koi r: packs. NO. 206 Democrats Gnin Strength By Silence Cautious Cal I'.M'ry Day |{i'|iulili<-uii INoiiiiucr l>?'<'l;n'ini: lliiiix'ir on kl'll U-lli' I'uiiiiiii^ \ ? 1 1 i- K I ? i I I'l'linu iii Ni'H York sinif Mnkin^ Vntf? fnr-Hrmorrat* Il> DAVID rWVUIACK. fCexrtofil. If?4. B* TK# A4?.uil New York, Aug. 2 H. ? C?ovcrnor Al Smith's decision not to ? p a candidate for a third term may l?e liual so far as his XJn determination is concerned l?ul the sentiment to draft 'flfim for the oiriec is still to lie reckoned with, not only !** cause of his popularity but because the lenders themselves may have to turn to him a^ain after they have sized up all (he men now being mentioned for the placei* What is ultimately done aliout the New York govern orship concerns the national campaign vitally. Al Sllllt li show #*d an nlitllly to; carry t ki?? state under ailvrrw ciuullliiMK ntfd now with tlx- Klan Issue becoming a tlom litan t factor 1 1 1 > ' s?-|?*ct ion of Smim HI iiiuki" the rare in tin- end may be eom p.lled t?y political circumstances. : There Ik iio man around whom the nntl-KInn forces would rally mop* enthusiastically to squelch the Klaus ambitions than Al Smith. Tammany at In-art wants ' Al Smith to make the race. Judge Olvany, who succeeded Charles !?'. Nrnriihy.' an leader of Tammany Hall, plainly showed his regret when ho announced after confer ring with (he New York governor '? ?|'-Hlr?> to nin agUfftl ? wants to go back to private lite and business. To the armament that li?- would help the Davis-llry an ticket more by running for of fice again, his answer has been that he can help it more by stumping the Eastern states for the .national ticket. The national managers are neu tral ?>n the question. They are not ii rising any particular course f. Hlim that the situation can h?st develop of its own accord, that If there is a demand for Al Smith so strong as to sweep the state it will l?e impossible for. the New York governor to disregard it and tliat the drafting of a candidate by the voters under such condi tions would give his candidacy a popular momentum sufficient to Insure victory. jf A I Smith docs not run. tiu benefit of the New York gover r's Influence In the neighboring ' ?ten of New Jersey and Connec tlcut?aml II ho.le Inland will J"' r.li Clom Sluwr, ? nattouaL chairman. reels that the ? ntl"! Ka?t now Is OlihllnK v.rnunil and that Al Smllli enmpalenliiK with John W. Davis in the East will an II meat deal to the anll lslnn voter* who will take even mure ?orloil*ly Hip national nom inee'a pronouncement against tin K j.nij est., clally as the silence of i ? r. ? i SistToonm^ ts There can be no question that ?*very day that the President says nothing about the Klan Democrat* are making political rains. They run.trlif' stli'lirr 10-rrnhout as sympathy with (ho Kim Tin y fflt that way about M.-Acioo last June. He would not 11-imnnn- the Klan. hence lit- was for It: thoillsh everyhodjrlcncw lie Inwardly had not the sIlKhtest sympathy for til., society. The fiiluic of tin- llcmocralic plat form to name th.' Klan specifical ly iMinn to cost many votes. When John W. Mavis went fur ther than the platform he recov ered lout k round. The psychology of the Republi can voters who are Catholics and Jews ami negroes Is not much , different from that of the Demo crat* of those faiths. They feel themselves discriminated against unjustly and any one who remains ?(|eut on the Issue Is presumed to l?. angling for Klan support. i,i viintl i J jhc situation In this section, one cannot e?d-.ipe the conclusion that the Democratic leaders themselves are not alto gether Immune from political selflfehms* In their policy about the Klan. They know that prej udices can be capitalised politi cally and they are not hesitating to do so Just as the Republicans did In 11120 when they played to the large number of Irish voters on the League of Nations ques tlon. . , ' It would not l?e surprising If the New York state Republican 4iomlii"<s for local reasons came, out a? strongly again*? the Klan :.s have the Democrats. Thus far, (?resident Cool Id ge has been trongly urged by h?Ad?;rs outside of the K*ist to keep out of the whole thing and permit the local .ticket? to handle the situation as they please. Thit the Republicans' who V now the true inward ncs* of th* political sltuatloiMn rh*? em tuj^~~*lntc r.ro not so aur. J ihat la aofltiri policy. i If \l Smith runs, he hlmaelf ill h" a challenge to the Klan Iter i i e he is a Catholic and one of th< Cardinal principles of the Klan Is to oppose any Catholics, jows or negroes for public office of any kind. If would appear that iren If the Now Y^rk governor Is not drafted thr VrtffiiTng of a ?Catholic Ot, a Jew will be urged by ant I Klan rroupH Carl ^TTMT-"4 man. attorney general of New York state, who Is being men tioned for the Democratic nomln SEVERAL UO M S inni.v oamaced )'?w< lis Point, \ug. 2n. ? The >ii>ntiii li^iTi t of W- W. t'h-vo of Nor folk, valued at $."i,0O0i wax was hod usliotv here in the storm of Moiuiiiy iiltlii. Several other boats wr?? washed ashore, Inrlud at $l..\uo; SI. Clair l??-wark"s Man iMial, valued at about $400; K. K. Ili'iinelt'M crud?* oil boat. the Com modore, worth about $:t.ooo. A crew of men are busy get ting t hew lioalH bark on the wat er and it will probably be over a week before the larger boats are put hark in operation. News of bouts lieini^ washed ashore on all landlnus throughout the county in being received here. All telephone colli muiiic.ill?:t has been rut off. At Point Harhur the faiim-' of - -wa* ? -Lluwui -Uujm. and window lights wore blown out of hoiueM. (lorn planted throughout the rounty after the Irish potato rrop Is considered a total Ioks. Considerable harm was done at I'owells Polt.t where the Rrock Hotel and the home of L. Parker wore damaged. This is said to be the worst storm to visit this Fection for the last :i0 yearn. A wind storm here at that time is said to have drowned stock, sunk many hoats, and washed homes away. CANNING FACTO KY IS CONTEMPLATED Negotiations are under way. It is reported, for a factory site on water front property adjoining the warehouse of the firm of It. C. Ahliolt, forwarding agents. Report has It that the new en terprise is a canning factory ami that (ieorgu C. Markham. pro in - Ineiii rent estate man, and Alex ander Midtfett. native i>f Date County, have Joined hands to es tablish the enterprise. PltlXCK I>1" K TOI>A V On Hoard Steamship Herenga rla. Aug. 29.- ? Due to arrive at New York late today on his sec <>nd visit to the I'nlted States en ~rrvnrr-TTr-trl?r Canadian ranrh.-Hro Prince of Wales spent tbe morning in final preparations for debark ing. COOL1DGE LAUDS FRATERNAL OKDF.KS Washington. Aug. 29. ? Fra trrnallsm as the "strong reliance of ordered government according to public law" was eulogized by President Coolldge In his address today lo a delegation represe.nl ing tho National Fraternal Con gress here. kf;ni?ai.l on stand IN IIIS OWN IIFFKNSK Spottsylvanln. Va., Aug. 29. ? Taking the stand In his own de fense today Charles II. Kendall, charged with tho murder of I)r. Robert L. Powell, ?avo a dramatic statement in which be charged the l?bywi<l.ut with ? having rondnrlcd himself Improperly toward his sla ters and with having threatened him. His counsel has endeavored to hnlld up a dof??n?o haned on the unwritten law. Kendall was roni posed on the stand and as he tes tified he looked from one member of the Jury to another. He de scribed a fight In which the phy sician knocke.1 hint down and se verely beat him. This occurred Wednesday night before May 17. the day of the shooting, he said. REICHSTAG VOTES FOR RAILWAY BILL IBr Tti# Am'.hhI Prvatt IJerllti. Aug. 29. - The fb-rmaft rolchstag today approved* the Dawes r?*p?ratioi? plan Agreement Concluded it the rerent London conference hy adopting by a vote of 314. to i27. tho necessary two thirds majority, the railway bill to put Into effect tho provision1: of the I/ondon agreement. ntlon. Is a J? w He comes from JVestern New York where he Is popular. Tammany has Indicated that K Al Smith doc* not run, it will not Jnnlst on a New Yorker and would not oppose an up-state candidate. On what No* York. states does with respert to the uovernorship tho outcome of the national campaign In this state will depend to no small extent. Kept ? Promiset It's beginning to look like Jaines K. Fcr cu*oti * promise to hl? dot: is? icolns to come true When Jim* wai ImixtirhiM an governoi of T<>xh* rlsht year* ?k?. the Jos then only iwo years old mt-mwi illMnmMilHtf ns the rest of the family in leaving the capltul at Austin "Never min?l ' FwiUKin told him "you II live to *ee the P?-i-(:uson? In the governor's house npiin " Ami now Ferguson * mf*' Mi- a I-: t-Vruiigon h;m wen the I'rmunulli ?Jl nomination ? ami her light for "Jim's' vindication And since Tex as I* a IVmot-|-ailr stale hoi noini nation practk ally meoiiM election" Hviv j'Mu" Ferguson i? seOn uitli "Jim s' doa MAY SUITER MUCH II HE RECOVERS Thai J of- Swindell, If ho recov er from tin* wound of tlic bullet I which was dtiu out of the stnic t ii of the first lumbar vertebra i of his spinal column, may suffer [torture for the remainder of h 1#* \ life is tho interesting theory of j Dr. John Saliba, operating sur geon of tho can*'. I)r. Snllhn Kays 'that when the bullet entered Swindell's spine it tore or Havered certain sensory nerves, leaving the victim miper-sonsltlve to hotli 'real and imaginary pain. If those' nerves fall to knit, according to jthe phytdclan. a draft from an {open window Mowing across Joe i Swindell's logs may cause him to j cry out with pain, as is the cane j now. for as long an lie liven, j Swindell, though unable to i move from his cot. has been un jder guard at the hospital. it be came known today, ever since the I repeated attempt of two uuiden 1 1 fi ?h! men to*gain access to IiIk Hvdsido-CTn-tfre sr-ennd nivht- aft?f l the shooting. .Meantime, an Swind< II contin i ties In serious condition, it ia re ! ported tlint the 13-year-old cirl whom he in alleged to have wronged In now In. a sanatorium iiiontall v unbalanced an a result ! ??f the torture she has endured since t ragedy entered her life one night lust June. SCARE MAY IGNITE AM, CHINA IN WAK (B( Th? AmrlilNl rw?? Shanghai. Aug. 29. ? A spark igniting all China In open war fare was seen today In tho im pending conflict in eastern, por tions of Klangsu province in which Chi Shlon. aggressor, fx pects to drive out his rival. I.u Yung llslang of Clicklang pro vince who has ruled t he con tested section of KlanR.su province since the appointment under tho I deposed Anfu party. DEN ARMEL AGAIN IS JAIL PRISONER Winchester. Va.. Aug. 29. ? ; Former Policeman Hen Armel. re leased in bonds amounting to $3. 000 Wednesday for September court on charges growing out of alleged rcckleHS use of firearms In wounding Mist Mabel Kunlon. was a jail prisoner again today, his bondsmen having surrendered him. CJICTTI \f J NCIIOOf, III SKM ItKIDV KHI HFXNIOV Charlie I .Rue, Klbert Gregory, city R/uite Pour; Johnnie Mroth ers. City Route Four: Carroll Pendleton and Kenneth Pendle ton of Weeksv|||? It F. I) . left Thursday afternoon for Wilson with five Ford truck chassis to have Hie bodies mount) d for school buses by Hackney Profilers for the Pasquotank Hoard of F.d^ ucatlon. Two of these trucks are to be used at WAeksvlllc and throe of them arc to> replace the eld trucks *hat have been used at Newland, 1MWRH AT MXDIA Lincoln. Neb., Aug 29- Charley W. Dawes, Itepubllcan Vice Pre* Idcntlal candidate, arrivd hen today to deliver his next campaign speech tonight. luring rihiM >ium Tin* fraiiH-worb of th?- biK Ham Uatnsry lalxM I . 1 ,r ? ?|,| J??i Com maiMl r i? Hlih nri' si i ii id out practically rihlny af1?-i iii.nn ;iiul a. 4.'. ?, !?? mUim wa:? Ih-Iiik nailiil nn I ho sl<|i> n*?\t lo Poplar. Ktri'H. ri^w'u alinv? hIhium |.??w inicfit- n??w look*;. CAIM I'.K CI-VSS J! > TAKE I.ON<; IJEST L> iirlilniri;, Va . 29. ? i Si. nihil Ciiilti CliiHs Ik r.u.nn.il to his In i| for an i n?|?^ti it 1 1 ? ? period ' with ??r)>l|? la:< and will nei-d a louu r?-st. Senator Glass will not ho able to take an art I vp part in the Democratic National cainpaiKn un til he has r<?rovoro<| his normal good health after the source of iiiK'Hon responsible for tlu* ery-1 slpelas with which he in suffering lias been dcflnit>-ly ascertained and removed, his physlclahs stat ed today. The senator, who ban boyn con fined to his bed sine Tuesday. .liutu r,.l-uil;iy .mil -mitxlXIjr keep an appointnont in WashinK ton next week. KKICIiSTAC; ADOITH THE ItVINkllNC; BILI. Berlin, Aug. 23.-- Th(? Reich stag today adopted by a vote of 295 to 172 the hanking bill where by the provisions of the Dawes reparation agreement will be put into effect in Germany. I WO O I HKIt AUItlCSTS TO KM. I <>\\ t'AllY'S (*hir;iRo, AtlK. * 2I?.- \f 1m - I llfcit .tllii.r fi..r>.nia ; i . ? I shortly will tak?? |?l .*? <? at.- ii; volv. <1 in ih?' cvl?|i'nr<< ol?tain> .1 by I In* postal inspector* \\ 1 1 ? ? sir r?^l?''l William Kaliy. I'liiia^o in ? |HTli?r. (in a warrant rliav^in; III in wiili complicity in tl>>> fj. ttoii.oon fla>iiii?|t?n | . Illinois iii ii! robliory. c. II. < lar.ih:iiii_ diVi ln?5|MM tur..of N'.-w Yoik. said |i?-? ?? liuliiy. i.iki n:\ ims to UK UN'S 14 )Mli \|il> On lluaril t lie Itairy. i'i O?n. \. S. Aii?. 241 Tin- <1 n<>.r Hai ry arrived Hitb today with l?lru tenants \V;nl<' and Ogdt n w?i?* compelled to rilxrtiiiliiiU" llwir flight when their plan w:i.< wr? <-ke<|- off Faroe Mauds. 'I I. plan lo atari work imiiiedtalelyoii roiulitiiniitiK another plane >? -n t from LmiikIc.v Fhild. Virginia, In which to r?-j??in their eon*? ratlcR In the; flij'lH l rum h<-r i ? liimlon. Had Thrilling Experience When Caught In Storm Ami l'or Fart Thai Hp Did !\<>l SuHVr ftrpulrr ll:iiil-lii|i or Kvrn l/OM- +fi* l.ifr JrCJaiidi* Hffn (lives < j-rdil to Coast <luaril At least one KlizahHh City travelling salesman waa on I'am Urn Sound in a small gas boat win-it last Monday's .storm brok?\ and reached Avon, _n? ar Hal t? tuk. early in tin- night and not many hours before midnight. wIhii (to wind n-aclifd a velocity of *"? miles an hour. The fart that In reached shelter and safely, In Hi cad of having lo rldo out the Htorm through the nlxht, la some thing for which this salesman. J ('laud'' IVrry, i.u?? Pennsylvania Avenue. is devoutly thankful and for which lie given credit to i'rov idenre and tin- members of Mix Keiniekect Lift- Saving Station near Avon. "Monday night's wan tin* worst Htorm on I'amliro Sound since tin l?l ir storm of August, something Uk?- 25 years ago," says Mr. I'er ry. "I have la en making down Mound trips from Klizaheih Oty myself for Hm' Inst 13 years. ft|>< tiding a whole night In moiih cases on t lie Hoiind. iinahh- I ?? land, hut I never had an e\|i?ii ??nee to, match (hat of lant Men day. Soqked through and thrnut-h by mountainous waves mid rain tliat struck you with such fni?? tttnt Mr felt a? If it w?ol4 skin, and iliiiilly staggering nlom the beach for a mile through ?? inlxt'd mind ai.d rain Morm. I ha?l ;iii ox|?orlonc<- dial I 'would - nol euro to rrjwM. "I 1 ? ? ft Mautco , nimn itiK ait & o'clock ??rt Hi?- nnll I mat loran. W?' w" n ?' (I i p ?' ; i i T\ V r i !i : 1 1 1 o'clock iii tin- afternoon, hut ii wuh late afternoon In fore \v> reached our iliKtiiiiiliini and h\ that tiuio tlu> wlinl Wan Mowi*-.i a fiG-milc rah and llio kc&h runnlnu too hluli I r? t i.iht' a land inir. VV.? ran up a Hi In riv it II I . which till* <?..;? ! (? (III I'll :n tin* llfc-an virix. Million h'.iui sij.1^ < d. nnd tin y ivnrtx'ri ?'? willi aid just Im-Toic ii.ui . With m. <? /nnll hoat anchored. jiasou nj-rirs ami crew filially koI alumni tin- I'oarl (tiiard hoaln mid ;if last ciirr"< <1 ??(! In niakluir a laudirfi' ahmil a nillo from lli?' villai'i- ??f Avon. I< wuh in th?- walk lliroiivh fh? h torn i from otir land in v. plac- it. t villaui" lliat w< encmjul* n-d Hand a.'i w? II a ? wilid and raJi- ;ind Ihc fi'ollnu of i' li? f wIk ii \* ? 'I t p abetter w.. ? in??x|iri sslhh Mr. Porn Hint too imn 'i pralKo can n?* hi- ?? Ken tin' in? i > ? hr*r? of tli>- C oa?t Cmml cr. w? :it IJlK K? nn? k' ? t l.if? l^:i\ in ;<<a lion for th? Ir ro<ilni!K and |ir;u tiTH and cr?*w from I Ii - ? mail hoal to Hafoty. M IS lUCOKD ??KICIC I.M IKK. < KOI? SWKI'.TS Slniwliorii, Aug. 2!>. Two and mil' Ir.ili ln-tli-r than eight dollars .1 li.irri'i. n?-i. i* what \V. S. I Join i t .- i?f SIiji wliom realized fYoin liis entire crop of awcet po- J I.ito?'S litis year. shipping on < o n s i k n incut . In stead ??f f. oh, Sli.i wliui'o, Mr. Ho li<M f had nil his swtTt s sell on Northern markets "at fancy pri ???? -. and ii f-j believed thai lh?? nv-i i-rajv p< r harrt'1 sets the top 1'ii'ini for Him CO ii illy this sea- 1 soli. la .-hi|>i?liiK on coiiMignnieiit IIiIh; ???.Mil, Mr I{>i)m-iIs f i i I low ihI ill-* ;nl\ir of ,1. II. ItoKWoud & Soli. .in*! i- < ongralulat ing himself on hi.-* good Judgment. I UK "S IOI5.M I'l.A^ Kl> SlIUMiK I'll ANKS 1 ?? ?? :? il.*t of an unusual iircl-lent ? at Nag* Head during tin* storm Monday ii (l* lit liiif* Tnirin'il tliin; <ily. Ii I* reported thai when tho wliid overturned the homo ofl 1! it : v l:?as!oy I hat ho wax . pinned lii'insilli thi' rank slove. w|il!?-* M'> It - .? > 1 y escaped wllh one of til*- < liililri-n without I ii - * liiry. Sho loi.lfi* | for KHUi* tlinn ' for i io* oilier t'liltl anil finally lo-j i? lid wi-oii I wo matro^es. j .1. I?. Wilislow's kitchen blew ? v?-r. it Is kit hi. Th.? porch anil !?;? rl of lip- roof uf the cottage oTI Willi. iiiiY'oopor.Niiiiih l?lew away, also the raiting of tin pier helonx ing to Mr*;. K<l Kramer's cottage., m \v nrsT moor Itl.INi; CABINET A new <1 list proof ?lee| flliiis; < :? ii|ti? i has been installed in tho offe''* of the clerk of federal i court hero. The Clerk of Court .1. IV Thompson Is devoting his. Hplll'e I Mil - to soil till; out old pa-_ I I." ? ,i "r- ii iT f 1 1 I iT'VTTo TTi "< o Frerfty ' Hi the new rahinet. The work l.-? | tedioti* as ninny papers .were not ?.minified. Th? records go hack t ? ? I so | when llic eourl was prob rilily located u( Ktletiltiii. The old it 'ivifhl -? ure in heller shape, and i xh I tall h tier penmanship aiii| arciiraey than some of the ' more r- i*enl ones, according to Mr. Thompson. i:i:ti i;nk i hom vacation lir N n. |>. Wilson, pastor of lii< First Met Church. re turned l-'rhlny m/?f-ning from his v,"? ;i<ui |ir. WiHon spent the' ?i n? in- i weeks with friends and I. m ifulk ill Franklin. dlMMboro aixt ? 'h.ipi I Hill Mrs. Wilson will i main a. few days longer at hei 6|?| home in Cbapul lllll. Hioi.llKd-: ATCAI'ITAh Washington', Aug 2'J I'resl iligton today aflcr two wo?k* va ( 'it miii at liymouth. Vermont., j No Idle Moments in Strenuous La Crosse Fuotwi ?nd *m| ?<h!hv ?wt ,M. iHv ?HM 'M? IMT- llvin bi ? m&>~ ntm ? pr>(v?l1ar tMl %m?mg ** * ? >*<???? Ma/vkad 4l**? L'atvrratty And lh? Savy Woodmen's Meeting Made New Friends For Bestcity .Many Hero fAr Firnl Tiiut? Li'avr IVaUiiig Hospitality of Ariifmarh* Metropolis I'liil Promising Krtiirn in (Mulwr for Fair THANKS HKSTCi n IN UKI1AI.K W . O. \\ I wish to express my thanks ainl appreciation to the good people of Rlizabeth C'lty, for the wonderf ill spirit of hospi tality. extended tin* visiting Woodmen while in your city. Kllzabeth Oily in on the map tflor^ today than ever before. Ill 1 of these visitors had visited your fair' rity befun.1 and their praise*, did the writ er a groat deal of good as h?? has learned to feel a strong attachment, having been here several times' before.' I wish as District Manager to express my sincere regards and best wishes and to Secretary R. C\ Job of tin* Chamber of C'nmtiterce for considerations shown these vis itors. Yours most sincerely. DIM rift Manager \V. O. W. A. O. KIKP, LEGION CONVENTION MEETS AT ASIIEVII.I.E Raleigh. ? A il 29. A|?l?roxl mately f?.000 members of tin* Am ? iI'.im I,, mhii u ml -Hn woilllui v bh' nqRWiT t.? aTTrnrr'Uui convention of that organization in Ashovllle on l?? ? i* 1 aiitl 2 uccordlng to Inrorntal |on received l>y Legion officials - hero from III oho Iii charite of Itot arrange ments for Hm- visitors In AkIio vllle. Tills* will be | win* I lie ?Ixi* of Iho originally ox|wrled number und by fur Iho largest convention over held by the Legionnaires of tills State, It was said. "Oil - to Ashevllle" Im lie slogan set by those arranging for Iho ciinvoiilion and it up|?eurs to liavo lifcin well throughout Uic'Hiaif. fdr^frotu ovory quarter it Is re porlwd'-that nr*iat numbers of the members are planning to atlond Iho convention. -Many aro going by automobile anil ninny now by train. SEVEN KIl.I.ED AT GKADE ckossinc Tolfcdo, - O., Ai?k. 29-.~-SAOttiu woro killed and-ono seriously In jured wlton a train and auln mot ut u grade croHRlny here yestor ?lay. REFUSES SUrt-OHT THE TEXAS WOMAN Dallas, Tex., Ann 2f? Ttiontar 1L .Lu vi'. . cutdtiuui- .hi: lv^jujiLtT iIujl as N'ntif)nal committeeman from Texas aflor announcing that ho will not rupport Mrs. Ferguson for governor. X K W BI'HINKNM BITIMMNU IN?\K l\ HIXTV 'HAVH Contract for the erection of lh? now building to Btand next U> the Alkrama Theater, corner McMor rlne and Matthews street. has been award' it Forbes ? Hull" man who have been putting In tlio new front on the McCabe an 1 (irlce building The contract calls for completion of the build ing, which will offer quarter* to six stores, within 00 days On? liumlri-il and twenty-one rislJi'tiln of NorUn:asl?-rn ^Jorth Carolina paid tin ir first visit to Klizahtth Clly w li 11 tiny att.nd ?tl til. Ulntriri me?*ting of Iht WiHidmfii ?>f Hi< W ??rlil Tim rail ay, ami the entire 121 ;liul tin- other sovereign Woodmen In :it t? inluncn went away Thursday ? v? nl:u?, and Krlday uioriiinn voti:?? Elizabeth City hospitality as outvying that of aiiy cliyin whleh they 1'iad ever _ait"iid?d K".v hucIi tin-ring. Fifty Woodmen, ji liable -to get back Imnic Thursday evening, , were (?nt?*iluiu>'d In tlx' ihiiiioh of Plizahi-th City Wiwuiiimii ft*r--H??? night and l? ft Krlday morning promising that l.li?*i i llrst visit to tin- rirluru City ??]? llit> I'astiuo* thai, on tin* ciuitrary, they would Hflzt* tin- earliest opportunity to make a second visit. Tliny were reminded l.y T. T. Turner and others that tin- ro-xl hit; occasion here would hi* t h ? * Albemarle Dis trict Pair, and Indications an* that this event thin ,v?*ar will draw Crowd h from wider territory than ever heretofore. Ily the time of th?* Fair, un doubtedly the only thing that marred tin* district no-flint; hore will have been remedied. Wood men beyond Hertford had to cross concrete road over tin- cuiisc way IrudiiiK tn the hit h* rward hank of TTio river. One of llic ferrieg In service over this river broke do^n Thursday and all day there was a waiting line ??f automobile* at Hertford trying to rumo this way. ^ number of the^-legates, therefore, w?*re unable to net hero Thursday until just in time for the boatrlde and the niyht meet In K of the Woodim-n Thursday* niuht. Mrs. Ilernard Allsliroolc of Scot land N?ek was e|? -et? d president of the District Woodmen ThurH day afternoon, with II. C. Hay of Tarboro vloe-pieshlen* . H*-rnard 1 Allshrook of Sent laud Neck waa re-fl?cl#d secretary. The dlHtrlrt couvi-uf ion will be 'held next year at Tarboro. The trip down tin- river Thurs day afternoon on tin- steam Van sciver was enjoy* d bv practically all of Ihe itele^ntex to the district convention of the Woo of the World. Tlx- at earner went to the mouth of th.- river, making the round trip In two hours. On hoard sandwiches, cold drinks and cake wero served to all delegates and kiksIk. Music I was furnished by Phi I Cm orchestra and madi- finite a hit with the del 1 ??Kates with Its .usual repertoire of selections ran glut: from "Yen. Wo iri.v.- No rfa tia nas7**~ To ^Dat " Dog ' Cone Dog." The even line session waa derot ed to secret rites of the order. TOURISTS" CAM!' AT OCKAN VIEW The clly of Norfolk has es tablished at ih Government Res ervation ul <>???' a n Vi?w an Auto mobile Tourists' Camp on the CheHapeake Hay Shore. Thero are HkIh hundred tour ints ranipM in this country. They are very larfi-ly patronized by the people of the North and Went, hut In t h Ik net-thin their advan tages are Utile-* known. Thin camp nt Ocean View In lo cated clone t c? the amnnement. sec llon and stores. direction signs from (he main road lo Ocean V i ' ? w lead to the camp. For an automobile with a party of five. I he cost Is only ramp Hlte. .sea bathing. shower hath, lavatory facilities. electric lights, wash tubs, police and flro protection. KHshlng boating and various other advantages of Ocean View are convenient. Concrete roads lead to many historic and Interesting points In the Hampton Iloads section. TW* camp wfll renin in open through August. September and October, and later If necessary, Full Information may be ob tained from the Tidewater Auto mobile Association, lis W. Flume Hi., telephone No 2r.50|. and front the Tourist*' Information ltureau. corner Main and (Iratfby sir*ots. telephone No 274 flfi. COTTON MAHKfcT New York. Auk. 29 ? Cotton fit- id Hires opened today at the fol? * lowing levels: (>~t. 2 4 88. !>w?. 24 22. Jan. 24 22. March 24.47. ? May 2 4.(111. York. An if .2f? --At lffa p. m. today colon futures stood al the following level*: I>el. 24. HI. I>er 24.48. Jan 24 42. \HrcU 24 60. May 24.74. New York. Aug 2* Spot #o? lort closed ?|n let , Middling 27.18, ' ?n advance of 30 points. Futures, cloning hid: Oct 'J*.. 1.1. |?i* 24.76. Jan. 21. 7*. M.ir.H :?? n, 4 Biggest Tin* (andiddir- in Wmi Vir Kinm lh?? \?>?r lil'l<|Ulrf Opt* o who lip* th*> nt l??un<f* M<iulrf Karri#* lim ?or\.-l Ih* |wo|?!f of Mffr?f <uuntv far rtffhf yfiri ami hi* i*put ition h u ?ro?n lo f# ror?*l*n?ni with hi* ait* Now he I* a ? arkdld:tt? for Wtleclton

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