Leopold And L Results Maine Election Pleasing To Republicans Hr [lrt'srnls I tiij; I.us> as Compared W illi l')2ll, liu! as 4) C.oiiiparrd W'ilh 1922 Indicates Tide il.is I mi m il ? Km kl in Issue (iivcs Democrat* Alilii Itr daviu i.awhkmt: (tmrtlkl. I?l. 8 , Ttia IMNtl Washington, Sept. i). ? As jtoes Maine so Koes the Nation i:i an old battle cry of the Republican party mid the Demo cats have been loath to use it e::eept when the election ap peared t.> lie turning .their way. It is no secret that the Democrats confidently ex pected either to win the jjov ^_triiorship in Maine 01" cut do\Vn materially the TTepubli cflii majority. On the faro of the latest re turns. llicy have lout the flection an?l tin* question of how much they have cust down the Republi can majority depends altogether on wlit ther 1920 or 1922 Is taken us a busis of reckoning. In Hi.' 11)20 election the gov? r norship a.s well us the Presidency . was wen by the Republicans in September and November, re spectively. by approximately 05. O0i? majority. Today the Repub licans have hud that majority cut _ down uiiuont half. To that ?-\ lent the idea that 1020 may TiT taken us u basis of computation 'for the 1921 election ami that Du vls will be beat* n as was Cox Ih subject to sharp dispute by the mathematics oJ the case. ? Compared with 1922 which ? seem* a lairer basis tor calcula t ion. the Republicans have mad? a small gain. They won then by 24 000 and It wan remarked at thai time that the cut from 192U r'i vsented considerable loss to rV- ll? publican party. The Maine results "were considered significant and they were indeed borne out by the Congressional elections; for. applying the name ratio of loss to the Republicans In other states, the mathematicians did figure out about the loss of scats in Congress which they did suf fer. So Maine pointed in 1922 the way the Nation went. What then does a gain from 24 000 111 1922 to 'J5.000 In 1921 really represent? It means that the Republicans not only have held their own but have made 11 gain of about 11.000 votes though the difference between n govern orship and a Presidential vote Ih always a few thousand any way. A -> to all Inti nts and purposes the C- .auatioii has not materially changed from 1922. Had there been any landslide in prospect for I he Presidential race, the barom eter in Maine should have regis tered at lvast a 50.000 or fiO.OOO majority. This dispatch is writ ten on the basis of esrly returns and it may be that later figures may show a 50.000 majority. In which cas" the Republicans will have just cause for jubilation as to the meaning of the Maine elec Entlrely apart from the effect which the figures havo ni, '^ worker* of both j?tl? ? for th?> -III Interpret It aa they Pl*??-? tftalno may have an Importance In Another field of namely th- Ku Klu* Kloo. The -defeats of Ihe Klan In Texas and Oklahoma h?'l made mmr "' the supporter* of the Klan In Po 'M somewhat timid. The political inannuera were advlaed that a at ron K Klan vote would be cast for the Republican candidate for xovernor In Mains becauac of the denunciation of the Klan by Mr I'attongall. the Democratic nominee. A victory with Klan .upport always Koads the anil Klan elementa Into action. I er Mi>a the rndat provocative head line which the Democrats could wish Is that which today was used hy one of the Republican news papers here "firewater elected uo\Ternor Itr Maine with Klan b*HI.!dl<the Klan bifn beaten In Maine. It mllcht have had the op in,1 lie effect politically 'or the neople who are not actively eon J.,,r?ed with the Klan lasue are more numerous than those who r VI IheBiaelvea aKgrlevea by if lA re are many who feel ao decp IV analnJf the Klan that they will make an laaue of It In ull elec tions Tli" Kaatern atatea unques tionably have much of that aentl mrn, ?,,.| that'a why the Repub licans will And Ihe Maine result Untie In Ihclr face? In Ihe Eastern areas verv much as the Georgia primary na*e MeAdoo ; taint which lie himself did nol court or particularly relish Mlaa Amber Holloman of t'l I ; abetll City la a member of Ihe .faculty In the schools at Wash- 1 lotion, N. C? thla year. SPICK AND SPAN FOR SCHOOL TIME and un4i lion Than Ever Before, Keady for Next IMomluy. The Kliazheth City schools, will open next Monday with I he larg est ? i>i'Oli!i? ii( hi their history, says* Superintendent S. I,. Sheep. There an* f?2 teachers. which means the addition of one teach er. M iss Clara Ih-11 Stiles of John son City. InHiniclnr in public 'school in unit. This i;? Cla?* first j-fui* tin- ' Krhoii|H lien* have had such un Instructor and tlic j?up .erlntyinl? m hopes It will be a per manent I* at tire. .Miss-- Stiles is a graduate of tin- Cincinnati Con servatory of Music. During vacation the school buildings have bion thoroughly -cleaned and tin* school grounds, have been greatly Improved. The ?WiKb Hehooi itmi tiffmrnnr h*Ihmi| , grounds now have curbing and re talnint; wall* and have been filled In, levelled and sown in peas with a view In getting the soil in con d it ion for the development of lawns. i The supcrTli(< nderit suggests that par. uts show their apprecia tion of tlita improvement by teaching their hoys and glria i, take pride in the school grounds and endeavor to help keep them clean and attractive. The pln.VKrouml* in the rear of the (irammar School have been ? nlarged and Improvement of tin added grounds has been begun. I When completed this playground will he large enough for baseball, football, tennis, and the various athletic activities of the bchool. MOTIIKRS ru n Wil l, MKKT ON WKDNKSD.U An important meding of th> Mothers Club will be held at the Community IIourg on Fleet woou ? street Wednesday afternoon .?? 3:30 o'clock. Miss Man-la Al- i hertson will be there and demon strale pie kid tomatoes and th?ru| are special business matters to In brought up before the club. A full attendance of the members i? 1 very much desired. I-Ol l/TIIY IMSKASKS TO UK HTI I?IKI? Tills YKAl: The Home Demonstration , Cqpiily Council nu t Saturday in the office of the Home Demon ntratlon Agent to arrange the' program for club meetings dur ing the year. I'onltrv diseases are to he made a topic of special eiudy thi* yfciiir. and then; is con siderable Interest In poultry throughout the County. A SON<4 HIT FIlKK "Wight May Have Its Sadness.* , a song hit trom the ( harlot Re vue. now playing at the Time* Square Theater. New York City, will appear In next Sunday's lasu* of The New York World Magazine Section, by special permission from Harms, Inc. This popular piece. with words nnd must? cntr. plete. will he In much demand, and It Is advisable that you order your copy of The New York Sun-, day World in-advance. Artlclci. I of interest to every member of the family, every week. In The New York Sunday World Maga a zinc. adv FOUR A KM DEAD IN FIGHT AT THE POI.I.S Ooelnusnc. I,a . Sept. 10 Four are dead and two are dying as the result of a fluht at the polls In ? the prlmar) yesterday. It \NK ANNOUNCES AMOUNT FIMSKZZI.ED I'ntnnni, Conn . Sept. io. ? The Flr?t National Hank of I'utnam which closed after Its cashier. O. Harold Klrkpatrlck. tried to com mit sulelde, yesterday announced I i a 970ft. 000 dsflell aa the result oi, hit om battlement. Riiil<lirm<? (leaned ? llriiiimL m i TWO CHILDREN ARE BADLY HURT School Truck Overturned on Homewurtl Trip to lurk Monday Afternoon. Siiawboro, Sept. 9 ? Two school < h ild roil . Jack Bell. six years old, son of Clerk of Court Uaxter Bell of Showboro, anil Helcu Wil liHius. eight, daughter of L>uv?ri Williams, also of Shawboro. wer? severely injured Monduy aftei noon when the school truck, driv en by Titus Rite, 16. of Indian town, was struck by a Ford so dan. driven by u Mr. Jones of t?ll*abrth City, and turned ovei in a ditch The accident occurred between Sligo and Dr. Co well's ho nil as the truck was bringing the children homo from school. Jack .Bell suffered a severe cut 9JL .!>[j fofehead. while Helen Wll iKinis received brulnes ubOlit fi'fl'r month and body, and possibly In tcrifJl Injuries. She is still in bed . Reports current here place the illume for l ae accident on the Kli/aheth City man, who, it Is said, struck ihe truck after h-? had. by failure to give any of lh? road, crowded the truck to the very edge of the ditch. Twenty children' were in the truck at ih tinjie of the accident and muti.% of them received bruises or wer ? in danger of drowning in the wa ?ier vthiji ihq hiltf wept into thr ditch. . JUDGE CAVERLY IS UNDER GUARD ? - Hr frt. -9.^-^4 My -pAlic* men and scores of plain elothes men will be on di^ty outside and inside the corridors of the Crim inal Courts Building here Wed nesday to insure orderly sentenc ing to d?*ath or life Imprisonment of l^eopold nnd Loeb. Tlie courtroom will be closed to spectators. Only relatives of the defendants. attorneys, bailiffs, and newspaper m? u will be pres cut because of the many threats received by Judge Caverly. Spe cial precautions for safeguarding him will be taken. FIREMAN KILLED TRAIN IN DITCH Tuclion, Arizona, Sept. 9. ? Fireman George Ward was killed when the Sunset Limited No. 102 the Southern Purine's crack east bound passenger train, went Into the ditch neu? here last nigh: Other members Of the crew and all the passengers escaped un hurt. The accident was the result o. a plot to wreck the train, Raid an announcement at the railroad : office here today. FLIERS FORCED TO LAISD AT ABERDEEN <l*r Tti? Aiimtiifd Pw* ' Washington. Sept. 8. ?A forced landing at Aberdeen, Maryland, 70 riilleR norfh of Washington In terrupted the New York-Washlng ton lap of the world flight to day. Fog over the bay and mars!' region about Aberdeen compelled ih> fliers who with their eicort had battled ngalnst the head winds all the way from New York to come to ground for refuelling. President Coolldge, his cahl net. Mrs. Coolldge and the cabi net ladles were at Rolling Field early to greet the air heroes. When word csnne that the* had been delayed the President decided to stick it out. He hue. already waited for hours at the field despite the rain and mint. JUDGE SUSTAINS FALL'S OBJECTION Washington. Sept. t. ? Albert Fall's objection to the presence o' a stenographer In the room of Ihe grand Jury Investigating th naval oil leases was today run talned by Judge Slddons of th<> District of Columbia Supreme Court but his attorney's pleas to stop the proceedings were denied DKATH OK IX FA NT Charles Meeklna McMullan. In fant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. ?. McMullan. Jr.. died Tuesday morr. ing about 6:46 o'clock. The fun eral will bs conducted at the homo Wednesday by Dr. fl. H Temple man and Interment made at Hol lywood Cemetery. BOKKOWED FOR THE LEAN PERIOD ?-?, Richmond,- dept. 9. ? Apprjxi tun 1 fly fHr.O ?O0 lins h.-tn bor rowed by Governor Trlnkle with in -the lasi liu dayH to meet cur rent expenses of the slate, accord ing to a utory printed in the Rich' mond Npwh Leader Mouday. The story quoted State An dltor Moon* as buying that it had ' been necessary to borrow the ">on?y becaim.- of the _presslnj: needs during the "Wan' period." GIRLS PREPARING FOR AXNI AL RISTRRT COJfTGNT Home I)? nionstratlon Club girls are preparing for the annual dis trict try-out at Hertford on Octo ber 4 at which time the most suc cessful maker of bread and Jelly will lie named to ?o to the State Pair to enter the State wide con tent in the making of then* good thing* to eat. The winner at Ra leigh will go to ike-Natlonal con tent in Oh Icq go. Miss Murcin Albertson. Pasquo ; tank -Home hmnonstration Agent, jcsks that glrln writ.- oi "phone her : If they will enter the County con tent here on September 20. Thin contest will be an all-day afTalr at the Chamber of Commerce rooms. The two winning girls In the County contest will attend the district try-out at Hertford in Oc tober. MtRREREIt TO PACK TltlAL IMMEDIATELY Edenton, Sept. 9.? Judge O. H. Allen will preside over more crlm Jnal cases In Chowan County, cer tainly of a serious character, than liave been heard for a year or two. i David Jones, who it Is charged, | killed Sam Small on Saturday, August 30. with his companion, George Russell, will be brought -fTrrm the StSlo ifeWTfehTTary" to face both a faring and trial. This will probably be the quickest trial )of Ha kind that has been held in North Carolina for some time. Another murder trial In that of Clinton Rond, for the murder of a man by the same name. RKTIKNM FROM HOSPITAL Friends In the city will be glad to hear that L. S. Zlegler of Ed enton returned Sunday night from Sarah Leigh Hospital at 'Norfolk, where ho has been to. 1 treatment for a broken limb fo. several months.- Mr. Zlegler cat. now be up and around walking or. crutches and feela that he is well on the road to recovery. Ij^ wll' be remembered that Mr. Zlegle: was hero during the winter and I wns quite ill when carried to Nor folk. He wishes to thank many of hi* friends who have remem her?d him during his long Ill ness. EIGHT MILES OF CIGARS The Vltagraph studio statisti cian has figured out by a series of intricate mathematical calcula I tlonn that the cigars smoked by Duatlu Farnum In "My Man. ' I which is playing at the Alkratna ; theater on Tuesday and Wednes day. if unrolled and each leaf laid end to end. would make a line ?eight and three-tenths miles long. | The smoke emitted from them ?~wtrold fill the gas chambern of two ordinary Zeppelins. The ash from their combustion wouM make a film of gray large enough to cover a field twelve acres In extent. The energy used In smok ing would raise a weight or flv< tons to a height of 18 feet and nine inches In twenty-two min utes. The cost of them in Oer man marks would take up to. .much space here to put In figures HEAVY MAIN HALTS CHINESE FIGHTING Shanghai. Sept. 9. ? The Ch< klang forces defending Shanghai against the Klangsu troops hav< regained all the ground they had lost In th* LI n ho sector, It wsn announced here today. Heavy rain stopped the fight ing this evening In accordant with the military tradition that fighting can only be done In good weather. COTTON MARKET New York, S^pt. 10. ? Cotton futures opened today at the fol lowing levels Oct. 23.60, Dec. 23. 06, Jan 2.1.00, March 2.1. li. May 23.60. New York. Sept. 9 ? Gpot rot ton closed quite. Middling 24.6/. a decline of 10 points. Cotton futures closed at the following levels: Oct. 23.60, I)e. . 2.1.06. Jan. 22 04, March 23.30, May 23 66. New York. Sept. I. ? Cotton fu tares opened today as follows. October 23.73, December n HI, January 23.16, March 2.1 37, Mar ,33.16. MISS AI.BERTSO.N BACK TO WOW ? ? . " Fitlri Serrrlury Si air l\i c^Jl-1 rarlu'rs' A*?o<*iati<i ir iiftii Ct-avi's for Mt'clin^ isl | Halifax and Kalci^h. | 1 N Mi?s Catherine Albert son. fiel.. ; F'ivl a ry ul the North C'uroiiu.i Parent -Truth e ra Association. re turned to her work this week ni ter spend i 111; two weeks vacation ! at her home her*' following fivriul work ai Columbia University ti.i suiinier. ? kits* Albertson's houtlqunrhrA ar? at the North Carolina 8ta:? | College for Women which la* , year took over the State Parent | Teirlter* Association as a pari .? Its extension work. She went from Kli/.aieth City to ? Halifax-.? however,--- tt? organize a Parent-Teachers County Counci. 1 In '.co-operation with Mi?* Anni? | Cherry, county auprrvl.or of iiumI ; schools, and the various civic or gapizuiions of t lie town and cau.. uy.l from Halifax k Miss Albertson rom to llaleigh where she speaas | at > county-wide meeting Satui ! dajr on the work of the Parent Teacher* Association, co-operating i thete with Miss Anne lloldford. | county supervisor. She will the 1 reriprt to headquarters at the N. 1 C.^'. W. in Greensboro. I n October Miss Albert sou ex I peAs to be in this section of tie Stale again organizing Paivn; T Te4r h crx ? A"5Boc1attnm ? In tint r - and Bertie counties. TlfiKK SKHVIt T.S NOW IN REVIVAL AT HKRK.l Three services will be held 1 <twty .*Tw?WTmnfi r - rmiTrrrr. - -rtr rm ?? 1 rea Baptist church, one at 11 u m.. the second at 2:30 p. m.. mil the last at 7:30 p. in.. In the ie vival conducted by the well known 1 brother*. Judge J. Warren Dav Is and Dr. Q. C. Davis. Interest lias been :.o grout in these services that Iha night ser vice was added In order to enable those to attend who could not ci ? so in the morning and afteriiacn. Many are going from Ellzahet<. City, for it is only a short dim on the Newland road to Ilcrea. BEIX-ltUIGIIT A quiet marriage of more thai, ordinary interest was solemnized at the Flfst Methodist parsonage on East Church street Tuesday afternoon at half past 1 o'clock when Miss Sallle Bright, attrar five daughter of II. c. Bright, f#0| South Road strf'et. became the. bride of Wllloufthhy B. Bell, son of Mr. and Mrs K C. Bell. win. live on the Blades farm on the Weeksvllle hrclk road near the Albemarle District Falrgro n 1 Following the ceremony th ? bride and groom left by motor on ;? for Norfolk where they were ?a nectlng to take the boat for Bal timore and Washington. Thev wer ? accompanied as far as Nor folk by Miss Evelyn Bright, sis ter of the bride, and by Charlu, llell and Miss I.orena Koontz. KLAN CANDIDATE LEADS IN MAINE Portland. Me. Sept. f? -Ralph Brewster. Republican, has an ap parently safe lead for governor ovar. thu D? mocratic candidate. William R. Pattunuall. In the Maine elections Monday. Ilr? w. ter was the Klan candidate. GOVERNOR THINKte BREAKS I.EFT AKM Richmond. Sept. ft. ? Governor Trlnkle was rushed to a hospital here today suffering from a brok en left arm sustained last night when he was thrown from r chair aboard the Virginia Fish and Came Department boat Commo dore Maury, while en route to the mouth of the St. Mary's River for a conference with OoVrhnoi Rltchle of Maryland over the fifth and oyster laws of th" two state* Ills arm was broken near the elbow and the chief executive was in much pain on hts arrival here from Irvlngton where the boot put In so he could be given first aid treatment by a physician and rushed here by train. DISTRMT < OM I.BK.M K MKKTM AT NEWIIEGI N The Elizabeth ' City District Methodist Missionary Confer* me will mee? at Newbtgnn Methodist Church In this County Thursday with an all-day se^ion from I ?> a m. to 4 p. m and dinner served on the ground. Mrs. George Hawkins. District S-vrefnry, of Hertford, will have charge of th" program and delegate* ar? expert ?d to he here from all over Ihlfl district. i Judge Caver ly Decides To Give Life Sentence RAIN DROWNS IN HAIL WATER Slilloh. Sept. 10.- Druvni'd In a p.til of water wax the fate Tuesday mornini; of 1 It f I?> Mary Louise Drown. eb;ht months' old daughter of Mr. and Mm Ceorge ISrown of tlilH com munity. It wax wash-day at the ltrown home, and tin* mother was busy with tlio clothes while I In- father had gmie to take the older children to KChonl. I'nobaerved by the mother. tho baby pulled her Hi if'iif t*?. tlie wide of- a lar?te wooden pall, about the size of < a lard stand, filled with water able to niak- any outcry, Hh wan drowned before the moth er knew what had happened. Funeral services were held at the homo Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock by Rev. S. F. Hudson of Sliiloh, pastor of Shili h baptist Church. The entire community is saddened by the unfortunate accident which brought be n-ay onion t and tragedy Into the ISrown home. Mi*i:rt\i. vr.viitK pou Till. \ I, KIIKMON .\'K(iltOK.'> . Kdcnton. Sept. 10. ? A special venire was ordered drawn by nooi. today for the trial of David Jonc? and Ueoigo Russell, nr&iocf 1 Tii ii'F i /? rr w n h 1 "i h * Wh r ' r -arrant: Small, In superior court hero. Thr* ca*o of Clluton Bond for murder of James ilond. was in progress here this morning. Cases disposed of yesterday were: J. J. Hunch fur fishing In pr.> hibited territory, Judgment sus pended. K. L. lllnke, chargcd with on t icing laborers, not guilty. William McCknny. violation of aiitomoblls laws, assscssed costs. PENNSYLVANIA (iKTS SHENANDOAH CAVES Harrisonburg, Sept. fl. ? The grottoca of the Shcnandouh, famed for a 'century on' one of the underground wonders of the val ley of Virginia, have been sold to the Pennsylvania Railroad, J. M. and J. S. I'irkey. owners of the cav? rns, announced today. The railroads, it was added, plans extensive development of the resort after it gets possession January I. Bl .EASE IS WINNER IN SOUTH CAROLINA (yOllljnblft, S. (V. Sept. 10. With practically complete returns on tie state's second pilmary. Solemn u I. Illeasc, former gover nor. was nominated as Culled States Senator yesterday over James F Hyrnss. Congressman | (m 1 i years, by a nia jority of 2 . 200 votes. ">' ZK\H It I NN HKCO.VI) D troll. Sept. io. Senator CotiiiuDLM.ia runnliig Hucoiid Jor re nomination an Senator In the pri mary of yesterday. MKKkllV* SCORES DEMOCRATIC PARTY, Raleigh, Sept. 10. Denouncing the Corporation Commission. A I) Watts, and the Democrats In general | ,\f. Meeklns last night delivered a speech here in his candidacy for governor on l he Re publican ticket. IIFTTKIt I F.lt It V HKKVICK I'denton, Sept . 10. The in rre.vd business ~f>ef ween Edenfon and Mnckeys has caused the Ed enton Mnck? ys Ferry Company to arrange for a double schedule with nn exlra ferry boat to carry 16 curs, thus sllowinK ft simul taneous martins from Fdenton and Mackeys and doubling the service. This new bent will probably be put Into service the latter part of this week. It Is interesting to note In this connection that with the advent of these ferries, the Kdenton Mackeys, Coastal Highway, be t Ween Lmperor snd Kdenhotise, anil the Salmon Creek Line, be tween Rdcnton and Avoca, the passenger traffic In and out of Kdentoil has been built up tre mendously. so that It Is now not an unusual thing for f?0 cars to pass over on these ferries lo the course of the day. I Chicago, Sjept. 10. ? Life imprisonment was the punish ment fixed today by Judge John It. Caverly upon Nathan Leopold, Jr. and Richard Loeb. confessed kidnapers and murderers of 14-year-old Robert Krnnkn. This was a complete vic tory for the defense. Robert Franks. 14-year old son of Jacob Franks, retired presi dent of h watch cane manufuctur I ing company and a former pawn* 1 broker, wan kidnaped while en route to the family home at 5062 Kills Avenue, Chicago, from tlw j nearby playground pf the Har vard preparation school, late In j t It r noon o f May 21. 1924 ing frantically for the hoy. a tele phono message Informed Mr.*. Franks that Robert had been kid j naprd. that he was safe, and tha> the family would be advised fur ; ther an to how to recover him. Early the next morning Mr. Frank* received n neatly typed special delivery letter bearing the signature " George Johnson" with the dictation marks "0. K. II." In forming him that Robert was held for $10,000 ransom, that the la?t was safe, and to stand by for further Instructions as to how to pay the random and recover the j boy. At dawn the next morning a workman traversing the Pennsyl vania ""railroad (racks at llKtli jstriet, a wild, uninhabited sectiou Just Inside tbe southern corporate , limits cf Chicago, saw the feet j of a nude body protruding from a culvert between two small iakev The body was taken to an under* , taker's establishment where U rested unidentified until late in the afternoon, when a brother of Mrs. Frank j went to the morgue on a chance that the body might be that of Robert. He Identified it positively al though a. pair of horn-rlmme<: spectacles were affixed on th* lace. The glasses were found , near the culvert and the under taker thought they belonged to the boy. Then began one of the greatest man hunts In the history of Chic ago. because of tho evident brutal ity of the murderers ami the prom inence of the Fianks family. More than a score of person*, Including two Instructors at the Harvard schcol, were arrested, but re leased *hen they were able to disprove connection with the k.d naping and murder. Columns of newspaper apace were devoted to the case but th * headlines were diminishing in size as hope of apprehending the murderers dwindled when unex petied ly Robert B. Crowe, state's attorney, announced on May 2'J that Richard Ixjeb, son of Alber* If. I/oeb, G017 Kills Avenue, vice president of Sears Roebuck 4c Co.. and Nathan F. Leopold, Jr., son of a wealthy paper box manufat turcr and shipping man. 47T.V Orennwood Avenue, had confessed i to the kldnapln* and murder. It developed that all clues with the allUtle. exception of the spec tjicles found near th? body had been exhausted. By tracing thou sands of prescriptions for spec tacles, the state's attorney' forco finally eliminated all hut four which called for spectacles th % same as those found alongside the body. Of the quartette, the offl cer* seised upon Leopold. He pre viously had been questioned by the police because of hi* know.t frequent trips to the plnce where the Frank's boy's bmtywn* fmimt, hut was released when he ex nlained that his Interest In that locality ws based solely upon hM atudv-of ornithology. Lhf acJenut. of bird life, the region abounding In unusual specimens Loeb and Leopold related what at first appeared to be unlmpeaca able alibi. I<eopohl finally ad mitted possible ownership of th spectacles hut hsd shout con vlnced the authorities that he had lost them while on a legitimate trip to the region. Their story of their where ihoutS on t'i? d.-.y in I fining of the kidnapping was broken when Seven Rnglund. the Leo pold chauffeur, asserted that the red Willis Knight automobile Iti which the boys declared they had been riding, had not been out of the lj*opold garage at the time specified. I/Orb. uoou learning that sxclalmed "My Ood. can that be true; give me *? glass of water," and within a fea > minutes was relating a complete confession of III participation with Leopold in the k III nupptii and murder. Uopold, told i h it Loeb was confessing. uIk.i made a detailed cunfeimlon. The two statements Jibbed In all details except the one am to which actually had wield d the lethal Instrument. I pold uiul l?oeo both niii i lit a i ii ? .1 that they had hccTi itrtvniK' the uiiiiimi?hiif into wKlch the Friink.i h.?y wan en ticed and killed and that th> other hud atruck ,Uie d'-ath, pal ing blows. The confonflioiiH set out that the tw? were Intent on commit ting the "perfect crlnie." In de tail they ran: The crime hatl hern planned for several months. No particu lar victim had been relected. Th > afternoon on which the Franks hoy wan chosen had been spent in reronnoiterlng the Harvard achool district for a possible subject. John Ijevlnsou, !i year old grandson of Julius llobcn* wuld. noted phllanthi oplst an! president of the 3cur*J tot -buck & Co.. wuh Mingled out. lie c^uped however. In the general rush jhame ut the end of Hi* baseball gainu in which the boy* were participating, and partly because (of the presence of an Instructor. ' Lots and Leopold w-'re driving slowly down the siren. having abandoned hope for the day, when suddenly they espied Hob'o.v Franks en route ho^." I*oeb addrossed him. Inviting him Into the automobile. Hobby demurred. He said he had only a short dis tance to go home preferred to walk. Isoeh, who had played tennis frequently with the lad. Insisted that he wanted to tal.r with him ubout a n'w tenuis racquet, whereupon Hobby en tered the nutomohilo. Heated, he was struck upon the head with a taped cold chisel, anil rags stuffed Into I. is mou.Ti The kidnappers, not realising that the boy wuh dead. drftve about for a time Intending to kill the child when they i ached th* place I hey had selected for de posing of the body. They final;, reached the reud-xvoits. stripped the boy of his i lottim an. I poured an acid on hi* face with Hip in tentlon of disfiguring it beyond recognition. Leopold donned wading hoota, strode into the wa ler and thrust the body face down ward into the Culvert. It stut* and h? forced It further with his foot, hut in the haste in the dark insa left the murdered boy'a feet protruding. Also m the hurry o i leaving the scene. Lne?? picked up Leopold's coat bottom up and lost tile te||-tHle ' ]i> etude* from the breast pocket. They also left one of Hobby's own hruwn sport stockings mid bis rap. Loeb auii Ia'WwIJ... tln.? pro ceeded to dl-j,..-. ??r various ar ticles of (lobby's clothing, the au tomobile rob in which the bod> had been wrapped and the other things used In the murder. Home widely separated (.pots and the cold chisel was hurled from th* ? automobile not far from the "sfcene of tin kidnapping. The automobile used was ob tained f ri/n? u rcnt-u-rnr ageuc/ <nd was of the tmrne type as Leo pold's personal ear. To obtain U tho youths used assumed names, registered at two hotels and es tablished two hank accounts. Tho nnmm Ittt.r urvjl*r?4_. well in advance of th. kidnapping, sealed and the envelope k'ft un addressed, that feature to depend upon the child chosen for deatn. . Th* lyp..w+4>?r wbt-b pot laid ? stolen frr.m the hous* of the fra ternity of which Loeb was a mem ber before he was graduated from the rniverslty of MleMgan II, \ letter written, the typewriter wa i damag d badly and thrown Into a lagoon in Jackson Park The morning of, the finding o? the Frank* boy's body, but before It had been Identified. Loeb anu L? opold again telephoned thj franks home but Mr. Franks again was rfhm-nt Later Hiey telephoned again Instructing Mi'. Franks to ride in a taxi cab to u certain dtug store where he wouid receive other telephonic instriu ? tions as to how to piy over th ? ransom. Mr. Franks knew bv Ihen that his r-?n w an d sd and refused to enter the tsxictb The rouths Intended to Instruct Mi. Franks to board a fast train for Contfnned en page 2

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