots, com promised ? unanimously on John \V. Davis. I I'm n far different seme from Hi'* convention hall, to bo sure, hut it needed only the raucous voice of til*- governor of Alabama to bellow forth "twenty-four vnFes f??t- fWar W. I'ntli rwood" in Hinrt memories which will not H'MHl b?- !>huk?'ll from t ll?* niTVOUM , system ?>f t Im* Democratic party. Ak tin' Nalionalcuui mill' - ni' ii apd committee women ami tlx-: delegations from the several Htut'H assembled to notify Mr. Da vis formally of his nomination it j wan apparent that the most re markable cose of political heal ing had taken place in the montlt that had elapsed. Champions of the cause of A1 Smith vied with ardent follower*' of William C<ih lift McAdoo in dem onsiratiiiTt their enthusiasm for bavin and announcing their wlll iiigio-ss to take off "both shirt and vest" for the nominee. Occasion- j ally there would be an argument a tout the McAdoo-Smltb dead btck and which would revive un- , pleasant thouvhts but fundamen tally there in a surprising num- ' br r of "original Davis uien" many of whom can. tell you In detail of the psychological impetus they Itave the Davis boom at the cri tical moment of its triumph. > It would be stretching the truth |jo say that an air of confidence l?r? A'rnls among the visitors here today over the outcome of the election. The outlook Is no full of possibilities that anything from n landslide to a freakish result Is contemplated as likely to happen. One outstanding re?w>n for this ir. the concern being shown over the growth of tho LaPollctte "niov. mWIt and there Is no little fear that the three-cornered flght may be thrown into the House of lb -preventatives for decision. While there Is no confidence of victory ingrained a* yet? though there is still time for that ? It is equally true that the men from Lhi; Went do jiot share the un bounded continence of the East 1 that it )fl all over but the shout ing nnd that t?oolldge will win. The Westerners talk of LaFolletle with a series of mathematical do- i duet ions, which If collected here and there would seem to indicate that the race West of the Missis nippl is between Davis and 1 .a Toi lette. Not a few of these West erners Insist that most of the radicals went into the Republican party when the Non-Partisan league began to function and that ^llunenota and North Dako ta are concrete examples of where the radical voters really af filiated There are some excep tions like Montana and Colorado where LaKollctte may poll many j more Democratic than HepubH- ! can votes, it Is suggested by Western h aders here, but by and large they talk of l^aFollette grabbing anywhere from 50 to 60 cent of the Republican Strength in which case a plural ity for Davis Is of course not 1m- , nosslble. I'ollHHiiriK need ?m ly n ulraw lo give them courage. Tho I , value ??f thin notification cere mony Is that the Democrat* nr?- i putting heart Into each other. Al ready there Ih talk even from the 'J*?tcrn crowd of a grent Demo- : ?ratlc day In Maine and hopes arc not hy any means suppressed with respect to New York atate where Tom SpelfftQf. Eastern manager. Ii to try t ???? job of driv ing Democracy Into a militant . force for Davit. The Democrat* have lost much valuablo time In getting organized that'* one viewpoint freely ex pri-Hsed, hut to off sat it In the PDplWlnn that the lines of the cam - : i'ii. i 1 cannot be Id anyhow till tin- country haw read and dlgest ; Ml U?" speeches of acceptance of nh"??adlng candidates. Itnt what ever the politicians think, the people of Clarkfhur;;, w hi arc Intensely proud of their fellow to wnaman would not be surprised If John W. Davla were elect- d. They think him a man of destiny. they have no formula to p/ove that he will win. they have only a hunch that a man of hi* great ability and capacity to lend Will yet live ill the White | )lottse. The tributes here to Da vis are not mere respect or affec tion for a neighbor but deep aeat admiration tot IiIh intellectual Fill! In III* lltH and cleirnesn-of Tbt ? Ion. It was a stroke of good Demo- j karniic politic* for the ceremony of, KirtiflcftUOB to be bald here. The | vl Mlns leaders who will do moat1 to invksth; \TK SCHOOL FINANCES Itali-iuli. Auk. 12.? -The House1 |)qhs* *(l meaHurt'K last nislit for In tern of the kcIiiiiiIn of tin* State and other Statewide iiiianuni* wlili a vIpw to Improvement. A boxing mm mission to legiti mize boxing wan asktil lot lta ? _ I ?>luh in a row hill while the House refused l>y utianlmoiiH con sent to invi-atiKato the State pris on. A hearing will !??? In hi today at 3 o'clock on tin' Ship Hill with pr<\s|MTt tliHt it will last through tomorrow. I'KACH < 'KOI* Kit; IIKIJ* JX HA1I l*OTATO YKAK The nale of 250 , bush. N .of peaches at an average ??f $2.00 a bushel hau been a timely help on the farm of I). W. Morgan. City Route Five. "Last y^ar." Mr. Morgan Haiti, "crops on the whol?? were good hut my pcaches netted me nothing. Thin year I rained more potatoes than I ever have in my life but they were a loan to me and five hundred dollar* from my peach orchard came in very nicely. "With the amount of spraying neccKsary to the raining of good peacheH. however. I believe that the land on which my tree* aro planted would average me more profit year in and year out pluni cd in Home other crop. TIIIUTIKTII DIVISION IS IIOI.DI \<i ItK-t NJON Charleston, 8. C.. Aug. 12., ? - The re-union of the Thirtieth Di vision Opened here today with elaborate ceremonies. of the organizing in the campaign are patching some of the enthus iasm for Davis at the very sou re. of Its strength. MadisOn Square Harden Seem* years ago now. And the Demo crats. amazing as il may seem, are a unit in cheering for their new h-ader. It means he will start with normal Democratic strength in many Important states and that hin campaign appeal will be directed toward the great mass of independent votes which will d'-<^de this election. Laughed Two Weeks Age ? Now They're Worried Restored Confidence In Government Th.- itmllf han Kunc from the fuoe* of llU-hard l?o*?> and Nathan l> o|?old Jt . ?Utvcr> ul ltol?l?y Vranka. Two WfikH uiio. when tlw flithl to nave them from tl?e g:illowx cturled. tin- two youth* look the p'rocetUinxM light Iv. they laughed and Joahed with wrh other .Today it in ?l:ff* letil ? the ph-ture .it iii?- hkIii Hhuwx tlu- lerioun xtruuud look thai fiivelotn the bov?" fui.-? Perhat,* thr> urf nowr giyru-iuiin; n... '^r|i|" ihuy tought In iuiiiJ?r UNDERWOOD IS HEM) KOK M ANSLAt'GHTKIt llalelgh. Auk. la.? Harvey Fiir_ derwood of llailey wa? luxt night , bound over to the grand Jury for man.slaughter In cuuiii'ctlon Willi . flu- di'athw x?f Herbert l)i>w and l<uiiwfli Moort\ killed Sunday ii i M lit when their motorcycle coh lid. d with an uuto driveu by I'll derwood. STATU L.AItOlt HATKN i mitii m;<;ri.AK iwktifs j Durham, Auk. 12.? The State Federation of Labor opined I U? convention litre yeaterday by d?* nounclng both the Democrat!* and the Republican*. FA Til Kit AXI> M>X HKIJ) I'Olt TIIK tilt AND JlltY WilminKlon, Aug. 12.? -C. W. Stewart and .Hon, Elmer Stewart, wore lii-ld fur the grand Jury yea ti-rday. charged with killhiK I<eou Oeorge and Sam Lilly, prohibition oflficern on July 20. SIX MUX KII.LKI) IX .MIXIXO TOWN FltiHT War burton. Okla.. Aug. 12. ? Six men were killed In a mlnera* fight near here Innt night. FOKKST ITHF.S HAVK STARTED DP AGAIN San Fianrl?co. Aug. 12. ? Kiev en major forest fire* blaziug In | California, Nevada, Oregon, and Wasthiugtoti today continued to burn into the virgin timber and one was eating its way along the aconlc bank* of the Mercedes Riv er towards the Yosemite National I'ark. The latter has already burned over 12,00 acres First Parade Boys' Band On Wednesday Afternoon ItnVK ( Ionic Kriiitsing MfwiaRi1 to Klizalirtli C.itv IVople ami Tlirir Appearance on Thia Or<-a?ioii In PI?-u for Opportunity to I'lirniuli Miihic Ijitrr The ftrst parade of tlie Elisa beth City Hoys' Hand will ntag?d Wednesday afternoon si 4:30. Down-town shoppers and work era are invited to be on the look out for the parade, and everybody old and young in the residence sections in warned to be awake and ready when the parade goes marching by. It la only fair to say that this will not be a musical event. The band Is Just organized. Home of the boys rau play, others are Just beginners. Hut they've got the making" of a band In them, and thin parade la their personal mes- , sage to (he people of Kllzabeth City. While it will not he musi cal, It will be lively and Interest- ' In K It will be well worth seeing. The parade Is under the man agement of J. T. Stallings. who has a boy of his own and likes them all. The line of march Is as follows: Starting on Pennsylvania Ave nue (he hoys will march along I'olndexter to Main street, turn ing at Mitchell's they will go up Main street to 1'eraae afreet, crossing over to Church street along I'ersse; on Church street they will march to Road, then along Road to Hurgess, along Hurgess to Martin, on Martin to Fearing, from Fearing to Water, along Water to Matthews, and to the courthouse, where they will stop. This Is Hoys' Hand Week. let ters are being mailed to the peo ple. asking contributions to the budget for the first year's work. The people are r?*pondlng, hut some are out of town, the weath er Is very warm, and If those who can do so will mall In tin ir sub scriptions to Frank Kramer. It Wfrill save the committee s lot of perspiration and real work. They are giving their llm* (o put the Hoys' Hand over and they mean to do It, whether or no. Hut tbejr'll appreciate all lh? help they ' can get. r FORD'S NAME TO BE ON THE LIST (Br ft? AnmIiM Trwm ? I^anaing. August IS. ? The cer t if (ration of names of various candidates who will appear on the primary ballot In Michigan- Sep tember 9 probably will be com pleted today and will Include th* name of Henry Kurd for the Ho puhlloen senatorial nomination unions he formally withdrawn be fore thn certifications aro placed i In the malls. This announcement w?s made by Secretary of State i DcLand today who Added that af ter certifications hate been mailed only court action can remove lh? name of the candidate certified. It \ I MlOAD itl YH SIX WIIITK MOTOR Hl'SKH Spokane. August la. ? fSpr- ' rial.) ? The Gr?*at Northern rail rond has started experimenting with motor buses by purchasing i six White vehicles. to be operated pa rail" I to the linos of the Spo kane, Portland 6 Seattle Hallway, a (Trent Northern sitTialdlar) . IH OK DIAMOND FOUND Little Itock. Ark., Aiik 12. ? (Special.)? A blue white dla tnond asserted to weigh 4 0 Vj car ats In th" rough has been found In the Pike County mines near , M ur frees bo ro. The atone mean u res 1 V4 Inches In length and I Inch In width and Is a quarter Inch thick. 4'OTTON MAltKKT New York, Auk. 12. -Spot cot ton, rioted steady. Mlddlng 30.10, ?n advance of 49 points Ku lures, closing bid. Oct. 28. 3&. Dec. 27.81. Jan. 27.72. March 27. ?&. Sft.-t#. I*<w York. Attn. II? -Cotto. futures opeqed today at the fol lowing Irvels : Oct. 27.60. Dec. I 27.08. Jan. 27 00. March 27.10.' May 27.48. From Case to Throne, Perhaps A printer may b? the ?ext Via* of~*lhonl?! At least FrwWIck T. O Wood of Chicago. III.. has as Kood a chancfr ui anyonu. Wood told n friend that he could bundle this country which has unseated a handful of kin** since the war. The friend Joehlngly nominated Wood? but now the agent diplomatique hits written that he la Interested Th<* old saylnu. "uneasy lies the head." etc.. holds no fear for Wood who says, "mine's laid uneasy all my life anyhow." ANDERSON FAILS TO LEAVE PRISON New York. An* 12. ? Jurig' Benjamin Cordoza loduy dented the application of William II. An dnraon. former superintendent of the New York A nil- -Saloon 1jW*Xu?\ * for a certificate of rcaflonable doubt which would have permit ted Anderson to leave Bing Sing on hall pending hla appeal fur a new trial. BANK IS CLOSED Putnam. Connecticut, Aug. 12. ? The Kind National liank of Put nam. whoao cashier llarohl (ill part rick. *hot hlnoo-lf at hla house last Thursday. today cloned Its doura. The closing nolle# waa signed by Chief National Hank Kxaminer H?-?n. EGYPTIANS KILLED BV BRITISH TROOPS liondon. Aug. 12. ? Ten Kgyp tlnn noliHtra were killed and nine wounded In ? colllMton'wlth llflt-. Ish troi?pa at Atabara following dlsturbanrea In which Kgypti.ii: troop* attacked tho Hrltlwh with brh-ka at their barracks, say* an Kirhangc Telegraph dispatch from Cairo under yentcrday'a date. inoAi/niY HKi.n of ixm.v AFTKK <MM)|> YIKM) PKAH Fourteen acred of corn I hut will average ten barrels to (lit* iicrc has followed a crop of May peas thul brought 1800 baskets from a planting of 18 bags on TTIe farm or Zenas Jennings. J ust about u mile from the city on the New I ami brick 0>u<l. Mr. Jennings has also about five acres of cotton which he hopes will averuga him a halo to the acre. REVIVAL CIXN4K0 HlMMV The revival meeting at Kbeue seer church at Houth Mill*, which lid* been in proxrew for a week, closed Sunday night. A large cot. ^legation has been att? 11 ling tnrse service*. Kight w-re btp . i/.ed Sunday u'^nt and a tut.it of ten were recci.ed Into the tTurch during t lie week. The ,i.tstoi. Itev. U. P. Ilarrill waa as;,.si? .{ by Rev. Herman Trueblood of Thom i* ville. WUili MKKT WKI)NKHI>\V oxpknnhyiaama ui;\i e All the boy* in th.- Hoys' Kami and all m? nibera of the special committee* from the llntnry mid Kiwanls Clubs ure asked to meet J. T. Stalling on Pen n*yl van la Avenue at 4:80 promptly Wednes day afternoon Missing Yacht Is Located K?ar for tlio naf-ly of the |o??rtmnl Ijilj f!njr<nh < *n?4 t.y J I, (lil)">n (left I, Chicago hoti I ?wn? r. wan r> llrvi il wti.-n word nr rl??a that tho Ixmt In In Oeurxlan Ttof, C?tl?r. Ontario. Huron wttti hit wlfp I rt.hu and ? party uf til. 34. had not Im htard from for th? pant 10 4ar> Supreme Need Of Hour Says Davis Comes Back Guilford, on co hailed ns the longest driving golfer among th? uiiuu'ury, u'ld a furrier holder of (he national championship, whowed vigil* of a i-onp-liai-k rrreiilly wlioti ho won the MaHnachOflCtttt rt.ite title In spectacular fashion. Among othei tilings, he shot the course In ?1, ju?t m'vni under par. and a new tuni|>elilivu record. IC%:\ IV.%1. THIS WKKK .AT IUMOTII (ill.KAl) Rev. K. Ij. Well* of Kd'f.tu.i n usoixtiiiK Iti'v. G. I*. Jlurrll' in r-? vivwi mtvIca at llamnth Gilea.l !t.ii>ti?t Church in the Nvwlutid community thin wefk. Good rruwdH an.' in attoiidauei'. CliOWE CONTINUES ATTACK ALIENIST Chicago, Aug. 12. ? The ?lai? today continual It* lengthy eroas ?'xaniinatlou of Dr. Ilulbert, last of the allonlRtn In tin* Fraukn hearing. laying Its ground Tor In t roil net ion* of Its rebuttal teitfl mony. In preparing the Intro duction of Dr. Hollln Woodyatl. and expert on endocrinology. State's Attorney Crowe rennwe-i hN attack on th? theory- of func tional disorder* of the endocrine gland* a? apt up hy lJr. llulb?*rt a.i responsible for the "mental Hick* lies*" of . ly ?*opold and Ixieh. which pornilltMl Ihfcm til kidnap and nlay Hubert Frank*. Davis Hailed As Liberal ( By Senator Thos. J. Walsh lli'i'iiril ill Sixly-MiTond I ^iigrem Cited ax Affording < UmicIuhIvc Proof Thai Democratic Nominee In Champion of People and Foe to Privilege IB* Th? AmmIiIiI rr# Ml ClerkaburK, W. Vu., Aug. 11. Jolin W. DaviH whn hulled an a leader lltt'Ml by "character, train in* and experience" for the I'rtN Idency, In the add rex* of Hon a tor Tlnini'.iH J.' Walsh of Montana here -today formally notifying him of IiIh nomination to hond the Democratic ticket. Tried- by the touehatone, the ac id test, Mr. Wiilxh *uld, tin- nom inee bad been adjudged by all fail nilnd<>d men an a liberal and a progreaalvo. "In the ah.ty-aecond Congreaa," he continuedT "you were conapl cuoua In the advocacy of every meaaure that r.erved to dlfferen tint ?? the reactionary from the progreaalvo. You awaited 'flov ertim< nt by injunction,' net forth with I great wealth of illuatra tlona.thr obimr of that proceaa nnd of the power to puniidi for contempt. and aupportcd with mnrkod ibillty and eloquent tongue thr effort, aubaequently auec?'K.??fult to remove or minimize the opportunity for oppr?*aaing la bor through r?aort to that rem edy. In the yame <*ongre?ia you aupported with" teal and learning 1 the Webb-Kenyoti bill, the farth est advance then considered to ward AitppreHplNu through feder al action the unapeukable evlla of the liquor trafllc. The entire pro gram of remedial leglfdatlon en tered upon when the Wllaon ad iiilnlHf ration afommed control of our National f}nvernin? n't had your cordial aupport." After r.ummarl/.InK Mr. Davln' record In advocating progfeaalve I' srlnlati* n and later HUpportlng It lief ire the Huprem<- Court, Sena tor Wah?h drlnred the argument "that you are a Wall Street inaa. iti an ww t?rtan? wnif, m wtnr-' out merit a* la III tha' your nomination la a Wall Street nomination." , l.-f Me ? campaign then be, waged," he aald, "upon the poM t leal . Issues which divide the ma jor political parties. Theso I con ceive to be, In the main, four: Honesty In Government; revision of the tariff; the maintenance in principle -of the present tficoitie tax law, and frank co-operation with the nations of Kurope ^r the reMtoratlon of peace and the re vival of Industry to ensure an in creased demand for our surplus, mainly of BKrlcuitural products. " Senator Walsh Rave Mr. Davis, an chairman of the House judi ciary committee, much credit for the Clayton Act, "aoinetlmeji re ferred to as Ichor's Manna Char ta." "A feature of your Congres sional career," he continued, i "marked by connpicuous public service, has a peculiar significance At this time when honesty In Gov ernment asflnmes n place of first Importance In the campaign now np'-nlng. "I remind those lnter??atcd that under your direction the House of Hepresentatlves exposed th*? Infamy of Archbold as a Judge of the Court of Commerce and that as one rf the managers on the (?art of the He use on the trial be fore the Senate your conduct of , II was marked by distinguished ability." "Kven more fortunately you were privileged to speak for flvn yearn before the Supreme Court of fhe United States In the capacity of solicitor general for all the people of this mighty nation ngalnftt the contemners of the law of all classes, high and low. against the most odloun trusts and monopolies again*! the frtlltfatfl of the public domain and the In* sldlou* robber who piles hit ne farious trade of deception and fraud through tha malls. Your professional engagements pecu- ; llsrly fit you. they in no s*n?e ill qualify you for eminent service as Continued on page 4 ' Republican Party <!orrii|>l and Complacent in Adiuin isti'Bliun of Government, Bankrupt in l.cad<-r?liip, and a I'rey to Disorganization, Division and Shameful Timidity, He Declare* TiKHBKlii NKM) DAVIS A l)KM(M u vm HI IT ? -Tryoiir-Nt ? Gr An&r -li John W. Da via. Democratic Presidential candidate, is to Im* Democratically clothed if a group of yyavera of homespun Una have their way. An eight yard bolt 'of homespun, woven by baud by North Carolina -4umd-w?'aver*v-htt?--beon sent-f?? h i in along with a letter signed by F. H. Bacon, which aaya In part: "This cloth Is made of Dem ocratic wool, from Democratic sheep, spun and woveu by Democratic men in the alto gether Democratic Old North Slate. "The Industry which pro duces these woolens is eudeav craft of our Democratic fore bcai'H when man fed and clothed himself. "We cau assure you that Ihe cloth will Htand the atormn and stress of your whole term In the White House." LEONARD DEKKNDS l.ICHTWKIGHT TITLE Cleveland, Auk. 12.? -Benny Leonard. world's lightweight champion. successfully d**fend?tl IiIn title last I) l^ht against I 'a I Mora ii. CALM A FT Kit HTOltM Tuesday's session of the re corder'* court. following the hec ' | tic and long drawn out chapter, | of Monday, was like the calm af ; ter a storm, only two defendant* faring Trial Justice Spence. One ' of these. Frank Uordo*. was fined ? 6 and costs for operating a mo tor car with an open cutout, while the other, Andrew Hklnner, col ored. drew $10 and costs for hitting it up on the Weeksvllle road to the tune of ubout 40 miles an hour. ST AM ON NON-STOP FLIGHT TO DENVKK .Sun Diego, Aug. 12. ? Lieuten ants James Doollttle and Ewuit Plant, flying a specially equipped L>e Havlland plane, on what they planned to ba a non stop flight tu Denver, took off at Rockwell Field at 4:44 this morning. Clarksburg. W. Va . Aiik. 11. The imirctuu . ?t-i-g iif tbejrour ft to "bring back t?? . t li?* peo|il* confidence in their Government, John W . Davis declared tonight ln_ hls addreaii* accepting the Demo cratic Presidential nomlnaiioii. Formally putting under way n^loual I'ummnuu- -wi ? ho Indicted the Republican party "In Its organized capacity (or having shaken public confidence "to- tin very fOUUdaTFoir," lind laid against it these hprrlflc charges: "Having exhibited deeper and more widespread corruption than any that this generation of Amer icana baa been called upun to witness. "Complacency in the face of that corruption and with ill will towards the efforts of honest men to expose It. " - "Xlroaa- favurll i-.'tti to the prlf^~ lleged ami utter disregard of the unprivileged. "Indifference to vrorhl peace and timidity In the conduct of for eign affairs. "Disorganization, division and incoherence." Declaring that on the record he would ask the voters of the country to pass judgment of con demnation, "as a warning to all men who a.-plre to public office, that dlshoneBty, either In thought, word or deed, will not be tolerat ed in America," Mr. Davis said the Democratic party was pre pared to offer lu exchange a "pro gram based on Democratic prin ciples and guaranteed by a rec ord of Democratic performance." The chief things to which he pledged himself were: An honest, impartial, and. so far as human wisdom will per mit, a Just government. Opposition to any challenge ? "organized or unorganized, under whatever name or in whatever character It may appear" ? of the Constitutional guarantees of re ligious freedom. Enforcement of all laws. In cluding the Prohibition Amend ment and statutes enacted under It. Agricultural- aid through revi sion of the tariff; uoverutnentat assistance in extending the co-op erative marketing principle and by other means. Reduction In taxation and re vision of the tariff Economy In government, but not of the kind that deprives Gov ernment employes of pay equal. to ?that1 they would "receive from pri vate employers for similar work. Approval of the World Court. Co-operation officially with all legitimate endeavors. whether from the League of Natious or J from any other source, to lessen I the prospect of war; to aid In re ' pairing the ravages of past wars; | to promote disarmament and to advance the well being of man j kind. To maintain the nn'sns of ade I quate national defense "until i reason la permitted to take the | place of force." i In opposition lo the Impalr l ment, "either by Injunction or by any other device" of the rights of ! labor to organize and to bargain j collectively for "an adequate | wage earned under healthful con ' dltlons." I The protection of women aud i children fftfrtj tlilinoii greed and unequal lawn. Prevention of child labor and tut pprennion of tlie Illicit traffic In houI deatroylng drugn. Conservation of all of the nat ural resourced of the country. "Orsteful cure" to the "veter sns of our wars, especially to tbOM who were stricken and wounded in the country's service and whoKf confidence has been ho cruelly and corruptly abused." Filially, Mr. Davln ssld he en tered the campaign free from 1 pledto* or promise to any man and would "hold It so to the end." Also he declared that when It be came nerttaaary to ralae funds for the conduct of tho campaign they would be contributed "with this understanding and this only: that neither the Democratic party nor I as Its leader have any favors for IfTeT* Kx pressing In general terms his approval of the proposals con talned In the platform adopted by the convention which nomin ated him, the candidate said he could not be expected at this mo ment to discuss them in detail or to outllfte the methods by which they are to be carried Into effect. "There will be time enough for that." he Raid Much of his address was given over to a measured attack upon the record of the Republican party during the past four years. Recounting what he termed "th* multiplied scandals ef these mel ancholy years." Mr Pavfi assailed the executive hrench n'f Onrern ment for "hurtled effort* -to *up preea testimony, to discourage witnesses, to My upon lnv;ilf|i> tors and. finally, by trumped up Indictment, to frighten and det Continued on Pag" 1' ? "

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