New Thrill Is Near For Dickie And Babe at Last When Tlicir Trial Im (Her Tliev Will (?o lo Cells lo Wait While One Man Wfipb1* Kviilenee unci l)e cith's Iksiii' of Life or Ileal li fur Them ity o. i,. storr (Cotirrt/lit. I1CI. b> Til# AOtalt. rl Chicago. _ Aug. 27.? 4|>lrkle Loeb *nd "llabe" Leopold this week will v?ot a now thrill, (he pxpt'rit'iirp of while uik man , Judije =3?*TTn CHaw rtV. - mn > eg? = mind whether they shall live; or ?ll?' at Ih'' cml of u rupe. for the tmirdor of young Robert Franks. Whin these two millionaire thrill-killer* r'-tli' from tin- ; lain our of tin lu?U Million dollar trial they have provoked, to the dreary monotony of cell life while) aw it I iik Judgment, they will have witn.-*xed the full upeciacle ' of Anierlcau Justice workinK at ^Top Speed. There has been almo** unexampled progresrt from the time of the murder, with the ma chinery of Justice workinK evenly at every TuFiT Yet the killers ar< unsi'iitenced after three months. Thin shining example- of the ways of Justice in the modern age of new-fangled mental theories had its liu-cptiuii on May 21. Near ly loo days a^O, the two dap|n-r prodigies. 'Nathan Leopold. Jr.. and Richard- l<oeb, with 19 years of life and university education.' ha. k of - Ilium, -equipped . thein Helvis with-o -p?*lE of (ieltl glasses and a cold chisel and started forth to find a victim for the thrill murder they had plotted carefully _hi_r ?m.nnmHm. They were soiu of millionaires, fed up on all the various "kicks" in life that money could buy. But they felt that one more thrill was needed to round out their lives. This, they decided, they could ob tain bv kidnapping ana killing one of the neighborhood boys. Through their field glasses they spoiled Robert Franks. 14 year old son of Jacob Frunks. a mil lionaire pawn broker. Loeb. who hud played tennl* with young Franks the day before, enticed him Into the automobile they hud hired for the occasion. Leopold drove off frnd Loeb smashed the; boy's head with tho cold chisel This done, the youths put info ? fdav? llicir plot t? nhtnln ransom from the father by a clever let ter ruse. Two orimes carrying .with thfm the death penalty wer VJius committed ? kidnapping for ; ransom and murder. At this tline this consideration did not bother the killers. They took the body to the unfrequent ed flats south of Chicago aud bid it in a culvert satisfied that the "perfect crime" had been com mitted and covered In every de tail. A chance pssser. however, discovered the murdered boy. and set under way one of the clever est known pieccs of detective Once the body was identified, all the forces of Chicago's police department were set in motion to IIimI the killers. There instructor.! at th" exclusive Harvard school which young Franks hnd attend ed were subjected to the most se vere of third degree examinations They were practically areused of the crime, when a pair of glusses dropped by I*eopold after shov Iiik tho murder victim Into tfce cffKert. were traced, and the!.' ownership established. l/eopolri nnd Loeb had been tak ing an active part In the hunt for ?the rs. Now tliey w > n sub ? Jetted to examination nnd after a thorough grilling by State's Attorney Robert B. Crowe, final ly admitted their crime on the, night of May 30. The boys, pa m tiling their intellectual accom plishments. were thrown Into Jail whete they remained until July 21 when their trial got under way. In all this time not n hitch was thrown in Ihe way of apeedy Jus tice. Picas of guilty were, enter ed on July 21. further cutting tli rough ihe inaae of usual court i jirocenure. Hut then a new ele-j nifiif in murder trials was Injected by Clarence Harrow, defense al toVney -a plea of mental Irre 'sponsihlllty as csuse for mitlga- , lion i>f punishment. The solid magtji. of court battle has cen tered nround this hitherto unused clnlm for leniency. Pretty theories of phantaxy live* lived by tho slayers ? clever pictures of compound mental complexes that bAund tho youths in a strange pact ? glib descrlp tlons of various gland aliments or l he killers were outlined by high ly paid psychiatrists, psychologist* pnd gland experts. These In turn were dubbed the purest of hum b iK t ?nd sheer buncombe by eml ? psychiatrists. psycholo rfl-u and gland experln for th gt.ite. With life Imprisonment the b"st I bey e.-in expect, these boy* by their plea of mental Irresponsibil ity have tied up ono court for ? solid mi. nth. They are an ehtpper as any pair of lively college boy* when contemplating the spectacle they have made. Hut their play Is about over now and rude actoalltic* are about to enter. Probably the youth of the boys may cause judge Caverly to extend sytnpa EASON SHOOTING STII I. MYSTERY I'JTort* of INilicr uinl Slier i|T fo KJir it nf S|io<iliii- In IVovitli'iirc .Allop'llirr 1-riiiiloH. The mvstery deepens. When II wan- learned here Tuesday afternoon that o. A. Mr I'Iutwii. l*UH<|Uotuiik farmer o( l 'rov iitimri ?? ~itj w n sTi f |?.~ had" born { shot ihriMiuli Jaw und m ek by bis neighbor. Iliram Kason. it was confidently ? t but koiii>> de Inlls of ib?- alfair would leak out within lb*' next L' | hours. Hut the _ 1 hi>n i |? t ioil has more than i ?a **? ? I and not a ?*ir- i chmstaiice connected with it has been develop* d. though city and ? County authority* have bci-u at work on ihe ens-". Despite tin fact that he talked Mke a in mil whose tunuui has hci'ii |'io.? i| by > something Hi-?n;:cT tlinn i- solil nt riio Kodn rmiinfiTim. Mrrio rsun was . vi?j .Tniy" i ii emmnand or alt bis discretion. Not a man with whom In talk I'd and lie talked .with (1'iy "lis -can nay a wmd -a bunt llni.JmM. wlu-tx t tihiHiiiiib. No quest ion that Mcl'liornon I was idiot-. Tim physician's examin ation showi-d thiit Hie liuih't had entered the left jaw to the b ft of tin* aii^lc of .-the mouth, had struck the lower jawbone, and then, following the line of this bono, had plowed its way to a point one inch beyond t In ? angle of the Jaw and lodged in the neck Jlist below the lobe of tin- lift ear. And Dr. It. I.. K? ndrick has the bullet which he removed from the tissui-H of Mcl'herson's neck. Armed with the warrant which had been put Into ills bauds charr.lnu Kason with assault with deadly weapon with Intent to kill. Chief of I'ollri- Charles A. Greg "Iffy wefit out 10 Tviiflon'R homn in Providence Tuesday afternoon when- he was met at the door by Kason 's wife. "Hiram told me that If any body came after him to say he'd 1>* right back as soon as h" could find a bondsman." she told the; officer. Hut Hiram has not yet been heard from and It is sup posed that he is still looking for a bondsman, somewhere in the Dismal Swamp or else In the bushes somewhere on his own , place. Oil the way back to town Chief (irgory nu t Sheriff It* Id. Vrm?T' w{iT h wa VfSTft ItfPntlcfrt with that In the hands of the chief of police, bent on the same mission as that from which Ifye Chief was just returning. On the chance that Kason had slipped hack home after the flrst visit, the sheriff continued on fo Mas on's home and received the same message. "If he nets a bondsman, he'll come back, just as lie says lie will, too." declar-s the sheriff. lllrain Kason lives something lesa than a m|l? bnck of Iterea , Itaptist Church, which Is situated on the Newland brick road four miles from Kllinhelh City . Nelth er Chief C.reuory nor Sheriff Ili-fiT' was able to obtain any details of the shoot Ing in Kason's neighbor hood. In fact, find It not been for the statement attributed to Marshall Jennings that the shoot ing was done hy tliram Kason. the warrants issued aralnst him tnlubt almost be said to have been sworn out <?n hearsay. WAH HEPOItTEl) IN CHINKS*: PROVINCES mr a?mmhw r???> Shanghai. An*. 27. Shun Pao. the leading vernacular newnpa per, today received a dtapatch re porting the outbreak of warfare between force* of Chi Wfh Yuan, military governor of Klanghu pro vlnce. ant! Oennml Lu Yung flftan Tuchun of ('heklan Province. passkin<;ki<s hijkt ON I.INER AIUBIC New York, Aug. 27. -Several paMPngerti on the White Stnr Arabic Itound from Hamburg to .Vew York were Injured last nlahl when the ahip ran Into a hurri cane. a meawage to the aleamflhlp .company'a hraduunrtem today ?ald. * ? thy and give th?-m their Uvea?' otherwise, mental thenrle* or no mental theorle* their day* are numbrred. Juatlce. though. will have come only after '.10^-dnya of court proce dure with every technicality elim inated. With the orjme record aettlad down to a murder a day In Chicago alone, the public can now hnderatainl how burdened la I the machinery of the law. 1 STUNNED BY TRUCK BOY WILL RECOVER Stunned ..when struck by the Winektvuui truck on North Road I street Tuesday afternoon und un- j conscious through most of the 11 ifcti I . Preston Kason of Perqulm-i ans County, regained conscious- ' uess early Wednesday morniug 1 and wax reported- renting quietly | and apparently on the road o re covery Wednesday afternov>n. The boy's collar bone was brok en and he suffered many bruise* | on head und body, sonio of the | former of which were feared In i the begluuihg to be -serious. Hat | the Be fears liave now been dls- ] missed and the little fellow will ? get well without pvnmauent in-^, -j-fir-y -linleSST TAefe UBf?VfWTPil ' developments. Preston was on a visit from his home in Hie Nfw- H<i|ic sf linn of-; Durauts Neck. Perquimaus Couti ty. to Itoger and Archie Shan-1 iiouliouse, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Shannouhouse, lo9 North j (toad st ret-t, and wus' to have re turned home. Wednesday. He was riding a bicycle when the accident occurred and was upparently Htriick from behind, as the rear wheel of the bicycle was smashed. Mr. and Mrs. Kason w^re promptly informed of the acci U^hrrand" both "a r rTveirTi fire wed nesday evening, spending the. night at their little boy's hed tdde. CIANT DIKIC1BLE TAKES SHOKT TRIP IB* Tb. Aanrlllnl Prru ? Fredorickchshafen, ? Germany, Aug. 27.? The giant dlriglbir / R-3. built here "for the United ' Slut os. left this afternoon for a short flight of several hours over Lake Constance. . t'.NARLK Til ItoW LIGHT ON Ml'RDKII OF FltlKNU Raleigh. Aug. 27.? Misa Ro selle IS riff in of Kiiightddale. friend of Charles A. Itass, New York cabinet maker was loduy uu able to thrown any light on the murder of Aaron Graff In New York. SEEK ESTABLISH MANY BUS LINES Richmond. Aug. 27. ? A peti-, tlon to establish passenger bus llpes to rutuiert UuhnutuI witli every section of the state as well ' as with Raleigh and Durham. North Carolina, and Washington. D. C., was today filed with tli?* state corporation commission by the Virginia Transportation Com pany. The proposed routes in clude Fredericksburg. Staunton, and Charlottesville. Several rail roads and bus companies are op posing the application. The hear ing will be held late in September. * ATLANTA MAN HKADH l*AFOLI JCTTK CAMPAIGN Washington, Aug. 27. ? R. L. Corley of Atlanta has been se -dtreet- the-- La Foiled ?? Wheeler campaign In the So I'll. CKOWK CONTIXK8 HIS ATTACK ON DKKKNNK Chicago, Aug. 27. ? State's At torney Crowe today continued hi* attack on the defense's plea for mercy for Nathan Leopold, Jr., and ltlchar<!h Loeb. C'UASH C IIAHKI1ALL LKAGCK FOR KAHTKHN CAROLINA Washington. N. C. Aug. 27. ? j It looks as If there will be a class towns In Eastern 'North Carolina next year. It Is proposed to have a six club circuit made up from the follow ing eldest Wilmington. Klnston. Goldsboro. New Hern, Greenville. I and Washington. According to Mr. Vandanlng ham. the salary limit would be $2,000. each team to get gate re ceipts at Its hoine Ramon It in proposed to open the season on May 15 and cloee September 1. SKCHKR OPTION ON ADDITIONAL "FOR EST Anhevllle. .Aug. 27. ? Option on an additional 7.000 acre* of land to be added to the Plsgah forest! has just br?n announced at th? office of Verna Rhodes, super vieor of the Forest. This la*' option makes 17.000 acres of land now held under option by I he Forest official*. 10.000 lores having been recently secured un der option. The 7.000 acres are located In Burke County ami are the pro perty of Mr*. Marie H. Ulbbs They are In the Hoonc division of the Forest on the water shed of the l'pper Creek, east of Mnvllle. When tha titles of the land?* held at option are examiner] are found good, the conipleto trans fer will be made and the 1'lsga'i Forest will again be enlarged The eventual amount to be added to Plsgsr Forest It wag said. wIP be 50. 000 acres. The option lands are all rut over land* and will be reforested, Mr. Rhodes stated. I)r. H. D. Walker returned home from Nags ffead Wednes day morning after spending a few days there. I^wes Formally Accepts Republican Nomination Here Is Urlg. Oen C|trlei G. Daw*** forum Hv Rm>|tt Iiik ?Ik? I i?h i r% \ |n< i?1i mini noiiiln-iiioii I 'lunk IV. Stearns, personal adviser to Preald?*nt <*.> >1| tgt*. \Vi Ham M lliltl?i. ?!, i.:n:m if !!??? |:. jihI-Ih* in N.iUotiul CtnuulLlte_ anJ n>;maK? r of the CouIMk* l*siw?*a tamp?l?m. niel *r?u ? ? ui r.i !>????. In;-|i in i lie i.iuumI* <?f tlio <?artv attended (h? notillcat'.on cer?m<Mili.-s IimM hi "lle!l nn<l Mnrui s ' Inline in l^uiixt m a ?'ln. .?>;? -'?!?<?? (? .... GERMANY TO SIGN LONDON AGKKLMKNT lkriln. Auk. 27? The German government will nig!) tho London agreement whether or not the rHsrhtuK approves. It wan offl ?i?)ly- aoiutuo.-tnl ttKlay. If th? r?iM'litaK -reject * the pact on the reparations plan the legis lative hoily will bo dissolved. ac roritlnn to tin* anmiuiKenioni. n?n\(iKS AM) THICKS Sl'FFfill IN STUR.M Manteo. Aug. 27. ? The hardest wlml Florin in inuiiy years paused through 'here Monday night doing considerable damage to property. Shade trees were uprooted, out buildings were turned over and many small crafts were blown away from their moorings. It was reported that a tug boat and a tow of barges foundered ami sank ofif Stumpy Point. IJoyd Midgett worked hard all day Tuesday clearing away the shade, trees that had been blown down on his house by the hard wlu?t Monday night. Among those ? who Mfflp over here from Nags Head Monday' night for safety after being warned of the atorm coining up coast were l)r. and Mrs. J. I? Hathaway and daughter. Miss Klizaheth Hathaway, of Klizuheth City. They returned to their cot tuge at Nags I lead Tuesday morn ing ami found that It had tioi been damaged although^ -others had been badly wrecked. One house up in the woods had been completely overturned nml it wasj only by a miracle the owner who , was in it at the time, was not killed. - -rw itotv rtf "M. ct: ~ iloiiowMT was damaged to the extent that the roof was taken away from one side leaving the inside of the store ux'posed so that eonsld erable damage was done to t li ?? . -J i ? n of goods. POSTAL INSPKCTOK WAS MASTER MINI) riilcaKo. Aug. 27. William raliy, nee of the postal Inspectors' suuad. war y< sterday arrested an master mind in the $2.0U0.00u mail robbery of some months ago | griXN (xms'A.w to IIA VK KUKNTUV STOlti: Pdenton. ? Auk. 27. The lle irlck- Hah?T property occupying. Ill- apace T. \V. KlliullV Htore and that of II. Ityriim llrort ISrocery, was transferred ?Momlny- hy -William S. -Whitf TwIfflRl ami WHkitiw;" nwii'TM- of - th? Qiilnu Furniture Company, upon which, will ln> <>r?rlii| at ,nln I II I tii'Mi-i nl.ify >111 il- 1 1 ii .? Ill Mill cost of approximately some $-'?,? 4JIMV. IhiriiiK Hi'1 last 'few yt-.nrs I )i?> Cj it i ii it Furniture Company of KM/.at? th city Iium li-'i'ii huiMitiK up a hiiMini'M in K.lcnloii. until now It hart lie come apparent, ac cording to a Hlatemeiit hy Mr Twlford, that a stock of good* must kept hero for llit* accom modation of the people of Cho wan. Bertie. Hates, Perquimans ami Washington eounti' s, all of whom will In- -nerved from' tliU Mora. I ItAYKK HlillVK'K TOXUillT Dr. 8. II. Tnmpleman will con duct the priyor"/w*rvlr?'s at the -gin* Huptlyt rhurth I<m?4kIU, r?> turninK to KIcTiuiond Thursday fifling an engagement there on Sunday. Dr. TemploniHti will come huck to th-v city the first of next w^?*k to take up hi^ work again with li in congregation of the First Baptist church. Tt? RATIFY M KIM* Kit New York Auk. 27. - Forma! ratification of the .Nickel Plate railroad merger ctiKlneereil hy Van -Hwerigcn Interests will !???? voted tomorrow hy director* of the Pere .Marquette Kuilroad Com pany. t lie la si of the . f I ve . road* W filch will enter the" now * yMt-m to signify approval of tin- plan. CKF.W IN.IIHhl) Ol I lAKOl.lW COAS'I Jacksonville. Fla . \in:. 27. The sf earner Moorlxli Prince of British reKlidrallmi In hend? d for this port with eight menila r? o." the crew who w? re Imdly injur.. I In the storm off the Carolina coast, according to :i wind* hh nieiiiiagc, askliii: for doctors to h> ready. Devastated France Is Being Rapidly Rebuilt duller Wnnil, Hark from Trip Aliroml Willi llix Hiull: ?-r, Ivtipl. John K. Wood, TpIU Briefly of Si of llir Intrrr?<liii(j Sighl* I'liry Saw Walter Wood, l>ark from a trip , through ? Kumi"'- in ? Urn aonnwitf of hin brother, Captain John K Wood, of WaNhlnKton, say** h? saw ro much that to tell it all In would have to begin at the begin mlng and dovote aeveral hourn t?? tho lank. Kvi n then there are .1 number of thing* he ha* forgot 1 ten. Captain Wood In in t?llxabeth City oh a vlnit Or a w??'k with hi 1 parent*. Mr. nud Mra. J. y. A. Wood. The dfVKHlatfd area in Kratic** lc being rapidly hiiilt up. ??word ing to Walter Wood. He nhw h number of ?verturiKd tank# and barbed win* entanglem* -n I ? which i were left for the benefit of four lata but many lb-Ida which wen torn by ahella have he'-n freed from dang^rou# dtid* and are now und?-r cultivation. *aw th< pelf proiwIUd tractor# with plow* at a dlatancr. from the machlni* which are nw'il to dig up uliellf Th?-a?- ar?* exploded nt *af?- plac?<*. The brother* vlall<-d l(h< Imc. Soleaona. Chateau Thl*rrv and other polnta of Int< rr>Ht In France Captain Wood had been In the same territory during the war. "The building;' now being erect ed In Kranee are for f h?* mwt I pr.rt nimilar to mid -Weater* Am erlcan arehlteettlre,*, Mid Walter I Wood Wednesday. "They arc 1 inaklim a hi# inivtal:** In falling -fe reprudnrrttn rrtrf jtylr.n of ?tr chlteoture and It ban tin- * ff?*rt of deatroylnu the landHrai"' French people are not eour taotia, lie found. If ?? wax vry much nuri?ri-f<l to find a major Ity of Kruiflinun artutilly till; court ??on <. "Tlo-y aeem to havi the fool ing that America haw all the mon ey In th-- world And It Ik no woniliT when they *ee t !??? way ho no- rich Americana npnad thj-li money around." Drinking In Franco and Spain l? rvltflrtcd to wilo'H, t^r and coffe?. according to tin- Elizabeth City alobe trotter. "I aaw no oito In Southern Rurop?> drink in': whlakey. Koiiif men of An?lo Kaxon blood w r? drunk but lite people of Franco and ttpaln pit about TTT ca"f<-K and drink light Intoxicant* An ui< unual numbrr of th? in drink cof fee liiKt**ad i f wine." tie Maid. Knula nd wan found to he In some difficult! * brought about by unemployment and heavy tnx ea. The people, however, are car rying on wonderfully and ?e?-in to have dlamKaed the war front their thouvht*. Tha brother* nlao vial led Del i:lum and IIHIand. Where tlov ware lmpr??*?d with the bciuty of the ac>acry. scou r PARTY BACK l ltDM SKKINO STATK llev. anil Mrs. K. II. Seatl*?r-| ttonil. Francis _ J acock a. Jlalph Wilcox and John Kramer re iiirnel Tuesday evening from a lour over tin1 State In Mr. ^ca' K-iy.ooM"* ? wr-'-Hwl- -wrftwl -i-h**' party- to prarilriHIy every hirge.i rliy in North (Carolina. Very little mechanical iraubV vx .. ..i.i. .Vl| mi the tour. J nsl out-dde i?r i:iiz:it?- 1 h city the tiics: gave homo trouble hut wlu-n this H'ii? it-UK (llcil they lou'i'il right along through. flat country un?l mountains alike heavily loaded. The party wad gone tlireo. weeks. They camped all the way rooking on a gasoline stove wli ( li IIHeil hill (III:- r >1.011 of gasoit<|>> I during the entire trip. Thin Move is |????k ? t i upon as quite u marvel hy the party. It folds up like u suit ease and occupied very little | room. At first it was planned lu go In to other slates hut when blunt- 1 ing op ration* on a mountuiu; roud in the western part o* the State delayed l Uu parly lh?y de- . rideil to take the southern route hai'k hoinw nnd ran* North f'tt r<Hl- j na first. They went weal . Jiy_ the northern route. The crossing ; w?m niude at Win! on lioth ways, ail hough Mr. Heattergoad said lie would liovo tried the now ferry at Kd^nhouse on the return trip had it not been for the storm Monday night. All of the members of the parly, seem to have enjoyed the trip Ini- > inetisely. They are ruddy and vigorous and evidently much re fr shed by the three weeks camp in ?: vaentlon. IIATIIV TIUMcB - i I.At'SANNK TODAY (lit Tli" A ???>" uiirt I'uit) Purls. Aug. 2 7. ? ?The French Senate today ratlsfied the Treaty of Lausanne with only L'O nega live vole* after a debate of two hours. The Chamber of Denting rati fied it Monday. The Menate's action today give? official French adherence to tbej treaty which wnn signed July ID. 1923. re-emabH?hlng peace in the Near Kast, Oreat liritain. Italy. Japan have already ratified the nmn wfri AnguHt fl. NIINK MON THS FOK Cl KHiriCK SCHOOLS Currituck, Aiir. 27. Kvory Hr-liAiil fn Currituck County Is tn have a nine months session ihi. year and all schools will op rn i?n Sept*mh?-r 1. I'nr the flrMt I i in e in the hls lory of (he kIiooIh her?* fre* den Uil service will In- Klv?>n to the pupils, It lii not known who the <!etifist will be but fUBdH BilVV been provided to take cure of this fen 'ure of service for the pupil* of Currituck Counter schools. Profits from Ihe movies will be lined for thin purpoa? and an ap propriation In uvHllablf from the State. Johi ph I1. Kroipp ha* also appropriated funda to make den tal service frei* for pupils of th??j schools. Another fiaturi* of Currituck school* thin year Is the provision for a miMiral director who will : supervlai- the teaching of slng-i Intc In all the school* of Hip coun- i ty. Miss (leraldltie Tuhha of i Grand ItapldM. Michigan, will hold ; thin position. Currituck school thin year, with pupils from Hhawhoro nnd Coin Jocfc." wITT have an c nrtillnit-nt pf something like two hundred pu- ( pila. Jlim Kutfli'ene i'lilllpatt. of! HhHby vllle. Tennessee, Is princi pal and will t?-a?*t? the sixth Krnde. ' .MU?h Hilda Jennetto of 11yd# County 'will teach the flft h' gr id?. Mlaa Wllnia Ktter of Viola. Ten nessee. will tench the third and fourth k' idrs MN l/ ulae Trm pleton of Winchester. In to t*ach ? h -? * cond grade nnd Miss Tom mlo flrejfory of l>ech*?rd. Tennas ???<? will heve charge of the first: grade pupils. DAWES CELEBRATES MIS FIFTY-NINTH Evanston. III., Auk 27. ? Charles < ! Iiawn, Republican Vlc? Presidential candidate, spent today, his fifty ninth birthday, at hi* home here working on an ad dress lie will make Friday night at Lincoln. Nebraska. CUKKimck COUNTY SUFFERS IN STOKM Harm. Auk. 27- ? Great damage was done In this section Monday night by the t.torm which struck here about noon Mouday. Huge ithade Ut-e* ?NMTe blown jliijuti corn. crops were blown neariyflar ?to the gruund. fruit was blown from the trees, iyid considerable damage was done --to- prart it-ally all crops. Houses rocked during the night and many people got up around midnight to take refug> with some neighbor who was In safe quarters. The pillars wen blown from the kitchen of T. K. Miller and a huge umbrella tree that has for ten years shaded the home of Bell Wllklns ftaiT blown to the ground. Kain was needed In the section around here but it is believed the rainfall .\F6Hdliy ftUd TU?H(lay too heavy for most crops after a long -drought. ? Won. I, ItK .1.111, HKKAkKltM SOW ON IIKliTKOIlll IIIIMIN High! negro iirl^tmcrs BM1 fenced to varying terms on the roads were taken from the Pus quota hk J&IJ 'Tu^sduy tiiorning and Teh Ire re Immediately for Hertford County where they will nerve out the time. The prlsotiera JUilBJ Lucius Holly. oeutMMctul .to__lX months for violation of the Tur lington Act; Wheeler Smith und Irving Whltehurst, both given two years for house-breaking. Daniel Kiddick and' Allen Wood house, given two years each for an attack on a negro girl under the uge of 1G; Pruden Hanks, sentenced to two months for reckless driving and drunkenness; Malachi ('oaten, sent to the roads for four years f<?r housebreak ing and Bishop Baker, who must serve four months for wlfebeat Ing. Malachi Costen seems to have been the leader of the attempted Jail -delivery duving the storin Tuesday night. All the other prisoners mentioned In the fur^ golng paragraph worn lu the same cell except Pruden Bunks. Thus seven prisoners, and not six as reported ' Tuesday. would have been free to make their escape had not th?' vigilance of Jailer Albertson frustrated the attempt ed Jail delivery. In Tuesday's report the name of Allen Vyood house was omitted by oversight. One of the prisoners In tha cell. Bishop Baker, claims to have had ' no part in the effort to es cape. Si&ONO I'ltlMAKY fok KI.EASK ANOHYKNES Columbia, S. C.. Auk. 27. For mer Covernor Cole Bleas>' '1.1 lead I ii k CongreHHtnan Byrnes for noni jnatlon as Senator while Senator hint appears defeated. A second race between Meade and Byrnes Is necessary. Cover nor McLeod appearti overwhelm ingly re-elected. STOHM MAY IIIMIKK TltH WOKIJ) Fl.tEKS St. Johns. (Newfoundland. Aug. 27. The AWM'teim fll???w may bw prevented from hopping off from Ivlgtut, (Ireenland. for Indian Harbor. Labrador, tomorrow If the severe storm which Is sweep ing over Newfoundland extends to wsrd the north. according to ma rlne experts who declared today j that the storm area seemed to | be moving toward I*ahrador. The >torm appears to be the one which swept the Atlantic coast yester day. S4rm f<H-har?l Nut ion. Lundun *u rWljr iMd 9t. M ? iMominvnl . ill ih# princt'i ?ittuur?itv. PLANNING MAKE WOODMEN HAPPY F.lizalH'lli ? *ii > McrrlwnN to (iive Ni^hin^ Kitlt* Down llic Kiv vr Thursday. Arrant!',mi|iiiM liavi' b>-<n made 'through Ihc oo opt-ratiou- of Kll* aheth City im-rcliauta to uive tlie visiting delegates n> tin' district lilm-lllIK of tli'* \V<"?uiiin it of the Wi?rW"iT'rid'' d??wn the river tt? t 111' Hi HI till ell till- Sltullll-r Vans civet pf the.. Nuiili. Uivtr. l.iiui, . ?t.?> 1 1 in ;i I t Tlitn -iiHg L afternoon. Itfl* r.aifH are e\p?'c|?d in be . jiltt: Arriving UYdji^&day - vMfiingr from tin* most distant points. The niujority will probably arrive Thursday morniim l?y automobile over tli" Coastal IlU livvay. Tti?* 1'li z.i tot 1 1 Clly camp, Ev ; prRh-cn No. T7H, was oiie of. the flist camps organized in this dls-4 trlrt and an ?>ld number wns Is.bfliev.d tti a I it hiLJiw <dd-_ I est 111 the district. The open in?: >;eH*lon will bo 'held at II n in. Thursday in the Alkrama theater. A program of ?-tii?-riuiiim>'iil ami business baa been arranged. 'I'll in will include ;i hnrrhfnn to hr> lield after the | morning session adjourns and be | fore the biiKliii'M* M'iwlon Is called ?to order at 2 ' !! 0 in tin- ufternoon. Mayor W. H n (bind win of ICII* |tl?th City w ill d.-iiv- I Ml.' aildr. H* [of welcome on h'lialf <7r the city I and Secretary It. C, Jub ou bc J half .of. the Chamber of . (!on* BiWOflt- Dr. T. S MvMullan also of tliiH city and \\ t). W. physi cian will make Hi ? response. C. It. Pugh or Klixabetli Clly will d?- ? i T-iivr ? Ilia iirull.tM hI-Oh1 niiniilmi , The Invocation will be made ' by Itevereud It. F. llall and the benediction w ill be by Itevorend K. F. Suw.ver. Robert U. Fearing, Jr.. will play the violin and L. R i Foreman, Jr., the siimi phone, ; while tlio Boys' Hand of tlii' city will furnl:ili tlie orchestration. The aeiiMlon at the Alkrama la open to the public and the people ; of Klixahuth City and of Its sec tion arc cordially invited to at i tend. Delegates lire ? \ peeled from camp* in the followinu counties: Currituck, Pawiuotank, Halifax. 'Tyrrell. Dare, lb rtf'ird. Perquim ans, Camden. Wake. Meaufort, Hyde, Oreen. Pin, Nash, Wilson, -Hsrll*. F.Uy?'C4?iiiiH-, Northampton; aud Gates. An important part ef tlie Iniai I ties* session at 2:1b) Thursday af ternoon at the W. (? \V. Hall will be the el.ctton of officcm for the coinlnK y:*ar. Tin- pre*ldcnl and vlce-preaidt lit an* usually elected J annually, while other ofTlcern re . main for a period of several ^ 1 yearn. T. T. Turner of Kllxabeth City in district president Other dis trict officers are: Mrs. U- rnaVd j Allsbrook. Meothuid Flecks vice- } president; llernard Allsbrook, Scotland Neck, *ecreiary-treamiiy ,_er. a,nd, A. iviJJ.. .Abu*kAu?.-?MHl ? Mm, W. ? (! Wfi.d.ii <1 . Pocky Mount, district managers. I'l.NRIMI, \Vi:i>M.N|>n OK <1111, l> l(ll,f,l:ll MONDAY The funeral of 111 I four-year | old Marlon Wliilt ImrHl. who wan I instantly l< i 1 1 rd Monday' of thhi I week when a log 1 2 f?'? t Ions and .about weven inches In dlamete^ rolh'd down frot.i a lumber pile upon her. br?>akfut: her week and crushing hfi Hkull. wan conducted ut the home by Kev It. I\ Hull at , 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon and Interment im.hI ? in tho M:i 1 1 tri PiH.IiimI Mirr.liili UFnWWf near Carter s Mack-smith shop. The child I i.iurvlvctl by her parent*. Mr. and Mm. Claude Whltehurst. by one 'datcr. Mioise, und by h?*r grnnfUutr'-utci. Mr. and Mr*, ft, II Cnriii The acclduttt I occurred at about II o'clock Mon day at a lumber pile near Car tcr'a black ami tli shop, at the in* t'THectlon ?? f t he Porks and the Old Jaeksru r? ail a little more than a in i )?* front the city, but, owing to tlx- rain and storm Mon day. news "f the accident did not become generally known here un Mrn Whltehurst and her chil dren had. rone for a visit to her parentM while Mr. Whll?diurat had left Monday to sp??nd a few dayn at* Ocean City. Tie wai reached by wire en ronte, however, and returned home Tuesday night. Playing Willi little Marlon a t the tim* of the accident were her cousins. Mnvwood and Evelyn Handera and her slater, Elolse. UKRRIOT IS I.IVKN OFFICIAL ?AN(TION far la, Auk. 27. Pfemler Her rlot yesterday secured the approv al of the senate nnd Chamber rf depntlew for his action In accent ing the f.ondon Conference res;uUft on the Dawea plan. COTTON m M: m r New York. A tig. 27 Knot of* t?n closed nil let tntfav, .10 oolut* down; middling 26.10 Fnlureo, dosing bid Oct- hi r 21.40. iv?. I cember 24.00. January 23. SC. Marrh 24 27. Msv 24.4fi. New York. Aug 27 Cotton futures opened today at tho f??l lowln* levels : Oct SI. on. Dec. 24 fit Jsn 24. CO, March 24 MS. May 2S.03.

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