BOXING NEEDS A LANDIS TOO Pre?enl Boxing (oiunii ?ion Ha* (vctiiu* for Vji-.. handling the (ianlc Kr. Cfiil Evnii- Ittriiralr. By K.4IK ?*I.AY ?fi I. 1924. C? Thr N*w York Sept. 12. i?.?v r nor Smith ought to app<>r.< . !...u. High boxing comiui>t *ho duty it will be to allow I !??* pre* ?at boxing commission how :?> riu. things Alto Iiom- n. i to tn.i things. Aft "fUmrpTf' c,r mMi-1 vd+rirg to be found In thf-jHnHMi'- l,.?>h ard-Walker match. This was practically arranged hy th>- ho Ing commissioners to nrranr flghla? They got the match on loo:' x^HOWiag ? at least i hey >lion|,. bave known ihui tin tv. . ht?is agreed that tlu" hiimi . r would meet Dave Slind. * Then Leonard hnr> Ms Ultimo -fn-the Jffnrnn bont imd fJ?^ Just won't gH well. :i?. oil y> tba Walker-Leonard limit. ?Instead of subsiding. ili? Iima Ing commission get* hnsi* r than aver. The royal dewi* > k<m>m - that Walk Cr must meet Shade' !??? fore he meets any run- els'*. The fact that Walker Iosk than fix months ago d- feuded hi* tirl ? In a decision bout against > o koimi a boxer as Lew Teiidh r ?;.* . ith? r overlooked, or igrifwd. Anyway Walker ha- go! to n ? ? t Itbade before he fights anyoti" aiae or suffer the i>? naliy. ~ Now Walker v\ ii 1 1. ? WjHT i iittttt on Leonard i?hh? d up a h.intin-' of profitable bouts. NainraJly le* has a desire to make up r l?.i ? loo as well as can he done. There ? ? no chance that Ihr l>av?* Shid fight will draw anything HI-. * ( .? ? receipts that would have r. ult.-l, from the proposal k?M< . Leonard and Walker kuows Iha* aa well as anyone else -fjo he hits deeid^tf - to def y? I h?' ? New York commission mid accept an offer to box Hobby ti it Philadelphia. 1 1 ?? it willing t.< meet Shade hut wants to tuck u. a fight with Barren firm. Tin commission will probably iak* away Walker's lir.n-.- it \1 ?? k? . persist s in his determination. This would lot?-* him his licem la other stales under t lie r> ipr.i oal agreement unless tin hoxlci authorities in those Hl?te> <ie?i,|. ' St. la time |o do a little tliiukiiig _ op their own account ? Jlickey says " 177- in a y nRTilfiTofl UK title. In the meantime Menu Leonard Is blithely prepaiiit|( lo ? , long theatrical season. WEATHER MAY II W'K Bearing on chimi: Hot nights nnd IuwIosmiioh Oool nights and order. That's the way a local l?>gni light dopes it out at any rale "When It's too hot to ?!??? p. he says. "the youngsters hi prowling round the atreetx looking for trouble or out Joyriding an 1 #eady for any adventure that mrr. turn up. Rut when it's cool a< for the last weok or two every i body's In bod early nnd lookin/ for a good night's sleep." The theory has seemed to hold good for the last few days a' . least In Elisabeth City, as no nia Jor cases have been before- the re ?order's court and the numh>-r of minor violations of the law has been exceedingly small. The onlv ? case that was disposed of Krl?fu\ .-Pop ' Geers Goes Home nil* In the l??t homecoming of Edward F. 'Top" Oeer*. The remmnn ol lb# "grand old mull of tlie turf," are being carried Into the residence of hh Mt*+r, Mm. Wallace Cunnlnprharn. In. Memphi*. Tenn.. .where he ha d li vK tor 10 yeam during the months he wiw not racing. Hundred? of old friend*, nttended hlii funeral. Principals In Last Night's Fight Wills Earns The Right Challenge Jack Dempsey Stivnplli anil Skill Nrgro M?rr Than ? Match for VVui'iiliiH* Who Was Much Mauled Iml (?ante ami llunl Fighter ' I'r T?ir /j*w UM IV - ? ? .Tpttv Sept. 12. 1 1 ti rr>* Wilta Irtit night earned th 1 igh.t 1 ? rlinHi ii^o )vr I lii* world's hcivyv.<T^lii till '. Ill :i twelve round iiulll tile burly m-gro ihiiIioaoiI Luis Angel Klrpo, pride. of the Argent ino. In no round did Klrjjn etiine up to Wills in sirli'iicc or strength. Although there was ni> deeision under the. New Jersey lawr, tin. in w* paper, men n warded the bou to Wills,' fiiviiiK hint every round unanimously exeept tin- third ami a majority of them gave him ilirit . Kiriio wu.< game and took terrifb puniKluneiit hut his iaek of science -U-W ? I'liiiin i litHL Ilia ??'?'" right, hmded several times hu*. the negro seemed nut t > mind it at atl and in- rely smiled. In return* Wilis landed alnio.,t. at will upon Kirpo's jaw. body badly bruised and battered at tin: end of tin- flicht. Din* tJme l-'irpo wont down fo. the eounf of throe befor> n mighty Mow of the negro's right. At no time was Wills in danger. ll>- whs able to avoid Klipo's mighty lunges and when the South American did land telling blows th-- negro absorbed Ihem without vini bl? ? shock and canto to llf??. like a battering rani to retaliate. High ly thouHf?'.*i saw the hoot to ?|e eld?* Denijifey'R rli.tllenger. w,? : nix h? wiiieli | he d< f< ndaiit. Tdidolph (!rav? son of k. Craves. |ir?-<id<-nt. of tie- Woatioke Collegiate liifiilnte, local neuro liaidlsl hc hool. wan taxed with the oo.- ts for rro:<*injf an interm-c ting highway at it greia? r rate of l?pe?d than to mile* un hour. GIANTS GAINING IN THE NATIONAL Kiit M 1 1 - 1 ? > Playing of Bo* lon Italhcr Than Bril liance of MrGraw's Out fit SrcniM ItopoiiMhle. Ily JOHN n. FOSTER O i Kin. Itts I. b> . Th? New York. Sept. 12^ ? The (JiantH K??t ovir a harrier Wetiuea tluy hy winning a double hruder from Boston. The liraves are u sorry looking ball club the**; day*. ~amt-thf?~{o recasts ga V Naw York, two probable vletorlen but an. al most anything in likely to happen in the last days of a major league race the more hopeful- Brooklyn fan* wandered around hoping un til tlie end that the (Hants mlgh: drop at leant one of them. But the Giants wouldn't have It that way. A double victory gave them the advantage they had been looking for. It kept another de feat from twins added to their column of games lost and until they have as many thrashing!! ac credited to th?m as Brooklyn, they will littvo an advantage. The Braves put up an exceed I ingly mushy fight against the I (Bants and caused one old thn** Boston leagues captain to declare that a complete reorganization is the only thing that can put the club back In the confidence of th" fans. Brooklyn's victory over Phlla | delphia naturally helped the ruu 1 ners up. for they need every vie I tory they can get. They have j liean beaten more times than tit'.* (Unfits. Babe Adams came to life and pitched a winning game for I'ltt htirgh. The Pirates are still in the | hunt, for they are In the heirs ap parent if the Giants and the Brook ly&s should both slip. Detroit hud to blow a game to Chicago Just when- they had got i going good and getting bark t > where they could be counted In the race. It Was only one llttl ? defeat ? but Detroit has had too many to he uhle lo afford man, more. Washington broke even but lo't a little ground on the day's worV. ro fur as the percentage column in concerned. It was asking to ? much that Washington win all tho \< a York. Sent. 12.? Tlx re :s tin doubt I iiat t.?rald Patter*or* ami I'm O'llara Wood, or thf Auh iraltan Davis <-i?p I ?>:? m have bee i playing belief single:* la tennis iIiIk year than cwr before. i A "Tli* chances., however. seem (ait til hi ih? United SUhM will su? cesKfuily -<Inl>lid tlu?- IHivIh r.iip play f<ir which begins at Get man town on Thursday. Hnr the time ha* vanished when , tin* moral certainty oi" virtow was attached lo the defense of the famoiiH trophy bv American Maif. _ Johnston is slipping and it r?* mains to i,;? H??*?n whether or n >i Vincent Jtichards is qualified to stand in liis shoes! Itichards, so far an his match against Patterson is concerneii will have more than one incentive^ to assail I ho bin Australian wlthn everything he has got and perhap*, a. Utile more. For it was Patiwi^ ' son a year or stfe ago who in a ulinn.d -i r' li b- si Urtfl bid ludlpf ^.n Richards had advhncou <tts f wfjk* , h?* would go. chicly ftt<ra|iM>~of 1 .his comparative'; " wiHtkiieatfl; oa ground stroke*. ;'i Patterson w i 1 1 . be nU ''. [. ill lime from PhihwlAiliihia. bufr-it' oettainly would *J|Tc been ftn for them if they hq* bui tl abbafto; make a clean Despite all iu burgh is likely tu to the l3g 'f?e - tor in deciding t lie National It is still possible for Pittsburgh to win. thojgh this has befcn ?it i> so 1nany times in s>> many ten-*! I sons without a Pittsburgh virtu.-/' , that the soothsayer* arc be git. uing to tire of the phrase. Hut if Pittsburgh doesn't wit the flag, it may determine wl. ? shall. The Pirates play six gain? in these environs beginning S<;p torn be r l *? that will havi a greal deal to do with tho ultimaii win ner. The first three are bet we .. Pittsburgh and the Brooklyn* an:! the second three between the Pi rates and the Giants. Should Pittsburgh win ail si : they might slip into the lead. Should it defeat either Brooklyn or tho Giants a full scrien tl.0 blow won hi be h. vcvc to that Hub's hopes. Pittsburgh has defeated the Giants i:i and lost to them. P has defeated Brooklyn only seven tliues and has lo*f*"12. IJu'cr state of affsirs, Isn't it? But It.'? i one that will make the turnstiles click when the Pirates come < > visit the two New York borough-*, for It's the uncertainties tha' pack 'em in. EL n\i,u> <:h;aks A Smoker's Delight THY ONK I), h. moi?;an & co. WHOI.KMAI.K (HWK'KtlM i Itioiin 900 WHEN YOU WANT SERVICE, ALWAYS COME TO OUR FILLING STATION Aiitlmriznl Alrmilr Srrvirc, the kind your ????r iiffiln. TIDE-WATER BUICK CO. Nevt lo Camden Briilgr prove hist assertion ami Hichar<ui 10 confute il. A personal issue Oil ( the sort always enhanct-s mieret in a contest in tennis or any other sport. Two things remain to he *>eeu before Americans can sit bactd -H-.I11 I ill' I'JKt immhnu.. II r liknii hood that the cup will be retained.: First Kichards must prove his met. in- us a Davis cup stnKles player , ami second the Tilden-Johnstou Uotitiles combination will be tried by fire. If. as Komr think, the Patter.1 rnn-ft'ood combination has -til ' last an even chance to dispose of the American pair then, .* Krea n'-ponslbflity rests' upon TildCu and lii? hards in the singles. Kor sliould the Australians win the doubles the two singles player: i of tile American team wonld hav* , in take three out of the fou? matches to clinch an Americar. J victory . Tilden teamed with Vincent II - chards, fared disastrously against | the Patterson-O'Hara Wood com- | binatlon in the Davis cup matches . of 1>22. Th?- Antipodean* won in Active fashion and their vie lory eot?t|uced Tllden that Ameri rtmit liaott vio y ? lUflt about thn | tei liinqif^' and strategy of double.* play. Ins to bo seen whethet j den. a great student of has gained material ige In this res poet. Bu* be iuiM its value will only practlcul by the hearty tion of Johnston. 1>AY8 LKFT OntyJ&i&'more days ? in vh'rh to but Meatrola and receiv.j .oat* ton fcf coal free. See us now. TVT. O. Morrlsette and Co. adv 1 1 I f ill liilcrvHt You? To see our new llixh School Suits, with wide bottom trousers ? Price#, 820.00, 822.50, 825.00, and 827.50. I). WALTER HARRIS The <??>? Tailor *^<'lo4|?lor Major League Scores NATIONAL LKACil'K Thursday'* Niw Brooklyn. ?; Philadelphia, 7. standing of Tenmw. W. L. IVt. New York K4 54 .ft03 Brooklyn 85 5?? .?iO:i Wttibuesh. 5 $ . Cincinnati ? 75 ft I .540 CIiIcako ...71 K4 .f?2?i SI. <Louls 5* Ml .417 Philadelphia 01 *5 .:?75 Ho? ton iH 8t> .350 A.MKRK A.N I,RA(itK ThurMU)'N Score* New York. 1; HosU-n, 3 . New York. K; Boston. 3. - ? 4r -ty'ashhiticn; 7. Dvlroit, 5; Cliiru^u. 4. St. Louis. 7; Cl*-velaud. 12. SI. Louis, 6: Cleveland, 10. IVunis 1- 1VI. r.r, .5Di T,H .ft SO r.:t .555 ??7 .511 . 75 .!?;! 7x "4 : ~"Tft .4 4 2 7H .431 REPUBLICANS NOT FIGHT I'OKT BILL Raleigh. Popt. 12. ? A. L. Tllle* campaign inunaKer for I. M. Merit ins. yesterday Issued a statement endorsing th? Port Commlssioi: Hill as a forward Mep for th Staff and declining that the Re publicans will not .seek to mak it a political Issue and thus po? aibly hurt Its chancry of passat:> SUUldillK of ' \Y. Washington XI New York HO Detroit 7 7 St. Louis 70 Cleveland ft 5 TTottTou ?;n Philadelphia T.f Chicago 5y PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy' THEY WILL SEND IT. j fo Service ? Hie Albemarle Pharmacj adds Quality Where evcnj mail findx what lie lil:c:s to wcitr A Dandy Suit for "School Duvj*"" All wihiI inat<rlal* ?f beautiful pattern* In fltripca. overplaldn and plain effort*, made in the m-weftt of Fall Styles, $27.50 Up and SfH-ncvr - Walker Company Incorporated BY rAYIX>H (> mm compakn requires Voboo -rt) 1 | CARRm out ANi ADVERTISING campw&n - 1 TAKE IT FOR granted twkt mou SEE \ thE. mast POSSIBILITIES in 'MAOC MOD" AND KA)OVJ THAT IT'S A Reliable -MvesTMEAjr which < 1 MERITS A LOAM MI\THOOT SECURTrv <0 000 SOCKS ISC.LC5T X OP 'AOMtM BOT I'M &0IN6 To SHOW THOSE PESTER TyotNS 1 can GET A LOAN ?otffUOOT COMING ONOER 1 THUMBS r-r? j ?10.000 .s ' VIE ARE FINANCING NO SCHtMSS \ ?WITHOUT SECURiTM - MOOR RECENT GW=> V1ELL FAILURE. IS AN EXAMPLE OF WM \NE MOST INSURE. OUR. CMJM i VNTfcRESTS BETORE ALLOWING OOP \ 'WALLET To BECOME ThE.PlAHT\w06 U, OF FOC3V.MACOM 5PECOLATORS < THAT OLD POSS?L IS ONE. Or "ThOSE ? SORE Tv*W6' GOHS VJHO'O loan moo A DIME IT F-oO A FiRST MORTGAGE OM MANHATTAN H island vll B&t the. First n\ckel J l v\E E\JER made, is 5Tiul TOCKED AvjAM 1 I AFAR CORNER OP ____^( )wS VJALLET COUERED S CvSTTg^>N? ' (. sniTH MOSS - t~~ -? Pop gunn ToPflOMdTT WSCOMPANV n&? ASK THE MAN ? WHO WEARS THEM Before you puichasc your new Fall Suit. We have jiml Ji'^rijiishings in New. Tall styles, Raulfs & Cox That's what you get when you buy your Gas, Oil and Tires from Central Filling Station ROAD AND MATTHEWS STREETS WE HAVE MOVED Into the yew Love DuildiuK opposite, our old location on I'oln* dexter Street. Colin* to wo ua for anything; you may need in ClotliiiiK and Shoes. BENTON & WEST SCHOOL SUPPLIES W <? huvr made |iir|>aralion l<> take cure of thf need* of mIioiiI children. I'KNULS, l?KNS, INK , PENCIL AND INK TABLETS? l.arpe and Small J. W. Shannonliouse & Son I'HONE 1117 NEW PERFECTION AND PURITAN OIL COOK STOVES The place to hoy your Oil Cook Stofaa and parts. Quinn Furniture Co. GATEWAYS; Inc. Chevrolet Automobile Contest roupo n Sept. 12lh, 1924. Good for 10 Votes. When property signed and .naiicd or delivered to Gateways, Inc., 338 Twenty-fourth street, Newport News, Va., this Coupon will be good for 10 votes in the Tfievrolet Automobile Contest, to be credited to the person whose name appears below : N:\mc of Contestant ? Street and No. .. ?> .... . City or P. O. Address ? _________ VOID AFTER SEPTEMBF.R ?lst, 1924.

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