Wall Street Is Backing Coolidge For President < Imicc of ltr\uii by Davis as Kiimiin^ Male ami Ills Sl**inl I'oursquare mi Demorratir I'latform Too !\1 ii ?* 1 1 for Bi^ Biisiiirss to Swallow Ily DAVID LAWIiKNl K >| ( Co rr right. |9}4. By Ttl Adv4fiw,'r ni'-i" i,;,11,1" 'll'lurl. thiiiRs. n?s. iirompfly assumed ih.it ' l?e?,,l. I .r ? 2"r """rn*> ror J ? r?.tri A Company, he wonl.l of't'i. ii' wl!"l,-|"ar,'''i support whii. ,;'al r"|"'"i"> "ut M III then- are individuals lore . , vol. for him. sir, , wl" K"1 ? ''? < 'Hi-Wllli much that till. street" nJ." ?? adnilivs his ino ?lualltie* ?r in I nil bin. ns one iiiianpiii ,?,t ..Wl. lir,.-Min: What < <>.>11.1^1. W||| ,|? hi 'CU Us,- we . iii, w III" ri^ord. hut we don't Ii" ii w What Davis wuuld do. He ?i"?iTiior llryan ofNebras 1-u to run with him. Any one "" mat in.;, do off, lilm ar" "ut^ *r,al" ?f l'iii|uestionahly the linking U|> i.l ii'iverniir llryan and John w Ll',V"tl!"re,'!lrt """ Nall""?l ticket Willi Wall Street. This Is all the mine curious since It was Wil "am Jennings llryan himself who was cilijectinK to Davis before tin Madison S(| uu re convention on tin. ptriiunif that Iw would be Wall .street's candidate. When the speech of acceptance of John W T>|\IS Was digested and It was an liiu.i" that Davis had stood ou Iilalforni. Ilie ITn niiciHl hit rests abandoned Davis. V "ot exactly condemn tlic Democratic platform an radical ?r Korla 1 1st lr. for they roserve those t finis mostly for l*a Pollette ,lllti MWlfonn. but they do nay that tin- Democratic platform permits "f radical interpretations and Im so phrased that It can l?e used to disturb Wall Street's afralrn. For instance. in the matter of frolglit .VV-lt-II SI ret, t that the farmer should be helped but would view with alarm any reduction in freight rates that would disturb the earning power "f the railroads. Da via' first M a lenient that lie thought a way could be found to cut freight r.it? r made Wall Street a trifle uneasy. My and large "the Street" is not <>\rlted about the election. It Ih A ii uu n( and, of course, many of lb. leaders nr.- away. Then,, who are here reflect accurately the feeling of the cnniniuniiy. ' Tliey want t tie status quo. They lik<> Pool Idee because he does not tear tilings up. As yet ''the .Street" has not become perturbed over ii .!. !M'. ai,d lho PQWlblllty J hat t he election will Se thrown Into tin- House of Representatives for declMloa. although It Is one or the moat commonly dlflctiMKcd top ics at the luncheon table. it looks as if there may be an elec tion scare on this point later on for the friends of John W. Davis as well as President Omlldfta are undoubtedly using It as a weapon Jo win support anil assistance. Wall Street would be seriously lllstll i hed if tlte election were In decisive, for any period of uncer tainly Is looked upon as hurting business. Tbe sollcltora for cam paign funds aro likely to paint ?gloomy pictures about that in or der to fcaln support. II Is significant that mrfnt of ''If men In Wall Street have not been approached for funds to help I lie campaign. The nnan elers are somewhat chary of cam luilitn conlrlbiillnns. especially nf M lho recent series of Invesflen ! i in '""r" ""r ,hlnl1 r00' [ elected the less they ' I U.I rl,k "Otorlety by cnnirlhiillnK^fnoney and it n? [i- arn now ns If the campaign will riot got as much money from Wall Sir ns In previous y?-ars. II '-i?h to be mire this Is only \ ust and the cries of distress flMitu the politicians are not set "h * rule till the' last two w ' ?* In October. Ot IIMMUl \l>\ KltTIMISfi *(.KNTS OI'KX OFOTCK HKIIK Vncohl Ar Srhmldf. a Arm of outdoor ndvortlalnK aic'Mit* hav* tnk?n offlr??a on th? fourth floor of the Hlnton Bulldlnic and arc tn k inu ord*?ra for painted road f?facr??? to bf* placi?d on road* Ifad tim Into thU persons Injured in the crash today of two New York Central trains were brought here today on a relief train. NCI IV\l'!?Lt? MONDAY Tin' entire Advanco force and practically the entire stuff bav in;; toiled through lli?? licit sum mer wit limit a vacation of any ho it. the management of T)i? Advance v??I?hI Saturday that itiix newspaper would suspend publication ou Monday. Sep tember 1. I.al?or Day. and that tin* entire force and staff would take a. day off before plunging into what it TiTliopr. Robert L. Powell on May 17. Charles II. Kendall, defendant, on the witness* stand today was firm in his declaration that he ttred in ...i> K ?- n da II was composed and tes tified In a steady voice. He also refused to retreat from his Rtat4' ment that Powell's alleged im proper conduct toward his two sisters had led to a meeting on the road near Granite Spring which resulted in the shooting. The Jealousy note was sounded hy the .prosecution when it was developed that Kendall and Pow ell hail paid the same woman some attention. CIIOWAN COLLEGE TO OPEN SEITEMBEH 1 1 Murfreesboro. Aug. 30. ? Cho wan College will begin Its seven ty-seventh session on Thursday. September 11. Registration and classitVcnHon will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. Septem ber 9 and 10. Regular class work will begin on Thursday. From tin- ndvance registration a large attendance Is exiiected. At the close of last session all pre paratory work was abollsh4*d and In the future only students who can furnl*h a minimum of 13 en trance credits will be accept cd. A remarkably strong faculty has been assembled including six mrft-nml iilu^wuiiun^. AY. wards. formerly head of the Wel dou schools, will be the new dean of the college. Mr. Ed wards is well known throughout Eastern Carolina and Is regard( d as one of the strongest school uien In the State. Alienist May Now Tell Why Of A New Prodigy learned Explanation* in Order of (Jnirk of Environ ment and Heredity hy Which Six-Yeur-Old Who r.-iiTt Head Works Mental Arithmetic n> 1.. C. OWEN (CMvrlaM. 1M?. ?? *?? | S'an Franc I urn. All};. HO. What I make* a prodiuy ? Will some of lU?u ltaru"d silicii Ixf psychiatrist* ami other experts oil brain rwlS who liav?? analyzed. dissected. do* soribed. and In koiiio Instances found 'excuses for. tlu- Crimea ??/ . "Ha be" Leopold and Pickle Loeb, please st.p forward and explain by what strange mental tho Intercut on $870 at f? pYr cent for II inontbH, nix day*? If a room la 16 3-4 by 2.1 18 foot, how many yards of carpet three feet wide and wall paper two feet, three Inches wide, will It take to cover floor* and wall*? If n ca?e contain* throe KC4j*? of eg**, two fifth* of them broken and one sixtemth bad. how many good i iogg* remain? Hobby apparently *olvo* each stage of tho complicated prob lem* within a fraction of a *ec ond after he hear* them. Thor? I* no puxzling hesitation. Of 'cour*o there I* a llntit . Ho can not work up Into Ave figure com bination* yet ? -but In mathemn tie* uf the tvpi usually bandied by bimlnea* men, with pencil and paper, he can And the nn*w-r.t.Hrr tu.-umttf 'well I Kniuibein City against Kden ton in singles, whlb* Sheely and Winder will represent Klixalieth City against Kdenton in doubles. Ml It \? I'bil S l-yciPK IN l TTir.^TTTr.ri." ? \r:n ^ a u ii Jon.*-. w. iv Duir. j. k?h ?"?i Wilson, (fialiiiiii It- It. and Mil. s Clark, all -of i;il*al???lli The charter of tin* I'.lixaheth ? Cily ? ".< hi nT r> (*|iil?, duly issued by Secretary ol Stall' \V. N. Kveretl. liar now urrivnl and a in?-? t in l, ol' stockholders of tin- dull lists Im-i-ii 1 rullnl for next Tuesday tihrht at 1 Chamber of Commerce head<|iiar :t?rs in the Community I All stockholders are urn* d to at I tend, as tills is the first no ? liny and mutters of far-ri-achliir. im portance on? scln duled to In* aop" ?d upon. In this nuM'lluK f'l paid up ' *l?wk hold* th In tin' club an- en titled to representation and to a I vote on any question Unit may arise for action. Enthusiasm for the country cluTt pi6ji<'enri lo l?e ?'roWlrtr more pronounred all the time and unsolicited subscriptions to stork continue to conic in from < ill of town. The outlook. In the view of pro motors of the project,-!* as favor able as could he desired for the early ronsumntiou of tin- piojiet and the establishment of a coun try club second to none in Kiistern North Carolina al ICIixiihelh City lU.Xli.e KMIIAIUiO IS l ll ll- l) o\ SIIII'I'INU A It. MS TO CTIIA Washington. Aug. 30.? The mn Imposed several month* ago ii> prevent shipment of arms to Culm wa* today ruined by I'rcs iilftil Coolidge. REFtlliEES POUR INTO SHANGHAI 'Bt Au'ldrd rirw) Shanghai. Aft|, 30.- -Wlilli* pressure was being broil Kill to bear U|?on both sidex In t li?% lin pt tiding factional Chinese war to day troops of rival organlxations continued to move Into the eon tested tone, refugees poured In to Shanghai from the war rlimd i'd area, and foreign war crafi gathered here prepared for any eventualities. Peking. Aiik. 30. ? Members of the foreign diplomatic corps to day vIkII'mI tlie Chinese foreign of Ire and rfcCefVed assurance* that the Kovemmeiit Is endeavor Iiik to avert civil war. Mediator* interviewed Cbl 8bieh Tuang and Lu Lung llsiang and received assurances that both leaders wore anxious If pots I It) ?' to avert hostilities. ACTKKSS 1)1 KS AT \<;k kicuity ykaiis Nt-w York. Aut. 3D. Mik. Ju I i<> l nvlatora probably hail Ink* n tho air. CONSIDK.KINi; I ATI) I.KOI'I M.I) AND I OI.lt Chicago, Aiik. !!". Judu*1 John II. CuvitIv, arbiter of Hi? r a I * ? ur> j?n lo iiiK made on Hit* Mc ?'?;??? A ?lri?*e store when lie re 1 11 r vi * from Now York thin week. Tin* rufniid tiiHii* r?adv t MUMMi .1. It I 'KIN |?2?. B? Tlta Advmcvl Charleston s. c, Aug. 30. ? jlf Colo l<. lllviiKc. former gover in?r uf South r ;u. ill ii. i. is tnunlu * ate ut tho rii ii off iiiimarv Hoc I Ion on S* iuhd his pre vIoiim attempts' to reach the Sen ate. Hut If the unexpected should ha|ip?'ii and llb-aae .should defent Ueprenentatlve J a men F. Ilyrne In the run off primary, it would ho -It turn l>r I-Vi ul-, no lem r.nuirlt. abb* than tho -kind and all circumstances, no matter for what office he ran or on what platform in- sought tho suffrage of tin* people. Of the I tifi. lion vote 4 cast In the Hrst prinuirv llhase received 69,000 votes, a pluralltv of 14. 000 over Congressman Ilyrne. To win In the aecond primary. Iileare must add approximately 14.000 to the vote he repelvid In the first primary. Students of nolltlcs do not think lie can nossibly succeed In doing this Tiny regard the 9.1,000 votes scattered among Itlease 'a opponent* an being In tbe traditions! a lit i Itle.iiu- column. So unb -m nil nlgna fall. Ith ase will again lie unsuccessful In hist effort to reach the Senate, and he will retire until some other kind of race conn* along when lie will he up then trying again. Dleaao will alwavs he running for r.omc thtnr as Ionic a? lie lives. I VMOIIKMT l\ DAlltVIVO l\Clti:\si\?i IN ALIiKMAItl,K interest lii dairying Is Increaa Ing in the h'liaaheth City territory as evidenced by the sale of cream separators. H pence - Hollnwell Company, agents for the Del^val separator, report sales to Mrs. C. It. Harrell, City ftotite Five: K. M I'erry of Durants N?Tk . and H F. Ownley ef Hertford Houte Two. Murderous Manhattan Is A Well Earned Sobriquet Inability ??f 4,l'iiifsl IVilicf Force in the World" In (io|N* Willi Mnrdrrn in New York (lily Amhii in i iif^ lkro|Hiiiir Its apparent Inability to cop" wltti the new wave of klll liikts that has swept New York. Six ?-ang killings. a newly dla r ?vi r< ?l "box" murder and u half " [.?. ii< :ii< ii b f the fact that he only recently got out of n some* what similar acrapn In which h" was accused of unwarranted rough lie**. In nnv event. McAllister Is In jail awaiting trial for murder, while a score of gunmen who are responsible for si* murders In the Inst week, not to mention an un determined number of gun wield leg bandits who did not kill, are pursuing the even tenor of their Ir Tk? a d up In a tin box In the liaae . nicut 4>f Mn partner, Tin- partnrr, nuppofted to have imird'i.d him and ponnlbly a aecond partner, In mlnnlng. The police have no clue ' to lila whereabnutn. The other nix murdern. nil iilt nolved, were "ordinary" fang k III - Ingn, rami it lug, the police nay. from feudn In the clty'n under world. I'erhapn the mont dim runn ing angle of thene gang killing* In that they are ulinont Invariably carried out on public thorough* fare*, and that Innocent (Mrilfltrl aim frequently atilfer from ntrny hulleta. The gangntem are not n bit careful about where they iKMti A woman and a child were wounded In one of the KaflM kllllngn lant w?ek. ( Murder, of course. In not the only manlfentallon of the present "crime ware " Hold -up* of auto* mobllea for the double pgrpone of robbery and annault on their wo men occupantn have been numer oun of late. And plain and fancy banditry, ranging all the way form ntreet tmtd-upn to payroll robberies and attempted mall rob bar lea, in flourishing Judge Alfred Talley. In wel coming a new judge to the bench raocntly. warned hlin he wan don ning bin rob?-? at one of the moat lawlepn per lodn In the clty'a hla torjr. The new Judge ban had nnv pie opportunity to verify Judge Talley'n remarkn. "Murderous Manhattan" la right. WILL ASSKKT ALL AMKHUJAN KIC.HT9 WaHhliiKton. \iik. no. I?r?*al CftolltlRC will anarrt nil Am orlran rUM* In rr^aril to yun *1 Wstlon ?>n imi val craft n* i:nnrnii ? uinl?r Hip Arms Confmnce. COTTON M.VHKRT Now York, Auk 3? ^>pot co - lon cltyMd c| uSvt. M irl illlnff 2ft 90. a decline of 1 2 r* point*. Fulur**, oIorIiik bid. On 24. <4. I W, 24 35. Jan 24 14. March 24. M, May 14.71. New Vnik. Artr. SO. Toifon future* op mi! today at the fol lowing levels (H:t. 2ft. Oft. flee. 24.68. Jan 24. &H, March 24 18, M*y 24 98