ChrLit Churrli Rev. Geo. F. Hill. rector. Thir teenth Sunday after Trinity. Sun da> school and adult Bible elass w. U: 45 a. tn. Morning prayer - ami sermon 11 a. " in. Evening prayer and sermon 7:30 p. in. You are invited to worship here Sun day. METHOIUST Find Methodist ? llrv. N. H. 1). Wilson, D. ? Drr pastor. You an- cordially invited to all services. Sunday school. Mr. J. A. Hooper, superintendent, 9:30 a. III. Worship with sermon u - Subject: "WorfThip'' At T : ::o "Peace Through Faith. Tin- musical program for the day follows: Morning - Prelude ( oi'miin i , Largo ? Handel. Anthem. Gird on Thy Sword ? ' .?leyacr. Ort'.J'tory (organ I Theme, The Sweet By and Ily. Solo. Selected ? Mrs. John \V. Da vis. _jlut?tlude.? - -.? I ? SveTiini; Prelude (organ) Selah ? Lenin re. Amhein, A Song of l'ruise ? Ash . ? -fond. 3 ? ? ' ? -? ? ? ? Offertory (organ) Offertory in It I Flat?Read. Anthem, Go Ye, Therefore ? Hcy L ser. Postlude. City (toad Methodist Episcopal Kev. Daniel I,ane. pastor. Sun day school. 9:30. Mr. George F. 8?ylfgrt> superintendent, At -44 a. m. worship with sermon, by the pastor. "Speak to the Chil dren of Israel that They Go For ward." Epworth Leagues at n" version." At 7:30. Judge John Warren Davjs will preach, i Calvary Baptist. Rev. It. F. Hall, pastor. Sunday - school 3 p. in. S. S. Davis, super intendent. Evening service at 7:30. Preaching by pastor. Corinth Baptist nev. n. F. Hall, pastor. Sunday school each Sunday afternoon at 21. 30 o'clock, W. F. Prltchard, ?tr., superintendent. Sunday achnol address by Judge Davis. Senior and Junior B. Y. P. 1 ? each Sunday night. Thi. public In cor <1 tally Invited. ? Ifc-rcA K*ptl?t nov. R. F. Halt. paator. Sim ilar achool Sunday mornltiK at 10 o'clock. Hois Frank ITItchnrrt. superintendent. Preaching at 1 a. in. bv Ilev. Q. C. Davis. The public Is cordially Invited. FREBBYTRRI AN Bev. Frank H. Scattergood. minister. Sabbath school, 9:45 a. m. Lesson: "Building The Tem ple " Divine worship. 11 a- m. Theme: "Clods Specifications." Evening service 7:30 o'clock. Theme: "Building." Mid-week service, Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Prayerand Bible study. Women s Auxiliary will meet Monday after noon. 4 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. S. Blade*. All the wo/nen of the church are Invited to at tend this meeting. A cordial In pvltntlon Is extended to all to at tend these services. OTHER DENOMINATIONS Flint Chrb?t Inn Church Rev. Hilary T. Bowcn. pastor. Preaehlng at 1 1 a. in. and 7:30 p. tn. Morning theme: "Watching the Cross." Text. Matt. 27:36, They sat and .watched Him there. Evening theme: "The On" Thing lacking.1 Text. Matt. 19:22. But when the young man heard the raying he went away sorrowful: for he was one that had great possessions Sunday school at 2 30. E. L Silverthorn, super intendent. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30 p. m. Mid week prayer meeting Wednesday at -7:30 p. m. ? ? , Free Will Baptist Rev. Leroy Harris, pastor, preaching every first Sunday. Sunday school each Sunday morn ing st 10:30. Prayer meeting each Wednesday night. Pentecostal Holiness Sunday school at 9:45. J. H. Baker, superintendent. Preaching t?v 11 and 7:30 o'clock by Rev. Vl'j Noble. ' Ht . Elizabeth's Services will l>e held In the Catholic Chapel. Hlnton Building. Nt 10:30 Sunday morning by Father Doherty. Visitors are al ways welcome. RKYIvXl. NKXT WKKK Revival n.rrlcea at Halla Cr.*Hk Malhodtnl Church In thia county wilt bnitln Monday ?wnlM at 7 JO o'clock and rnntlnu. . t li roil tchout the Wf.k at 1 p III [ ?nd at 7:i? p. m. With praacli lnt! by th? paltor, I Convicts Were Ready Die For Pitcher Prison Nine Twirler for San {Jurnfiii Snilrm-fMl to IIhii? Pitching Such (IoihI Ball thai Tliiw h'llon Prisoner* OITcrrd Tukc Hi?* Plan* al (kiIIows ny L. c. owfv 24 By Th# Atftane*) >an Rafael. Calif.. -Sept. l::. ? ; Tin* Mi aiir'' " specuicie of Fh re? hardened criminals volunteering to l??t themselves lie haiiucd in or : der tliat the baseball t ?*am of t li? ir iron barred _"alma mater" nilvht 1 acquire .an unbeatable hasciiuLl, i'itc her, is presented at San Uuen t in prison here. Tli?* baseball pitcher in wli09< stead they ofTer to suffer death is. jdnrence "Tuffy" it* id. 1 '.i-year Jold former newsboy of Lou Am |geles. gaunter. and convicted 'murderer. Two of die convict 'trio who are williuu to t:o to the uallowtt in lii? stead are members i of tiie prison has* ball team, to r which IRcid -lit-jl- -gacii hT I'HUiftl I The other Is just a rabid coti\ let I fan. who. literally speaking. ? would rather give his life thai. "*Wiv the "home "team** "b> aten. Held. under sfiili-iift' d?;itl' nnd less than two w eeks nUTT" snatched back from the hang man's noose by an eleventh hour {court reprieve as the gallows wa.-' being made ready for him. today is thi1 pride of San Cjti <-iit in Were he not a felon with less than rliaflfc 'trrii t Tioilsand P>fTiI.< ?life, and none whatever for li i - liberty, it is probable the big league scouts would be Interested in his piiriiinK anility." Twice within ten days now the condemned youth, with the nhau ow of death constantly lurking j before his eyes, has pitched the I prison team to sensational vlc . lory. In tlx* first game. on I*abor Day, against a strong nine from tin Haiffc oT ralifornla. San T'ran , cisco, he scored a one to nothing ?^victory, striking out 1 2 Imtsmen janfi allowing but direr hits. I Again on Tuesday, in' a prison lvalue celebrating California's ad ' mission to th?' union, he pitched Ibis fellow convicts to a win over the fast M? rcantlle Trust team of Social Happenings t ? Kntri-tain at Dance Mrs. C. V. Mallard attracllvelv j entertained a number of th-> f Wednesday evening at her home I on West Main street and those dancing were: .MIsspr Margarc*. I Davis, Mary Harney I'richard, Ca 'millo Jennette. Dorothy <'happ?dl. i Mary t'erKins rrrwy: Miiry Du | xler, llelcn Kramer, Nell Jones, Katharine Hathaway, llcjen Llt I tie Maxine Fearing. Messrs Mai i vin Mann. Seldon .Mann, Shim y | Evan*, Jack Jennette, Thomas ; Itiddirk, Willi* Kramer Constair. 1 Fearing. Ernest Jones and Hobble Ken ring. Miss Sample Hostess Miss Ruth Sample delightfully entertained Thursday evening a' It's Here YOUR FALL HAT! Jt'fiT. out of the packing cases, ready for your review, an- the new fall Hats. Sure ly you've never sein such u likable stock. Stetsons, $7.00 Stetson Male, ?3.00 McCabe & Grice The Ituny Store Slnrr 1800 San Francisco, allowing five hits * h ml 1 strikltn. will iniH'-tth-n. " ? | Tin* oft r of his f?-llow convict* t<> raihstitute for l(< Rlon the gal lows. provided- his life bo spared lor tin- prison baseball leant wa? _ following.. Tm sday'g >:a?iu'. A tl< ! ??.atien of roiivTci s*"st_'Ut wofj to the warden thai they desired' to present a "very important mat ter." Win ti tin' Warden r? spond ' oil, the spokesman of the convict committeo told him in < "Iteid is the b?*st pitcher San Qin min ev? r had. We can't :i f - ford to have him lianu<-d. The prison wants a winning husihali team and Ik w4IIUiji_tu__i?ay. t?? t lit* governor ?o have son:* body ? ls?* take lip id's place, any one ??i t hr< ?? men is willinu h'? s:o to the crathv^s In his vt.-aV!.'" ? 1 Following the oflVr. which t ho ct-rlly. the three men who nrr willinu to take the youthful pitch er's pla?? on the scaffold stopped forward .ind personally vouched, for their willingness to ho tils: prow. K? id is under Retit? nee of death ' f?>r tin* imirdcr of Charlts* \V? in Mart' ii in an attempted holdup of ;? yam hi in m house in Los A in a year ago lust January. TTTs d? ?' f?-nse was that he was under the influence of druufs nt I !?*? time the murder was committed. Two weeks ajio tlie presldlim Juduo in the -case, alter the governor had refused to heed his rocommcnda tion for a reprieve until a new ' a~pprar~fould be made ~ ?ni tlrr" ground that new evidence had heeu ? foumi, .tHU-.sunall*- In'lpeil to prepare papers which resulted in the state supreme court Krantiu;: a temporary stay of the o.-ecjition. At the time the court writ was granted, the time ?>f the execution ?was less than twelve hours away. her 'home on Hodv Knad. After a watermelon feast the party mo tored to ChantiOy and enjoyed .* delicious picnic supper and on their return from t/huntilly the* went on a hay ride Those enjoy in?c Miss ? Sample's hospitality were; Mi?wes Ktiillv Hall ltrock Emfiy Hit vis. Ktftherlne Mann. |t?' lv Melit k. Shirley 11a ran of Italti niorc. Lev I n la Jones, Helen (iaith ??r. Llizahot h f'reecy, Kleaiw-r Lane. Until Harris, Vivian Turner. 'liSllz.flif i u ? t.'li.i ppi'li. ? lit :en \\i\. INVEST YOtITi SAVINGS IN SAFE BONDS. So* n? for full Information industrial bank biliis. Margaret Fearinw. Mabel an.! Isabel MunUok: [ licit The 1). H. If lit chapter of ihc 1". D. C. will hold i(. fir - 1 myel inic of tlie (all TucmJa> aflci iio?m at four oVI?m k hi i|i?. homo of Mrs. Mollit* 1-Yarmu on SoutU Komi si reel. A full aiU'iulanrt is desired. All (Mill Coufercucc A m on k llioso attending th^ Klizabeih City District Method!*! Missionary Conference ai New "bcguii MPlluHTist Church" ThiiTiF day from City Itinul wei~: ?Mrs. W. \V. Sawyer. delegate of the Wo ma u< Missionary Societv. Miss Sarah Williams. d?'l? gate ??f -4bv-.M*lftht ? -Mrs. 1'. - 41 ' C. II. Culhroih. Mrs. Sam Over man. Mr*, u. F. Seyffert. Mr.*. Daisy Payne. Mrs. i.. iloopet. Mrs. K. J. Iloopor. Mrs I*. I. iioiit'r. "Mr: 7 "Fred l)av??. Mrs. w. Davis. Mrs. W. S. UiKr*.s. Mrs? W. Wood icy. Sr7. Mrs. Brandon UtorKc Sm tilt, and Mis* Helen Williams. M? .ids-Ov? i iiian - ? Miss. Margaret Overuun, rtaugfit?-rTif Mr;-a1itl ttTsr sfc ? jfcr Over man' of Sininnds Crook, aad Urcck, were married Thursday afternoon by Itev. W. T. 1' hip pa .it his home. J 9 Khringhuu* ? -street.. - ? - . , . .. ... _ lVnuiiiuIn Mr*. S. M. Rodger* roturnci! Thursday from Hvrkfiml a'^tc she was the guest of Mr. und Mrs. J. I.. Siinpsou. Miss Matilda Kiln rltlj;o < f , M.tnteo liut returned homo after vUiiinK ill** l,y?.ia Coltoon on w. ft fliurrh street. Miss Hel* ti 'William* who ha ? been visit inte Mrs. \V. L. Coltoo* on Ka*t Church stre t has re turned to her home at South Mills. ? Mrs. Jano Williams of New land i* visiting her daughter. Mr .. L. Column. ou Wet! Churc'-i ?tr? ?'t. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. MoMnllat and family have returned after spending some time at Nug& Head. Mr. and Mrs. Mathiac Ow.en? have returned frum Nags Head where they have, been for thi suniiiier. " Mrs. A. It. limit 7. and daughter. Miss Jeanne lloutz. have* retunuv! from Ames. Iowa, where they have For School Time \\ V have* 11 iuiiiiImt of iim'I'ijI arlicl^ of rloiliin^ for your JjirU and Imivn micIi Hosiery ? Boys' Suits Shoes ? Boys' Shirts Handkerchiefs AImi !?iilir>laiilinl .-ml |irrll> material* for making Sclimil HIoijh's Sliirls, Hloonicrs Hook Iki^, I'lid mi mi. FOWLER & CO. M V A /tftrttcialr Your l^atnmuffv SPECIAL OPENING of Fine Dresses AT MITCHELL'S MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Hy "IH-ciul arrangemrnt u re|>ro?r-iitulive from lonis Grnurer X < ?iii|iuny will hi' here willi hi* complete line and many of lii? Dremca will In* for imiiiediute delivery. SeronH hltutr Enter Through Men'* l)r/Mirlmrnt Mitchell's Dept. Store O. K. MI.KKKT, Prop. Ih i'D visit in k Mrs. tloutz'* ilnter. M r*. V. 4V ttt f h h r-4j ? Mr* J. N. Whiiehurat urn! daughter. Ml-- k?i Sam Wootford of Plymouth wlr; has tHM u the kui'm) of his aunt. Mr" M. Owns on North Hoa:'. stri-?:7 has* returned home. Mi and Mrc. C. I*. tlarii* at?.I . cliild -n. Minnie Itray and I'. I". Jr.. r? 'urnt'd Wednesday from u:i -nutomi bile trip to tireeushoro. Durham ami KuHfth. Mr. anil Mr*. J. ('. II. Khrins haus and family liavo ret arm ? homo after spumling the auuiinw al N.ikJ TToaiT. " .Mr. ami Mrs. K It. Outlaw. Ji . ami family, ar?? at homo uft. ? spcn tli iik the summer at Nuk ? lloail. Illlton Kvan< of Harbinger wa.' in tlu* City \Vo?lnvHi)ay. PHONE 114 Standard Pharmacy THEY WILL SEND IT. Slw H ould Un Miirv Thai I Pliwil to roccivo u Wuddiuj; l:intr set with ^oiuiino Diamonds ? Sot with " 5 DIAMONDS $27.50 Tt n I A >to N I is ?:s rum - Li t nx slioir i/o" toilu/i Louis Selig Your .Ifwrlor Siuco IHN? Main & Wati*!' Sts. School Suggestions Give Them Good Tools to Work With IViw I'nirils Killers Slalrs I 1 1 1 14- 1 1 Itoxrs Niilr Ukh TiiIiIHh Hook Straps Hunk Currier* IVnril |to\cH HV ham c^mjSch ool A' e fit and alaiftfs Jit the riyht price. SCHOOL ? aliayx makes ' lb rtAVJE K>o "TROUBLE I 8AISIN6 $10000 - But ?) 8om whldcat sejCo?it>e% like V I PEAMuTS A*? iXT A GOOD ThiNXS N t*OP UKt A <\Or poker (tt-/ I1Y TAYI.OK S&H -MOU MAKE Jt%E~>AMtS-^W8 LOOK like A NuRSEMAlD ? iF ID VI C*FtR MOO A %\0 Bii-l. FOR A OiM& 7 ' . HOUO POM OUT THE &OLD F'uliNGS ( . IN Mm TEETH AND MAKE ME LtW? ) MM lEFT ARM FOR SEOjRiTM r-J ! HCV)ft TERMS ViOulD MAKE A iripiTi V *?G OF NAlUa f EEL UKE r^\ ro,fl ^ A^EAThERBEOH , ' 88? HR &UK>M - t 00 t^CST ini=MTO tStSCOURAGE 'HA&lC. MOD* 0UT I THiNH rr ? A MERE FAD - PEOPUE WU. TAtm*'r uf-oiir'a. Jiutt ar rived. (tack from her vacation. I'immi ln-holdini; the now Fall Hlylo . fr.clH, sin* ?-\clalmed: "Oh! why didn't I wall?" Sixteen t??'W and stunning sllp |H*ra have urrlved and we will in* id'-asrd to show, you these m*w xlyl?*H. Tin- above Snappy Tie In car ried In Patent and Itlack Suede. Owens Shoe Co. MONUMENTS Lawson & Newton THIS MOM MKNt iVOPU Kht iuui t t'H tihen on Work Hi*i, t\mi|?l('iu Mont lerllc* Ave., nt lltli St. NORFOLK. VA. Nor -folk Southern Ituilroud will arrange extra couch equip ment on train arriving lialclffh < September 2. 3, 15, Ifi, 17, 22. 23, account mudcntu returning to school for the fall Kcwlon. Addi tional sleeping cars will bo oper j ale?l from Norfolk on those dates If required, and prospective pas sengers should make reservations i < through tholr local agent at tho car Heat possible date. sep.l, 14,21 EL DALLO CIGARS I'funoiiH For Quality i>. K. MOKGAN & CO. WlfOLKttALK (.lUMKIW rtione 500 M. G. Morrinrlte & (ihii |<:tiiv F i; R N I T UR E r.AHH, If Vou Have It CIIKIHT, If Yon Wnnt II. Sick Headache "I ha vo ijRod Blftck Draught wh?n needed for the paaf 25 year*," uya Mrs. Knmia Orlmee, of Forbos, Mo. "I began tak ing It for a bad cane of constipation. I would iret constipated and feel Just miserable ? sluggish, tired, a bad taate in my mouth, . . . and soon my hoad would bogln hurting and I would havo a never* nick hradacho. I don't know Just who b tar tod me to taking Word's BLACK-DRAUGHT but It did the work. It Juat scorned to rleaime the liver. Very soon I felt llkn new. Conn 1 1 pat ion eausr* the system to re-absorb pninnns that may causn arest pain and much dancer to your health. Take Th^ford'a Mark-Draught. It will stimulate the llr*r and help drive out the pot eon*. Sold by all dealers. Coeta only ono cent a done. RX 104