Results Maine Election Pleasing To Republicans Itrpreseiil* lli^ Loss as Compared Willi l?ut as | Compared With 1922 Indicates Tide lla* Turned ?llul Kl in Issue OemocraPr Alilii i\T DA VIII liAWHKVCi: (C?B?rt?ttu 1*24. Br Thi ilflMtl Washington, Sept. !). ? As goes Maine so i;?s the Nation is an old battle cry of the Republican party and ihe IVnio c ? .its have been loath to use it except when the election ap peared to l>e turning their way. ? H: ? ia no ? sec ret that tin* Democrats confidently ex pected either to win the gov ernorship in Maine or cut down materially the Republi can majority. -?-Oa-uu, Um.ot.tUc latest, re turns. they harp lost th.. election and llio ?uratlon of how much they have cust down |||6 llepubll " V ''"l'l nila altoKi th. r '*?'-? ">? 1922 Is taken ?' ?' basis or reckoning In III. 102U ..lection the pov. r nor?hlp a* well ,,s ,hl. Presidency ?a" won by ,l?. Itcp,,bllcan? li, September and November, r .' Rlieefv.Iy. by approximately 66, " Today (he Hepub ?lown "" '"d """ niujoiiiy , ,,, '?"? to ?hni ex. ? ?i-l!1-'' that 1020 niiiy be taken JunrTOir f.T-Tvrnnrnntrtmr ' ?r 'l.elloi, alui ?)a| Milli e I '??!. li as wan Cox is subject to sharp dispute by the mathematics ol the case. y Compared wiili 1922 wliieh ".TnV calcuUi ? V. liepiiblicanii have mall.. K"ln- They won then by 24.000 and It was remarked at ? hat Mm. that the cut from 102IJ y J'"" "led considerable loss to I?l'Ub!ican parly. The Maine re?iil s were considered significant and they Were indeed borne out by the Congressional elections: for. applying the samp ratio' of loss to the Hi. publicans In other States, the mathematicians did figure -out about tho loss of scat* in Congress which they did nuf fer. So Mai in' pointed in 192" the way tho Nation went. What then does a gain from 24 ,000 iu 19 22 to 35,000 In 192" really represent? It meana that the Republicans not only have hold th?'lr own but have made n j:ain of about 1 1,000 voIph though tho difference between n govern orship nnd a Presidential vote 1m ,'ilwayn a few thousand any way. # * to all intents and purpose* t li. v.tuation has not materially changed from 1922. Had there been cffrtirnitKttde In prosper! for th. Presidential race, the barom etor In Maine should have regis tered Ht least a CO. 000 or 60 000 majority. This dispatch Is writ ten on the hatdti of early returns nnd It may be that later figures may show a 50,000 majority. In which ca?" the Ilepubllcans will have Just catmc for Jubilation an to the meaning of the Maine elec tion. Entirely apart from the effort , which the figures will have on the workera of both parties ? for they ^rlll Interpret it as they please? JPfaine may have an Importance In Another flold of controversy, namely the Ku Klut Klan. The defeats of the Klan in Texas and . Oklahoma bad made some of the supprtrrrr* or-the K inn lit polUie. somewhat timid. The Coolldge political manners were advised that a Htroug Klan vote would be cast for the Republican candidate for governor In Maine because of the denunciation of the Klan by Mr. Pattongall. the Democratle nominee. A victory with Klan support always goads the antl Klan elements into action. Per hnpi thi* most provocative head - ? lino which the Democrats could wish In that wTiTcTi today was used by one of the Republican news papers here " firewater elected governor In Maine with Klan Had the Klan been beaten In Maine, It might have had the op - por.ite effect politically for the people who are not actively con cerned with the Klan Issue are mnr? dimerous than those who />1 th* mnolves aggrieved by it. l/bro ;i re many who feci so deep lfr bgalnst the Klan that they will make mi Issue of it in all elec lions The Eastern states unques tlonablv have much of that senti ment nnd that's why the Repub licans will And the Maine reaull Hunr In Ihelr face* in the Eastern ureas very much as the Oeoriiln primary nave McAitno a Klan taint which be himself did not ronrt or parllcularly relish. Miss Amber Hollomao of Ell* ,?belh Clly Is a nismber of the faculty In the schools at Wash InLtnn, N. C., this year. SPICK AND SPAN FOR SCHOOL TIME Riiiltlivi!;* (ilrannl and Ground* in llcltcr rendi tion That! Bffoir, K<*adv fof Next IMouduy. The Klihxla tli* City school*, will open next Monday wlih 1 ti?- larg <?81 enrohm nt in (heir history, says Superintendent S. I.. Sheep. There are T?2 teachers. which means ilii* addition of one teach er, Miss Clala It* II Stiles cif John son City, instructor in public 'school music. This is (lie first yea i* the M'hoyls hen* have had such an instructor and the -sup erintendent hopes It will be a per manent l? ntnre. M Ins Stiles Is a gradual? of (lie cincTiinatf I on- ' servatory of Music. During vacation the school buildings have been thoroughly cleaned and the school grounds ? have he??n greatly Improved. The r Wgh-BehmH nw> 'rfftnimnr School grounds now have curbing and re tainint: walls and have been filled in, levelled and sown in peas with a view in pelting the soil in con dition for the development of , lawns. | The superintendent suggests thai parents, show their apprecia te^ of this Improvement by tearhing their hoys and girls i> take pride In Ihe school grounds and endeavor to help ke? p them clean and attractive. The playgrounds in the rear of ?the Crammar School have been ? nlarged and improvement of the added grounds has been begun. I When completed this playground will be large euough for baseball, football, tennis, and the various athletic activities of the school. MOT II KRS ? l i lt Wil l. MKKT ON WHllNKHIhW An important meeting of th > Mothers Club will be held at the Community House on Flecfwoou street Wednesday afternoon ??. 3:30 o'clock. Miss' Mania Al berlson will bo there and demon strain pickled tomatoes and theraj arc Hp( rial business matters to be brought up before the club. A full attendance of the members i-> ' very touch desired. rOl'l.THY DISK ASKS TO flK HTI IIIKh THIS YKAl: The Home Demonstration County Council met Saturday in the office of the Home Demon stration Agent to arrange the program for club meetings dur ing the year. 1'oultry diseases are to be made a topic of special study this year, and there Is con siderable- Interest In poultry throughoui tho County. A MMK) HIT PRB1 ' Wight May Have Its Sadness," a song hit Ifom the Chariot Ho vue. now playing nt the Tlmea Square Theater, New York City, will appear in noxt Sunday's issue of The New York World Magazine Section, by special permission from Harms, Inc. This popuK r piece, with words and music com plete. will he in much demand, and It Is advisable that you order your copy of The New York Sun day World In advance. Articles of Interest to every member of ihe family, every week. In The New York Sunday World Maga azinc. adv KOI ill AUK DKAl) IN FIGHT AT THK POLLS Opelousne. La.. Sept. 10 ? Four are dead and two arc dying an the result of a fight at the polls In the primary yesterday. BANK ANNOUNCES AMOUNT KMBKZZI.KD Putnam. Conn., fept. 10, ? The Klraf National hank of Putnam which closed after its cashier. O. Harold Klrkpatrlck. tried to com mit suicide, yesterday announced a 1700.000 deficit as tho result o his embtultment. TWO CHILDREN . ARE BADLY HURT School Truck Overturned ?ill llonirwurd Trip to Shuwlxtro fruin Curri tuck Monday Aficfiionnr Shuwboro. Sept. 9? Two school children, Jack Rell, 8ix yearn old. frun of Clerk of t'ouri Ruxter Hell of Sliuwboro. antl Helou Wil liams. eight, daughter of L>uvi<i W illiams, ul. so of Shuwboro, wer?? severely injured Monday aftei noon when the school truck, driv en by Titug Kile. 1G. of Indian town. was struck by a Ford se dan, driven by u Mr. Jones of Elizabeth City, and turned ove< in a ditch The accident occurred between Sllgo and Dr. CowcU'? honn us the truck was bringing the children home from school. Jack Rell suffered a severe cut on his forehead, while Helen Wil liams .received bruises about.- her mouth and body, and possibly in- j ternal injuries. .She is still in lied. Reports current here place the blame for. the accident on the Elizabeth City. mun. who. it is said, struck the truck after h* had, by failure to give any of tl.*? road, crowded the truck to the very edge of the ditch. Twenty children' were In the truck at iht time of the accidunt and mun.\ of them received bruises or wer ? In danger of drowning in the wa ter when the bus went Into the jllLch - JUDGE CAYEKLY IS UNDEK GUAM) -Chicago; HeH. -poiiff men and scoreu of plain clothes men will be on di^ty outside and inside the corridors of the Crim inal Courts Ruilding here Wed nesday to insure orderly sentenc ing to death or life Imprisonment of I^eopold and Loeb. The courtroom will be closed to spectators. Only relatives of the defendants, attorneys. bailiffs, and newspaper men will be pres ent because of the many threats received by Judge Caverly. Spe cial precautions for safeguarding him will be taken. FIREMAN KILLED TRAIN IN DITCH Tnchon, Arizonu, Sept. 9. ? Fireman George Ward was killed when the Sunset Limited No. 102 the Southern Pacific's crack east bound passenger train, went Into the ditch neat here last night Other members of the crew and all the passengers escaped un hurt. The accident was the resutm: a plot to wreck the train, said an announcement at the railroad ; office here today. FLIEKS FORCED TO I.AM) AT ABEKDEEN in? Tti? AiKKtutd rr?M ? Washington, Sept. 9. ? A forced landing at Aberdeen. Maryland,) 70 miles north of Washington In terrupted the New York-Washing ton lap of the world flight to day. Fog over the bay and maral roglon about Aberdeen compelled the filer* who with their escort had battled against the head winds all the way from New York to come to ground for refuelling. President Coolidge. his cab! net. Mrs. Coolidge and the cabl- j net ladles were at Rolling Field early to greet the air heroes. 1 When word enme that thoy had been 'delayed the President | decided to stick It out. He ha', already waited for hours at the field despite the rain and mint. JUDGE SUSTAINS FALL'S OBJECTION Washington, Sept. 9. ? Albert Fall's objection to the presence o*. n stenographer in the room of the grand Jury Investigating the naval oil lca?es was today sus tained by Judg* Slddons of tltA IMstrict of Columbia Supreme Court but hid attorney's pleas to stop the proceedings were denied l>KATH OF INFANT Charles Meeklns McMullan, In fant son of Mr. and Mrs. T. t?. McMullan, Jr., died Tuesday morn ing about 6:4ft o'clock. The fun eral will be conducted at the homo Wednesday by Dr. fl. H. Temple man and Interment made at Hol lywood Cemetery. BOKKOWED FOR THE LEAN PERIOD Richmond. Stpt. 9. ? Appr^i! wnu ly Jx'iO.uoO has been' t>or- ! rownl by (?ov<-fii?r Trfnkie with* ; In the last *>0 days to meet cur- ! rent expenses of the state, accord ing to n Mory j? rint?-<| In the Rlch? < mond Nowh Leader .\iondsy. ditor Moore as Maying t liat It hud ! 1 been iicc?*8?ary to borrow the I mon?y because of the pressing ] needs during the "lean period." (ilHUS PKKPAIUXO M)lt ANXtAI. D1STRHT < -OXTIiST Home Demonstration Club girls an* preparing for the annual dis trict try-out at Hertford on Octo- 1 her 4 Ht which time the most huc- | cessful inaki'r of bread and Jelly | will he named to go to the State . Pair to i nter the State wide con- , test in the making of these good things to eat. The winner at Ra leigh will go to the National con- I test In Chicago. Miss Marciu Alhertson. Pasquo- ; tank Home Demonstration Agent, 1 risks that glrtff~WTlte or iTliohe h?T" if they will enter the County con- 1 test here on September 20. ThlB, contest will be an all-day affair , at the. Chamber of Commerce; rooms. The two winning girls In 1 the County contest will attend the! district try-out at Hertford in Oc tober. Ml ItliKKKIt TO PACK TICIAL IMMKDIATKLY Kdenton, Sept. 9 ?Judge O. H. ' Allen will preside over more crltn laUll rlnuir^rli ^OUn*'r' Cer* 1 have been heard for a year or two. David Jones, who It In charged, killed Sam Small on Saturday. August 30. with his companion. George Russell, will be brought 1 "trrrm the swijt -pe*m eTrtTafy" 'To' face both a hearing and trial. Tills i will probably be the Quickest trial of its kind that has been held In North Carolina for some time. Another murder trial Is that of Clinton Hond. for the murder of! a man by the game name. ItKTt JtXh FROM HOSPITAL Friends In the city will be glad to hear that L. S. Zlegler of Bd enton returned Sunday nlglu trom Sarah Lcifli Hospital at Norfolk, where he has been for treatment for a broken limb fo: several months. Mr. Ziegler cai. now be up and around walking or. crutches and feels that he is well on the road to recovery, it will I be remembered that Mr. Zlogler was hero during tbe winter and was quite 111 when carried to Nor folk. II" wlshos to thank many , of his frlt-nds who havo remem bered him during his long Ill ness. Kid 1 IT MILKS OF < 'Hi A HS The Vltagraph studio statisti cian has figured out by a series of intricate mathematical calcula I tlon* that the cigars smoked by Dustln Famuni in "My Man. ' j which Is playing at the Alkrama theater on Tuesday and Wednes day. if unrolled and each leaf laid end to end. would make a line > eight and three-tenths miles long. | The smoke emitted frrvna them ! wur.lil nil the gas chambers of two ordinary Zeppelins. The nsh ! from their combustion would . make a film of gray large enough I to cover a field twelve acres la extent. The energy used In smok l ing would raise a weight of Hvi. tons to a height of 18 feet and nine Inchca in twenty-two mln , utes. The cost of them In tier ! man marks would take up to . much space here to put In figures HEAVY RAIN HALTS CHINESE FIGHTING Shanghai. Sept. 9. ? The Che klang forces defending Rhanghsl against the Kisngsn troops havr regained all the ground they had lost In the Lluho sector, It was announced here today. Heavy rain stopped tbo fight-, ing this evening In accordance with the military tradition that fighting can only be done In good weather. COTTON MAHKKT New York. *?pt. 10. ? Cotton futures opened today st the fol lowing levels Oct. 23.60, Dec. 23. 06. Jan. 23.00. March 23. 2-. May 23. B0. New York. Sept 9 .? ?pot cot ton closed quite. Middling 24 6 ). a decline of 10 points. Cotton futures closed at the following levels: Oct. 23.80. I>?? 23.06. Jan. 22 04, March 23 30. May 23.66. New York. Sept. t. ? Cotton fu tares opened today as follows. October 23.72, December W.3I,. January 23.16. March, Ma. 23.66. MISS ALBF.RTSON BACK TO WORK Fiild Secrrlury Stale Par* f?l-Ti*arherH* A?Mociuliiui W'uvrs for at Halifax mihI HuTrigfT I ; Miss Catherine Alberlson. fiel.L sedr.tary u I the -North Caroiin.i Parent-Teachers Association. re tanned to her work this wwH ni ter spending two wucki vacation at |ut home her.' following S'.'<-iul work nr. Culumuiu Culver^liy t hi-* summer. Alts* Albertson's headquarter* ar? at the North Carolina Sti*:*.' College for Women which lu* yegr took over the State l'urent Teachers Association as a'part .? its extension work. 8he went from Kllzabi th City to Halifax, however, rrr organize r? Patent-Teachers "County Counclr in 'co-operation with Miss Annn Chtrry. county supervisor of. schools. and the various civic or ganizations of the town and C;>u.. ty.l From Halifax Miss AlherlHoi) goo* to Raleigh where she x|>eaks at ^ county-wide meeting Satui da* on the work of tin- Parent Teaclier* Association, co-operating thwe with Miss Anne lioldford, countv supervisor. She will tin i reuprt to headquarters at the N. C.j'. W. in Greensboro. m October Miss Albert son ex pe&s to be In thro section of tn? Stai<- again organizing Paivni IJertie couutles. TlflKK SBRVK I S NOW IN ROT1VAL AT 1IKRKA Three ?ervlcoa will be iieid <r^TTy,""TTT<ipnnffij? rfnnuTir. ? "sif p.rr1 rea Baptist church, one at 11 i. m.. the second at 2:30 p. nr. niri the last at 7:30 p. in.. In (he re vival conducted by the well known brothers. Judge J. Warreu Dav is and Dr. Q. C. Davis. Interest has been no great in these services thai tho night ser vice was added In order to enable those, to attend who could not d i so In the morning and afternoon. Many are going from Rllzahe'... City, for it is only a short dun. on the .Ncwland road to Ilcrea. itKM.-itm<;iiT A quiet marriage of more thac ordinary interest was solemnized at the Flfst Methodist parsonage on East Church street Tuesday afternoon at half pa?t I o'clock when Ml*s Sallle Jlright. nltrac live daughter of II. C. Bright. f?0 1 South Road street, became the bride of Willoughby IJ. Hell, son. of Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hell, who livo on tho Blades farm oil th.^ Weeksvllle l.rclk road near the Albemarle District Fairground. Following the ceremony lb ? bride and groom left by motor car for Norfolk where they were ? x nertlng to take the boat for llal tiraore and Washington. Tln-v w err accompanied as far a? Nor folk by Miss Kvelyn Bright. sla ter of the bride, and by Charlu Bell and Miss Lorena Koontz. KI-AN CANDIDA I B LEADS IN MAINE Portland. Me.. Sept. 0 Ralph Hrewster. Republican. has an up parently safe lead for governor over the Democratic candidal". ' WlWun Tlr ~l*jrttnrrrrrrTl, tn ttt* Maine elections Monday. Hrewi - tor was the Klan candidate. GOVERNOR TRINKLE RREAkS LEFT ARM Richmond. Sept. 9. -Governor Trlnkle was rushed to a hospital here today suffering from a brok en left arm sustained last nleht when he was thrown from a chair aboard tile Virginia Flsli and Game Department boat Commo dore Maury, while en route to the mouth of the St. Mary's River for a confcrcuce with <:ov*rnor Ritchie of Maryland over the fifh and oyster laws of the two stales. His arm was broken near the elbow and the cHlef executive was In much pain on his arrival here from Jrvlngfon where the boat put In so he could be given first aid treatment by a physician and rushed here by train. DIHTRHT (X)VKRItKM'R MKKTH \T KtCWlltGlU N The Blixaheth City District Methodist Missionary Conference will mee? at Xewb?gun Method 1st Church In this County Thursday with an all-day session from 1<> a m. to 4 p. m and dinner si rred on the ground. Mrs. George Hawkins. District 8-vretafy. of Hertford, will have charge of th* program and delegate* are expect ed to be here from all over this district. Judge Caverly Decides To Give Life Sentence BABY DROWNS IN PAIL WATER Shlloh. Sept. 10.- Drowned in a p.iil of water whs tin* fate Tuesday morning of .'little Mary l.ouise Drown, -months' old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Ceorge Drown of t h Im coiii mutilly. ? It was wash-day at the Drown home, and the mother was busy with the clothes while lli?- father had gone to take tin' oldfr children to school. I'll observed by the mother, the baby pulled l?**r m lT up 1 ?? thi- side of a lar^e "\V(Mideii pail, about the size of a lard Hand, filled with water [ and iopph d In. head first. Un able to make any 'outcry. "tftto ? was drowned before the moth er knew what had huppctied. Funeral services were held at the home Wednesday morn ing at 10 o'clock by Rev. S. F. Hudson of Shiloh. pastor of Shtlch ItaptiHt Church. , The entire community is saddened by the unfortunate I aceident which brought be reavement and tragedy into the Drown home. VI'MltK Tltl.%1* KDKNION \K4ilU)K.' Kdenton. Sept. 10. ? A Special venire was ordered drawn by nooi. today for the trlul of David Jonc? ? and (fcoige Itus <ell . ncgiu< ? kllih'U?,,r wRh lh* MliM-V oT^Tf." Small, in superior court hero. Th ? c^te ift Clinton Bond for murder of James Bond* was iu progress here this morning. Cases disposed of yesterday ware: J. J. Dunch for fishing in pr;> hlblii'd territory. Judgment sus pended. li. L. Dlake. chargcd with on tlcinK laborers, not guilty. William McClcnny, violation of automobile laws, assscssed coats. PENNSYLVANIA GETS SHENANDOAH CAVES Harrisonburg. Sept. 9. ? The grottoes of the Shenandoah, famed for a 'century or* one of the underground wonders of th?* val ley of Virginia, have been sold to the Pennsylvania Railroad. .1. M. and J. S. I'lrkey, owners of the cav? rns. aiiuouuced today. The railroads. It was added, plans extensive development of the resort after It gets possession January I. BLEASE IS WINNKK IN SOUTH CAROLINA " i.luml.lii, H. C.. Hi-l't. 10. ? With practically complete returns on the state's second primary, i Solemn ti L. Hiease, former gover nor. was nominated ss United States Senator yesterday over James K. llyrnes. Congressman for 14 years, by a majority of 2. 200 votes. t ot ZK\H Itl'.N'H HKCOM) , Detroit. Sept. 10. -Senator i Couiens is running second for re TtrrmtmrHmr a* Senator In the prl- J mary of yesterday. MLKKINS SCORES DEMOCRATIC PARTY Raleigh. Sept. 10. Denouncing the Corporation Commission. A. D Watts, and the Democrats in general I M. Meeklns last night delivered a speech hare In his candidacy for governor on the He I"il.:iraii ticket. itrrncn fkkiiy hkhvick Kdenton, Sept. 10. ? The in lu-lKwn and Mackeys has caused the Kd enton-Mackeys Kerry Company to arrange for a double schedule with an extra ferry boat to carry 16 cars, thus allowing a simul taneous starting from Kdenton and Mackeys and doubling the service. This new brat will probably be put Into service the latter part of this w< ek . It Is interesting to note In this connection that with the sdvent of these ferries, the Kdenton Mackeys. Coastal Highway, be tween Kmperor and Edenhouse, and the Salmon Creek Line, be tween Kdenton and Avoca. the nasseng'r traffic In and out of Kdenton has been built up tre mendously. so that It Is now not an unusual thing for G? cars to pass over on these ferries la the i course of the day. ctiirnyi). Sent. 10.? Life imprisonment was t)u- punish ment fixed today by Judtfe John U. C'averly upon Hainan Leopold, Jr. and Richard Loeb, confessed kidnapers and murderers of 14-year-old Robert Franks. lhis was a complete vic tory for the defense. Robert Franks. 14-yeur old sou of Jacob Franks. retired presi dent of a watch case manufactur I ing company and a former pawn ! broker, wait kidnaped while en route to the family home at &U;'?2 Kills Avenue, Chicago, from thj , nearby playground of the Har vard preparation school, late in . the afternoon of May 21. 1924. |__WJhlle the family was search ing frantically "for the boy. a lele : phono message Informed Mri. | Franks that Robert had been kid . naprd. that he was safe, and tha* 1 the family would be udvised fur ther as to how to recover him. Karly the next morning Mr. Franks received n neatly typed special delivery letter bearing the ' signature "George Johnson" with J the dictation marks "G. K. II." In I forming hint that Robert was held ; for f 10. OOP ransom, that tho la?i " was saTg.~'gmt? l?y <??' further Instructions as to how to i pay the ransom and recover the . boy. At dawn the next morning a ?workman traversing the I'enneyl |ranTa "railroad Tracks af llStli jstriet, a wild, uninhabited sectiou Just Inside the southern corporate limits of Chicago, saw the feat * oT a nude body protruding from a culvert between two small lake* J The body was taken to an undtr , taker's establishment where it rested unidentified until lute In the afternoon, when a brother of Mrs. Frankj went to the morgue on a chance that the body might be that of Robert. He Identified It positively al though a. pair of horn-rlmmiii ipMtBClN MN affixed on t li face. The glasses were found , near the culvert and the under taker thought they belonged to the boy. Then hegan one of the greatest man hunts In the history of Chic ago. because of the evident brutal ity of the murderers and the prom inence of tho Franks family. More than a score of persons, including two instructors at the Harvard schco), were arrested, hirt re leaped ^hen they were able to disprove connection with the k.d naplng and murder. Columns of newspaper spare were devoted to the case but th* headlines were diminishing in slie as hope of apprehending the murderers dwindled when unex peri fully Robert B. Crowe, slate's attorney, announced on May that Richard I<oeb, ton of Alber* H. Loeb. 6017 -Kills Avenue, vlc?* president of Hears Roebuck k Co.. 1 and Nathan F. Leopold. Jr.. son of a wealthy paper box manufa< turer and shipping man. 47f#l Greenwood Avenue, had confessed j to the kidnaping and murder. It developed that all clues with the single exception of the sper , tades found near the body been exhausted. By tracing thou sands of prescriptions for spec tacles. the state's attorney' fore:, finally eliminated all hut four j which called for spectacle* th ? same as those found alongside tho body. Of the quartette, the offi cers seized upon Leopold. He pre viously had been quf'Rtloned by the police because of his know.i frequent trips to the place where the Frank's boy's body was found, j hut was released when he ??*. plained that his Interest In that . locality ws based solely upon hi* study of ornithology, the science of bird life, the region abounding In' unusual specimens Loeb and I<*opold related what at flrat appeared to be unlmpeac.i able alibi. I<eopold finally ad mitted possible ownership of th spectacles but hsd shout con vlnced the authorities that he had lost them while on a legitimate trip to the region. Their story of their where 'ihouta on t'i? d:iy -in I earning of the kidnapping was broken when Seven Knglund. the Leo pold chauffeur, asserted that the red Willis Knight automobile Iti which the boys declared they had been riding, had not been out of the l*opotd garage at Ihe time specified. Ix>*b. uoon learning that exclaimed "My God. can that be t rae; give me % glass of water," and within a fen -minutes was relating a complete confession of hl< participation with Lupoid in the kl<l tiuppliiK and murder. Leopold. told that Loeb was confessing. als.? ni.ido a detailed confession. The two statements jibbed In all details except I he ?ni?- as to which actually had wield d the lethal Instrument Leopold and l*oeb both inulntuined that Ihoy had been driving tin- uuiomublU lnt<?__ which the Franks ii >y wax en ticed and killed ;m<l that Itii V other had struck the death deal ing blows. ...... ^ * The confession* wet out tint---4' the two were Intent on commit ting the "perfect crime." In de tail they ran: The crime had hern planned for acvoral month 4. No particu lar victim had been .-elected. Th > afternoon on which the Franks boy whs chosen had been spent in reconnolterlug the Harvard school district for a poHalbl? subject . John LeyinHou, 9 year old grandson t?f Juliua Ruben wald. noted philauthropiat ani preaid< .it of the Sean lloehuck & Co.. wu4 singled out. lie e leaned i>o wever. in the tf.Ti'e ral ? fTRTT ? ' home at the end of the baseball 1 Kama in which the boys were participating, und partly because of the presence of an instructor. ' - Loeb and Leopold wrre driving slowly down the street, having abandoned hope for the day, when suddenly they rspled iloba. Franks enroute hn^>.' l?ocb addresaed him, Inviting him Into the automobile. Bobby demurred. He said he had only a short dis lance to go home preferred to walk. Loeb, who had played tennis frequently with the lad, Insisted that he wanted to tal.t with him about a n-*w tennis racquet, whereupon Hobby en tered the automobile. Seated, he was struck upon the head with a taped cold chile I , and rag* stuffed into his mouih. The kidnappers, not realizing that the boy was dead, drove about for a timo Intending lo kill the child when they r -ached t h? - place they had selected for de posing of the body. They finals reached the rendezvous, stripped 'the boy iif his clothes .m. I poured an acid on his face with the In tentlon of disfiguring it beyond recognition. Leopold donnud wudlng boots, strode Into the wa ter and thrust the body face dawn ward into the culvert. It stuc?v and he forced It further with hla foot, but In the haHt. in the dark n?s? left tho murdered boy's feet protruding. Also m H e hurry o i leaving the scene. Loeb picked up Leopold's coat bottom up and lost the I'dl-tal" Hjoctaclea from the breast pocket. They also left one of Hobby's own brown sport Htockinga and his tap. Loeb and Leopold then pro ceeded to dispose nf various nr* *? tides of Hobby's clothing, the au tomobile rob" In which the bod> had been wrapped and the other * things uned In the murder. Home were burned, some wero burled In .widely rfcpuruUd *potn and the cold chisel was hurled from th' 1 automobile not far from the scene of the kidnapping. The automobile used was ob tained from a reut-u-car agents <nd wan of the same type as Leo pold's personal car. To obtain It tho youths uned assumed names, registered at "Two hotels and es tablished two hank accounts. The ransom letter was prepared well in advnAee of the kidnapping, seated and tha envelope left tin addressed, that feature to depend upon the child choaen for death. The typewriter wui a portable stolen fram the houae of the fra ternity of which Loeb was a mem ber before he was graduated frim the t'niveralty of Michigan Th?\ letter written, the typewriter win damaged badly and thrown Into a lagoon iu Jackson Park The morning of the finding oi the Franks boy'a body, but bafore It had been Identified. .Loeb anu L< opold again telephoned tho Franks home but Mr. Franks again waa rfhm-nt Later they telephoned again Inatrurtlng Mr. Franks to ride In a taxi cab lo a certain dtu| store where he wouid receive other telephonic inatrut ? * tlons as to how to pnv over tlx ransom. Mr Franks knew br then that his mn wan dead and refused to enter the taxlctb. Th* eoutha Intended to Instruct Mi. Franka to board a fast train for ? I C'ontlnned tn pase 3

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