Prisoner At Hospital In Serious Condition Bullet Removed by Physicians at ~ Three O'Clock Thursday After noon and While Condition Is Grave he Is Not Believed to Be in Immediate Danger. SUMMER COLONY PART OF PLANS Bflieved That Sale of Lot* Will Kiiahlr Pr?uiot(TM of Country Club to Krlire Iioilfl*. SWINDKI.I. NESTING KASll.Y IS TIIK LATEST ltBl*OKT I'tKttt" HOSPITAL Joe Swindell, despite persistent rumors of his death. Wits lnimrli'H !1< :mivilplllll- ill in, imniinli il H I ihe KTI/.aixun r1i.v Hospital Thursday afternoon just prior to an operation to remove the bullet lodged against the spinal column. His condition was described as grave, but the wound is not necessarily fatal and he has a chance to recover, it is believed. Jim- Swindell, divorced young married mini, uc niM'il of the crime of drilinuxini! childhood, will not lie tried ill this Icrm of Superior Court. lie watt itliol in hit* cell in tin- I'Hxquotuiik County jail Tliumday morning hliorlly I >?? fore 10 o'clock jliHt uk Deputy SheriH aj'ritcliard ?w preparing to Viring the prisoner into court for trial. The man by whom he was shot is J. D. Karrior of Wil son, grandfather Df Swin dell's aliened victim. Mr. Kar rior is believed unobserved to have followed jailer Albert son into the jailyavd. At any ?ratc...thc . W.ilgpji..Bisj)..yi>lki3l! into the jail while Mr. Albert son had the door open and was cleaning up, aimed his gun at close range at Swin dell through the bars of his iron cage cell and lired. 11 in purpose accomplished. Mr. Karrior walked unuiolcHtcd front Hi'- jail yunl to th?' public squar* a hit If block away on which th? courthouse stands and proceeded straights to the sheriffs office, where ho gave himself up. Karrior shot Swindell, accord-; ? hig' he eeHwhle 1 reports, aa the prisoner sought cover, after not ing the giin In his visitor's hand. In the far corner of his cell. Mr. Karrior I* report ed to have spoken to the prisoner ax if about to shake hands with him and Swindell Is said to have* told Ihe visitor his name. The nat-j ii m I explanation of this would be li' t Mr. Farrior was not sure! which prisoner wa* SWIhdetl ami, wanted to he sure of his man be- j fore he fired. As soon as he learned of the shooting Solicitor Small sent tho County phywlelan ami -two other doctors to attend the prisoner and ordered that Karrior ho held with out hail pending word from the hospital as to the gravity of Swindell's injury. When it appeared that the pa tient was In no immediate dan ger, warrants were issued charg ing Karrior with carrying a con cealed weapon and with assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill, and he was released at about noon under $15,000 bond. Whether at a later term of Su perior Court Swindell will answer to a Pasquotank Jury for the of fetise charged asainst him or whether h?- will be callcd to a Higher Tribunal does not yet ap !?? ;? r. immediately following th?? t ..i.. toting h?? was rushed to the Ktlxaheth City hospital where an N ray examination was made to di rover the location of the bullet which had entered his body be tw J Port Commission bill tin- leftist- J hit tiro last night handled a max" t of local hills from all HcctfonK of; the State. The Senate rrccivt'il ;v * pedal ' uu?K?^m -from- -t-ht- ? (JrrrrTTTnr prc--""" HciitinK the Federal Child I?nhor Amendment to the Constitution and referred tin* matetr o a com mitter. Until Houses met til !h morning. Governor Morrison announced t last night that General Albert I.. \ Cox of Raleigh will bo in charge ; of an active campaign throughout the Stnto to present the Port Com- 1 mission bill to the people between ! now and the election in Novem- i her. OTIIKK ALKX AltM.HTICONfJ ? WAS ('OUUtKD KKI,I,()\V m<-\ Mmstriinn. young white ! man who live* at 212 Pearl street, wan Ik Ins kidded by IiIh friends' late Wednesday afternoon for failure to appear in court when called. The Alex Armstrong In the court news of Wednenda>-. however, was a colored man. Alex Armstrong of Pearl street Is an auto mechanic with the Spcncu: Motor Comiwny. and while lie doesn't mind being kidded, he wouldn't like for any one to se riously mistake him for his col- ' orrd namesake. "was unable to more. There was no evidence, however, that the spinal cord had been actually In jured. according to the most au thentic reports available; though, of course, physicians refnne to be quoted and hospital authorities refer reporters to the doctors. The patient's life at no time ap peared In iJUDiediato jeopardy but If was deemed best to give him timf* to recover from the shock of tho shooting before undertak ing an operation to remove the bullet. This operation was de ferrnl to 1 o'clock Thursday af ternoon and the result of It is not ych ascerta4ned. News of the shooting * spread over the city Thursday mnrnitM like wildfire and a crowd of peo ple soon rovereft the courthouse arcen talking excitedly, while on the street* passers-by gathered In kiiots to tslk and pass on. Mean time In the courtroom, with Judas Lyon on the bench, this Week's term of Superior Court puraued sgaln the orderly routine of the day's session. Interrupted hut mo mentarily by the shootlnK of the next defendant to bo tried, while In one corner of the sheriff's office ar old mm *at i.n^ua .in I calmly reading a newspaper. He wat J. D. Fsrrlor of Wilson. A summer colony of 50 homes within an easy half houfr'a drive 7ff-J5IIZabeih tMfy~Wlll spring into being in the near future if tho plan, of the grounds of theCoun .try C.l.ub.dr'awu by Captain M. 1'. HIto becomes a reality. The present plun of the ;uem* hers of tho club, which in. of iiium". .ik ,u'i niiiy h'uium.h, ts to retire the bonds thai \v ? 11 be neccssarv :o n^et thu expen.-'e of building the club house with the proceeds from the bale of lot* for these summer hoin^s. Tho price of the lots will not nctfesHarily have to bo puid in cash but a term of years will be allowed for payment that will al low the bonds to bo retired at ma turity. Tho plan for the grounds ah laid out in tho drawing by Cap tain M. P. Ilito now on display in th?* window of I). Walter Harris calls for 50 lots. If tho total amount of the bond IsRue Ik to bo retired through their sale the av eragr prico would be 1400. The size of the lots would vary some what with an average of 100x200 feet. The site on which the cluh holds an option is situated on rolling sandy soil which will provide na tural hazards for the golf course and desirable high sites for resi dences as well; The proposed lots for residences. 50 in number, are situated on a drive, according to Captain Hitc's plan, circling the river shore. Stock subscriptions. It Is calcu lated. will net enough to pay for the land and to Improve the grounds. Tho 150 members nho ? afreadjr- RTisrrtbert t*r tfr<> ??!ures of stock will pay Int.) the t . f usury $18,000. of ?h!rh $1",. 000 !s In stock and the remainder in dues for the first year The amount of the bond Issue that will be required to build the club houso is estimated at $20, 000; There will be no trouble; however. In financing the* bond Issue, sponsors for the club ar assured by some of tho most sub stantial business Interests of tho city. FLIERS HOP OFF F.AHI.V THIS jVllHUM, Reyjavnlk. Iceland, A MR. 21.? The Amorlcan fliera hopped off' early thin mornlnR for tho lone j Icr- of their round the world fliRht. They li ft at 8:15 o'clock and passed tho cruiser Klrhmond on patrol 70 miles off tho coast from Iceland ?t 9:35. IxicatHli wan1 leading the ATfltfHAaim by fli'e mllcR. r. t. m< ott DflOAD Charley Thon^aa Scott (Uid JUlU denly from a hearl attack Wed nesday nlfcht at 'j o'clock at hh homo. KOI Went Church atreet. Mr. Seott was In the livln* room, with his wife and daiiRhtor, ; Mra. Jeaae Tucker. of Hertford, who was visiting them, and ?eeined In hla uaual health when ho complained of a pain in hla ; cheat and a doctor was Immedi ately called. Four doolora came hut Mr. Scott wan dead before any of them could Ret there. SurvivlnR him ar?- tih wife: : four children. Shelton (J. Scott and Mra. W. C. Twlddjr of thla olty. Mra. Jesse Tucker of Ilert- ! ford, nnd Mm. OoorRo Davis of; Weeks v File; two Sfotnera, Both and Walter Scott of Wcckavllle. I and three slaters. Mm. Jennie Terrell, Mm. W. A. Halatead and Miaa Knuna Scott of Weeksvllle; j and IS c.randchlldren. Mr. Scott wan <19 yearn old and waa born in the tlerea section of thla County. He has lived at , Weeksvllle and tho last 2f? years of hfa life hla home was In this city. He was a member of the First liaptlst Church and a mem i bor of the firm of Brock St Scott Produce Company. The fnncral will bo conducted Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock at j the home and Interment will be made at Hollywood Cemetery. > Eleven Brothers Form This Ball Team! Tbe MewsO brothers of Pl>nltlng)ntcd special com missioner from North Carolina by Governor Morrixon. Italeluh, Auk. 2 1 .---Governor Morrison last night asserted that bin appointment of IMiillip S. Henry as commissioner from Nortli Carolina to tho Lo?gii?> of Nations bad boon made kq that 1h ooiiki study Loanir problems. PAIIA UK TO IIII>KIM)I>Y WAS HUM WO POINT Chicago. Auk. 21. ? Failure to bide sufficiently tho body of Ro bert Franks was tho breaking point in tho plot of Nathan Leo pold, Jr., and Richard Loerh. ac cording lo tho state'a annaly sls of I ho crime given today be fore Judge f'averly by Joseph Rav age assistant state's attorney. noirroits VIOI.ATK rim WAWconcTHrr Ashovllle, August 21. ? Dr. P. P. Chambers, physician of this ci ty. has been bound over to the Federal firand Jury on a charge of violating the Harrison narcotic art. H<* was given a prellmlnnr> hearing on Saturday before Von no I.. Gudger. United States Coin iniiudonor. who ordered him to ap pear before the Federal Grand jury under bnnd of $1,000. The hearing of Dr. G. W. Pun foy. charged with the same of fciise, was post poued. Demijohn's Corked Until Watermelon Season Over ftcw florn IJquor and Watermelon Won't Mix and Onrgi" Negro llad Hnthor (iivc Up Hi* Corn Than Ihr DrligliU of Jniry Swccl [ FERULHOX I'll, kr TV A>ht?-r> /mama. auk. 21. In the wat srmolon boll down -flouth, the po lice are almost out of a Job ami the boot1?>ei11 I> Tlv\ A S I Fort Worth. Auk. 21.- fSpe-' jlclal.i ? The four potash vclux dis I covered in - Went Texas 1ms .Just ' 1 reported from Midland County and is said to Ih- iih rich | ;is the v? in encountered a few days ago in the T?\sum 1)- v. lop I iix-nt Company well. Theae aciiv ilties lunrk the first o\ti-ii8lv?- pot ,ash dwelopniviit* in I lii*i ??clioii i hIiico the war. 4111V RKftNiK MlillT Spottssylvania. Vu.. Aug. 21. ? , With five ta?nvhi-rit of tin- panel selor.tfd it wan evident Hits afler noon that fho jury In Hi" c-.-ine of Char lea B. Kendall, charged with , murder of Dr. Kohert l<. Powell, probably will he completed before night. HAS A (fKNIflNK MKIHt M HKI1N WH Ml AT LAKT? Ono of the scientists who ha:i ! buen investigating the hafflint; phenomnnn evoked hy the iny. tcrloua Boston spirit inedliiiu win calls herself "Mrs. It." or "Mar Kery" tella of his extraordinary experiences In the Hennco room. Experts. who have exposed on? . medium . 4tteE . another . have far (nmii able to expose no fi i id In this remarkable woman's de monstrations. See next Sunday * World. nilv CI.AKKK is akkah;nki> K. K. Clarke, another defend ant accused of a crime against, childhood, former typewiite- re pair man in tho city, was ar raigned Thursday morning an-! his trial is sot for Friday morning. The Jury will he selected from a special venire of 160 men suni monerl Thursday. ins hootji'fiKi r. Durlnn Mm i>< ? neanoim. xoort tJeorria corn H?|iior brine* $6 to |x a gallon, and nl doni ran doutito rtm or "all-htly aged" corn he bought f??r l? bettor (t> go hack to barbriinrr. FORBES LET OFF WITH LIGHT FINE Sluli* |?Iru of Fore i!?lc l'n>|iasH .uxl (lourt, I inrs lo Amount of .$100. Kvaiix Purlioa, -lil-year-old ma* -chtni*r. indicted by :i Huprrlnr 1 m ii H lin y ;i,l llt^ .March term tif Superior Court |i?*re on two eotuith l< r coiiH|?irnry-Co hienk In to a J.i I] and Injur*' a prisoner, Wiix allowed to. pJ< ud 1'iiilty -to , forcible tiT-tpa** and wa* l?t off ?with a liim of $r.o and roRtu on. ?-ach count. Porlw-H Is tho man from wliow r.if relic- Captain VViiimIdw and Sherlif Charlm Kclil ht ripped a : musk ??n tho nluhl of Sunday., March 2. In tin- neighborhood of I'a^U'ioiaiik County Jail Hliortly] iift'r a coroner's Jury, following ?hi inquest Sundav evenlnw over! tli In idy of William It. Ilallancc. I ItH- 1 ? ??*->?? >^4 Inner I. ad come to his death by j drownhiK at the hands of Klwcil! Overton, neuro deckhand on thoi tiii- Clay l*'o reman, then locked up, in the j:ill and now serving a term In Stale prlHon for burglary. It wad coiiitii*>iily liel|?'Vi'd at Hip ilui1 t Viat a mob had been form In): to 1. 1 lie Overtoil from jail and I lynch him, and that th< lynching party wan broken u i? by the ox-; im iin of I'orbt'H. ' Korli?'8 wan tho only man ar-! r? d. however, and in view of. hi* excellent reputation In the; commuiiily and th" fact that the Krand Jury Indictment. tho kIvIiir, r Small, coona* I for l>an l Solid ( . eralft Bet wren Davit* unci Ulollrtto nv DA VI II l.AWRKN ( 7C rCotyrlffct. IU4, By Th? A?*sa?*i ? n^hiii^tnn Ah)T ? 20.- tiencrHl ? t'.hnrlon < i . Dawcg1; speech of acceptance awakens here among Republicans even more enthusiasm than the address of President Cqolidge ? i.ot because he expounds the issues any more skillfully bat liecause he takes an aKKressive position. And politicians like the tire of an attack. TRIBIITk OF KESPECT TO NKGKO l'ltKACUEH Columbia, s. c., Auk. "21. * South Carolina'* capital city will Hijsp..|ul IhihIo*-** f,*T hnlf-nn hour thin afternoon dtirtaK tlie funeral ' .of the negro preacher. Itev. Chariest JanK' Tn, who for 7.1 year* . had Kone about the city doing m'huI fin- Mb lanv Tho mayor imui'I h piociatua~* lion callinK for Ihln tribute or rc- 1 *pect. TWO MKX AltK kll.l.KI) IN A PIHTOL I'HJHT Charlotte. Auk. 2 1 . ? ened In this Instance, he said, not un naturally tends to happen wher-| ever boys and xlrla of adolescent years are permitted to mingle tin-1 observed and without restraint. A nol pros was taken Wednes day In the rase of O. J. Kerr, charged with larceny of h wood saw and gas engine, when It an- ? pea red (bar be bad come to a set tlement with the owner and pros ecuting witness for the purchase of the properly In rjuestlrn. A Juror was withdrawn and a mis trial was ordered In this case Tuesday when It appeared that the prosecution had grounds for civil rather than criminal action. Three defendants, all negroes. have been called and failed to an swer during thla term of court, and Judgment nisi, scl fa. and capias has been entered araluM them. They are; Steve Holly and Alex Armstrong .accused of ?'isssult with deadly weapon; and Sherman 'Jailing who is wiint?d to answer lo a charge of violation of the Turlington Act and for failure to list his lave* Sherman flailing Ih the negro front whom Lucius Hollv claims to have got the liquor that brought him be fore Judge Lyon thla week for a 12 mnntha' road senjtance, James Harrington, negro who came to town to get a rasor sharpened, and who was arrested drunk with the r*/or In his p*>ck et. wm let off on a fln? of $10 and costs for carrying s concealed weaj?on and |K and coats for be ing drunk. He got the $Sfl min imum peewit yt hat can be imposed ' for carrying a platol when up be-) fori the recorder. It was the Republican Vice Presidential nominee's attack on I.aKolletto and rndicnlism, however, which made it in spiring to the Republicans. ?? .a WJuliuvci lulttiviiiHi there m*y -J havo been Immediately ufter the Cleveland convention when Gen eral Dawt-ii .whs nominated, over tin: IHuLiiH 1 1 f III Ii4n nf PiesldWUt ' {foolldge who feared I ho effect oTH~1 General Dawoa' anti-union labor utterances. there ix no doubt now that since La Polletto lias entered ? the raro and labor has i ndorsed LaPollctte, the Republicans are \ more than glad of a champion of Duwi'n typo who appeals to the conservative business intercuts of ' the country. Tho whole Republican strategy ?! now Ih to gather Democratic and Republican conservatives under tho Coolldgc-Dawes banner with- 1 out making any effort particular ly to coax the radical* Into lino. J There arc more conservatives If the combined Republican and Democratic strength is measured than there are radleslH. especially '1 those of thn extreme ?yp?, j Dawes concedes that John W. I>a- { vis Ik ssf? and Hound but argues j that the three-cornered light may deadlock the cotiti-st and make Governor Bryan President. The Domoerats will use the same ar- j gunjent no doubt to convince la* 1 bor that by voting for I^Kolleite . 8 they are throwing their votes away. Hut an an example of Repub lican doctrine which flta In with , the deidrcs of conservatives who ?,* think the only way to kill LsFol- \ lettlhiu and radicalism Is to knock It in to the bend by strong utter- ,] ances, the speech of (jenerai , , ? J DriwYJCTfT'tTie HTnt gun In what may !??? expected to be a vigorous J offensive on his part all through m the campaign. IIIh pn-sflge In connection With > the settb nient of the reparations J problem has given him more than ordinary powers to attract atten- i tlon. Ho is not the usual kind of Vice Presidential candidate. Hla speeches will draw crowds and will read. Ho while the silent :i Calvin Coo|ld;:e will conduct tho dignified campaign of a President '] seeking continuance In power, the i Vice Presidential nominee will en- 'j gage In the "rough and tumble" Kami' of uollllrn f".l Mi Mu a speech or acceptance was alosg that line. He called Senator La Follette by name and condemned 1 his program une