( [ < ii;? i i.atiox s mi 1:11 vv cvfio TIIH WRATIIKR Local thunilpmhowrn " tonight. Ciml^r iti central and v?<it por tions tonlulit. Wf?|iu'Nciay cooler. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, Tt'KSDAY 1 : YKX IN crSRPTE OTHER "2, 1921. KOI K PACKS. NO. 208. Money's Giving Parties Plenty To Worry About Kiiiinin^ (.nmpai^n U Noua<la>* and at I lit- Samr Time Siuim's from Wliicli 4 iuiilrilmtioiis arr Ob tained Never More (ilosi'ly Scrutinized .A, ( ' fly DAVID I. \\VRKN<"K IC??rrlgPit. 1924. By Tf? AiiUKt) Washington, Sept. 1. ? Money, the all-important commo dity without which a national political campaign can hardly Be wSkw! is giving ffijp Miffwtgcrs 8T ? 1 "ptrntytn worry about. Not only nre campaigns more cxponsixi' nowadays than they have liccn but scru tiny of campaign contribu tions is unusually sharp. Ilcitli John W. I>avin and t>ulMiu>-Ju>u. itnnimiic <1 thai conlrllHillonis will Ik* '* ,?i|y Willi tin- unUorntsml ti, ?i th.y liivnlv. mi iironilK t? <IIm? in l.ul ort";,"" nlal famr lal.r > r " " ; III!..' luis Liini- i von u ?t'l> I nil" i? i nsisi I ii ~ that hl? '''""I'"'-" inanau* rii. nl "nrnr ' 'V' h, r?;ilizo" tluit much or t Im- ?? ii'uularliy ci.iiim-ci.-<I Willi <?>'" iialKli cnntriWUIona 'n II" .L, iirrrnr. .! nH- ' Tt, .. 1 (mm ilk* * ? i wliu waul ItiJ.f I" Willi a n.w ailinlliMrsillmi- "i. r, cr?U who win- I' d will, a dntlrlt In !?>:? wop * 1 It in. only an.-r four y. ari. "< V'? vyy..r"^r"iS m^u. ?Hn"'"1' ltn ' '*"**' Iif tu7~ Tin- IMmMlrans liuit ?>"'? of ??"?y < vr 10-jii all. i the 'k' td.nl llanllng anil ? ?"?K ,? rs.in:.l Ihlrrvon loll ? ' ?r; Hanliim lo l?r?v? ni ih? II.IU Of mcomWh sum* from r ??? ^ seusi t VTSte ?n.i i.,l?li.t.r. who w.-i. a^l.-.h.!; wsfSSSSS* KISS. iSy. who kn..w. oral ?ial.? It "Voo what thin**! Somotlin.? t"0? < ? Mi.n.y rammlw "/' " hurry t" <?<"" 1,., s in hi- *rnt In a hurrs ? .... r,r?t'X.T^ ^v,w?^tss*vhs tiHuaiiy iimm??* 'VT'u, n.? . i, ret- wralthy nun und?r*rn rrTOr,TVh.rr r;;r,1. '"loin'." brcomo conlrlbu lion* In lh'* TI,.- enhjoft ot It-.r.-c* I. a "ck " '' ' r? ItToVn Tli?-il?? I' it -n- .? ?!??> money and ,,,< y jrA.^whon saarrs^ss. F3asrgjart..;yg?; committer* u?*i to wof* U who ar<* ? inl>arrni?ii< ?l. There Ih one? way (lint haa been . fcil In w 4*<l in the i?a.?t and may i>< In tli*' preaent campaign to avoid complication* In connection with "tin" co||?cll"n and dlsf rthntlon of I cantpalurt fumla. It In the alnt? ronjnillN' plan. Th?- Federal Oovernmvtit haa Jurladbtlon ovt r fundn contributed Hpeelflcally for tb?? rl?M*M??n ?f K?4ai?1 officials. It. Ira* nothing to nay about momy rjif-nt in Mate campaign*. If a man want* to contribute $200. 000 for the national enmpnltn h' may And himself In 1 1??* public cy nnd nubjeet to call by nn fuve?? tluatjnc committee later on na that Hinn I* conaldered ? vri-nFlv but If hf r?o|* like contributing $10,000 io the campaign* in 20 tat*-*. 1 li? niatt?-r may not rvn ?.< report <d by the national cltalr to tb?' Invi atUatlm: commit f. ? ' of Con?rr aa. The money Ik pr "umably ulv*-n for.atate pur pf?f ??, the election of coventor* and b-KlHlatora. Hot there la no law t<> pri-vont a atate commllti" from spending any mima It plraa< * trr trrlp |h? national tlekM** ? ? ? . M'?ncy upcnt for national pur poaea by a *fate committer I* Ilk' - wlae not within the JiirJ*dlctlor of atate tribunals. No careful watch la kept On how money ia apent anyhow. It In lumped un der general headx auch as adver tiain*. publicity, promotion, prat ing and what not. The Item or, "workera at the poll*" l* fre quently camouflaged, though in I Will Wed The ?n^Rrnw-ni ?f Mis* Franco* Orrvn txmdrn third daughter of 'oritur Cnvernor I'rnnk O London >f Illinois to John It Hrnl r Jr non >t John |< I)rak<v on* of iho ou nor* >f 'hr Ola?k*tnno and [?r?ko hotels in Chicago ha* i**n announced UACK IIOIi.SK OWNKI5 DEAD I.N ACCIDENT Baltimore, Sept. 2.? William II. llohinson, Front Hoyal, Vir ginia, rnec horso owner, was killed in nn nut a accident ncur here today. The driver of the machine said ho was .blinded by the glare of the approaching au tomobile from another direction. His machine crashed into a tele phone pole. ItKSM.T I N4 1 1(1 KK I NSKTTIJ?;i> That Joe Swindell is fnipt^rning hut that lie is still in considerable pain, while only time ran t ? 1 1 what will ho the outcome of his injuries was, la substance, the re port of County Physician ('. It. William iUliiJLlUi-.il uard <?/. < unnl v Coinmissioners in regular hohhIoh Monday. Swindell has hoen in the hospi tal since TlniYsday morning, Aug ust 21. when lie was shot hy J. I). Farrl6r of Wilson for an al li uetTwronp done Farrier's t.raiid da lighter. TltOOIMCHS I'HKfWIJK TO I.KAVK II Kit KIN Herrln. 111.. Sept 2. ? Slate troops, on duty here sinco' Satur day when six men wt-ft Killed in n dash hdwiwn ti?" Klan ?r?erh bers and county Khtr'ff and his dt-pulins, prepared today to return to Springfield. Seventeen troop ers were orderer to remain in llcrrin until iVkused hy the aiier iff. CAMS ATTENTION TO TYPHOID DEATHS A JcLLci fxvjn .11. 12, All ller. di\ rejeior ?>r tin- bureau c? r aanltar) ongim erlng and inspection of the State Hoard of Health, prodding the City Council in regard to the deaths from typhoid f ? v? r in JSIIs aheth City in the last live years and calling the attention of the Council to its measure of respons ibility for these deaths through failure to ahollsh surface toilets In the City, was read to the City Council at if h Monday night's no'Mlnu and referred to the City Health Officer and City Manager for a reply. |)r 7 I Ynrlni\ Cltv II- alth Of fin r. rtnt-d t hat* th<i) typhoid fe \ ?t record last year- was letter than in the previous years incn tioii' d by Director Miller: *om< states In the f?ast as high as ten and fl??e< u dollars have been distributed on election day to (?>*>?? of thousands of voters whose bu.Viiies* it Is to persuade motiibi r s of their families and friends to vote as they do. No lltto can he drawn as money is given to ' workers" who do the P'-rsuadin tor national tickets at the same time that they tak" care ur I'.sm in n.iiiiw -w. It I* not easy to gather strrtts t les of what Is spent In a national campaign. The records In Con gross show only the sums collect ed through th" Republican and Democratic national committees and dispensed hy them. It might be a different story and a differ ent campaliKi if all money han dled by state committors were fln der the same scrutiny. COTTON OI'KMNG IN IVASyi'OTANh. Clll:M\ Cotton ix opening in I'aK'iiMi IiiiiK County. ratio r lo Hie sur prise of rot (on men in this hit t i* hi wlo> were awair Imw lilt*' 11 start this cro|? K'?t this sprint. The first iipi'ii holls brought l? Klt/alM'th City were from the 1 11 rm of K. Ilentou in the llav siil?? hit! ton and W'-rr .w?dl formed and well (lrv< lo|?'?l in every re- i sped. TIihw holls arc now on exhibit at III*1 office of Ilo* Kliza- ' h?*th Cily Millinu Company oi Kllzabeth City. t. 41 muTiXK n?iKT coxvk\i:h. Currituck. Sept. 2 ? The regu lar fall twill of court convened here Tutiwlay morning at ten . o'clock. The usual size court crowd was lierr Monday morning to attend court. On account of |?ihor Day. however, word was received. In-re thai the Judue and solicitor; would not arrive until. Tuesday > morning.. 1 Most of tlit* crowd remained ! around the couritiouse until the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. \V. It. Lindaey of Xonfolk, and llvir children. Frank, Junior, Karl Oean. and lienry Carter are the guests of llenry Snowdeu of this place. MI'IU'IIY WINS ANI> ROY Kit IS IvH III) AltoohU, .Tn., Aug. 2. Jimmy Murphy won the annual auto rare and Jo?* llnyer was killed when his machine jump* d the truck , here yesterday. iimhaiu.u is i.iftki> ox SHIPPING AI1MH TO Cl llA Washington, Aug. .10. ? The em bargo imposed several months ago '? to prevent jdiipmeut of arms to ! Culm was today raised by 1* res ident Coolidge. Oi l) BRADFORD HOUSE; WILL RK TORN DOWN j One of tin- city's landmarks i and an eyesore and Arc-menace ; ion Kant Main street will he rc ! moved soon if action set on foot. j hy the City Council at Monday nluht's session (r carried to ItTT" ? logical sequence. The Council ordered that notice of condemnation of the old Rrad ford residence next to the McCahe & I J rice building be served upon llie heirs owning Interest in the hiiildfnu. by personal service if possible and by publication In any case where personal service is; I found to he Impractical. ' This huildiuu recently caught Are and had tlx* flames gained a little more headway, there would i have been a nasty blaze for the ! firemen to deal with. lAI'IMtOPRIATIONS Hilt DELEGATES AND BAND j An appropriation of % 100 to de fray in part the expense of arnd inu a delegation from Klizahi th Cipr to. attend tlio Atlantic Docp ? r Walt ru-nys Association at New ark. New Jersey. in tin* n<-ar fu I ur?> was voted by the City Coun cil Monday nl*:ht in regular hoh i-?n and also ;in appropriation not t.. I \rn <1 $.1(Vo fur tlx Klizahi Hi I City lloya* Hand. Tho Cltv will 'appropriate |1 to ovory $:i e?ui irihuted by the private aiihacrlp lloriH lo the hand, provided thai the total city appropriation dor* not exceed $300. rouncllman Weatliorly asked that lila vote be recorded nr.alnst jtlio h?nd appropriation. AUGUST WAS "DRY" IN IMII.ICK GlltCt.KS Tim fart that only one half a pint of liquor had boon seised <1 urinK I ho month of August hy -thii Klizuhcth City .police .wan, cal1o<1 to tho attention of Ui?? < i ,ty Council in acnalon Monday ' nijrht with roimI;!cM4la onipba hIm by Councilman Cohoon. Ah the report of .each officer wan road. Mr. Cohoon called out i "No Liquor. " after each rcpirt Hi*vo only In tho case of t jic Ioi?i? policeman who had .-.'txed a half a pint. Ah that officer'?: report was rend Mr. Cohoon called out "A half pint of liquor." "Some report!" was |1io Conn >llniAn> dry comment when the Inst report had been read. GOOI) I'lJICK Hilt MttNlCfPAI. WINDS K"venty flvo thousand dollar* worth of municipal funding and street Imnrovement bond* were sold hy the City Counril In railed session Mnnilajr morning to tho First National Company of St. IjOtli*. Those bond*. bearing 5 per cent Intcreat, sold at par and a pro iniii in of 1130 with accrued In terest, which was considered a we.rv good prfcfMiv Marshall It Jon"* of the Fltwt tc Cltllens National Bank and H. fi. Kramer of tho flavin** Hank and Tru*' Company, who wore Invltorl to sit with the hoard at thU meeting It* an advisory capacity, it -/a* on the recommendation of Me**r*. Kramer and Jonc.4 tint the of the St. (youifl confer n wa* accept ed. There were m >re than a fe*cri * of bidders. They're 3000 Years Old! Two dlstnlct ernd In the life of China have I wen unearlhcd hv an arch?-o logical party under Carl Whiting Bishop. which has been iUkc'dk Into "tomb mounds" .along the Hwal River. Tho tombs reach a size of :'!J0 by 400 fe?*t with a 20-foot height and date back to the flrnt centurv after Christ. Rtdne articles found In 'the tombs dnte back to F?no-1ono !?. ?\ The picture gives a general view of the excavations, nhowinx pl ilrVy the I ' outline of two brick tombs. (?KKAT INTKHEST IN -JUEKTLNC TONICHT Indications |???i n t to a general ami enthusinslie response to tin call for llio flrst meeting ??f Mock ? lioldcrK I>r iIh* proposed rountrv club at Chamber of Commerce headquarters in tin* com m unity huildiiist-itt 7: SO tonight. All stockholders lm\e bcc^i ask<d l" ail' iul lit person or by proxy, an -all who haw met I In* payim-nt t* t his of ibclr tsuliscrip lion to stork an- entlll'd to rep resentation n nd to vole on au> mailer thai may !??? presented the m w corporation tonight for ac tion. Only thoste, however, who Imvo nii'i these t'-rni* art* entitled to Hiich representation. Thin fact has CHiimd a constant flow of cash for Hip last several days to the -Industrial Hank, which If acting mm trustee for the corporation until organization is ? fleeted. <.ll?i:n\ ROIllCRTM Is ItritlKI) IS CAMIIKN The funeral of (Sid Roberts was conducted Sunday morning at the1 grave when interment was made! in the family burying ground at { Sandhill, between Arucuae Creek j and Chuntllly. Cid Roberts Is the man believed I to have walked overboard while! In a trance Thursday of last wr-ek.l wli'w 4w4y" -wa?- recovered Xmni j the Pasquotank Itlver Saturday afternoon. lie is survived by a sis ter. M>s. It. M. Gregory, 210 I'carl street-. IM.i:\l> I OK 1,1 KK CHAI5LKS K KM) M.I. Snnotnylvanla. Sept 2.- 1'h ;? ? before the jury, one side asking' that flic electric chair he given another victim and th? other fighting to nave life, were, expect ed to mark the closing hours to-' day of the- trial of Charles B. Ken dall." charged with the murder of1 CIIAIU.OTTK WINS swimming i;m;m Hickory. N. (*.. Sept. 2. The , swimming team of Charlotte won th>- fir*! annual inter-city swim uiin: uiw'i of flir Amateur A ? h - bile tl'nlon with Hickory second IIKAD or MASONS HH M> IIEAI) l!N IIKD Kansas City. Sept. 2. ? \V. K. K (ill II. apo-l 7:",. m1;, lid hiuh prii'Ht of tl.e KoiK'ral Ksainl chaplcr I toy. ?il An li .Ma. ho UN of the I'uiteil Stall *, was found dead 111 hcd to day. I>eaih was said to In* <1 in to apopli-xy. MKKMNS INM I KS MrU.KAN TO IIICIt V I K Ih-anfort. N. Sept. 2. I k ? .M ????k Sum yesterday invit?-cl Angus \V. Mcl.ean to sunup tin- Stair wlili him from (hi* same plat fur in. MINISTKKS ASK SIIKKII I |{R'S|<;!N Marion. Sept. 2. ? A delegation front the Minister's Association of Wiliiamnton County ramn here to day to nnk the county board to re riuoHt Sheriff (icorgo Gulligan's resignation. IMtOI'KI.I.KKS TOKN AWAY IN STOIIM Host on. Sept 2. ? Willi I wo star hoard propeller* torn away in hat 'tin ft .jfl, f,|^l T 11 w.i - trrs Iho cruiser Raleigh is hminif for tills port today for repairs, according to information received from Charleston Navy Yard. DAVIS S IOI'S o\ Kit in uii( A<;o awiiiii; Chicago. Sept. 2< ? ? John W. Davis. Democratic Presidential nominee, arrived liero toilay for n stop of Hirer days. This I* his first, halt In his westward swinK which Is to he devoted to confer oners witli Democratic leaders of Illinois and Indiana. STHIIil l\<; W INS HKI KItl'.K'S DIVISION Macon, (in , tfept. 2. Young Strlhlln* >?slerday won lie re I eree's decision ov? r young Itoh Fltsimmons. He's Still Town Crier Ttrr- rwl??t?l f rtvMMaiton. ??h n? apfwilr pclntl rut rf't'i M.4 ?*> ? munlrallon by wire and radio, ?>?? no) J >lrn? I" Ma J'1' u i own rrtrr ? Han AMinuo. Tn PW H !"?" h? *?? fcrffVlcMI In, all th? !<??? of lh? town by m??*Hioii?. rutin* about Pan An'.otilo ?" h*TNbtck. and ht > ttlU at work. .11. MONT < IV Kit TOI? (V U l'iiuh is wmHim. out an S O. S. today for 1 1 J. all thai Is now required to complete Pasi|uo taltk (*i?itnly'n quota to the Cous l il Highway f ii it?l. Mr. Pugh m>n hi* has talked his throat dry ami ?ppioa<-h<-d uunaiiy people Jhf_l< ashamed to say another word to any individual. hut ho hop** that l h it* general appeal will reach Its mark ami that the remaining $ 1 % will bo forthcoming In short or <l?r. ~ III). II CHAINS AUK NKKDKO AT ONOK slaying awhlh* at tin* t'hiidren's llotiio. whirh Is t ho now natno for ih?* 1 )<'trnt ion Homo, ami when dinner time and breakfast time and supper como around, it In a problem to Boat thorn at tho ta ble so that they can eat comfor tably and happily. Hooks and pillows are piled tu 1 llioir chairs, but frequently in thoi nildst^of a meal down will come hook*. pillows. hklilt'H and? ?W: ' So tho Children's Ifamo Ik ask ing Tor three high chairs to bo do nated from homes where th? children have rtowm up. They are needed. at once, and llione who can help the little people in this particular way are nskod in notify IJov. F. Hill or Mrs. Anna Low is as soon as powdbbv IMUJIV rot kt QUKT KOIilX>WI\ti I.AIMUt DAY Loss than ? dozen people, lio sidoH the officers of tho court wore prosent Tuesday morning in poliro court when only one case was tried. _ This can? was continued from til* absence of one state witness, Stuart Alexander !V05 Parsonage street, was charred with an as sault upon Mns. B. V. (Now bold, 12 Hell street, and received a sen tence of five dollars and cosls. Lutln-r Ken d orson, colored, for assault on bis wife, Willlo, was lot ofT under suspoiid'-d road son ti-ncf on payment of $10 and coats, on conditions that ho show good behavior and pay for bis wife's clothing which In anger be burnt following a Sunday- quarrel with Ills wife. This was the only ease disposed of in polico court Mon-. Jay. ? W OMEN HKI.I) OPS IIOMK IDK CHAKGE I'hiludolpbia, Sfpt. 2. An un-l identified man. middle aucd. was shot and killed today on the porch of a Wont Philadelphia house occupied by Mrs. Helen Mayliew and Hazel Honsnn. Hoth women are held in a homicide charge. CIU'ISEKS ON THE WAV TO SHANGHAI (He Tli? A<?>l?n) rr<M? I'm r is*. S?-|?t . -Th?* Frmrh i ministry of maine today ordered .the nriiior?-?| crulaer. JiiI.-h Ferry* ? nil tin' rrulni'i- roluiar. in pro-. r?T(| jo Sliiiiulwii Troin Silicon, j Frrnrh 1ndo'- China. in iiroiivl in Southern* <*hl- | na In view of i he |?r? vahnt Iioh i (lllll* a. 'haa tirpu rut off fr??m railway and l' l<'Kia J'liir CO|lltlllllli?*n(l?>tL I with tli<? i ? i a In la ml aliice mornlnc ami U In linpoHHlhli* (o conririti lh? numcroiia rcporta lalit a major military conflict ha* Iu>kuii ? Ji'ii v i.isr ititww imt NO\ KMIIKIt TttltM rol K I Following nr-' the Jiirors drawn , for III"' Nov?*iiiImt l? rut of : ;n rl?r Court. which convcni-a on Monday,. Novein her It: 1*1 rat w??-k J. (!. Hriuhl . S. T. Cooper, .1 I-*.' Lane, J. K. Cliory, C. W Wlialey, , Sr., W. T. JfiinliiKH, .1 ? ' llrown, J. M. Carl wrluhi. J. I.. Sharhoro. ! W . M . Randolph. I. A. Jennluun. ! "C. i:. overman. \V. IV I'artwrlchry (SiHiri;n C. Culpepper. S. S. Iliir; i ueas? Jonlon C. Harris, Porn*- y ] Italph. S. S. Knowlca. Calvin i Jhiih'h, Lennon Truehlood, \V. ('. | llalnoa. J. I,. I'rilchnid. S. \\\ Wtn??kr. It. II It K. I Hark. H. L. Hal Icy. F. M NVwhy. Jr.. It M. Will slow. J W. MarkliHlii. C. j It. To*ey, C. K. Htnton. \V. I) J Hntindera, A. I. ToM-y, M \ Wll j ly. Charlea -Snrrwdcii, F. ~W ? ftm- 1 flier*. W H-r'Creef. Joe TkidhIo. i Herbert O. Pavctiporl, It. M Col- J ler. M. W. Cooper. A. .1. Jennings. j Second week : I. F. Swain. Ilrluht j Cartwrluht. I.. I.. Bailey, Herbert j Fvnna, John Pall. VV H. Jcnniima. , K. A. Whit p. It. K. W.vnn. J. II Cartwrljiht, W. A. I'luiier, W. II Cart wrlght. <). H. Jonea. l/vrry C. | Temple, I*. A. I'ritrhard. J. J. Itunrh, O-rll Copula vd. II. I.. Frew, A. F. Toxey, J. J. !!roth*'ra. 1 II. M. White. ?!. It. Ilarrrll ami C. C. Miller. TWO INJIIHKI) AND MM CIIASK.lt MHNKD Ni'W Orlrana, Sept. 2. Two ' were H'-rimiHlv injuri-il. a mm rhaacr wan burned to tin* waler, i a Iioiih"' and boat hoiiaea were do- ' Htroyrd when a Kaaoilne tank on the roaat patrol exploded yeater- , day. ^ ? Kll) McCOY I'l.EADS NOT GUILTY TODAY Lor America. Hp pi. 2.? Kid Mr Toy. former piiftillat, today plead- 1 fid not utility to one charge of lliren of aaaault wll li Intent to commit murder, and four of rob bery. The murder trial Ih act for; October 20. After All Job Of Being Prince Quite Strenuous You (inn^l Do JiiHt Our Thii^g Well hihI (?rl l>\ Willi ll If Yon ?*re llcir lo Tlirunr hnl MiihI fluve Wh(?lo KriHTloin- AreompIiMliiiienth ROnVCRT T. SMUT, !?V.nrl?hf. IW?. by Tlx A<l??rv?I N>w York, Sept. 'J. Knr real* t> ;? <1 ii I f <? th r ?>?| ntronuoalty t h Ik Job of being I'rlnce of Wab-n and heir ? (o the flrltlah throne ban about everything cine backed complete 1 ly off the ipup. Ah an exponent ( "f the ntrenuoiiH life. young Kd 1 ward Albeit, etc., innkcH I li *? late rolrmrl ItnoRPVrlt luok ' like* n iih ihIh r of a Saturday afternoon Mi-wing circle. or course the , j>rlnr?* Ih a much younger man I Iih ii wan Colonel Hooaevelt wlion I ho latter launched upon the I atrontioua part of bin career. The l*rlhM of Wales I* expert-, f d tn~ dn- everything and dn-lt- )unt^ a little hotter than any one else h< raune the npotllght Ik forever plavlng upon hin>. It niuat be ? Maid of our young royal vlaltor I I that bin hatting average I* pretty | high In every reaperl. Here are Jiiat a few of hla purnultn:. Cricket, golf. polo, football, tennis. nhootlng, hit: cam* ntalk-' IriK. awlmmlnK. diving, dancing, i yarhttng. nteoplechaalng. flat rac ing. boxing, broncho hunting. tug ? ' ??f irian'a man. chief <?f Hoy flMtiln, colonel In the army, captain In the navy, and nl>ove all elne: Style seller for all the maneullne world Let the average young Amerl-j can play that repertoire over on bla ukelele. One t h I n k thin ? visit of |h< prince la likely to acronipllnh In ' the ? kplonion "f th" hai"- canard that be in continually falling off IiIm borne#. He la known among! bla intlmaten ax a hard rider and he falla only when the mount goes down beneath him, He haa been In the saddle alnce boyhood and the total of tumbles In aald to be h it 14 In all that time. Am Tirana acem to have xalncd the ; Idf-A thiitTTnr prtnrr f*H* off rveey tlm?- a horse atepa aldewme with him That In all wrong. He in. loo clever a horaeman for that. If he could have had hi* own voca tion In life he probably would have been a Jockey. He lovea the keen competition of the turf, both on the (1st and over the jump*. He accepted ao many mounts In 'nteeplechanlng that hln royal par <*11 1 h had t*? Intercede and ploatl with li I in to !??? more i*n refill. The prince han had a percept Ihln 11(11 1*. deaplto IiIh effnrtn to hid'' It. nlnre h'1 ntopped anhore III l<ong Inland. It Is an old ftpraln of tin- a nk I'-, auffered on n huritiiiK expedition. that probably i wan given a twin! In tlx* lug of! war on hoard the IWnnKiirla. The prince frequently in gettlnK hurt ; becaune lie in HO lliiirh II I on Hlrcil uoun than tlio av< rat:e yoinm man of any nation. Not no long ago ho was hit over tho t ye with n polo ball. Hut little thlnun Ilk** that do not drier him In the leant. Tf 1a nil n part of th#' ntrenuo?H? 1 1 f . Tlio difficulty with tin* prince In that <ach minor injury I?* tak? n up hy th? prenn and exploited ? where Ic?m prominent aportnmen have their hurtn hidden nnd?-r the bunhel of unimportance. The Prince of Walen ntartn on a atrenuoiia eampaUn In IiIh v? ry flrnt dayn of existence. |||n title j of I'rlneo of Walen In not an he reditary one. It doen not dencind upon him willy nilly. It han to br "created." The title daten hark to the continent of Wales hy E d ward I. and wftn first h?-Htowed upon hln ?-ldent aon aloim ahout I HO I. or nomr- e?|iialfv n?ic|c"* date. That Ron wan known an ftdward. the ''hla?'k prinee There never has been a Prince of Walen unite an popular an fli? present one, although hln era rid I father, afterward i:dward VII, net him a pretty fast pare along that llfie Often a Prince of Walen achieve* unconaclnusly a s;reat <11 ploinatle triumph Th'- prinee who herame Kdward VII hnd more to do with hrinainu France and Oriat Hrltaln Into clone ac cord than any other peraoti or thine. Tho prenent prince hy hln charmlnx personality nnd hoylnh 1 franknenn in dolna more to have Americana think wej| of Knitland than all r?f hln long line of pre decen?ONi put together. Wh?>n he hero men klna America will /eel nlmont a klnahip for the new monarch. EDENTON POSSES SEEK MURDERER Sam Small, t^uirt < outilry inan. Shot I h?M it While on 1 1 in 5"uy JIoiih> from Tohii Saturday INi^ht. ? KiluitLin^ - I'njoa s are Mill searching for tho murderer or Sam Small and feeling In Ulll runninu high nv< r tin- mysterious k'lllinu which ncriirntl Saturday ??Vi'llillK oil tie Wild Cat Koad. M r. -Rniali. u mui l.inan who *1 tended strictly i?? -Ht? rnrn affairs, had come In town with a cart load of watermelons and was on Ida way homo whirr his wife awaited him. lie was deliberate ly ahol down on th. mad and Ida holly I. ft lying there to be picked u|i hy those passim: l?y later. It in believed l hut rohbory wan the moTlvo, for ho was a man without I'lll'llliOH. The body. was found by TCIillaeo TlHfTln Who; nutiihil the sheriff, fosses were organized at once ahd rewards offered fur tho capture or tho murd'-rer. Itlood hounds were put on the tr.iil hut soon lost It. I'lJKliS TO LKAVK LAIIUADOK TODAY \V?nl?liiKt?m Kepi. 2. ? Official# were advlbi'il. thai Army around the world filer* will have Indian ItarlKir. Labrador, today. They ar rived there Sunday from Green land. ? i MKEKIIVS SCOKKS OKMOI :|{ ATM; PAKTY Ilea ti fort. Sept. 2. Ike Meek- ? ins. Ilepuhlican nominee ror kot* ernor, begun -his ram pal an with an evcorimion ?? f the Democratic adininlst ration, state snd nation al. and with h mouth full of pralso for the Republicans. T. II. rmiKK IIKAI) Thomas illarkmill Cooke, agoi t?. dted in the Protestant Hospi tal In (Norfolk Sunday night at 9:10 following an operation ror ulcer or the stomach, ills death was a shock lo friends und rela tives bore. for ho had been 111 for only a day. Mr. Cooke wan horn in Prank* liii County on January 29. 1878. On November 20, 1907. he mar ried Miss Mary Wood, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. J. q A. Wood of hllzahcth City. ||?- |s a member of the First Methodist church of this ciiy and is connected with Ihe Klizsbeth Ciiy Huggy Com pany. He |H survived by his wire and two spun, niaclmall and El liot!; by a brother. Krneat 8. Cooke or Mount Airy; by two un cles, A. j. Cooke of Jtenurort and G. F Llttlcjohri of lialtlmore; and by one aunt. Mrs. K. S. Poster of Ijouishurg. Tho funeral will be conducted at the First Methodist church at -five O'dtTi'k' "By " liTs , p'atrt or, Dr. ff. II. D. Wilson. The imllbeareni will bi> Dr. c. H. Williams, Dr. I. Fearing, J. <5. Fearing. II. 8. Ov erman. J H. V c.ntcrs, K. F. Spen cer. Ml lea Joining*, and J. N. Whitchurst . HUM SKW Hit IIIT Iff I . K. l UHKKJSI TKADK _ Dutiith. Sepi 2. (Special) ? Julius Barnes, former head of the If. S. Chamber of Commerce, and a largo grain dealer, declared to day that there win a new spirit In the world of foreign trade aa a result of ncceplanco hy Ruropetn nations of the l?aw?n plan. A bet ler dsy In now with us. "1 con fidently believe to stay" he as serted. The American farm which hka been the worst sufferer from dla organialiori of Kurope In begin ning to reach a phase of actual prosperity. High price levels make farming remunerative Do! Iar"~ and thirty rnnm wheat aD<t eighty cents barley mean farm profits once more and farm prof its menus buying power which stimulates all hunlness." MOTTA NAMKS SIX !NKW COMMISSIONS (linova, H'-pt. 2. ? - President Motta opened thr accond day of fh? IxaKun of Nations today toy announcing fhn fortnalion of nix ' ntnnilastona which will deal with Ii>rmI and c.onfltllut lonal question#, technical organlza' Ion, reduction of urmafntlit*. budgetary and fi nancial questions. lorttl and gutr-"" eral questions and political ques tion*, W)\ Hi n KKHH FATHMI frank William* at Monday's nine ting of the County Commis sioners wax appointed County In spector of weights and measure* to succeed his father, tlie lato W. I) William* COTTON MARKKT Now York, An*. -Spot cotton, dosed quiet. Middling 2f> 65 a de- , ellne of 2f> points Futurea.clos- I In* told* Oct. 24,40. Dor, 24.07. Jan 24 02. March 24 22. May 24,49. Now York Rppt. 2. ? At two p. ] m today cotton future* stood at. the following levels Oct. 24. SO. l>oc 24 12. J?n 24.11. Mart* 24 2S. May 24 SO.

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