f PKKI.F * PRRLK, PublUben M IIIII ft T PI (LC. u tf M? >Ll I of The AsMtrliUMj I'rrM, Hi *llllUll< Pr.M l? (tclailrtly ?fttHIt* t| ri-HflMlit" ?? 4llMtr*M Will Ml" ?Im U Pi* local Ml *4 l*?r.ln [?Ur.d it t*> *??*?!?? ll CM>. N. C-. M Mr?"< lint aittif. Subscription |{At?a lly Carrier. %m : C??ll Hlii MmHii < - fW* Ma nth ? (la atranci) ?? ** * a*M CMm*?th i, i IK TUESDAY. SUIT. Folks what ii *>? ?? | i' drop in t-v ee* saloon f !??*> im>\\ milt drink when liter's Mtnirililn' K"iu' o?. ^Ii1 world lialn'l uiHin* an\ better. We're onl> pin in' u>?il r th* rough Muff. Pu? cer tain experiments lor which ihe need muat he shown to exist is another purpure; to demonstrate the merits of the North Carolina plan to other states, which are watching it, i: 'another purpose. Other purposes involved are to work out a wholesome co opera tive arrangement with all other agencloa workinu lot the public good and to provide a .standard picthod for field work and train ^ Ing of social workers and public welfare leaders at lie' l'iil\eisity of North Carolina. ThiB -co-operative plan has been made possible by a grant of 000 from Hi'1 l.;iura Spclninn Rockefeller Memorial, thia grant to be divided equally between tin State Department of Public Wei fare and the School or Public Welfare In ItiRlallmeiiiH of 110, 000 each for three yea m liana are being worked out with mum car#' looking towards hrinring about the heat results desired by North Carolina cnun tie Robert llryau would aci m to prove thai you're .J^V.ver. Jyo >??un.. to play teiitiiN. And we can think *Tof npthlnu better in way or rcc 1 reatlon for n couple of younusler. a ? eimtn-cmtrt to file hnrii ijard If you have a hack yard and If It's hip eunuch for a court Ye editor positively refuses to read any of the neW daily comics, being firmly lived In the opinion that he wastea enoiicfT time on those to which he is already nd ?tetod. - ? ? ! We are well a wale that tin re are day* when this column Is ihe I limit for Inanfty. but If ymi don't read It regularly chancer are tbAf sooner or later you'll miss nijme thlng you'll wish you hadn't. Bringing home the bacon, gen crally speakinu. continues to cost more wltb the pausing yearn. The taterefitliiK question is whether one has th - wherewithal to bring It home. Balln- S?-aii?, Snu,, R. ?atln, Swwt Corn CAW, va for *nr whrr Vf?aM ? ? . -j,. ? ble* PHO.Nfc MS H. L. GARKKTT ? ? 1 S? IKNCK SOI.Y IN<; SMOKKItS' I'KOIil.KMS Wash ington Letter BY HARRY B. HUNT NKA Senior Writer WASHINGTON? Groat Britain ' took one ntcp toward inter national disarmament when Representative Tom Connolly of Marlin. Tex.. arrived in Kngland a Tew weeks back. Tom. being Texas l?orn and bred, srears. as on prkciKIhI iwirt of his wardrobe, a shooting iron. With out a gun he fecla only half- _ clothed. A real Texan like Tom will go without collar or tie. even without a ? shirt, and feel ? won.. dressed up than he will without hid Kun Tom tried to do the decent thinK. though, when he started for Kurope an a niemtwr of the Houmo select committee Investigating Shipping Hoard affairs. Juat an he realized a Texan som brero ami l>oot ? would make him unduly conspicuous and weren't in good lante for a Congressional tour nbroad. so he realized, too. ' that to wear the regulation Texas 4!? six-shooter was a trjfle too niur*h like toting heavy artlller>. Solely out of consideration for the proprieties, then. Tom buys himself a niee. genteel, but t?u>i nesn like 25 Colt automatic. And he sails away for Kurope on the good ship tleorge Washington. ? ? ? BUT on arriving at Liverpool his majesty's customs repre sentatives shake their heads. Gun*, they opine, even nice gen tie manly guns such as that In-long ing to the gentleman from Texas, may not lie brought ashore They not only are not In style, but they're forbidden. lie can neither wcarJl ashore nor send it ashore with Ms lug gage The gentleman muv land, but he mdiit leave his gun l*?hind After fevered but futile pro tests. Connallv surrendered Ho gave the gun to the ship's purser, with instructions to take it hark to the states on the return trip Then. Mushlngly. feeling almost like he was elad only In his It V. D'n. Texas Tom Connally. with out hi* gun in a ntrungc Land, de \ SON1||||.Uv 'k .?*.H. of Tin- ,N>? York World MaKaxIno Section. by x pedal |H-rinlH*lon fumi llaruiK, I nr. Tli it* populri piece, with words atid miimh- cont pletc. will In- In much ili'ninnd. ami H H nilvl tahlo thai you order your copy or The N?w York Sun day World In advance. Articles ?wndMl the gang plank to (are Ih*1 British taxi robber*' ? ? ? IF labor hill a nenne of humor, it must be getting one big smite out of the attention It ?? receiv ing; Just now from the presidential camp*. The Lal>or Day pronunciation ton by Coolldge, Davln and Li Follette were only an Incident In the efforts of the president la I nsptrnnts to lure the labor vote. No one objective in the cam _paJgn_joC-any_af ? thr ..randidaira looms larger than that of captur lng the vote of the nation's work era The effort" lo offset the endorse ment of La Follette by the Ameri can Federation of Liilior. and to make it appear that thin endorse men! does not carry the approval of the rank and Hie of lalior vot ers. in recognized as the biggest ningle undertaking the Kepubb run* and Democrat* face as the campaign gets under way. JUST how ?criou?ly th?s labor situation i? regarded may lie sensed from the ste|>s taken to pfovide n pilgrimage of "labor leaders" to the While House on Lnhor Day President Coolldge received this delegation, he.ided by T V. O Con nor. chairman of the Shipping Board and delivered lo them a speech selling forth bin views on the condition of lal?or Next day Democratic leaders seeking to block any advantage the Republicans hoped to achieve through the visit of lal>or repre Kentat ives to the White Mouse, charged that the "tabor tenders'* who listened lo Cooltdge weie in large part. like O'Connor, who draws a St2.<>00 salary ftom the government, now In government employ In various capacities, ami that their trip to Washington, in stead of Itelng a spontaneous pil grimage to the Coolldge shrine, had been arranged for by party manager* and financed through channels interested in Kepubli con success. Chairman Butler denies he nu ' thorixed the "lahor*' expedition, but the Detns Insist that It was. nevertheless, largely paid for out of the national committee s cam palgn chest.. of int*>r??Ht to nwry mvmltcr ul Hie family, ovrry week. in Tlie Nrw York HuntUiy World Magn HBln?. udv & | | t (K ? J 1| < k'l IWw MitlTHIIiif, Hals, Caps, Sweaters, Shoes and Sox now in. ? <:. A. COOKE (IIe?d-to-Foot Outfitters) Sfo our window dlnplny of rfor or?N portnhlc and boiulolr Inmpn. S|M-rial low prlco. ATw> Coffee IVrcoFatoFi anTT Tnaitrn. W. 8. WHITi: * i-i}. IMmiir ?tl. Jf??. ||o M?tthcw? St. EL IMI.LO <:k;ai{s Hold b>- ioi( (JltfM'KIW AND I'll MJM Af IKS l>. K. MOKGAN A CO. WHOI.KSAI.U (,HIM lilts I'Hoim* MO Capital Stock $250,000 M K M II K II K r. n R B A I. II K " It II V K ll.rlfnnl l l l/.AIIKIll CITY ?'?lnlrtbl? l>r. A. la. IVndlMrm, Pro. 0?o. K. MUto, r??hlw. ??. II. TwMdjr. Am't ?'??hlrr. Carolina Banking & Trust Co. V Ml?f? AmhiT HMIommv nf KHz alirth Tily is a hhmiiIkt of (hi . ??"? Hi-h.w >1* Hi JViLsl' -rnJKtmi; N. C.. this >?ai. The Girl Who Bared Her Sou) ? When Elizabeth promiBed lo be Robert's wife, she did not know to whattenghaof ttcacb- . cious fury n woman will go , yh" is caien with envy and jealousy. In her inexperience of life, she wan to learn that while the nnlU> t.f ihe, goda_ ?I i grind slowly, thry grind ex ceeding fine? niul that her I courage and honor wnul Id have to meet tf stt. f?W women ?' can meet and emerge, strong 1 and unscathed. "In Forever After," Elisabeth bares her soul with fearless frankness. It isa gripping story \ ? yet it is nnly'ilil'bl the many icmprkahla fealuies in ]J October True tjtbfy, Sow on sale Ht hII newsstands. |rue Story ON YOUK KIKTIIDAY*! Snui Your Malltcr i'limcm It VAN ILOKAICO. Inc. 666 In II prrM-ripiion for Malnrl?, ? lalllM ami |l I .THY DISKASKS T' office ?'f the Home IVnion ?t ration \u?-nt to urrantf tin ItruKrMtii for rluli uk-cUiikk ?lur- ' itiu Hi? y? ar. Poultry riiM-aio s . art* to a topic of hpt-cial ? ft inly tills >?-ar. ami tticro Ik rwi . i?li t-t !?!?? iiitMi Ht in poultry | tin ?\KKI>.\Y An important ineetiitK of th? Mothers Club will l>c held at tlir ? "? ? in in it it i i y I Ion so on Kloetwoou -tnct Wciliit silay afternoon ??:3U o'clock. M isH Marcla Al I'KOIUI-M* of CONDUCT By I'mfi'wor *M?k CwikliM i?v cum, ip ,r/v,N T TH( Chicago SvnPHONv*r-l L ? r OecMESTK ft r?J "C*"1 TOn ^ACllNNWl OHAND feAPio^ WliHfs Wrong Hero! Study the picture before you answer. Answer ? For an evening mus! ? al a gentleman wears full even in ? dri'HM. PHONE 1M Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL BEND R. It's Here YOUR FALL HAT! . J I 'ST out of llio parking msi'H. ready for your ri*vi< w, an- tin- ii? w fall Ilats. Suro ly you'vi' iivvvr hcoii nncli a lilcablr ?lock. SioImiiiih, $7.(MI Sl< tMtll Male, McCabe & Grice Tho Huny K|?r?* Sllirr IHOO OFPlCt fMR.TRue, THIS \% A PeTiTiON wHifH we ^Re. emeu- ) LATINO FOR -T>1C5 amelioration o* SOCIAL OONBlTrcnn IN G^AM. NOW, 1 ALR?AT>Y HAvfc- *Th?S FiNiH U^T -- r ? Vve got a ^hjc v.?st op Keep Qoma \jn cc *j l*AMT -TO MCA*? -Th&M ??? beruou will be tin- re and d? iuou Ktratr pi?- k I ??l toniulot'* and ther.? arc HpicUil busmen* matter* to be brought up bv(nra Ibe club. A full attendance of the member* i> very mmh desired. H AY FEVER If you can't "g*t away,** eaM tho attacks with? VICKS VapoRub On> IT A JMmm Jmr, U?4 Ymmrl, THE APOTHEf AUY SHOP Fhone 400 A Good t)rug Store MELICK GET VOI It School Supplies NOW lilGGEST STOCK BKST VALUES MELICK=i DRESS UP in u BRADLEY -bathing srrr. A Complete Line at Mitchell's AT CLEAN SWEEP SALE PRICES TRY THESE I'KI'I'Y NUT Si.ii.l ? it'll Spread NII'I'Y Clirrac THOUSAND ISI.ANI) Dressing. M. P. Gallop Co. rilONKS :s and 57 A Complete Line of Excel lent Sweater Veil ue. s Stiak? r Coat Sw?at?r?. slz* re IIG in Navy. Maruuu. Cardinal. Ilrown, Itlark llirt-f m?u?* "js to :tt?, all color*, v? ry special- valut* .. *."?.<><) Other number* of chil* dri'ti ? Slipover Sweaters, in all colorx aiut Hxcm from 2S I *? lit, am! priced at to "W? Mid I mn W. luht Shawl Col lar Swi atom for Men ami Wo men. all colon*. Klr.r h ;u; to 4?i. priced at 4U{.r?U ami 9l.0."i Sprint: . Needle Knitted, y Coats tor Men. * Izry '36 to 4 1. in l*n rr. Oxford, urey and the popular Heathen*. S.'.Atr, and The m w popular slipovers with V neck in I'owder IU%*. lirey and Tan combination*, priced at -J2.V3 to Ruckcr Of SJieeTy Co. Elixahvth C.ilv's lli sl Store We are Manufacturers of and Dealers in Flooring, Oiling, Siding. Uoii^h l/.imbcr. Lal!hf Mill *>rk The Only Shht*/lc Mil! in This Section. Chesson Mfg. Co., Inc. Klizabfth City, N. C. Trlrphcmc 61.1. I*. (). Box 428. \S IIKN YOIJ WANT SKIIVICE, ALWAYS COME TO OUU FILLING STATION Authorized Alemile Service, llie kind your e -r iieeila. TIDE-WATER BUICK CO. Next In Camden Bridge Daily Advance Classified Ads For Rent k ii o i s Ik i- o ij it i; \ r ? si\ rnoniH and balli. electric light ; and otli?-r mod< rn conv?*nl? iic? ??, corner MclMicrson and I'imhk? afreets. Apply M it. W/ L. Small. SOp.8-10 up IIOCKK l-oit ItF.NT ? on rv presa struct. Apply Mr*. J. ||. .\lorrlactt e 104 Kast Hurge.-i*. l'hone 704-W. aept 9ii|?; Wanted WAVTKTTTn HK^T? WMtt/Y of three. heated rooms. water, lights and light house keeping. KJirnur. rimmI location. Addre** i?. O. Uox No 133. City. *6-1 J / lelp Wanted WANTKM ? MWAOKIt KOK this territory for our Monthly l'aymont Accident und ll?altli I>c partment. Strong Company. Lib eral polleies. .Man.tg'r seitl.< ml claims and innue policies. Top notrh contract. Add r en* Imntcd* lately. Commercial Casually in Furunce Co.. No*ark, N. J. sept 6.8.9p. WANTKII ? l.\ ItlllCltH WANTKI) ? AI*I*L\ 9 Kant Church, at prut. Phone ?196-W. sept 9-lfinp fin.ono.ooo COMPA1Y WANTS man In Kllaabeth City to sell Wat kins Home Necessities, more than 110 us?d dally la this territory. ' Income weekly. Kxpet lonee unnecessary. Write Dept. A ll. The J. |{. WulkliiK, Co.. 15i> 159 Perry St., Mow York C ity, sept. 9pd. roit thk iikst i i: i:si i risn, salt fink mid ov.stcis call "The M;? ii Who Kiihwh Fish" and you will ?:? t the lu st. Tlxw. Crank, Jr. PIioikk 201-410. sep.8,9-np MISS MIWIK .\ I. It Kill SON ? will open classes for pupils in drawing >i ii ii water color painting. Orders taken for decorated furni ture. For particulars apply to 200 West Church Htreet. se6-12np l?ONT MISS ? (.OOD CIIANCK TO buy your doom (with locks and rnnlngs) mantle*. etc., for that n*?ir -h Ntre stock rrnd"trty Having in your pocket. W .K. Dun Minn. 401 W. Church street. :.ept S llliij). SKK JOK KIJJOTT FOIl SKWIMi machines and vlctrnla repairing, upholstering. etc. Ilnvo for sale cood sewing machine* at $10. $2 4. Shop. 310 Parsonage St. neS-llp MI|H. Plllt HAIID AMI MISS Kl* la Prichard have returned from northern markets with a beauti ful line of fnll and winter hats litkd will have a special display on September 10 and 11 of Imported and ilonn-Uic pallefnti. Yon are Invited. sept 3-9 npd CM ill IIKI.I, OF HNOWPKV*, tciMtlfios to the offlclency of Toxa llone. He say* that It destroy* ino squitos. mollis and bedbugs. He recommends it as being very ef ficacious In the destruction of mice and rats. 'Toxa Rot* Mfg Co.. Ilox l?fi. Elisabeth City, N. C. Also on sale at Southern Hotel Harber Shop. sept 3-9np IIITY STOCK H ami BONDS from as on Weekly and Monthly payments. The Industrial Dank tfnp. IMIYM AMI tilltliH WII.I. SOON be ieavlng for college. They will want Mother's and Father's pho tograph Mother and Father wll! want their photograph. Why not make an appointment with Zoel ler's Studio, over First * (.'it (ten* National Bank. sep4-llnp far Sale I'Oi: SAI.K ? HOI si-: WITH Al,l. moil > r ii conveniences. Hc?t resi dential section of the town. I) R Kramer. acptDtf KHt HALK ? ONK NKW ? 1?M?I house on Cedtar at root, all con venience*. floor covering included A bargain. Carolina Heal Kstato Co. sept 6.8,9np FOIL MAI.K ? llorSK ON MAJN street. If you want to own one of the finest homes in Kllaabmh City, It will pay you to Investi gate this. Carolina Heal Kstate^H Co. sept 6. 8. 9, FOR H1I.K ? I WIIJ, SK.I.I. MY jUook^Mhd Natures containing g ro cerles. cafe, soda f?sm'aln. eight furnished rooms, locttei at pas songer depot. Kent* reasonable. L. n. Thornton. sept.2-8-pd KOH K.AIiK _ TWKNTY-FOCII foot pas boat with engine In goo'd condition. T. H. Owens. 2-8pd KOH HAI/tC ? ONK KHJIIT YHAIl old horse. Weight about 1,100 pounds. L. L. Dowdy, Harbin ger, N. Or- sept 2-8 pd. I' Oil HAI.F. ? TI-.T fSHAItKM Carolina Honking ft Trust Com pany stock. Adrircm box 176 Btt 1'OU SAI.K ? HIX I'Kft (KNT real estntn mortgage bonds fof ?af? Investments. Industrial Hank. tt Lost and Fovni . l