I PKELK ? PEKLE. Pnblbhecv MINBCRT PKILC. (Ht*r Of The A. N. C.. M Mm m attar. flBfeacrtpclon IUt? By Carrier. ?m ?Mt it cm| ? -*i3 FRIDAY, SEPTEMBKIt 12. 1 '? -M Th* prime ?' Shun hn> m?v? ?? fcot a nirhrl's worth of publicity hlx ii n' In*'* Imtii ilnxiur Off o* ??l?a|?haiiM nn* tfvr^hiii';. ?ii.Th' dandy thing uhoiil kHIIii' v ?" >lrm?>rrn> lr nominal l? ?ii In Texan ! that >ou kin In-Kin l' jmvk ngTiT~ ? sway. A Wonl of (tuition The Advance will no! under from the evidciicuJn luind In Jnk ^nnifil.'?i-1y Uxu ? lu >tfu+ut*tM44+y - I. vfor. the ' Shaw b< > t o school bu? ac cident of last Monday. [j}iv? Hushec Jones, we believe, has. ? the reputation of being tin- most careful of drivers anil we would, ffjftf fflliffifi accent his version of , ?'the affair to tin- effect (lint his <:# > ?rear did not even touch the but as given* in koikI faith.. ?'i-jLlkowix", wo would In* disposed, ,^Ven if we had it at first hand, to gj*jl?oount somewhat the vendon or &j%t least some of the ehlldrcn In. jj&ghe truck, which, un n -ported toi IhiH newspaper. wiih to the effect ?? tniR non A- . IhsrJrr lines crowded ? th" htm ? Uml ? Bear the ditch as he passed by i?''iind that then, cutting in too }?![iloon, he caught tin- hub of the ; K; | front wheel of the bus with th?*-i {? hind wheel of his sedun. In jus-j ;? tlce to Mr. Jones. it should be; If Maid here and now that Thmrrt ' ' Dell of Shawboro ilosc| Itn/ this tersio n of the accident as with out any foundation other than 'm Jioarsay. Hut, while not setting lts? lf up ? as an arbiter of any dispute. If p.;any there remain, as to precisely I" What caused the accident. The ? Advance would take the ground J, "that two things are worth cmpha I4* Rising, now that schools all over! '? the section are beginning to use' ?'the motor bus to-solv* problems * the transportation of pupils to j' school: First, jJrivers of these ? trucks should be chosen with great care and in no case should the driving of one of these trucks i - laden with its freight of precious L lives bo entrusted to Inexperl !*" enced drivers; and, second, in ! "meeting or passing one of these * school buses it is the part of ev- , i cry motorist to use even more ordinary eare. Aroynd Currituck Courthouse during court week there were persistent complaints that the school authorities of that county were countenancing the putting at the driver a wheel of school buses boys undci the legal age of 16. ; If this be true. It goes without ,aaying that the practice calls for j sharp censure. School authorities havVlNTTISttt to nhmpafe n Sfnt?? ] law. and If there were no law in I tittle case ordinary prudence would Prbtyl the practice. happy to observe th. 1 big way In which Garnfty p. Hoo:l seems to be succeeding with his [c Industrial bank Idea, The Advance ?an but feel a pang of regret In teaming that he Is planning to hla home In another city. I A LITTLE OLD FASHIONED MUSIC OfttHS *'S SU*SWH*. jEAOllPUL SIW5MIM6. TbE? >5 SWS?HE M |WY 50ULt>DAY ? Notebook Of An Elizabeth City Bachelor Have you a Mtie FORWARD-LOOKER on your lists? Mont of uh fellows have. Now there's Enid, the bravest little forward-looker you could over expect to run across In a day't$ marketing. It isn't what IS that gives .Enid a kick, it's what is (JOING TO BE some day in the dear hazy future. And you know what a hit that makes with a mail out bent upon having a good time. TODAY U a ZERO to ENID; the Ft'Tl'RE draws her THREE OTHERS. And it Is surprising what a lot of ulrls u mnn meets who 11 re just like that. They may he all dated up with you to go t r> the foothall ^aine or the movies today, but they don't notice what's ? ?n because thoy are all excited -abotH what's Koiiu~nr HAPTEN two weeks from next Friday night. Forethought can be overdone if a woman Rets a whack at it. It's quite O. K. to think ahead, and plan for the future, mid all that Jolly rot. but a man who Is takiiiK a belh* out to enjoy *>thc evening, sort of likes to have her aware of what's on the jiro^rain at the present moment. J Tomorrow: Irene the Inquisitive. ( Copyright, IMI. By Th. Advanf.) Soon be lime for the annual coal shortage to see It* ahadow The chief wonder of the prealden t Inl race I* It la struggles along without a cow milking or hay pitch Ing contest The chief trouble with money la It never Is quite enough Lo* Angelea girl who drank iodine was saved and now ?he can claim whe thought It wan rentaurant cof fee An optlmlat la u man who buys ? lumtner suit now Chicago man married n widow with nine children, putting the roundtha world aviator daredevil* In eecond place Dog day* would be much nicer If they were not hot dog*" days. Mrs. W. K, Carter of Norfolk If vi*lt In* relatives and frlondn in the city. NKW CLOTHING, Hats, Caps, Sweaters, Shoes and Sox now in. C. A. COOKE (llead-to-Koot Out (liters) CHH'AGO 4IHTICK Continued from page i country thai money alone Ih need ed to delay a final Judgment. Tills condition not only holds true in the criminal courtH. It Ik equally true In the civil courts and the poor litigant seldom has any chance against a corporation or a 800 Men Wanted Sunday Morning. In the Men's Bible Clan*, i?t City Road M . K. Church. Come and hear Mr. C. It. 1'ugh. He will us* a* his sub ject. "Jesuit Driven from Naza reth." When the Heaven wan shut up three years and six months; when great famine was throughout all the land. Men! don't miss this wonderful tnlk. A wrest audlcnc? of men heard him last Sunday. In stead of going Joy riding bring your Tin Lizzie to City Koad Sun day mornlnK nt Ih ymir name on the church roll? Will you examine yourself closely and say to yourself what kind of an example am 1 to the. nun-churcU man? Mr. I'URh will take the class at in o'clock sharp. Your presence will be appreciated. . K. L. ROC, KHS. Class President. wealthy opponent. Then. too. the rules of rvldcnce in this country an* so loosely drawn tluto all mar. ner of seemingly extraneous mat ter is permitted to bo introduced ? t?? the bewilderment of>the court as w? ll a? the Jury. There evi dently is no way to curb the evil of "expert testimony*' although ; fauvoral .starts have been made in that direction in certain states. ? Doctors have led in then*' moves, but as in* the case of the lawyers, I hey have found so many mem bers of their profession profiting , heavily by the existing practices that progress Is made ' painfully difficult if not impossible. Lawyers in this city? who.- -fol lowed the Loeb and Leopold hearings in Chicago were amaxed at the patience 6f Chi?>f{ Justice ,Caverly in listening tfc th* "ad vice" presented to him _ . by both sides as assistance lh making his declHion as t o the ^everlty of the pdnlshm^nt to be mvtarl otitj. It was one of the most uifuftflttl situ ations known in American crim inal history. lawyers here give Clarence Darrow full credit. .f?r. bringing the situation about -and they also hail the sentence of life Imprisonment as a great victory for the aged Chicago attorney who has announced that this lsj bis last criminal case. Clarence Darrow in pleadlnc Jor the lives of his boy clients had the advantage of a sincere belief in the theory that the state has Hay fever II yon can't "f ft away," mm the attacks with ? WICKS ? VAPORUB O? r irMUHom U~4 Y*mrt, Ill ilH loiig-rontinui'd, low coot, ftatinfaclorv uprviff is founil the rea son why m> muny believe ill)' llii|iiuol>ile l?> lie thr lictl far ?f ils cIukk in the world. J. 0. Meggs & Co. Klil/AIIKTII cm. N. O. I'MONK 0:??-J KEMEMBK.K YOU CAN SAVE MONEY By buying Pens and Pencils thin week from us. Special discount while they last thin w?k. H. C. BRIGHT CO. Jeweler* TRUNKS AND BAGS for the Boy* and Girls Going Away to CoIImm In Earl* Fall. NOW IS THE TINE TO BUY. Quinn Furniture Co. BY HARRY B. HUNT NKA Service Writer , WASHINGTON? George Har vey. astute political analyst. - ? who after helping put Wood row Wilson Into natkmkl politics and retting him elected president switched over to the O. O. P. and got appointed ambassador to Great Britain, believe* the Ku Klux Ktan may yet become one of the major Issues In the presidential campaign this year. According to Harvey's study of the situation, all the utterances to date about the klan have been fp?fl?.w Mention or the "Iclan by Demo Jen iey speech. George says, was only decided on after Davis had arrived In Jersey and conferred with Oovernor Silrer und Frank Hague, state bona. To him It looks as though somebody had said: ?The klan Is strongest In the south and you'll win there any how. Go ahead, name, the klan and put Coolidge In a hole.** Anyway, according to George; tk> principle was lavolved In what Liavla said about the, klan. There waa no amplification of what al ready had been said, no denuncta tion of the klan for anything it has done. ? But he naonxi the klan. which seemed to be the Important Afcing. by saying: "Whenever any organization, no matter what it cboonea to bo called, whether Ku'Kltrx Klan or "by any other name, raises the standard of racial and religious belief as a test of fitness for public office, tt done violence to the spirit of aAmatteanA institutions, " ' etc.*? # a ?> ? '46TVToT10t; .that 'whenever.' cnu ]1^| tlona Harvey. ? It Isn't said that the klan* docs j those 'things^* Simply that If or when ever any organization did do theq^i then they should be condemned. ' "It was like a prosecuting at- j tomey declaring^ 'If or when-' ever a' man, be he called John " SmlthjoryWhat^Not^commits. a; . no right to demand a life for a llf?'. Harrow lonji has believed thul the social system of the world today is all wrong. He be TleVes that tlx lawn are archaic and therefore he disdains to deal with tin- law whenever he can get away from it. Criminals to his mind are entitled to pity rather than to execration. Harrow is a TWO DAY S LKVT Only t wo- iimre-tltry*? '.n *.vhi?:h to buy a Hcatrola and re uiv? one ton of coal free. See us no M. G. Morrivetlc und Co. ad?* Babe Ruth !, , Sweaters POIl BOYS, .ill hooI Navy, brown, ma roon, '?H to :tH? I'till Over and Coat styles. See llabe Itutli and Son, ill our m iixlim ? real photos. T.T. Turner & Co. See Window Display Today crime, he la a criminal"." Harvei , declare*. Then the Davis "denunciation" concluded by an Invitation to President Coolldge to "Join me by . some explicit declaration in entire* ly removing this topic from the Aeld of political debute." ? ? ? WHILE Coolldge has so far re mained silent, his running mate. General Dawes. seemed to take up the challenge. In a subsequent speech he also "named" the klan. "Our constitution stands for re ligious tolerance." he declared. "To Inject religious and racial Is I sue* Into politic* -la -contrary -O ? the welfare of all jhe people." "That." says Harvey In com menting on the Dawi-a reply, "was all according to _Hoyle. Every body has said It In one form or an other. But the general did not stop there. ?** The Ku Klux Klan in many lo calities and among many people.' he went on. "represents only an Instinctive groping for leader ship. moving In the interest of law ' enforcement, wlilcfi they^flo not And In many cowardly politicians and officeholders.' s ? ? 46TT1HERE Is no getting away from the fact." says Har vey, "that them remarks convey the impression that, to his mind, there may be valid excuse for such performances." That was unfortunate, to say the leant. "Mr. Coolldge, after refraining from diweusston with Mr. Dawes, conferred with Mr. Slemp at some length and then went to church ? probably to pray." AS r%lsnrey sees It ? and he knows how to read the Eng lish language and detect the evasions of politicians: "Neither of the major ? parties has declared cither for or against the klan. Nor has anybody author ised to speak for either of thoso parties assumed a definite attltudo concerning It. contrary to the un derstanding of thousands. ? who have& been . misled." forceful orator, a convincing logi cian alriuK hi* own particular lines and lie more than oft? 11 uets his "viewpoint ov?*r with courts" and Jurh-s who are com pel led to sit and list# n to iuh sophistica lions. Harrow's belief that L?m b and J^e?>pold w? re victims of a so rial that l? all awry |g not M^Uonotl ? bf- who know, him well and who hav*> followed -iittiL iiirmi ii fmiiini* trials M ha* th*' writer. Lot-b and L?*o|?old. Ti?? In id. should not !??? i?uui?h?*d for uii environment which l?d them rn to kill. ltath?T the cause for the environment should I* rooted put. It wa* easy for a man who has In Id Darrow's view* to arxue along TtTat Iln?'. ? ? ? BRADLEY S W E A 1 E K S A Coinjilclt; Line at Mitchell's O. 1 . (.li.BKKT, Prop. NEW MODEL Used Cars Three ItiuiiUlcrb 8225, $275, 8275 Two Tourinc* *330, S375 <)nc <'onpr. 8373 Auto & Gas Engine Works, Inc. Plioite" 880 Martin Street Wjtrrhon*'4 No Furnace Fire This Month. Why? Because you may need n little float each morning and evening and a gas heater will do this for you very sat isfactorily. There is no need for a lire during the day, so you then don't burn the heater. Sensible, isn't it? Southern Gas Imp't Co. J. T. STAIJ.INGS, Manager. " If it's done with heat, ymi ran (In it better with gnu." P. S. ? Sound tomatoes, skinned and hollowed out, are good stuffed with cottage cheese and a few chopped al monds. Serve whole on lettuce with mayonnaise. Daily Advance Classified Ads For Rent FOR IlKNT ? THItKF. OH FOLI* u nfurn lulled rooms for light hou*i* | keeping- Mrs. Annie Hunks 12.~? N. Martin street. Phone 277-W. sept lOtfnp. KHt KKNT ? ONE SIX ROOM house. All modern conveniences ("all Carolina Ileal Estate Com pany. Phone 306. sept 10-13uj? Wanted j WANTED ? ONE KRKSII MIIJC cow. Ph&ne 214. E. J. Lambert sept 9-lGnp. WANTEI> TO RIO NT ? FAMILY | of three, heated rooms, water., [Hghts and light house keeping, RuraK''. good lor.il Ion. Address P. O. Ilox No 135, City. s?-12 Miscellaneous MlftH K.LIZA IIKT II RAKER'S studio will open Monday Sept 15. Pupils please register at one* ! for hours. 8 Kant Main street. Next door to Southern Hotel. sept 12-18pd. NEW SMI I'M K NT _ l\l>IKH drees** Juut arrived. Come In and give them a look otor. They are going at very reatonalde pri ces. Hurdl? A Parker, sept I2pd ROAItOlCKH WANTBD ? APPLY ? East Church ttreet. Phone sept 9-15ap M|\MfC A LI I P. It T HON ? will open I classes for pupils In drawln-g and water color painting. I Orders taken tor . decorated f urnl ' til re F6f piftlchUrs Apply to 209 West Church streot. se6-12np BUY HTOCKR AMI IIONDH from as on Weekly and Monthly payment!. The Industrial Dank tfnp. r far Sale FOR KA1.K ? 4'IIKAP TO QI'K K buyer, seven room house and lot In Rood condition. Apply 201 West Cypress afreet. ?epl2-18p W>H MAIJv ? If OI'HK WITH AM. modern conveniences. Heat resi dential section of the town. I). R Kramer. sept9tf FOR HALE ? TK* ?*HAItKM Carolina Danking A Trust Com pany stock. Address box 176 9tt FOR KAliK ? SIX I'KR CKST real estate mortgage bonds for safe Investments. Industrial Dank. - ? ' ' If Legal N dikes NOtlfK Tl th? Ntkl af I. S. f??r ln?. ?? 0. S. Kaltli. >*< W?dM? f rarlnf. Or. Jaha S *rl???. Mr a. Mary WMMwD. Ilia fcMit ?? Irak.** |hrla**a??. SlMOar Kfcria?tiaat. 4* e?aa**. JaM C. FftriitaMm. aNftol an* *"? f . Ih'latfcaai. f*>? hftrt af Ofcrldlaa Calaafar, iMfivl, a?tf Mr*. Mlnrraa I. ' t*(Mil: I Kt4 ?i*l *11 t4 Ik* ?Iiiwi' ind rrfimd I m pttmnn. a Ml all th? hr1t? aiwl >t.-r|*?-? lit I th* Ul? I). H. nudrard, rln-riwd. ?t|| lakr , IKrtlra thai oil! fwaHUw* nf lha ?\4 II. R lliiil/nrd, (lim-Al M??n the I'M* <4 M't'ik * OtW ami th? rir?1 * I'lMwu. Nan.-nal Hank. fnwiM on Vna Nt?M. M? b~n r?*? . , lt*n n^| nn a"ii. ami hwitw rrf ?t ftaWlWr M Kf, a?4 ? m^fiara In <*h*r rjn foatlMMNM nrpt*Vr Ha*y will farther lafci nrrf>?-? to taar tViirn an-1 mMM Ilk# aald t?iil> ?aM MlMim It inmixl ?< af^rr-alrf it*r will tm if 10.1 t.jf |h? Hi*, and lirMlIlM a* tmwuletf In taw THt will tmr'W-r laka ?Mle* l Hal unlm ih? aafcl feiMina la waotrd a* ifmaM vNSSi Ihirtr (Mi n? Mil br raa?OM? a* !h- at Ik# NOIITII I'AftOJatSA I'AWil'WANK m Vlli IN tllK Krri.HIOK IOI IJT KI.KOIIK TllK CLKHK IICTII CI.AIIK | XCIAII IXARK MITICK OK SI MMONS Tlir iMiUiliUI ?>??%!? rianml will hrret" takr H "lr?- thai in krli'tl ha. hci n r.miinrfii-od in iii.' Hniniw own "f i'*-inM?nii rmnMy. Xnrth ; t'arrttina. for the fiiti*)-*. M <>tira>nin? ? dltw** a ilnriil i ii'urMlilr Hi th<- ? Ink ?f ?a|d twirl (in Ihr '' rial of (fc'inbrr. IMI. ?< *?t..
  • r or 'dMlKir In tin- romidalnt now fll.ll 111 ?ald ?? tin- court lor tin- nilrf demanded In the Tl'?:? H-- ftili da> of Hf Member, 1MI, KIIMKHT I- SAWYKII. ?riiH.15.Tr. SO rink mirnlor ?>*?rt. < SAJiK Of Valuable Krai Properly Hi tirfue of an N(W mad* In that Mjwial ' I'tWTdllW entitled J. M. JmninM* ft al?, aaalnat Sii-an K. Knoll ?t Hi-, In |l>" Kupnior . I (Milt r?t I'a - mitotan I. ??'ll?l?. S. ?' . I ??tall "tl | Saturday. Oct cilier II. mi. at li n'clnrk >1 at tin* 4'iitirih'>*iw (frinr nf I'avjuo'ank t'minii, X. r . ( *!??? i- to ulr to hl*hr?t bidder for ra.it, th? li'llowlnt (t---'i it* ?l lan?l. ?l*. : Mine and K.ln? In l'r?*ld(nre Tovndilp. I'aa q.iotank I'amittr. N. I", and h-yinnin* at a IMilnt *h?t? OiMi'Mipi (Jmriir lload lnl(f""l? the fltilr Highway and mnii4 thence a loan <*- ..I nOuiM kmES Trmrrr fiRmc tbwt* X 73 r. J rum.. Hi'- Or* * tl !M fc W riwiina 1(1 I he briila* on Ot^-lim tfirartrr ItiMid. UlfArr I alonir OoftTm'ft tak- or lload X |T) I W I ?c? N ?|| < W 8| (Jain, ihwr N 77 _W I *? rhalna. thrive N . Tl WTSTtSiiK" iIminU W W i w c*iain<. j thence N 17 W 7 risaln-. thrnce N '.I W 3M> ! .hal&v ihrftr* N ni l W IU chain-. !h?nce ' N Ml l a W 3 rhain. ihrftce H 0 li W 4.4(1 chain*. il..-n. . H Ml 2 W I.Vi rhaln<. fhrnir; s nil I, ( chain. I hue* H 13 W ?.IW rliain?. i ? Ir.n. . K HI I | W |W <-haln? then c* S ?? .1 ? ! W 1 < I'.in- 'tiny r N" ?U W I Sn > ha ln? thrm-i ?il 3 I W l?l? r t?am>. ihw- N 7* I 2 W I ? h?tn, Itr-tvr M 15 S | W S ?? rtiatva to tl.( , W*lp lllihwav. thefv-r roftiifniini in >ailr rrairw : a?Ti>?? flu- Utar. Mlahara* M 4!l A- 4 W ?? (. I ftiain? to Hi' ol"l t'>ad >lll?* Utiitrliunt'* land tN.-n-',' null K i.U itiain*. thrno- W 71 I I t. I 17 chain., ilirtv- N H K ? Vi . ham. t,> tlic *tate ||i|li*ii tlintc atom thr Xnnth ??d* n ( I he Ktatc fllrhwar 1,M rHaln?. thl* ?V*rHp pf'R'alna 'irl